• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Tales Of Tears and Love (Edited by BS)

Looking down from on high, both versions of Blueblood admired from the rooftop how Sonata finished talking with both principals as they paid attention to what she said and the small gestures she made to emphasize her points. The Prince let out a breath of relief as the sisters seemed to nod in understanding, in what he assumed was agreement. That and a fast-approaching storm influenced their decision. As Twilight and Rarity described, parts of the buildings started to disappear with each lighting strike, leaving only holes or craters in their wake, telling all how little time remained.

"What do you think her plan is?" The student asked his counterpart, ducking his head back from the corner of the rooftop to avoid being spotted by his aunts.

"Whatever it is, it can wait." The Prince then looked at the student. "Right now, I'm more interested in knowing what you need to tell me privately."

"Right, I did promise you a story; sorry for delaying things... It's just this one is not one of my favorites." He admitted with a sorrowful voice as he stared at the floor. Meanwhile, the Prince sat crosslegged and extended his arms, touching his thumb with his middle finger as he closed his eyes and practiced breathing exercises to calm his mind.

"Then why are you telling me? If you don't want to talk about it, it is unnecessary." He replied, keeping his eyes closed.

"That's the thing! There IS a reason why you need to hear it! Blue..." He clenched his fist and took a deep breath to steel his nerves. "...This is about my version of Crossfire Tempo, my godmother, and how she was before she...she was..." He could not finish the sentence as he got increasingly angry, doing his best to contain the tears.

The Prince was stunned by this revelation and opened his eyes to regard his counterpart; his meditation was interrupted. He could, however, feel tiny sparks flying on the tip of his hands while Bludegard continued.

"And as much as I don't want to talk about it, there are too many parallels with your version of our godmother. That is why I need to tell you this story. I think...I think all this chaos is her trying to hide her grief."

"Blueblood..." The Prince moved to extend a hand, feeling pity for his companion, only for the copy to step back and yell at him in fury.

"Don't! Don't you even dare! Prince or not, armed or not, better or not, don't you ever dare pity me! Do you hear?! This is about her and ONLY her. Are we clear?"

The Prince was momentarily stunned before starting to piece things together about why his counterpart was adamant about looking like nothing was wrong and that he could do anything.

"It started as an act so people would not pity you," the prince thought out loud, making the copy angry. "So that's why."

"I SAID..."

"I heard you." The Prince stopped him and nodded. "We will focus on her," He responded neutrally as the teenager stared at him momentarily and cleared his head. "Tell me her story."

"...good." Nodding, Bludegard needed a moment to compose himself and took a deep breath before starting. "Long before I was born, my godmother was a pilot, one of the best. She was known as the queen of the sky, the captain of her team, and the best damn pilot you have ever heard of, Bearing the title of "The Wonderbolts." She and my mom had a... complicated relationship."

"When you say complicate...?"

"She never forgot my dad; let's leave it at that."

"Ah." The Prince nods, understanding what he means, and resumes his meditative pose, trying to harness the new surge of magic he is experiencing. If...nah, she could have just made a herd. If that were the case, you'd better not overthink it too much.

"Still, she was a very close friend of the family, which was why my parents made her my godmother before they passed away. I believe she never truly recovered from the news, not completely, at least so much so that she dedicated every moment of her life to raising me like I was her son. Prince Blueblood...she was the best godmother possible, always attentive, always working her hardest to give me the best life possible, the most kind, diligent, and maternal aunt. The very best..." He needed to clear his eyes again and sighed. "Sorry, I know I'm getting off track a lot here, but this topic is sensitive for me. At first, I was shocked to hear how your godmother was the polar opposite of mine. How lazy she had become, but now that I have heard her plans, I was shocked. I...I am starting to see my aunty once more. Now, I think I understand what is going on."

"What makes you think that?"

"Because even though she was the best, it didn't start like that. As I said, she never fully recovered when my parents died. The first few months after it happened were the worst. She couldn't seem to summon the will to move a muscle and would only leave her bed when it was absolutely necessary." Bludegard clenched his fist and stared at it in complete fury. "Just like that son of a bitch Sharp Shooter planned. She spent all that time just sleeping and trying to pretend my parents were still around."

The name elicited a reaction from the Prince, yet he held his tongue, not wanting to get side-tracked from the subject at hand. "And you think that is what is going on? She's just grieving?"

