• Published 2nd Nov 2023
  • 2,542 Views, 500 Comments

Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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68: Riddle Of The Ancient Aeons

We open to a shot of New York during the daytime, Spike and Leo were looking over the view, just wishing that it was always like this back home.

"Man.. i really miss Earth, i can't believe we have to spend 6 months in space to do this.." Spike said sadly looking over the city, just wanting to see the people he's made friends with here.
"Yeah, i know.. it feels weird but.. nice seeing the view, really makes you appreciate what you have.. before it's gone.." Leo said regretfully as he missed Earth too.
"I can't imagine what Twilight must be feeling, i've been gone for almost 3 years, i'm almost 15 now, and on top of me meeting my real mother, getting a Dream Beaver girlfriend, getting mutated into a snake and being at risk of going feral.. and going through more adventures that the mane 6 honestly couldn't dream of doing, it hits you in ways or places you didn't know you had.." Spike said looking down at the streets, as he just wished he could at least contact Twilight in a way.
"We'll find a way to get back to them Spike, no matter what." Leo assured patting his back which made him sigh sadly.
"I sure hope so Leo.." Spike said still unsure of what the future holds.

They're talk together soon ended as they heard a door open and saw Donnie open the simulation room.
"Sorry to interrupt guys, but Fugitoid needs us on the bridge." Donnie reported as they watched the city fade back to the ship they've been one for almost 2 weeks.
"Got it.. come on Leo, let's see what he needs." Spike said slithering out of the room while Leo was worried about this too.

But on one of the Triceriton ships, Mozar was interrogating one of the soldiers, demanding to know the location of something important.
"Where is it?! The Triceriton who finds the fragment will be promoted one full rank!" Mozar asked frustrated as they were close to getting the first Black hole fragment.
"There is a strange interference blanketing the planet sir. But i believe the fragment is located somewhere on this continent." A scientist said as he pulled out a map and showed a specific destination on a strange planet.
"Assemble an away team. Do not alert Central Command to our location. It will be Mozar who finds the fragment." Mozar said sinisterly as they were about to begin the mission.

Far far away from the Triceriton ship, Spike and the other's were spying on the ship waiting for the move.
"They can't see us on radar, right Fugitoid?" Raph asked hopefully as they didn't want this to be blown.
"I'm not sensing any rash actions from them to us yet, we should be good for now." Jaqueline replied looking over the strange planet.
"Don't worry, i'm sure. The Triceritons are convinced the first piece of the Black hole Generator is on this planet. We just need to reach it first.." Honeycutt said looking over the monitor. Psiona, Spike and April's senses were going off, and they were being alerted of something.
"I don't like the looks of this guys, something's telling me this is a bad idea." Spike said seriously rubbing his head again.
"My son's right, i'm not sensing anything kind on that planet, we may be walking into a deathtrap." Psiona said with a growl as she did not like this.
"I have to agree with them too, something isn't right about this mission." April said suspicious of what's about to happen.
"You too huh?" Jaqueline asked looking at April as she got the strange feeling too.

Everyone lowered they're way down into the Stealth Ship to go through this undetected, they didn't want to be seen here.
"Power's operating fully. We're good to go." Spike reported as his snake hands were hissing again as his senses were all over the place with this.
"Activating cloak." Donnie announced as they began flying through the asteroid field and their ship turned invisible.
"It better work this time Donnie." Raph said hopefully as they approached the planet.
"Finally a little excitement! It's been like a whole week since something awesome happened." Casey said eager to get this started.
"You mean being chased by a cyborg Shark bounty hunter and stopping a robot revolution? Yeah, that was pretty exciting." Spike said agreeing at the memory.
"That world.. it's radiating a strange power.. it's like.. pure evil.." April said worried as she, Spike and Psiona were all sensing this too.
"Whatever's down there, we must be on guard. I've got a bad feeling about this." Psiona said as they were entering the atmosphere and saw a decayed jungle that looked almost lifeless.

