• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Desired Condition (Edited By BS)

Entering the prison/stadium, the group approached the statue of Desire, kneeling in the middle of the room. Surrounding her were all sorts of flowers that sprung soon after she was immobilized, giving a more calm and serene air to the room.

Taking a deep breath, Blueblood drew Llamrei and stared at its steel, which still hummed with a faded purple glow at its edges. Feeling a hoof on his right shoulder, he looked back to see Fluttershy looking at him with a reassuring smile. Like the others, she wore her element collar, which occasionally glinted with power. "It's ok. I was nervous the first time too."

Her smile calmed him down as he smiled back and nodded. "Heh, I suppose it gets easier after that, right?"

"More or less, yeah," Rarity replied. "If I had to describe using the elements in one word, it would be...energizing." She shivered a bit. "Each time we use them, your whole body feels weird but in a good way. Almost as if you were pumped full of energy and feel like you could do anything."

"And you are ready to burst and let all that built-up energy out, everywhere!" Pinkie added, equally excited, "Oh, it will be so incredible to see how it would look this time!"

"How exactly will you be doing this anyway, partner?" AJ asked with an eyebrow raised. "Did we just close our eyes and try to pass our magic to you or...?"

"I was thinking of something a bit more simple." Blueblood raised Llamrei into the air so everyone could see it. "Just focus on my sword, like when you used the elements, and I will try to guide the energy."

"While I keep everything stable." Cadence concluded, smiling as she brought the mares closer to her using her wings. "By the way, you should focus on Blueblood while that happens too" She whispered to them so he didn't hear as he was distracted practicing using the magic of Twilight, only getting a couple of sparks as a result.

"Huh?" All the mares looked at the Princess, confused, as she smiled.

"As I said, we will be using love instead of magic this time, so try focusing on Bluey while giving your magic. Think about all the good times you have had together, how much you want to help, how he makes you feel here." She pointed at her chest. "Trust me. It will make things far easier. It's what I did when Shining and I defeated Chrysalis at our wedding."

They look at one another before smiling. "Sounds easy enough, ok princess." They broke apart and approached the Prince, who kept trying and failing.

Weird, I didn't remember this being this hard before. He then saw Cadence and got an idea "Hey Candy, maybe you should..."

"...I'm gonna stop you right there, Bluey," Cadence interrupted him and put him ahead of the others. "I'm just here to be the battery, nothing else. You got this. Just close your eyes, aim and shoot when ready." She instructed, lifting the sword so it pointed at Desire and the star scar on her chest. "There just like that"

She then looked at the other mares. "Ready?"

"Ready," They all agreed, gathering around Blueblood as he nodded and closed his eyes.


"Perfect, then remember" Cadence started to summon her magic and surrounded the group. "Just focus like we discussed and act like you are using the elements normally."

Calming their minds, they did as instructed, and soon a rainbow light emanated from the four mares as the group floated into the air. The rainbow slowly made its way into the sword and swirled around the hilt until it disappeared in a flash of light, turning the steel phosphorescent white.

Feeling the heat, the Prince almost dropped the sword but steeled his resolve, gripped it tighter, and thrust forward, releasing a solid beam of light that hit the statue squarely in the chest briefly before the spell broke off, and they fell to the ground soon after. Taking a deep breath, everyone felt like they just ran a marathon and needed to take a breather as Cadence helped them stand up.

"Did it work?" Blueblood asked Cadence. His answer came upon hearing something crack and, looking back, saw the stone starting to break, removing the scar and releasing Desire, who had reverted to the drake/equine shape that Scarlet received in the lobby, except this form was quadruped instead of bipedal.

Collapsing forward, Desire seems to need to catch her breath as well, while the ponies around the Prince have managed to recover and slowly approach her. Once her eyes adjusted and she saw the Prince, a smile appeared, and she slowly tried to crawl toward him. "You came b-b-back" Her eyes suddenly widened in horror, and she covered her snout while the Prince was startled and taken aback by the stutter and how her voice sounded a bit softer than usual. Like she just lost the confidence he was so used to her showing all the time.

"De...sire? Is that youl?"

"N-N-NO! N-not like this! P-P-Please, don't look at me" She retreated and hid her face in shame.

"Desire, what is wrong? It's me, Blueblood, I know things between are... complicated, but you don't need to be afraid of..."

