• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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Meeting With An Endless (Edited By RB, GT4 And CC)

​​After being startled by the mysterious voice, the prince began looking around his surroundings in a vain search for its origins, yet no matter where he looked, only darkness greeted him. Not only that, but the walls had been steadily moving away from him until they were consumed by shadow, leaving him, Luna, and the golem in a room the size of a football stadium.

And throughout it all, the giggles continued, sending shivers down his spine.

"Well, I have to say, this is the first time a soul has shown concern for what happened to the previous user of their new body,” the voice spoke at last, drawing Blueblood’s attention. He stared in front of him, but he could see nothing. “Consider me impressed, and that’s something harder to achieve than you might think!" This time the voice came from behind him, yet when he turned around he didn’t see anyone or anything.

"Show yourself!" the prince screamed into the void.

"Oh no, I mustn't do that! You have to guess who I am fiiiiiirst,” the voice teased, echoing everywhere.

"What? Why?" Blueblood exclaimed in frustration. Seriously, why couldn’t he just get a straight answer for once? Still, something about the voice seemed...familiar, somehow.

"Come on, it’ll be fun! I don't usually have this kind of get-together, so I wanna enjoy the occasion," the voice pleaded in a playful manner. "Now think hard, you drank a potion designed to move spirits, so who is in charge of moving them in the first place?"

Blueblood stopped and thought hard about the voice specifically. He was right, it was certainly familiar. A silhouette hiding in the dark slowly began to reveal itself. Squinting his eyes, he tried to focus better until he saw a hooded figure with a bubbly mane style. "...Pinkie Pie?"

The figure began laughing uproariously and shook her head as she stepped out of the shadows so that he could see her more clearly. "No silly, guess again, and think carefully! Here’s a clue: I'm the mare that always arrives for the after party," she told him.

Once she was fully exposed, Blueblood saw a mare that looked and sounded almost exactly like Pinkie Pie, but with fur as white as a ghost and mane as black as the darkness around her. She was wearing a black sports hoodie, and there were three chibi skulls for a cutie mark instead of the usual balloons.

Oh. Oooooh.

"…Are you…Lady Death?"

"Ding-ding, we have a winner!" The mare rushed to him, immediately revealing her face. Her eyes were black with white pupils, and she had a black skull painted on her face making her look like she just arrived from a Day of the Dead party. "But you can just call me Death, or just D if you want, no need for you to be so formal about it.” She giggled again. "Oh, this was fun, huh?"

"Wait, if you’re Death, then does that mean that I…?" Blueblood pointed to himself in fear.

"What?” Death raised an eyebrow before face-hooving. “Oh, no, no, no, no, prince, don’t worry, it's not that at all. I'm not here to pick you up." She gave an emphatic shake of her head. "No, siree! There’s a lot more party for you before I take you to the after party." Then she grinned mischievously and lightly bumped his side, waggling her eyebrows. "But I can tell you this: a lot of mares wanna meet you there, now that you’re a changed stallion. You little stud, you."

“Then what’s going on?” Blueblood pressed.

"Right, explanation! This isn’t even the realm of souls, it’s kind of like an in-between area where souls and living beings can...chat, if that makes sense. A lot of necromancers used it when they wanted to talk with their dead relatives," Death explained with a smile before taking on a more somber expression. "But that, as well as your time of death, can wait. Right now, we need to talk." She then covered his mouth with a hoof. "And before you ask, yes, I know that I don't look like the idea you have when it comes to Death or the 'Grim Reaper' as he likes to call himself. Please don't lump me together with that grumpy old sack of bones, okay?" she grumbled in frustration, and removed her hoof.

"Wait, you and he are different Deaths?"

"That’s right!" she confirmed with a little bounce to her step.

"There's more than one?"

"Well, duh! Infinite universes, infinite iterations, infinite worlds, et cetera, et cetera. Of course there’s more than one Death. Just one trying to manage all the world’s souls would be pure murder!” She blinked, then giggled. “No pun intended."


"But yeah, in your world, Mr. I'm-Too-Stiff-And-Grumpy-To-Let-Other-Spirits-Have-Their-Fun is in charge of the souls that arrive. While here, I'm the soul of the party." She glowed like a light bulb for a brief moment. "In fact, I might’ve been the reason that expression exists in the first place, at least in this universe."

