• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Allegro (Edited By BS)

With an eerie silence interrupted only by the calm breeze of the morning, Princess Celestia, accompanied by Princess Platinum, Captain Spitfire, Rainbow Dash and a group of retired loyal ex-Wonderbolts who now served as the directors in charge of the organization and keep tabs of the groups' activities and enforce discipline in case of insubordination. All looked on from their booths at Crossfire Tempo and an elite squadron of flyers trained by herself. All were standing at attention, waiting for their signal. They wore white and grey spandex uniforms like the Wonderbolt and, oddly enough, a modified darker gray helmet with a design similar to a biker's. They featured polarized faceplates, so they couldn't distinguish any of their faces as they waited. Behind them was an intricate maze of obstacles and practice dummies in addition to carefully stationed unicorns with cloud walking spells cast who stood by to animate said dummies in combat scenarios. This, combined with the ordinary Wonderbolts obstacle course, spread all over the arena, giving the impression of the whole thing being an army demonstration instead of a Wonderbolts one.

That image alone filled the Princess with dread, fearing how all of this was robbing the spirit of what being a Wonderbolt was, yet taking a glance at her companions, she saw how the feelings were split among them. Spitfire and her aunt looked eager to see the demonstration in action, while Rainbow Dash and the group of veterans looked reasonably impartial to the whole ordeal, making her sigh and look down.

This is going to turn into a heated argument. I just know it.

"Greetings, everypony!" Tempo addressed the group with an eager and happy demeanor. "I'm so glad to see how you all came to our demonstration. I am especially pleased to see Princess Celestia herself gracing us for what I hope will be the future of such a well-respected and famous group as the Wonderbolts." she announced, keeping the Princess on edge with how quickly her emotions seemed to flicker and appear almost contradictory at times. In particular, how at this time, she doesn't seem to hold any hostility or ill will towards her. It only served to keep her off balance and tense.

You're either an imposter or your acting skills have grown to such a degree that you could compete with Chrysalis herself. What did you do during your exile, Crossfire?

"I know this is way earlier in the day than most of you are used to, but let's face it. This is no different than the drills and training session back at the academy, am I right?" She joked, earning a couple of light chuckles and small nods for various ponies in the audience. "Don't worry. This will wake you up for sure. You all know the idea. We all have discussed it, but what's a better sales pitch than a live demonstration! Ladies and Gentlestallions, I give you the future of the Wonderbolts! Take it away, ladies!" She yelled, introducing her team as her unit turned around in unison and went to the start of the circuit to await the signal. The starting pistol rang out, and off they went, nine stallions and mares pegasus personally trained by the ex-Wonderbolt, maneuvering through the obstacle course with efficiency and grace.

"You all know the routine, the spins, twists, speed, and so on. Such displays of aerial mastery are indeed an incredible spectacle to watch over and over again, but watch what happens when with a few small tweaks in the routine, that mastery could serve a greater purpose." Tempo narrated as her team approached the first new obstacle placed on the track, a small wooden tower which lit on fire with their proximity. "Disaster response, for example!" Tempo pointed at the flaming tower as the team began to orbit the building, barely slowing down, irising closer and closer until they formed a tornado. The wind choked the fire out in a matter of seconds before the fliers peeled off and landed around the now extinguished building, finally stopping to shake off their dizziness. "Our routine used to train rookies to sustain G forces repurposed and reorganized to tackle fires both forest and urban, without the aid of water.

And how do you prevent trapped creatures or citizens in the zones or buildings from choking as well while doing so? Celestia questioned as the team moved to their next obstacle.

