• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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65: Beyond the Known Universe

We open to a shot of Spike and the other's within space on the ship that Honeycutt saved them from, Spike and Leo were looking at the remains of their world with huge regret and sadness.

"Captain's log, star date.. no idea.." Leo narrated as he and Spike bring you up to speed on what happened.
"The evil heartless Triceritons, a powerful race of aliens from across the universe, invaded Earth to destroy it.. They wanted to destroy their lifetime enemy's, the Kraang. So they brought with them the invincible black hole generator, it not only destroyed the Kraang, but their secret hiding place.. Earth, our home.." Spike said with regret as we see the horrific events happen with a flashback.
"We lost our friends, allies, even master Splinter.." Leo said with regret as Spike and the others cry heavily over losing their master and father.
"I didn't just let that slide.. and.. i almost lost myself again.." Spike continued as we see the shot of Spike biting down on Shredder's neck, injecting the huge amount of venom that was what killed him, while Spike hissed at him with rage before he was snapped out of it, and was horrified on what he just did.
"My brother's, Spike's mom and our friends and i escaped, saved by a mysterious robot called the Fugitoid." Leo finished as we see Honeycutt save them at the last moment like what happened before.

We now cut to normal time where everyone was trying to process this, Spike was holding his mom and Jaqueline close for comfort as Honeycutt was pressing on some devices from the ship looking worried too.
"Alright Fugitoid or whatever your name is, what just happened?!" Leo asked still not believing this.
"We did not just lose out ENTIRE planet right?!" Psiona asked breathing heavily over this.
"This has got to be some sort of sick joke, right? RIGHT?!" Raph shouted shaking him like a madman before Honeycutt smacked him down.
"Calm down Raphael, i have a job to do first, now please i got a ship to fly while you all stand about gawking." Honeycutt said getting onto a pilot console.

"How can we not gawk when our ENTIRE PLANET WAS JUST DESTROYED?!" Spike shouted with frustration at this.
"Calm down Spike please, we're all going through a tough time as it is.." Jaqueline said holding him close while Spike tried calming down.
"Where are you taking us Fugitoid?" April asked suspicious of him as some metal formed around him.
"All will be answered in time, hold onto something!" Honeycutt warned as the ship began to power up and shake violently.
"What do you mean, in time?!" Psiona shouted trying to find something, but the ship was reacting to violently for anything to hold onto.
"Oh, to late for that, my apologies." Honeycutt said as something opens between the cosmos pulling the stars in while everyone screams in fear.
" NOT COOL BRO!!!!!!!" Mikey screamed as all of them become distorted as the ship suddenly vanishes.

The ship was flying through a huge void of distorted lights at hypersonic speeds, maybe even far beyond it, Spike and the others were screaming in pure terror as the lights just got more distorted around them all, the rift spreads open more as Spike screams even louder, we see the shot of what looks like the Earth's destruction being reversed, the black hole was shrinking and all the buildings were going back into place as the sun and moon pass by from what looks like several months.
"I'm gonna be sick!!" Jaqueline screams as all of them fly around the Earth so fast they can't even comprehend it, the ship spins around the Earth some more until it finally stops and the Earth is back to normal, and everyone groans in pain as they try to recover from that.

"What.. what just happened? We're actually alive?!" Raph asked shocked looking at himself.
"I don't know how Superman could handle this kind of thing.." Spike said weakly getting back up while Jaqueline puked off screen from the distortions.
"Oh.. even Dimension X is more stable then that..." Psiona said in pain rubbing her head from the lightspeed travel.
"Guys, look." April says in shock as they look outside and they see the Earth is restored.

"I think.. i think we went back in time! Around 6 months based on where the Earth is and it's revolution around the sun." Donnie theorized looking at the Earth's placement.
"Six months? So that means.. everyone's back? Including Master Splinter?" Leo asked hopefully at this news.
"And Karai too?" Spike asked still shocked from this too.
"Yes Leonardo and Spike, but only for six months, and then the Earth is doomed once more, apologies." Honeycutt said bluntly.
"I get it, we stop the Triceritons from ever getting the chance to use the Black Hole on Earth." April said in realization.
"Indeed, the Triceritons are spending this time searching the universe for the 3 fragments of the black hole weapon, beep!" Honeycutt beeped as he showed them the picture of the black hole device on screen.

