• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 44,707 Views, 5,477 Comments

The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Lock Memory (Edited by BS)

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas everyone! And a happy new year!

Suppressing a yawn, Luna took a moment to rub her eyes before continuing to work on some paperwork when all of a sudden, a sensation of vertigo struck her out of the blue, making everything spin and nearly causing her to stumble backward from the lack of balance. Recovering control, she held her head in pain and shook it, trying to settle down and wait for the dizziness to fade away. Moments later, a knock on the door grabbed her attention, and with a confused gaze, she looked up only to hear the voice of Princess Platinum on the other side.

"Luna, please open up," the princess called out in a rather demanding tone, much to her confusion. "You just felt lightheaded, didn't you?" Luna's eyes widened in surprise at Platinum's assertion. "I know what is happening. Please let me in."

Standing up and using her magic, Luna opened the door and lets the unicorn in question inside, "How did you know that I…?"

Luna started to question, but she was quickly answered before she could finish asking. "Your thousand-year absence has diminished the effect of the curse. That is why the barrier is cracking faster on you." Platinum explained in a hurry as she checked the room before closing and locking windows before pulling on the curtains and closing the door, making sure no one was watching or listening.

"Curse?!" Luna bellowed in alarm. "Auntie, what is happening? What are you…are you…" Luna tried to process things when suddenly she felt another rush of vertigo, this one even stronger. It was all that the Lunar princess could do to keep standing, and even then, she would have failed if not for the unicorn princess's quick intervention, as she rush to her side and hold her in place while hugging her frame. "Deep breaths, sweetie, just let it ride its course." Platinum whispered in her ear while massaging her neck, trying to calm Luna down.

Her actions had a soothing effect as Luna slowly started to feel better and closed her eyes only to be bombarded by a rapid succession of memories, memories were unfamiliar and that she didn't have any recollection of before. "What…is happening?"

"Don't fight it! Let them settle in!" Platinum instructed, "Those are locked memories Luna, YOUR memories. They are simply coming back."

Fear began to creep into Luna's heart, but Platinum's presence and her voice kept Luna in control, and deciding to follow her instructions, rode the waves of memory until they started to make sense. They stopped on one particular one as she suddenly saw a crib with a baby unicorn filly with a light pink mane and yellow fur sucking on her left front hoof in front of her. A younger Celestia stood next to her, and they were looking at the baby with equal parts care and wonder as she draped a blanket on top of the child as she exhales a yawn and closes her eyes.

"She is so tiny. Can I hold her?" Luna started to speak out instinct with a voice not her own but of a younger self, as another voice, one that she doesn't recognize but sounded familiar, spoke to her.

"Sorry, Lulu, but Festivia needs her rest," The female voice stated with a warm maternal voice. Yet, all Luna could see looking up was the silhouette of an alicorn mare silhouetted by a golden light behind her. "Thanks for reading her a bedtime story, sister."

"Sister?!" Luna repeated to herself. Soon, she found herself back in her own room. Luna backed away from Platinum, who looked at her emotionlessly before closing her eyes and, using her magic, levitated a glass of water in front of her. "Drink some water. It will help your nerves."

"In the name of all my stars, what in Equestria was…?!" Platinum shoved the water glass into her face to interrupt her. "Water now, answers later, now drink and take a long deep breath." Platinum instructed.

Platinum nodded once Luna did as instructed and took big gulps in an attempt to calm her heart down and to recover her breath. The suggested actions seem to do the trick, and soon she regained some of her senses. Enough to regard her aunt more calmly once again.

"Feeling better?"

"I am now, thank you, but my question persists, dear aunt. What did I just experience?"

"A locked memory, one of many that a rather horrible curse has made us all forget until our deaths" Platinum replied in a sorrowful tone as she stared at the now empty glass in her magical grasp for a moment before her expression turned to one of rage. "The final gift of a monster set on…" Stopping herself, Plantinum took her own advice and breathed deeply with her eyes closed before looking at Luna again. "Tell me, Luna, do you know who Festiva is?"

"Yeah, I knew her. She is one of my many nieces and Blueblood's greatest grandmother. The very first niece, if I recall correctly."

"Indeed," Platinum nodded in agreement. "And before her?"

"Before her? Auntie, what are you talking about? Festiva was our very first niece. There wasn't anyone before."

"Is that so? Think for a moment, Lulu, think. Festiva wasn't yours or Celestia's filly, and yet she is of your bloodline. How is that possible? From where do you think she came?"

"Well, that is easy, from my sister, my…my sister? I…wait, no, that is not right, something doesn't add up, or rather is…filling up? Why can't I remember? I mean, it should be obvious, but…" Luna stopped and slowly looked at Platinum in surprise and fear as everything started to piece itself together. Her worries were confirmed as Platinum nodded in confirmation,"…a sister, I have a second sister?!"