"More like She's trying to pretend nothing is wrong, Prince. I know my godmother; I know denial and what she is doing, her reasoning, even distracting herself by "saving" others...this is the same step-by-step of what my aunt once did after she got up from bed. She started to overwork herself to keep herself distracted and pretend nothing was wrong...hurting others by mistake, including herself, and I know exactly how to get to her. Like we did with Aunt Tempo years ago, I would need to get in close to snap her out of that mentality. I need to know everything you know about your aunt Tempo to build the perfect model and see the differences between yours and mine."

The Prince considered his options and what his copy was proposing. Comparing matters with his godmother and her shaky relationship with his aunts, he quickly found the parallels. Even considering how Sharp Shooter's name came up again, even if he didn't have all the details yet.

"What you are proposing has potential, I won't deny that, but there are two things I need to ask if you have considered before agreeing to this idea. First, your solution solves only half the problem, and we still have Dream to be on alert for. Second, even accounting for Dream and putting him aside, this idea puts you directly on the line of fire. As ironic as it may be, you would put yourself into bizarre danger, completely at odds with our earlier conversation. What made you change your mind?"

"Who's say it changed? I will leave the dangerous stuff to you; I would only be dealing with my...ah aunt Tempo and get her away from all this mess, pony or not, she is still my...I mean! She is a version of my aunt, and I know she would never harm me!" He needed to correct himself before looking down. "She is just confused and has been consumed by denial. She needs to be confronted so she can snap out of her issues. Once that's done, I'm sure we can put everything back in order." He claimed confidently, but the Prince detected a hint of desperation in his counterpart's voice that he couldn't understand completely. Even though his copy wanted to help talk with Tempo, he needed to have this conversation.

"Plus, it would mean I can say goodbye." He mumbled the last part before looking at his copy more confidently. "If you can deal with the rest, I can help you. That, and well..." The cracking sound of lighting in the distance sent a shiver down the student's back, and he shook his head a little. "I don't have much of a choice here, am I? Either I help you and risk my neck out there...or stay here and most likely lose it or die when the thunderstorm hits us. I mean, you will need my expertise in the field since you know next to nothing about my sweet aunt." He pointed at himself, trying to hype himself up and ignore how scared he was of the whole idea.

The Prince let him have that ego boost and nodded once with a smile. "Fair enough; if you are sure you can convince Aunt Tempo to stop, then I will leave her to you and Sonata. Her sonic powers could come in handy if she needs a louder approach, and she can protect you; Nefi and I can deal with Dream in the meantime if the girls agree to that."

"Sounds like a plan; I will tell them about that then, and Prince, what we just discussed..."

Anticipating what he was going to say, the Prince shook his head. "If you want me to keep quiet about Tempo, I will...but due to the nature of this mission, I think it would be impossible to keep it that way for long. They deserve to know and need some information if we want this to work."

"...right, but can we at least skip the details?"

The Prince remained quiet before sighing, "I will let you tell them if you prefer, but if it is important for the mission, then I will speak. Communication is key, Bludegard; if you want anything to work out, that is something you can't avoid."

"F-FINE! But ONLY what is necessary and not a single detail more," He clarified as the Prince walked away and drew Llamrai.

"Fair enough, we will do it your way. And as thanks for telling me your story, allow me to return the favor and tell you one of mine." Blueblood offered with a smile, moving his hands and leaving a faint red mist behind them, feeling like he was starting to control the energy

"Huh?" The student looks at Blueblood, confused, as he looks up at the sky

"I heard you earlier; you were confused when I mentioned my dusk form, yes? Would you like to know what we were talking about?" The Prince turned to his counterpart with a smile that sent a shiver to the student as he noticed how the environment suddenly got colder and there was some pressure in the air.

Swallowing the lump in his throat and with a mixture of fear, excitement, and curiosity, the student could only nod once.

Nodding, the Prince took and looked intently at Llamrai and gripped the hilt with both hands so he could stare at his reflection on the blade. "Some time ago, I was at a low point in my life; I barely understood magic; the ponies around me were weary of me, and I was pretending to be something I was not. Things went from bad to worse in the blink of an eye."

The wind started to pick up around him as his eyes glowed red, startling the student. "Then, when I was at my absolute lowest and climbing my way out of the hole I made, I thought about my aunts. In particular, my aunt Luna and how she had her own low point." A red cyclone of magic started to form around him as the Prince recalled his lessons with Princess Luna involving his transformation

-"The intention, emotion, and focus were correct, but the direction was all wrong; I may have the title, but I'm not exclusively dedicated to the moon, nephew. Expand your view, see my realm for what it is, and connect with the night itself,"- Luna instructed him as the Prince nodded and took deep breaths.

"It was in that moment that I found the way to break my limits and reach heights I have never imagined possible, all by simply focusing on one thing."