"Many years ago, the Utrom broke the machine into 3 pieces, hiding the fragments in the safest parts of the galaxy they could find. We must find them, and stop the Triceritons before they reassemble them." Honeycutt explained dramatically.
"More like the most dangerous parts of the universe, i recognized those locations, it will not be easy." Psiona said with a snarl not sure about this.
"But if we fail again, we can time travel back right?" Mikey asked hopefully.
"That's not how time travel works with a black hole Mikey." Jaqueline said sadly shaking her head.
"The dream beaver is right, a black hole prevents repeated time travel, even time is a subject to it's attraction. If we fail, the Earth is lost forever." Honeycutt finished which made them all look worried at the news.

"But on the bright side, who ever get's a second chance?" Honeycutt asked trying to make the mood better.
"So why do you care alien robot dude? Why are you helping us?" Casey asked curious with him.
"Yeah, who are you anyway?" Raph asked crossing his arms unsure of him.
"My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt, i'm a friend to the Utroms. It was Bishop who sent me, plus i've always wanted to see Earth." Honeycutt explained and Psiona looked surprised.
"Your friends with Bishop and the Utrom's too?" Psiona asked pointing at him.
"Of course! And i know about you Psiona, a long time friend of theirs too, being within space and Dimension X for some time, even got the news of you to me and other species too." Honeycutt said walking up to her.
"Well.. if you know what your doing, then let's save the Earth." Psiona said as she couldn't feel anything bad from him.
"I'm in for it, let's do it." Spike agreed making another snake hiss with the other's agreeing too.

"Excellent, all of you hold onto something again!" Honeycutt warned as he powered up the ship again and Psiona holds Spike and Jaqueline close as the other's find something too, everyone braces themselves as the ship travels through the space at super fast speeds, beginning their new space adventure.

Casey and Mikey scream with fear as the ship travels far beyond the solar system and away from Earth before finally slowing down in the void of space.
"Wow.. it's so incredible.." Leo said in awe as they see dozens of stars with different colors all around them.
"Twilight will be jealous that i'm actually going on a space adventure.." Spike said in amazement as they see the galaxy and the countless stars that belong to it.
"Wonderous is it not? Titanic gas giants, neutron stars are on the verge of collapse, swirling cloud nebulas where baby stars are born." Honeycutt said as they saw the glorious image of a star's birth.
"If there's one thing i loved about space, it was these glorious sites.." Psiona said in awe of this vast void.
"You've been through space before?" Jaqueline asked curious looking at her.
"I went through many places other then just Dimension X when i was away from Equestria, me and my son no doubt will be the only dragons in Equestrian history to have traveled through space and dimensions." Psiona said with a smug, just imagining the faces on the other dragons when they hear about this.

But they're little talk was stopped when a loud crash was heard.
"What was that?" Spike asked worried looking around the place, Honeycutt puts out an image of the ship on the screen and they see something caused some damage to the ship.
"Oh, perfect! Could you assist me on damage assessment my friends? I've plenty space suits to wear?" Honeycutt offered which made Spike and Mikey gasp in shock.
"Space suits?!" They both asked excitedly as this was a dream come true.

Groovy music plays as Spike and the other's enter a new room, and they see them full of tons of highly advanced, awesome looking space suits with all of them amazed.
"Dudes.. i think we just hit a level 9 Booyakasha!!" Mikey said amazed as all of them couldn't believe this.
"No.. way!" Raph said in amazement as they saw tons of different space equipment from this.
"Amazing! This is like a full on geek explosion!" Donnie said in awe grabbing a new space suit.
"It's like i'm a real life power pony! It's amazing!!" Spike said amazed trying to decide what to wear.
"I think your far beyond comic heroes now son, this.. this is a real space adventure!" Psiona said amazed as she couldn't decide either.
" Astro suits, equipped with oxygen converters, grav boosters, and even alien translators." Honeycutt said as they all put on their white space suits, Spike put on a slender looking space suit that was able to fit around his entire snake body, and with a little spray paint from Casey, he made the colors a dark green and purple that had a sick fire symbol on the chest, and they made Spike look super awesome along with the others.

Leo had a look of pure joy as he put on his helmet and we see a shot of Spike and the other's standing together striking poses.
"Mr Crankshaw, set phasers to destruction!" Leo said mimicking the space hero show they used to watch. Spike made another snake hiss and pulled out his plasma sword and whip as they were perfect for this adventure.
"It's official, this is the coolest thing i have ever done! What any Dragon has ever done! Eat it Garble!!" Spike mocked shouting to no one in particular.
"Whoa, this old helmet is dope yo!" Casey said amazed picking one up, before some explosives fell out of the helmet which made Casey have another smug.
"Ooh! photon pucks, they must play hockey in space, wicked!" Casey said amazed as the puck is stopped by Aprils foot, she is now wearing a new spacesuit that is skin tight, and makes her look like a spy within space.

