• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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29: Slash and Destroy

It's been a bit since April decided to be friends with Spike and the others again, and Spike was glad that they reconciled and became friends again, Twilight would be proud that they were able to solve a friendship problem and be on good terms with April again.

Mikey was currently playing on an arcade machine in the lair, getting to an even higher level.
"Aw yeah, level 83 boy! Ima flip it!" Mikey cheered as he took out more enemy's, but gasped when the boss showed up and the screen flashed.
"No, no no no no! It's Skullorax!" Mikey said in fear.
"Eye beam, use the eye beam!" Leo instructed as Mikey tried dodging his attack's.
"I'm scarred man, what am i gonna do?!" Mikey asked as he tried dodging it's attacks, but he wasn't fast enough and lost.

"No!!! I was so close Leo.. so close.." Mikey said sadly as he fell on the arcade machine.
"You did well my son. Now watch a real sensei at work." Leo said as he tossed him aside and started playing himself.

"Mikey!" Raph shouted in rage as he came out with the turtle Spike with a comic.
"You got pizza stains all over my collection of modern ninja magazine! They're ruined!" Raph said in rage as our normal Spike came in looking upset as well.
"Not to mention you messed up my own comic books! Why are you such a mess?!" Spike asked showing him some torn up comics..
"Dudes, those things are over 20 years old, they're not exactly modern." Mikey said casually which made them upset.
"They're vintage, it took me six years to collect em, six years!" Raph said showing it to him again.
"Chillax bros, i'll clean it for ya." Mikey said as he grabbed the comic and started licking off the stains.

"Spike, hold Spike for me." Raph said handing the turtle Spike to him.
"Got it." Spike said as he sat down and gave him some pets as he watched Raph march over to him in anger and slap him on the head which made them smile.
"You mess up everything Mikey!" Raph said holding out the magazine.
"It's just stuff Raph, meager possessions. what does it matter?" Leo asked as he kept playing the game.

"What about your precious comic book collection huh? You always stick up for Mikey, try seeing my point of view for once." Raph argued as he marched over to him.
"How would you feel if a comic collection you took so long to get was just ruined like that?" Spike added.
"Thank you!" Raph shouted in response.

"I get it, i just think like Master Splinter says, material possessions are fleeting." Leo explained before Raph punched the arcade and turned it off.
" All right enough. I'm tired of you three. Your always messing up, and i got to pay for it, at least Spike knows how this is!" Raph said as he threw the paper on the ground and walked off.

"Can it get any louder out there?" Donnie asked annoyed as he was stirring up another batch.
"I'm never gonna find a retro mutagen at this rate, who can concentrate with Raph exploding all the time?" Donnie asked as he took another vile and placed a drop inside, the jar started to turn purple and made a loud fizzle.
"Uh oh.." Donnie said in fear.

Fireworks suddenly started exploding from the lab and into the lair which shocked them all.
"What the heck?!" Spike shouted as he took cover.
"Hit the deck!" Mikey shouted as more kept flying over the place. A firework destroyed Mikey's skateboard, and another box of pizza.
"My pizza! Whoa, we're under attack!" Mikey shouted in fear as he dodged some more fireworks. Spike saw they're turtle friend was about to be hit by one and he ran to him.
"Spike!" Raph and Spike shouted in slow motion, Spike grabbed him just in time as another was about to hit them.

"I got him!" Spike shouted as he rolled on the ground as the firework hit the box, he saw the turtle stick his head out and he sighed in relief.
"It's alright buddy." Spike said as he rubbed his hand and handed him to Raph.
"Don't worry Spike, old Raph won't let anything hurt you, and our other Spike here won't either." Raph assured as Spike nodded in agreement.
"You got that right Raph." Spike said as the two got up, but now Raph was mad at the others..

"Wow, i did not see that coming, everyone okay?" Donnie asked as he came out of the lab.
"Does the place look okay to you?" Spike asked annoyed as the place was trashed.
"Are you crazy? No, we're not okay!" Raph said frustrated walking up to him.
"What happened here?" Splinter asked as he came into the lair.

