• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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The Good, The Bad And The Bratty (Edited By BS)

Rubbing her eyes and yawning, Penny slowly returned to the waking world. While Fluttershy and Cadence slept nearby, the raging blizzard outside remained. The sound of the wind alone was enough to bring shivers to the novelist. Standing up, she saw Pharynx and his two guards kept vigil, staring into the blizzard outside at the top of an improvised door they made from a piece of the trunk. Next to them was a pile of fruit they collected and some long leaves that Penny only now noticed that they used as an improvised blanket as all others were used by the resting ponies and the family of bunnies peacefully asleep.

"Good morning, Prince Pharynx," Penny called while stretching before looking at his guards "Gentlestallions."

"Ma'am," one replied as they nodded, acknowledging her presence before resuming their guard.

"Glad to see you well rested. How are you feeling?" Pharynx asked her before taking another glance outside.

"Mostly drowsy, but I can resume my job. Is that what you are asking? How long did I sleep?"

"A couple of hours would be my best guess, and I don't think that will be an option anymore." He pointed to the pile of fruit. "Go ahead and eat. Soon we will all need our strength." he stated somberly, "Even my changelings and I will need to ask Cadence for a favor by giving us a bit of her love to feed upon, just in case."

"Why? What happened while I was gone?" Penny raised an eyebrow and glanced outside the door only to see how, within the wind and snow, there seemed to be strange sand creatures shambling around aimlessly as vines tried to grab them, some of them collapsing and being quickly reclaimed by nature. In contrast, others wilted the flora where they marched.

"It's kind of a long story, but the short version is that things are starting to get worse" Pharynx and Penny backed away from the door so they could talk properly. "Another one of Discord brothers, that Dream creature you warned us of earlier. He started messing with dimensional travel, and as a result, cracks and sand appeared everywhere. We lost contact with Sparrow, and it seems like Sierra is not faring any better in Canterlot. About half an hour ago, those things appeared, and the plants seem to have them in a stalemate."

"So we're trapped now?"

"Not necessarily, from what I gathered, those sand creatures hunt by sound which is why I put our communication in radio silence, and the plants seem more interested in repelling them than trapping us. So we could use that and the weather to our advantage. Although we will need a new approach." He poked the ground. "Tell me, Penny, can your command of plants move in any direction?

Understanding the implications, Penny looked at the floor in surprise before looking back at the changeling. "You want us to tunnel our way to the city?"

"It's our best bet, and more importantly, it would give us the perfect cover to sneak inside without alerting either side. Once we are safe, we can figure out our next move. But at the moment, it is best if we allow those two forces to fight and tire themselves out."

Penny thought it over before nodding. "Seems like a solid plan." She approached the trunk wall and touched it with one of her hooves before slowly closing her eyes and breathing. Soon after, the wood started to creak and move, startling the group as some guards eyed the exit with worry when the sand creatures slowly turned their attention to the tree, following the sound.

"Penny!" Pharynx called out in alarm, but she interrupted him.

"I know, Pharynx, don't worry. I have this under control, and it's better if we move now before the storm ends." Opening her eyes, which glowed ethereal green, Penny managed to summon a series of thick, long roots which spiraled up and swallowed the tree whole before the sand could reach them.

Back in the human world

"You picked up two stragglers?" Dash asked in confusion once Nefertiti finished her story. At the same time, her group took a short break in the food court to eat and calm everyone's nerves, much to the annoying Blueblood's dread. Still, once he was reminded/threatened about how nobody would pick him up if he fell behind because of hunger, he swallowed his pride and ate as well.

Thinking it was for the best, the Princess decided to fill the rest of the group in on what was happening with a group call, much to Twilight and Sunset's amazement. She also chose to omit the part about her and Prince Blueblood sharing magic for the moment.

"I think the term you are looking for is survivors." Nefi corrected. "And yes, that is what we did. Sandmen chased them when we were going to close the final portal. What else were we supposed to do? Let the monsters take them?"

"No, you're right. That was the right call." Sunset admitted with a sigh. "Were they the only ones?"

"The only ones we could find, yeah, we checked the mall twice to make sure, oh and by the way, all the portals here are closed."

"Wait, already? How did you clear the whole place so fast?" Dash asked, shocked

"We told you we can take care of ourselves. Want us to help out on your end too, honey?"

"Ok, partner, settle down. It is not a competition either," AJ replied before Dash could start something. "And I wouldn't be cheering victory yet, sugar cube. That was just the first wave."

"But thanks anyway." Fluttershy interjected. "Ah, and maybe if it's ok with you, you could keep an eye out for any more survivors?"