A simple hostage situation scenario where the captives' dummies were placed in various positions from knife to neck situation, circle rally, and a three on one hostage where the hostiles had their prisoner surrounded. "But putting down fires is just one thing. Let us show you a more practical use for that speed we are well known for. In this case, a hostage situation. Repurposed and easy to adapt to different situations: to strike, distract or disarm." As she explained, the team split into three and went to hit each obstacle simultaneously. One team scooped up each attacker in the circle scenario practice ease and deposited them in a cage nearby with ropes tied to their hooves before the unicorns in charge of their movements had time to react. The other used a trail of clouds typically used in their performances to blind the three on one situation, rescuing the hostage before they noticed. While their companions wrapped up the hostage-takers using a lasso. A single pegasus kept speeding along in the final scenario, first disarming the dummy before it could react. He then went straight ahead and hit it in the head, no doubt leaving it unconscious if that would have been in an actual situation.

The entire group watching was honestly surprised by the display. Even Celestia was impressed with how everything went down. They solved it in a matter of seconds without casualties or injury. If they can genuinely have such mastery of their speed...could it be implemented in the royal guard? No, their armor will always make them slower. Maybe a specialized subdivision? I hate to admit it, but you got me this time, Tempo. This could have potential in security applications for the nation, just not for the Wonderbolts.

Celestia pondered before resuming watch as the team, without skipping a beat, kept racing around the track as they approached their final obstacle, one that, unlike the others, seemed to be hiding behind a tent for some reason. "And leaving the best for last, allow me to show you how with the correct organization, planning, and application of speed. The Wonderbolts could elevate themselves to take on the highest level of predators and feel pride like never before!" Uncovering her last demonstration, everyone was left speechless when underneath the tent lay a simulacrum of a dragon. It was massive and resembled Spike's form while under the influence of the forced growth that he underwent once some time ago. The exact form that dealt with Spitfire's entire team in seconds. It was a particularly sore subject to discuss with the captain, and the Princess could see the unease on the pegasus in the question as she recoiled and subconsciously grabbed one of her frontal hooves.

Crossfire, you are opening old wounds! The Princess sent the ex-Wonderbolt a glare, not approving of what she was indirectly causing.

Unlike the other two demonstrations, for this one, Tempo raised her hoof to stop the drill. Confusing everypony present while her troop stood down. "Dear royals and esteemed members of the Wonderbolts." Tempo looked at the audience with a big smile. "Allow me to show you how our team could, should, and with your approval, will defeat a dragon if one ever dares menace our lands!"

"She certainly has a flair for the dramatic, doesn't she?" Platinum idly commented to Celestia in a low voice, "Was she always like that?" The Princess sighed and nodded. "She always liked to boast about what she could do until her accident. I thought the experience gave her some humility, but it looks like she still enjoys showing off, even if it's indirectly now," Celestia answered with a tired sigh, still unsure.

Although she wasn't this intense with her showboating before, Aunt Platinum and Luna are correct. Something is off with her. The question is, am I watching an act...or a symptom? Tempo, did I do this to you?

Celestia's eyes widened briefly before her ears dropped as a cold feeling of shame, guilt, and worry started to wash over her back like icy rain. Tempo raised her left wing into the air and then brought it down in a swift chopping motion, signaling her team to proceed, which they didn't waste time in doing. They began by dividing their forces like in the previous demonstration. Though this time, they maintained the same equal number in each group, splitting just before the dummy tried to grab them, making them harder targets to hit. Without missing a beat, the team started to strafe all around the dragon.

"The first thing one will notice about dragons is their size," Tempo started to list off the characteristics of the dragon target. " With a body the size of a house or even a tower and with scales tougher than our sturdiest enchanted armor, attacking them directly would be pointless. But at the same time, hitting something so small as a pegasus, especially with our speed, will level the playing field, especially if the pegasus has a team backing them up and a plan of action." Her team then demonstrated her point. weaving through and around its legs, wings, and even snout repeatedly as the beast seemed unable to catch anyone. " The base of their limbs and wings are their hardest points to reach, or hit with their fire or with powerful gusts of wind from their snout. with blurred movements to impede its vision briefly, our team makes it harder for the dragon to react in time and can even make it dizzy."