"I'll tell you what happened master Splinter, Donnie almost blew us up, again! And what's worse, he almost blew up Spike, both of them!" Raph said annoyed.
"Raph dude i'm really sorry i.." Donnie said before Raph looked at him in anger.
"Sorry doesn't cut it this time!" Raph said as he pushed him out of the way and went into the lab.

"Until the mad scientist gets his act together, i'm holding this for safekeeping." Raph said as he came out with the mutagen canister.
"Raph, be reasonable, man that's my last canister of mutagen!" Donnie said worried as Raph walked over to his room.

Raph was now in his room still upset over what just happened.
"The others are just holding me back, Spike's the only one who understands me, we should be out there fighting crime, tracking mutagen." Raph said as he put the canister on a shelf.
"But all they wanna do is play stupid games. The other Spike's the only one who's taking things seriously, and you get it to, don't you Spike? " Raph said as he pet the turtles head.
"Sometimes i wish i was on my own, doing things my way, maybe even have Spike team up with me. I'm just tired of this team.." Raph said annoyed as knock was heard and Mikey opened the door.

"Uh, dude, you still mad?" Mikey asked nervously.
"What do you want Mikey?" Raph asked annoyed.
"Master Splinter wants us to help clean up." Mikey explained.
"No way! Not a chance! Donnie can clean up his own explosion!" Raph said annoyed as he got up.

"Hey if you tell Splinter your not helping out, that's all you dude." Mikey teased pointing at him.
"Fine, i will!" Raph said as he got up and pushed Mikey out of the way and slammed the door. This caused the canister to roll over onto the floor and the mutagen started leaking out, the turtle Spike saw this as the room glowed green..

Spike and the others were using mops to clean up the mess Donnie made.
"Man, how did you create fireworks from chemicals?" Spike asked annoyed as he cleaned up another spot as Raph walked in.
"Sensei, it's completely unfair. Donnie made this mess, how come i have to help?" Raph asked annoyed while Donnie looked ashamed.
"Allow me to make a suggestion Raphael." Splinter said which annoyed him.
"Suggest what sensei? I'm sick of suggestions, what could you possibly suggest? Aghk" Raph screamed as Splinter did a pressure point move on him and Raph was paralyzed and fell to the ground.
"Perhaps you should sit and meditate for a while." Splinter said looking down at him.

Inside Raph's room the turtle Spike was mutated from the canister and he became extremely large with sharp spines on his back and made a loud roar and slashed at the lamp.

"Always me right? I got the bad attitude, i'm the bad guy." Raph said in anger as Spike walked with him.
"Raph come on, we both know that Splinter shouldn't be messed with." Spike said as he and Raph went into his room.
"They just don't get it Spike." Raph said annoyed as he tried turning on the light, but it didn't.
"Aw.." Raph said in annoyance.
"Um, Raph?" Spike asked as he pointed to the spilled over canister.

"They never have." A voice suddenly spoke which spooked them.
"What?" Raph asked getting in a fighting stance.
"Who's there?" Spike asked getting defensive as well, they gasped as they saw a shadow in the room and it came to them.
"They never understood you, not like me." He said again as he emerged from the shadows and they both looked on with shock.

"It can't be.." Raph said in shock as the turtle towered over them.
"No way.." Spike asked in awe and shock as they're old friend got mutated.
"Spike?!" Raph and Spike asked at once.

Leo and the others were currently mopping up while Donnie looked ashamed.
" I feel terrible, it's my fault Raph's mad.." Donnie said sadly as he sat down
"It's not you Donnie.. well it's.. it's partially you, Raph just needs to work out on his bad temper.
"Maybe he should switch to decaffeinated pizza?" Mikey suggested until Donnie's device went off again.

"Whoa, the mutagen tracker just picked up a new canister! it's close." Donnie said as he saw the signal nearby.
"Then let's gear up, i'll grab Raph and Spike." Leo said as he started walking off.
"Better you then me dude." Mikey replied.

Spike and Raph were still in the room looking amazed at his mutation.
"I can't believe this is happening, i mean this is amazing." Raph said in awe.
"Who knew you would get so much bigger then the others?" Spike asked looking at him.
"Wait.. what do we tell the others?" Raph asked looking at them.

