• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Pressing Matters (Edited by BS)

After cleaning himself and being presentable again, Blueblood met with the rest of the group in the lobby. Cadence was kind enough to gather everyone as soon as he woke up.

After the initial greetings and picking something to eat, everyone started bringing Blueblood up to speed on what had happened in the sky and the world in brief.

"The entire world...is asleep?" Blueblood repeated, shocked as Cadence nodded.

"Or at least that is our best guess. Soon after you petrified Desire, all of the guards in the hotel snapped out of her control. They didn't waste any time before starting some damage control, calming everyone down and making sure that everyone was ok" She extended her wing to the four elements who still refused to make eye contact with Blueblood and instead kept their gazes firmly on the ground. Something that hasn't changed ever since they first saw him awake. All minus Pinkie, who still squeezed and hugged him once she saw he was alright but was somehow less energetic than usual.

Cadence waited for them to speak, but all four mares remained silent, making things tense and awkward. Rarity even copied Fluttershy and put all her mane in front of her face and refused to let anyone see her.

"Ah…T-thanks to AJ and the rest, we managed to return things to some level of control, and luckily, nobody was injured." The Princess of Love resumed once she realized that they would not speak.

"At first, things went smoothly with the guests mostly being shaken up and a bit drowsy after waking up from their trance." Skystar continued. "But then when a group of guards came back from scouting the perimeter, we discovered that all the citizens of Las Pegasus were soundly asleep, in their homes or littering the streets inside giant flower petals."

"We concluded that this is happening worldwide. When we couldn't communicate with our homes, and a team that we sent ahead to scout out further returned with news that the same was happening to our nations." Hestia added, "Whatever that weed did, it has placed all the world in a deep sleep Blueblood. We were spared because Desire put us in the epicenter of all this mess."

"If it was a spell, it is exceptionally potent to override our aunt's subconscious desire to move their celestial bodies." Cadence pointed up into the sky, where it was both day and night. "With things being tense as they were and not wanting to cause any panic or move too much until we had a plan, we fortified and turned the Rose Palace into an improvised base and began to plan accordingly."

"The first one is using the elements," Bicep interjects before looking at the still embarrassed mares in the room. "Put plainly, use the same logic used to reform Discord. Let Desire out, demand some answers and cooperation, in exchange for negotiating the terms of her sentence and reducing it, but unfortunately."

He stopped wanting to see if any of the mares replied as Pinkie looked around, caught off guard.

"Oh me? Yeah, we can't use the elements since we are not all present at the moment." the pink Mare finally explained, with the other three nodding in agreement. "And we tried more than once too!"

"And since two of them are out, the school of friendship is covered in weed, and of course…how Desire was turned in the first place." Pharynx listed before pointing at Blueblood. "It looks like you are the only one that can free that overgrown flower" Taking a glance at Llamrei, the Prince saw how his sword was still shining. Briefly, a low purple glow reminded him how he still had Twilight's magic inside him.

"But that doesn't make any sense" Blueblood looked back at the group, specifically at the four mares. "The elements are not exactly a system that requires six participants, and they can aid others if the need arises. Like when they helped my Aunt Celestia when Aunt Luna…well, when that happened, or how you got the elements in the first place. I'm living proof that only one pony can wield them in an emergency. Why is it now putting conditions on their use?"

Pinkie shrugged and shook her head while the others remained quiet, much to Cadence's disappointment, who decided to answer for them again. "The elements are a mysterious and unusual force, Blueblood. Nobody has ever fully understood how they work, and to this day, they were only gathered once before. Perhaps the elements themselves have grown and become wiser over time. Maybe Twilight was closer to understanding them. Who knows? But as things are now, you are the appointed wielder."

Blueblood glanced at his swords before looking at the four mares once more. "No, that can't be right. I don't even know how to use them. When I fought Desire, everything happened so fast. I was mostly moving on instinct and adrenaline, and by the time I managed to calm down, Desire was already turning to stone. I'm not sure how I sealed her in the first place or even if I can release her the same way. Heck, I'm not even technically the wielder. Twilight is. She only lent me some of her magic, so the elements probably thought I was her." He then came up with an idea and lifted his sword with both hooves, presenting it to the remaining elements. "Maybe it's the sword! Here I can lend you Llamrei so you can channel the magic, and then..."

He extended and offered the weapon, but the mares finally reacted and, while flinching, took a step back, much to his confusion and Cadence's annoyance.

