• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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15: The Alien Agenda

It was another night in New york once again, everything seemed alright at first, until Karai and a bunch of foot soldiers started to cross through the roofs heading somewhere until Karai stopped them.

"The turtles and dragon were spotted in this neighborhood. So stay alert for any sign of them" Karai ordered the soldiers.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted as she looked down and saw Spike and the others fighting the Kraang.
"The ones called the turtles are being defeated by Kraang." One said before Spike ripped out the brain in anger and threw it into a dumpster.
"Are you so sure about that?!" Spike asked in anger as he smashed another's head with his arm. He deflected another blast with his sword and sliced the gun up before slicing it's head off.

"They're fighting robots?" Karai asked confused, she stopped the soldiers and saw a brain come out of the robot.
"Whoa, this towns more interesting then i thought!" Karai said in surprise. Spike noticed she was on the roof along with Leo and he smirked.

"I'll save you Raph!" Leo said in a deep voice as he sliced a robot apart.
"You'll save?" Raph asked in anger. Spike flipped onto a wall and jumped off it and sliced another in half completely. Leo landed on ones back and sliced off it's arms.
"Relax Mikey, your safe now." Leo said before smashing it down. Karai smirked as she saw them take it down.

"Donnie, on my mark!" Spike shouted as he grabbed Donnie's staff, Donnie then twirled it around and Spike kicked each one in the face knocking them down. Spike and Leo flipped on the ground again and high fived eachother and looked back at Karai who was impressed before she went off again, but Raph was able to notice her.

"Uh, what the heck was that?" Donnie asked confused.
"Yeah, you trying to impress us? Cause it totally worked!" Mikey said giving them a hug.
"What is it Raph?" Donnie asked as Raph looked concerned.
"I thought i saw something. What about you guys? Did you see something?" Raph asked suspicious.

"No," Leo said in defense as Raph was crossing his arms.
"Turtles first right?" Raph asked unconvinced.
"Turtles first." Spike finished as he and the three started at each other even more.

"Do you feel like we're missing something?" Donnie asked looking at Mikey.
"All the time." Mikey answered as they were still staring at eachother.

Back in Shredder's Lair, Stockman was currently working on Xever's mutant form, he had attached robotic legs to him and was making the finishing touches. Xever gasped for air and started to stand up on them.
"Aw the mermaids grown legs!" Dogpound teased.

"Please, settle down! Xever, get ready to walk." Stockman said as he held up a remote. Xever's belt turned on and he was starting to move ahead pretty nicely, but the device malfunctioned and he started to run away to fast.
"No no, no no!" Xever screamed as he ran into the wall and Stockman cringed at that. Dogpound continued to laugh as Xever kept walking around hysterically.
"Fix this! Or i will bite your head off!" Xever threatened as his legs were moving around more. Xever quickly pressed a button and the legs powered down, Shredder suddenly appeared behind him.

"Baxter Stockman!" Shredder said threateningly.
"Mr Shredder! Uh.. how long have you been standing there?" Stockman asked nervously.
"Long enough to see your failure. My patience is wearing thin.." Shredder said with anger.
"Yes sir, it's just the control mechanisms is providing triggers " Stockman said afraid.
"Enough! If he is not walking soon, you will not be either. I will give you one more chance." Shredder told him as Karai had entered the room and landed on the ground.

"Father, we spotted the turtles and dragon some guys in suits. But they were actually slimy brain squids in robot bodies!" Karai reported still weirded out by that.
"Your mission is to destroy them, capture the dragon, and find master Splinter. Everything else is a distraction!" Shredder said upset at her.

"Distraction? Father don't you wanna know what's going on? Robots and creatures? Splinters deciphers are turtles, mutants! And the dragon said he had something to do with those creatures as well! Your own men got turned into hideous freaks! Don't you think we should find out what is going on? " Karai said arguing with him.
"I mean there's more to life then your vendetta." Karai said crossing her arms.

"There is nothing more! Have you forgotten what Hamato Yoshi did to me? To us? Every day that Splinter lives is a stain on our honor that we must wipe clean. Stay focused on your mission Karai." Shredder said putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Yes father." Karai said as she put on her mask again and started to walk out.

Spike and the others had gone back to the lair in order to train more, Raph was suspicious of them and he knew that they saw something, Raph was currently struggling against Leo.
"You and Spike knew the foot clan was watching us!" Raph accused.
"Not the foot, Karai." Leo corrected
"Karai is the foot." Raph countered as Leo blocked his weapons with his sword and clashed with him again.

