• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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70: The Arena Of Carnage

It's been another week since Spike and the other's were traveling through space, they had just homed in on the Triceriton mothership and were planning on breaking into it with the schematics they had acquired, while Spike was hopeful they could get the peace back, Spike's head was hurting again, he thinks the time they had in Mikey's mind had something to do with it, and he was getting worried on what was gonna happen to him soon, but he just hopes things will get better.

For now though, Spike and the Turtles were in the Holo room again replicating video games while Psiona and Jaqueline were on the bridge with Honeycutt. A hologram of Tiger claw appeared in the room and roared at Leo who was gonna fight him.
"Go get em Leo!" Spike encouraged while he and the other's were cheering him from the background.
"Let's see if these upgrades are as good as Fugitoid promised." Leo said stretching his arm while walking up to the clone.

A health bar appears on the top of the screen and Shredder makes a" Fight!" announcement which made Leo and Tiger claw fight like they were in a video game. Leo took a step back before charging at Tiger claw who began swinging his swords at him extremely fast, Leo drew his swords to deflect a gun blast before jumping in the air and delivering a kick to his chest, and then his jaw which knocked his gun out of his hand. Leo grinned before charging up to him to deliver a familiar move.
"Shoryuken!!" Leo shouted delivering a powerful uppercut to his face which depleted Tiger Claw's health bar making Leo the victor.

"Substitution, Spike The Dragon." Shredder said from the room which made Spike grin.
"Oh this is gonna be fun." Spike hissed while the other's cheered for him.
"Make the Fatality cool Spike!" Raph encouraged before whistling with the others.

Spike stood on the other side and began to face a clone of Rahzar who roared at him.
"Fight!" Shredder announced which begun they're fight. Rahzar charged at Spike and attempted to slash him from below, but Spike did a backflip into the air and latched his snake hands onto Rahzar's arms, Spike hissed at him before coiling around him and throwing him in the air, Spike then jumped back up and delivered multiple tail whips to the face which slammed him down. Rahzar then got up and was dizzy which gave Spike another opportunity.
"Finish him!" Shredder said impatiently, Spike hissed at Rahzar again before he delivered a final strike.

Spike used his tail to coil around Rahzar's body, he then used his snake hands to inject venom into Rahzar's body which made him roar in pain, Spike then delivered a tail whip to Rahzar's jaw which completely broke it in a glorious fashion, Spike finished him off by using is plasma sword to slice him to bits in mere seconds, Spike delivered dozens of slashes instantly which froze him in place, but when Spike put his sword back, the slashes appeared and cut through Rahzar completely and leaving him nothing but tiny pieces.
"Spike wins, Fatality!!" Shredder announced while Spike breathed some fire as a victory pose.( Bro Shredder would make an excellent Mortal Kombat announcer)

All the Turtles cheered for him after Spike made that awesome finisher.
"Great job dude!" Mikey said high fiving him.
"Thanks, i've gotten used to my snake body pretty well by now, i only could imagine what it would've been like with my mutant arm." Spike said remembering when that was the only mutated part of him.
"Yeah, kinda feels like forever since it was mentioned, but at least you've been handling it better." Leo said while Spike stretched out his arms.
"Yeah, at least being a snake makes me be more fluid and fast then before." Spike said making a yawn from the adrenaline rush.
"You did good Spike, now watch the new A Team kick butt." Donnie said confidently as he and Raph were about to go next, but the room suddenly faded out and they appeared back in the ship.
"What?" Raph asked disappointed before Honeycutt came on the intercom.
"Apologies Turtles and Spike, you are all needed on the bridge immediately. " Honeycutt ordered which made all of them run back to the bridge to see what's going on.

"What's up professor?" Leo asked seriously while Psiona and Jaqueline were marking the map.
"We are closing in on the Triceriton mothership. " Honeycutt said as they were finally reaching their goal.
"Where they have the Black Hole Piece.." Psiona said growling at the thought of the device.
"Finally.." Jaqueline said as this was gonna be a tough mission.