"That's not how it works, partner!" AJ quickly said, lifting her hooves in a placating gesture.

Once he retracted the sword, she sighed and tapped her head. "That varmint Desire did a number on our noggins."

The others, including Pinkie, agreed, "We might not know much, we know this to use the elements, you need to concentrate and stay calm, and right now, that is something we can't do."

"Oh." The realization hit the Prince like a sack full of bricks, finally getting her point. So scared and confused he was when Cadence showed him the sky, he overlooked how his friends were probably dying from embarrassment. Heck, if he weren't so concerned for others, he would be in the same booth with them to a degree. He confessed of being a human and finding the woman of every species attractive to the four winds.

And I'm asking for their help as if nothing happened, ignoring their feelings completely. Dear God, am I an asshole.

Putting his sword away, he sighed and looked down. "But I don't even know how to use them."

Seeing him down, Cadence eyed Blueblood with concern before glancing at the four mares, silently pleading with them to say something.

Looking at him in distress, Fluttershy reacted and said, "We can teach you."

That earns the attention of everyone. "I-I mean, it's not that hard, right? Twilight taught us how to free and re-seal Discord in one morning."

"Oh yeah, I remember that." Pinkie brought her hoof to her chin.

"You are right, Fluttershy, Don't worry, partner. Twilight told us more or less how to harness them." AJ spoke up. "And Fluttershy is right. The trick is nothing out of the ordinary, we can teach you how it works in less than an hour, and if that doesn't work, m-maybe we could." She swallowed the lump in her throat and looked away with a blush. Making Cadence sigh in irritation as AJ continued, "m-maybe try together with our pieces," The farmer finally managed to say, making Blueblood feel bad as he knew how much she was struggling to keep a straight face.

"Thanks, Applejack" The Prince suddenly noticed the absence of a particular spirit of chaos in the room. "Hey, wait, what about Discord? Where is he anyway? I remember seeing him next to you, Candy" He turned to Cadence. "Why not ask him? As ironic as this might sound, he is the safer option."

Cadence shook her head and stared down, lamenting much to the Prince's dread. "Perhaps he might, but we haven't seen or heard anything from him ever since I begged him to help my Shiny it the Crystal Empire, which was most likely where Desire struck first, which he agreed to do after making a gardener joke, summoning a landscapers uniform complete with a weed wacker and poofed away. I still hope everything is fine, and he merely has his hands full. I mean, his sister is supposed to be as strong as he is and was at the moment with how much desire and want she hoarded, so he is probably dealing with a very stubborn sentient weed or a spell even he can't just poof away or something like that." She weakly chuckled before her concern turned into a glare. "Because if I find out, he fixes things right away and just left when everyone fell asleep...I swear I will hunt him down to the ends of the world if I have to, and I…!"

"Cadence," Blueblood stopped her and grabbed her left forehoof in an attempt to calm her down. "Everything will be fine, Discord might be a prankster, but even he knows when a joke goes too far, he won't do that."

"Yeah, Discord might be unpredictable and loves to joke, but his days of being mean are way behind him. He would never harm his friends like that." Fluttershy defended as well. "I trust him fully."

Thanking them both, she complied and nodded with a heavy sigh before starting some breathing exercises.

"Anyway, so Discord is a no-go," Blueblood sighed in frustration. "I would have preferred another way, but you are right. My swords are the next and probably the only option left. After Desire spoke with me while I was asleep and told me she wanted to help."

"What?" Everyone questioned him in complete shock as he nodded once

"Better hold to your seats, everyone, because I too have one heck of a story to tell." He glanced at AJ and remembered her advice, and then regarded the group, doing his best to gauge their mood. "It will probably be best if this doesn't leave this room."

Everyone started looking at one another with mixed emotions before looking at Blueblood.

"How are you sure that happened, and it wasn't a dream?" Prince Bicep voiced what the various royals were thinking as they nodded in agreement.

"I was counting on Discord backing me up once I mentioned his other sister's name, but for now, I can only ask you to trust me or at the very least give me the benefit of the doubt until Desire corroborates my story."

His words weren't enough to convince the group entirely, but Cadence chose that moment to step up before things could get out of hand. "I'll believe you no matter what you tell us, Bluey."

Everyone looked at her as she smiled at her cousin. " We have a dealt with crazier things in the past, and everyone here already had the misfortune of meeting another member of Discord's family. Plus, there is the fact that you woke up while everyone else is still dreaming. That makes me believe you didn't get trapped or even went to sleep per se."