"You both knew she was watching, and all you two did was show off." Raph said upset at him, Leo got on his back and kicked him in the air behind him.
"I was showing her how formidable we are, i knew she wasn't going to attack us, Spike showed how well he works in a team." Leo said in defense.

"Of course not? She was studying our moves for next time. You don't flirt with the enemy Leo, you take em down!" Raph said again.
"No, your wrong about her, she's has a good side." Leo said refusing to believe it and they clashed weapons again.
"Oh yeah? Well if that's what your doing, why don't you go tell the others?" Raph asked as they were struggling.
"They wouldn't understand." Leo told him, Raph then caught Leo off guard and pinned him to the wall.

"You really think Mikey and Donnie wouldn't understand? Scratch that, do you really think Donnie would understand?" Raph asked again, Spike suddenly came up and grabbed Raph's elbow.
"Look, we know what we're doing!" Spike said as he and Leo delivered a double punch to Raph and knocked him down. Spike flipped over him and wrapped his arms around his neck and restrained him.

"Look, you have to trust us." Leo said as he got up.
"Why should i?" Raph asked trying to break free
"What is going on in here?" Splinter asked upset as they saw him looking down at them.

"Uh nothing important, right Raph?" Leo asked looking at him who crossed his arms and sighed.
"Right." Raph said annoyed.
"Everything's fine Splinter." Spike said as well as Raph left them alone

April was currently doing some class projects while Mikey watched.
"Whathca doing April?" Mikey asked curious
"Sending in a sample for a class project." April said and Mikey looked confused.
"Your mailing your spit for a class project? Man, school sounds awesome!" Mikey said amazed.

"It isn't" April said brushing that off.
"We'll i'd be awesome at it, check this spit out!" Mikey said before Donnie ran up and covered his mouth just before he did.
"Don't!" Donnie said in annoyance
"It's not about the spit, it's about the DNA." April explained showing them the vial and Mikey muffled what it was.

"DNA, genetic code, you know the building blocks of life?" Donnie asked while Mikey didn't say anything as Spike walked in.
"It's basically like what your hair or skin color is when your born, it's always inherited from your family." Spike explained and Mikey nodded in understanding.
"Like your own parents right? Who had the purple scales, your mother or father?" Mikey asked curious.

Spike flinched as he was asked that, he didn't know a single thing about his birth parents, he was only hatched by Twilight and never really had answers.
"I.. i never knew them.. i never got a hint of who they were.." Spike said sadly as he sat down.
"Way to make this depressing Mikey." Donnie said sarcastic before April turned to Spike.

"I'm really sorry Spike, that must be really tough.." April said putting her hand on his shoulder.
"I know.. even after all these years, i still question who they were, and if i'll even ever meet them.. but being stuck in another world.. i don't think i ever will now.." Spike said as he had tears in his eyes.
"Don't cry Spike.. we'll get you home one day, and i'll help you find them, whatever it takes, i promise." April said rubbing his head while she looked ta Donnie who nodded in response.
"And i'll help you out too, with my skills i could help find them, would you like that?" Donnie asked curiously sitting down next to him.

Spike picked off a small piece of his scale and handed it to him.
"Knowing how smart you are, i hope you can, thank you so much for this guys.." Spike said gratefully.
"No problem Spike, one day we'll get you home." Donnie said as he put the scale in a small bag for later.

"So everyone in the class is sending a DNA sample to this research group, the Worldwide Genome Project, then they'll send us back a report telling us about our ancestors." April explained changing the subject,
"That's really great April, i'm gonna head out with Leo on another patrol, see you guys later!" Spike said as he and Leo started walking out.
"Be careful guys!" April shouted as they left, Donnie looked back at Spike's scale piece with interest, it really made him wonder what his history it..

Leo and Spike were on the rooftop once again starting to get bored as there was nothing happening.
"Maybe we should head back?" Spike asked Leo who was getting tired, they heard something land on the roof, and they pulled out they're swords and turned around and saw Karai once again.

"How'd i know you'd show up?" Leo asked curious.
"Especially at this time at night?" Spike asked as well.
"Cause your both not good at hiding from me?" Karai asked standing up.