"Tell em you got a new partner, one who knows the true meaning of being a warrior. "The turtle said as he got up.
"A new partner?" Spike and Raph asked at once.
"You two and me, no joking around, no goofing off like your brothers, we'll be the ultimate ninja team." He offered, Spike could feel a sinister goal coming from him with his powers, but he decided to play along for now.

"Well that would be.. awesome." Raph said amazed.
"We could find those mutagen canisters a lot faster too.." Spike said with interest.
"Yes, and we'll crush our opponents, we'll fight evil together, nonstop, and we'll get Spike home too." He assured while Raph smiled at that idea.
"Now that's what i'm talking about. What about you Spike?" He asked looking at him.
"Sounds like fun to me." Spike said interested.
"You see guys, you always got me. "Raph said proud of them.

They heard another knock on the door which shocked them.
"Hey, Raph and Spike." Leo said on the other side.
"Be quiet for now okay?" Spike asked as he and Raph went to the door.

"Yeah?" Raph asked on the other side.
"We got a mutagen situation, we need you two on deck." Leo replied.
"Right uh.. we'll catch up in a minute, go on without us." Raph said as he slightly opened the door.
"We just need a little time to prepare okay?" Spike asked a little nervous.
"Fine, just catch up soon okay?" Leo asked as he closed the door.

"You don't need em Raphael and Spike. We can find that mutagen on our own." he said as he looked at a photo of Spike and the others.
"Heck yeah, and if we're gonna do this, you'll need to gear up." Raph said as he opened a hatch with some more weapons.
"Take your pick." Raph offered as he saw a certain weapon he liked.

We cut to the three of them now on the streets as the mutant Spike twirled his new mace around, he put on a black mask like Spike's own, and put some black straps around his arms.
"Wow, you look awesome Spike." Raph said amazed.
"Kinda weird there are two people with the same name huh?" Spike asked confused.
"He's right, i think it's time we change it, call me.. Slash." Slash said as he put on a belt initial with an s on it and the threw of them are on a rooftop looking over the city.

"Let's go" Spike said as he and Raph started taking off with Slash staying behind for a moment.
"If Raph's gonna be free, and Spike's gonna be safe from the Kraang, we may need to lose some dead weight.." Slash said as he laughed evilly as a torn up photo of Leo and the others are seen..

Spike and Raph were moving through the rooftops with Slash making his way over as well.
"Yes this is awesome! Just you two and me, Raph Slash and Spike, the crime fighting trio!" Raph said amazed as they flipped across some more ledges.
"Think we could use a team name or something?" Spike asked as he slid under another water tower.
"Maybe, it's us three righting the wrongs of the world. And wipe out whatever stands in our way." Slash said as he had white eyes.
"Hold on? How are we gonna find mutagen without a tracker?" Raph asked confused and Slash chuckled.
"I got a nose for this stuff, i can smell it a mile away." Slash explained.
"Lead the way then Slash." Spike said as he and Raph followed him.

We cut to another rooftop where Leo and the others were moving forward.
"Come on, we got mutagen close by, it's on the other side." Donnie said as they ran faster, Mikey flipped ahead for a moment and looked down and found the canister.
"Ooze jar in full effect." Mikey reported as the others saw it.
"Sweet, let's grab it and bag it, looks like we didn't need Raph for this one. Hold up.. is that Spike?" Leo asked as Spike suddenly landed on the ground.

"Found it." Spike said as he picked it up and started moving.
"How did he find it before us?" Donnie asked confused.
"I don't know, but we better see how." Leo said as he went after him.

Spike flipped back up to the top and showed them the canister.
"Like i said guys, swift and silent." Spike said confidently as he held it out.
"Nice work kid, you really showed us." Raph said impressed.
"Yep, good thing no one else got it first, right Slash? Slash?" Spike asked as they saw he was gone for a moment.
"Where'd he go?" Raph asked confused.

"Raph, Spike." Leo shouted suddenly, they looked over and saw Leo had arrived and he landed in front of them.
"Leo? How'd it go?" Raph asked with a smug.
"Don't joke like that Raph, we had everything planned out, your lucky Spike wasn't seen!" Leo said annoyed while Raph growled.
"What is your deal? We found the mutagen with no bad consequences, how is that bad?" Raph said as he and Leo started to argue with Mikey and Donnie watching from a distance.