"How do i look guys?" April asked looking at them, Spike, Donnie and Casey give a thumbs up in response, well.. Spike tries to at least with his snake hands.
"Um.. Spike? Does this suit make my butt look bigger to you?" April asked a little nervous which made Spike have a nervous look too.
"I'm.. do you really want me to answer that? And i'm not sure i should either.." Spike replied turning away from her as this was embarrassing.

"Well, how about me Spike?" Jaqueline asked which got his attention, he turned to where her voice was and saw she was wearing a similar looking space suit to April's but her's had a scarlet color to it, and it fit her anthro looking body perfectly which made Spike have hearts in his eyes from what he saw.
"You look.. absolutely radiant..." Spike said in awe as this was better then anything Rarity wore in his opinion which made her chuckle in response.
"Thanks sweetie.." Jaqueline said with a blush before they heard some loud footsteps approach.
"Alright, how about me guys?" Psiona asked as she came out in her own suit as well. She wore a purple skintight space suit that covered her body, she carried two blaster's one her sides, and she also had most of her armor on for defense which made her look like a space bounty hunter. Everyone had a look of shock and disbelief seeing her form.
"Well.. how do i look?" Psiona asked again as they starred at her.
"Homina homina homina..." Casey and the Turtles said at once which made Spike chuckle while April and Jaqueline did look a bit jealous on how badass she looked.

"Everyone ready?" Honeycutt asked as he came behind them all and the doors opened behind him.
"Do not stray to far from the ship, seriously, this is my stern face, see it?" Honeycutt asked showing him a blank looking face.
"Sure thing professor.. last one out is a rotten egg!!" Spike shouted eagerly starting to slither ahead.
"Oh no you don't!" Leo shouted with joy as all the other's ran past him knocking him down.

"Cowabunga!!" Mikey shouted jumping out of the ship and they all floated in space. Psiona flew around in the void with her wings as she could fly naturally here.
"It's like i'm back home.." Psiona said in awe as she loved to fly around during her times back in Equestria.
"Whoa.. oh.. why did i think this would be cool? Oh please don't hurl.. please don't hurl.." Raph told himself trying not to puke.
"This is amazing! It's like a dream come true!" Spike said in awe as he and Jaqueline flew together.
"It's better then any dream i could've made with you.. it's beautiful.." Jaqueline said in awe looking at the beautiful void.
"It is.. oh wait till the people at home hear about this!" Spike said just trying to imagine his friends faces when they hear about his space adventure.
"This is nuts! Look at me i'm flying! I'm captain Ryan, hero of the galaxy!" Leo said in joy flying around the void.
"Huh? Oh.. i'm gonna hurl again!" Raph said as something flew by him making him sick.
"I don't ever wanna go back inside that ship, i just wanna float off into the stars.." April said completely in awe of this place.

Honeycutt had flown up to where the damage was seen while the other's still were having fun in the void.
"Is anyone going to join me in damage assessment? You should learn these things people." Honeycutt asked which got Spike and Donnie's attention.
"Right, sorry." Spike said as he and Donnie flew over to help him and landed on the side of the ship.
"How bad is it Donnie?" Spike asked as Donnie checked it with his new weapon.
"Well, this is pants.. i could easily fix the hole, but we've lost to much hyper charged hydrogen. That, tackled with a tachyonic jump, it looks like we'll have to.." Honeycutt said right before a rock hit his head which shocked them both.
"Oh ****.." Spike swore in horror as they saw huge asteroids coming to them.

"Asteroids! Big.. huge.. Asteroids!!" Donnie said in horror while they all looked shocked.
"Language Donnie and Spike!" Mikey shouted as they all were scarred.
"Everyone back in the ship now!!" Psiona shouted as she shot some of the asteroids down with her blasters.
Casey screamed in fear as his jetpack wasn't working right which made him spiral out of control.
"Casey hold on!" April shouted as she saved him from being hit from one of them.
"Thanks red! This stupid jetpack keeps quitting out on me!" Casey said annoyed as she took him back to the ship.

