• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 44,766 Views, 5,477 Comments

The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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The Society Of Heirs (Edited By BS)

Marching to her office, Prince Blueblood knocked on Scarlet Lips' door, fully intending to get some answers.

No matter how much he tried, the Prince couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Not only with their host but with the hotel in general.

Ever since he and his compatriots went to their rooms, all of their wants were granted almost immediately. Sometimes even before they could ask or even think about it. Recreation activities, all types of food, including emotional spectrums, guided tours, and oddly specific and unusual interactive shows like clam puppet theaters or blacksmithing lessons. The Rose Palance seemed to be prepared for every request.

The hotel was swiftly gaining the approval of all the royals save for Blueblood. It kept ringing alarm bells in his head. No hotel could be this efficient and well equipped, not even a five-star one, not without some sort of supernatural aid.

The Prince didn't want to turn this into another adventure, though. A large part of him wanted to take full advantage of the situation, go with the flow and construct solid friendships with the Princes and Princesses. But deep inside, he knew this wasn't right, something was going on behind the scenes, and he wouldn't rest until he figured out exactly what it was.

"~Enter~" The cheerful sing-song voice of Scarlet Lips called from the other side, inviting him to enter as he used his magic to open the door and walked inside.

"Hello Scarlet, I'm sorry to be that client, but we need to talk, starting with what… you are wearing?" The Prince had to stop mid-sentence once he had a clear view of the mare. She stood, still in her bipedal form, admiring herself in a full-length mirror while wearing a big yellow sun hat and sunglasses. A red two-piece swimsuit and a semi-translucent light purple skirt wrapped around her hips, accentuating her legs and the lower half of her swimsuit. It also revealed how there were scales present on her legs.

Once she stopped posing for the mirror, she focused on her guest, "Ah, Bluey! Please come in, come in!" She invited him over, gesturing to a couch while she headed to her desk and pulled out a bottle of sunblock from one of its cabinets. "Do you like it? It is the most recent line in swimsuit fashion from the Abyssian kingdom. It even comes with the cute nickname 'the stare catcher.' I wonder why that is?"

She faked innocence before smirking at the irritated Prince, whose thoughts of putting on an intimidating air were scrapped thanks to the blush on his face. "Scarlet," He warned calmly.

"Oh, alright, I'm done with the teasing. I'm sorry, but with a body like this, I just had to take full advantage of the situation." She giggled softly before getting serious. "So, what can I do for you, honey?" She casually asked while applying the lotion slowly in a teasing matter in front of him.

With a sigh, Blueblood looked down, getting used to her actions yet still feeling tense about the overall situation. "Scarlet, what is going on with you?"

"Whatever do you mean, honey?"

"Oh, cut the crap already!" He looked at her with anger and rose to his hooves, yet she didn't seem to flinch. On the contrary, she only smirked in silent victory at his outburst. Almost like she was waiting for that reaction. "I might not know you personally, but I do know how you enjoy mild teasing and subtle flirting here and there but not like this. Scarlet, this isn't you. It's like another you just took over and decided to throw any restraint out the window."

"Am I, honey?" She raised an eyebrow and lifted a leg to point at him. "Or perhaps it's you that finally started to see me and my feelings?"

"What?" Caught off guard, Blueblood flinched a little when she stood up and loomed over him.

"The subtle rubs? The playful nature of my tail against your side? The winks? The prolonged hugs? Bluey, in what context could any of that be considered 'subtle'?" She pointed out while circling as her tail lightly brushed his cheek, shivering. Memories of said actions flashed before his eyes as things dawned on him and made him gulp. A part of him knew that she was always flirtatious with him, but he always chalked it up to her trying to butter him up for social status while earning her keep as his ally. He never thought that there was a natural, more profound meaning to all of her actions.

"Honestly, I should be extremely hurt right now." She showed him her back and brought her hands to her face. "All this time, you took my actions for granted and never once saw my intentions. Not until I stop and focus on my work, getting into character for my upcoming novel, and EVEN going out of my way so you and your friends could have the best days of your life. Are you so self-centered as to believe I changed my body to get your attention?!"

Blueblood looked at her neutrality. "Are you seriously trying to guilt-trip me now?"

She cut the act and winked at him. "All part of the game, honey~."