"I have…so many questions." Blueblood muttered, utterly perplexed by her behavior.

"Oh, they all do at first when they see me, but to help you a little, just think of it like this. Dying is nothing more than the end of suffering, limitation, and, of course, mortality."

A cloud suddenly appeared under the prince’s hooves.

Blueblood blinked and kicked at the cloud, watching as some of the vapor floated away. “And...how’d we end up here?"

"....Ehh, ponies and people don’t come here to die, but logic kinda does," Death replied with some embarrassment, before they appeared in a hospital room. "But most importantly, dying marks the end of pain, and I'm just the mare that guides their souls to the best party they've ever had before moving onto their next adventure. The fact that you’re dead doesn't mean that you don't need to stop having fun, right?"

Blueblood glanced at her. "But what about the loved ones that you leave behind?"

Death turned to mist and appeared on his left. "Why do you think ghosts exist in the first place? The reason ponies are scared of them is because of trolls that took a prank way too far," she said in irritation. "Oftentimes they just want to come for a quick visit, and plus they save a seat for them when I arrive so they can have a chat with them and have even more family members that have passed while they’re waiting."

"And those that like to fight?"

"Ever heard of Valhalla? Lovely place, plenty of free entertainment."

"What about the vengeful ones? Or the ones that have some unfinished business?"

She sighed. "We all pack our things at a different pace, Blueblood. I'm a mare that likes things to be fair, so if someone was mean to you while living, I say they deserve a little scare here and there. After that, we’re good to go."

"Okay then, what about the wicked ones? Or those that were just downright evil while living?"

"Oh, I don't deal with those," she said with a dismissive hoof wave. "But yeah, Tartarus is for them. So, you see? Contrary to what ol’ Grimmy McStickinthemud said, death is not all about sorrow and sadness, it's moving onto the next stage in your existence. And I can tell you, the Book of Everyone is much bigger than Agatha Christie's Miss Marple stories. So before turning the page, why not celebrate that you’re ready to do so?"

"Let me guess, you’re in charge of the party?"

"Ha! Not even close! I’m the DJ. Here, take one of my cards," she answered, giving an exaggerated bow and passing him a business card that read:

Death, Big D., Collector of Souls extraordinaire,

Eight-time chess world champion,


He raised an eyebrow. “What’s this about chess?”

“People kept challenging me to save their souls. After a few hundred thousand games I got really good and went on tour. Loads of fun! Kasparov was a tough nut to crack, the old buzzard. I heard he retired a few years back, such a shame.”

The prince sat down, still trying to wrap his head around all that Death was telling him. This wasn’t how he thought his day was going to go. Finally he shook his head and asked, "What do they pay you?" Then, realizing what he said, he groaned and promptly face-hooved.

Death stared at him for a moment in surprise before bursting into laughter, falling on the ground with tears in her eyes. "Pay me? Okay, that was good, I’ll give you that one," she finally breathed out, standing up and wiping away her tears. "I knew I made the right choice giving you this body."

The prince’s eyes widened and he quickly grabbed hold of Death’s shoulders. "Wait, you’re the reason I ended up as a pony in Equestria?!"

"Well, duh! The mover of spirits, remember?" she replied with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. "Besides, you had unfinished business to deal with. 'Start again', right? That means reincarnation."

"But...the prince, the original prince…"

"That brat? His life ended way before you took over," she said, playing with her mane as her body phased through his hooves like a ghost.

"His life what?!" the prince screamed in her ear, making her flinch in pain and, for a brief second, transform into mist again before returning to normal.

"Yikes, ow! Please, prince, I'm dead, not deaf," Death said, rubbing one of her ears. “Although I might also become deaf if you keep screaming like that.”

Blueblood sighed and pressed his hooves to his head. "Sorry, but I…why? When? How did this happen?"

Death hummed, looking at him strangely before grinning. It was an oddly terrifying look for her. "Would you like to see what happened, hmm?"

Blueblood was too in shock to notice her strange behavior, so he nodded mutely. "Yes, please show me."

"Great! Just eat this mint and close your eyes," she proclaimed, taking a box of tic tacs from her mane and lifting one of his hooves, dropping one onto it.

Blueblood blinked, staring at the candy in confusion. "Are you serious?"

"Am I ever?” she asked with a smirk. “But seriously, don't think, just do. Time may not flow the same way here as it does in the waking world, but it’s not infinite and our time is almost up!"

