• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Of Bites And Might (RB and BS)

"Alright, your highness, open wide," Doctor Caliber instructed Blueblood as he checked his throat and teeth using a small pallet and a flashlight.

Following her aunt's wishes, and right after getting a mane and fur cut to take care of his hair issue, the Prince went straight away to Dr. Caliber. After he had run through series of medical examinations, ranging from X-Rays to fluid samples, to an in-depth physical exam; no test was left out to make sure there were not any lingering abnormalities leftover from his transformation into a pony of shadows.

"How many more of these tests are needed, Doctor? I told you, the founders and I explored the extent of Blood Moon's powers using Discord's tricks with bending time and space. Other than the fur nothing else happened; there should be nothing to fear."

"Please bear with me just a little bit longer your highness. After all, you are the first pony in recorded history who managed to become a pony of shadow and retain full mental control in the process, a feat, not even your aunt managed to achieve. It would be wise to be sure there weren't any adverse side effects in doing so."

"Come on. My dusk form is nothing that impressive! I think the only reason I kept myself in control is because my full power in that form is just about a tenth of what my aunt was capable of doing."

"Really?" Caliber asked disbelievingly, honestly impressed as Blueblood nodded in confirmation.

"Blood Moon might be A nightmare, but my aunt Luna is THE nightmare."

"...Regardless, it's better to be safe than sorry. Answer me this, your highness. Which one of the founders, or Discord for that matter, has a Ph.D. in modern medicine?" the Doctor queried with a raised eyebrow.

"…None," the Prince responded, looking down.

"That is what I thought. Don't worry, this is the final one, and I just want to see your throat, now if you please..." He lifted his instrument as the Prince only sighed in defeat and complied.

The Doctor's eyes widened, and he started once he got a good look into the Prince's mouth, confusing Blueblood. "Is there a problem?"

"Keep your mouth open please," Caliber answered tersely before proceeding with the examination, playing close attention to his teeth for some reason until the Doctor finished and backed away.

"Are you a part-time dentist as well, Doctor?" the Prince half-joked until he saw Caliber furiously writing something down on the Prince's charts.

"Seriously Doc, what is the matter? Did you find anything bad?"

"Before I answer, I have one last question for you," Caliber then went to his desk and returned with a big red candy rock been carried on one of his wings. "Could you do me the favor of lightly biting down on this candy?"


"Trust me, it will be easier to explain this way, and it will test a theory of mine."

Blueblood shrugged and decided to comply, lightly biting the candy until it shattered and broke with ease. Just as the Prince suspected, it was strawberry flavor, and he couldn't detect any hit of medicine in it. It was nothing more than a particularly tasty and sweet treat, so he decided to close his eyes to enjoy the sweet as he took another bite, completely missing the dumbfounded expression that Caliber was making at the actions taken.

"A bit fragile but delicious! Can I have another one for the road after were done?" He asked, looking back at the Doctor, who was looking for something back in the desk. "Dr. Caliber?" The Prince inquired, getting confused by how the pony was acting.

"Hmmm? Oh sure, no problem, ah! Here it is" Caliber muttered mostly to himself as he pulls out an X-Ray of a dragon's mouth. "Yep, just as I suspected."

"What is it, doc?"

"Your highness, I will be honest with you." He put the X-Ray on his charts and approached the Prince. "After looking at your results and comparing them with your last check-up, I have a fairly comprehensive catalog of all the changes your body underwent from the transformation and yes…there were more to it than just your fur." the Doctor held up a hoof, stopping Blueblood before he could voice his opinion.

"Like what?" the Prince inquired, confused.

"Well... the majority of them are nothing to worry about, for the most part. You had a growth spurt of two inches, your muscle mass has radically increased, your horn is three-point-four inches longer, and your magic mana count has tripled, so other than the horn elongation, nothing seems out of the ordinary for a healthy adult stallion who performed some extensive exercise for a long period."

"See? I told…"

"…however," Caliber continued interrupting the Prince. "There one additional change that your body seems to have retained from your 'dusk form' as you call it." He placed two films on a frame and turned on the lights so they can both see the X-Rays

"Prince Blueblood I'm not exactly sure how to say this but…you now have four prominent fangs in your mouth. Very similar to the ones a dragon should have," Caliber explained using a pen as a pointer to indicate the Prince's new teeth and the teeth of the dragon X-ray beside the princes own. Blueblood could indeed see that both had four prominent incisors in the same places. "Additionally, though this is too early to tell if it's permanent or not, it appears that you have acquired the necessary attributes to have an omnivorous diet." the Doctor informed giving him the X-Ray so he can have a closer look.

