• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Kind Yet Stern Approach (Edited By BS And NS)

Stepping out of her carriage, Celestia looked at Equestria's greatest spa center, which, in contrast with the desert surrounding it, gave the impression of being a mirage at first glance. Surrounded by five imposing and unnaturally tall and thick tropical palm trees laid out in a star pattern was a luxurious blue villa with three floors encircled by a crystal clear lake coming from two small clouds cascading streams of water from their sides like a waterfall and domed rooftops. Banners and marble pillars were lined up outside of the front door with a long red carpet in between them, giving any visitors a glamorous and high-class first impression as they walked inside their massive wooden doors where even far from the entrance, the Princess could feel a cool breeze washing over her body. Her nostrils could detect the faint smell of lilac and cinnamon, making the place all the more enticing.

The Golden Oasis, the most fabulous spa in all of Equestria, I'm beginning to see how it lives up to its name. The entrance alone screams high class and relaxation. Celestia pondered as she advanced to the door until a polite cough caught her attention, and looking back, she took a glance at the exhausted pegasi that carried her all the way here, filling her with pity and quickly came up with an idea.

"Gentlestallions," Celestia called, making the two pegasi stand to attention and salute her. "Thank you for providing a swift, fast and pleasant ride here from Canterlot, I understand that the trek wasn't particularly short, and for putting such effort into pulling the chariot during the whole trip, I'm deeply grateful."

"It was our pleasure, your highness." One of the guards replied

"If asked, we would be more than happy to take you to the badlands and back if you had ordered us." The other adds.

"Oh my goodness, no, a trip like that would have taken at least a week's worth of flying. I couldn't possibly demand so much from you two. You've more than earned a small break for your trouble." She pointed at the spa behind her with one of her wings. "By all means, feel free to enjoy the facilities while we are here. This is, after all, a two-day visit."

Both stallions' eyes went wide in surprise. "What?! But your highness...!" Any argument the guard was about to voice was quickly silenced by her raising her hoof

"I insist. If not as a form of thanks for bringing me here, then consider it as preparation for our trip back. the journey will be long, and it would be best if you two are well rested and in top condition by the time we head back to Canterlot."

"Understood, your highness, then we will gladly take you up on the offer. Thank you kindly." They both bowed to her, but she could see the slight smile of excitement creeping onto both of their faces making her chuckle internally.

Oh, you two, as stubborn as always, I hope this little treat of mine helps you relax a bit.

With her little good deed done, she resumed her march inside with a solemn expression.

I'm here, old friend, and whatever it is happening, you will not have to face it alone.

Meanwhile, near Fluttershy's Cottage

Humming a little tune, Blueblood made his way towards Fluttershy's cottage and to his second sleepover destination. His mind, wondering what it would be like to spend the night with her and all her little animal friends. As if by chance, he would wake up with one or two of them curling next to him as they shared the same bed, causing him to chuckle

I also promised Aunt Celestia that I will check on her friend, Philomena. Hmm, I wonder who she might be. He pondered while looking up until a series of barks caught his attention. Looking ahead, he was greeted by Fluttershy's herd of puppies, all barking happily and demanding the attention of the Prince, alerting him to the kennel next to Fluttershy cottage, reminding him how he almost went for a dip in the water.

Shaking his head, he smiled and crouched down to look at puppies as they tried to lick him, unable to stay still. "You just wait for the little ones. I will have to reward you later once I have the time." They all barked even more excitedly as he stood tall once more and went to her house, but before he had the chance to knock, the Prince noticed a letter on the front door.

I'm in the back feeding my bird friends, by right back.

Huh, I suppose the early birds beat me to it then. Heh, I wonder how many of those friends Fluttershy has? The Prince asked himself as he made his way to the back of the house and started looking for Fluttershy while saying hello to her other friends on his way. They all looked at him with curiosity or greeted him as he went by. A bat, in particular, flew down and immediately went to greet him. The Prince smiled and petted her head as it chirped in happiness and nuzzled his hoof.

"Hey, I think I remember you! You're one of the bats that Fluttershy took to the school some time ago, right?" The bat chirped and nodded in agreement as she flew to hover at eye level. "Miss Batty, I'm looking for Fluttershy. By any chance, do you know where she is?"

The bat continued to chirp and nodded again before flying away, implying that he would follow her. Blueblood nodded and did just that. His winged companion guided him through various pens of animals until they finally reached a clearing where they found the mare in question. The Prince was about to call for her but stopped when he heard her sing with the birds she was feeding, acting as her accompaniment, entrancing him on the performance.