That helped improve the mood a little as Blueblood nodded and smiled at Cadence. "Thanks, cousin, and don't worry, since we are already planning on releasing Desire anyway, I'm sure she will vouch for me the second she gets free."

And so the next hour was spent with Blueblood trying to explain how Discord belonged to a group comprised of seven siblings that, to his good fortune, were confirmed to exist with myths and legends that the other rulers knew and matched the descriptions he gave. How the seventh one got trapped in a mighty cage for over a millennium, and the actions of Desire allowed for them to interact and convince Desire to lend a hand too. As she, too, missed her sibling.

By the end of the explanation, everyone in front of Blueblood stood deep in thought, weighing the pros and cons of aiding this new sibling, believing his story, and mostly thinking about if they should intervene.

"Are you sure it will be wise to help that spirit escape? What if she was put in prison for a reason? Maybe she was even worse than Discord." Pharynx questioned.

"Even if that is the case, her powers are severely diminished, and she has more than paid for crimes, if there were any. Plus, it could be beneficial, having not one but two of endless owing us a favor, don't you think?"

That caught everyone's attention. "If even Discord, the spirit of misfortune and chaos, keeps his word. His siblings, who operate on more logical premises, would be far easier to negotiate with, don't you think? I'm aware that this is a cheap tactic, and I would rather not use it, but if it helps you put your mind at ease, then we could use this opportunity to show our families that we mean our intentions and have the drive and power to achieve goals they could only dream off."

They pondered his words and ultimately agreed, liking the idea of a spirit owning them a favor and officially forming the Society of Heirs.

With that out of the way, the meeting was concluded, and everyone went their separate ways to relax and prepare mentally before Blueblood tried his hoof at releasing Desire.

After asking him to wait for them in one of the indoor gardens, the four mares of harmony were chatting in a waiting room, calming their nerves before seeing the Prince once more. Still, their conversation stopped when Cadence marched into the room.

"Girls," Cadence announced, getting their attention, "A moment please?" She suggested, but her neutral expression and authority in her voice gave the elements the idea that she wasn't exactly asking them for permission as she sat on a sofa in front of them.

"Princess, I don't think…." AJ began, but the Princess lifted one of her hoofs to stop the farmer.

"I'm not here to shame, judge or order you around. I'm only here for some answers." Cadence took a deep breath before addressing them calmly. "Contrary to what others may think, I'm not a pure and innocent princess. I know what lust is, I know how it is a normal part of what love represents, and most importantly, right now, I know the difference between that and real affection."

They all look at the ground feeling particularly uncomfortable about the subject. "Oh, for the love of my aunt! Enough with the pity party already." she angrily stomped her hoof. "Yes, it was embarrassing. Yes, Desire exposed your primal wishes, and yes, it is hard to move on. But we are all grown mares, can't we…?"

"Is not that simple, princess!" AJ snapped back with a glare and an intense blush. "You wouldn't understand. We didn't just spill the beans. When we became that…thing, our heads merged."

"The things I saw," Rarity shivered. "There are things friends shouldn't know about each other. And even less so suddenly," She held her head in embarrassment. "Princess, I know you are trying to help, but Applejack is right. This is more complicated than a personal confession when our emotions combine, even if we try to focus only on one thing. I don't even know if what we are feeling right now is us or what was left over from that unstable stalker."

"Yeah, I mean, I, really, REALLY liked Bluey before, but after Desire and Scarlet made us combine with them. I'm not sure if all those 'really's are' are completely mine," Pinkie continued.

Taking a glance, the Princess noticed how Fluttershy remained quiet and kept staring at the ground. Cadence knew from experience that she needed to step lightly here. One wrong move, and the shy pegasus would only retreat further into herself and start speaking barely audible gibberish.

With a tired sigh, she closed her eyes and nodded a couple of times. "You are right, and I apologize. I wouldn't understand what that would feel like. I wasn't there, and that is all the more reason for why this needs to be talked out."

The girls look at her in curiosity. "As I say, I'm not here to judge. It is natural. It is a part of life, and if treated correctly. It can be a beautiful part."

She smiled calmly at them. "I can detect when someone influences another's emotions, and what's more, I can dispel any magic that might be at work on tampering with them." She pointed at her horn. "So if you would permit me? Allow me to purge any residual manipulations that might still be there. I promise that whatever is left would be you and only you," She offered to extend a hoof at them.