He sighed and shook his head in annoyance, making her laugh, and returned to her desk. "If it helps, you are half correct. I do seek attention, but not only yours, mister ego. Now let's see. Aha! Here it is!" Pulling out a thick script, she read aloud a piece of the composition.

"'...The waltz was going in full swing. Celebrities and powerful nobles were happily chatting among themselves without a care in the world when all of a sudden, all eyes were placed on the enigmatic dragoness. Her posture was composed despite the fears inside growing with facing such powerful individuals...'" She closed the script and looked up. "Sound familiar?"

He looked at her with some wariness but ultimately nodded. "It does, although I find it hard to believe somepony would be going to these extremes just for a story."

She laughed openly. "Oh sweetie, comments like that tell me how little you know of the world of a writer. We all have our process rituals before getting to work. Some retreat to a secluded forest. Some eat buckets of candy and some…." She pointed at herself, "…do some light roleplay and method acting. I assure you there is no ulterior motive behind my makeover."

She slowly approached him and placed her hand on his cheek. "Getting your hair askew and watching your face get all flustered, though? Well, now that is one delightful bonus."

"Ok, knock it off!" Scarlet laughed as Blueblood stepped back.

"So was there anything else you wished to discuss, or did you only want to confess how attractive I look now?" She fluttered her eyelashes, making the prince start as he fought off some enticing mental images on his head.

"No…I mean, yes!" He shook his head before continuing, "Scarlet, what exactly are you plotting here? Your appearance is one thing, but how is it that your hotel seems to be equipped and ready for virtually anything I and the other royals would ever want with a staff ready to serve at a frighteningly quick pace? It's kind of disturbing how all of them seem to know us so well."

"Nothing can get past you, right Bluey? Shame, and I was hoping I could tease you a bit more by sending you some flirtatious maids who wanted to spend more time than required." She confessed calmly, causing Blueblood to glare and growl at her in response.

"Kidding, but please, sweetie, don't look at me with such unfriendly eyes. I understand your concerns, and you are right. We have been paying extra attention to pampering all of you and have been doing a little research here and there with the guest list, something anyone with enough time and resources could achieve. Do you know why?" She took a deck of presentation cards from her desk. "Singers, actors, and celebrities might be the golden ticket for great publicity, but nothing brings in more clientele than seven recommendations from royalty."

"So that is it? You are smothering us with excellent service in the hope of obtaining the seal of approval from the Princes and Princesses, so your hotel prospers?"

"Darling, I'm surprised! I might not act like a typical noble or businessmare but make no mistake. Even if I'm carefree at the end of the day, I'm STILL a noble, and buttering up influential individuals is just something that comes with the territory."

He studied her features closely, trying to find anything out of the ordinary, but so far, he couldn't find anything. So far, she seemed to be telling the truth, yet a part of him was also sure that she wasn't telling him the whole story, "I suppose."

Am I overthinking this situation? I mean, she hasn't done anything sinister. Sure there is the promotion of her hotel, but there is nothing wrong with that, and her appearance seems to check out. I don't know how writers do their process, so that could be hers. So why do I still feel like there is something off about her?

"Would you like to have the chance of being bipedal as well, darling?"

The sudden question brought his line of thought to a screeching halt as he looked at her in surprise. "Please, darling, it is written all over your face. The real reason you came to see me is that you are intrigued, right? Wondering what it would feel like to be on two legs. After all, this isn't exactly an easy spell to master." she gave him a once over. "To be honest, I'm intrigued too, wondering how you would look with those clothes on two legs."

"Thanks, but I think I will…." She stopped him by lifting her hand.

"Just think about it, ok, sweetie? And here, to show you that there are no hard feelings, you can read the rest of my first draft." She presents the script with her magic

"Are you sure?"

"Completely, the general ideas and copyright documentation are already in place, and that is merely a raw version. I would be honored if you could give me some pointers for the final edit."

He eyed her suspiciously but ultimately decided to drop the subject and nodded. Keeping an eye on her in case anything else happened as he left with her waving, missing the malevolent smirk on her face once the door closed.

Oh, Bluey, it is so adorable that you think our little courting dance ever stopped. She admired her body one last time in the mirror, bringing her hand to her chest. You will not be able to ignore me anymore, Blueblood, the game is finally on, and this time no guard, princess, or annoying pink mare is going to get in my way! Before this weekend is out, you would be unable to think of anything else but me.

