• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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69: Journey To the Center Of Mikey's Mind

We open to another shot within space as Spike and the others were heading somewhere to get the info on the Triceritons, they were heading to a place that was heavily populated by aliens and they were finally getting somewhere interesting.

"Finally, a little action! Look at all those ships!" Raph said impressed seeing the dozens of ships flying by them.
"I know, i still can't believe i'm actually on a space adventure!" Spike said amazed as well, this was definitely gonna be the coolest story for him to tell when he get's back. They all were coming upon a large space colony that was huge and heavily populated.
"Dudes, Zayfod's Cantina is bumping! I bet they're food is.. out of this world.." Mikey said dramatically as they were homing in on it.
"Really Mikey?" Jaqueline asked shaking her head at that awful pun.
"That joke is as old as the rings of Morvan-9." Honeycutt said not really interested with that joke.
"So why are we going here again?" Leo asked walking up to his side.

"I promised i was going to find a way to break into the Triceriton Mothership did i not? If you want to steal the first piece of the Black Hole Generator, the first step is too.." Honeycutt said before Mikey jumped up with a long stick of pepperoni.
"Distract them with pepperoni!" Mikey declared holding it out.
"Mikey! Pay attention, this is important stuff!" Raph shouted loudly which made Mikey go away again.
"Please continue." Psiona said ready to hear the plan, Mikey tried to whack her with the stick, but that simply resulted in her eating the whole thing in an instant before she growled at him which scarred him and made him run off before Honeycutt resumed explaining things.

"The first step is to acquire a schematic of the Mothership from a shady information dealer, named Vrax Belebome." Honeycutt explained which made Psiona scoff hearing that.
"Trading info with sketchy guys, that never goes out the way things are planned." Psiona said shaking her head hearing this.
"Totally agree." Spike said while Jaqueline shook her head agreeing to this too.
"So where do we find this guy?" Casey asked ready to get going.
"A place where Terrans are not welcome. April and Casey will have to stay behind." Honeycutt answered which upset them both.
"Aw come on! Stay behind?" April asked annoyed which made Casey growl in frustration.
"Come on, this is alien racism!.. whoa!" Casey shouted before falling off of his seat.
"Is that kind of joke allowed here?" Jaqueline asked curious at that remark.
"Ugh.. we'll stay here.." April said disappointed they couldn't go on this, Psiona and Raph were chasing Mikey in the background who had another pepperoni stick on him which made him scream in fear.
"Mikey!!" Raph and Psiona shouted chasing him before Psiona tackled him to the ground and taught him a lesson again.

We cut to a shot of a place that looks like a type of alien bar where dozens of different creatures were seen around the place, they were going about they're day until they all saw Spike and the other's enter the place. Spike made a snake hiss at them while Psiona made a threatening growl at them which made them quickly get back to they're day.
"For once a place where we can sit down, relax and eat a meal." Raph said relieved as there was oxygen here too.
"Tell me about it.." Jaqueline said relieved about this too.
"Don't get to comfortable you two." Leo warned looking at them.
"We're in alien territory, we don't wanna make any sudden moves that provoke them." Spike said slithering ahead of them.
"He's right, in fact you should not make eye, hand or tentacle contact with anyone, or anything. These are outlaws, with nothing to lose." Honeycutt warned holding a case walking off with the other's.
"Then i won't feel guilty about killing one of them if they threaten us." Psiona said with a smirk walking ahead too until Mikey smelled something.

Mikey sighed in delight and continued to follow the smell through the alien crowd right before he bumped right into one of the aliens carrying a tray of food which made it all fall on the floor which got all the aliens attention.
"My din din! You trying to start something sucka?! Cause i got a great ending for you!" The alien threatened pulling out a blaster to him and was going to fire.
"Got a problem doofus?!" The alien asked furious with him.
"Sorry dude! Just picking this food up for you?.. my bad.." Mikey apologized quickly picking up the ruined food until the other's came to his side.

"Sorry about this sir our friend here is.. odd.." Leo said nervously while glaring at Mikey.
"Odd... would be an understatement.." Spike said shaking his head while the alien growled at them before Honeycutt stopped him.
"Wait! Stop!" Honeycutt shouted coming in front of all of them with the case.
"Oh, it's you. And these idiots are you muscle huh? Sorry looking bunch i must say. Come on, grab a seat there Honeycutt." Vrax said as this must be the alien they were looking for.
"Calling a dragon weak is a death threat to some." Psiona growled coming next to him with the others.
"I don't know how you could see that food as good looking Mikey." Jaqueline said disgusted as they watched him grossly eat the weird alien food.