"Everyone, to their stations!" Honeycutt shouted as they all ran into the bridge.
"What stations?" Casey asked looking around the place.
"I don't know, just pick one!" Honeycutt ordered, Spike, Psiona and Jaqueline picked one in the front right of the room while the other's got into one station of their own as well.
"Brace yourselves guys!!" Spike shouted as they started to fly away from the asteroids barely being hit by them.
"Ugh, get this boat ride already, ah!!" Raph said in fear feeling sick again.
"Whoa dude, how about i drive?" Mikey offered looking at him.
"Look out!" Jaqueline shouted as they came right in between two huge ones that almost crushed the ship, they all screamed in fear as they flew right through them and barely survived this.
"That was so metal!" Casey shouted as Raph puked once again from the speed.

"Whoo.. a couple of misses with a few dozen planetoids won't deter us, am i right or am i right?" Honeycutt asked twirling his robot head around playfully.
"Are you kidding me? We almost bought it back there!" Leo said still shocked about this.
"Exactly, almost. Almost is a beautiful phenomenon, isn't it?" Honeycutt asked which made them sigh in relief.
"But we still need to refuel professor, what are we gonna do?" Donnie asked worried looking at the ship's fuel supply.
"Drop by an alien space port of course. I mean there's one right there, no biggie, planet Varanon." Honeycutt said as they see a new planet in the distance.
"I know that place, it's a planet full of outlaws and thief's, are you sure there's no where else we can go?" Psiona asked concerned turning to him.
"Don't worry Psiona, it's a lovely place! I've never been, but i've heard gorgeous in the spring." Honeycutt said as they flew into the atmosphere.

They flew down to the planet quickly and saw themselves coming upon a spaceport of sorts, probably full of aliens that will be looking for trouble.
"This space port is not part of the Federation, so do be careful." Honeycutt warned as they started walking out to the planet.
"No problem Fuge, we're out like Vanilla Ice, peace!" Casey said casually walking past him.
"Don't worry, i still got tons of space credits, if there's one thing we dragons are good at, it's hoarding LOTS of money." Psiona said making sure she had a ton on her.
"How do you know about space money mom?" Spike asked looking at her.
"Believe me son, i have been on many adventures." Psiona assured standing next to him as they walked through the space port.

"Now this is incredible!" April said amazed as they could see dozens of different aliens speaking different languages across the whole place.
"Alright, let's check this place out. We'll split up and meet back in 20 minutes cool?" Leo asked turning to them.
"Sounds good to me, come on Spike!" Jaqueline said as she, and Spike went off with Donnie and April as they all split up for now.

To say this was the coolest thing Spike's ever done would be an understatement, being a snake ninja dragon was already something else, but being able to go through space is a next level of coolness!
Psiona went with Raph and Casey to check out the weapon's that were being sold.
"Dude, check out all these cool weapons.." Casey said in awe as they saw tons of space weapons from one robot.
"Greetings, feel free to browse, but do not touch anything." The robot warned as Psiona looked at all of them.
"Interesting.. how much for one of these?" Psiona asked looking at the robot.
"They minimum price for one of these is around 500-1000, if you don't have any.." The robot said before Psiona stopped him.
"I'll take it all." Psiona said holding out a ton of money to pay for the weapons.
"This is a first, very well, your weapons will be secured in a moment." The robot said as it started putting the weapons away with Psiona having a smug on her face.

"Psiona you are the best!" Raph said in awe as she was putting all the new weapons she just bought in a secure case.
"I've gotta have some souvenirs when i get back to Earth right?" Psiona asked as she secured the case.
"Hey, if we're gonna save our home, we gotta have a ton of weapons!" Casey said as Psiona put the case on her back.
"I'm gonna check on my son, don't do anything foolish you two!" Psiona said as she flew off to catch up with Spike.

Spike, Jaqueline, Donnie and April went over to another shop that sold cool looking crystals.
"Wow, look at all of this! I kinda want one of everything." April said amazed as they looked at the items.
"It's so amazing.." Jaqueline said in awe as Donnie grabbed a device which created a clone of him.
"Check me out April, two for the price of one." Donnie joked which made the three of them role their eyes.
"Please, one simp is already enough." Spike mocked as April saw another item.
"What is this? Some kind of space crystal?" April asked as the thing switched shapes.
"It's a Tallik Gem from the Vox system. It changes shape and color based on emotion." The shop owner said as they looked at it in awe.
"How much?" Jaqueline asked turning to her.
"It's on a discount for 900Zemulaks." The owner replied which shocked them at the price.
"Maybe my mom has enough for it?" Spike suggested before she suddenly landed behind them.