"Man, that looks a little bad down there huh?" Donnie asked curious as a shadow swept near them..
"Dude, i can totally see Raph's forehead veins bulging from here!" Mikey said with a chuckle as a large shadow came out of nowhere and restrained Donnie and started dragging him off..
"Check it out, his heads gonna pop!" Mikey said pointing at him.

"The point is he shouldn't risk exposing himself like that!" Leo said with anger while Spike had enough of this.
"Guys, enough, i get it, i'm sorry i went out like that Leo, Let's just take the canister and go home, okay?" Spike asked holding it out.
"You guys go, i need some time to think about this!" Leo said as he went off with Spike looking annoyed.

"Fine, go then! We don't need you!" Raph shouted annoyed as Spike held it.
"Let's not drop this one okay?" Spike asked holding it close. A large thud suddenly came behind them and they saw Slash breathing heavily.
"Slash? Where'd you go man?" Raph asked confused as he was hiding a familiar purple mask..

"Raph, Spike! Donnie's disappeared! He was right behind me when.." Mikey said as he came in and finally saw Slash.
"Holy chalupa.. another turtle?" Mikey asked in shock.
"Wait wait no, that's Spike, i mean.. it's slash now. He got into the mutagen." Raph explained while Mikey had his jaw dropped while pointing at Slash.
"Shocking, i know.." Spike said while he saw his face.

"Dudes.. this is to much to process! I'm gonna...!!" Mikey shouted as fireworks came from his head suddenly and Spike and Raph had ... reactions as Mikey got up suddenly.
"I'm freaking out" Mikey said in complete shock which annoyed Slash.
"Raphael, you said it yourself, we don't need these clowns, we gotta take care of that mutagen now." Slash said as he walked up to them.
"But.. what about Donnie? We have to find him" Mikey said worried, Raph looked at both Slash and Mikey who was waiting for his response.

"Sorry Slash, but my brothers come first, no matter what." Raph said with a smile which disappointed Slash.
"How about i make it a little easier for ya?" Slash asked as he raised his large fist in the air and roared in anger and smashed at Mikey.
" Mikey!" Spike and Raph shouted in horror as Slash delivered some devastating punches to Mikey and he threw him to the wall before Spike and Raph pushed him back.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Spike asked in anger as he held onto the canister still.

"I don't wanna fight you Raphael and Spike, just leave me to my work." Slash said as he was marching to them.
"Your work? That mutagen has warped your brain Spike. This isn't you!" Raph said in shock.
"Told you.. the name's Slash!" Slash shouted as he was about to finish off Mikey, but Raph came in and threw a smoke bomb at his face, and that gave them an opportunity to escape.

Spike and Raph took Mikey and were searching for Donnie, luckily the search didn't take too long.
"There he is! Donnie!" Mikey shouted with worry as he jumped over to him, he looked incredibly beaten up, his mask was missing, and there were slash marks all over the place.
"Donnie, are you okay?!" Spike asked worried as he tried helping him.
"Oh.. what hit me? It was like Raph only.. bigger and meaner.. and angrier.. but.. not quite as ugly.." Donnie said looking at him.
"It was Spike.. the turtle Spike, he got into the mutagen, we were gonna tell you guys but.." Raph said before Donnie stopped him.

"Spike? Way to keep that mutagen safe Raph." Donnie said sarcastically.
"Come on, we gotta find some cover." Raph said as he and Spike helped Donnie move who was groaning in pain.. all the while Slash was watching over from another rooftop..

Leo was currently thinking to himself as he was still upset about they're argument.
"Raph.. why can't you just accept these were accidents that happened? Spike knows better then to just go into public like that, he could've risked being seen.." Leo said worried as he sat down and thought about this.
"Even though it was risky.. he got the canister without being seen.. and he is still young.. i should at least apologize to them, they all have much to learn, let's see where you are guys." Leo said as he started moving to find the others.