"Save your breath, partner" AJ stopped him by placing a hoof on his shoulder and shaking her head. "She's not Desire."

"So this is the real you, isn't it, darling?" Rarity questioned with a raised eyebrow as the girls approached the mare in sorrow.

"The real Scarlet," Fluttershy answered the question plaguing Prince Blueblood, making his eyes widen with the realization.

"Wait, REAL Scarlet? So the mare I met with all this time? The Scarlet everyone knows..."

"Yep, completely fake," Pinkie sighed in disappointment. "Desy always made you act that way, right Scarly?"

The mare slowly looked at them and, after looking around, ultimately nodded in defeat before staring down, "S-S-She only g-g-gave me s-some confidence, t-t-that's all!"

"Scarlet is not even your real name, isn't it?" AJ questioned her. "Ever since we merged heads, I felt something was off about you like you were trying to lie to yourself all the time. Partner, what the hay? How long have you been living like this?" The farmer asked with pity.

"I-It none of your b-b-business!" She snapped back before turning to the Prince. "A-A-And you made an m-m-mistake! I told you it was m-m-me, please seal me and r-r-release my friend. S-She is innocent!" She stomped the ground and lost her balance when a small tree emerged and lifted her up, startling everyone as she almost fell if not for Blueblood's intervention

"Are you ok, Sca...ah miss?" The second the mare saw how close it was, she turned red and rushed to a corner of the room as she mumbled nonsense and occasionally giggled. Blueblood was only able to blink at this reaction.

"...Ok, that is even weirder than the tree. Seriously, what the heck is going on!" He turned to the rest, "Did we cast the spell wrong? Oh god, did we mess up their heads?"

"Relax, darling," Rarity consoled him. "Everything went fine...ish." She said, looking at the mare in question. "If I were to hazard a guess, I say that because we didn't have all the elements, the spell didn't quite take as expected, like what happened with Discord."

"Makes sense. This was a shoot in the dark, after all." Cadence added. "It wasn't a one hundred percent guarantee that the spell would work the same, but all things considered, I say we almost got it right."

"So what, they were just half-released?" Blueblood took several glances between them and the nervous mare.

Pinkie nodded. "Seems like it, with half of Desi's magic in control of Not Scarly and no evil spirit to help her act like something she is not, leaving only the real her"

"Which seems to be a nervous and shy fan girl, from the looks of things." Rarity smiled and nodded before turning to Blueblood. "Darling, would you be a dear and leave this to us?"

"Huh?" He looked back at her in surprise. "Are you sure?"

"This seems like a job for some good old-fashioned girl talk. You saw what happened. The poor dear shook like a leaf after just being near her crush. It would be best if we help her relax, and unfortunately, you are not helping with that."

"O...k, I will be outside if you need me then." The Prince was a bit unsure but decided to trust his friends and went to wait outside.

"N-N-NO! Don't go" The mare tried to stop him from leaving, but Fluttershy cut her off. Blueblood looked back and got worried, but Cadence motioned for him to go and to trust them. He finally complied, closing the door behind him.

"It ok, Scarlet, it ok." Fluttershy tried to calm her down while preventing her from chasing after the Prince. "We only want to talk"

The mare finally calmed down and scowled at the caretaker while Fluttershy only smiled. "Y-Y-you are just g-g-gonna a poke fun at how I t-t-talk."

"No, we are not. We want to help you."

The mare looked at Fluttershy skeptically.

"Just close your eyes to calm down, and think of the words in your head. Try to repeat them a couple of times before saying them."

She still looked unsure but complied and took a deep breath with closed eyes until she relaxed. "What do you want?" She backed away, startled, and held her throat. "How...how did you know it would work?"

"I suffered from a stutter when I was a little too, and I still remember the tricks to fight against it." Fluttershy admitted

"And as Fluttershy says, we only wanted to chat darling, mare to mare," Rarity approached before smiling. "Considering how you make us share our minds, you owe us at least that courtesy."

The mare only rolled her eyes and sighed "...Fine, but does SHE have to be...?"

"Yes, she has!" Cadence interrupted her with a stern and forced smile on her face. "And I will gladly list your EVERY single crime and the reason why it is so if you insist, so please miss, spare us the drama and let's all talk like civilized mares." She reminded her before the mare could protest.