"Ripped from history and the minds of everyone that ever knew her. Like she never existed in the first place, leaving only her legacy behind like bread crumbs to lead to a dead end. All thanks to a heartless monster that used a horrible curse that has prevented you or anyone else from remembering until this day."

"But…how? When?"

Platinum raised her hoof to stop Luna from ranting, "That is exactly why I'm here. As you have experienced, the process is not pleasant and needs to be eased into gradually. So before I tell you anything, I need to know how much do you remember?"

Meanwhile in Cloudsdale

"Wow, 20 inches, you belong in the Albatross class alright," Spitfire wrote the information down once she was finished measuring Blue Yonder wings. "You are gonna love the nest pusher, wings like those were made for gliding." She chuckled, ruffling his mane and sending him on his way.

"Ok, dear, remember, listen to what your instructors said, and don't get ahead of yourself. We're here to have fun, not go overboard while training." Sunshine instructed her child with a big grin on her face until she noticed how he kept looking back at Spitfire in confusion and worry.

"Blue, are you listening?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, I heard you. Sorry, I got distracted there for a second." Blue apologized, looking back at her.

"What is the matter, honey?"

"Mom, do you think the captain is ok?" He asked her in worry while looking back. "I mean the trembling edges in her lips, the slightly off pigmentation in her cheeks, with not enough makeup to cover it up, the tired eyes, not to mention the slightly deflated mane. She is forcing her smile somehow."

"Wait, you can see them too?" Sunshine asked in surprise, not so much by what they indicated but that he managed to detect them as well. "Since when can you read facial expressions?"

"Aunt…ah Moonlight has been teaching me," Blue replied, coming up with a name on the spot. "She told me that the more I practice, the easier it will be to read them, and hers were pretty pronounced." He was quick to reply, "So you saw it too, right? That's great! it means I spotted them correctly, and now the two of us could approach her an…"

"…and do nothing," Sunshine interrupted with a stern gaze.


"I will have a stern talk with Moon later, but right now, I need you to stop reading other ponies' faces and ignore what you just saw, this instant young colt!" She proclaimed with finality.

"But why?"

"Because what you are doing is beyond rude, you are getting involved in something extremely personal" She raised her head to make sure that no one was close or paying any attention to them before continuing in a whisper. "I understand how you feel, dear, but we can't micromanage our subjects. Unless the situation escalates enough that it requires our intervention, or it involves our family or the state, or they actively seek our help, our civic duty is to respect their privacy, and stay out of it."

"So we are just supposed to look the other way then?"

"That is exactly what we will do. It's her life, and she has the right to live and resolve her issues as she sees fit. Besides this day isn't about our subject. It's about having a mother/son day for just the two of us. That means no royal duties, no adventures, no shenanigans, and keeping a low profile, got it?"

Blue Yonder sighed in defeat and looked down. "I understand, auntie. I promise not to get involved."

She smiled at his understanding and raised his chin. "I know it's hard, sweetie. That golden heart of yours is compelling you to try and help. I was in your horseshoes when I was your age…" Celestia needed to pause for a moment when she realized what she just said and could not help but smile. I went through the same ordeal when I was his age…by my sun, he really IS just like me! Awwwww! he is follow in my hoofsteps…wait NO! Focus!

After shaking her head to recover her line of thought, Sunshine resumed, "…when I was your age, I too had this impulse to try and help everypony I came across no matter how little their problem was." She explained while they walked, "At first, I thought there wasn't anything wrong with it until an incident happened, and after a scowl from aunt Platinum, I learned that there are times where helping others can do more harm than good. Things in life need to be learned on your own, and helping others robs them of that opportunity and risks their lives later on or harms them in ways you didn't consider until it's too late. Just like a chick needs to break free of their egg, or a fish has to learn how to swim a waterfall…, or a colt needs to learn how to fly."

She ended up with a smirk pointing at a slingshot and reminded him why they were here in the first place. "Or do you prefer if we end things here and return home?"

"NO!" He replied in a panic, making her chuckle and pat his head, "That is what I imagined, now since we had this talk, I don't want to see any more readings, understood young colt."

"Yes, mom," Blue Yonder agreed, much to the confusion of nearby moms that looked at them after his little outburst.

"Good, now go and have fun" She gave him one last hug. Taking advantage of their situation, she whispered in his ear, "And to ease your worries, just remember, problems like those often resolve themselves. I promise she will be fine. You only need to pay attention as well."

