• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,495 Views, 125 Comments

A Bridge Between Brothers - Rammy

Spike knows nothing of being a dragon and doesn't want to but when family he didn't know he had comes to Ponyville he might just find the true meaning of being a dragon anyway.

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The Summons

ബഐബഐബഐ H.K. ബഐബഐബഐ

Come on focus! I had been trying for the past hour to scry on Spike. But I could not seem to maintain focus. If I could even see him it was only with quick flashes or distortions of where he had been the past few days not where he was currently.

I poured a bit more mana into the spell and could finally see where he was. Spike was in an ornate room pacing and muttering. While I couldn't hear what he was saying due to limitation in the spell I was using it was clear he was pacing in worry and with a bit of anger as well. It had only been three days since I last saw him. Maybe he was still trying to figure out whether to trust me or not...

"Do you smell that?" I said as the spell shattered. Something had broken my concentration. Something in the wind.

"Smell what, master?" Garble asked after taking a few whiffs.

Interesting... I noted as I licked my hoof and felt the wind. There was dark magic in the air. Faint and to the north. Far to the north. Familiar too. Several things could be causing that... Sadly this means that Spike has ran out of time. His decision was now needed.

"Master?" Garble questioned, again.

"SHUT UP WORM!" I roared. "I'm thinking!"

If I saw the contents of the room correctly Spike was in Canterlot. No wonder I was having troubles he was at the edge of the limit for the spell or at least the limit that I could muster. What was he doing there instead of Ponyville? Did he decide to tell the Two Sisters and was still gathering courage to follow through or was there something else going on? Like the dark magic I detected? Spike was under guardianship of Twilight, one of the Bearers, 'Magic,' if I wasn't mistaken, after all. So maybe he was there because of her. Either way time to find out.

"I'm heading out." I said double checking my hood to make sure it was up. I didn't not want anyone to see my face.

I then prepared for a series of difficult teleports. Canterlot castle was warded against unimprinted incoming teleports. My magic was unimprinted and no way would I allow it to be either. With my preparations complete I started to teleport. A few teleports later and I had managed to teleport myself to Spike who was still pacing and muttering but I could not figure out what it was he was muttering about.

"Tell me young dragon what is amiss?"

"YOU!" Spike roared as he turned to face me. "This is all your FAULT!"

He then rushed me and started to pound my chest, crying. "I hate you! Ever since you showed up! You and that letter! And now... and now...They are there... not safe I can help! I'm NOT USELESS! I want... I need... so dangerous..."

"Dry your tears young dragon, calm down, and take a few deep breaths." I cooed trying to comfort Spike. He was so emotional that he was speaking in fragments and not enough for me to figure out what was going on.

Spike gulped a few times before he finally followed my advice.

"Now tell me what is going on?" I questioned. "Why are you here in Canterlot and not down in Ponyville?"

"Celestia summoned Twilight and her friends three days ago..." Spike began, sniffing a bit as he did.

"For?" I prodded Spike when he went silent. Clearly he was still not completely calmed down.

"Some sort of... test." Spike blabbered, confirming my earlier assessment. "She wouldn't tell me what. Just something about the Crystal Empire and that I couldn't... couldn't go, too dangerous. I'm mean what is the Crystal Empire!? And why can't I go with them? If they're in danger I need... I need... I can't lose Twilight..."

The Crystal Empire... well that explains the hint of dark magic in the breeze. So it's back. But how idiotic can she get!? Why would she ever think sending foals against Sombra was a good idea!? Unless she sent them with the Elements...

"Young dragon." I lowed myself down so I could be eye level with Spike. "I need you to think real hard. Did they take the Elements?"

"I... I... don't know... I mean...." Spike was beginning to cry again and I needed him to focus.

"Think harder." I pulled Spike's head so that he had no choice but look me straight in the eyes. "This could be life or death!"

"No...No...They did not." Spike shook his head, gulping. "I'm sure of it."

I slowly raised myself. It took all my training not to lash out magically. How dare that Oathbreaker... bitch... Gah! To let his go without reasonable protection to a clearly deadly situation. This is the last straw.

"Come young dragon we have an oathbreaker to confront." I growled preparing to teleport us both. The spells protecting the castle are too strong to let me teleport us to the throne room directly at least not without letting Celestia or Luna sense it... but I could get us fairly close.

"What do you mean..." Spike began just as I released the spell.

"...'Oathbreaker?'" Spike dizzily collapsed from the sudden teleportation.

I chuckled as I helped Spike back onto his feet. Sudden teleportation could be quiet disorientating. Luckily it will pass in a few seconds. It would also give me a second to see where we were in the castle. I glanced over to the door next to us and quickly determined from the hidden mana matrices on it that it was the side entrance to the throne room.

"Halt!" I rolled my eyes as we where suddenly surrounded by several guards, spears lowered. I don't time for this. "You are under arrest for violat..."

The guard didn't get to finish as I flicked them way with ease knocking them all out. No wonder the changelings were able to take over so easily. Centuries of peace has made the ponies lax and soft. Spears against a clear magic user, really?! Now for the door. I grinned maliciously. I now have something that I can vent my anger on without repercussions.

"Did you have to do that?" Spike snapped, gesturing over to one of the passed out guards. "They were just doing their jobs!"

"Yes." I smirked as I gathered up raw magic and attacked the matrices at the exact spots needed to overload them. Seconds later the door exploded in all directions kicking up a huge cloud of debris and mana.

"OATHBREAKER! You have much to answer for!" I yelled out as I stepped through the debris cloud and into the packed throne room, Spike right behind me. Perfect.

Author's Note:

You know the drill... you pinkie promised after all:pinkiecrazy:

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