"Like last night." Leo said to her.
"Oh were you there? I didn't notice, i saw Spike though." Karai joked and Spike chuckled a little.
"But i also saw a bunch of robots though, what's their deal?" Karai asked curious.

"Their deal is that their incredibly dangerous, stay away from them." Leo said holding out his sword.
"They know how to mess you up if your not careful.." Spike said showing her his mutant arm.

"Noted. Something else is going on, what is it?" Karai asked again.
"I'm not sure i should tell you anymore. Raphael says we can't trust you" Leo said in response.
"He makes a good point." Karai said as she flipped off the tower and landed on the ground.
"Eventually i am going to destroy you two," Karai said as she drew her weapon. The three charged at eachother and clashed at eachother.

"I don't think you are!" Leo said in anger.
"Really? Then what do you think this is?" Karai asked as she used a spin attack, Spike flipped into the air and landed on the tower and jumped off again and delivered a strong kick to her and she stumbled back.
"We think it's a cry for help." Spike said in response.

"We think your looking for a way out of the Foot clan, and we can help you." Leo said as he raised his sword again.
"Oh, your adorable! Stupid but your both adorable!" Karai said sarcastic and Leo stopped for a moment.
"Really? You think i'm.. Ah!" Leo shouted as she swung her sword at him again started flipping over to more towers with Spike and Leo following her.

"You wanna play games? But we need your word, that you will not attack our brothers." Leo said raising his sword again
"Or turn on us when we're in an intense situation that could kill the three of us." Spike said seriously,
"You know i can't do that." Karai said as she ran to them and they clashed swords again.

"Then understand this. If you come after them, we'll come after you, hear me?" Leo asked threateningly.
"Especially if you try to kill them!" Spike said in anger, Karai pushed their swords out of the way and flipped on over to the side and took off her mask again.
"Loud and Clear." Karai responded before she took off once again.
"She really knows how to make an escape." Spike said impressed as they put their weapons away.

April had just arrived to her school again and was looking around.
"Hello. i'm Ms. Campbell, from the WorldWide Genome Project. Are you April O Neil?" Campbell asked as April walked up the stairs.
"Um yes?" April said in response.

"I'm here to present your DNA test results. Come with me." Campbell said turning to her.
"Wow, i figured you guys were just gonna send printouts." April said suspicious.
"No, we don't send printouts. Come with me." She said once again.
"Um where exactly?" April asked concerned.

"We're going to a place where i will present your DNA test results. Come with me." She said and April got suspicious she wasn't normal,
"Um, what did you say your name was again?" April asked nervous.
"I'm Ms. Campbell from the WorldWide Genome Project, i'm here to present your DNA test results. She said one more time.
"Right, i gotta go!" April said before she grabbed her arm.
"Come with me." Campbell said aggressively and April gasped in fear as she realized she was not normal.

April tried to remove her from her grip but she threw April to a trophy case, she dodged another punch and it punched through the glass.
"Thank you Splinter." April said gratefully. Campbell removed her hand from the glass and started marching towards her, April quickly made her way through the halls in hopes she could escape, April went through another door and tried to open some more but they were locked up, April ran down the hall and came across her again as ominous music played. April ran across the next corner and Campbell followed her more, she looked around and April jumped into the air and slammed a large mascot head on her.

Campbell gripped her hands before the head blew up and she had glowing red eyes, April hid inside a vent as she watched her march through the halls looking for her. April pulled out her phone and started texting someone.

"So, are you tell gonna tell the guys about her?" Raph asked curious as Spike and Leo got back.
"No need, we had a little chat." Leo replied.
"Let's just say she knows not to mess with us." Spike said as well.

"Oh right, because villains always back off when you ask them too. Maybe i'll text the Kraang and ask them to stop hunting down Spike and mutating stuff" Raph said sarcastically, the two didn't say anything and went into the Kitchen.
"Okay guys what do you want: omelet pizza, or pizza omelet?" Mikey asked the others
"What's the difference?" Spike and Raph asked at once, Mikey pulled out a bunch of eggs.
"Okay, you called my bluff." Mikey admitted, their phones suddenly rang and they took them out to see what it is.

"Hey did you guys just get a mass text from April?" Donnie asked curious
"Yeah." Spike and the others said at once.
"Well does yours also says she's being attacked by an old lady?" Donnie asked again.
"Sure does." They all said again.
"Is that considered an emergency?" Donnie asked them.
"I guess." Leo responded.
"LETS GO!!" Spike shouted as they all ran out to save her.