"Mikey, what is going on with your head man?" Raph asked coming in his face.
"Hmm.. i see a land where pizza grows on trees.." Mikey said with delight which made Raph slap his face again.
"I'll make sure to use my dream powers to make him not wanna eat alien food soon." Jaqueline said as they got to business with Vrax.
"I brought the agree upon fee 50,000 Zemulaks." Honeycutt said sliding the case over to Vrax which really got his attention.
Vrax was gonna take it until Honeycutt held it back.
"Did you bring the information?" Honeycutt asked before Vrax took the case.
"Of course! I'm no rookie robo brain." Vrax said opening the case and seeing all the money inside, until he decided to make an unfair offer,

"This'll do for a down payment, give me another.. 50,00 and uh.. you got yourself a deal." Vrax said which a smirk which infuriated Psiona hearing this.
"What?! But you.. this is all i have! This is my life savings!" Honeycutt said really mad at him.
"See you when you get another 50, losers!" He mocked about to leave, but none of them were gonna let him get away with this.
"You really think i will let you just take that money?!" Psiona shouted with anger before she grabbed the case and ripped it from him.
"Hey!" Vrax shouted annoyed before Mikey came out and drew his arm blades.
"You don't give us the info, then no money!" Mikey threatened while Spike drew his plasma sword and hissed at him.
"I'm this close to letting mom burn you to ash for this." Spike threatened keeping his blade steady.
"Bring it freaks!" Vrax shouted taking out his blaster and he begun firing at them, all the people in the bar ran out in fear while one Salamander just kept drinking.

Spike and Mikey rolled out of the way as he fired at them, and Jaqueline and the other's drew they're blasters too.
"Drop the weapon freak!" Leo threatened before Vrax took down a table to use it for cover.
"How bout i drop you instead?!" Vrax shouted firing at all of them, Psiona had enough of this and came in front of them, the shots hit her, but they just deflected off of her body since her armor and scales were extremely dense.
"I've had enough of this." Psiona said with anger turning her arm into a cannon again and preparing a powerful shot. Honeycutt came behind him and tapped his back to get his attention.
"Hyah!" Honeycutt shouted punching him in the eye to knock him to the floor while Psiona fired at him and barely missed him, but the blast was powerful enough to burn a hole through the bar that went through most of the colony.
"That, was a warning shot." Psiona threatened blowing the smoke away from the blast while Mikey came up to him.

"You messed up big time man!" Mikey shouted as all of them towered over him.
"Just make with the deal and we'll forget this ever happened!" Raph said just wanting this to be over.
"Forget it, the deal's off, your liars, thieves.." Vrax listed out while Donnie got the case.
"What?! You stole from us!" Donnie shouted while Psiona growled at him.
"Forget it, we're wasting our time with this loser." Leo said walking past him with some of the others.
"It was either take it or leave it you @#$% face." Spike insulted hissing at him slithering out too.
"Don't know how anyone found you threatening." Jaqueline said disgusted with him while moving with Spike too.
"Yeah, i got way better secrets then you'll ever have! Like Black Hole pieces and stuff." Mikey mocked leaving as well which got his interest.

"Black Hole pieces huh? Maybe this Mikey moron does have some secrets i should get my hands on." Vrax said with a grin before looking at a wrist device he had.
"Summon the Neutrinos." Vrax ordered as the screen shows these extremely tough robots.
"I got a big payday for you fellas!" Vrax said looking at the robots coming up with a plan.

Spike and the other's made it back to the ship and explained to Casey and April what happened.
"Wow, sounds like a real class act. I thought you knew this guy professor?" April asked annoyed hearing this.
"Should've smashed that mouth-farter for trying to jack us." Raph said clutching his fists.
"Should've slashed that guy when i had the chance." Spike said putting his plasma sword away again.
"Don't worry you two , next time we see him, i'll make sure to pluck that eye out for what he tried doing." Psiona said with anger as this really infuriated her.
"We may be back to where we started, but we'll find another way, let's blow off some steam in the Holo Room. You down for some training Mikey?" Leo asked as they started to leave the bridge
"Nah, i'm gonna chill and watch some Chris Bradford and his @Ruff Crew." Mikey replied taking the Tv remote.
"Whatever you say Mikey." Jaqueline said leaving the bridge with the others too.