One of their teams struck the dragon's eye, making it pretend to flinch and stand back. "Second, their eyes and nose are the most sensitive parts. If the opportunity presents itself strike those, it will not injure, but it will keep them unbalanced and partially blind."

At this point, the entire audience was watching the demonstration in awe, minus Celestia, who continued looking on in worry. Shaking its head, the dragon went on the attack again, trying to bite the team, who in turn kept dodging and leading it to a thunder cloud that quickly discharged when bitten. Shocking the dummy and make it start to sizzle.

"Third, our best weapon is our control over the clouds. As you just witnessed, the insides of a dragon are the most vulnerable. Even their sturdy exterior is susceptible to a well-placed lighting strike. Remember, they have size, but we have the clouds. Their brute strength can be evenly matched in battle if we fight intelligently, even if there are no clouds or thunderheads around since a well-placed fireball can disperse those easily. For the grand finale…." She pointed at her team one last time, and everyone seemed to be carrying typical long ropes, which they expertly wielded to lasso and wrap under the dragon's feet and wings, tangling it into a mess of cords until its own weight brought it down to the ground. "…restraining. And this is just one option available, quarries, abandoned towers, mud pits, freezing arrows. The list of methods goes on. To stop its movements effectively and equinely can be achieved if we always apply this simple idea. Use their weight against them."

Tempo finished and looked at the audience as her team returned to her and, although exhausted, stood firm and saluted the crowd with respect. "Ladies and gentlestallions. The future of the Wonderbolts."

Tempo finished with a bow. It didn't take too much time for the various members in the audience to start to clap and stomp their hooves in approval, while others kept a critical eye on Tempo and her team. The tension was soon palpable once the cheers stopped, and the Princess could perceive ponies looking at one another with wary eyes, ready to launch their argument. Still, before any fight could start, she put anything they were about to say to a halt by sternly clearing her throat, demanding attention as all eyes turned to her.

With a neutral look and her head held up high, the Princess stood up and walked towards the field, keeping her eyes focused on Crossfire, who remained smiling at her, increasing the Princess's unease. "Crossfire Tempo, when you first came to me with this proposal of incorporating a more militaristic program into the Wonderbolts, at first I was against the idea, and even now, I have my reservations with this proposal of yours."

Celestia then shifted her gaze to regard the team behind Tempo. "But after seeing these fine pegasi perform such a magnificent display of unity, discipline, and clever thinking and incorporating the teachings of the Wonderbolts in creative ways? I now see the point of your argument and the benefits it could bring for the security and wellbeing of all of Equestria."

"Thank you, your highness," Tempo's team answered in unison, revealing that most if not all members were most likely mares by the timbre on their voices. Additionally, they sounded similar, too similar.

Are they changelings? Why are they disguised if so? Equestria would have no issue with changelings joining the Wonderbolts." She thought, wondering if the mares were indeed ponies and, if not, why hide their actual appearance underneath doubled disguises. Deciding to put a pin in that subject for now. Celestia kept talking, turning around to address both Tempo and the ex-members of the Wonderbolts.

"Unfortunately, as innovative as this idea might be. This isn't the first time a pony has approached me wishing to change this group or return it to its roots. Others have tried to sway my decision, and all have failed." She shakes her head. "And you will not be the exception Crossfire, I'm sorry, but I must remain firm in my decision. We can't allow paranoia and the promise of security to kill the dreams of freedom and speed that this organization has come to represent. That is not what the Wonderbolts way" Immediately after, she raised her hoof as an argument started, stopping it in its tracks.

"That being said, this is just my opinion, and this is not my decision to make alone. The final decision will be placed for a vote. But before my colleagues and I go to deliberate, I would like to offer a counter-proposal that could benefit both parties."

"Oh really? And what do you have in mind, your highness?" Tempo asked with a raised eyebrow. Her interest peaked as the group and Platinum kept observing her with a critical eye.

"While I'm against reinstating the Wonderbolts as a military force, the idea you propose does have untapped potential I would like to discuss further with my colleagues. If approved, we can explore your proposal in much greater detail in the future" Upon hearing that, the group of directors started to mumble to one another about the idea with interest as Platinum smiled and nod.