Not wanting to interrupt, he decided to sit and enjoy the show as the bat that was guiding him landed and lay down on top of one of his hooves, snuggling down to get comfortable. Making him chuckle and pet her back as she whistled in contentment and nuzzled his leg. Soon more of Fluttershy's animal friends started to surround him and sat down next to the Prince. Some out of curiosity, others seeking attention, and even more simply wanting to hear Fluttershy. He couldn't help but feel a tad bit nervous when an adult tiger decided to nuzzle his entire body against him like a giant cat before settling in and resting on his side. Still, the nervousness quickly faded when a group of squirrels climbed on top of the tiger and got comfortable themselves.

These are Fluttershy friends. I shouldn't be so afraid. She would never let them have so much freedom unless she knew they wouldn't harm anyone unless provoked. Testing his luck a bit, he starts to pet the giant cat as well, who seems to be enjoying the attention, and it purrs in contentment, moving around as if to guide his hoof in where it wanted to be petted.

"Blueblood?" The voice of Fluttershy snapped him out of his trance. He looked up to see the pegasus looking at him in confusion as he realized now how the tiger wasn't the only one that had small animals all over his body. Birds, chinchillas, other squirrels, geckos, and even bunnies had piled in to get comfy, and they were using his body as a sort of bed. "Is that you?" she asked, unsure due to all the animals on him acting as some form of camouflage, making it hard to know if she was talking with the Prince in question.

"Hi, Fluttershy," The Prince called, shifting slowly before standing up, much to the dismay of various animals as they got off him and flew or ran away soon after. "Sorry if I startled you. I saw your note and decided to look for you. I didn't know you sing. Why didn't you tell me?"

Immediately after asking, Fluttershy got embarrassed and looked away. "It…a bit of a long story, sorry for not telling you."

"You don't need to apologize. I was just curious. You have an incredible voice. I bet everyone would love to hear…." The Prince stopped once he noticed how uncomfortable Fluttershy was getting as she was retreating within herself more and more—hiding her face under her mane. Telling the Prince all he had to know. "…nevermind, I get it," He told her with a nod, confusing the caretaker as she looked back at him.


"Don't worry, I understand. It's a shame not sharing such an incredible gift, but this is something you can't or shouldn't force on anyone that doesn't like to sing in front of an audience, forget I said anything."

"N…No! You got it wrong!" Fluttershy suddenly exclaimed, much to the Prince's surprise and confusion at her outburst. Recovering, she looked down and started drawing circles on the dirt. "T-the truth is. I k-kind of would like to s-sing in front of an audience." She confessed in a barely audible whisper before hiding her face once more. "I simply wish I could, but when I think about an audience looking at me watching every single one of my movements..." She physically started to tremble before doing some breathing exercises to calm herself down. "I can get a tiny bit nervous. That is actually why I've been practicing some assertiveness exercises to get past my shyness. One day hopefully, I'll be able to sing in front of others without any more worries."

"Oh! I get it to now, so that is why in the masquerade? Fluttershy, that is incredible! Would you mind letting me know whenever you feel ready? Nothing would make me happier than to see you perform from the front row." The Prince enthusiastically told her, catching her off guard.

"Y-you in a front-row seat? I-in a theater but that means performing in front of a…."

"Oh crap!" Blueblood didn't waste time in doing some damage control. "I meant a clearing! In the middle of the forest, t-think you are performing for just me and your animal friends. No one is watching, just friends, the day is warm, and there is a gentle breeze." He quickly tried to calm her down. Which resulted and Fluttershy stopped being nervous after she closed her eyes and calmed down once more. Before finally opening them and seeing him properly now.

"Thank you, Blueblood, that helped."

"Anytime, the last thing I want is to make you feel uncomfortable. In fact I wanted to talk to you about that."

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy tilted her head, finally noticing his backpack. "And why did you pack so much…oh my, did you perhaps not know much about sleep-overs and thought that they were similar to a campout?" She asked him with a small degree of worry.

"Nah, this is just Aunt Celly getting a bit carried away while helping me pack." He responded with a smile while tapping said backpack. "And what I meant is I know you had your reservations about this whole plan, and Pinkie more or less put you in the spotlight back then. I appreciate that you still decided to agree to it. However, I could use your advice for my meeting. So in order to make things easier for you. I could sleep outside so that I won't bother you?" He then lifted his hoof to show the bat that didn't leave him even when he stood up. "I'm sure your nocturnal friends wouldn't mind keeping me company for a bit, and you can rest more easily."

Much to his surprise, Fluttershy gasped at his suggestion, "What? Oh no, no, Blueblood, you can't do that. What kind of host would I be if I threw you outside during our sleepover?" She was quick to shake her head in disagreement.

"Fluttershy, you don't need to push yourself. It's ok. We can still have a sleepover no matter where I sleep. Besides, Your house only has enough space for one, wouldn't it be better…."

"No, you will be spending the night at my house, and that is final." She said, definitively putting her hoof down hard before smiling at him calmly. "I'm sure we will find a way, and there will be no problems at all. We can even share my bed if there isn't any space." The comment took the Prince off guard as he blinked a couple of times owlishly at the pegasus. The realization of what she just said finally sunk in. Her eyes widened, and her feathers ruffled a little.

