• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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A Stallion Word (RB and BS)

"Aaaaand, done. Here you go." While inside on an office in the castle, Blueblood finished signing his signature on the last of the reams of parchment before affixing the royal seal on it. Then levitated it to the same elderly stallion unicorn from back in Manehattan. With him, all the other ponies who gave over control of their businesses during his time in the city, all of which had similar contracts and were adorned costly and formal clothing, courtesy of Blueblood's endeavors.

"As I promised, your properties are now completely yours once more," He assured the gathering with a smile as he shakes his hoof a little from the pain and leans on his seat with a tired sigh. "Please feel free to inspect them; I will change or add anything that I have, *puff*, missed or forgotten, *puff* sorry, mane in my mouth." Ever since he returned to normal, the prince had been suffering from one little side effect of his transformation. That was, both the hair on his tail, mane and to a lesser degree, fur, while back to their original colors, retained the same length of when he was Blood Moon. This resulted in a ridiculous shaggy appearance, as it now covered his body and made it harder for him to see, walk, or even speak without tripping or getting a mouth full of hair. The former luckily was solved somewhat with a sling that one of the maids in the castle was kind enough to let the prince borrow for the day, and some light trimming solved most of his fur problem allowing him more movement.

Naturally, everyone that saw him couldn't help but let out a giggle, even Celestia herself was unable to resist the urge to hug her 'fluffy' nephew as she nicknamed him once she saw the state he was in. He didn't seem to mind and even joined in on the giggles, telling everyone that he would take care of his predicament after he took care of some final issues that needed to be addressed first, namely giving back the businesses he borrowed being on top of his list.

"Hmm... yeah, everything seems in order." The old pony nodded before putting the contract away again. "But I have to say, I'm surprised you kept your word; do you have any idea of how much money you are giving up right now?"

"I'm with Old Oak here," Another stallion spoke up. "This contract is completely one-sided, you are left with nothing here," He continued, surprised. "Is that ok with you?"

"I honestly wouldn't mind if you kept a bit of the capital assets for yourself. If you helped us this much in one month, just imagine what could you do in a whole year," The florist mare interjected.

"Yeah, plus it was fun having around the store. Are you sure you want to leave?"

"Absolutely," He states with an air of finality and a nod. "I appreciate the offer, but money is no concern for me, and my place is here with my family. Those shops were always yours, and yours alone to make a profit from, and as a stallion of my word, I did promise that I would return them to you. Just promise me one thing," He sighed and looked out of the window. "There are a lot of ponies out there that are still unemployed thanks to what happened with Fort Knox," He looked back at them. "With how big your businesses have bloomed, you will need more employees in your enterprises, so…"

"Say no more, sonny," Oak stopped him before he could continue. "Any mare or stallion willing to earn a living by the sweat of their brows will always be welcome."

"Thanks, everyone." The prince nodded before smirking. "And if you still feel a bit bad about leaving me without nothing, maybe I will just float the idea to my aunts about a slight increase in enterprise taxes."

Everyone looked at him with equal parts surprise and fear before he laughed and shook his head. "Kidding, kidding, I would never do that. Those bits are yours; you earned them fair and square. If anything, maybe you will have to pay a bit less in taxes for a while, now that Equestria has gotten rid of its little financial crisis, and got some interest to boot."

"Oh, you got us going in there for a second, you rascal you." One stallion commented as they all shared a laugh.

"Heh, I like you Blueblood, you're a nice lad," Old Oak admitted with a smile before pulling what looked like a checkbook. "And that is why I can't simply leave you with your hooves empty." He wrote something down and ripped the cheque out before handing it over to him, and Blueblood almost choked when he read the amount. "Wow...Old Oak, I think you made a mistake, there are like, seven additional zeros here, you didn't mean to…"

"Just take it already." Oak insisted with a smirk, pressing the check back to the prince. "Believe me, with how many bits you made me, that is nothing, so keep that as my thanks for your help. Now, do yourself a favor and go use it to buy yourself a nice manecut, ok?"

"Me too."