That seemed to do the trick as his mood improved once more, and he nodded again with more enthusiasm. When their hug ended, Sunshine was guided toward the target cloud as the kids got in line to wait their turn to be launched.

Trust me, sweetie, helping too much can be the worst thing you could do. I should know. That was what claimed your life twice. Sunshine could not help but sniff and clear a tear from underneath her eyes.

"Are you ok?" asked another mom, who looked on in concern. She was a reasonably thin and tall mare with light pink fur and two white and yellow tones. Her tail and mane each combed and styled into ponytails. She had a compass with a gust of wind on the side as a cutie mark and was wearing a formal green shirt with its sleeves rolled up. Recovering her composure, Sunshine sniffed once more and cleared her eyes. "Y-yeah, I'm ok, thanks. I'm…a bit emotional at the moment. This is my first flying lesson with my little knight." She replied with a smile satisfying the mare as she nodded.

"I know exactly what you mean. Because of my job, I'm not home as much as I want and have to admit that there are days I fear I'm missing my little fillies childhood. Knowing that I can teach her how to fly puts my mind at ease and reminds me that I have a job as a mother, I need and intend to fulfill. Plus, it's better than just coming home and finding it half-destroyed by a flying bouncing ball, am I right?" She half-joked and rolled her eyes, to which Celestia joined in.

"The name is Mane Allgood, by the way. Nice to meet you."

"Sunshine Smiles, likewise," They greeted one another before looking down at the line of children, "So which one is yours?" Sunshine asked, intrigued.

At the dome of the castle of the two sisters

After the royal chariot touched down, both princess Luna and Platinum were quick to descend and approach the new ruins in front of them. "We must be quick. We can't stay here for very long," Platinum mentioned urgently as they approached the make-shift door left by the harmony dome.

"Stay at the ready. We will be back very soon," Luna ordered her guards, both saluted and fell into place beside the vehicle. Luna then approached her aunt. "Why do we need to be swift, aunt? Another repercussion of the curse?"

"Indeed, and there is still work left for us back at the castle, to which you are not going to skip young filly!" She ended pointing at Luna with a knowing smile and causing the princess to sigh in defeat

"And here I thought I could exploit this small tour."

Walking inside, Luna took a moment to admire the holed dome above them both, still standing proud and bathing the place in an arrangement of rainbow colors. "I still find it impressive how the dome remains. After the whole ordeal, I thought the tree of harmony would simply turn it into dust or something."

"There are mysteries yet to be discovered about the magic of harmony Lulu, we may never be able to unravel all of them, but we will always be able to count on them to guide us in the dark." Platinum smiled as they descended some stairs as the dome's light made it easier for the two to see where they were going. And once at the bottom, Luna had another episode. This one forcing her to hold her head as a Platinum rushed to her side and hugged her neck tightly once more. "I'm here sweetie, just let it come naturally."

"Auntie, there are so many. How did someone manage to take this away from us? Who was he?"

"I told you I couldn't force those memories to come back. The shock alone could shatter your mind completely. Best case, you go insane and, in the worse case, you will be left comatose with no chance of recovery." She continues to massage Luna's neck, trying to calm her down for a solid minute before recovering control.

"How do you feel?"

"Tired, and I have a headache, but better," Luna replied, still holding her head before looking up and see her past self playing with a ball with Celestia and the mysterious sister. "It coming back. This is where we grew up, the three of us. After you took us in. I was just a filly of four. Tia was six or seven, and my sister. She was…older, I think."

"By ten years to be exact," Platinum corroborated as she approached a nearby ball, making Luna realize that parts of the castle seemed brand new like someone remodeled it but did a lousy job at it as everything seems to be mismatched.

"When we took you in, your sister was the oldest of you three, so she often ended up been the voice of reason when a certain mischievous princess went out of her way to play a prank on the staff or her dear beloved aunt." She mentioned with a smirk, making Luna blush.

"I was young and naive, auntie."

"As well as a prankster and a thrill-seeker." Platinum approached a nearby rail where Luna watched herself slide down while being chased by a panicked Platinum, just before being caught by her sister.

"I lost count on how many times you scared me or the staff half to death with all your little trills, and yet, all of us loved you all like you were our own flesh and blood. Maybe we are not connected by blood..."

Turning back, she wiped a tear as she smiles at Luna. "But not a day goes by where I'm not proud of the magnificent and dashing young mares my fillies have become."

Luna's eyes started to water at her words as she approached her "Auntie."

Clearing her throat and eyes, Platinum resumed, "A-Anyway back to what we came for, I might not be able to tell you much yet, but I can tell you this. Growing up, as to be expected, each of you started to gain a certain trait to emulate. You, of course, start to get closer to Hurricane with how much you liked the idea of fighting and weapons."