The mare only sighed once more in defeat and looked down. "What do you want from me?"

"Well, for starters, it would be nice if you could tell us your real name, darling."

After grumbling and crossing her forehooves, the mare sat down and looked away. "My name is Penny Ink Rose, Rosy to my friends," She confessed with a hint of sorrow. "I'm a simple run-of-the-mill novelist from a small town in the countryside with no pony that would want to read her romance novels. Not until a friend helped me become the strong and confident Scarlet Lips."

"Well, Penny, it's nice to meet you finally. My name is Pinkie." The mare in question offered her hoof to Penny, who looked at her with a deadpan after staring at her.

"Are you serious?"

"Why not?" Pinkie shrugged. "It's never too late to start over after learning your lesson and making up for being a meany mare."

"Speaking of," AJ spoke up, "I'm 'fraid this premature release isn't coming for free, partner. There's quite the mess that you two need to fix."

"Mess? What mess?" Penny blinked owlishly, looking at all the mares who exchanged glances.

"So you don't know? Hate to break it to your partner, but it seems like Desire wasn't done messing with the world. And the residents in the hotel and we were the only ones spared. The rest of the world is still sleeping inside giant flowers," AJ explained.

"What? No, that's not possible. Desire would never do that. When we turned to st-t-tone, all her plants should have withered and died, just like the pink glasses spell. There has to be some other reason for the plants to exist still... unless..." Her eyes went wide as she slowly brought her hoof to her mouth. "Oh no"

"What is it, darling?"

She was about to explain when an idea popped into her head "If I tell you, would you let Desire walk free?"

"Penny, I'm sorry to tell you, but you aren't in any position to be making..." Cadence shook her head.

"She walks free," Penny insisted, stomping the ground and creating more vegetation that grew out of control briefly. One vine snatched at Cadence's back hoof before she cut it with her magic. "That is my condition. As I said, this was all my idea and nobody else's. I was the one using Desire's power. She is innocent. So if you want my help and trust me, you need it, from what I know, then that is my condition." She mulled over another idea for a moment as well. "A-A-And a date with Prince Blueblood, AND he has to be the one that says my friend walk's free. I don't trust you." She finishes standing resolutely and crossing her forehooves while glaring at Cadence.

"You can't be serious?! The world is upside down, and you want to make a deal?! Do you know how bad things are outside? Do you know how many crimes of yours we are overlooking right now!? How close were you to giving Blueblood a mental breakdown?! By law, I should be bucking your sorry flank right into a cell and..." Fluttershy put a wing in front of AJ, stopping her rants.

"Are you sure you want things to go this way, Penny?" Rarity questioned her with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Take it from a fan who had tunnel vision once and could only think of herself. That dream you are having? Blueblood sweeping you off of your hooves and making you his wife? That happily ever after princess fairy tale? It will never happen, not as long as you keep that mentality."

"Why not?!" Penny wailed in desperation before pointing at Cadence, "SHE got hers! She already had everything and still wanted more and stole my life. It's not fair! She gets to keep her crown, kingdom, and Prince charming. Why not m-m-me!?"

"Please tell me I wasn't like that." Rarity mumbled and brought her hoof up to massage her forehead beneath her horn, shaking it in embarrassment. "Are you listening to yourself right now!"

Startled, Penny backed away from Rarity. "Sure. Keep complaining. It should be MY wedding, MY Prince, MY tiara, MY life as a princess, ME, ME, ME!!! That is how you are sounding right now!" Rarity kept advancing as Penny slowly backed away in fear. "Sure, you took the time to find out what he likes and spent time with him. You went to the extreme to become only what he likes and nothing more, but did you ever let him see you for who you truly are?"


"A relationship based on lies is and will always be a hollow and cold one partner," AJ stepped in. "If only you had let him see the real you at least once, you might have had a chance but instead. You forced him to show the real Blueblood to everyone while you are set on becoming his ideal mare and nothing else. Trust me. It would have never worked." AJ looked at her with pity. "I'm sorry, sugarcube, but even with all of Desire's magic, it would never have been real love, and deep inside, you know it."

"But that's the only way," Penny whispered, looking down in sorrow. "No prince would ever love a simple novelist from a random town. I need to be Scarlet. That's the only way he would ever love me."