Spike and the others hurried over to April's school and knocked through the doors with their weapons out.
"Sweet, so this is what school is like!" Mikey said amazed.
"Kinda looks like the schools back in Equestria, Twilight would definitely be interested in this!" Spike said amazed as well, an alarm sound went off and some machines were making it. Spike punched his arm through one of the machines while Raph did the same with his weapon. they looked up and saw the woman April mentioned.

" Okay i feel stupid." Raph said to Spike
"Ugh April's gotta learn the T-phones are for emergency's only" Leo said as the woman's eyes turned red again and she was twitching.
"A-A- April O Neil?" She asked turning her head around like an owl which shocked them.
"Aw sewer bunnies,"" Raph said annoyed.
"Can't just be anything normal can it?!" Spike asked annoyed as well.

She raised her arms and screamed as they were revealed to be cannons and she shot at them! They all screamed as she dodged the missiles and it created a huge explosion.
"Leo, i think this does count as a.." Mikey said before Leo finished.
"An emergency i know!" Leo said annoyed, the woman screamed in anger and they rolled out of a ground attack which destroyed some rails.

Raph jumped at the air and held his weapons out, the robot held out her hand and Raph's weapon went right through it, she grabbed Raph and threw him hard to the wall, she took out some metal folders and threw them at him, Raph landed on a lamp and cut it off and it fell down right before she jumped out of the way.
"All right guys, lets put Old Mother Hubbard back in her cupboard." Leo told them and they all groaned in annoyance
"Dude, it literally hurts." Raph said annoyed.
"I'm in charge of puns from now on okay?" Spike asked them and they nodded in understanding.

She shot more missiles at them and Spike threw some shurikens and they made them explode, Donnie and Leo jumped onto the walls and slashed apart her arms and they fell off and it was revealed to be a Kraang robot.
"Not this time you monster!" Spike shouted with anger as he jumped into the air and slammed his arm on the robot's face, he slammed it onto the ground creating a large crack, he then took out his sword and in one single move, he sliced off it's head to pieces leaving a white line as an effect.

"April! Where are you?" Donnie asked looking around, April came out of the locker and ran up to them and kicked the head.
"And stay down! Thank you guys" April said gratefully while Donnie expected a hug.
"You are so welcome." Donnie said nervously, and they all looked down at the robot.

"So what the heck is that thing?" April asked curious.
"It looks like a Kraangdroid, minus the Kraang" Leo suggested.
"She said she was from the Worldwide Genome Project." April told them as Mikey put her mask on.
"Whoa. how did the Kraang know you sent your DNA spit to the World wide Project?" Mikey asked as Raph freaked out as he saw him with the mask, he then growled in anger and punched Mikey in the face sending it flying.

"The Kraang must have hacked into their system. Who knows what kind of info they could be stealing?" Donnie asked worried.
"Or they could just have that as one of many cover ups to make their presence unknown to the leaders." Spike said as well
"April, you better head to the lair where it's safe. We'll go check out the Worldwide Genome Project." Leo said clutching his fists.
"But first, we gotta take down the Eastside High Panthers. according to that poster they got it coming" Mikey said as they saw him near a poster of it.

The screen turns into a comic like artstyle again as Spike and the others jump across more rooftops once again, they flip across more rooftops and Karai had noticed them. They jumped off the rooftop and headed to a large building. They went onto the rooftop and saw it was locked.
"So how do we get in?" Raph asked looking at Donnie
"Leave it to me, i've got an app for that." Donnie said pulling out a phone and they all groaned in annoyance.

Donnie put it in and started hacking into it.
"Spike and I got an app for that too" Raph said before Spike punched the door open and Donnie looked annoyed as he followed them, Karai had landed on the next rooftop looking upset.

The 5 made their ways through the halls and saw how much it was Kraang like.
"You know, for a human lab, this place is awfully Kraang-y" Mikey said looking around
"Guys, i think Spike's right, they are the Worldwide Genome Project." Leo said in shock.
"The 5 went into a large room with a huge tank of mutagen with some guards around the place.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey whispered in their faces, Donnie jumped into the air and screamed as he slammed them down, they sealed them in a case with the brains screeching at them
"Now you too place nice in there." Raph said pointing at the glass
"What are those?" Leo asked worried.
"It looks like their collecting samples from every plant an animal species on earth
They must be gathering different DNA from creatures for the mutagen!" Spike said in surprise as they saw the tanks of it.