She turned her attention to a painting depicting a tree and, using her magic moved the leaves at the top to reveal a tied and gagged Cadence and Discord struggling to get out as she smirked and pat the painting "Get comfy faker, pretty soon you and I will be cousins-in-law." She lingered on each word, making Cadence's eyes go wide and struggle harder, making Scarlet laugh and cover them once more.

The next day, Blueblood finally put his plan into action to address why everyone came. Wanting time to prepare himself, Blueblood requested that the meeting be held in the afternoon. Surprisingly, this one final concession went smoothly as his companions didn't find any issue with sleeping in and enjoying the hotel facilities once more before attending a boring meeting.

The Prince kept his guard up all the time, though he did make some easy requests to maintain appearances. He never let himself be swayed by the allure of the hotel, even when, as Scarlet promised, the female staff started to get a touch too friendly towards him. So far from what he could, all of the Scarlet claims seemed to be on point, noticing how indeed, she only aimed to butter them up subtly while also looking out for everyone's pleasant stay in the Palace. Slightly dubious, to be sure, but nothing illegal or to be worried about.

His line of thought promptly shifted once the other royals finally arrived for the meeting, forcing him to take a deep breath and steel his nerves for what was about to come.

"Greetings everyone, please take a seat. There is plenty to discuss."

"Ugh, finally," Triceps complained, sitting in his chair with a roll of his eyes. "Don't get me wrong, Blueblood, this hotel rocks and all, but you have been keeping us in suspense long enough. Let's get this over with already so we can enjoy the rest of our vacations in peace."

The rest soon voice their agreement with Triceps.

"Fair enough, in that case, I will cut right to the main topic. We are all here because all of your kingdoms saw my work in Manehattan and now are interested in learning my secrets and doing the same thing for your own lands. All of you saw a potential gold mine and now are going after each other's throats while kissing my ass to see who gets the prize."

"Hey!" Pharynx stood up angrily at the claim, while others remained neutral, and a few even chuckled in amusement at Blueblood's bluntness.

"Well, you certainly stopped beating around the bushes, alright. Thanks for just coming clean and saying it." Hestia finally broke her bored expression while leaning against her talons and smiling at him. "Good, I was sick and tired of keeping this charade going. So let's cut the crap and talk frankly, pony. What is it going to cost us for you to 'help'?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow and pointed at him with a talon as Blueblood only laughed briefly at her comment and sighed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend, but you are right on one thing. I'm DONE with all the courtesy and pretending we are in some bizarre play." He turned to Nefertiti. "You were right, Nefy, none of us are exactly fans of the appearance of the 'perfect prince or princess' act, or if we are, it should probably vanish once we discovered how little freedom it left us with."

"Told you" She smiled and nodded before smirking at Sierra, "It's so nice seeing you take my advice, my good friend."

The room got tense for a moment until the wolf princess suddenly chuckled a little "Ha, you think you have it rough, Blueblood? Tried going to a gala with slippers and a corset for 8 hours straight and THEN asked me about pain."

"Ja, child's play, you try moving around naturally while stretching your body to ten times its regular size AND look threatening, and then you can tell me what it is like to endure pain," Pharynx smirked at the two princesses. Blueblood took a moment to relax and admire how everyone seemed to be talking more honestly now.

"Anyway, to answer your question, there is nothing to pay. I already agreed to help. The idea of 'discussing terms of cooperation' was only an act, so the press has something to chew on. No, the real objective of this meeting was to get to know all of you and explain how I intend to use this opportunity to discuss a common problem we all share. Although considering things, maybe 'problem' is not exactly the right word to describe it. Perhaps something more accurate would be a common position our families and we are forced to be in. As pawns and bartering chips in the game of power."

The room is silent for a moment as everyone silently agrees and looks down with a mix of frustration, anger, and resignation at that.

"That is why I demanded to teach my tricks with you specifically. I intend to destroy that position and ensure that none of us ever become pawns again." That sudden claim of Blueblood's got all of their attention as he smiled. "The real purpose of this meeting was so I would be able to explain the plan on how we could achieve that."

"Are you kidding me!? Do I look like my brother to you? There is a reason I'm so opposed to how Thorax did things in the hive, and now you expect me just to nod and smile to more of your friendship ideas just because you pamper us?!" Phranyx shouted angrily at Blueblood's proposal while Blueblood himself remained calm and let the changeling prince vent.

