• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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A Warrior's Best Friend (RB and BS)

Dashing through the prank room, Blueblood jumped and spun around, weaving and winding his way through yet another wave of pie projectiles. The moment his body touched the ground, he dove again to escape a trapped floor full of whoopie cushions before making a sprint for towards the exit. All the while the ex-prince was trying to avoid a giant rolling bubble gum ball heading toward him. Skating on down through a hallway full of banana peels, the Ronin finally managing to escape unscratched from the dreaded room. Then he stands shock still, waiting. Counting to 5 and then quickly ducking beneath the one final trap in the form of a rubber chicken shot at him from a cannon. When the task was finally over, he sighed in relief only to be received by a cheer from Pudding Head who immediately hugs him in happiness.

"30 seconds! Wa Hoo! You did it! You did IT!" She chants while jumping for joy. Blueblood chuckled at her excitement while taking off the blindfold and hugs her back with both hooves. It was then that he saw the other 2 founders looking at him with pleased smiles on their faces. "Yep, I finally figured out how that escape room of yours works!"

"Prank Room." Pudding corrected him while letting him go and allowing the ex-prince to breathe in peace while standing on all fours once again.

"Not bad Rookie, not bad at all." Hurricane remarked, "Of course I could have cleared it in 10 seconds, but you were passable."

"Oh don't spoil the moment Hurricane, he was great, and you know it," Pudding Head snarked to the soldier with a smile before looking back to Blueblood, "And now it’s time to celebrate with a proper feast!"

"Indeed, dare I say that you have more than earned it." Platinum agreed before approaching Blueblood.

"But before we do that, tell us, honey, now that you understand how magic works, how do you feel about it?"

Blueblood looked at his left hooves as he continued to hold the steady stream of magic canceling out the effects of his restraints. "It was hard to tell before. Whenever I cast magic before, it was kind of hard and weird. It always felt like I was trying to force myself to sneeze through my forehead, and it felt unnatural every time I did. But now…it doesn't feel strange or uncomfortable, I don't know how to describe it but casting magic feels…natural. I suppose that is the closest answer I can give." Blueblood explained, looking to Platinum as she nods.

"And that is exactly how it should feel dear. The art of casting magic is one of the most beautiful arts in the tribe of unicorns; it's our greatest pride and joy."

"Yeah, it’s like flying feels for us pegasi," Hurricane mentions in happy agreement as she does a barrel roll in the air.

"Or us earth ponies with our leg force." Pudding Head called out, interjecting her two cents while jumping high a couple of times and then bucking the air. "It just feels really nice. Those little things in life."

"Exactly, and that was the purpose of this exercise dear." Platinum put her hoof on his chest. "Your soul might be human, but your body will always be a pony. Denying yourself the wonders of this world is like denying yourself breath; pointless and it will only hurt yourself. Do not be afraid to embrace what you are now and never lie to yourself. That is the trick to becoming a great spell caster." She explained as the unicorn used her magic to help him remove the bracelets on his legs and then took a step back. A small wave of magic was subsequently expelled from his body by the action, and the ex-prince looked down in surprise as he felt lighter and stronger than before.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Platinum asks with a smirk.

The Ronin can only nod as he looks back at them "Yeah, it does. I can't believe it, is this really my power?"

"It’s still too early to go celebrating rookie," Hurricane remarked with a sly smile as she crosses her front hooves while hovering in the air. "Now that you understand how your body works, we can pass on to my special training."

"Your special training?" Blueblood regards her expression with no small amount of confusion.

"Did you really think I would let you leave this thing only just knowing how to use that bone growth on your head?" Hurricane inquired with a neutral expression. "I'll admit, having that can be useful, but Tartarus will freeze over before I let one of my students go out into the world without knowing how to hold a sword." She flatly states with determination.

"What are you talking about? I already know how to fight with a sword, we have been training for years now!" The prince answers.

She smirks at that comment. "Ha! You think that a wooden sword is the same as the real deal? I suggest you prepare for a wake-up call tomorrow." She warns the Ronin ominously before turning around. "But in the meantime, let's eat!" She yells out before dashing away.

"Ah...Should I be scared?" Blueblood asks the other two founders, honestly worried.