"That sounds like a delightful idea, darling, it would be a weight off our shoulders, and you could help us even more while we fix the issue." Rarity agreed, causing Nefi to roll her eyes.

Nice try, but it will take more than that to keep us off of this mission. "We will keep our eyes open."

"Thanks and Applejack is right. Twilight spotted multiple hot spots about to flare up near your position. You better stay in the mall. It has more space and multiple routes to use if you need to escape." Sunset instructed. "Call us if anything else happens."

"Understood" Nefi ended the call and looked back worriedly as the bratty Blueblood and Sonata had been complaining since they sat down.

"Seriously, the thought of having to eat this garbage is disgusting! How are you even considering eating those...those...things?" Bratblood complained, lifting a taco in disbelief, while his counterpart decided to tune out the noise for a moment as his mind had millions of thoughts bouncing around, all vying for attention first.

"Oh no, I did not just hear that. Your whining is one thing, but don't you dare insult tacos!" Sonata warned, "I will admit that being cold robs them of some of their flavors, but nothing is more delicious than this." She raised one from the mountain of tacos she picked and wolfed down.

"It's peasant food, for heaven's sake! And you!" He looked at Blueblood in rage and disbelief as he enjoyed a couple of his own tacos. "Have you no shame? Where is your pride? Where is your honor? What kind of me are you anyway? How can you eat this garbage without any issue?"

Blueblood gave his counterpart a deadpan look and shook his head in disappointment. "Is this it? This is what you are even after all of this?" He picked up his taco and made a show of unwrapping it. "A brat that can only complain, even in the face of the freaking apocalypse?! Seriously?! This is all that you can do?!"

"What?" Bratblood can only ask in a mix of surprise and fear at his sudden outburst. Sonata is in a similar position, not expecting that reply.

"Blueblood?" Nefi asks, approaching the table, and the two men turn to look at her. "My Blueblood," She clarified, chuckling at them both before addressing her partner. "You got a minute?"

He sighs and nods before passing the taco to Sonata. "Please don't kill each other."

"Hey, that is mine!" Bratty complained as Blueblood stood up and followed Nefi away.

"Oh, now you want it?" The two continued arguing while the royals walked away from that mess.

"Mafdet! Talk about tension, right? I mean, that version of you? I...wow," Nefi started trying to break the ice between them.

"I know." Blueblood let out an exhausted sigh. "I heard stories. I had this mental image of him, I thought I was prepared to meet him in person if it ever happened, but that guy is exhausting! It has only been twenty minutes, and I already want to kick him in the stomach." He let go with an exhausted sigh. "And that is what my aunts had to deal with for over twenty years? TWENTY years! For all that is pure and holy, those mares are saints!"

"You can say that again. I just found a new level of respect for the royal sisters, and thank Bastet. I never met you like that. Even if...well, you know." She hinted with some embarrassment.

"Yeah, I know what you are implying. Now I see why no one was thrilled with the idea of bringing in the original owner." He looked down sorrowfully before looking back at her. "So what did Sunset say?"

"Mostly what one would expect. That it was the right thing to do, that we should stay here and be on the lookout for more survivors, and that a new wave will strike pretty soon. Translation: It's another attempt to keep us out of the bigger picture by giving us random tasks."

"Ha, as if that would be enough to tie us down." Blueblood's mood brightened as he smirked at Nefi, which she copied with a grin of her own

"My thoughts exactly. That is why I neglected to mention this little gift of yours." She wiggled her gloved fingers briefly. "But before we do anything, there is the small issue of what are we gonna do with them?" She looked over at the two still arguing survivors. "Don't get me wrong, the two seem insufferable, and I'm giving serious consideration to just ditching them, but that would just be stooping to their level, and I refuse to do that."

"Me neither, and you are right. We should do something about it." Blueblood nodded before he tried to think of a solution until he remembered his small talk with Sunset, and something came to mind. "And I may have something. Although it is not going to be pretty."

"Really? And what is that?"

"Some good old-fashioned tough love." he nodded before looking at her. "Listen, this is not gonna automatically fix the issue with him, but if we are lucky, it will point him in the right direction and, at the very least, make him a little bit less infuriating."

"At this point, I will take it. Is there anything you need me to do?"

"Just prevent Sonata from getting involved and stand back. I will work better if only I take action."

She nodded, and they returned to the table just in time, too, with how Bratblood and Sonata seemed to be getting ready to kill each other if their glares were any indication.