"You are wrong, prince Phranyx. This isn't in any way a friendship proposal," Blueblood calmly replied, putting his frontal hooves together.

"Save, I don't want to hear…it. What?"

"Well…maybe that can happen down the line, but as for my plan? What I want to offer all of you here?" He taps the table a couple of times. "You can argue this is more of an equally beneficial association of sorts. Don't get me wrong, I would love to become friends with all of you, but unlike my cousin, whose mantra in life is exclusively friendship for every problem and to circle back to impart it. I know when to separate friends from colleagues."

The room went silent as everyone sat blinking for nearly a minute, trying to understand what he was saying. "But we can be both too…right?" Skystar shyly asked as Blueblood nodded with a calm smile.

"As long as that's ok with you, of course, we can become friends, Skystar."


"Ok, now you got me intrigued," Nefertiti continued. "Tell us what exactly do you propose…?"

"…Just know something Prince Blueblood" Sierra interrupted Nefi getting closer to the pony prince. "The Sif empire is well renowned for our loyalty. An alliance with me is a guarantee and binding lifelong friendship." She finished, fluttering her eyelashes, making Blueblood blush lightly while maintaining his practiced smile.

"And I would treasure said loyalty if granted Princess Sierra."

The wolf glanced at Nefi, who glared daggers at her while she smirked back.

Oh, goodie, I might have just provoked a rivalry between these two. Better keep this moving before they start competing in who gets my attention.

"Before we start, I should explain why I'm doing this, you see, ever since Nefi taught me about the power game and shared how she desires to improve her kingdom, I have been thinking," He stood up and started to circle the table "What exactly is our role in the great scheme of 'the royal families'? We have the active rulers whose job, in simple terms, is to look after the well-being of their respective kingdoms. Then there is the heir, who is groomed and raised to be the successor. Expected to fill the same job, and then there's us, the 'others' the 'bargaining chips,' the 'siblings' to name a few. Like the heirs, we are raised to be the ideal Prince or Princesses, yet are only expected to take the throne only as the next in line if something were to happen to the one meant to be there."

After completing the circle, he reached his seat and grabbed the chair. "Of course, that is not set in stone. Some of us already had a plan laid out for you by your family, some are the heirs to inherit the crown, some share the same position than I have, but there is a common factor we all have in'' He put his forehooves on the table "Those in charge always ignore us."

Everyone nodded, wholly invested in what he had to say as he levitated some scrolls and laid them on the table. "Ladies and gentlemen, I propose that we join forces and create a brand new role. If the rulers and heirs are in charge of maintaining the prosperity of a kingdom, then we, in turn, will ensure its continuous improvement."

"You want us to modernize our kingdoms?" Pharynx asked, still wary of Blueblood and what he was plotting. "How?"

"Yeah, I'm with Pharynx here, Blueblood," Hestia continued. "This sounds good and all, but I can't see that happening if our parents and siblings seem to prefer to ignore us all the time."

"Well, modernizing is not what I had in mind per-say," He took one of the scrolls. He unrolled it, showing them a scheme of common problems in a land: Crime, corruption, poverty, rebellion, among other things were listed prominently. "This circles back to what I did in Manehattan at first, but bear with me. I promised to be as brief as possible" He apologized before beginning his explanation.

"Go on?" Triceps raised an eyebrow at him.

"My time in Manehattan made me see the darker side of my lands, as well as understand how no matter how prestigious and rich a kingdom might be, things like crime and corruption will always be there. It is a necessary evil and what's more, is the problems our parents or relatives have to face each time they put on the crown. Maybe only one of these problems on this list, all of them, maybe even something I didn't put down, but the bottom line is that this is their job, and it never ends, a never-ending circle of crime and response."

He hammers his point across, stomping the desk with each word, "But what if things don't have to be this way? What if I told you there is a way to break the cycle for good? Not destroying things like crime completely but rather morphing it into something more controllable and less threatening to our lands for example. Starting with exploiting my situation to give us free rein and put our ideas into practice, thinking outside the box, bending the rules slightly for a greater tomorrow, and without the pressure of taking the crown over one day, we can strip the power of those that seek to damage people, maybe more than that. I'm confident we can achieve something monumental and lasting."

He shows them an emblem with a crown, shield, and two swords on top of silhouettes showing a hoof, wing, claw, talon, fin, and tail, demonstrating all different kinds of races. "A kingdom that refuses to modernize itself with the passing of time, no matter how strong or prosperous it is, will eventually fall. But the one that embraces change always looks at how to improve and evolve as the year's pass. That, my friends, is a kingdom that will last forever."