However, outside the ship, the robots that Vrax had summoned were coming upon their ship and was heading directly too it. Mikey continued to watch this new but old show about Chris Bradford, and this episode saw him getting attacked by a small enemy who took down most of his crew which bored Mikey a ton.
"Chris Bradford's so lame. " Mikey said tiredly before he started to fall asleep from boredom. Unknown to him though, the Neutrinos had managed to sneak inside the ship, and they managed to sneak across Mikey, and they climbed into his mouth to get to his brain while he was sleeping. This sudden intrusion woke Mikey up from his sleep and made him scream in fear as his eyes were mostly bloodshot, but the robots made him feel weak and he passed out on the floor after they entered his head...

Spike and the other's managed to get back from they're Holo training which was very useful for keeping they're skills up, but when they got back they found Mikey passed out on the floor.
"Is your friend alright?" Honeycutt asked concerned while Raph tried waking him up.
"Very funny Mikey the jokes over, now get up you bumb." Raph said throwing some popcorn at him.
"Guys.. i think something's wrong..." Spike said worried as Donnie checked him and looked at his eye.
"He's alive, but he's totally zoned out. Could be a delayed response to Bellybomb's noxious burps?" Donnie suggested while Casey came up with a pizza slice.
"If this doesn't wake him up, nothing will." Casey said confidently as he slid the pizza across him, but it didn't have any affect from him.
"What?! But that like.. defies the laws of physics!" Casey said extremely shocked this did not work.

"Why don't you scan him professor?" Jaqueline suggested, Honeycutt did so and scanned a light all over his body to find something in him.
"Oh dear, i'm afraid Mikey's mind has been infiltrated by.. Neutrinos.." Honeycutt said with fear finally seeing what was wrong.
"Neutral subatomic particles? " Donnie asked confused while the other's looked worried.
"No, Neutrino is just a nickname due to they're microscopic size, no one knows they're real name.." Honeycutt explained before Raph cut him off.
"I don't need they're whole backstory, what the heck do they want?!" Raph shouted wanting to get to the point.
"In short, Mikey's mind. Every person has an inner self deep in their consciousness. The Neutrinos track this inner self and remove it, stealing all his knowledge and memories, leaving the victim a mindless shell.." Honeycutt explained which worried them all.

"What?!" Psiona shouted with fear hearing this.
"How is that possible?!" Spike asked scarred as well hearing this.
"Don't worry, i have a plan to save Mikey, but it's gonna require a little psychic help." Honeycutt said looking at Psiona and April who were interested with this too.

We cut to everyone within another part of the ship, Spike, Jaqueline and the turtles were hooked up to a device to help them get into Mikey's head while Psiona and April help them inside.
"I don't know about this.." Raph said nervously as the device was attached to his head.
"Well the theory is sound, April and Psiona will Psychically project you into Michelangelo's mind, and you must stop the Neutrinos from taking Mikey's inner self at all costs." Honeycutt explained while Psiona was focusing her powers.
"I've done stuff like this before, i'll be able to transfer you into Mikey's mind easily, and with April it will be easier." Psiona assured while putting a finger on her head to focus.
"At least mom's got experience with this.." Spike said still a little nervous about this.

"Trying to navigate Mikey's brain is gonna be like navigating every Tv channel at once!" Donnie pointed out really annoyed with that thought.
"Don't worry, Psiona and i will do what we can to help guide you through. We'll find his inner Mikey." April assured as she put her hands on his head while Psiona's body started to glow white from using her powers.
"Remember, if the Neutrino's destroy you inside his mind, your body here will be reduced to a vegetative state." Honeycutt warned which made them all worry.
"Hold on, what?!" Jaqueline shouted in shock before she tried getting out of this.
"Oh boy.." Spike said with fear as Psiona opened her eyes again and revealed they're pure white form, Honeycutt then pressed on a device that activated the machine which made all of them feel numb before they're minds were transferred into Mikey's, Psiona put her hand on Mikey's head too and used her powers to transfer herself inside too and the camera zooms into Mikey's head.

