• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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First Team, Return, Reunion And Recaps (Edited By BS)

With the whistle of the train announcing their arrival. Blueblood guided the princesses into his home with their selected guards and Light Spear acting as their improvised escort. The sight of the castle so quiet and looming was enough to give the place an eerie atmosphere that, sure enough, put all the guards on edge. Furthermore, even if they didn't show it, the other princesses and Rarity seemed a bit wary of how quiet the castle was.

"Relax, everypony," Blueblood tried to calm everyone down as they advanced through the main entrance. "I know seeing the castle so quiet is very unsettling, but this is what we are here to fix, and we can be rest assured nothing would just appear out of thin air."

And on cue, a voice called to them off in the distance, as if the universe wanted to contradict his statement. "Oh, thank the old gods, finally! A platoon!" The voice of an excited mare caught everyone's attention, particularly the guards, who wasted no time and formed a steel wall around their charges. Defending the royals while brandishing their weapons in all directions, including the one that the voice came from. Judging by the clops getting louder, the speaker was fast approaching.

"Wait, that voice," Blueblood called out and moved one soldier to take a better look ahead of him. "Nonna?" He asked in time for princess Platinum to appear from the shadows.

"I knew that I couldn't be the only one! I tried calling everywhere, but only Pumpkin and Hurricane could answer, and I was just a ball of nerves thinking how defenseless the castle was while waiting..." Her ranting stopped once she glanced at the guards and, more importantly, at her grandson "Bluey, is that...?"

She didn't have time to finish asking her question before anyone could react, Blueblood had already made a mad dash toward the royal and brought her into a firm hug, shedding some tears in the process. "Thank god you are ok! I wasn't sure if you, Granny, and Momma were ok, but I'm so glad to hear it didn't reach you."

Having to take a moment to register what happened, Platinum finally relaxed and returned the gesture as the guards lowered their weapons and smiled. "You silly boy, I told you. Despite my radiance, we are golems. The three of us don't exactly sleep. Rather we go back briefly to the ethereal realm to relax."

Blueblood nodded and laughed, cleaning his face as they broke the hug. "Of course, I should've guessed that." Sniffing, he turned to his friends before looking at his grandmother. "Hope you don't mind, Nonna. I brought company."

"That is fine, dear." She patted his head. "Something tells me there is plenty to catch up on."

He nodded, and soon the royals issued orders to make the castle operational and less vulnerable to attack. At the same time, Blueblood took Platinum away to talk privately and help her catch up with recent events and their plan to fix things.

"You are gonna do what?!" She asked in complete shock. "Oh no, you don't. I forbid you to..." She wanted to continue, but Blueblood stopped her by holding one of her hooves.

"I understand your concern Nonna, but it has already been decided, and whatever you are about to say has already been thought of."

"But you are the active regent! Your people need you, Bluey! Now more than ever, you need to be a ruler."

He smiled and nodded. "Which I intend to do, and if memory serves me right, a wise, beautiful princess once taught me that being a ruler means knowing when to be confident and assertive and not let anyone else dictate your decisions."

That made the Princess pause, look down with a smile, and close her eyes. "Blueblood, that is most certainly not fair. Using my own teachings against me."

Without saying a word, he approached and hugged her. "Please believe in me, Nonna, from a logical point of view and by my reasoning. She is my auntie too. If she is another victim? If she needed my help just as much as Aunt Celly and Aunt Luna? This is also a family matter I need to solve."

"But leaving the castle..."

"I'm not abandoning it." He shook his head and broke the hug. "I'm leaving it in more than capable hands...and hooves, claws, paws...you get my point." He said, correcting himself. "Plus, I would rest much easier knowing you are also here to ensure nothing bad happens."

Sighing in defeat, Platinum could only close her eyes and shake her head. "Unbelievable, you truly are just like your mother," She mumbled.

"Hmm?" Blueblood raised an eyebrow, but before he could ask, Platinum smiled and nodded.