"You are technically quitting so by law you still need to accept your severance pay!"

One by one the other ponies followed the example of Old Oak and gave the prince checks for rather ludicrous sums of money, before then saying their goodbyes and leaving the office with a smile on their faces. When the final pony left, the prince was left alone with his rewards while he pondered what to do with all of it.

Huh, so this is your reward for using those dirty deal tactics, for good instead of for personal gain. Have to say, its an excellent sensation, perhaps the business world wasn't as bad as I initially thought it was.

He levitated one of the checks up Hmm maybe I could use these funds to help the charities of Equestria and help fix some of the more pressing issues with the cities His eyes suddenly widened in realization …Like I could have done, from the start in my previous life.

He groaned in annoyance and brought up a hoof in front of his face. "God, I'm the prince of idiots."

A light chuckle snapped him back to reality.. Looking up, Blueblood found the same old blind mare that sent him to Despero, and once again noticed how the colors of the world faded all around himself and the mare. "Not bad, kid." She continued to chuckle while morphing into the ghostly mare he met when he defeated Fort Knox, "Not bad at all."

"That was you?" The prince looked to her in surprise.

She stopped chuckling and nodded. "I apologize for interfering, but in order for you to confront yourself…" She conjured a red flame in mid-air with the silhouette of a pony inside. "A …bit of rational thinking was needed, especially when dealing with those emotions of yours." She extinguished the flame and dispersed the illusion with her hoof before addressing him.

"Vanity, the faceless mask who prey on it wearer face, and scream to be seen. Such is it desire to be watch that it need more than one face to present, confront and defeat not one but the two vessels of it simultaneously, it more than worthy of praise, then again, like what happened with Fort Knox, this was a fight you already faced, am I not correct?"

The prince sighed and looked down. "If you mean back when I was human. Yes, I'm more than familiar with them. I virtually lived them." He confessed piteously.

"And now you can finally move on from them, now that you have faced your past."

The prince nodded and smiled as she looks at her. "Thanks, so it's safe to say that my tests are confronting ponies that embody the seven deadly sins?"

To his surprise, the spirit shook her head in response. "Although it is true you will face said sins on your journey, defeating the pony embodying them will not complete the test. Do not get overconfident your highness. So far, you have only faced the sins with which you learned to live and understand. From now on, though, the remaining six will make you venture into unknown territory. They will truly test your resolve by seducing you into embracing them. It would be wise for you to keep your guard up." She conjured the six-element marks on her hoof "And keep your friends close. From here on out, the real challenges will soon come; be alert." She warns him before her body started to shine.

Knowing what it meant, the prince stood up and approached the mare, "Wait, there is still so much I want to ask!" He pleaded to her.

"A story for another time perhaps prince, nos eht evil gnol." The ghost announces, once again speaking backwards.

"At least tell me your name," He asked her as the light grew brighter.

"Many names over the centuries had known me, but if you truly wish to know my story and origin, then you can call me Fortune, loyal recorder of everything that is." She informed him before disappearing in a flash of light which blinded the prince for a second before his eyes could readjust.

Fortune, recorder of everything that is? Something about that seems…familiar.

"Sir?" With a start, Blueblood snapped back to reality and looked up and saw a guard observing at him confused.


"I just wanted to tell you that, as you asked to be, the trial of Jet Set and Upper Crust is about to start." He announced, making the prince jump and dash out of the room. "The trial! I almost forgot, thank you!" He shouted to the guard as he made a mad dash before tripping on his tail, resulting in a crash with a set of armor.

"Your Highness!" The guard pony rushed to his side, but Blueblood was already up and running again. "I'm ok! Tell the maids that I'm sorry about that!" He apologized as he continued his dash to the courtroom.

The guard could only blink in confusion as he watched him leave.

After some more stumbles and almost falling through an open window, the prince finally was able to reach the entrance of the courtroom where Princess Luna approached while keeping her head low and holding back a tired yawn. Her schedule, unfortunately, was forcing her to stay awake in the morning thanks to both incidents taking place at night and therefore on her night shift. Plus, Celestia was busy reopening the trading services and ensuring that no contraband would get into her borders while the country was going through the process of removing the lockdowns and blockades.