The camera zooms into his mind and Spike and the other's suddenly appear within what looks like the sewers back on Earth while Psiona appears in a bright light and stands next to them.
"Heh, i still got it." Psiona said chuckling to herself proudly.
"Alright guys, your in Mikey's memory's by now, but they may not be totally accurate, because you know.. he's Mikey." April said within their heads while they looked around the place.
"Hopefully he doesn't show anything cringe here." Jaqueline prayed as they tried finding him.

"This is so cool dudes, we're going on an adventure!" Mikey shouted somewhere in the distance.
"That's Mikey!" Raph declared which was pretty obvious.
"Come on, let's follow the voice!" Spike shouted slithering ahead with the other's too. They look to their sides and find what looks like they're past selves when they played Mazes and Mutants and went through a fantasy like experience, it was kinda cool in Spike's opinion.
"There." Psiona said as they saw Mikey's past self chuckling again.
"Mikey this is no time to goof around! We gotta get you someplace safe before the Neutrino's roll around.." Raph warned trying to grab him, but his hand just faced through him." Huh?" Raph asked shocked not being able to reach him.

"It's just a memory Raph." April explained as they're past selves move along.
"That was kinda obvious too.." Spike replied coming up with the others too.
"It's kinda like holographic movies." Donnie suggested really amazed with this.
"Maybe Mikey's inner self is hiding in his.." Leo said right before they heard a scream of fear.
"There!" Psiona shouted as they saw blaster fire in the distance and they quickly ran to that direction.

Strange claws tear through the memory and everyone sees the Neutrino's enter Mikey's mind finally just as Spike and the group sees them.
"The Neutrinos! I thought they'd be a lot smaller.." Donnie said worried right before they dodged a red laser firing at them all.
"Bring it on!" Spike shouted drawing his plasma sword, Psiona roared at them and turned her arm into a sword too while the other's drew they're weapons. Leo and the other's tried getting the jump on them with they're weapons, but when they tried using they're weapons they had no affect at all.
"These guys are built like tanks!" Donnie said surprised before one of them ripped his staff out of him and delivered a strong punch to Donnie and sent him flying. Jaqueline tried smashing their heads apart with her hammer multiple times, but that proved not to work too.
"Give me a break!" Jaqueline shouted annoyed right as Psiona came in and delivered a punch which actually sent the robot back a bit, but they barely had a single dent in them.
"They're too tough, get moving guys!" Psiona shouted running ahead of them.
"Let's try and lose them in the streets!" Donnie shouted as they climbed up a latter and barely avoided another laser blast.

But when they opened the hatch and climbed out, they suddenly found themselves back within the farmhouse.
"Wow.. been a while since we've been here.." Spike said looking around the old house.
"Yeah, it's where you met me and Psiona.." Jaqueline said feeling happy seeing this place.
"It was the place where we reunited after so long.." Psiona said calming down after all that tension for a few. But they're little talk was stopped when one of the robot's hands burst through the sealed door which made Raph scream with fear.
"Neutrinos!" Raph screamed running off while they burst down the door of the house. The rest of the group cut they're way through the memory and emerged in this place as well.
"Move!" Jaqueline shouted as they all shot lasers at them, they all screamed while jumping through the window which somehow sent them falling through the void and landing in another place.

"Sorry about the rough landing, had to get you guys outta there fast." April said echoing around them.
"What the heck?" Raph shouted confused as they were in a place they didn't recognize.
"Wow, Mikey must've had some wacky adventures without us because i do not remember this place." Donnie said surprised looking around for him.
"It's not a memory, it's his subconscious, i think i lost track of him when he slipped.." April said as her voice was fading away.
"What?" Spike shouted around trying to hear her.
"April, we can't here you!" Leo shouted as they can't hear her anymore.
"Well that's just great." Jaqueline said annoyed seeing this.
"There he is!" Psiona shouted pointing at what they thought was Mikey walking backwards while speaking gibberish.

The strange Mikey came up to them and weirdly talked to them in a way that just confused them.
"What the hell?" Spike asked confused seeing this.
"That is about a thousand times weirder then usual." Donnie declared before a loud thud was heard and they saw what looked like a giant version of Mikey right behind them.
"Who you calling weird?!" The giant Mikey asked furious with them.
"Dude! Calm down it's us!" Raph said while the other Mikey just danced around weirdly.
"Hah! Like your ever calm!" He insulted which actually was a compliment to him.
"Now this angry version i like!" Raph declared before screaming as a giant foot almost crushed him.