"It's more than that, auntie."

"Oh, believe me, I know. Hurricane never shut up about it," Platinum retorted with a roll of her eyes. "And well, Tia was more incline towards Pudding with her out the box thinking and ability to improvise and thrive in the most dire of situations." They resumed their walk, and Luna noticed more and more architecture that she didn't recognize until they eventually reached an unusual monument. There were statues of Celestia and Luna as little fillies looking left and right while lifting the sun and moon. Still, there were four hooves of a pony looking forwards in the center and a dark cloud of nothingness cutting off the rest of it, not in a literal cut but more akin to shadow covering the rest. No doubt part of the curse still present, preventing her from distinguishing her sister.

"And finally, your sister and I came particularly close as time went on and with it, her interest in the fine art of etiquette, nobility, and how to run a kingdom. For how things had developed, I say that of the tree. You are the sharpest and bravest. Tia is the smartest and kindest and your sister, well she was the wisest and most sociable of you tree. All of you would have ruled Equestria magnificently if only that monster hadn't appeared."

"This structure is the castle reshaping itself, auntie?"

Platinum merely nodded at that. "The reason part of this place looks brand new is that it wasn't here before. The curse's effects removed every nonliving element that might have a connection with your sister, including changing or erasing pieces of the castle and history books attached to her. But now with that dome outside, and the curse starting to crack, piece by piece, everything is returning" She looked back at Luna.

"But until the curse is gone for good and the palace is restored to normal, no one can't enter this place. If they do and see this, the shock to their minds could be fatal."

Luna nodded in understanding. "And that is why we are here. More than just to remember, you need me to help weave the layers of shadows, and cast force fields, so no innocents enter before its time."

"You were always the best when it comes to security and protection spells, Lulu, a trait I wish more ponies had seen in the past." She remarked with a tinge of sorrow in her tone until Luna put her hoof over her shoulder. "The past is the past, auntie. Let us not dwell too much on it. Now let's go. There is a force field I need to erect."

They both nodded and left the floor before Luna cast various spells on the entrance to make it vanish from the naked eye, a force field strong enough that anyone that touched it would just think it was a wall, and to be sure, she summoned an extra layer of shadows that would fling back anyone that tried to enter. Overall, no one will be going near the room unless Luna wanted them to.

"There, that should do it" Luna cleaned some sweat from her brow as Platinum handed her over a towel. "You did well, Lulu, now there is nothing to worry about. Let's go back home."

Platinum started to advance, but Luna stopped her. "Auntie, before we go, there is one last question I had. Why now? What happened? I doubt a curse of this magnitude could be erased by the passage of time alone, so what caused it to start breaking."

Platinum only sighed and closed her eyes. "The curse is linked to the strings of destiny. It wrote that it exists as everything else passes because that is how everything is foretold. Only a descendant of your sister can undo it by doing the impossible and forging a brand new destiny after going beyond the end of it."

Luna's eyes widen in realization, "Blueblood! When we came back from the grave, the curse started to crack."

Her aunt nodded and looked at her. "Destiny and life are linked together. Life is like a pony crawling on the road, death is the risk at the end of it, and destiny is the road itself. His story was meant to end on that night, alone, ignored and with only a single soul to mourn his passing. A final lesson to repent all who push everyone away. For him to come back is like standing in mid-air after the road ended. The very second he woke up that day, his string was broken, and a new one dictated by himself started to be spun. Doing so caused this cracking, and that is an idea that destiny doesn't like. That why misfortune keeps haunting him in the form of tests, as it tries to correct the anomaly, before a new road finish taking form, that is why the curse is still there and just now is starting to crack instead of been gone once he was back and why those in charge observe and record each test to see if either he success or if his fate is seal and unavoidable."

"Those in charge?" Luna asked, confused.

"The mares that embody destiny itself and whose existence is known only by those they choose to reveal themselves to, the Fates."

At Cumulus plaza

Blue Yonder waited for his turn when a small filly with a white mane and a slightly darker fur bumped into him. He looked back and noticed how her excess mane covered her eyes. "Sorry, Blueblood."

"It ok, I…wait, what did you call me?"

The filly merely smirked in return. "Envy, the silent whisper that never left your ear. Sorry, it took me so long. I came earlier than I wanted."

"Hey kid, what are you looking at?" The instructor in front of him asked, catching his attention.

"Ah, this is…" Blue Yonder looked behind him again, but the filly was nowhere to be found. "…ah nothing," Blue answered, unsure of what was happening as he went to take his place. Unaware of the filly, watching him closely from a distance, let out a small chuckle, "This will be fun."

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