Spike and the others were on another rooftop trying to help Donnie.
"Can't make it.. i'm too weak.. you go on without me guys.." Donnie said weakly while Spike was worried.
"Don't way that kind of stuff, please." Spike said as they tried moving forward still.
"That's right, i'm gonna tie up your sprained arm. It might hurt okay? Bite down on this." Raph said as Donnie grabbed his weapon.
"Tastes like leather and sweat." Donnie muffled through his mouth.

"Mikey, Mikey, down here i need your help." Leo's voice whispered which caught Mikey's attention.
"Leo?" Mikey asked confused as he saw a shadow near a ledge..
"Down here, hurry." Leo said as Mikey smiled.
"Am i glad your back, dude, there's another turtle." Mikey said still amazed.
"That's funny.. i actually believed it." Slash said as the shadow came out revealing it to be a trap. Mikey screamed in terror as Slash grabbed him and started dragging him somewhere while Mikey screamed in fear.

Spike felt something was wrong and he looked over and saw Mikey was gone.
"Raph, Mikey's gone!" Spike said with worry.
"What?!" Raph asked in shock, they quickly leapt over the ledge to find him.
"Mikey?!" Spike asked worried, they looked around for a bit and saw Mikey was horribly beaten up too.
"On no.. Mikey!" Raph said in fear as Mikey groaned in pain.

They pulled up the rope that was holding him and gently put him on the ground.
"Mikey, what happened?!" Spike asked worried at his state.
"It's pretty obvious Spike.." Raph said while he and Spike growled in anger.

"Why?! Why are you doing this?!" Raph shouted in anger while they looked around.
"You almost killed them? Why are you hurting them like this?!" Spike asked in rage.
"Because the others are holding you back, they limit your potential, just like you.. said!" Slash shouted as he punched Raph to to the wall..

"No, they're my brothers i never wanted this!" Raph said as he was trying to get up while Slash was dragging Mikey.
"There's no turning back now.." Slash said evilly as he held Mikey over the ledge.
"Stop! We won't let you hurt him" Raph said as he and Spike drew they're weapons, Spike hid the canister away so it wouldn't break and cause another accident.
"I'm not here to fight you two." Slash said as he turned to them.

"Well we wanna fight you, your not spike, your some kind of warped monster. A deranged hideous freak." Raph said in anger.
"You are not the friend we once had, i don't wanna fight you either, but we have no choice!" Spike said as Slash dropped Mikey on the floor, he took out his mace and roared in rage and charged at them while Spike and Raph did the same.

Spike ducked under Slash's mace and delivered a kick to his arm, Slash knocked Raph to a wall and they clashed weapons.
"We could make a good team Raphael and Spike, but your fools, just like your brothers." Slash said as he knocked the two back into a wall which Mikey saw and he weakly crawled over to Donnie.

"Slash is back.. Raph and Spike are in trouble." Mikey said worried while Donnie tried getting up.
"Raph and Spike are fighting him?" Donnie asked worried.
"More like getting stomped into green and purple goo, come on!" Mikey said as he started running off.

Spike and Raph leaped over to another rooftop with Slash following them closely as they got into they're stances.
"I spent years watching you train, learning your moves, i know everything you can do." Slash said as they twirled they're weapons.
"Not everything!" Spike shouted as the two screamed in rage and charged at him. Slash went to sweep they're legs, but they both jumped over it, but Slash grabbed Raph by the legs and slammed him to the ground, he then dragged him around and threw him to a wall and punched him straight through it and onto another ledge.

"Raph!" Spike shouted in horror as Slash turned to him.
"Don't make me do this Spike, your very young still, out of all the people in the group, your the one i don't want to hurt." Slash said as Spike got in a defensive stance.
"I don't wanna fight you either Slash, but you need to see what your doing is wrong!" Spike shouted as he tried punching him, but Slash grabbed his arm and twisted it and punched him to another wall, Spike groaned weakly as he tried getting up.
"What i'm doing is trying to make sure your safe, the Kraang and Foot are still hunting for you, and the others are too weak to keep you safe, what if you get mutated one day and it can't be reversed? What if you end up just like us and can't go home? I don't want that to happen to you, that's why you need to stand down!" Slash shouted as he tried attacking Spike again, Spike slid under his attack and jumped over to a higher ledge.
"Even if that does happen to me, i still have more to find out, like how i have my powers, how i could get home, and i need my friends to do that, if you want to help me too, you can't do it like this!" Spike said as he tried making him stop
"Sorry kid, but that's not how Slash does it.." Slash said as he charged at Spike once more.