Everyone went to the main computer and went to pull out the ship's schematics.
"Our best entry point is the auxiliary air lock, we'll take the stealth shuttle to sneak aboard." Leo explained as a red line directed where they should go.
"I am certain with 99.98% certainty, that the first piece of the black hole generator is being stored in their main armory. April, Casey, Psiona and Jaqueline will stay with me and monitor your progress." Honeycutt explained which worried them.
"Are you sure my son should go on that ship without me or Jaqueline there? His mind is still vulnerable, if me, April or Jaqueline aren't there to help him if he goes.. berserk.." Psiona said with fear thinking on what would happen.

"Don't worry mom, i've handled myself as a snake this long in space, i haven't lost myself since i.. killed Shredder previously.. But that was a while ago at this point, and i think i can handle it." Spike said looking at his snake hands again with worry.
"If something goes wrong, we'll be there immediately, just be careful Spike." Jaqueline said giving him a kiss on the cheek again.
"Thanks guys, you ready to sneak on board the ship?" Spike asked seriously turning to all of them.
"You bet, operation Infiltrate Mothership is a go!" Leo said as they all put they're hands together ready to go.

Spike and the Turtles got into the stealth ship and began to fly through space to sneak to the ship.
"Are you sure were invisible in this thing Donnie?" Raph asked not sure of this.
"Absolutely! Absolutely positive.. sort of ish.. uh.. not.. no uh uh.." Donnie replied losing that confidence for a moment.
"If they can't see us yet, then we'll be okay." Spike said as they were sneaking they're way to the air lock they had planned to make it too. A squad of Triceriton ships were doing a monitor around the ship and everyone stayed quiet as they went by they're ship without noticing which made them sigh in relief.
"Told ya." Spike said while they all headed to the hatch.

"We're at the airlock professor." Donnie reported while they homed in on it.
"It appears to be unguarded but remain cautious." Honeycutt warned while they were almost to it.
"Relax Fugitoid, we're ninja's bro." Mikey assured before Raph used his weapons to cut open a small hole for them to climb in.
"Okay we're in, lead the way professor." Donnie whispered while they all tried staying quiet.
"This place is creepy.." Spike said nervously while they slowly snuck around.
"Head down that corridor and you'll find the passage that leads you directly to the armory." Honeycutt instructed as they saw another path just up ahead of them.

Spike slithered along with the other's quickly to try and get the device.
"Aw yeah, this will be easier then trying to steal pepperoni from a..." Mikey said right before he bumped into someone familiar.
"What?! These creatures, again!?" Mozar asked furious while they gasped in shock.
"#$%^" Spike swore while everyone was backing up.
"Aw space apples!" Raph said annoyed as more guards came up.
"Capture them!" Mozar ordered which made the soldiers begin firing on them.
"Son, you and the other's need to get out of there now!" Psiona shouted from the other side while Spike deflected a blast with his plasma sword.
"There's too many of them guys! You need to go!" Jaqueline shouted as well which upset Raph a bit.

"What? I'm not running now!" Raph shouted refusing to go.
"Do what Fugitoid says, back to the airlock!" Leo ordered which made all of them quickly run back, but even more guards came in and cornered them.
"Easier said then done dudes!" Mikey said while they took aim at them.
"Forget this!" Spike hissed while he launched his snake hands at one of the guards, he coiled his arms around the guards body and slammed him against the other one and to the walls. Leo and the other's were trying to knock the guys out by hitting them on the head, but Mozar was far too strong for them and was easily beginning to overpower them. Mozar grabbed Donnie by the chest and threw him into Mikey and slammed him into the wall, another guard pinned Raph to the ground and held him back from fighting, for Spike, Mozar took the moment he was given to deliver a strong hit to him.

"Spike watch out!" Leo warned as Mozar charged at him, Spike quickly turned behind him but was too late to react, Mozar delivered a really strong punch to Spike's head that hurt extremely bad, Spike hissed with pain before Mozar slammed him to the ground to stop him from fighting back. Spike groaned in pain as his head was hurting even worse now, his vision was fading to black as he could see Leo be pinned down too.
"You want the air lock? You shall have it!" Mozar shouted right as Spike passed out from the pain much to everyone's fear.
"Spike!" They all shouted seeing him be knocked unconscious like this.