"Wait, the fangs stayed there?" Blueblood questioned in surprise, admiring the X-Ray before looking at himself in a nearby mirror, which confirmed that in fact, four frontal fangs stand up from the rest of his teeth. "O…k, that's one change I didn't expect to keep," he muttered in surprise before licking them for good measure and then chuckled lightly. "You know, I saw the images, and I read the story, but I swear for the life of me. I still don't understand why Nightmare Moon had them in the first place," he confessed, looking at Caliber. "Perhaps they didn't serve any purpose, and were just an esthetic curiosity?"

"Sir, didn't you hear me? Your digestive system may have a permanent alteration as well; you could have developed some new allergies along the way. Maybe soon you will need to sustain your body with a new diet, like rocks, steel or I even dread to say…" he gulped in fear "…meat."

"Kind of an overdramatic conclusion don't you think, Doctor? I mean, why would you think that just because I have fangs, I can even bite something like a rock?" he said with a chuckle as he takes another bite from the candy.

"Because you just ate a ruby, sir," the Doctor stated in a matter of fact tone, making Blueblood spit out his treat.

"I what!?" He takes a close look at the candy, and sure enough, he started noticing that it seemed particularly hard to break in his grasp and when gridding it on the metal examination table, a screeching sound could be heard. It also left a clear line behind on the metal while the now identified gem remained unfazed.

"Why did you think I asked you to bite lightly?" Caliber remarked while crossing his hooves. "'A bit fragile but delicious' those were your exact words, am I wrong?"

"Doc, you took a very high risk with that bet? I mean what would have happened if I couldn't bite it off?"

"I was confident that you would stop yourself before hurting any teeth." Caliber answered without missing a beat. "And at this point, I don't think it matters all that much. For now, let's focus on what we discovered and what needs to be done from now on," he explained while writing something down at his desk.

"So, you want me to try to eat other kinds of food?"

"Only in the case of that within the next couple of weeks you begin to feel lethargic or unusually hungry," Caliber answered. "Until then, it will be better if we had a period of observation to determine if you still can survive with only a herbivorous diet and if those teeth are permanent or not."

"Sounds good to me." The Prince responded with a nod.

"Good, in that case, I believe this would be all for today sir, please have a nice day."

"You too doc, oh right! Can I have a copy of my…"

"Way ahead of you, sir." Caliber gave him a copy of his medical report and smirked at him. "I had the distinct impression that Princess Luna would like to take a look at the results."

"Nice guess." The Prince chuckled as he took the folder.

"Never underestimate the intuition of the stallion in charge of performing regular check-ups on royalty, sir." Caliber boasted as he sent the Prince off while lightly chuckling at the comment. The Prince went straight to his aunt's room.

Said trip didn't take long though since, on his way, Princess Luna appeared from thin air while the Prince traversed the hallway.

"Nephew." Startled, Blueblood had to take a step back to recover from the surprise while the princess looked at him with a solemn expression. "Can we have a word?" She then raised an eyebrow in mild surprise when seeing him clearly, "Did you cut your mane even shorter?"

The Prince chuckled lightly as he passed one of his hooves through his now mildly-short and spiked hair. "Yeah, the long hair wasn't exactly my style, and I thought maybe since I was getting a haircut anyway why not try a new look, do you like it?"

"It reminds me of a shorter version of Rainbow Dash's mane style," she says with a nod, "I say that it suits you; it helps accentuate your male attributes," she responded with an approving nod.

"Thanks, oh! Also here you go aunt Luna, just as I promised," Blueblood told her, recovering from the surprise and levitating the report towards Luna before she took it with one of her wings and glanced through it. Sighing in relief and returning her attention to her nephew. "Thank you, nephew, with this, I can rest easier knowing that you only need to add gems into your diet from now on," she informed him with a smile, and then turned around.

"What? No! Just because I have fangs doesn't mean that I will start eating…"

"…Now please follow me, there is something I would like to show you." Luna interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.

"Am I in trouble?" The Prince asked in worry by how she remained so neutral as he followed along. His answer soon came when the princess merely shook her head and looked back at him.

"Nothing of the sort. Rather, I just wanted to speak with you about what happened with Jet Set and Upper Crust. Or rather why it happened in the first place," she told him with a solemn expression.

"There is no mystery their, auntie. They were just jealous and wanted my title. That is all." Blueblood stated, catching up to her, but to his surprise, she shook her head once more.