"What?" Leo asked in shock
"Building blocks dude, i'll drop the science on you later." Mikey said annoyed
"I wonder what they're doing with all this DNA?" Donnie asked worried.
"Whatever it is, it can't be good. Let's shut this place down!" Leo said determined as Mikey looked around,

"Hey where's Raph?" Mikey asked curious.
"Gotcha!" Raph shouted as they looked up and saw Raph had Karai restrained to the glass
"Karai!!" Spike and Leo said at once.
"Ka-who?" Donnie asked confused.

"Bet you think your pretty slick." Raph said to her, she twisted his arm and made a move which slammed him into the ground,
"I have my moments." Karai said with a smug, Raph screamed as he got up and engaged in battle with her, Karai pulled out her sword and delivered a kick and knocked him back before she charged at him and slashed at his weapons.

"Raph, Karai, stop it!" Leo shouted jumping up.
"This is not the time to be doing this!" Spike shouted going up as well.
"Okay, what the heck is going on here? How do they know her?" Donnie asked confused.
"Yeah, how do we know her! Wait.. do we know her?" Mikey asked confused as well.

"So this is the stuff that turns people into monsters huh? How's it work?" Karai asked looking at the mutagen.
"Why don't you lean in a little closer and i'll show you?" Raph threatened, Karai moved his weapons down and headbutted him in the face and knocked him down to the ground again. Spike stopped their fighting with his sword and arm.
"Enough! Your gonna set off.." Leo said before he stumbled back and hit an alarm switch and a " Woop" sound appeared behind him while he looked annoyed.
"One of those.." Leo finished.

"Nice going Leo, you and Spike protecting her?" Raph asked sarcastically." What is wrong with you two? She is bad news!" Raph said in anger.
"No she's not!" Leo said annoyed.
"Yeah, i am." Karai responded looking at Raph in the face again.

The doors opened and they saw dozens of more Kraang droids walk into the room with weapons, and surrounded them.
"The ones who are not authorized by the authority of Kraang to exist in this place will now be destroyed by Kraang in this place!" One said seriously
"This day just keeps getting better." Karai said as they drew their weapons.
"Welcome to my world." Spike said as he readied his blade.

They started blasting at them and they all engaged with them, Karai threw a knife in the head and Spike punched it off with it's arm.
"Look- see? She's on our side!" Leo said as Raph punched another down.
"Are you even listening to yourself?" Raph asked annoyed.

"I like your brother Leo, he's almost as entertaining as you." Karai said as she and Spike sliced down some more bots together.
"Oh when this is over i'll show you and your partner how entertaining i can be" Raph said as he held some heads on his weapons. More robots arrived to the room and they looked in shock as they had a massive turret with them
"Kraang is now arriving to provide the help that has been requested by Kraang." A robot said to them.

"We're trapped!" Leo said in fear.
"No, your trapped." Karai said as she was near the console
"What happens if i do this?" Karai asked holding her hand over a button.
"No! Don't do that!" Leo and Raph shouted.
"You'll get us all killed!" Spike said in fear.

"highly undesirable outcome." A droid said in response.
"Well now, i gotta." Karai said as she pressed it, the alarm went off and mutagen went into the DNA samples with each tank and even a cat.. and Mikey screamed like a girl knowing that horrible truth.

The DNA went into the machine and it was starting to glow brightly with the alarm going off. The machine powered down and something emerged from it, a bunch of tentacles emerged and it was revealed to be an octopus monster and it made a cat meow.

"Aw, he's so cute!" Mikey said looking at it, it's neck suddenly stretched out and it revealed it's true self and it roared at all of them.
"You regretting that decision now?!" Spike asked annoyed at Karai.
"Kinda am.." Karai said as they all looked horrified, more droids fired at them and the monster proceeded to tear them apart.

"Whoa, that is wicked!" Karai said impressed.
"How the heck am i gonna name this?!" Mikey asked annoyed.
"Good question, well see ya." Karai said as she took a body and took off to the door.
"Your not gonna help us beat that thing? It's your fault!" Leo said in anger.

"I'll let the heroes handle it!" Karai said opening the door,
"I trusted you!" Leo said betrayed.
"I know, that's messed up right? At least the dragon knows better, see ya!" Karai shouted as she went off leaving them alone.