"I said you spoke like a true prince, and I'm so proud of you."

He chuckled lightly. "I had one incredible teacher to thank for that. I promise to be careful out there, Nonna."

"Oh, you better! Or you will be in for an earful upon your return, young man," She joked before lightly pushing him away. "Now go, save the world. I got the gist of things and can take it from here."

" Do you know where the vault is?" He asked in surprise

"Dear, please, what do you think was the first thing Celly put inside?" She smirked with a raised eyebrow.

The comment surprised the Prince but knowing that time was of the essence. He decided not to press much on the issue and left the room.

Once he was back at the entrance, Blueblood found Lieutenant Spear, Rarity, and the other Princesses waiting for him, who approached once he entered. "So, how did it go?" Rarity was the first one to speak as the Prince nodded. "Princess Platinum has been brought up to speed and ready to help with the plan. She even offered to help open the vault and keep an eye on things."

"Glad to hear it," Spear confirmed. "No offense, your highness, but having a member of the royal family in the castle would be a boost to the morale of our troops and erase their fears of entrusting the palace and our most dangerous items into the hooves of foreigners without meaning to offend of course your highnesses." He quickly apologized and bowed to the princesses, who had mixed reactions. Sky Star only shook her head, Nefi shrugged, and Sierra nodded.

"No need for apologies, Lieutenant. That is a legitimate concern to have. Even if our reputation for loyalty is well placed, entrusting so much so quickly could easily put anyone on edge." Sierra explained.

"No biggie, and I can see your point. I, too, would be a bit peeved if a stranger would need to rummage through my room for spare parts even if they explained it to me and summarized why it was a necessary evil." Nefi assured.

"Aww, don't worry, none taken. And we'll try to make sure neither you nor the rest of your guards feel uncomfortable while we are here." Skystar offered up a friendly smile.

With that out of the way, Blueblood addressed the group once more. "Well, with that taken care of and the troops in place, I say this is where we part ways."

"For now," Sierra added, puffing up her chest in pride, "You can count on me, Blueblood. With everything you have given me to work with, I will have everything done and running to speed things up. We might even drop by as reinforcements."

"I'm sure you could. Please don't overwork yourself, Sierra," Blueblood said. "Any of you, for that matter." He clarified, looking at the other mares. "While I trust your judgment completely, and I'm sure you three could construct something magnificent, I can't say the same with the vault. I only know that it contains countless forbidden and cursed artifacts that must be handled with extreme caution. So listen to what Nonna says, be more than careful, and always stick together." He instructed the group, making Skystar chuckle.

"You are making it sound like we are entering into a lion's den Bluey, don't worry. We will be fine. You're talking to the maker's team here." She said while posing in front of all.

"Makers?" Rarity and Sierra questioned with raised eyebrows as Skystar nodded rapidly, "Yeah, because the three of us love to make all sorts of things and have a knack for using what we have in our claw...ah, our arm's length!" She corrected mid-sentence, lightening the mood even more, "Now come on! We should hurry and get something done as soon as possible."

"Princess Skystar is right. We better begin our mission right away before Captain Raven gets worried." Spear reminded them and followed the hippogriff in, reaching up and activating his earpiece. "Here, Team A, contact. Our entrance was a success. We are moving now to explore the forbidden vault."

"We should be on our way then," Nefertiti reminded the Prince, patting his back before pointing at the door. "Let's go, Bluey. We have one long ride ahead of us."

"Just a moment," He said before looking to Sierra and Rarity. "I can't thank you enough for all your help, you two." He bowed his head. "From the bottom of my heart, thank you for aiding my fellow ponies and I in our time of need."

"Please, darling, even I think you are getting a touch too dramatic." Rarity lifted his head and smiled at him. "There is nothing that you need to thank us for. We have already agreed to the plan and have no complaints. You can trust us, and we will make something spectacular!"