"Don't take her so seriously dear. Hurricane just wants you to be prepared for anything, just like us. You wouldn't want to repeat the events of your first duel, right?"

"No," The ex-prince confirms with equal part's anger and shame. "That fight is something I just want to forget as soon as possible."

"And that is why we are going to teach you how to fight using weapons."

"You too?" The Ronin asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, mostly Hurricane," Platinum corrected herself, "But while that happens I'm more than happy to teach you everything I know about how to rule a country, proper etiquette and how to hunt down, identify and destroy any rebellion raised against you."

"Rebellion?" The prince questioned, confused.

"You think our tribes made peace and became friends only in one day?" Pudding questioned rhetorically, while her constant smile took on a hard edge. "Of course not silly, there were a whole bunch of stubborn ones that didn't want to play along, and as soon as the Windigoes disappeared, they wanted to go back to hating each other." She sighed in sadness. "Some even went way too far."

"Really? What happened?" Blueblood asked, genuinely curious, wanting to hear the story.

"Ah!" Pudding Head raises a hoof to stop him. "All in due time. For now, let's just eat." She grabs the prince and drags him towards the castle's grand hall before he could protest or even react to her actions. Once again he was surprised by how strong she indeed was.

Platinum only chuckled, and with a shake of her head, she followed them at her own pace.

"Clover was right, it is funny when you see that happen to someone else." She commented to herself, remembering all the times Pudding Head had dragged her around with infectious excitement so she could witness one of her most recent projects come to fruition.

The very next day, Hurricane didn't waste any time beginning her lessons and eagerly tossed Blueblood into the armory before walking inside and take a deep breath of satisfaction as she inspected the weapons.

"Oh, this takes me back." She then looks at Blueblood. "Drink it in Rookie, this is where the real magic is born," Hurricane informs her student, as she looks at him with a smile. "Don't be shy, come closer." She beckons to him with a head gesture before throwing a hoof around his neck. "Meet your new best friends." She informs the Ronin while gesturing all around the room all the while smiling at the weapons.

"My best friends?" He asks, confused by her word choice.

"Oh yes, now that your body is ready, we are going find your style." She explains before humming in thought "I would say…a claymore?" She suggests before approaching one of the many weapon racks, regarding its contents with a practiced eye before selecting a sword with a wide blade and aggressive crossguard that nearly as long as blueblood was tall while standing on his back hooves. Before passing it over to the prince without checking to see if he was ready for it. The prince to his credit did not drop the massive weapon but did nearly trip over it, barely managing to balance the weapon only to hear Hurricane call out. "A morning star?" She tosses him a stout length of wood and leather capped by a heavy ball of iron adorned with spikes. "A great ax? A lance? A katana?…maybe a sable?"

She continues to toss weapons at him before chuckling. "Oh, but what I'm worrying for? You are going to practice with all of them!"

"All of them?!" Blueblood asked in alarm balancing and juggling the weapons about his person like some form of caricature in his aunts garden.

"Yep, while Platinum teaches you how to drink tea and sit properly, and Pudding Head gives you history lessons. I will teach you how to be a real stallion!" She confirms with pride before picking an old rusty rapier, and give it a couple of swings in the air. "With how rusty and dull these things are, we will be relatively safe from injury while we continue to train and can focus on finding out what weapon suits you better. And don't worry about them breaking apart or give you tetanus. Discord modify them slightly so they keep their strength while maintaining their dullness and coated in a layer of unbreakable rubber, so they are basically really realistic harmless weapons." She demonstrated by hitting one against the wall a couple of times yet, it didn't break or leave a scratch on the wall, once done she stopped and regarded the ex-prince with a smile. "When using a weapon, it must always feel like putting on an old boot; comfortable and reliable.

She hands it over to Blueblood as he stares at it. "It must feel natural to wield, and most importantly," she pokes his side lightly causing him to almost lose his balance once again, "Something you can keep your balance with at all times."

"You sound really eager to teach me all of this." Blueblood chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"Are you kidding?! I always love to train my boys personally. To help them find their style, to see how they improve on their own and become one with their weapon? It really brings a tear to this old mare’s eyes." She confesses while holding a hoof to her chest. "And now after a millennium, I can do it all over again one more time! I'm so happy I can barely stand still!" She confirms while flying around the room.