"Evil you say? Nonsense. This is Xaava-Dal. The oldest most beautiful paradise planet in the universe." Honeycutt said positively as they were lowering to the ground.
"Doesn't' look like a paradise to me.." Spike replied as his head was giving him warnings.
"I've heard of this planet before in legend, i never thought i'd be going here.." Psiona said concerned as they got out of the ship and saw the entire place was like a desolate jungle.
"Probably best you've never been here." Jaqueline replied looking around the place worried as well.
"Aw Fugidude!" Casey said annoyed with him at his failed prediction.
"Well.. i am you know.. occasionally wrong.." Honeycutt said concerned too as they began to start exploring the planet.

"Whoa.. this place is like.." Casey said a little scarred of how evil it looked.
"Pure evil maybe? Like Spike, Psiona and i warned about earlier? No one listens to the psychics." April said annoyed as they could feel the creatures watching them from all over.
"Mom, you said you we're born with these psychic powers like me and April right? Do you know where you got them from?" Spike asked curious looking up at her who was looking worried.
"No, i never inherited it from my own parents, Crystal and Ruby, i was born with it, they were far stronger then most dragons, i took in the warrior side from them that's for sure. Dragon lord Torch himself couldn't figure it out either, it's been a mystery within our kind for quite some time, it was what made me a unique dragon compared to everyone else back home." Psiona explained keeping her guard up.
"Wow, that's.. a lot to take in, to think a literal dragon ruler couldn't find it out either, but i just realized something. If we're all getting strange feelings from this planet, you think there's a connection to it?" Spike theorized as this couldn't be a coincidence.
"I think it may be so.. i just hope we can find it out here.." Psiona replied hopefully as this was a lifelong question she's wanted to be answered.

"This world.. it was once a vast beautiful garden. It held repositories of all the sacred knowledge of the cosmos. Not a single piece of technology was ever built here. The Aeons must've fled, and without their power.. look at this world now.." Honeycutt said worried as this planet didn't have a piece of light anywhere.
"What are the Aeons?" April asked curious which caught the other's attention too.
"Powerful ancient aliens. The first ancient beings to evolve in the universe, now they've all.. gone away.." Honeycutt said looking around the place.
"It's so sad.. really makes me wonder what happened to them.." Jaqueline said concerned on this strange story.

Everyone kept moving through the strange planet while Donnie tried to find something.
"This energy is REALLY screwing up my readings!" Donnie said annoyed as his scanner wasn't getting anything.
"So fix it genius, i thought you were supposed to be the smart one!" Casey mocked smacking him before moving ahead which irritated him.
"That's right, i am, which clearly makes you the stupid one!" Donnie countered roasting him.
"Haha! That definitely makes Raph the angry one!" Mikey mocked pointing at Raph.
"I'm clearly the handsome one, here check it out, i got something for ya.." Raph said about to fist bump Mikey, but it was a trick and he whacked him across the helmet.

"Ha! Your the gullible one!" Raph countered which made Mikey mad.
"I'm tired of you picking on me! Every since we were little, you've been giving me Shell wedgies, red willies, and reptile rug burns!" Mikey shouted with rage pointing at him.
"Guys stop! This isn't time to argue, we have to focus on this!" Jaqueline shouted getting in between the two.
"She's right guys, we have to.. hold on.. what is that?!" Spike shouted as they saw strange black bat creatures flying down to them.
"Everyone take cover!" Leo ordered which made all of them hide in different spots.

Strange demon bats had landed down to where they all were, Spike and the others carefully hid in spots trying not to be found, they looked around to try and find any sign of them, but they soon gave up and finally flew off again making them all sigh in relief.
"Thank Celestia." Spike said relieved slithering back into the open with his mother and Jaqueline.
"Those were not like any creatures i've seen before.." Psiona said worried on what these creatures were.
"I agree, these creatures definitely are not native to this planet." Honeycutt said in agreement as Raph landed back down too.
"Let's just move. We got demon bats, and Triceritons to deal with, i hate outer space, so so much!" Raph said annoyed crossing his arms again.
"Come on guys, let's just go." Jaqueline said walking ahead with the others once again.