"If there is anyone, I should be the one thanking you." Sierra remarked, kneeling so they could be at eye level. "Never in my life have I met anyone willing to put so much trust in me or allow me to express myself as you have." she confessed, putting her paw on his shoulder.

Smiling, Blueblood grabbed her arm in understanding. "Don't mention it. I know how it feels for others to suppress you and not let you be yourself. Plus, I'm dying to see what inventions you can make."

"Don't worry, I promise I will not disappoint, but in regards to thanks, I'm afraid that words would not be enough. There can only be one response for someone to allow me this much freedom and bring me so much joy." Out of nowhere, she grabbed his checks and smooshed his face until his mouth opened.

"Ah, Princess Sierra?" the Prince tried to speak as best he could.

"Wait, she is not going to... no, no! You wouldn't!" Nefertiti exclaimed in anger as Rarity could only gasp when out of nowhere, the Princess of the diamond dogs planted a kiss on Blueblood's lips, rendering everyone speechless by the sudden action. The room went quiet except for the diamond wolf's low moans, their lips moving together until she broke apart and stood up. Blueblood stood with his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide at the whole thing, dumbfounded.

"I hope you appreciated that, Prince Of Equestria." Looking up, the Prince stared a the wolf princess, who blushed while looking away and shyly covering her mouth with one hand. "It was my very first." Her claim didn't help make the situation any less tense. Luckily though, the mood relaxed once he saw a more relaxed smile on her face as she winked at him. "Just think of it as a good luck charm."

Her smirk turned smug while glancing at Nefertiti, who was, at the moment, simmering with rage. "And a little something to remember me by. Best of luck, Prince Blueblood." She closed her eyes and pressed her arm against her chest before bowing at him. "Until we meet again, I will keep you updated on any inventions we create or anything that happens."

"Aja" was the only thing he could say as Sierra chuckled and walked away. Rarity, not faring much better, could only regard Blueblood in shock. Her tongue is surprisingly long. He slowly returned to reality and stared at Rarity.

"I just...I, Rarity, I swear I…no way..."

"It's ok, darling." Rarity interrupts him as she slowly returns to her senses. "I saw it too. You didn't do anything wrong." Her surprise slowly turned into mild irritation. "Seems like the competition came sooner than I wanted," She mumbles to herself, leaving him alone with Nefertiti.

Well...that happened. But did she kiss me to spite Nefi? Thank me? or does Sierra...?" Shaking his head, Blueblood cleared his mind. One issue at a time! This is not the moment to start thinking about relationships! Only after I figure things out with the girls! Having that decided, he turned around and headed out the castle gates. "Let go, Nefi. We have a train to catch."

The cat didn't reply immediately but followed him nonetheless, still angry "That infernal cheating bitch, she downright stole my idea!" She exclaimed to no one in particular as Blueblood pretended that he didn't hear that and closed his eyes with a faint blush.

As they marched along, neither realized that princess Platinum witnessed everything with a smirk.

Oh, Blueblood, my sweet little grand nephew, is a heartbreaker. She shook her head, but not in disappointment, for it seemed that she was almost proud. And here I thought it skipped a generation. So glad to see the family legacy still lives on. Chuckling to herself, she turns around to greet the other princesses.

Sometime later, deep below the castle's main floor

Using an oil lamp, Princess Platinum guided the group through an old, dark, natural cave beneath the court, with a set of stairs being the only thing made by ponies. Spear and two other guards acted as rearguard and walked in time with the group maintaining vigil even if it was not necessary

"Watch your steps. The cave might be dry, but dust can be just as slippery as puddles of water, and this stair hasn't been used in a long time." Platinum warned them.

"I must say, part of me is disappointed," Sierra commented as she glanced at the walls around them.

"Why is that Sierra?" Skystar flew next to her.