He didn’t have to be told twice. Down his throat went the tic-tac, and he closed his eyes tight.

"Good, now keep them closed until I tell you to open them," Death instructed. Soon the prince began to hear things rumbling around him, Death seemed to be smacking her lips together.

"Uh, Death? What’s happening?"

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing. No peeking!"

With a mental roll of his eyes, the prince decided to leave her to her devices, and patiently waited to see what she had in store. He also mentally prepared himself for a scare.

"Okay, you ready?" she asked.

"Ready as I’ll ever be."

"In that case, open them…NOW!" she cried out.

The moment the prince opened his eyes, Death planted a huge, oddly passionate kiss right on his mouth that caught him off guard, leaving him breathless immediately. The moment their lips connected, everything around the two moved at light speed until they found themselves in some kind of vortex made of light, only stopping once Death had ended the kiss.

Gasping for air, the prince backed away and held his chest in surprise, before glaring at her. "What...the hell…was that?!"

"A kiss at the speed of light, that moves those involved in it throughout time and space!” she replied innocently, puffing her chest up in pride before looking behind her. "I challenge any of you to top that." She waggled her eyebrows and smirked.

"Who are you talking to?" the prince asked.

"Never you mind," she quickly said, looking at him with a mischievous smile. "Anyway, here we are.”

The prince looked around and realized that both of them were transparent and floating in some kind of swamp. The water looked so dark it was as if it was made out of petroleum, and there didn’t seem to be a day or a night, just utter darkness around them without any stars or moon.

Trees were rising from the water, the tops impossible to see as they were swallowed into the void. Light blue, luminous figures were wandering around the place, almost all of them converging on the same point in the distance. A mysterious pyramid with a white spotlight at the top was illuminating the entire area.

"And where are we now?" the prince asked, looking around in awe.

"From Equestria’s perspective, we call it 'the Soul Road' or 'the Void Lake'. From your world it has other names: Hellhight, the River Styx, Purgatory, and many others. I just call it the dark swamp for obvious reasons," she explained, her voice suddenly solemn. "No matter the universe, species, or world, when someone dies, they always end up here." She then pointed at the light in the pyramid. "Do you recognize it?"

"That’s the famous light?"

"Oh, you bet --- the legendary light at the end of the tunnel, that beacon you follow that takes you to me. You see, the experience of dying could be described as diving into an endless ocean where there is no light; everything is just darkness as your soul does the swimming for you. Once you pass the line of no return, this is your next destination as well as your first obstacle."

"Obstacle?" The prince looked back at her, confused.

She nodded and pointed to a particular soul that emerged from the water. "The moment a soul comes here, there are only three options of what they can do: stand up and start walking toward the light, just like a moth to the flame." The soul illustrated this by admiring the light and moving towards it. "Which is the most common option, the light itself is particularly alluring."

Death then sighed in sadness and pointed at another soul that was just lying limp in the water. "Then there are those that die in sorrow and misery, and decide to abandon hope for what lies beyond…" To the prince’s surprise, the soul stopped shining, and from its chest a dead tree rose and started growing at a slow but steady pace. "…and transform into something else."

If he wasn’t already a ghost, Blueblood would’ve for sure become as pale as one. "So these trees are…?"

"Yes, souls that refused to walk or just decided to let this be their final resting place. Not even I know what to make out of them. They're not alive, yet I don't think they can be considered dead either. All of these trees...they just keep growing, after all," Death replied, staring up at the tree trunks.

The prince followed her gaze, but mostly kept his eyes on the souls who faded away the moment they approached the light. "And what’s the third option?"

"The wandering soul," she answered before pointing at a soul that was screaming in rage. It began to dig furiously in the water, its light turning from blue to red. "Be it revenge, unfinished business, or simply the desire to keep living, if you want to go back to your world and your will is strong enough, you will go back." As she spoke, the red soul dove into the water and disappeared. "Even if it looks like it, this swamp doesn't actually have a bottom. You can only walk here because you accepted your own death."

"I see..." the prince replied before sighing. "Death, this is interesting and everything, but why are you showing me this? What does any of this have to do with what happened to the other Blueblood?"

"Watch and see. This place exists outside of reality and time itself, and one of the advantages of being me is that I can show you this," she said, prancing into the air. She gently glided over the vast and murky waters of the swamp, descending until she sat next to a soul kneeling in the water in sorrow. A particular soul that, even being a shiny silhouette, was somehow recognized by the prince. His eyes widened in shock.