"I–I mean couch! I mean, floor! I mean…we will figure something out!" She finally managed to say, trying to calm down.

Wow, it happened again? What are the odds of that?…although hers makes more sense considering the kiss accident. The Prince pondered with a small degree of embarrassment and awkwardness at the memory of their little event.

Once calmed down, the caretaker was able to continue, "Please don't go outside. I appreciate the gesture, and it's very kind of you to consider my feelings, but in reality, it will only make me feel bad. The idea of putting my comfort over yours."

He sighed in resignation and nodded, "If you are sure about it, then ok. We will think of something."

"Thank you, and don't worry, there's plenty of time. I'm sure we will find the space and have a good time. In the meantime, why don't we go to my sanctuary for a while? You can tell me how I can help you, and I can show you how Princess Celestia's pet has been doing."

"Philomena is Aunty Celestia's pet?" The Prince looked at her in surprise, much to her confusion.

"She didn't tell you?"

"No, she only told me that Philomina was an exceptional friend of hers that was visiting you." He then looked up in thought. "Although in retrospect, it was kind of obvious."

Fluttershy could only giggle at that. "I think the princess was playing a small prank on you, just like her pet." Fluttershy mumbled. The last part in reminisce.

"Ha yeah, that sounds like my aunt alright, also? You have a sanctuary?" He looked at her perplexed as they advanced together.

"Oh yeah, it is a special place I have always wanted to have where all my animal friends could come and go as they pleased to rest, feed and have as much fun as they could ever want. It's a long story on how I got it."

"We have time." Blueblood smiled as they continued, a pair of eyes appearing on his shadow as it started looking at Fluttershy with intrigue.

Weird, I don't recall igniting anything in this mare before, yet the flame is there, but augh! It's too tame and small! Better turn up the heat. It chuckles, extending a bit, so their shadows touch, igniting, even more, the flame in Fluttershy's heart without her realizing it. Once the deed was done, it returned and faded away as if it never existed in the first place.

Once they arrived at her sanctuary, things start to get busy with the both of them as all sorts of fights were breaking out, groups of animals blaming one another for stealing their food, fights for resting places, and what the Prince consider the most curious, a sort of talking circle where both herbivores AND carnivores…talked, according to Fluttershy, on how they can live together in her little refuge without any fear of eating or hurting one another as long as they remain there. The whole thing was bizarre, and Blueblood could only watch in surprise and admiration at how Fluttershy tackled each and every single problem that came her way as easy as breathing.

Eventually, things calmed down when the sun was beginning to set, and both ponies were busy finishing feeding a couple of wolf and bear cubs while their parents remained nearby, taking power naps.

"Blueblood, I'm extremely sorry about how you ended up spending the whole day. This was supposed to be a chore-free day for us to talk and relax, but instead, we ended up just working in my sanctuary all day."

"Relax, Fluttershy, really it was no problem. I'm the one that volunteered when we started. Besides, watching you in action made me see how you are the perfect mare for me to seek advice from." Once one of the wolf cubs was done eating, the Prince levitated a piece of rope so they could play together as the cub bite and start a game of tug-of-war with the Prince. The latter only chuckle at the adorable sight. "The way you tackle every single problem, how you manage to keep everyone happy and respectful, how you maintain the peace in this place." He stopped playing to look at the pegasus. "For crying out loud, you hammered out an agreement, so no carnivore eats anyone here. Fluttershy, you are not only incredible. You are the mare that could do it all."

At the compliment, she couldn't help but giggle nervously and hide her increasing blush behind her mane.

"Perhaps even capable of helping me…." Snapping from her trance, the pegasus looked back at the Prince and noticed how he was kicking the ground, unsure if he should finish the sentence.

"Yes?" She gently pushed him to proceed and began to approach him.

"…Fluttershy, to tell you the truth, the idea of talking with all these rulers soon is making me nervous. In part because of fear of screwing something up and severing an alliance between nations. But mostly it's because I'm afraid that I could regress and turn into a wolf once more if they push me too far."

"A…wolf?" Fluttershy asks, confused at that statement, as well as various animals that look back at the Prince with raised eyebrows

"A metaphorical one. It is a term used to describe people working in some business areas because of their viciousness and cold-hearted approach when it comes to earning money or destroying rival companies. Back then, Fluttershy? I was a prime example of that type of monster, I was horrible, and I don't want to be that again. I don't want to wreck anyone's life anymore, far from it. I organized this meeting to help others while pitching my ideas for a better Equestria and better world in general that we could achieve working together. Still, the more I think about it, the more similarities I find to those meetings where I was a terrible human being."