"Well, it's just me nitpicking, but aren't we headed to where the most dangerous and powerful artifacts Equestria has ever acquired are stored? Shouldn't there be better security than a secret passage behind a bookshelf in the far corner of the royal library's forbidden section? It's a bit on the nose with that title, almost like you are advertising it."

"You would be surprised, dear," Platinum smirked. "Believe it or not, when thief or invaders wants to raid or steal something forbidden, they look for safes, fake walls, or places where you would logically hide stuff, more often then not they dismiss the obvious solution because they think it's a trap or it just too easy to be true." She tapped the side of her head. "A little mind game right there, and if that were to fail, who said this place is without security."

That caught everyone's attention as Platinum lifted the oil lamp. "Why do you think this place is so dark, and I'm using this rusty old lamp instead of a flashlight, a light spell, or even a torch? Dearest, you are looking at the key."

"Wait, to reach the vault, you need that lamp specifically?" Rarity pointed at the lamp as Platinum nodded.

"A present from Starswirl the Bearded himself, it may look like an old natural cave, sure, but the walls are imbued with so many powerful hexes and enchantments that they have merged with the darkness itself. Anyone trying to enter without the right items would get lost walking in a straight line."

"Oh, how does that work?" Skystar asked, eager to learn more, causing Platinum to laugh.

"I'm sorry dear, I wouldn't know. I'm a princess, not a wizard. You would have to ask the caster in person. Starswirl only told me something about a loop in time-space and a wormhole at the end and the start of the length of these stairs. Long story short, without the lamp, you somehow keep walking down an infinite flight of stairs until the guards find out that you broke in and come find you or you...ah!" Platinum startled. The group stopped as light shown upon a corpse lying on the side of the stairs, next to it were tally marks reaching almost to the ceiling "...you starve to death" She sighed sorrowfully and shook her head "This poor naughty soul, probably so skillful a thief that no guard noticed him entering. He even solved the mind game about where to look. Too bad he used a torch instead of the lamp." Platinum observed, looking at the burnt-out torch lying next to him.

With a sigh, she turns to the rest. "Remind me to send a squad down to retrieve the body. The poor dear at least deserves a proper burial."

"Consider it done, your majesty." Spear responded with a salute. In contrast, the other princesses and mare nod and hug the wall opposite the corpse before they continued until finally, they reached the end of the stairs where the cave widened. Two imposing wooden doors stood to protect the entrance with a pedestal where one could place the lamp.

"We're here" Platinum turned around to look at the group with a severe expression. "Listen up. Knowing my Celly, she followed my instructions and labeled everything there, so if you see anything with the sign of a hoof cut in half by a lightning symbol, I can't stress this enough. Don't.Touch. It. That symbol means the item is cursed and can affect a pony through skin contact. Sierra dear, exactly what are you looking for?"

"Our main objective would be moving the celestial bodies, but something that could speed up travel would also be nice. I remember that Canterlot has zeppelins, if my memory serves me right. Would it be ok if I check those out too?"

"Oh! I like how that sounds! Please tell me I can help," Skystar pleaded, bringing her claws together and giving Sierra her puppy eyes.

"Sure, you all can, but first. I want to see what we can work with down here," Sierra said, excited as she snapped her fingers.

"Oh, I'm sure there might be something that will fit your needs, but remember, don't touch the objects with the warning sign, and stay close." Platinum reminded them one last time before placing the lamp on the pedestal and turning it 45 degrees clockwise, there was a series of clicks as a result, and the doors swung silently open, revealing a considerable number of crates, diamonds, gems, jewelry, weapons and other artifacts scattered around, even unworked pieces of metal ore emitting a low humming vibration.

The view alone was enough to make Sierra's tail wag uncontrollably. "Oh sweet Fenrir, is even more beautiful than I thought. Blueblood, you earned another kiss once I see you." Sierra mumbled as the group entered, Rarity flinching and getting tense at the Diamond wolf's comment before glaring at the Princess.

By Celestia, is this wolf direct, I better be careful, or she might take my Bluey away.

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