"Your Highness,” said Death, pointing at it. “Meet your soul."

"But this is…how?" he exclaimed, pointing at it and then himself. "I still have my soul with me, right?"


"But then how can I even recognize it?"

"It's like the effect of a mirror, they can easily trick you with a special one but you just accept your reflection,” Death explained. “The same happens with souls; you just...know. As for what you are seeing right now, remember what I said? Outside time, meaning…." She made a flourish of her hoof, encouraging him to finish the sentence.

"...Meaning that you didn't just bring me here, you took me to the moment after I died," he said slowly, realizing what was happening.

"That’s right!" she cheered in genuine happiness. "Wow, two for two, prince! You’re on fire, but not as much as your predecessor is gonna be soon enough."

"What do you mean?"

"Watch and see."

Together they watched as the human soul soon took notice of the light and was mesmerized by it. Like the other soul from before, he stood up and began to step towards it, when another soul, an equine one, shoved him to the side and ran towards it.

"Out of my way, peasant!" the equine soul jeered, and the ghostly Blueblood Immediately recognized his own voice coming from the pony that just pushed his human soul down.

"And there goes the old Blueblood, still the same, even in death," Death said, the barest hint of a sad smile on her face.

"But if he’s a soul now, how is he still able to talk?"

"Souls are like a copy of yourself, prince. If you really love something with a passion it’ll linger. And that old version of you really loved to hear his own voice, so…"

"Oh." The prince nodded in understanding as the pony kept running like hell itself was on his heels. He probably didn’t even know what was happening.

"I don't know what that thing is, but it’s mine! You hear me? Mine! Such precious light can only belong to those of royalty. Peasants have no need for such beauty, I'm the only one that can admire it, so it must be mine!" the old Blueblood yelled, laughing in triumph and self-righteous glory.

The moment he got too close to the pyramid, the pony’s soul simply combusted into a golden fire before being swallowed by the lake, scaring the daylights out of the human soul and the prince.

Blueblood’s jaw dropped. "Did...did he just…?"

"Spontaneously burst into flames? Oh yeah," Death answered him.

"So that’s what you meant when you said that you don’t deal with the wicked ones?"

"Exactly. This place knows very well who’s tainted and who isn't, and hoooo boy, that prince was just downright nasty. So, I say it was just a matter of time before a pony just ends his life, and afterwards it’s Tartarus for him, where it’s no longer my problem," Death replied, waving at the old prince. "Bye, mean and obnoxious version of Prince Blueblood," She then looked back at the human soul. "And hello to the new and improved prince."

She waved at him, but the soul instead started to back away in fear before turning around and running in the opposite direction.

"What is he doing?" Blueblood asked.

"You mean, what are you doing? I would say you’re running away from the deadly light after witnessing how it just incinerated somepony the moment they got close enough," Death answered, nonchalantly chewing an apple that appeared out of nowhere. The prince stared at both her and the apple in confusion, wondering how she could be so blasé about everything they just witnessed. She raised an eyebrow and offered the fruit to him. "Wanna bite?"

Blueblood shook his head, looking back at the fleeing soul in anger. "You mean to tell me that because of that prince I became a wandering soul?"

Death threw the fruit away, which disappeared like a mirage as they followed the human soul. "That sums it up, but this time you can't be all that mad at him. He was just like you; old Blueblood didn't know he was dead. He couldn't know that he condemned a soul, he was just being himself: greedy."

A tremor shook the swamp, unnoticed by most of the souls around them. When they looked back at the light, a gigantic skeletal hand emerged from the light and raced towards the human’s soul. Blueblood fell on his rump as the hand passed him, and Death rolled her eyes in annoyance. "And there goes Grimmy, being all dramatic, stiff, and doomy-and-gloomy again."

"What…what is he going to do to me?"

"What I’m about to do." Death pointed behind her, and Blueblood followed her gaze to see a portal appear in front of the human soul. A second Death poked her head out of the portal and beckoned the fleeing human soul into it.

Being already terrified of the approaching hand, the soul complied quickly and stepped inside just before the hand could catch it. A muffled roar could be heard, and the other Death stuck her tongue out at the hand before waving at her transparent self before disappearing in a poof of smoke. The skeletal hand made itself into a fist and shook in anger before retracting back into the light.