Meanwhile with the Triceritons, one of their ships was just landing down on the planet, and Mozar and his soldiers were getting ready to search.
"We should have just beamed down." Mozar said annoyed jumping out of his ship and going to the other soldiers.
"The planets energy blocks the outside world." One of them explained looking up at the sky.
"No matter, find the fragment! Or i will leave you behind on this nightmarish world!" Mozar threatened which made all of them quickly get to work.
"I have a reading, this way sir." One of them said again as he began leading the group to find the fragment.

Spike and the others continued to move through this strange forest, they could just feel they were being watched, Honeycutt's senses went off which alerted him of something.
"Well this isn't good, we're going around in circles." Honeycutt declared which made Donnie have a look of frustration. Donnie yelled in frustration and tried getting his scanner to work which only made it stop working which angered him even more.
"Oh we've been walking for miles Donnie! That scanners as useless as that gap in your teeth!" Casey insulted pointing at Donnie's gap.
"Oh let's not go there Casey, you know my gap is WAY more awesome then your gap!" Donnie said with a smug again.
"No way, my gap is way bigger then yours, your got a baby gap!" Casey countered pointing at him again before Mikey came in between them.

"Will you two cut it out?! You guys are more annoying then Raph!" Mikey shouted which triggered Raph a lot.
"That's it!!" Raph shouted with rage before he tackled Mikey to the ground and they all started to fight.
"Guys stop!" Jaqueline shouted as she and Spike tried holding them against eachother.
"Stop this guys now!" Spike hissed as he coiled around Donnie to stop him, but Donnie used his strength to break free and he threw Spike into April who tried helping them too, but they noticed a strange symbol on the wall they were against which interested them.
"Enough!!" Psiona roared which shut all of them up finally, even Honeycutt looked annoyed with them.
"You must all stop! Don't make me smack you! You see this?! This is my smacking hand!" Honeycutt warned holding out his hand.

"He's right guys, what the heck is wrong with us?" Mikey asked worried as they all realized what was happening.
"We have more important stuff to deal with, like this." April said as Spike ripped off some old vines covering the structure they were on.
"What is this?" Spike asked with awe as they were on an old platform of sorts.
"It must be from some sort of ancient civilization." Leo theorized looking around the place.
"It must be.." Jaqueline said interested as Honeycutt saw an old drawing.

"A mountain, with the sun at it's peak, carved in the shape of a gemstone." Honeycutt translated looking at the drawing.
"You got all of that from a simple drawing?" Jaqueline asked impressed at his translation.
"But what does it mean?" Spike asked interested too. But they're theory was interrupted once again when they saw multiple demon bats flying over the skies again, outnumbering all of them. Spike and the others quickly tried to hide again, they all hid behind the structures that they found, and could hear the monsters growling looking for them.
"Those guys are like the pinacol of extreme metal." Casey said amazed hiding from them too. One of the creatures roared suddenly and they all suddenly began to leave much to their relief.

"Whew, too close. Thank goodness they're.." Leo said right before another roar suddenly came behind him.
"They're not gone are they?" Leo asked scarred as they saw one behind him, and dozens of them began to attack.
"You wanna fight? Let's fight!" Psiona said as she and Jaqueline began to charge at them. Spike coiled around one of the monsters and threw it into another group before he made another hiss before using his plasma sword to slash some of them down. Jaqueline took out her hammer and began slamming against the creatures heads making a hard metal sound with each hit, Psiona roared at them and began shooting multiple fire blasts at them at once.

"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed as he tried taking down one Raph was fighting, but it dodged Mikey's attack which resulted in Raph getting slammed up into the air as a result.
"I coulda handled it!!" Raph shouted with fury before he shoved Mikey out of the way, but this caused Mikey to stumble back and they watched with fear as Mikey slammed on a sharp wall which broke his helmet.
"Mikey!" Raph and Jaqueline shouted at once as Mikey was gasping for air.
"My head! Gah!!" Mikey screamed while squirming all around.

Mikey kept screaming for a few more seconds until he just realized something.. he could actually breath air.
"Whoa dudes! We can breath air here, sweet!" Mikey said amazed which made the other's take their helmets off too.
"That's really cool to know." Spike said impressed before Raph threw his helmet at Donnie.
"Donnie! Your telling me we could breath air this entire time?!" Raph asked getting in Donnie's face.
"Back off my shell man!" Donnie countered before Spike had enough with them.
"Just stop it! Both of you!" Spike hissed pushing them away from eachother.
"Finally!" Leo said relieved before he saw another monster coming from behind.