Clearing his throat, Blueblood caught their attention as they looked at him. "Good. at this point, I thought you would be at each other's throats." With an exhausted sigh, he gathered the garbage on the table and threw it away. "We need to talk."

"We certainly do. What in the heavens are you doing?! It's one thing eating peasant food, but now you are cleaning up like some common servant too?! I don't care where you come from, but Bluebloods do not eat anything but the finest dishes, don't do manual labor, and we certainly don't...!"

Bratblood stood up while continuing to criticize as the Prince put the plates into the correct receptacle until he finally had enough. He surprised everyone by grabbing the throat of his copy with one hand and started choking him while lifting him into the air.

"Ok, I chose my words poorly; what I meant to say is that I'm going to talk, and you are gonna listen whether you want to or not." The Prince growled with finality before dropping his counterpart onto the floor so he could recover his breath. Sonata started to get worried and made to stand up, but Nefi sat next to her, put her hand on her shoulder, and sat her down again.

"Don't worry, honey. This is directed mostly at that brat, and trust me. You do not want to miss this."

"Is this gonna be another of those ridiculous friendship lessons you ponies never shut up about?" Sonata looked at Nefi with irritation.

"I'm not a pony, and he's not like the ones you probably have heard of, but...maybe. You can call it whatever you want."

That piqued the siren's interest, and she turned to watch the scene with greater interest. "Well, if it means I get to see Blueblood kicking his butt, then I say it would be worth it." She smiled and picked up the last taco to admire the show.

The student held his neck and started coughing before glaring at the Prince in disbelief. "Have you lost your mind?!"

"No, unfortunately, I am quite sane, and I know how stubborn and boneheaded you are. I know that even if I had years to tell you what you are doing is wrong, it would be a miracle if anything stuck in that brain of yours. So if you are not going to listen to words, you might listen to this..." Blueblood started to draw Llamrai, causing his counterpart to sweat and gulp in fear.

"Against all possible odds and logic. You still ignore the state of the entire world around you. Not only yours but ours as well." The Prince advanced slowly, speaking neutrality while his counterpart started to crawl away. "Unlike you, I have people to care for, family and friends alike, an entire kingdom, all counting on us against a threat the likes of which none of us has ever faced before. Friend? Foe? It doesn't matter right now, we have a common enemy, and we all need to work together if we wish to have the slightest chance of solving this and surviving. Meaning we ALL have to pull our weight in this situation. Nefi and I are forming a plan, but I'm unsure if you can participate."

"And what do you have in mind so far?"

"You two saw Nefi in action. What you saw was but a taste of her true powers. Powers I managed to unlock using this." Blueblood saluted with the sword before it came to rest on his shoulder. "If Sonata agrees and is willing to follow our instructions, I could try to do the same for her. With some luck, it will awaken a new power within. Or, at the very least, it will return her siren's voice."

"Really?!" Sonata asked gleefully, "You think you could restore my voice? Because if you can, I would do anything!"

"We will discuss the fine details later, but we are glad to have you on board." Blueblood smiled over his shoulder and nodded to her before looking at his other self, trying to make a run for it, only for a sudden discharge of magical energy into the floor before he stopped him in his tracks. "As for you."

"H-Hey, come buddy, pal, friend...let's not do anything rash, w-we have the same face! You wouldn't want to harm this, right?... Right?!" Bratblood tried to reason until his back hit the railing of the second floor, and he found the sword poking at his chest

"Ever since we found you. All you have done is whine, complain, and boast about your greatness without proving yourself. Sonata was more grateful, and I bet she would be a much better companion and ally. In contrast, there's you. Trying to do the same with you would only be a waste of time and magic, so I think for the sake of everyone here, it's best that I cut out the unnecessary weight" He raised Llamrai in the air.

"No! Please, no, no, no!" Bratblood was in tears at this point, and finding no mercy in the eyes of the Prince, he started to look around for anyone to help him. "Y-You can't let him get away with this! Do something!"

"Why?" Nefi replied calmly, "It's true that I just met you, but I already can't stand you. My Blueblood is leagues beyond you and better in every possible way. Not to mention, he's right. What can you do? You are nothing but a dead weight to us. Something we can't afford. Sorry, but we can't play babysitter and save the world simultaneously."

"Oh, I know him way better, and I'm telling you. You are doing the world a favor. Let's end this headache with legs! Bye-bye, brat," Sonata agreed, eating her taco slowly and with a wide shark-like grin.

"No! Please have mercy! I-I'll do anything, please, don't do it!" The royals don't seem to budge and continue to look at him with contempt

With no options left, the student could only close his eyes and put his arms in front of his face while shaking like a leaf waiting for the end, yet the strike never came.