Leo and the other turtles were thrown into an air lock and had their helmets removed, Spike was being held by another guard while Mikey's helmet was ripped off.
"No! Not my rad space helmet! I need that to breath!" Mikey shouted before it was ripped off and he was thrown in with the other turtles and they were locked in while Spike was being held hostage.
"Open the airlock, slowly. I want to watch them suffer." Mozar ordered in a menacing tone. A soldier pressed on the eject button and an alarm went on in the airlock which made the turtles see the door begin to open up slowly while draining the rooms air. Donnie and the other turtles began to freak out like crazy while trying to find a way out, but Leo had one trick that could save them.
"Everyone stay calm, concentrate. Remember your training." Leo said standing above them, he then sat down and made a specific hand gesture, and Raph and the other turtles joined and to do it too.

Back on the Fugitoid's ship, everyone was watching what was going on with worry and needed to hurry.
"What are they doing?" Jaqueline asked seeing this on a camera feed.
"It's Sendou Jutsu, a meditation breathing technique that Splinter taught them, it slows they're body functions to go without oxygen." April explained which relieved them a little.
"We should formulate a rescue plan quickly." Honeycutt said trying to figure something out, but Psiona was furious to know her son was knocked out and being held hostage, and she wasn't gonna wait another minute here.
"I have a plan already, i'm gonna tear each one of them apart until i get them back!!" Psiona shouted turning her arm into a cannon before beginning to leave.
"Wait, there's too many of them! We need to at least know where they're going first!" Casey shouted trying to stop her.
"Casey is right, if we know where they'll be taken next you'll have a much better shot." Jaqueline said agreeing to this, Psiona snarled at them a bit before calming down a little.
"If we don't soon, i'll tear them all apart for harming my son.." Psiona said clutching her fist.

"Observe how enemy's of the Triceriton Empire suffer." Mozar said not even seeing this, but the other soldiers saw something.
"Uh.. Admiral?" A soldier asked which got his attention, he looked in the airlock and saw they weren't reacting to this at all which made him furious.
" Enough of this! Open the airlock the rest of the way! And suck them out into space!" Mozar ordered which made the airlock open entirely making everything be sucked out. Leo and the other's could not resist this and they began to freak out as they were being sucked out, but Leo quickly grabbed onto one of the walls and kept a firm grip to save him and the others while they were holding on his other hand.

But while Mozar and the soldiers were watching, a hologram of the emperor came up behind them.
"Hail Emperor Zanramon!" They all said with honor and respect.
"Admiral Mozar, i want you to halt this execution." Zanramon instructed which surprised them a bit.
"But sire! These creatures!" Mozar said trying to argue back on this.
"These creatures intrigue me, they may make good sport." Zanramon said with interest.
"And this snake creature too? What shall we do with him?" A soldier asked holding up Spike who was still knocked out.
"Throw him into a cell with the creatures, but let him have his rest until he wakes up, it wouldn't be honorable to destroy an enemy if they can't get the chance to fight back." Zanramon ordered before cutting off.

Leo and the other's were trying to hold on the best they can, but the air was almost gone completely and Leo completely lost his grip. They all screamed in fear as they were about to be sucked out into space, but the door suddenly slammed shut behind them just as they reached it which made them fall to the ground breathing heavily.
"Aw yes! Sweet sweet air!" Mikey said relieved taking in as much as he could, a door opened up in front of Leo and they were surrounded by the soldiers.
"Take these 5 to the Tri Arena. All the Empire will watch you fight, and be destroyed." Mozar said glaring at them with anger.

Leo and the other turtles were being taken to another part of the massive mothership, they suddenly heard audience cheering which got they're attention. They gasped in shock when they looked out and saw another part of the ship that looked like a gladiator arena, there were thousands of Triceritons within the audience watching as a small creature who was captured too be brutally taken down by another Triceriton who was huge and looked extremely tough which made them all cheer in excitement seeing this carnage.
"I think we were better off in the vacuum of space." Donnie said with fear while the other turtles were terrified.

Spike's ears were ringing as he felt himself within a large open void within his mind, his head was hurting really badly, his body hurt and his senses weren't feeling right. Spike groaned in pain as his eyes were opening up, he could barely get his bearings right now after that last attack.
"Where.. am.. i?" Spike asked himself finally waking up, he looked up and saw he wasn't on the ship, he was in the black void that may be his mind. But his head was hurting to much for him to process it.

