• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,493 Views, 125 Comments

A Bridge Between Brothers - Rammy

Spike knows nothing of being a dragon and doesn't want to but when family he didn't know he had comes to Ponyville he might just find the true meaning of being a dragon anyway.

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The Talk

ബഐബഐബഐ Spike ബഐബഐബഐ

"Oh it's you." I growled out when I opened the library door to see the cloaked stallion from the pond a few days ago.

"How are you doing young dragon?" He asked, thankfully not making a move to enter the library.

"What are you doing here, H. K.?" I crossed my arms. I was not happy to see him.

"I see you figured out my riddle." H.K. smiled. I wasn't. Riddle my scaly behind.

"Kind of easy when your most recent letter mentioned something about dragons not being beasts right after I spoke to you about becoming a rampaging beast."

"Who is it Spike?" Came the muffed yell of Twilight from the lab.

I debated momentarily what to tell her. I had tried to tell Twilight that I know who H.K. was or at least what he looked like and that I had seen him several days before at the pond. Sadly, Twilight had a way of getting lost to the world when she went on on of her study benders. I was actuality was about to try and tell her again when H.K. knocked.

"Just a lost pony looking for directions to the Hay Burger." I yelled back, making up my mind. I had questions and he had answers and right now I didn't want Twilight to butt in just yet. But I wasn't going to be stupid either I was going to do this my way. In a public and safe place. No more useless and defenseless baby dragon.

"Just give me a second and I'll be right up."

"No, no need to Twi I'll take him there. Want me to bring anything back?"

"A number six, extra hay fries."

"Aren't you going to order?" I turned to H.K. who seemed indifferent at the menu options.

"No thanks, I am not hungry."

"Suit yourself." I shrugged before I grabbed the tray of food that I ordered.

"So really why such an interest in me?" I asked as we slid into a booth. "What are you pulling?"

"I'm sorry?"

"This is a plot straight out of a comic book."

"Comic book?"

"A story told mainly through pictures." I offhanded explained before I realized what H.K. was doing. "Don't change the subject! What you are really doing is getting into my head use me to get to my friends or to turn on them but I won't let you! I will beat you at you own game!"

"Hmm... I see. Well normally I would say that it is something you only hear about in stories, but alas, it can and has happened... more times then I would like to admit." H.K. gazed out the window for a moment before returning his gaze to me. Somehow during that time his eyes had became... tired. "Look young dragon, I can't make you believe that I have the best intentions no matter what I do...or say... In the end you and you alone will have to make a choice and bear the consequences. Whatever they may be."

"Then why are you being so secretive? If you wanted me to believe you had the best intentions you sure went about it the wrong way."

"It's... complicated young dragon." H.K. sighed rubbing his forehead. I hate it when ponies say that and in H.k.'s case it really irked me. "Ah, thank you miss."

"Ooh aren't you handsome and a gentlecolt too." A mare clearly the waitress winked as she placed a takeout bag on our table much to my confusion. I thought he wasn't hungry and for that matter when did he order this? "Maybe you and I can have a bite to eat sometime if you know what I mean."

"What is with mares these days?!" H.K. grumbled as the giggling waitress walked away. "The ratio of mares to stallions is nowhere near as lopsided as it was in my day. So why are they so drawn to me all of a sudden?!"

Really!? Seriously?! I raised an eyebrow and the clearly clueless H.K. I'm not a girl but even I could see why mares would fall head over heals with him. As Rarity would say: chiseled features and a toned body. "You really don't get out much do you? And what is with that 'in my day' line? Only old geezers use it and you sure aren't one."

"My dear young dragon looks can be be deceiving. Take Celestia and Luna, for example, they look as young as ever and yet both are thousands of years old."

"Don't you mean Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?" I questioned. I don't think I have ever heard anypony be so casual to refer to the two sisters without some sort of title preceding their names, usually 'Princess.' There is no way H.K. was on a no title bases with them.

"Well, I suppose could have used their titles," H.K. rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "but then I would really confuse you... well more then I already have... Never mind that they insist on being called Celestia and Luna..."

What!? How could using 'princess' be confusing!? This guy must be related to Discord somehow. Riddles, weird nonsense gibberish, and annoyingness. I half expect to be seeing cotton candy clouds raining chocolate milk any minute. My stomach can't handle all those letters again.

"I thought you said you weren't hungry." I noted trying to steer the conversation to something a bit less stomachache inducing.

"I'm not," H.K. answered sliding the bag closer to me, "but I do recall a certain dragon promising to bring back a number six with extra hay fries."

"I did didn't I?" I quickly opened the bag and saw that it really was a number six with extra hay fries.

I reclosed the bag and was about to thank H.K when I noticed that he was no longer sitting in the booth. I looked around the restaurant but couldn't see him anywhere. I had only glanced in the bag a second and somehow in that second he disappeared without a trace.

"Oh, come on!" I groaned. "Not this again!"

Author's Note:

comment/fave/like/spread the word! Or crazed Pinkie will be your future :pinkiecrazy:

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