Spike sighed sadly and looked at him.
"And i'm sorry for this.." Spike said sadly as he took out his plasma whip he got from earlier and restrained Slash with it.
"What?! Let me go!" Slash shouted as Spike growled in anger and he used his mutant arm to slam him against multiple parts of the walls. Spike threw him onto another ledge and he charged after him.

"Spike!" Leo shouted as Spike saw him suddenly come into the scene.
"Leo!" Spike shouted as he came up to him.
"What is going on here? Who is that?!" Leo shouted pointing at Slash who was getting up.
"That's Spike, he got into the mutagen, and he badly beat up the others, you need to help them now!" Spike shouted as he ducked under another attack and kicked him in the face.
"Go!!" Spike shouted as he used his mutant arm and punched him onto another rooftop. Leo looked back with worry, but he knew his brothers needed his help and he went after them.

Spike was letting his rage get to him as he was relentlessly attacking Slash with all his anger.
"That's it, a true warriors spirit!" Slash shouted as he grabbed Spike again and punched him down, Spike quickly got up and charged at him again.
"We're the same, You, Raph and me." Slash said as they circled around eachother.
"We're nothing alike, you almost killed my friends! Your pure evil! Your not the Spike we know!" Spike shouted in response, Slash growled with rage and he roared at him, Slash charged at Spike and slammed him through another wall, he then delivered multiple combo attacks to Spike and badly wounded him.

Spike growled once more in anger as he tried getting up again, and was not about to let him win.
"That's it Spike, we're exaclty alike, our anger makes us stronger!" Slash shouted in anger and Spike got an idea, Slash charged at him one more time before Spike slid under his attack.
"Then let's take a moment!"" Spike shouted as he used a pressure point move on Slash's arm, Slash's body suddenly twitched in pain and was walking over to a ledge which caught him off guard.
"No! Spike, don't!!" Spike shouted as he tried to save him, he tried reaching for his hand but was too late and he fell over the ledge.

"no!!" Spike shouted in fear as he saw Slash fall over the ledge and onto the ground. Spike sighed sadly as he hated himself for letting this happen, Spike saw Leo helping the others up as they all were beaten up badly as well.
"Where's.. Slash?" Raph asked weakly.
"He fell over the ledge.." Spike said as they looked over it.. but he was suddenly gone with not a trace left.
"He's gone.. then he must still be out there.. somewhere.." Raph said as he and Spike looked over the view of the city once more.

Spike had gotten the mutagen canister he found once more and was able to get it back to the lair, he and the others were in the lair while Spike and Raph were looking at one of his leaves sadly..
"I'm really sorry about this buddy.." Spike said regretfully as they both felt awful for this, they saw Splinter come up to them looking concerned.
"He's still out there somewhere.." Raph said sadly while Spike looked worried.
"He just.. disappeared.. i don't know how.." Spike said regretfully.

"Raphael, Spike, do you know what i do when i miss my loved ones from my past?" Splinter asked them.
"You focus on the friends you have in the present, right?" Spike asked as Splinter saw Leo and the others on the arcade machine again.
"Correct. You are smart for a young one Spike." Splinter replied as the two of them looked at the others and smiled.
"Thanks Master Splinter, hey what do we have to do to get into your little competition huh?" Raph asked as he and Spike walked over.
"Next game It's all yours dudes." Mikey said as he kept playing.

"Sorry about Spike you guys, and i'm sorry for reacting to you that way, i was a jerk at that moment." Leo apologized.
"It's okay, you guys aren't to bad to hang out with either." Raph said as he put his arms over all of them.
"I hear that!" Spike said gladly as they all smiled at eachother..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this new chapter, now we won't have two Spike's here huh? I honestly thought this episode was really cool, but i think the stuff with Leo while funny, kind of felt like a distraction, but i'm sorry if there were any problems you had with it. I'm glad you all are liking my story and look forward to more of it! Have a great day guys!

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