They all exchanged glances and thought about it until Rarity spoke, "And…you would be ok with us talking about 'that' with you?"

Cadence smiled and nodded once. "Come on, girls, none of us here are soulless golems. We are ponies! Living beings that breathe, eat, and of course have urges!"

She took a glance at Rarity. "Some more than others"

"Wha? NO! Pr-Princess, what I meant back then…! I didn't…that wasn't!… It was literal, literal!" Rarity stumbled with her words, shaking her head rapidly, "I didn't sleep with him, not like that." She kept defending herself with a tomato-red face.

The group of mares couldn't help but laugh a little at her reaction, and after a while, Rarity joined in with a chuckle of her own, lighting the mood.

"Anyway, my point is that Desire messed with your heads. She made you think in a way you would normally never do. And like Pinkie said, now you are unsure if what you are feeling is real or just the emotions of a stalker. So now that my cousin is back, we can all clear the air and put all of our heads back in order, including his."

Their eyes widened at the suggestion, but before anyone could protest, she raised an eyebrow. "He is just as much of a victim as you four were. All during the fight, he only wanted to accept your feelings but didn't know if they were yours or Scarlet's." She explained while her ears pulled back flat on her head in pity. "Do you not think he deserves some answers too? Now more than ever with how vulnerable he is at the moment?"

She stood up and approached a wall window looking over the garden where Blueblood sat on a bench waiting for them.

"So much so that others might step up to console him if you take too long?"

The sudden comment catches their attention as they rush to her side and look in horror at how the princesses Sierra, Nefertiti, and Skystar surrounded the Prince and tried to calm him down while at the same time, he talked to them about his problems.

"W-What are they doing?" AJ commented feeling angry and envious and not understanding why.

"What you should have done from the start. Talk with him and clear the air." Cadence eyed the mares before approaching the door. "I'm not going to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. You are getting jealous over nothing. Just know that if you decide to continue like this and if you refuse to talk, know that they will, and eventually, there will be something, and by the time that happens, you will no longer be a part of it."

With that, Cadence left, leaving the mares frozen in place, glancing between the door and the window where Blueblood was still chatting with the other princesses. Things became tenser as their eyes focused on Nefertiti and Sierra, who were beginning to get overly familiar and touchy with Blueblood with him, not realizing or perhaps not caring.

"Garsh darn it! She is right!" AJ finally yelled and rushed to the door looking for Cadence to accept her offer. The other mares quickly nodded in agreement and went after her. None of them realized how what they saw was an illusion cast by Cadence.

By the time they reached the garden, the other Princesses were gone, and only Cadence and Blueblood remained, rather than questioning their disappearance. AJ decided to take advantage of their absence and get straight to the point.

"Sugarcube, I know this is hardly the time to talk about it, but with how problems seem to keep piling up, we might as well get this out in the open already," AJ started with some heat in her cheeks, refusing to make eye contact with Blueblood giving him all the clues he needed for where this was heading, especially with how Rarity and Fluttershy were in a similar position and Pinkie continued to be the more relaxed yet not as upbeat as usual.

"I think I understand what you are saying." Blueblood nodded and stopped to turn and look at the four mares. "And you don't need to say anything, girls, what happened with Desire, wasn't you…It was, but it wasn't you or your fault and…."

"No, darling, we certainly need to discuss this." Rarity interrupted him stomping the floor. "Manipulated or not, we bared our souls and spoke our minds without a filter!" She got agitated with a big blush on her face. Even Pinkie began to blush at the memory. "Do you have any idea how embarrassing was that? To yell to the four winds our deepest desires like that…that…ruffian made us do?"

"We know you want to spare our feelings, Blue." Fluttershy shyly approached, hiding her face in her mane. "And we are touched. You don't want us to feel uncomfortable, but if we don't talk about what happened, it…it would only make things worse." She looked away in fear. "I don't want us to live with this tension between us…not again." She barely whispered the last part primarily to herself as the rest of the girls stayed quiet.

Not sure what to do, Blueblood looked to Cadence for help, though she only shook her head. "I can't tell you what to do, cousin. If you want my advice? then the only thing I will ask you: What is your heart telling you to do?"

After staying silent for a minute and observing how the girls kept staring at the ground or Pinkie waiting for his answer, he finally sighed and looked back at Cadence. "I want you to be here too, Candy. There are subjects to discuss that are long overdue…for all of us."

