• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 44,763 Views, 5,477 Comments

The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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Will Of Stubborn Crowns (Edited By BS)

With creatures pounding at the entrance, threatening to break the doors open, the available earth ponies did their best to keep the sand monsters at bay while the unicorns and pegasi rushed to keep any new breaches from appearing.

Platinum watched all this unfold and felt her heart pounding a mile a minute. "They won't last for much longer. Are you not ready yet?!" She shouted desperately, turning to look at Sierra, who was working as fast as she could on a table while Rarity and Skystar did what they could to assist.

"It is almost done. I'm worried that I couldn't test it first, but, desperate times." Sierra answered, finishing welding what appeared to be a spherical gadget with a micro globe in the middle surrounded by three golden rings. Putting it on, she applied pressure on the frame until there was a satisfying 'click,' and the rings came to life, spinning around the globe at an incredible pace. The globe contained within began to shine with a ghostly blue light. Then it discharged a powerful wave of magic that soon covered the entire castle and blasted through the creatures turning them into fragile glass that broke apart and reduced to dust before the wind carried it away. Additionally, all the breaches within the area of effect began to close rapidly, sealing shut in a matter of moments.

Sighing in relief, the mares let go of a breath they didn't know they were holding and sat down as the gadget kept spinning until it broke.

"Well, that will have to do for now," Sierra commented as she took the now-broken bauble away and tossed it into a pile of broken inventions. "Let us pray that one lasts."

"Any word from the rest?" Platinum asked, looking at the group as Rarity shook her head

"Applejack and Sparrow are no longer answering since she told me about a giant sand monster breaking through the rooftop. Fluttershy's group is still ok since they keep sending the 'radio silence' code. As ironic as it sounds, that grassy field must be protecting them. Pinkie still has her hooves full with how many ponies keep appearing in the dreamscape and Blueblood..." She didn't have the heart to finish that sentence and looked away.

Getting the message, Platinum moved to sit with them and lowed her head in sorrow.

"He's still out there!" Sierra surprised them as they looked at her working on something new. "I know it."

"Sierra...Blueblood," Sky tried to reason, but Sierra shook her head in denial.

"You heard the transmission when AJ was cut off. There was no sound, but when it happened to Blueblood, we just caught static, which means it is still there, but the signal can't reach us...yet. I know he is ok. He wouldn't fall so easily."

Smiling, Rarity nodded. "She's right. That stallion is too stubborn to let this keep him down. So if we can't reach him, it is only a matter of boosting the signal."

Sky nodded hopefully and looked to Sierra. "How can we help?"

"You can work on doing what Rarity said while I..." She showed them what appeared to be a pocket watch showing the day and night cycles "...finish putting the Sky back to normal. That's what Blue asked me to do, and by Fenrir's teeth, I will finish it!" She then passed them a blueprint. "This is the original design I used when making those earpieces, and the central unit to receive all transmissions like the one I made for Sparrow, I would help you with it, but I know you all could get the basic idea down, right?"

The mares look at one another before smiling and nodding. "You got this, Sierra."

"Team Inventors on the move!" Rarity and Sky got to work as Platinum smiled at the display.

They are good mares. You have great taste in mates grand nephew.

Now more relaxed, Platinum stood up and headed to the door. "I will see how the guards are fairing and look for someone to bring you all some food while you are working, ladies." They didn't pay attention and only nodded as Platinum closed the door behind her.

Meanwhile, in the human universe

After Dash managed to catch up to them and explain everything they needed to know about the area they were heading to, Sunset's phone, and how to operate it. The two royals made their way inside the city mall, where a hoard of sandmen roamed the floors aimlessly like a pack of zombies or rested, becoming mounds of sand covering their sleeping victims.

As the two had a moment of silence, an eerie whisper began ringing in the prince's ear, which both confused and surprised him as he looked around for the source and turned to Nefertiti to see if she had heard it too.

...Nephew...help us... His eyes widened when he saw the ghostly image of his aunts and all the denizens of Equestria screaming and reaching out toward him as if to be rescued.

Shaking his head, the prince blinked and shook off the vision upon seeing everything back to normal. He tapped Nefi's shoulder to get her attention. "Come on. We need to keep moving."

Nodding once, Nefi followed his lead, and the two snuck around using the second floor and large public decorations to hide and skulk around. The two got more used to their new bodies by the minute. After finding the first portal and repeating the actions he took in Equestria, The two were relieved to see how the elements were still working the same as before, and one beam of light was enough to close the portal and reduce all the creatures readily visible into normal sand.

After repeating the process several more times, the two found themselves traversing through an empty hallway as they looked for the remaining portal using the map function on the cell phone.

With the tense silence and after glancing at Blueblood, who seemed as distressed as her, Nefi couldn't hold it anymore and, with a sigh, stopped in the middle of the hallway. "Wait."

Her voice wasn't loud, but it was enough with how quiet the place was. Certainly enough to catch the prince's attention, who looked at her but not before taking three steps forward. "What is it?"

"We need to talk."

"Really? Right now?"