Leo rolled under one of their attacks and slashed at him with his swords, Jaqueline joined in the fight and jumped in the air to deliver a strong strike to it's skull which knocked it back a good distance.
"Out of my way Casey!" Raph shouted right as he bumped into him who was laughing at Donnie falling onto some spiked vines.
"No! Out of Casey Jones's way!" Casey shouted running after him, Leo was trying to fire his blaster at more of them, but Raph and Casey bumped behind him again which made him lose focus right as Mikey tried taking some down too. Psiona grabbed one of them by the arms and twisted it hard while making a loud roar, she slammed the thing to the ground multiple times before delivering a strong kick to it which sent it into one of the trees.
"Cowabunga!!" Mikey shouted as he landed down on another one of them, they all looked around and saw they were all gone finally.
"At least that's over." Jaqueline said relived putting her hammer away.

But they continued to hear grunting and they saw the others were fighting eachother again because of their frustrations with eachother, which made April and Spike have enough of this.
"Guys! You need to stop this! This is not you, it's the world that's affecting you!" April said trying to make them all stop.
"You are all brothers, we can't let you fight like this, you have to stop now!" Spike hissed as Psiona held all of them back with her telekinesis.
"They are both right, this planet is affecting you in bad ways, take deep breaths, and just calm down, please." Psiona said while they all were breathing heavily.
"Guys, we won't have time for that, look!" Jaqueline shouted as they saw even more demon bats flying to them.
"There's to many of them! Run for your very lives!!" Honeycutt screamed with fear which made all of them start to run again.

Spike slithered with the other's as fast as he could when running through the forest, the monsters were right behind them and were catching up fast. Spike flipped over some branches while Jaqueline jumped over the trees.
"Why can't this ever be easy?!" Jaqueline asked annoyed as she kept jumping across them.
"They're closing in dudes, ahh!!" Mikey screamed while avoiding another attack from them, they all came into another open area and got close together behind another structure, Psiona growled at all of them as they came out to them. But the creatures suddenly ran away as they saw something they were standing nearby, a strange column.
"Whoa, what just happened?" Raph asked confused on this.
"I don't know.." Spike said shaking his head in response.

April turned around and seemed to notice the statue behind them.
"That statue.." April said interested as it had a strange gem on the top.
"A statue! Yes! thank you statue! You are awesome.." Mikey said amazed hugging the statue while everyone looked at it.
"What is it professor?" Donnie asked curious on what it is.
"It's a depiction of the Aeons, the beings that fled this world." Honeycutt said scanning the thing.
"Guess the demons drove them off a long time ago." April theorized amazed at this.

"Well that's a total bummer." Casey joked which irritated Leo again.
"Bummer? Look what happened to their world! You have as much sensitivity as a rabbit dog!" Leo insulted getting in Casey's face again, Spike already saw what was happening again, and tried preventing it again.
"Guys, stop this! Remember, this planet is messing with your heads, we can't let it get to us guys, we have to push through it." Spike said seriously looking at all of them.
"Your right Spike, sorry dude." Casey said ashamed of what he just said.
"Hold on guys, look at the statue, it's pointing at something.." Mikey said as they saw the statue shoot a beam of light somewhere.
"Wonder where it leads?" Jaqueline asked interested with this.
"Only one way to find out." Psiona said as they all headed in the direction of the beam.

Meanwhile with Mozar and his search team, they were getting lost in this planet themselves, and Mozar was getting impatient.
"Fools! I should throw you all into the Tri arena for such incompetence! Where is my fragment?! Gah!!" Mozar yelled before he smashed one of his soldiers down.
"Your technology is worthless here!" Mozar insulted looking down at him.
"Captain Mozar sir, it is the planet that is infuriating you, not our te.. ah!" Another screamed as Mozar shot his device out of his claw.
"Next time it will be you Zarus." Mozar threatened putting his gun away again.
"I'm getting a signal sir, it appears to be.. a cyborg?!" another asked surprised getting the result.
"The Fugitoid! He must be after the fragment as well! Track him Lieutenant Zovox, and pray you do not lose him!" Mozar threatened already being annoyed with this.