"And how exactly would that work?" An elderly pegasus stallion with a gray and prominent mustache, light red fur, dark greyish red short mane, and an aviator's sweater asked.

"By founding a branching group from the Wonderbolts, a sister service with the same training regimen but a new mission. The 'Lighting bolts' perhaps?" Celestia elaborated. "Both groups will receive training here in the academy and, as long as they are regulated and approved by the association, will receive basic military training before splitting into advanced courses for those wishing to join the Lightning Bolts."

"So making a second group then, the Wonderbolts stay the same and do what they do best while the Lightning Bolts…."Spitfire started, picturing the idea.

"...Act as the military team Crossfire tempo suggested. This way, you obtain the discipline and training you wish to incorporate and do not sacrifice anything." Celestia answered her as she nodded and kept pondering the options, starting to weigh if it works for her.

"And who would be training this new "Lightning Bolts group"?" Another director asked, and rather than respond right away, Celestia turned to Crossfire Tempo

"I believe that question has already been answered."

"Me?" Tempo asked, her expression finally changing to one of surprise as she pointed at herself, as Celestia smiled and nodded.

"Why not? You did an excellent job training nine promising recruits who could be the first team in this new and intriguing concept. With some help and with a carefully thought out and approved regimen, I'm sure you could create a dream team which Equestria would forever thank you for bringing to life."

The herd of directors started to consider and think about it, some nodding slightly while others kept thinking about it.

"Oh, I'm not sure, it sounds like a lot of responsibility, your highness, and I'm not exactly a spring chicken anymore." Tempo chuckled briefly as Celestia put her hoof over the mare's shoulder.

"I'm sure you will do an excellent job, old friend. And your fans will be certainly will be more than happy to see their heroes returning." Celestia inclined her head towards Spitfire, who had stars in her eyes at the idea of working side by side with her hero. "So what do you say, Tempo? Would you aid your team once more?"

"I will do my best, your highness!" She responds with an enthusiastic smile, but the Princess notices how she seems to be forcing the gesture, confusing her immensely.

She wants this to happen but doesn't want to be a part of it…Tempo, what the heck is going on with you? Celestia was getting more confused by the minute, but before she could ask or say anything, Tempo came back to her usual cheerful self and looked around.

"But well, first of all, there needs to be a vote. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, I will take the job if you all agree, but I'm more than happy to know you all like the idea and will consider it! I will wait for your answer, ladies and gentle stallions! Let's move, ladies!" She commanded her team, and soon, all the mares rushed to their showers.

"Wait," Celestia called for them, making Tempo and her team stop and look at her. "Wouldn't you like to say a few words before leaving?" She asked Tempo's team, pointing at the cadre. "We all would like to hear your stories, and after seeing what you are capable of, more than one of us is wondering why haven't you ever tried to be a Wonderbolt before."

The team looked at one another, unsure before one stepped up, presumably the team leader, and take a deep breath before answering, "We are shy" that is all that she said before they all practically galloped into the showers in a rush as Tempo chuckled with a blush in her cheeks "They are, don't worry I will prep them up for you, and then you will be able to talk all you want to them. Just give them time to relax and calm down in the sauna, a mud bath, and the massage tables, and they will be good to go." She said before flying after her team, making everyone blink in confusion at what happened.

"Ah…the academy doesn't have any of those things," Spitfire finally said, still trying to understand what happened.

"It does now. You're welcome! I took the liberty of equipping the showers with them while the obstacle course was being made," Tempo answered as she disappeared in the distance.

"She did what now?" Spitfire's eyes went wide when she heard that, while the Princess kept looking in the direction Tempo just left. The more I look, the less I find. Tempo, I don't know what is happening, but I now know this isn't you. Just hang on, old friend. I will get to the bottom of this. And will rescue you from whatever is going on with you.

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