"W-What was that?" The teenager asked, more than a little scared at what was happening to his counterpart.

The Prince chuckled and looked at Bludegard with a calm smile. "Love."

As he said those words, the cyclone swallowed his whole being and rose into the heavens, dragging many clouds into its vortex. The scream of the Prince could be heard over the wind, and a rainbow of lighting corsed over his form seemed to interfere with the transformation, mutating it into something completely different. Yet, the Prince endured, focusing on his training and tensing his muscles throughout the process.

It's different from before; I don't feel the warmth... It's like I'm trying to chew on electricity itself. Calm down and focus. Remember, connect with the night as a whole; don't try to hold onto it; merge with it.

The teenager was almost blown away and had to cover his eyes from the light show as the Prince screamed and grunted occasionally from pain until he regained control of the energy and the air finally cleared.

At that exact moment, Principal Luna felt a cold chill running down her spine as she looked back suddenly while she and Celestia talked with Sonata.

"What is it, Luna?" Celestia asks her in concern

"I-I'm not sure; suddenly, I felt a strange chill, scary yet nostalgic somehow," She confessed, looking back at them and holding her head in worry.

The two ladies could only blink before looking at one another.

Back on the rooftop

"Well... isn't this a curious change?" The Prince observed out loud as the teenager looked at him in awe, his jaw wide open once he saw the Prince, who stood up again, now recovering from the power surge, before smiling and approaching his copy.

"Take a good look, my other self; this is what happens when we break free of our shells and dare to dream with full determination!" He extended his open hand at him. "Would you like to try?" He mentions tilting his head and offering his hand.

An hour later

Both Bluebloods walked back inside to find Nefertiti carrying jumper cables and a car battery on a cart. "Ah, good, you are done. Would either of you gentlemen help me carry all this stuff outside? I have three or four more of these that I need to connect to the statue." She asked with a hopeful smile before noticing the Prince and seeing how, besides now wearing a red hood, his swords fused into a two-handed flameburge resting on his back and how his hair was now silver; not else had changed in his physical appearance, much to her disappointment.

"That's it?" She asked, perplexed, tilting her head to the side

"What do you mean, Nefi?" The Prince mirrored her expression, equally confused.

"Nothing is just...well, after all that fanfare and whispers of the dangers of magic working differently here, not to mention the whole fight with Desire... Long story, don't ask." She stopped the student from asking. "I don't know, I was hoping there would be...more."

The comment made the Prince laugh as he approached the cart and took over for Nefi. "Trust me, kitty cat, this is just scratching the surface," he assured her confidently, much to her confusion.

"Kitty Cat?"

"So, we're connecting this stuff to that statue outside? No problem." The Prince looked at Bludegard. "I will fill her in junior. You can go to find your stuff."

Bludegard gulped and nodded before walking away from the two, earning more confusion from Nefertiti.

"Ok, seriously, what's gotten into you two now? Where is he going? What stuff?" Nefertiti asked while following Blueblood.

"Heh, well, aren't we a curious kitty?"

"And stop with that already; it's getting on my nerves," Nefi warned him as the Prince shrugged.

"Fair enough, Nefi, no more pet names. As for your question, well, we had a heart-to-heart. My version here has a history with Aunt Tempo, one stronger than mine, from the looks of things. It didn't end well, or perhaps he has unfinished business with her...do you recall what I did with my aunts? Same situation."

"Oh," Nefi eyes widened slowly, and she nodded once. "So it safe to say he is coming?"

"Oh, he is coming. He even promised to take on Tempo for us, too. I suggested taking Sonata with him so we can focus on Dream." They both reached the school entrance and stopped in front of the statue, with two more jumper cables on each side and a long cord from the school grounds back to the lab. "Which is fine with me, but I wanted to fill you in before doing anything."

He showed her his arm and pulled back his sleeve, revealing a black and red miasma emanating from and hugging close to his skin. "As you can see, Blood Moon is in the house, and in this crazy world, that is a game changer." He smirked and let go of the cart to offer her his hand, "Particularly with how it has put me in a sharing mood. So what would you say, Madame, would you grant me this dance?"

The lioness looked at him, intrigued and surprised by the development of things, before looking at her gauntlets and started feeling excited at the prospect. "Why, sir, that is quite the alluring proposal." She took his hand, and her hair began to change to the gold the Prince typically had as the miasma danced around his weapon and hand before flowing over to her. Soon after, Nefi's cat ears appeared on her head along with her lioness tail. "And I'm more than intrigued by it; tell me more."

She joked as the two laughed, their eyes turning red before returning to work and setting everything in motion for the plan

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