He put his hoof on the emblem. "That is what I'm aiming for, forming an association where we become that force of improvement and evolution. That is what I mean when I say how our families deal with prosperity while we deal with the improvement of life."

The room remained silent as everyone started to think about what Blueblood was proposing, intrigued. Finally, Hestia broke the silence, "So if I understand this correctly, you want to turn this sad club of bargaining chips into some sort of organization where we improve our kingdoms and force our families to hear us out."

"Among other things, but at its core? Yes. More or less, that and obliterate the thought of us as bargaining chips."

"Ok, sure, that sounds promising. Question, assuming I agree to join this book club, what would we call it?" Hestia replied sarcastically but with a tone that indicated her intrigue as she stared at Blueblood

"I was hoping we would discuss it together. At the moment, I call it the Society of Heirs, but I'm open to suggestions."

"Forget about naming it! This is insane!" Triceps banged the table in anger. "This is not a simple matter to discuss Blueblood. Do you realize what you are proposing? This society of yours suggests we casually reveal our secrets to everyone as if it was a schoolhouse project. How do we know this is not a trap? What insurance do we have? How do we know you will not betray us the second after we spill our guts? That any of us will not betray any one or all of us in this group?" He pointed an accusing finger at Blueblood as he maintained his icy calm.

"Because we will focus exclusively on what the public already knows." He responded right away, expecting that question. "Any dirt or crisis your nation may be facing? It isn't common knowledge but your siblings and parents pretty much already gave me their blessing to know everything about it. If anything, I'm offering you a way to be involved in the matter."

Blueblood waited for Triceps to sit back down once more. "Furthermore, this society is meant to look for solutions to the problems the general public already knows about as well as ideas you may have and want to share, plus projects to explore if the subject is broached. In no way or form, this group is looking for weaknesses or national secrets of any form or shape."

The tension in the room could be cut with a knife at this point as everyone stayed quiet thinking about the idea, and we're not entirely sure if they should take the offer or not. Sighing, Blueblood closed his eyes and nodded once.

"I understand your reservations completely. This is a weighty subject to discuss and think about. You have no obligation to accept either. The core of my intention is that we all seek a way to stop being treated like pawns and for our voices to be heard. If this idea ultimately doesn't work, we can discuss alternative options. I just ask them to carefully thought out it, and then you can give me your answer at the end of this week. If you are on board or not, or if you need time. I want to force as little pressure with this as possible."

None of them said anything else and simply stood up, having reached an understanding. Blueblood nodded once as he watched them leave and then sighed again as he leaned on the table once more.

"For what it's worth," Startled by the sudden appearance of Phranyx next to him with a neutral face, Blueblood looked up. "I'm not saying no, and I would point out that none of us did. Just give us time to think about it."

"Of course, take as much time as needed." Blueblood smiled at his reply.

"And don't send your marefriend after us either. As weird as it is, the last thing I need is to be caught in the middle of a lovers quarrel."

"Yeah, I also talked about that with her. She is… wait for what?" He turned to face the changeling prince in surprise. "Ah, Scarlet is not my…why would you even…? Oh! Yeah, sorry about that. Scarlet likes to tease a lot, and recently I discovered she is not putting on much of an act with her actions, but no, she is not my marefriend. I think I'm not ready for that kind of relationship just yet."

For his part, Phranyx looked at him in shock at his answer. "She isn't?"

"Nope, we are just friends."

Calming down somewhat, Phranyx nodded once. "In that case, I would be careful around her if I were you." Blueblood watched him, confused as he walked away. "I know what I saw the day she received us. There was a lot of love emanating from her body the second she saw you, love and something else I can't put a hoof on. You better stay alert." And with that, Phranyx left the Prince with his thoughts as he started to ponder his fellow royals' words.

Blueblood stared into the distance the next day as the sun rose, breathing deeply as he enjoyed the view. His suspicions were still there, but even if it was only for a minute, he wanted to relax and calm down before starting his day. He needed to step lightly with whatever else Scarlet had in store for him and the rest of his companions.

"Quite the view, isn't it?" A female voice behind him startled the Prince as he turned around to see the mare who had just walked into his room.

"Wait? What are you doing here?"

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