They then heard chewing sounds and looked next to them and saw a chubby Mikey eating a ton of pizza.
"That won't certainly weird out some people." Jaqueline said sarcastically as he saw them.
"Feed me!.. Feed me!" The chubby Mikey demanded going in front of Leo.
"This just keeps getting weirder.." Psiona said looking around the dozens of Mikey clones.
"Any guesses on which one of these is Mikey's inner self?!" Leo asked annoyed as they all stood by eachother.
"Angry, gluttony, weirdo, these are all aspects of Mikey's personality." Donnie listed out looking around.
"I thought the only known emotions were, Joy, Anger, Sadness, Disgust and Fear?" Spike asked confused recalling a certain movie he watched back on Earth.

"You got that right, buzz buzz!" A tiny Mikey dressed as a bug said flying around them.
"That must be his annoying side." Raph declared before he was stepped on by the Angry Mikey.
"No way, i'm the funny guy, buzz buzz!" Mikey said flying around them all.
"Can you guide us to the one true Mikey?.. seriously this is to much.." Leo said shaking his head again.
"Tell me about it." Psiona said agreeing to this too.
"No, but i can rap for you!" He declared much to they're dismay.
"For the love of Celestia no!" Spike hissed trying to stop this.
"Mikey, do not do that!" Raph warned recovering from his stomp.

The fly Mikey simply went over to a beat box and pressed on it which started to play rap music, they started to make beat boxing sounds while the other's cringed at they're rapping.
"Yo listen up cuz! You gotta find the real Michelangelo, before he is wiped by a Neutrino! Now here's a primer up on our line up! So you can save me before my time's up!" Mikey sang while the other's groaned at this sight.
"This is more cringe then anything i've seen.." Jaqueline said while Psiona and Spike shook they're heads in agreement.
"I may seem chill but i do get mad! Which make's me ill so i try to stay rad!" Angry Mikey sang as Chubby Mikey sang too.
"I'm the hungry dude in the mood for food! if you think that's rude you got a bad attitude!" Chubby Mikey sang dancing around the place.
"Teenage. Mutant. Astronauts. Pick apart my astral thoughts! Discover the center of my psyche! To uncover the one true Mikey!" The crazy one said moving his body all around them.

"This is excruciating.." Raph said trying to block this out of his ears.
"Why can't i just use my dream powers to make headphones?" Jaqueline asked herself as this was his mind after all while Leo realized something.
"Huh, center of my psyche. Do you think he means.." Leo asked which made Spike and Donnie realize it.
"His imagination!" Spike and Donnie said at once high fiving eachother, fireworks and celebration music played as they actually got that right which made them happy to know.
"Thank goodness that's over.." Psiona said relieved at this.

The curtain in front of them opens a little that say's" Mikey's Imagination" while it was small and cramped, it looked like the place.
"Makes sense, whenever things get bad, he jumps into his wacky la la land." Raph said looking at the small door.
"It makes sense, everyone needs a place to calm down and try to focus." Psiona said crouching down a little.
"It's locked." Leo said failing to open the door. But a slide door opened where they saw what looked like Mikey on the other side.
"Password?" Mikey asked with a smile, they all thought about what it could be until they all realized it at once.
"Pizza!" They all declared proudly, this sent the door open wide and a huge bright light appeared in the room with a force that was pulling them in.
"Hang on guys!!" Spike shouted while everyone screamed from being dragged inside.

Leo's vision finally comes back into focus as they all see where they are.
"Ho-" Leo said shocked.
"Ly..." Raph added continuing this.
"... @#$%" Spike swore as this weirded him out greatly.
"Chalupa!" Donnie finished as they all saw where they were, it was one of the weirdest places they've ever seen, there were roads made out of rainbows, followed by islands that had deserts all around them with pizza growing on trees.
"This is the weirdest dream i've ever seen.." Jaqueline declared since she's never seen a dream like this before.

"It's like we're in a children's show.. but even children's show can be more logical then this!" Psiona said really weirded out while looking around the place.
"I know, even Pinkie Pie probably has a more logical imagination then this! Even with how hyper she always is.. actually.. i think she'd be crazier seeing this place honestly." Spike said as they were floating on a giant pizza slice which moved through the area.
"Yeah but.. where's Mikey?" Raph asked trying to process all of this.