Spike and the others continued to follow the beam that directed them to some ancient pyramid, it was huge, but it looked so ancient and amazing, it was one of the coolest sights Spike has seen in this entire adventure yet.
"That is one dope alien temple yo!" Casey said amazed seeing it.
"Totally agree on that." Spike said high fiving Casey while laughing a little.
"So amazing.." Jaqueline said in awe seeing it.
"I'll bet you this place is loaded with booby traps." Leo warned as they started to move to it.
"Eh, what's the worse that could happen?" Raph asked shrugging it off. Spike and Psiona looked at eachother and shook they're heads entering the place, as that question always has karma to it.

Fugitoid turns on some headlights he had so they could see what is inside.
"Wow, it's amazing.." April said in awe looking at the ancient drawings.
"It's definitely alien." Donnie said fascinated as Leo looked at the symbols.
"What is it professor?" Leo asked as Honeycutt walked up to it.
"It's in ancient Aeonian, let's see.. when the soul star, reaches the mountains peak, uh the light of the Aeons, shall illuminate all." Honeycutt translated which sounded confusing.
"I don't know, but if Twilight were here, she'd figure it out instantly probably." Spike said shrugging his shoulders again.

"Yo check it out, what do you think this does?" Casey asked looking at a switch and was gonna press it.
"Casey no!" Leo shouted right before he touched it, this suddenly opened a trap door right below Spike and he screamed as he went falling a huge distance.
"Son!!!" Psiona shouted with fear as dog barks could be heard.
"Ow ow ow ow! Casey!!!" Spike said making a huge snake hiss from below the pit, Psiona and Jaqueline looked at Casey with fury who laughed nervously.
"Casey..." Jaqueline said with rage as towered over him looking furious.
"Um.. oops?" Casey said with a nervous smile. Not even a second later, Casey was hit in the crotch by Jaqueline's hammer, and Psiona smashed him to the wall making him scream in pain while holding his legs.
"Do something like that again next time, and i'll make sure you don't have kids." Psiona threatened growing at him. A door suddenly opened besides them a few seconds later, and they saw Spike slithering out of it having multiple bite marks on him followed by one of those alien creatures still hanging on his tai..
"Let's just move on okay?" Spike asked annoyed before taking a stick he had and threw it away making the alien dog chase after it.
"That was completely my bad guys.." Casey said ashamed while getting up from the pain.

Spike and the others continued they're way through the large temple, looking in awe at the dozens of the alien drawings around the place. They soon came upon a large open room, which looked like a shrine of sorts, and at the top of it, they finally found the first Black hole Generator piece.
"Ah! There it is!" Honeycutt said amazed as they were here first.
"The first piece of the generator!" April said amazed as well.
"Yes, we did it!" Leo said victorious going up to it with the others.
"Wait hold up, what's it doing up on an alter anyway? Has anyone thought of that?" Donnie asked stopping they're movements for a moment.
"Who cares? We found it first! We rule!" Raph shouted whooping in victory as they all resumed running to it.

But to their shock, they heard a familiar voice come from behind them.
"By the luck of the great Zanmoran, not only does Mozar find the fugitive android, but he also collects the first fragment of his prize!" Mozar said menacingly as he and his soldiers had found the temple too.
"You gotta be kidding me." Spike said annoyed drawing his plasma sword.
"Obliterate them!" Mozar ordered which made all the soldiers begin firing at them all.

"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed jumping off of the alter and slamming down on one of them, Raph jumped off Mikey and tried striking Mozar, but he quickly grabbed Raph and threw him to the wall which made Raph barely avoid being crushed again. Casey was fighting off another one of the soldiers and used his photon pucks to deliver some damage to it, and Spike snuck behind him and injected more venom into him to paralyze him.
"Being a snake does have it's uses!" Spike said impressed as the soldier fell on the ground paralyzed.
"Oh my god!" Honeycutt screamed with fear as he was being chased by another one of them. Honeycutt was brought into a corner and was about to be crushed, but when the soldier attack, Honeycutt suddenly morphed into a powerful weapon and used his fusion core to deliver a powerful attack.
"What the?" Jaqueline asked shocked as they saw Honeycutt completely destroyed that soldier.
"Not bad." Psiona said impressed with his strong move before she punched another down without even looking.