"But the real fun will start once we've found the tool that suits you."


"Oh yes, once you are comfortable with your weapon, you can start thinking about how to use it. Do I swing for my opponents' legs to limit his mobility? Do I swing upward towards my opponents head and neck to end the fight quickly? Do I prefer a direct approach, advancing through my opponent's defenses? Or maybe I play a defensive game, wounding my enemy in increments to burn through their stamina and will to fight? Do I go with slow, purposeful and strong strikes or do I favor speed and mobility over power? There are just so many ways, methods and philosophies for how to fight and this is compounded even more when you bring in the variables of armed combat." She shows him the body of a sword. "Even what materials were used in the weapon's construction can play a factor in a fight."

"Wow, I didn't know that there were so many things to think about."

"Yeah, it’s something huge, and important, It has to be. After all, knowing all this can be what determines you living or dying someday," it was then that the Pegasus Commanders expression turned furious. "And those two sacks of shit stomped all over the sanctity of a duel, and knowing all of these things- so you better teach him a lesson Rookie."

"Oh trust me, I will," He agrees with the Commander, equally enraged. "Those two stabbed me in the back, tossed me from my house and humiliated me in front of all of Canterlot. I will not be going easy on them!"

"That is exactly what I wanted to hear!" She tells with a sharklike grin on her face as she led him out of the armory, weapons now encased in an aura of magic.

"Now come on Rookie! To the dance floor!" She exclaimed in excitement.

Blueblood nodded and followed along his training resumed, except this time things were split between physical exercise with Hurricane who, as promised, taught him about the many different types of weapons in the world and the nature of combat, and regular etiquette and political lessons with Platinum and all sort of history lessons with Pudding Head who taught him about her adventures as a founder."

As the days went by, his abilities began to progress even further. Before he realized it, the Ronin was able to stand his ground against his teacher; his reactions were lighting fast. His counters were precise and lethal, and the moment he found out his weapon of choice, the sessions got even more intense and fastpaced. Yet the ex-prince was prepared for them, and just as Hurricane promised, his fighting style was complete.

That night, the prince rest soundly believed that he was ready to return home, yet the next morning the founders surprised him yet again with one final test before going back to Equestria.

"You want me to manufacture a completely new spell?!" Blueblood asked in astonishment as he stopped eating his breakfast with the founders of Equestria.

Platinum smiles and nods. "That is correct, dearie. Now that you have completed your introductory studies in politics and history, familiarize yourself with your latent magic. Not to mention having achieved a level of proficiency to be regarded as a master of hoof to hoof combat and your chosen weapon along with having learned how to wield a vast variety of weapons, it’s time to pass to the final test, to unlock the inner potential of your cutie mark per se."

"My cutie mark?" Blueblood repeated before taking a glance at the mark on the side of his flanks. "You mean that this is not just to show what a pony’s good at?"

"Technically speaking, yes, that is what it means, but I ask you; do you know or did anyone ever tell you what your specific talent was?"

Blueblood starts to think but can't remember a moment where either of his Aunts, Twilight or even the Cutie Mark Crusaders ever talked about his talent.

"No…I suppose I didn't. While I was in Ponyville, I was too focused on figuring out my situation. Then the Fort Knox incident happened, and afterward, there was the whole thing with the Masquerade party." Blueblood listed out to them before chuckling with some degree of embarrassment and a slight blush in his checks. "I suppose it just escaped my mind to ask."

"Ha, classic human mentality." Pudding Head chuckle as she shakes her head. "If a pony had said what you just did, everyone would be picking their jaws up off the ground from where they fell ."

"Is it really that big of a deal?" Blueblood asked them with a raised eyebrow.

"It doesn't matter, the important thing is that you have one and its damn time you knew what the hay it represents," Hurricane stated flatly.

"Well, what is it?"

"Look at it closely Blueblood tell me, what do you…?"

"…Nope! We are not doing this." Hurricane interrupted Platinum before looking at Blueblood. "It a guiding magic star, and it means that you can explore the concept of magic and venture into the unknown with it!" She explained.