"Aunt Luna, wait!" Blueblood called out and would have crashed into her if she didn't catch him on her aura.

"Nephew? What is the matter? Is there another emergency…and what happened to your mane and fur?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow once she took stock of his condition.

"Just a minor side effect of becoming a pony of shadows."

"Side effects?!" Luna pressed in alarm.

"Don't worry Auntie, is just the fur I swear, there is nothing to worry about, I will deal with it later." He clarified while she put him down. "For now I was curious. What is going to happen to them?" Blueblood asked, pity evident as he looked to the courtrooms set of double doors.

Luna sighed and massaged the side of her head. "I'm not completely sure yet, hence this trial. The issue with them tampering in the first duel was more or less resolved, but that was only on account of their cheating, and you're accepting of it. Now, this trial will focus on their manipulation of the law, and aggression against royal-DON'T say it!" She lifted her hoof before Blueblood could speak. "Even though you agreed, they did so without sufficient authority, and that still counts as aggression. That is us having mercy on them. They are lucky we didn't charge them with conspiracy and attempted regicide. By my stars, this one will be a long trial." She complained in annoyance.

"Is this quite necessary? I think Blood Moon made them suffer enough." Blueblood tried to tell her.

"Nephew, it is sweet that you are willing to have mercy for your enemies, but this can't be resolved with a slap on the hoof. They attacked a member of the crown on their own free will, so forcing them to speak only in Guilt Belt and Soil Land*, verbs will not suffice this time."
(*Pony Equivalents of Gilbert and Sullivan operas.)

"Oh yeah, what happened to Rarity" Blueblood chuckled at the memory.

"So if you excuse me..." Luna was about to enter, but Blueblood stopped her once more. "Wait, how about sentencing them to home arrest?" He quickly suggested.

"Too soft." She responded with a shake of her head.

"No, I mean your version of that sentence? It would be fitting; they forced me into exile. I say we give them the same thing." Blueblood continued to press as Luna held the doorknob. "Cut them off from the rest of the world, throw them into isolation in a place where they can see Canterlot moving forward without them. I'm pretty sure those two are pretty big fans of gossip, imagine how much it will kill them not knowing what happens outside, or worse what other nobles will start saying about them." Blueblood elaborated while Luna remained still.

"I will think about it, now I would advise you to keep some distance from me while your mane is like that nephew," She tells him with a yawn.

"Why?" He inquired, confused by the random statement.

"Because it's 10:40 am; I should be sleeping by this time, and right now you are starting to look like a pillow with hooves," She replies as she slowly starts to lean forward. "One cushy and fluffy pillow, with legs…maybe I could rest my eyes for just a second and…"

"Got it; take away the temptation. Just wanted to tell you about the option, now if you excuse me, there are a couple of things I need to do before getting a haircut." Blueblood quickly nodded and took a step away from Luna fearing that she would fall asleep the second her head touched his fur. Recovering from her daze, the princesses saw her nephew starting to leave, "And nephew, once you finish your list, go straight to Doctor Caliber for a check-up."

"What? Why? Auntie, I told you I'm fine!"

"Not up to discussion, that is an order young man!" She pressured. "And I expect a copy of his report afterward."

The prince sighed in defeat, "Fine," the prince complied and then left her alone so she could enact the trial in peace.

"Such a nice, kind prince," Scarlet cooed out, making her presence known. Appearing from a nearby column and capturing Luna's attention, who glared at the new arrival. "He is right by the way." Scarlet looked at Luna with a smirk. "Not being able to partake in some daily gossip will be Tartarus for those two, plus it might be for the best interests of both of us."

"Step lightly, Miss Lips," Luna warns her. "I'm grateful for your help defending our family, as well as aiding us in keeping the peace in Canterlot during the crisis, but you have yet to earn our trust."