"To answer, why did you specifically end up as Blueblood?” Death continued. “It was because both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia made a wish for a new start. They wanted to have a nice and kind nephew, and when ponies who are pretty close to being gods make a wish, the magic behind it can be pretty powerful." Death smiled and she helped him stand up, and they soon went back to the hospital room with a burst of smoke, where Luna and the golem were waiting for them.

"The energy behind the wish was already targeting your predecessor when he died, and it might have brought him back had it been a few seconds earlier. Instead, it found you, and when I saw how your life was, I said to myself..."

She split in two and literally began to talk with herself. "We should do something."

"Their wishes even match, he’ll definitely be a better option!”

“Plus, the old prince was a wicked soul, so the wish wouldn’t have done anything even if we wanted to.”

“Oh, I know, let's take the human soul with us and make three wishes come true all in one go. Let’s see Genie beat that!" the other Death offered.

"Wouldn't that piss off the Grim Reaper of his world, though?"

"Ooooh, you bet it will!"

The two Deaths laughed as they merged into one once more. "Oh, if only I could have seen the face of Grimmy when I took you outside of his territory. That would have been perfect."

Blueblood hung his head and approached Luna in shame. "All this time, the fear and wariness that I was having...it was for nothing," he whispered, lightly nuzzling her side. "And I just keep hurting those that want to help me."

"Hey, don't feel too bad." Death gently grabbed his shoulder. "You were just trying to be a very nice person; almost too nice for your own good, in fact."


Death stepped in front of him, giving him a kind but stern gaze. "All your life you’ve put the needs of everyone before yourself. That’s all well and good, but it’s also how and why your father had you under his thumb for so long. You’ve been, for lack of a better term, a doormat all your life." She shook her head in disappointment. "And being unable to accept this gift has not only hurt me, it’s hurt them too." She pointed at Luna.

"I'm...sorry, Death. I didn't mean to cause any of this."

"You want to make things right? Then for the love of the stars, stop apologizing so much and live like you want!" she exclaimed in exasperation. "Life is a party, and you’re just sulking in the corner. Come on, smile a little and don't be afraid to have fun! Let Equestria know who Blueblood really is." As she spoke, his body began to fade away, although he didn’t seem to notice.

The prince thought over her words and nodded with a smile. "I will, Death! I swear, I won’t be a doormat anymore. This time I'm going to live life just like I always wanted to."

"Now that's what I wanted to hear!" she cheered as she bounced on her hooves, her body glowing again. "This is the Blueblood I’ve wanted to see since day one! Now get out there and make me proud. Show everypony what you’ve got!"

"Will do, Death!"

"Please, call me D, all my friends do," she said as she waved goodbye. Then, as the darkness started to fade away to be replaced by color, she shouted, "Oh, and once you’re back, can you do me a small favor? Tell Discord that D is ready to cash in that favor he owes me!"

"Discord?" Blueblood asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You’ll see him soon enough; believe me, he’s impossible to miss. See ya someday later!" she yelled before fading into the darkness.

With a gasp, the prince opened his eyes and found himself once more in the hospital. This time, however, it was reality, and the colors were so vivid he had to squint a little from the brightness. With a groan, he sat up a little, wincing as he remembered his injuries.

Luna looked back at him, a hopeful smile on her face. "Did you find your answers?" she asked.

"Yeah...I did," he replied with a slow nod before suddenly rolling off the bed and rushing to her side.

"Nephew, your injuries!" The princess cried out in worry before yelping in surprise as she was tackled by a huge, tight hug from him.

"Thank you for helping me find peace,” he whispered, nuzzling her chest affectionately. “I love you Aunt Luna."

The princess looked down at her nephew in shock, but only for a moment. She then wrapped her forelegs and wings around him and whispered back into his ear, "I love you too."

Her nephew was finally home.

Author's Note:

There you go folks the answer of the very first question since chapter one. What happen to the original Blueblood? Also, just to avoid confusion Death is not Pinkie Pie. She just looks and sounds just like her.

The mystery Tag is now place

If you are wondering about the appearance of Lady Death just look up 'Kristine Phillips', in Pinterest and search for her interpretation of 'Pony Lady Death'. Her art is incredible and she get extremely close to my vision. Seriously, that lady is a pro when it comes to art

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