" So guys we all fans of Karai yet?" Raph asked sarcastic.
"There are people who like her type probably." Spike replied.
"I don't know who she is, but i know i hate her!" Donnie said annoyed, they all ran from the monster dodging the Kraang's lasers firing at them.

"Hey look Leo, the Kraang are on our side now." Raph said sarcastically
"Save it!" Leo said in anger, they jumped over the robots as the monster took down the rest, the monster wrapped a tentacle around Raph but Spike came in and sliced it off.
"Nice try octo-punk!" Raph said in anger
"Let's just call em Justin." Mikey said before he was wacked by another tentacle, the monster proceeded to hurt the other three badly as Spike and Leo were the only ones left.

"Raph's right, this is our fault.." Leo said regretfully.
"We caused this.. now we have to fix it." Spike said with anger raising his red blade once again. Spike and Leo screamed in anger with their eyes looking like they're on fire, they dodged some laser attacks coming from it's eyes and Leo delivered a strong punch to it , Spike jumped in the air and delivered a strong kick to it's face and knocked it down for a bit.
"Hey Justin! This ends now!" Spike and Leo shouted with anger, the monster roared and shot it's lasers at them, they redirected the energy into the blades and screamed with anger as they slammed them down into the console and the thing exploded, the monster screamed in pain as it was on fire and tore through another wall.

"Ha, take that Justin!" Mikey said in victory, the place was shaking and it started to collapse.
"Come on! Let's get out of here!" Leo shouted as they ran through the flames and escaped, they were on another rooftop and saw the entire place was on fire.
"So.." Mikey said looking at Donnie.
"We're thinking two people should start talking." Donnie said to Spike and Leo, they both sighed and proceeded to tell them everything as they went back to the lair.

"We should have told you about Karai sooner, but i really thought there was a chance she would be good and i guess i.. sorta.. liked her.." Leo admitted while the others watched.
"I felt something in her, she's not entirely evil, she was just raised in the wrong place, she could have a chance if she takes it." Spike said in defense.

"Dude i can't believe Leo trusted her." Mikey said annoyed.
"I can't believe you didn't trust us enough to tell us." Donnie said annoyed as well
"I was wrong, i'm really sorry." Leo apologized.
"At least i knew to keep my guard up." Spike said as well

"I tried to warn him," April said disappointed
"You two huh?" Raph asked her.
"Leonardo, you are not the first young man or turtle to make a fool of yourself over a girl." Splinter said to him
"What about Donnie?" Mikey asked before Donnie slapped him in response.

"However, when that girl is a Kunoichi in the employer of your enemy, that is an error you cannot afford." Splinter explained to him.
"Hai sensei." Leo said respectfully.
"Deception is a ninja's most powerful weapon, and it seems Karai is a master." Splinter said even more
"I know, i see that now, we can't trust her." Leo said in understanding.

"Good. You must learn from your mistake." Splinter said before he started to walk off.
"Thank you for your understanding. I'm glad your not mad." Leo said relieved
"Who says i am not mad?" Splinter asked before he slammed his staff on Leo's foot.

"Ow!" Leo shouted as he fell onto the ground in pain.
"Consider that a warning if you do something like that again Spike." Splinter said looking at him.
"Yes master." Spike said respectfully as Splinter left

Spike was just upset that she betrayed them like that, she could have made things easier is she didn't press that button, but Spike still feels good in her, he just hopes he can turn her over one day...

Karai was walking back to Shredder's lair with the robot
"This is too good! I can watch this forever!" Dogpound said while he watched Xever's legs keep malfunctioning. Karai slammed the robot on a desk.

"The robots, i've seen them up close. They call themselves the Kraang." Karai explained while Baxter looked at it interested,
"I told you i am not interested in this robot fiction! I will hear no more of this!" Shredder said in anger
"I think this is how they control their robot bodies." Karai said holding a piece up and handed it to Stockman who pressed it and the robot activated and responded to each press.

"This is exactly the sort of neural transmission interface i've been trying to develop!" Stockman said amazed
"Hmm.. Very well, i want you to find out all you can about this Kraang. Their technology may prove useful in our war against the Turtles. Well done Karai." Shredder said proudly and Karai smirked in response

Author's Note:

Hey guys, i hope you liked this next chapter, i'll go into more of a relationship with Spike and Karai in the future, one thing i want to do better is develop character relations better for future stories, and i think this will help with that. I hope you all liked this and look forward to more!

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