"But of course. It is perfectly understandable, and I have nothing but respect for family members who only look after the best interests of their children," She continues with a smile and raised one of her hooves, "Especially when they keep their promises."

"Indeed, as promised. Seeing as it doesn't seem too extreme or Inequine, I will grant you your request to partake in the sentencing of Jet Set and Upper Crust, but you better not break my trust Scarlet, or the noble couple will not be the only ones that will face judgment from me." She warned Scarlet before closing to stare the smaller mare in the eye while maintaining her calm. "Are we clear?"


The Princess then sighed and turned around to enter the courtroom. "Let's get this over with."

"Right behind you…Auntie."

Luna stopped dead in her tracks while her face hardened into a fierce scowl. Without looking at Scarlet Luna growled out. "Don't you ever say that again." Scarlet only giggled in response as they both entered.

Sometime later, Blueblood waited patiently for his aunt Celestia who, unfortunately, was busy signing, reading, and writing all sorts of documents that had been piling up. All of them required her attention. "I'm sorry Blueblood, but because of the lockdown, the state of emergency, and your masquerade event, work has been piling up and needs my full attention, I promise that I will be with you as soon as I address the most urgent matters."

"It's ok, and I will not take long. I just have a quick question, and then I will be out of your mane auntie," The prince assured, trying not to make her even more stressed as her secretary kept passing documents for her to see, approve or reject in quick succession. Despite that, she took a glance at him while continuing to work.

"Which is?"

"Can Amber and Stellar return to their positions as my guards?"

Celestia suddenly stopped as her eyes widened. "By the old gods, your guards! I completely forgot about them!" She exclaimed and was about to speak when her secretary showed the documents again. "Sorry, dear, there still too much to do." Celestia sighed only to have a burst of inspiration suddenly. Summoning a scroll, the Princess quickly passed to Blueblood. "Here is a royal authorization for reassignment of the royal guard. Just tell Stellar and Amber to sign it, and they can go back to being your bodyguards without any problems." She instructed before refocusing her attention back on the documents. "You will find them in the dungeon."

"The dungeon!?" Blueblood eyes widened in shock at that admission.

"On guard duty! I put them to guard the prisoners!" Celestia quickly clarified.

"Oh, yeah, yeah that makes more sense."

"Now, not to be rude or anything but do you think…?"

"… Don't worry. I will leave now."

"Thank you, and once again I'm sorry, but I need to get this done as quickly as possible." She apologized before getting back to work.

Blueblood nodded and left her in peace to tackle the prodigious amount of documents that were awaiting her signature.

Jesus and that is only with day court? How did she manage to stay sane all those years moving the sun and the moon by herself? The prince pondered, imagining her misery as he closed the door behind him and heads straight to the dungeon.

As he descended the levels of the castle, the light of the day soon was replaced by torches and hooded lanterns, illuminating the way as the prince continued to descend the stone stairs deeper beneath the castle until eventually, he reaches the lowest level in the castle. Rows upon rows of jail cells extend as far as the eye could see. Some of their occupants take glances at the prince as he advances, searching for his friends. Finally, at the far corner where a single bar window let some sunshine slip through, Blueblood managed to find not only the same crime bosses he helped arrest but Stellar and Amber guarding their cell wearing regular royal guard uniforms and armor.

The sound of his hooves on the stone floor soon alerted the two who lowered their weapons towards him. "Halt! Who goes there?!" Amber commanded.

"Stand down soldier," Blueblood responded as he stepped up and into the light. "I'm just here to see my friends," He told the two of them with a knowing smile. Amber and Stellar regarded him, confusion evident on their faces. "Your…highness?" Amber asked, squinting her eyes a little to see him better. "Is that you?"

"Oh, right, my mane." Blueblood pulled some of his hair so they can see him better, earning a gasp from the two.

"There, see? It's me, Blueblood."

"Prince Blueblood it is you!" After having a good look at the prince, both broke protocol and brought him into a hug "Oh thank the stars you're safe and sound. Stellar and I…" Both mares realized what they were doing and quickly ended the hug before taking a step back with matching blushes.