"Enough for what son?" Psiona asked curious as they turned to her.
"Oh hey mom, we we're just looking at this.. Tallik Gem, cool isn't it?" Spike asked as she looked at the crystal changing colors.
"She said it was 900, i know that sounds like a bit much but..." Jaqueline asked before she shushed him.
"I'll take 2, believe me, i have far more then enough to pay for it." Psiona said turning to the owner.
"Very well, good choice ma'am." The alien said going to get 2 of them.
"Hey Psiona, what's in that case behind you?" Donnie asked seeing the secure case on her.
"Oh this? I just purchased some cool weapons for later, gonna be fun showing it off to the other dragons back home." Psiona said proudly which made them surprised.
"Well, this day just keeps getting cooler!" Spike said in complete amazement of this place.

They all went through the space port again and met up with Raph and Casey who had just found them again.
"So where do you think Leo and Mikey are?" Jaqueline asked curious.
"If your asking me, they probably got into trouble." Raph replied crossing his arms. Raph's guess was proven right when they heard screaming and saw Leo and Mikey running from someone.
"You know them too well Raph." Spike said shaking his head annoyed as they met up with them.
"What did you two do?" Psiona asked upset with them.
"I may have upset a space chef..." Mikey said nervously right before she caught a ton of knives with her telekinesis, and they saw a monsterous looking space chef chasing them.
"You just can't resist eating whatever you see can you?!" Jaqueline asked annoyed as they started to run away from them.

"At least it's just a space chef right?" Raph asked in fear as some drones were firing lasers at them.
"Um.. i wouldn't say that..." Leo said nervously right before some giant furry legs stomped between them and they saw a giant creature towering above them.
"You've gotta be kidding me!" Psiona shouted with anger as they started running away from the crazy chef and giant creature who Leo got upset for some reason.

We cut to a shot of a strange but menacing looking bug alien as he's holding out a container of sorts in front of two smaller aliens. Spike and the others screamed as they ran through the crowd to escape the alien.
"This way!" April shouted as they ran through the crowd, but they accidentally ran into the space bug which shocked all the aliens seeing them as they knew who this creature was.
"Oh.. sorry about that sir.. let me help you.." Leo offered right before the bug slashed at him and threw him into Mikey.
"Do not touch me! Sub creature!" The alien shouted as two guards were behind them as the crowd ran away behind them.
"Do you fleshlings know who i am?" He asked menacingly which made the other's shake their heads having no idea who he was.
"I am Lord Vrinagath Dregg, ruler of planet Sectiod, Lord of all insect life in the universe! And bringer of your Deaths!" Dregg said menacingly which surprised them at this introduction.
"Um hang on a second, i'm just getting a phone call from some called i don't give a flying.." Raph shouted before Spike whacked him down with his snake tail.
"Raph, don't anger him any further!" Spike hissed looking at him while Psiona snarled at him.
"There's only one person called the Bringer of Death you monster!" Psiona shouted turning her arm into a cannon and aiming it at him.

"If it isn't Psiona! My apologies, i didn't know a strong warrior like you spent time with such low lifes!" Dregg mocked which made her even more mad.
"Back off my mother freak!" Spike shouted as he took out his plasma whip and hit him across the body with it, this caused the container he was holding to fall onto the ground and shatter into dust.
"My Maraklovan Star Spice! That was worth 5 million Zemulaks! You.. your primitive bafoons! Vreen! Battle mode!" Dregg ordered the guards which made them move their heads into the bodies and show off a new menacing look to them.
"Ugh, i've dealt with enough bugs back on Earth, and Equestria." Spike told himself annoyed at this.
"This is just great!" Jaqueline said sarcastically as they drew out sharp claws.
"Attack!!" Dregg ordered which made the robots charge at them.

"Enough of this.." Psiona said before she took a deep breath, before a powerful psychic blast blew past her which knocked the Vreen away, Psiona opened her eyes again and they glowed pure white again and she began to fly in the air as the wind flew around her like a cyclone.
"You should know not to mess with me or my friends Dregg." Psiona said in an ominous voice once again as she held out her hands and the two Vreen was brought into the air.
"Mom! What are you?" Spike asked right before she crushed her palm which made the bugs be crushed from the inside out and they were defeated instantly which shocked Dregg greatly.
"That.. that's impossible! No one should be able to defeat my Vreen!" Dregg said with anger as she landed on the ground and held out her hand.
"No one except me, you freak!" Psiona shouted as she threw her arm forward, this caused a powerful shockwave to come from her and Dregg screamed as he was sent flying into another building which made some people scream seeing him.