The room went quiet as Rarity backed away and pitied the poor mare sobbing in front of her.

"Wanna bet?" Pinkie suddenly asked, catching everyone's attention as Penny stared at the party mare

"What are you talking about?"

"You have kept going on and on about being only what Blueblood wants. You keep trying to get prettier and prettier, thinking it's the only way he would notice." She adjusted her mane a little "But what if I told you that all he wants is to meet Penny." She smiled conspiratorially and quirked an eyebrow.

"You are lying. Why? Wh-what would Blueblood want with a simple...?"

"Ap, p, p, p," Pinkie stopped her and put her hoof on her mouth. "I said, wanna bet? He still got all concerned when you almost fell earlier. Don't you want to be hugged at least once more?"

The flowers blooming in Penny's mane were all that Pinkie needed for an answer. "So, how about a little bet? If I win and prove to you that Bluey would like you better by being yourself, you help us save Equestria, and if you win," She thinks about tapping her chin, "I'll throw you a wedding party, plus Cadence will be the one to marry you two here in the hotel."

" I will do... WHAT?!" Cadence looked at Pinkie like she just grew a second head, but the party mare only winked at her and nodded. "P-Pinkie, what are you doing?! I never agreed to..."

Cadence tried to protest, but Pinkie interrupted her before she could say anything else.

"So what do you say, Penny? Deal?" She released the novelist mares mouth and extended her hoof to Penny, who eyes her suspiciously before looking at the still-scared Cadence and then smiled as she completed the gesture


"GREAT! First of all, let's take care of all this makeup!" Pinkie pulled several boxes of makeup remover from her mane.

"Wait, what? No!" The unicorn back away in fear

"Don't you want your hubby?" Pinkie reminded her, making Penny bite her lip.

"Well yeah, b-but this is...and it too sudden plus..."

"Penny," Fluttershy gives her a deadpan look, "You already agreed."

With no way out, the unicorn only sighed, "C-can I at least keep a bit of eyeshadow and lipstick?"

"Of course, darling!" Rarity intervened before Pinkie could answer, "We aren't monsters. Here, let me help you out." The two mares started working on removing the excess makeup from Penny's face as Cadence looked at them with worry.

"Don't worry, princess," AJ consoled the distressed Princess. "Pinkie knows what she is doing."

"I hope she does, AJ. I don't want my first time marrying a couple to be like this." She confessed as AJ and Fluttershy kept trying to calm her down.

One and a half hours later

Pacing back and forth in front of the entrance, Prince Blueblood kept glancing at the door, wondering what Cadence and the rest could be talking about with Scarlet.

She didn't even use her real name? Scarlet, I always had this gut feeling, and something about you didn't sit right with me, but this? Having an alias? A completely different personality? Having an endless as a friend? Night!

Breathing hard through his nose, he stopped and closed his eyes to calm down before looking back at the door.

I know it doesn't matter. I should be focusing on the mission. And I'm sure Candy and the rest will be able to convince her, even as her persona, that mare was always reasonable and willing to negotiate. But even still...Scarlet Lips, who are you?

As if to answer his question, the door opened, and the Prince was slightly startled when a fog emerged from the entrance and wafted forward, followed immediately by the distinctive smell of hair spray and perfume.

What the heck? Why are they playing with each other manes and applying makeup? Where did they even get...oh right, Pinkie.

Cadence poked her head from the entrance and cast her gaze around until she saw Blueblood and smiled. Once he looked at her, he noticed that she didn't seem to have changed her mane makeup. "Oh, there you are, Bluey" She exited the room, closing the door behind her "Thanks for waiting."

"How did it go? Is she willing to help?" He asked with some worry as Cadence looked away.

"We are still working on it, more or less, and we are gonna need you to speak with her."

"To convince her?"

"Sort of," She replied, trying to find the right words before sighing. "Bluey, before you go inside, there is something you must know. The mare you knew all this time...Her real name is Penny, and behind the mask of Scarlet, she is an easily frightened and shy fan of yours, so please be gentle and approach her slowly, ok?"

"Ah, ok, sure. Aunt Luna taught me how to approach shy fans and all, and it's just..." He looks at the door. " I never thought I would be using those lessons on scar...I mean! Penny of all ponies."