"Yes, right now!" Frustrated, she snapped, "We need to form our plan, and I'm sure you are thinking the same thing. Look at us, Blueblood. We went from commanding our kingdoms and armies to volunteering to do errands. Are you ok with this? Doesn't this bother you?"

"Of course it does, but what else can we do, Nefi? As much as I hate to admit it, Sunset is right. We know nothing of this world. We have no magic, no authority, and even the act of walking takes time and consideration. Plus, I thought this was what you wanted. For us to see this as an obstacle and find a solution? Maybe it is not what we had in mind, but it is something at the very least."

"That was just us compromising, and we both knew it wouldn't be the end. Especially with you, not with how this involves your family."

Her comments caught his attention as he remembered the situation with his aunts and his promise to Princess Luna.

"I know what we said and agreed on, but...it feels wrong just leaving things like this. I keep having this sensation that we are being led around by the nose. Just like our families used to do with us." Nefi hugged herself and looked away.

Blueblood looked down and sighed in frustration. "I know the feeling, and trust me. I'm with you 100%. Every fiber of my being wants to go to that island and save my family right now! But, Nefi, we need to face the music. We lost all of our powers. There is nothing else we can do as it is."

A slight gleam of the swords caught Nefertiti's attention and gave her an idea. "I wouldn't say we've lost all of them." She reminded him by pointing at the blades, gaining the attention of Blueblood.

"The elements? Nefi, what are you implying?"

"It's clear you still have a connection to them, and they told us how magic exists here but works differently, so why don't we make the most of it and find a way to be more helpful? Think about it, Blueblood. Didn't Twilight Sparkle tell you about this place? Isn't there something we could use? According to her stories, she often visits."

Blueblood was still unsure as he gazed into his reflection on the swords flat until Nefi touched his shoulder. "We already agree on an adventure into uncharted territory anyway. What difference would breaking one or two more rules make at this point?"

He thought about and recalled the promise he made to them and his aunt before ultimately nodding. "You're right, Nefi. Just because we want to help the girls doesn't mean we are just going to wait for someone else to tell us what to do." He smiled and nodded at her, brimming with determination. "And regarding your question, I think I remember a theory Twilight once told me about."

He looked around until he noticed the sports section in the mall. "There," He pointed and guided her inside the place. "According to her, in this world, magic exists and can be wielded by anyone, but it needs a physical medium to work, like a piece of cloth, a weapon like my swords, or the pendants that the elements have. She also mentioned an incident in which her counterpart accidentally enchanted a pendant, so it absorbed magic through contact. If that is possible, logic dictates that the opposite can be done too, and luckily we have a type of magic that has no issue being shared."

"Now we are talking! That way, they would not have any choice but to let us tag along! Blueblood, you are a genius! I can't wait for that arrogant mare to see us after our little makeover."

He stopped once he spotted what he was looking for- a pair of climbing gloves. "These would do," He instructed and drew out Llamrei. "Pick a pair that you like."

"Ok, I love the idea, but I would change one little thing" She slowly looked back and stared at a jewelry store outside until Blueblood cleared his throat.

"This is still technically stealing Nefi. That is why I picked the sports store, for practicality. I think a pair of gloves would be easier to reimburse for than jewelry." He pointed out with a forced smile. "that reminds me" He ripped an advertisement flyer and pasted it down on the counter before quickly retrieving a pen, leaving a note stating to charge the gloves to Sunset and her phone number, "There. So I can pay for it later."

"Oh, but Bluey! Come on!"


"Oh, ok! But you owe me a nice necklace once we return to Equestria."

"Deal" He smiled naturally and nodded as she went and started looking for a pair to pick.

Finding a set colored white and red with black on the palm, she tried them on and extended her palms to admire them better. "Hmm, they are not like any other gloves I have tried on before, but they are surprisingly comfy." Satisfied with her choice, she made a fist and extended her arms at Blueblood. "Ok, I'm ready, do your thing."

"Have you taken leave of your senses? I won't blast you with the elements at point-blank range!"

"Why not? Sure, they banished ancient evils in the past but as ironic as it sounds and where they are now. The elements are not weapons." She reminded him. "You wouldn't hurt me unless that is what you intended. Do you want that?"

"Of course not!"

"Then there is nothing to worry about! Just fire away." she extended her fist at him once again.

"Hmm, ok, but I'll be careful. I'm still learning, and the last thing I want is to turn you into stone or give you a shock." Convinced, Blueblood raised his sword and aimed it at her fist, the tip of his weapon starting to shine.

Focusing on that light. The prince watched as a tiny thread of rainbow light extended that split into two and gently touched the gloves, causing them to glow with a deep gold color and emit a soothing warmth.

Nefi shivered happily at the sensation and had difficulty keeping her hands still. "No wonder Equestria wanted to keep elements for themselves. It tingles," She confessed with a surprised though contented giggle.

Happy by the results, the prince poured out the magic a little faster, intrigued and surprised when he noticed the gloves morph and extend, beginning to look more like a pair of gauntlets before returning to normal. Sighing in exhaustion, Blueblood almost dropped Llamrei and chuckled as Nefi admired her new weapons. They all share a brief laugh at their small victory until the sound of a trash can being tossed, followed by a female scream, surprised them.