"You better remember this moment" After what he thought was an eternity of silence, the student slowly opened his eyes to see the Prince lowering his weapon and standing back, his disapproving glare still present. "Look around you, Blueblood and I mean REALLY look this time." he gestured around the empty mall. "Alone. No friends, family, or a single person willing to defend you. I just pointed a weapon at your neck, and nobody cared, heck they are encouraging me to do it!"

"I still am." Sonata quipped before Nefi patted her shoulder and shook her head.

The student kept looking at his counterpart, trying to make sense of what was going on and calm his heart, as the Prince continued, "Earlier, you asked me what kind of Blueblood I am? Well, the answer is: I'm the Blueblood that learned."

He returned the sword to its sheath. "And as much as it pains me to say it, I can see now why everyone around me keeps giving me such painful death glares. Not too long ago, I was just as insufferable as you. Heck, chances are I was even worse. You only terrorized a school. I made living in a castle unbearable. Maids and guards considered attending my every wish a punishment. I repeat, it wasn't a chore. It was a freaking punishment! " He got progressively angrier as he placed his palm over his heart.

"Do you know what that feels like? Every day the maid in charge of my care described the doors of my room as the gate to Tartarus. To be called "the vein of your kingdom." To not have a single friend, caring that you die? Lie to yourself all you want, but that hurts a lot, and even if you haven't realized it yet, that is where you are right now, so I get what you are feeling. I know how hard it is living under the gaze of so much hatred, pretending they aren't there."

"W-What do you get?" Having finally relaxed enough to respond, the student started to get angry with tearful eyes. "Fine, you changed for the better. I get it. You win! You are better than me. Rub it on my face, won't you? But don't you dare say you get me! You still had a name and a place and never had to live as a speck of dust, a blemish on those better than you. Do you know what it is like to be forever known only as the "nephew" of the principal? To live not knowing if your supposed friends really like you or only wish to get special treatment? No matter how hard you study, train, or research, everyone thinks you get the best grades because you keep gaming the system?!"

He hung his head and looked down. "In their eyes, you would never be anything else but that, so you might as well be what they expect. At least you had a family. When I started annoying them, my aunts sent me to study as far away from them as possible, so they wouldn't have to deal with me. Do you have any idea how that FEELS?!" He yelled with tears in his eyes.

Nefi glared at him and was about to give the student a piece of her mind when the Prince stopped her with a look and shook his head, making her remain silent.

"Look, this is not a competition to see who got it worse. I want to tell you that it took me dying to realize how lonely I was. Yes, we both had a crappy past, but you can't let that dictate the here and now. Wallowing in self-pity, and hating everyone, would get you nowhere."

The student looked back at the Prince and saw only understanding in his eyes. "This offer is more than just a temporary alliance. It is an opportunity to be a better you. I became better, Sonata can, and by god, you have the potential to be too if only you stop putting yourself on a pedestal and let others in. You don't need to stop saying that you are awesome. Just acknowledge that others can be too." He smiled and put his palm on his chest to reminisce. "Trust me, it is a warmth that can't be described, and you never want to end when found."

Sighing, he opens his eyes to see his counterpart looking at him, still confused and wary. "But at the end of the day, it must be your choice. Consider the scare I gave you your only warning. Care for someone and having someone to care for you will always make life brighter, more secure, and at times even funnier. Why not give it a try?"

He turned around and headed back to stand with the others. "You can take my words to heart or stay in your bubble until your end as someone unloved and forgotten."

He then looks at Sonata "There is a second wave of monsters coming soon. Nefi and I would handle it and then deal with the main issue. You two are welcome to come and help or stay and hide. Just know that if you choose the former, that means the whining and complaining stops, and you follow our orders to the letter, break that rule, and I'll let Nefi deal with you."

To emphasize Blueblood's point, the Princess electrifies her hand before Sonata, "And trust me. You don't want to make me angry." Nefi finished and then stood up and left with Blueblood, checking the phone to see where the next portal would appear, leaving the two students blinking and turning to each other, unsure of what to do for a moment before Sonata stood up and ran toward the royals.

"Wait! I'm in. I'm in! Just tell me what to do!" She kept calling in the distance.

Now alone, the student Blueblood could only sag to the ground, sit with his thoughts, and repeat everything the Prince said in his head while hugging himself.

Watching him with pity, the Abyssinian Princess turned to her companion. "You think it will work?" Nefi whispered.

"I can only hope it did. Nothing lingers more in my mind than a good scare, so with any luck, my copy would finally get the message. The rest is up to him."

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