Th ground beneath them suddenly burst a water geyser and they all were sent flying high into the air and through the clouds. And at the very top, they finally saw what looked like a child version of Mikey, wearing a toy crown and was on a throne surrounded by pizza while Chris Bradford was a servant.
"There he is! That's gotta be the real Mikey!" Leo said relieved as the child Mikey saw them finally.
"Dudes!" Mikey said relieved sliding down from his throne to all of them.
"Mikey!" Leo said relieved giving him a hug.
"No wonder he ran away scarred, he's just a little Mikey." Raph said smiling at this.
"He's so cute.." Psiona said smiling at this too.

"It makes sense, i mean he never really matured past six years old." Donnie said glad they finally found him.
"He acts a bit more mature then that at times." Spike said in defense crossing his snake arms.
"I knew you guys would find me! Those freaky robot guys were chasing me, so i hid in my imagination! Pretty cool huh? Check out my king hat yo!" Mikey said pointing at his toy hat.
"That's really cute Mikey." Jaqueline said patting his shoulder.

"Don't worry Mikey, your safe now." Leo assured looking down at him.
"We'll keep you safe Lil" Mikey." Spike said while making another snake hiss.
"I hope so, so what's the plan big bros?" Mikey asked looking at them, but a blade suddenly stabbed through the area which scarred all of them, they all ran away with the little Mikey as they saw the Neutrino's had finally arrived.
"Ah! It's them! Don't let them near me!!" Mikey begged holding onto Leo.
"Move!" Spike shouted as they all ran from the robots who began firing at them all again.

Everyone was almost shot by one of their lasers and were sent tumbling down into another part of the area with Leo being knocked down.
"Leo!" Mikey shouted worried for him.
"We still can't get through they're armor, can't you tear through them Psiona?" Raph asked looking up at her.
"These things are tough, but i think i can!" Psiona said turning her arm into a cannon and she fired multiple blasts at them to try to slow them down.
"They aren't just made from physical matter, but mental matter too! It won't work like that." Donnie explained which made Psiona stop firing for a moment.
"Then we need an inside advantage to level the playing field." Leo declared as they all got an idea.

"Hold on.. guys.. i'm a Dream Beaver remember? So that means.. i can warp this place to help stop them!" Jaqueline said realizing this.
"And with Mikey's massive and strong imagination, you two could put a stop to them!" Spike said realizing this too.
"Remember, your the king in here Mikey." Donnie said looking at him.
"You don't have to be afraid anymore Mikey, you and Jaqueline can help us beat these punks. Let your mind rip!" Raph assured giving Mikey his crown again.
"You ready to have some fun with them Mikey?" Jaqueline asked with a smirk readying her powers.
"Let's do this, Booyakasha!" Mikey said putting the crown back on his head.

The Neutrino's were causing destruction around Mikey's imagination while trying to find him, and that's when they put they're plan into action.
"Hey butt face!" Mikey teased which made them turn to see Mikey and Jaqueline on the throne.
"Let's see how you like this!" Jaqueline shouted as she used her Dream powers finally, the ground suddenly shook below the robots and large and strong vines suddenly wrapped around the robots to restrain them.
"Don't forget, we're in control here!" Mikey shouted snapping his fingers which made them slide to the side which showed Spike riding on Psiona's back while Leo and the other's rode on familiar allies like Leatherhead.
"Get them!" Leo shouted drawing his sword while in his forest gear now.

"Let's see if you like horror games!" Jaqueline shouted as her eyes glowed white and she waved her hands around like she was casting a spell. The robot's visions suddenly were blinded for a moment which was followed by a burst of fire, when the robot's focused again they were greeted by a familiar monster that was well known in horror games..
"Stars!!" The monster screamed as it was revealed to be.. Nemesis. Nemesis charged at the robots with rage and shot multiple tentacles from it's hands in a horrific manner, the robots began to freak out as Nemesis restrained them long enough for Spike and the other's to attack them with rage.
"Get out of our friends mind!!" Spike hissed before he stabbed his plasma blade through the robot's arms, and with his forest gear too, he drew the blades that were on his arms which lit on fire so Spike could begin tearing through the robot easily.