Exchanging glances, they nod and exit the store, following the noise, trying to keep to the shadows until they found the source and saw a small group of people trying to escape from a horde of monsters chasing after them on the floor below.

"They are in trouble."

"Wait!" Nefi stopped him and pointed to the portal. "That breach is about to spawn more, and those four alerted the hive. You take care of that." She then raised her newly enchanted gloves. " and I help them out."


"And before you say that, I have to study unicorn magic. I have a rough concept of how it works. Trust me. We Abyssinians are notoriously quick learners."

The prince nodded, and with a mixture of trust and curiosity about how her magic would manifest, he decided to follow her plan as they split to their respective tasks.

As that happened, the escaping group was making their way to the second floor, trying to lose their pursuers, until one of them tripped and fell to the ground. Raising his head, he saw how the remaining three kept running.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Come save me," He half pleaded, half demanded, yet the woman only smirked, looking back at him.

"Survival of the fittest, honey! Be a doll and buy us some time." The woman with long poofy orange hair called out as the others laughed and headed to the second floor only to discover another swarm of creatures waiting for them.

In shock, she tried to stop, but the other two pushed her forward and into the arms of one of the creatures. In anger and fear, the woman grabbed her closest friend's hand and dragged her in. This one sporting long purple hair arranged in two ponytails. With only one woman with long blue hair set in a single ponytail remaining, she quickly ran down the stairs before another monster could grab her until she tripped and she landed on the boy they had left behind.

They didn't have time to argue with each other as they were quickly surrounded and could only hug the other in fear as their fate seemed sealed. Suddenly a golden flash spread through the sand, and the monsters looked up to see a descending Nefertiti covered in golden electricity that coalesced in her arms and discharged in the form of massive claws around her hands.

Slamming into the ground, she created an electromagnetic wave that destroyed most of the monsters before she got up and channeled the energy into her feet before a white flash burst forth, making it seem like she didn't move, but only for a moment before a barrage of images of the brawler appeared obliterating a monster with each still image before any of them could touch her or the two she was guarding.

"Oh, WOW! By Bastet, talk about a rush of adrenaline! Bluey, you are so getting a kiss for this present." Nefi said to no one in particular as her electricity receded into her gauntlets, then gloves while she admired their transformation process. Soon the remaining monsters that were moving to attack turned into sand, and the prince waved at her from the end of the hallway with a thumbs up. She, in turn, winked and blew him a kiss before turning to the survivors.

"Are you two ok?" She asked with concern but froze the second she spotted something familiar.

Once they had calmed down enough, the young man didn't waste time and angrily pushed the woman away and tried to pat down his hair as it stood up from a bit of wayward static. "Unhand me, you two-timing snake! You left me to die!" He complained as he slowly stood up. The teenager in question seemed to be the same age as Blueblood and was wearing a complete set of expensive designer clothes, including high-class running shoes, fashionable jeans, a gray, slightly puffy sweatshirt with a familiar compass rose on its back, and a pair of big headphones on the neck. His skin was white, and he had a mop of long golden hair.

"Considering the complete and utter pain in the ass you have been these past weeks, you should consider yourself lucky we didn't just throw you at them from the third floor," The teenage girl shouted back, standing up and pointing at the boy. She is between 14 and 16 as well. Her skin was blue, her hair was long and arranged in a single ponytail with two tones of blue, and she wore an ensemble of pink clothes, a formal dark pink jacket, a pink mini skirt, long pink boots, and a pink wristband with spikes on it.

The two would have continued arguing if not for the woman's eyes suddenly widening, and she looked back to the other two lay buried. "Adagio, Aria!" She tried to rush to their aid, but Nefi grabbed her wrist.

"Forget them, miss, I'm sorry, but they're gone," She explained sorrowfully. The unnamed teen struggled momentarily before letting out a keening wail and collapsing to the floor as Nefi tried to console her. "It's ok. We are working on a way to save everyone. You will see them again, miss...?"

"...Sonata," She finally replies


She cleans her eyes and looks at the princess. "My name...is Sonata. Thanks for saving me."

"It was nothing..." Nefi smiled but then is interrupted by the rude young man

"Serves them right. That is what they got for abandoning a prestigious honor student." The teenage boy snarked, earning a glare from the woman. "As for you." He turns to Nefi.

"I have no idea who you are, but you are late. A rescue team should have been here days ago! No matter, drop the peasant and let us leave this hell hole. I imagine you had a limousine ready?"

"Blue...Blood?" Nefi repeated, still not believing what she saw and having her hands full, preventing Sonata from strangling the rude teen.

"I'm coming!" Blueblood replied, rushing toward the group

"How are they? Is everyone fine?" He asked, concerned until he managed to take a good look at the humans and stopped. The two boys stared at each other in shock as the prince found himself looking at a slightly shorter and skinnier version of himself with better clothes.

"Oh please, merciful Faust, no! Please no! NOOOOO! " The woman Nefi held was frozen at the sight before her. "There are TWO Bluebloods now?! I'm officially in hell."

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