Leo was blocking more laser fire from some of them while Mozar marched up the alter to get the fragment.
"At last." Mozar said victorious about to grab it, but his body suddenly stopped and he saw Donnie trying to stop him. But he simple flung him off his tail making Donnie fall back to the ground just as Leo got shot down for a moment.
"The first fragment belongs to Mozar!" Mozar shouted as he fired his blaster at the heroes while holding the fragment in his soldier, Psiona pulled Spike and Jaqueline close and used her energy shield to block some of his laser fire. Mozar placed a detonator on the wall to help them escape.
"It has been set in stone!" Mozar shouted holding out the remote.
"No!" Leo and Spike shouted with horror before the bomb exploded and it blocked they're way out.

"No!" Psiona shouted with rage as she tried pushing the rubble out of the way, but there was too much for them to get through.
"Guys.. i'm low on power.. we must find another way out." Honeycutt said feeling weak from the energy he's used.
"When i get my hands on those horn headed freaks!" Raph said frustrated clutching his fists.
"Come on, there's gotta be a backdoor or something." Leo instructed which made them try to find the way out. April and Spike's senses went off again and they looked at the alter getting a strange feeling again.

With Mozar and his soldiers, they were just making it out of the temple carrying the fragment with them.
"The first piece of the generator is mine! The Emperor will make me an Admiral for this!" Mozar said proudly until one of them saw the demon bats behind them.
"Captain Mozar sir, look!" He shouted as the bats flew at them and Mozar got ready to fight again.

Spike and the other's continued trying to find a way out, but weren't seeming to find anything.
"We're losing time! They're getting away!" Donnie shouted as April and Spike climbed back to the top again.
"You getting the same feeling too April?" Spike asked looking at the shrine again they're senses were going off like crazy and it made them hold they're heads to focus.
"Yeah, there's gotta be some sort of switch here.." April replied as they tried feeling something, and they suddenly had felt themselves press a switch of sorts.

The place suddenly shook violently which knocked them off their feet, the stairs they had climbed onto suddenly began to fall into the ground which got everyone's attention.
"April! Spike!" Donnie shouted worried running up to them with the others, the stairs continued to fall down until they all saw the place had lowered a good distance while Spike and April got up.
"We're okay guys!" Spike shouted up to them.
"You found something you guys!" Jaqueline said amazed quickly running down to help them up. Spike and the others turned to the strange artifact that was placed in the alter.
"What is that thing?" Psiona asked interested looking at it.

"It's a Soul Star.. it's the symbol of the Aeons, containing the power of life itself!" Honeycutt said amazed seeing it fully.
"So it was hidden away, and the world turned evil.. i get it now! When the Soul Star reaches the mountains peak, the light of the Aeons shall illuminate all!" April said pointing upwards to the top of the place.
"So we have to put it back there, mom, you can fly to there right?" Spike asked ripping the thing out with April, this triggered a switch which opened another door that led out of the place.
"I can handle it, come on, let's be careful!" Psiona said as they ran through the gate to get to the top.

Mozar and his soldiers continued firing at the monsters who tried attacking them, but something caught they're attention and they began flying back to the temple that the other's were in.
"Back to the ship, we have the fragment, go!" Mozar ordered carrying the fragment off with them.
"When we reach the top, it should drive off the demons!" Spike shouted as they came out of the temple.
"You sure about this Spike?" Jaqueline asked turning to him until they heard the monsters coming to them again.
"I'm sure, go!" Spike screamed slithering ahead with April and the others.