Psiona turned her arm into a sword again and began slashing at the robots who were trying to fight back, Nemesis wrapped another tentacle at one of them and threw it into the air which gave Donnie the opportunity to slash at it's head with his axe. Nemesis wasn't done and roared with rage before grabbing the monster's legs and began violently beating it down.
Mikey made another whistle while Jaqueline used her powers to summon more creatures like Triceritons and even the Foot Bots to help take them down. One of these thoughts was the Party Wagon and it charged at all three robots and rammed straight into them. The robots were sent flying into the sky and began floating high into the air and was greeted by a giant Renet.
"Party's over guys!" Mikey shouted as giant Renet greeted the robots.
"You don't have to go home.. but you can't stay here!" Mikey shouted turning his staff into a chain that were like his chucks, and Jaqueline used her powers to summon a ginormous hammer, she and Mikey screamed with rage before they finally delivered a final hit which sent the robots flying away into a door which exploded finally destroying them all.

Everyone cheered in victory upon finally beating these monster's.
"We did it!" Spike shouted victoriously while Jaqueline and Mikey came back down to them.
"That was awesome guys!" Psiona said amazed coming up to the two.
"Mikey for the win!" Donnie said as Leo picked the little guy up.
"And Jaqueline really showed them too huh?" Raph asked high fiving her too.
"It was easy honestly, what's one of the hardest things to defeat in games? Horror game monsters." Jaqueline said proudly looking at Nemesis who disappeared finally.
"That, and they're just really cool." Spike said giving her a hug again.
"Great job guys, you did it!" Raph said as they all celebrated over they're great victory while they're vision fades to white.

We finally cut back to the real world where Mikey was finally waking up.
"Ugh.. dudes.. i just had the wildest dream.." Mikey said holding his head in pain.
"It wasn't a dream dude." Casey said as the other's were getting up finally.
"The Neutrino's are very real. Sent to rob your mind by Belebome" Honeycutt explained looking over him too.

"What?! Those were real?! Those gross jerkfaces!" Mikey said with anger ripping off the tube on his head. Mikey just happened to notice they're little ship flying by and knew what to do.
"Why you little.." Mikey said with anger before grabbing the ship and he ran off somewhere.
"Aw, the little seem Angry Mikey." Raph teased chuckling a bit.
"At least we know what his emotions are like.." Spike said holding his hand as it was hurting weirdly now.
"At least we won't have to deal with them anymore." Jaqueline said relieved getting up again.
"And i think we should pay a visit to someone don't you think?" Psiona asked with a growl while clutching her fists.
"Take that!" Mikey shouted from the distance crushing the ship for good.

We cut back to the alien bar the other's were at at the start where we see Vrax trying to talk to someone familiar.
"Don't worry Lord Dregg, any minute now, my Neutrinos will be back with info of that Black Hole Generator, and whatever stupid.." Vrax said right before Mikey stomped down in front of him with the other's.
"Turtle gang is hiding.. um yes, i'll call you right back.." Vrax said turning off his call while the other's were furious with him.
"Oh hey fellas! Can i interest ya'll in some Vanarian muffin?" Vrax said nervously holding out some alien food.
"There's only one way to make this right Bellybomb. You give us the drive so we can save the Earth!" Mikey said looking directly in his eye.

"You idiots are really gonna take on the whole Triceriton army? Heh, your lucky i'm such a nice guy." Vrax said finally handing Mikey the drive they needed.
"Don't think were done with you yet punk." Spike said as his snake hands were hissing at him while Psiona growled with rage.
"And i'll be taking that muffin too." Mikey said eating the muffin that was offered before making a loud noxious burp in his face. This was followed by Psiona punching him in the face with her metal arm at full strength which knocked him to the ground and made a crater which made him groan in pain.
"Next time you go mess with us, i'll eat you for lunch!" Psiona threatened before making a dinosaur roar at him.
"That was absolutely deserved." Spike said still holding his head as it was acting weird right now.
"You got that right Spike, now let's go bust some dino heads! Booyakabunga!" Mikey shouted as they all got knew what they were gonna do next.

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter again! One of the reasons why i had Jaqueline summon Nemesis in the final fight is because i think it would make things really easy given how OP he is, plus he's just really cool in the series he's from. This will lead into some important things for the next chapter so i hope you look forward to that. Thanks for reading this chapter and hope you look forward to more!

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