"What's.. going.. on?" Spike hissed while holding his head in pain, it must've been that last attack that did this, while his head hurt a bit before as a result of them having to rely a bit more on his mom and April's psychic ability's, and the constant pressure of being in life or death situations during this whole space adventure, his pain must finally be catching up to him.
"I was knocked out.. i have to wake up! Come on.. please wake up!" Spike told himself while holding his head, he was trying to get himself out of this spot the hardest he could, but there was something holding him back, and he couldn't do it which made him groan in frustration.
"Why can't i.. wake up?" Spike asked in pain trying to find a way out. But before he could try to find another way, his head was suddenly hurting even more and he hissed in pain as it suddenly did this.
"What's.. happening?!" Spike asked with pain while his mind was flashing all around the place.

Spike's eyes widened in pure fear as he was seeing something, he was seeing multiple memory's that were based on some of the toughest moments during the time he's been here. And it all dated back to when he was captured by the Kraang in the first place, the pure fear and helplessness he felt as he was taken from Equestria and into another dimension, far away from his family where they may never be able to reach, the sheer number of the Kraang aliens that surrounded him while he was held hostage, being thrown into an isolated cell for weeks, it was one of the most terrifying moments he's ever felt in his life.
"I cannot think about this! Make.. it.. stop!!" Spike screamed trying to stop this. But the memory's wouldn't stop coming, his life was flashing before his eyes as he remembered the horrific things he's seen and been through. From him having his arm mutated back when they were nearly killed by the Shredder. To when the Kraang first invaded Earth and he was too busy with fighting Shredder to help, he saw multiple points where the Kraang were capturing innocent people and creatures and being taken to the Technodrome, it was the same feeling of fear that he felt, something they all feared at the same time.

"Please.. stop!!" Spike screamed even more while his snake hands hissed with pain, the memory's didn't stop, he saw the memory of him being mutated into this very snake mutant he is now, a horrific monster that other dragons would be disgusted by, a freak. Spike then saw the memory of when he and Leo were badly beaten down by the Foot clan and were almost killed. And seeing the Kraang successfully mutate the people of New York and take it over as he and the other's were forced to leave. Spike felt helpless and useless during that moment, he was beaten to the point he couldn't help anymore, and the scar that the Shredder gave him that remains on his chest will never let him live it down.
"I can't be seeing this.. i.. can't!" Spike screamed as his life just continued to flash before him, his painful memory's just went through him, from the monster's they faced within the woods when Spike and Leo were injured, his new voice being something that will forever be a part of him now, and the worst parts when he wasn't able to save Karai from being captured and mind controlled. And it all was followed up by one last memory, the Triceraton's invasion of Earth.

"No.. no!!" Spike screamed as he watched that painful time unfold, he watched as they had arrived to Earth and made the broadcast telling all the people of the world they would die by the end of the day. And them destroying the Technodrome and the Kraang completely, this was followed from Mikey being captured and taken with them, to the Black Hole Generator being seconds away from going off, but then the last horrible memory played in him, Shredder's betrayal, and when he killed Splinter, it was the most helpless he ever felt, he wasn't able to see that happening from all the pressure and crunched time they had, and the painful cry Splinter made was something that would haunt him for the rest of his life. Spike's heart was breathing rapidly and he felt his mind snap from seeing it, it was the moment where he truly felt like he lost himself, all the times he tried holding his mind together, it felt like they were for nothing, and his mind was at it's breaking point.
"No.. NO!!!!!" Spike screamed through the void as the memory consumed him and he blacked out from the nightmare..

Meanwhile with Psiona and her group, they were quickly making they're way through the halls to get to the cell Spike and the other's are being held in, the turtles were being forced to fight right now while Spike was still unconscious, and he had some time to be rescued if the other's can't.
"Well, we're completely lost." Casey said having no idea where to go.
"Don't jump to conclusions Casey, there's got to be a way through." Jaqueline said running behind Honeycutt.
"Well i don't see the..." Casey said right before the door next to them opened and they saw Mozar and more soldiers behind him.
"Nuts." Casey said with fear while Mozar was getting angry again.
"Blast them!" Mozar ordered which made them fire down on them again. Psiona growled with fury seeing him, he was going to pay for what he did to Spike, and she will make sure of it.