Everyone was running up the long stairs that led to the top of the temple while the monsters were charging down to them. Psiona turned her arm into a cannon again and began firing on them to push them back.
"No! The Triceritons are getting away!" Leo shouted with fear seeing Mozar get away with the fragment.
"We have to do this! It isn't just about Earth, it's about saving all worlds!" April shouted climbing even more while Spike shot a fire blast at another demon.
"They're after the star! Don't let them get it!" Spike screamed slashing another in half with his sword. Psiona roared with rage again and ran on all fours to reach the top faster.
"April get on!" Psiona shouted running right next to herm, April flipped in the air and got on her with Jaqueline who took out a blaster.
"Go go go!" Jaqueline shouted trying to shoot the monsters down. Spike hissed like a snake even more and was slashing his snake hands at the monsters while traveling to the top and they could see the pedestal just up ahead.

"There it is! Come on!" Spike shouted again flipping in the air, Spike got on one of the monsters backs and coiled around it to control it's movements, he flew directly into the other monsters while Psiona charged across the top.
"I see it, April now!" Psiona shouted coming to a stop in front of it, April quickly got off of her and Jaqueline kept shooting at the monsters to keep them away.
"Now!" Jaqueline shouted while April came right to the alter, more of the monsters came down right above her, but April quickly placed the Star in it's place finally.

A huge bright light shot from the pedestal that was so powerful it not only knocked the monsters back, but was sent across the entire planet, turning the dark barren nightmare world they were on, into a lush green planet that was beautiful to see.
"Whoa.." Spike said amazed seeing the huge sudden change of the world.
"It's working! Oh that feels like a huge weight off my brain!" Leo said relieved as the anger was leaving him finally. Everyone gasped in amazement as the monster's body's glowed brightly, and they watched as they're dark skin crumbled away revealing them to be pure and whole beings.
"The.. The Aeons!" Honeycutt said amazed as they were completely purified and looked like angels.
"It's so beautiful.." Psiona said amazed as well while the Aeons flew down to them.

"Thank you, you saved us.. from ourselves.." One of them said gratefully looking over them all.
"Yourselves?" April asked curious hearing this.
"The demons were the Aeons all along?" Mikey asked shocked seeing all this happen.
"The Utrom gave us the fragment to protect, but it's immense power amazed us. We Aeons have never allowed technology on our world before, we began to worship it, and desired to know it's technological power. And we hid away our beloved Soul, thus corrupting our world, and us with it. We became monsterous beings, and when we hid away our star, the evil was complete. Thank you friends, for saving our world." He said gratefully while all of them were fascinated to hear this.
"So the Utrom gave you the piece.." Psiona said fascinated to hear this tale. A peace of the star was taken off of it, and floated over to April as a gift.
"Take this gift, it is a single piece of our star, it will bring you both luck, and power." The Aeon said while April held it in her hand.
"Awesome.." Spike said amazed looking at it.
"Wow, it's beautiful.." April said amazed looking at it, the Aeons began to fly off again which just left them amazed on what happened.
"Goodbye alien dudes." Casey said as they flew off into the sky's.
"So amazing.." Jaqueline said still not believing this happened.

Spike and the others went back to their ship and began to leave the planet which was now purified from the evil corruption finally.
"Floor it Fugitoid, there's still time to catch up with the Triceritons!" Leo ordered as the ship entered lightspeed once again.
"Whoa bros, what an adventure." Mikey said kicking back to relax.
"The Utrom sure made a big mistake when trusting the fragment with those guys." Raph said smugly shrugging Mikey a bit.
"Yeah.. they really did.." Psiona said still shocked that all this pain was caused, and it made her question just how long they were like that.
"Hey, at least this'll make an epic tale when we get back home." Spike said coiling around himself to rest for a bit.
"That's something i can agree with Spike." Jaqueline said kissing his cheek again which made him chuckle while April looked at the crystal.
"Tell me about it, if ancient alien beings can be corrupted like that, then i guess anyone can be corrupted by power." Donnie said as April was entranced with it, Spike and Psiona's senses suddenly went off again which caught they're attention, they felt a strange energy coming from the crystal, and it may be something to be concerned about soon..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter! Sorry for the wait on this one, but i've been busy with my other stories which had me halt the progress a bit, but i'm still working on it and i'm excited to keep it up! This episode was pretty cool with the Alien planet they were on and the adventure this one had, definitely will be something to never forget that's for sure. I hope you all liked this and have a great day guys!

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