• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,495 Views, 125 Comments

A Bridge Between Brothers - Rammy

Spike knows nothing of being a dragon and doesn't want to but when family he didn't know he had comes to Ponyville he might just find the true meaning of being a dragon anyway.

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The Return

ബഐബഐബഐ Spike ബഐബഐബഐ

I groaned in pain as Garble once again knocked me to the ground. All this 'training' was pointless in the end dangerous even... My family gone... and without them to help me tame my dragon urges I fear that I may one day kill my friends... just like I nearly did with Discord. And if I got stronger all the easier it will become... I only continued because Twilight said it was good for me to be doing this but I was only going to do enough of to keep her quiet.

I'm glad that Twilight had me stay behind as she and the girls participated in the Summit. If I raged out like I did with Discord against Oathbreaker... Twilight could very well step between us and take the hit or I could get killed, devastating them... I'm not stupid Oathbreaker is very powerful and the guards are not slack in that department either. The only reason the changelings managed to take over Canterlot was the element of surprise and misdirection.

"There it is again!" Garble roared in frustration.

I looked up at Garble would had the look of an enraged animal backed into a corner. I wondered exactly what it was that was bothering him. Even in my state I could tell Garble had seemed a bit more distracted and annoyed then normal today. "Garble? You okay?"

"Yeah," Garble growled as he continue to glance about. "I just have this odd feeling we are being watched..."

"It could be the diamond dogs..."

"No, this is something... different. I can tell when those mutts are watching... too dumb to hide themselves all that well. Also that rainbow annoyance isn't around either as there was not a cloud in sight."

"No, she's off with the rest of the girls in Canterlot for the Summit."

"Could be Twilight... she knows magic..."

"Not likely... she doesn't know any scything spells otherwise she wouldn't have to use those very obvious disguises all the time..."

"Whatever..." Garble waved his claws dismissively. "Let's continue before I get more irritat..."

A bright flash blinded us for a second. As soon as the blindness faded Discord was standing there grinning madly. "Honey, I am home!"

"Gah!" Garble fell backwards by Discord sudden entrance. I too would have fallen backwards if I wasn't still already down on the ground from Garble's earlier 'attack.'

No.... not him, not now! Not with the Elements in Canterlot and out of reach! What am I going to do!? Even if I had a scroll, ink, and quill I could not send a message to Twilight! Gabrle seemed to be joining in my silent panic as he was shaking and clutching H.K.'s necklace like his life depended on it. Don't see how that would be of any help here. The only things known able to stop Discord are the Elements.

Well since there was nothing we could do about it right now the least we could do is find out why he was here. "Discord what are you doing here?"

"Well I was lounging about waiting for those pesky Elements to leave for the Summit in Canterlot. Not that it matters, I'll soon be crashing the Summit anyways..."

I slowly got to my feet as Discord yammered. Even though I despise Oathbreaker Twilight and the girls are there! Twilight is already stressed out worse then lesson zero and as had less sleep then during that one time she time traveled. "DISCORD...!!!"

If Discord was faze by my angry shout he didn't show it. If anything he seemed to to find it amusing, like always. Making it even more irritating was that Garble was giving me the same look as Discord. A smirking 'I know something you don't know.' I hate it when someone uses that look on me... usually Rainbow Dash. "What?"

Garble chuckled. "It's just that this is the first time in weeks that you have not been a moping, moper."

"I... Shut up!"

Much to my chagrin my stammering only make Garble and Discord to laugh harder.

"Odd," Garbles suddenly stopped laughing to look around again. "I can still feel like someone or something is still watching... and with Discord here..."

"Crrrrreeeepy..." Discord evil laughed, a flashlight lighting up his face.

I facepalmed. Discord's 'creepy' flashlight would have been more effective if it was dark... Leave it to Discord to be more ridiculous than Pinkie Pie. At least with her its endearing, Discord it just plain annoying. When he first escape he left me alone. But this time he only seems to be interested in me. "Why me!?"

"I thought it would be obvious, especially since I already told you... Your my best friend's brother."

"This again!" I snapped. "H.K. was a temperamental jerk, sure, but in the end he sacrificed himself to buy Garble and I time to save not only my friends but the Crystal Empire and Equestria as well! You just do anything and everything imaginable just for your sick pleasure! FOR A JOKE! There is no way you two could have ever been friends! I..."

I stopped when I felt Garble shaking claw on my shoulder. "I'd..dd ssstop... Spike... he..."

I was stunned at the way Garble looked. He was in absolute terror and the way he was fearing Discord was very similar to the way he feared H.K., too similar. I quickly looked him over for new recent scars or unexplained cuts but couldn't find any. Why is he so fearful of him?! Discord didn't do that much the last time I saw him did he?

"I know what I'm doing Garble." I said as I stared down Garble though inwardly I was chanting out 'I hope' over and over.

"Well," Discord shrugged, smiling happily, "at least this time you did not attack me..."

At least this time you did not attack me... I looked down at my claws seeing the blood and gore from when I had attacked Discord before. I was not going to do that again over mere taunts... even if he really did deserve it. If I was to be the knight that I always dreamed of then I had to fight and kill with honor with justice not vengeance and hatred... The only problem is I had no idea how to sort out my... stuff... Am I going though a dragon version of puberty?

But, first things first, there was a problematic draconequus to deal with. If I could keep Discord talking I could use that time to figure out a way to get the girls back here and thereby the Elements... And I already have a topic that I hope will keep him talking, maybe...

"Well then? Tell me. How can a being like you ever have friends?! Everything on you says you reveled in the pain and misery of others and for you own amusement! H.K. only seem to be misguided with his sense of justice..."

"I suppose it's understandable..." Discord sighed, looking off towards Canterlot in the distance. "After all history is always written by the victorious and powerful..."

"What does that have to do with it?"

"Very well..." With a snap Discord had conjured a rickety rocking chair which he sat in. He had also made himself look really old. He completed the look with an old granny wig and glasses on his head... "Gather around kiddies and I'll tell you the story the friendship of H.K. and Discord."

I facepalmed. GAH! I wish he wouldn't reinforce my image of being a 'baby' dragon. At least I wasn't the only one to suffer the humiliation of being referred in such a way as Garble was growling and grumbling about not being a 'kiddy.'

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