That caught the girl's attention as Cadence smiled in pride at Blueblood as he continued. "And I can't think of anyone better to help than the princess of love."

Nodding once, she put her hoof on his back and nodded. "I will be right by your side, Bluey."

"Thank you, let's go find a more private place then; I don't want anyone to hear us."

"Agreed," All the mares replied in unison.

"In that case, why don't we head to…?" AJ began but was interrupted

"Prince Blueblood, a moment, please" A pegasus royal guard with black fur and red mane landed and started to remove his helmet. with the armor clasped firmly to his intricately decorated chest plate, the guard flew towards them and saluted

"Oh, for the love of…!" AJ contained her frustration and took a deep breath before letting the stallion speak.

"Captain Black Sparrow, acting captain of the all available royal guard and I suppose pony in charge of Equestria during your absence."

"Pony in charge? But what about Cadence?" Blueblood turned to Cadence, who immediately shook her head

"I can no longer be placed in charge, Bluey. When I was crowned the new Princess of the Crystal Empire, I abdicated my seat in Equestrian hierarchy and became no more than a foreign dignitary, an ambassador if you will."

"Correct," Sparrow nodded in affirmation. "And with Princess Celestia, Luna and Twilight indisposed, the next royal in the line of succession is you, sir. For better or worse, you ARE the ipso facto new ruler of Equestria, which brings me to a subject that I need to brief you on in private"

"I can't believe it, Ruler of Equestria…me? Oh boy, this…this is happening too fast, so many things are happening at once" Having difficulty breathing, Blueblood needs to kneel for a moment with the mares around him trying to help him relax.

"Could you please give the poor stallion some room?" AJ glared at Captain Sparrow, "The poor fellow is already under a lot of stress as it is, and now you come here and drop that bomb on him too! Geez, sugar cube, read the room!"

" I apologize for putting this on your shoulders so suddenly, your highness, but this is important and needs to be discussed as soon as possible."

"I…I get it." Blueblood nodded once and gently pushed the mares away as he looked at the captain.

"This must be of great urgency if it can't wait."

"Actually it can if you really need a moment, but it would be best if discuss as fast as possible"

"In that case could you let me process this briefly before? I will be with you right after."

"Understood," Sparrow acknowledged his Prince with a salute, "Whenever you are ready, I will be with my platoon in the meeting room, east of the building." And with that, he turned around crisply, donned his helmet, and flew away.

"Well…that just happened. The planet is asleep, fate is asking me for help, only I can wake up the manifestation of Desire, and top it off, I just now discovered that I'm also in charge of Equestria, and it's not even noon yet." Blueblood could only chuckle at himself and hold his head in an attempt to relax before looking at his friends. "Mondays, Am I right?"

"Are you ok, sugar cube?" AJ tried to approach him with the rest of the mares, more than concerned about how he was laughing.

"Who me? Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine, just having a tiny and not concerning case of hyperventilation. I am probably teetering on the edge of having a nervous meltdown, though. " He replied between chuckles, increasing their concern as he stood up. "Nothing worth considering! Welp! Since my day is full, better start working before somebody tells me the moon is falling out of the sky!" He tries to leave, but the mares will having none of that as they all hugged him tightly.

"Ok, I heard enough. Take it from an expert. You are in no way ready to deal with anything right now."

"But what about Desire and saving the world?" Blueblood argued

"Can and WILL wait, darling. This is not up for discussion. You are taking a break, and that is final, darling!" Rarity ordered with finality.

"That goes double from me, cousin. So you better accept your fate."

"But Equus needs me! The planet is in distress, and from the look of things I…."

"Please, Blueblood," Fluttershy stared at him with pleading eyes and a nervous smile. "No matter what this mess is, we will deal with it together, slow and steady." She extended a hoof at him. "We don't need to rush anything, so please listen to us. Let us help you relax."

Getting lost in her eyes, the Prince couldn't think of a rebuttal and finally sighed in surrender "…ok, you win, one last break, but then it's back to work."

"Yay," Pinkie tightened the group hug. "I know exactly what you need. We will need Rarity's fainting sofa, a milkshake, and a bunch of butterflies."

"What?" Blueblood looked at her, confused by that strange list.

"Trust me, Bluey, you are going to love it! Be right back," And with that, the pink Mare vanished, leaving behind a perplexed Prince blinking as the mares refused to let him go.

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