"You!!!" Psiona roared while charging straight through the blaster fire without even being hit, her rage was at it's highest point right now, and she was not gonna stop from this.
"April, Casey, Jaqueline run! You go for the black hole device, we'll find Spike and the other's!" Honeycutt ordered while taking cover from some laser fire.
"But professor! "April said worried for him.
"You heard the robot, run!" Casey shouted running ahead with the two.
"I don't think i wanna see Psiona in her mama bear mode this time." Jaqueline said while a loud roar was heard again.

Fugitoid tried going in to help Psiona until he was hit in the head by Mozar and was knocked down.
"The Fugitoid is finally mine! I will take my prize to the emperor personally!" Mozar said towering above him.
"But sir, what about that dragon?" A soldier asked as loud roars were heard through the halls from her, she was clearly in a full on rage mode.
"Capture her! Don't let her escape!" Mozar ordered which made the soldiers quickly run after to find her.

Spike groaned in pain as he was finally waking up from that strong hit, his head hurt extremely badly and was not in the best condition right now.
"What.. what happened?" Spike asked as his vision was focusing finally, he looked around the place and found himself in what looked like a cell, there wasn't a current way out and he looked like he was trapped.
"Wha.. what is this place?!" Spike asked with fear trying to find a way out.
"Your in a prison cell, just outside of the Tri Arena." A voice answered which surprised him.
"Who's there?! Where are you?!" Spike asked panicking a bit before his head hurt again which made him hiss in pain.

"Fear not creature, i am being held here as well, your friends were taken to the Arena to battle for their lives, i gave them some hints on how they can win, but it is unlikely they will live." The voice said again, Spike heard the voice come from another part of the room and saw a small opening below him, he crouched down a bit to try to see him.
"Who are you?" Spike asked worried about what's happening.
"My name is Zeno, and you are lucky to be alive creature, even if you were out for this first fight, you will most likely be forced into the next one." Zeno introduced which interested Spike a bit.
"Great.. trapped in a cell with a fractured mind.. that's just perfect.." Spike said sitting down on his tail, this was an awful spot to be in right now, and he didn't know how to get out of it.

But just a few seconds later, the door had opened up and Spike looked surprised as he saw Leo and the other's getting thrown in here too, which means they survived.
"Leo! Guys! Your okay!" Spike said in relief trying to come to them.
"Spike! Bro your alright!" Mikey said amazed while they gave him a hug.
"Are you alright?" Donnie asked concerned for him while Spike held his head.
"My head hurts like hell, i feel like it's more vulnerable then it was before, you were right guys, i should've stayed on the ship for this one.." Spike said feeling regret for this whole mess.
"Don't beat yourself up like that Spike, we'll find a way out of here." Raph assured patting his shoulder.
"He's right Spike, just take it easy, we'll find a way." Leo said while they all were taking a moment to rest.

"So Zeno, how'd you end up here anyway?" Mikey asked sitting to where Zeno's cell was.
"I am a traitor to the Empire, i was once a great and respected warrior, but i disagreed with the emperor's plan to find the Heart Of Darkness." Zeno said while they all listened on.
"The black hole generator?" Donnie asked a bit worried to hear that.
"There is no honor in a weapon that destroy's worlds from afar, for saying such things, i was thrown into this pit." Zeno explained which was pretty sad to know.
"I'm sorry to hear that Zeno, truly.." Spike said weakly while holding his head until their door banged suddenly.

"Your up next aliens!" A soldier said coldly which surprised them.
"Already? But Spike's barely had time to recover!" Donnie said worried for him.
"I fear i know who you are up against next Turtles and Spike, fight with honor, and you will find glory." Zeno said while they all were getting up.
"Just take it easy for this Spike, we don't want you to lose yourself." Raph said helping him out.
"Hey Zeno, if we don't see you again, good luck winning your freedom." Leo said as they were leaving.
"Thank you my friend." Zeno said right before a door opened to his cell where an audience cheer was heard.
"I may need it.." Zeno said before he was moving out himself..

"On your knees!" Mozar shouted before tossing Honeycutt to his emperor.
"Professor Honeycutt, welcome! Witness the destruction of your turtle and snake friends!" Zanramon said evilly while Spike and the other's were entering the arena looking worried.
"Uh oh, look!" Leo said pointing to the throne where they saw Honeycutt was being held captive.
"You gotta be kidding me.." Spike said annoyed holding his head still.
"And now, the vile mutant Terrapins, will face the Triceriton champion." The announcer said as a familiar figure was walking out of the shadows.
"The great... the merciless... Zeno the Undefeatable!" The announcer shouted as the very person they were talking too had walked out to the arena, meaning he was their opponent.
"Dudes, did he just say.." Mikey said with fear while the audience was cheering for him.
"Celestia help us..." Spike said drawing his plasma blade while Zeno roared at them with rage.