"If only things would have been that simple. Tell me something, nephew, has Commander Hurricane, or even my sister ever told you why Equestria had fought its fair share of wars in the past?"

"Well, not really. Aunt Celestia mentioned it briefly while we were training. The founders did tell me how some groups of ponies voiced their…discontent about the idea of allying with the other tribes, but that was all, what does that have to do with what happened?"

"Patience, nephew, I will explain it very soon," Luna answered as Blueblood took notice of how she was guiding them into what looked to be a big dome room full of mosaics, and stained glass windows placed against the walls. All of them told a massive story, one that appeared to involve not only the three races of ponies but also other species, and all of them engaged in combat in one way or another. Finally, they stopped when they reached one showing both his aunts lifting the sun and moon on the center and the founders sitting on thrones on top of them and a rural town on the bottom.

"Just as they both told you, yes, Equestria had suffered numerous battles, and yes, you could say that the first one was orchestrated by unhappy citizens wanting the status quo to remain as it was. But although important, I wouldn't call those incidents wars, or at least not on the global scale."

"Equestria has fought in world wars?" Blueblood whispered in shock with the revelation as Luna sighed. "Although their claims may have varied, it always came down to the same song and dance, revolving around one subject; power, disguised with different justifications. Territory, pride, resources, fear, there is even a tale about a war that started because two kings wanted the same mare as their bride." Luna recapped before looking at the mosaic. "Such is the influence that power can have on you and those around you."

Luna explained as she looked at her image. "This window represents the first war that my sister and I were dragged into," she confessed, "as well as the day we obtained our cutie marks."

"Wait. What?!" Blueblood stared at her in shock. "You cutie marks launched a full-scale global war?"

"Please try to understand it from their point of view, nephew. You are a powerful ruler. Confident that no one would have the resources or power capable of challenging you. Suddenly, two fillies appear out of nowhere with the ability to move and control celestial bodies which previously required the effort of ten skilled unicorns to achieve, leaving them utterly exhausted afterward." She pointed at another window showing kings and queens of all sorts of species; diamond dogs, griffins, minotaurs, even what appeared to be golems made of gems. All of them wore a surprised expression as two filly versions of Celestia and Luna raising their respective celestial bodies. " when you see that happen, you can't help but start to think 'what is stopping those fillies from toppling your empire? What if they find a way to weaponize the sun, what chance do you have then?'"

She then pointed at another window showing the kings in shadows around the fillies who had taken a defensive posture, "And then your pride is hurt with the fear of knowing that two fillies of six and eight years old were what defeated or killed you. So you desperately search for a way to stop them before they became a real threat. And thus, conflicts emerge."

"But…wait that. You are telling me that the kings and queens of the past started a war just because they were scared of children?"

"Children learning how to control the night and day, nephew, do not forget that. And with the idea of beings capable of so much, can you truly blame them from being wary? Back then, Equestria was still a young kingdom, inexperienced and naive, but growing in size. Some historians attribute the arrival of Discord to the chaos that caused said war," Luna says in shame. "Yet another sin for us to bear."

"Aunt Luna, stop," Blueblood glares at her. "I get it, they were scared, but what happened wasn't your fault either, it was simply a problem that kept escalating ."

"And that is the reason of this lesson nephew," Luna told him with a nod, confusing the Prince.


"Power can be a double-edged sword, capable of not only ignite the flames of war…" She passed him the morning newspaper, and he looked down at it with surprise. the title and a full-page picture of Blood Moon on the front page, "…but it also prevents them from continuing or from conflicts ever happening in the first place."

"'The Night Prince, and the Terror Knights?'" Blueblood read the title out loud in surprise by the unusual phrasing. "Weird title, it makes it sound like I just started a rock band."

"Such is the way of the media, I'm afraid," Luna agreed with a roll of her eyes. "You should be thankful nephew. There were some rather denigrating titles that Celestia and I had suffered over the centuries. There was a time they call us the destroyers of pies." She tells in reminiscing on the said event.

"Really?" He looked back to her, but Luna shook her head.

"A story for another time, for now, let us go back to the subject at hoof," she continued, showing the final image of her and Celestia defeating the attackers alongside the founders. "Our first real war served as a reminder of our true power and what it represented to others. It was a bittersweet lesson that taught us to be alert, careful, and most importantly, to never underestimate our enemies."

She looked back to the Prince. "Nephew, in the past, you were weak. Other than your sharp wit and expertise with manipulation. You weren't much of a threat to our enemies; in fact, I dare say that most of them saw you as nothing more than a puppet that was occasionally difficult to control. Though now that your strings are cut and your true potential has been revealed. Our enemies soon would take notice, and battles, of not only power but also wits, will come your way very soon," she informed him gravely.