"Just remember, she might act differently, but deep inside, she is still the same mare obsessed with you and willing to go to unhealthy extremes to reach you." Cadence warned him before he opened the door. He nodded once and braced himself for anything as he opened the door and marched in.

Once inside, the Prince was again surprised by Pinkie's powers and prowess, transforming an empty room into an indoor garden with marble chairs, three trees, and even a gazebo where the rest of the manes six were huddled.

"Ta-Da!" Pinkie appeared next to the Prince. "Did you like it?"

"Pinkie, if you ever want to do something besides parties or pastries. I see a bright future for you as an interior decorator," He commented without missing a beat as he admired the place.

"Aww, stop it. You are going to make me blush!" Pinkie waved a dismissive hoof at him before bringing her frontal ones to her cheeks as she giggled with some heat in her cheeks. The two kept advancing toward the group until AJ noticed them and motioned for the others to step aside so the Prince could finally see Penny, as mentioned earlier, recoil slightly as she nervously rubbed her left forehoof with the other as she kept her gaze firmly on the ground while stealing occasional glances at the Prince. She was sporting a brand new manestyle. Instead of being a copy of Rarity, her mane was now straight but still slightly messy, she had styled her hair into a pretzel ponytail hairstyle with a thick bang of hair covering one of her eyes, and her tail was brushed entirely straight.

"Ah, miss Penny?" He approached cautiously as the other mares gave them room to talk but not before Pinkie gave the poor mare a slight push of encouragement

"H-Hello, your highness" She finally mustered the courage to look at him and show how she had removed almost all of her makeup. "T-This is a bit awkward, and you are probably wondering, but yes. What you see is..." She nervously extends her frontal hooves "...the real me. Ah... ta~da," She tried to joke as he remained quiet, looking at her in surprise until she recoiled again.

"You hate it. I knew it!" She seemed to shrink into herself before looking away and teetering on the verge of tears until Blueblood intervened.

"N-No! No! Is not that" He rushed forward and knelt in front of her, putting a hoof on her shoulder, making her shiver. "I was only slightly surprised by your new look. I swear." Having recovered, he smiled and used his other hoof to touch her chin and gently guide her eyes to meet his. It was her turn to be stunned by the Prince. "And frankly, I kind of like this look better."

"Y-Y-You do?"

"Yeah, sure, Scarlet was confident, bold, and strong, but you know what she wasn't? Real, or rather she was only a part of a whole. But now that I finally see the rest of Penny? Well, I feel like I'm finally meeting the real you. The mare that wanted to be my friend." He poked her nose to lighten the mood. "Nothing would make me happier than to know her better." He took out a handkerchief and offered it to her as piano music started to play in the background. Part of him was confused about where it was coming from but decided to let it slide as he tried to calm the mare down and boost her confidence.

"~Lift your head, wipe off that mascara, take my Kleenex, wipe that lipstick away.~" In a trance at his voice, she took the tissue and slowly worked on removing the remaining of her makeup.

"~No need for pretending...lies, scheming of fakes. If you still want a friend, I'm here for the real you!~ Her eyes shined in admiration as he continued.

"~Show me your face, clear as the morning. I know we started bad, but it is far from too lateeeeee.~ With a smile, he slowly helped her stand up and grabbed onto her hoof as flowers slowly started to bloom from her mane.

~Suddenly, I see more! Standing beside me~ He circled her ~You need no makeup! Enough with the games!~

~Suddenly, I see more! A chance for a friendship! If only you let me...see your real face~

Unable to hold back tears, she sobbed and got all teary-eyed before launching at him and hugging his chest as she openly cried in happiness, "Prince Blueblood! Thank you, thank you, thank yoooouuuu! I was so scared that you would think I was ugly I..."

Blueblood couldn't make sense of the rest of her words as he smiled after his initial surprise and patted her head. "There, there, Penny, let it all out."

Meanwhile, Pinkie smirked and hoof-bumped Fluttershy as the mares smiled, "Oh, she is in"

"Wouldn't expect anything less from Blueblood. I taught him about harmless flirting, after all." Rarity beamed in pride at the display.

Cadence, who had entered after the two, sighed in relief once she saw all of that unfold. "Thank the stars" Once she recovered, her ear twitched, and the Princess looked back to Rarity. "I'm sorry you taught him what now?"

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