"Well, …thanks for ruining my moment of fun, Hurricane." Platinum glared at her in annoyance.

"It’s a mark on one's flank! Why do you want to make a whole song and dance out of it? What's next? A complete opera and musical score for our tails?"

"Oh oh! Is it too late for me to audition?" Discord interjects, appearing from the teapot.

"Shut up Discord!" Both Platinum and Hurricane command him only for the three continue to bicker while Pudding Head addressed Blueblood who absorbed what he was just said.

"Explore the concept of magic itself? You mean, like Starlight and Twilight do?" Blueblood inquired though Pudding Head shook her head.

"Nope, those mares' specialty, is the knowledge and understanding of already known magic, what you have, is the capacity to invent brand new spells alongside discovering new forms and types of magic." She explained with a smile. "Isn't it great? You have a power that those two would kill to have."

"Wow, I mean that is too much." Blueblood mumbles, trying to absorb what they were saying.

"Well, you better get used it soon because that will be your final test," Hurricane tells him, bringing him back to reality.


"If you think those sons of mules that stripped you of your title will play fair, think again. Leeches and brats like those; they have no morals whatsoever, they know and will use every single trick in the book. Trust me, as much as you try to make them play fair, they will find some way to turn the tables against you and stack the deck again. They are like pests, and unless you bring out the big guns, they will just keep coming back." She explains. "And there is only one way to deal with cheaters like those."

"By making them regret cheating in the first place," Blueblood answered, remembering their lesson.

"Ata boy!" Hurricane encouraged, pleased with him listening. "And what is the best way to make them regret it? Using that ingenious brain of yours, and throwing something at them that no pony has ever seen before." Hurricane explained with a wicked grin.

"Hurricane, you are drooling" Platinum cleaned her up before looking at him. "And putting the crude language aside, what Hurricane said is the reason you need to do this. Honey, we can prepare you for any eventuality but at the end of the day, even without cheating Jet Set alone is a graduate from the most prestigious magic school in the land in addition to being a master swordspony. If you wish to defeat him, you will have to make use of your unique abilities."

Blueblood nodded and closed his eyes. "I understand, and it makes sense when you say it. No matter how much I train myself, the truth of the matter is that Jet has the experience in magic duels and combat that I lack with only one beneath my belt. The odds are really against me."

"Oh don't worry Bluey, you'll be fine!" Pudding Head tells him. "I'm sure that whatever new spell you show us when you are done will be spectacular!"

"Show you?" Blueblood looked at her with a quirked eyebrow.

"That is correct dear," Platinum answers, "We have trained and prepared your mind and body as best as we can, but this is your cutie mark we are talking about. It something extremely personal, something only you can explore and unlock by yourself."

"So I have to create a new spell all by myself?" He asks incredulously.

"Precisely! Oh don't worry, we are still here for you. But now we will focus on teaching you about Equestrian politics, warfare, culture, social costumes, and diplomacy. But that is it, everything else will be up to you."

Hurricane groaned and puts her hooves on her face. "I completely forgot about that, can't we just leave all that junk to Celestia and Luna instead and just focus on regular training?"

"You want to help him by being his test subject?" Platinum asked her with a flat expression.

"…Best of luck Rookie," Hurricane informs Blueblood while placing her hoof over his shoulder and then dashing away.

"Wait! How do I even start?" Blueblood calls out. Still perplexed by what they were asking for.

"Oh, we have that covered too" Pudding answered as she takes the dirty plates from the table and starts to leave the room. "Discord... modified our library, to contain any book you want to read. You think it, and it will instantly appear on a shelf nearby. You can look for clues there."

"It was my pleasure." Discord interjects with a chuckle and an overly exaggerated and elaborate bow

"But I still don't think I'm ready for this," Blueblood insists, a bit insecure.

"There is nothing to be afraid of dear." Platinum assured him though. "I'm sure you can do something spectacular. You just need to think about this problem like a human would." She suggested as she left the room too. "That is something the human race loves to do, right? Find a problem and then solve it with that brilliant mind of yours." She tells him, inflating his ego a little as her steps are lost in the hallway.

Like a human would Blueblood thought as his mind started to wander on what to do.

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