"I…I mean we are glad to see you that you have returned to us, your highness, we can only imagine how much bliss your return brought to the princesses," She adjusted her tone and avoided making eye contact as Stellar just nodded rapidly in agreement, making the prince chuckle a little.

"I'm glad to see you two, as well" His expression turned into one of wonder "Although I'm also confused, you two are both some of the best soldiers Equestria has ever had, the elite in the rankings, the very best. Why are you here on guard duty? Not that is anything wrong with that of course but from what Shining Armor has told me about your exploits, this…seems like a waste of your talents."

Both mares lowered their heads and sighed "The month you disappeared was pretty harsh on all of us your highness" Amber confessed, looking back at him "The day after your exile, Princess Celestia was understandably livid for what happened, honestly we were with her, the only thing we wanted to do was to bring you back safely and capture the scoundrels that tried to end your life"

The assassin Blueblood nodded once.

"Yet her highness had other plans for us, and after we failed so miserably protecting the castle…me in particular." Amber clenched her teeth in guilt, surprising the prince with that reaction before Stellar put a hoof on her shoulder to comfort her. "A punishment was in order."

"Amber…what exactly happen?" The prince asks, worry etched in all of his features.

"The princess demoted us, your highness" Both raised their heads and looked back at him.

"De–Demoted you?!" Blueblood asked, shocked as they nodded.

"To foot soldiers, with orders to guard the dungeons. That is why we are here, wearing these uniforms," Amber explains in sorrow.

"But that…that seems too extreme. What happened that night was something beyond your control."

"Be that as it may, what's done is done. We have our new assignments, and we will fulfill our duty no matter what until further notice." Amber responded with determination, "That is our code, obligation, and honor as royal guards of Equestria."

Stellar nodded and both returned to their posts.

The prince smiled and pulled out the scroll Celestia had given him. "Then, you can consider your assignment completed."

Both looked at him confused as he levitated the scroll to them, "Like I said, being here is a waste of your talents. You both deserve positions that fits your capabilities. One that I would love to have you back in. That is, of course, if you would like to have it back."

"Your Highness this is…I mean," Amber read the document carefully before looking at Blueblood again "You want to take us on as your guards again?" She asked incredulously, "Even after we…after I…" She looked away, confusing the prince again.

"Of course! I would love to have you both back again as my guards; at first, I had my reservations about having two guards following everywhere. But you have become more than just my bodyguards. You two are my friends." He assured them with a smile, "And nothing would make me happier than having my friends with me once more."

"But I…I failed," She insisted still not making eye contact with him "I put so many ponies at risk."

"Amber?" The prince looked at her, confused.

"C…can I think about it?" She finally looked back at him.

"Um... sure, take as much time as you wish" He then looked to Stellar as well "Both of you, don't get me wrong, this isn't an order. You can easily say no. Just tell me what other assignments you wish to have, and I will see to it that you get it" He assured them with a pained, forced smile, trying to mask his disappointment.

"Thank you, highness, that is all we ask for," She informed him with a nod.

"Of course, once you have reached your decision, you know where to find me then." He tells them before beginning to walk away "Well, I should probably be going. There are still some things that I need to take care of today. It was…nice talking with you two. I hope we can catch up on things some other time."

"Another moment, sir!" Amber called out, her eyes wide with fear, "Please don't wander too far from the castle!"

"I can't make any promises," Blueblood replied, disappearing in the hallways. Once he was gone, Stellar glare at her friend.

"Don't look at me like that, I made the right call, and you know why, I can't go back to the field, not yet."

Stellar raised an eyebrow in response.

"I can't!"

Stellar only sighed and shook her head before looking ahead of herself.

"…you know, there is no need for you to suffer here with me, if you want, you can take the offer and…"

Stellar shook her head and planted her hooves firmly on the ground, making Amber sighed and shook her head.

"You're a stubborn mule, guilt-tripping me with the loyalty card? That's a low blow."

Stellar responded by smirking back to her friend "…Shut up!" Amber responded in irritation as they went back to their work.

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