"Zeno? Is that really you dude?!" Mikey asked scarred to be facing him.
"I did not mean to deceive you my friend, but now we meet as was intended, in glorious battle!" Zeno shouted before he tried smashing Mikey with a strong hammer while the audience cheered for him.
"But bro we can't fight you!" Mikey shouted refusing to do this.
"You think?!" Raph asked while his eye was twitching, Zeno roared at all of them again and threw his hammer at them, Spike and the other's quickly dodged out of the way but Donnie was unfortunately hit with it and sent flying to the ground.
"You are honorable beings who deserve a warriors end! Perhaps i will chop of a limb or two!" Zeno shouted while they all were trying to avoid him.
"Please don't make us do this" Spike begged while slithering around him at fast speeds.
"I am sorry Spike, but it's do or die here!" Zeno shouted before slamming his hammer on the ground which sent all of them flying away from him while Zanramon laughed mockingly.

"Why let your friends suffer? I might consider sparing them if you complete the.. Heart Of Darkness." Zanramon said mockingly to Honeycutt.
"I will never build such a weapon for you Zanramon. I just will let you know that i have a Dragon that's just as powerful as Zeno, if not even more. And she is tearing her way through this ship as we speak, and will not rest until she gets her son and the turtles back." Honeycutt said in a threatening tone.
"Hmph, the Bringer of Death is strong, but we'll catch her eventually." Zanramon said brushing it off before going back to watching them fight.

Spike dodged his way out of a hammer strike again while Raph tried slashing at him, his armor was extremely tough and even his weak spots were hard to get to.
"Come on Zeno, we don't want to do this! There's more to honor then just obeying these harsh conditions! Even if you were to die rebelling them, it would be far more honorable then being forced to do this!" Spike hissed before ducking under a tail swipe.
"I agree with you completely on this, but there is no way i could fight back! I have no choice on this!" Zeno shouted while he knocked Leo to the ground really hard.
"Yes you do Zeno, there's always a second choice! Even when we don't see it!" Spike shouted while Zeno towered over him and Spike was cornered.
"Even if there is, i still don't know if i can do it, i'm sorry for this." Zeno said before he swinged his hammer directly at Spike's head and knocked him far across the arena which made the audience cheer even more.
"Spike!!" The turtles shouted with fear while Spike was on the ground.

But it was at that very moment, that final strike that was landed on him, something snapped. Spike's memory's flooded through him, all the horrific and traumatizing things he's seen over the years had finally caught onto him, there was always a great fear in the back of his mind of him being a monster with the way he is now, he wasn't able to save Splinter and the Earth, not even Karai, or even Leo after he got mutated, and it was even worse when he couldn't save himself from the Kraang. But all those moments of him being beaten down, mocked, and almost killed made him feel something he's only been lost by a few times before.. rage.

Spike's mind went blank as he felt his rage consume him, his body was slowly getting back up while his blood rushed through him, hid head had stopped hurting, but was now filled with one thing and one thing only.. pure fury. Zeno marched over to Spike to try and finish him off while he was still recovering.
"You shall go down with honor Spike!" Zeno shouted raising his hammer and bringing it down, but Spike's snake hand suddenly wrapped around it at such fast speeds that even Zeno didn't see coming which shocked him.
"What?" Zeno asked shocked while trying to pull it away, but he wasn't letting go. Spike was slowly rising up to face him again, but his eyes were not open yet, and they couldn't see him.
"Spike?" Donnie asked worried while Spike slowly turned his head to Zeno.

Spike's snake hands hissed with rage before they suddenly ripped his hammer out of Zeno's hands.
"What?!" Zeno asked surprised backing up from this, Spike rose on his tail and became really tall, and Spike's eyes finally opened, and they all looked scarred seeing this, his pupils were barely able to be seen, and Spike looked full of nothing but fury and anger. Spike hissed at them for a small moment before his hiss became an ear piercing screech which hurt everyone's ears hearing it, this was followed by a powerful blast of psychic energy that knocked Zeno and the other turtles back a great distance which surprised everyone watching.