"And that is why, to also prevent future events like what happened with that Jet Set and Upper Crust, I would insist that you take private lessons in the art of character judgment and body language analysis with myself as your teacher."

"You…want me to learn how to judge a per…a pony?" The Prince asked, perplexed by her offer as Luna nodded.

"The decision, of course, is ultimately yours, but I assure you that it will be a great asset if you take it. My sister is good at judging others, and like me, could understand the body language, but of the two of us, she is too trusting, too hopeful, and unfortunately incapable of seeing reality for what it is, giving a pony a chance despite whether his or her intentions could be malicious or not. It has led to her to numerous mistakes and errors in the past," she spoke softly with pity. "I, on the other hoof, had no difficulty seeing those warnings and taking the precautions needed."

"Aunt Luna I don't know...learn to judge? Sure I'm familiar with that the subject…to an extent from my previous life, but what you are saying it's like an even bigger version of that and…it feels wrong. I don't know if I want to judge others all the time."

She sighs in disappointment and looks down. "I understand, a lesson of that nature can indeed be seen as shady," she looks at him with a happy expression. "It appears your good-natured heart is shining once more, a kind thought, but one that also leaves you vulnerable. At the very least, promise me that you will keep your guard up when meeting new ponies and will try to keep a cool head in tense situations."

"I will, Aunty, I promise."

She smiles in satisfaction and nods once. "My offer still stands if you change your mind, think about it carefully, and when you are sure of your decision, to come to see me. My door is always…well maybe not always open, but from the afternoon onwards I will be available for you if you need any advice."

"Thanks, Aunt Luna, I will remember it."

The princess was about to leave when she noticed her nephew still looking at the windows. "Nephew? Are you coming?"

"Just give me a minute auntie, I want to see the rest of the story first," he responded as he admired each portrait, making his aunt smile. "You know, if you like, I could narrate the events that transpired."

"Really?" He looks at her in surprise and happiness as she nodded.

"War is not something to be brushed off as an epic adventure or a tale of heroes and villains…but it can be a good story that can serve as a lesson for future generations to learn," she told as she sat next to him. "So tell me, nephew, what do you wish to learn first?"

"Well, for starters, how did the other rulers learn about you two?"

"Oh, that is an excellent place to start. Let me see... a bit longer than a thousand years ago…"

Later that day at the train station.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather take the chariot? It would be faster," Blueblood offered as he accompanied Pinkie and Fluttershy as they were departing back to Ponyville with Fluttershy shaking her head in response. "It's ok, Ponyville is not that far from Canterlot, and we wouldn't want to bother you."

"Yeah, plus the chariot doesn't have a candy cart passing by!" Pinkie added in before licking her lips in anticipation.

"Huh, yeah I get it now, can't blame you from taking the train." The Prince nodded with a chuckle.

"Are you sure you will be ok?" Fluttershy asked him, worry evident in her voice.

The Prince merely shook his head. "I'm ok Fluttershy really," he said before looking back at Canterlot. "Although Canterlot will never be the same ever again, and there is still a lot of cleaning up left to do. I now know what I can do to help my family," he said, then looked back at them. "it's time that I started earning my title as the Prince, to the citizens, and the kingdom," he confidently told them.

"You already earned the title silly, remember? Just after you defeated those two meanies!" Pinkie giggled.

"Last call to Ponyville!" The conductor yelled as the train whistle indicated that it is about to leave the station.

"Well I suppose this is goodbye then, don't be strangers, ok? You are welcome to visit the castle anytime."

"Aw you too, come visit us more often. We can have more parties!" Pinkie replied, hugging him. Once hers ended, he went and tried to embrace Fluttershy, but things got a bit awkward as they could not seem to approach one another, ultimately settling for a hoof shake. "Take care Fluttershy, say hi to your animals from my part."

"I'll will Blueblood. Bye!" She quickly replied before the two mares boarded the train. Pinkie looking at Fluttershy confused.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all! Let's go Pinkie before they ran out of candy!" Fluttershy quickly departed as Pinkie yelped and rushed inside after her, while the Prince watched the train leave the station.

Huh, ok…that was weird, why was it so hard to hug Fluttershy? He pondered for several minutes. Could it be because of what happened in the garden with the…? His eyes widened before he shook his head, trying to clear his mind. Nah, it can't be that, she is a pony, she is a pony, get your head together Blueblood! It can't be that. He convinced himself with a chuckle as he left the station.

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