"Then why don't we do some role play?" The moment Fluttershy uttered those words, the Prince did a double-take as he looked up and saw the yellow pegasus looking at him with determination


"Yeah, that way, I can help you stand your ground without becoming a wolf. I can teach you to be firm yet kind, like when you helped me when we danced at the masquerade. I can help you use your skills for good once more. Pretend I'm one of them."

"Oh no, Fluttershy, that is a terrible idea. What if I accidentally slip into my old self? I can't show you that side of me. If you were to see it, then…you wouldn't be able to see me with the same eyes again."

"Blueblood, I promise" She smiled and grabbed his face, so he looked at her. "Nothing you do or say will change a thing. I know who you are inside. I already saw how that side of yours could help others, and I know you will never say anything mean, and if it happens, I know it wasn't on purpose. That is how I manage to keep peace here. That is the secret to ensuring everyone stays happy, with patience, practice, and a kind approach to any problem you face." She listed giving him a big smile before letting go of his face and stepping back.

"Please trust me. I assure you I can take it, and this way, you can remain calm and collected when facing them."

The Prince kept debating on taking her offer until finally he nodded and relented, "The second it becomes too much for you, we stop, got it?"

She nodded in agreement, and he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "My biggest concern is that all of them will be aiming to know how to gain money and power overnight, so this is how I will most likely reply if they keep refusing to accept that my answer is no. Get ready" The moment he opened his eyes once more, Fluttershy's whole body flinched and became rigid. His previously warm and calm gaze was replaced entirely by a cold and hard stare. His smile was replaced with a calculated frown, and the way his eyes pierced her made her feel like he had placed her under a magnifying glass. It was as if he was looking right at her soul, almost daring her to try and lie. It took a moment for her to recover, but despite the fear trying to creep into her mind, she stood tall and responded with her Stare, making the atmosphere around them extremely heavy and tense.

"You aren't going to back down, are you? No, this is the only thing you want. Perhaps it's the only reason you are here. To learn the easy way to power? To unravel the mystery of how I got my hooves on all that money? That is what you want, Isn't it?"

Oh my, i-is this what my Stare feels like? No, this is different. It's like… The Glare I never imagined he had something so similar to my Stare. This is incredible. I wonder what could happen if we both look at some pony…no! I must stay focused on this to help him out, Nothing more.

Swallowing hard, Fluttershy licked her dry lips before taking a deep breath and getting into the role as well. "Don't get me wrong, this game of cat and mouse is cute and all, but I have humored you more than enough. These are the big league's Blueblood, so it would be prudent to stop with all the games and get down to business. You have something I want, and you don't want to test my patience." She replied with a smirk surprising the Prince with how natural it came across. He almost wanted to stop right there and praise her acting skills. Still, he needed to continue. The whole idea of this roleplay was to help him practice how to respond if this situation happened during his meeting.

"Test your patience, you say?" Blueblood only chuckled and shook his head. "Oh Princess, you don't understand the can of worms you are asking me to open. But you told me to stop with the games, so how about a sort of warning instead?"

"Nope!" Fluttershy broke character and pointed at Blueblood, snapping him back to reality. "If you wish to make friends, you can't ever threaten them," She elaborated, lowering her hoof.

"Then how do I make them drop the subject?"

"Instead of that, try to explain why you can't tell them something. You can be a bit ambiguous but try not to be overly intimidating while doing so. Just make sure you are not doing it out of malice, and instead, it's more to protect them. Let's try it again. A Princess tells you that she is done playing games…how do you reply to that?"

The Prince thinks it over before coming with an answer and looked at her with a smile before resuming their bizarre staring competition/ rehearsal until they both lost track of time, simply looking at one another without saying a word and making the animals of the sanctuary recoil in fear as their glares and tension were so palpable that they were starting to not see them as the ponies they were and instead saw them as some sort of werewolf and vampire creatures that were about to pounce at one another.

Eventually, their contest ended when a brave white bunny tugged on Fluttershy mane to tell her that he was hungry, snapping them from their trance and realizing how they were a hairs distance away from kissing.

Jolting back in surprise, they turned away, sporting great blushes and noticing how it was already night. "Oh my, is it night already?! It must be dinner time!" As if on cue, both their stomachs grumbled in agreement, only making them blush deeper.

"Y-yeah, it looks like, w-why don't we leave things here and go get something to eat for everyone?"

"Y-yeah, let's do just that!" They bolted back to her cottage, taking glances at the other but refusing to make eye contact, their minds confused by what happened. Fluttershy, in particular, was confused and surprised at how the sensation of danger from the Prince rather than eliciting fear excited her somehow, and she couldn't figure out why.

In a nearby bush, a chuckling dragon figure watched them run.

Not exactly what I was planning, but, oh, I love some tension in the air, especially the sexy kind. Sweet dreams, caretaker. She continued chuckling before disappearing.

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