Psiona took heavy breaths and powered down after using that move.
"Mom, are you okay?" Spike asked worried for her.
"Don't worry, i'm fine, we need to move! Now!" Psiona shouted dragging her with him back to the ship.
"She's right, come on move!" Leo shouted as they ran away too while Dregg recovered and look furious with them.
"You cannot escape Lord Dregg!" Dregg said with fury as he started to chase after them again.

"Fugitoid! Start the ship, start the ship!" Leo shouted as they ran onto the ship and he saw Dregg chasing them.
"Aw great! I can't believe you ticked off half of the intelligent races in the universe! In less then 20 minutes!!" Honeycutt shouted running inside the ship and quickly made it begin to take off.
"Get us out of here, go go go!!" Jaqueline shouted as the ship took off, but Dregg wasn't finished yet.
"Come to me Hornetron!" Dregg shouted looking into the sky, this caused a huge bug looking ship to come flying down to him which he got inside.
"Now to have some fun!" Dregg said menacingly as he took off after them through space.

"He's following us!" April said worried as they could see him on the map.
"We need to get out of here, step on it!" Leo shouted to Honeycutt.
"We need a few Nextons to make the next Tachyonic jump!" Honeycutt shouted as Dregg kept shooting at them, Dregg pressed on a button of sorts and that made the ship somehow produce eggs to spawn more enemy's to chase them.
"Ugh, i think it just layed some eggs!" Raph said in disgust seeing this.
"Eggs? Okay now things just got really weird!" Donnie said getting more scarred of this.

The eggs hatched finally and they spawned into more Vreen creatures which started chasing after the ship.
"Don't you got lasers? Or plasma rockets? Or something destructive?!" Casey shouted to Honeycutt who tried getting something up. The Vreen crawled onto the ship and were about to break in.
"Well we do have, minor defenses against space pirates." Honeycutt replied like it was casual.
"I think i found them! Hold on!" Spike shouted as he and Mikey took out some weapons that rose on the roof of the ship, and it fired lasers at some of the aliens.
"Yeah!" Mikey shouted in victory right before even more came onto the glass window.
"Leonardo, press the button on your right!" Honeycutt instructed, Leo did so and that caused the Vreen to be shocked from a defense system which knocked them all down.

But one of the Vreen landed on the side of the ship and blew a hole into the ship which set off the alarm.
"It's inside!" Leo shouted with fear as the thing opened up the hatch and roared at them. Spike hissed at the monster and slashed his snake hands at the creature with rage.
"Get off our ship!!" Spike screamed before he shot a fire blast at it which roasted it badly.
"Casey Jones shoots..." Casey shouted throwing a photon puck right into the monster's mouth which made it's head explode finally knocking it down.
"He scores!" Casey shouted in victory.
"Brilliant! Everyone, ready for Tachyon warp!" Honeycutt shouted loading himself into she ship. The ship flew just a bit farther before it finally teleported away, leaving Dregg left behind finally which made him furious.
"I swear by the Elder Vraal, i will hunt these creatures down and eradicate them slowly, feeding them to my children, piece by piece by piece!!" Dregg shouted with fury.

The ship had finally finished it's warp and it appeared near another planet that looked frozen over while they all cheered in victory.
"Yes! We made it!" Leo shouted in victory of this escape.
"Take that Dregg!" Psiona shouted making a victory roar while Spike and Jaqueline hugged eachother.
"That was close, but was also awesome!" Spike said in joy still amazed from this.
"Glad that's over.." Jaqueline said in huge relief, but Honeycutt seemed to have noticed something and looked afraid.

"Um.. i hate to be the bearer of bad news.. but.." Honeycutt said as the camera turns to the front of the ship and they all see they came right to where the Triceritons were at right now.
"You've gotta be kidding me.." Spike said annoyed at this as they all surrounded them.
"Aw space apples..." Mikey said in fear as they now had a new problem to deal with..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! I know Psiona having money that the turtles and Spike don't have may sound strange, but she spent decades within Dimension X, and across other worlds too, so she no doubt would've hoarded space treasures and items in that time. This episode really did a great job in setting up their space antics, and i look forward to doing more of this, i hope you all liked it too and look forward to more! Also one cool thing i loved about the show is how often they updated the intro, now in season 4 for the first half, there was an epic space intro which reflected what was currently happening, it's really cool stuff!

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