"Spike?! What's wrong with you?!" Raph asked scarred while Spike kept hissing at them, Spike roared at them all and slithered at all of them at extremely fast speeds, Spike suddenly lunged his snake hand at Leo who was trying to block it with his sword.
"Donnie! What's going on?!" Leo shouted while Spike tried snapping his jaw at him.
"Oh no.. i think it's happened.. Spike's finally lost it!!" Donnie screamed with terror while Spike hissed at them all. Spike coiled his tail around Leo's leg before tossing him in the air, he slammed his face down on the floor multiple times which made the audience gasp in shock, he then threw Leo into Mikey and knocked them to the wall. Spike saw a camera drone was recording this thing and hissed at it with fury, he suddenly lunged at it so quickly the camera couldn't process it, and Spike was throwing the drone around at Zeno with fury who was actually being knocked back from this.
"Creature! Stop this! This isn't you!" Zeno shouted trying to get through to him, but Spike wasn't having it.

Even though Spike was still facing them, his mind was still in a state of rage that couldn't be controlled, Spike heard the audience cheers echo through his head which made him more furious. Spike slowly turned his head to the audience and screeched at them all, even though there was a large wall gap between them, Spike was somehow able to make a huge jump in the air and go directly to them. Everyone gasped in horror as Spike landed right on the bleachers the audience in, and roared at all of them with fury.

Spike blew a huge fire blast on multiple members and burned them to ash which terrified the turtles. Spike coiled his snake hands all around another group and tossed them around the area which made them scream in fear while Spike hissed at them, this was followed by Spike biting his jaws down on multiple people and it made them cry in pain.
"Spike! Stop this now!!" Mikey shouted trying to stop him, but Spike was too far gone, and Zanramon had enough of this.
"Enough! Kill that creature now!" Zanramon ordered which made multiple guards come out from dozens of doors, there was over 20 guards that were taking aim at Spike from all angles, but Spike was in such a state where this didn't even matter. Spike quickly flipped his way above the laser fire just as they fired, they all tried firing at him until Spike landed on one one the guards, Spike hissed at all of them and began shooting more fire at the guards who tried fighting back, Spike wrapped his snake hands around the guards neck who tried fighting back, but Spike's strength was too strong, and to their shock.. Spike snapped the soldiers neck, and he fell to the ground dead while Spike hissed at the rest and violently lunged at them.

Leo and the other's were watching with fear at Spike's outburst, even Zeno was shocked to see him in such a state.
"Zeno! You have to do something about this! Don't you see what this is doing?! If we don't get those black hole pieces, we could lose everything! This is one of the things that made Spike like this!" Donnie begged while Spike shot another guard with his own weapon, Zeno could see just how awful this was, and that it was all the Emperors fault for putting him in such a situation, but Zanramon wasn't having this.
"You have the moment now Zeno, finish the aliens!" Zanramon ordered again, but this time, Zeno wasn't gonna listen, Zeno roared with rage and threw his hammer back at the Emperor who barely dodged it.
"You dare?!" Zanramon asked furious with him.

"These are honorable beings, we are here because we want the Heart of Darkness destroyed, the snake has been driven mad from the sheer rage of what's happened here, all your talk about gathering the pieces, it is just a pitiful excuse only a cowardly Kraang would say!" Zeno mocked staring at him directly which made the remaining audience gasp in shock while Spike finished off the last guard easily before screeching even more.
"Grr!! Destroy him!" Zanramon ordered which made the doors to the way out open, but something strange happened, there was multiple laser blasts being heard followed by roars of rage and a familiar green fire blast.
"No! Get back! Get back!!" A guard shouted before he screamed in terror as a loud familiar roar was followed right after.
"Guys.. is that?" Leo asked already recognizing that roar, Spike landed back in the arena and hissed at all the guards who were coming from multiple sides, and was ready to continue tearing through them.
But through that dark hall they were looking at, the green fire lit up the halls and they could see a familiar dragon marching threw to the arena, and Zeno recognized her already.

"The Bringer of Death." Zeno said with a grin as they all saw Psiona march out to them while growling with rage.
"Where.. is.. my.. son!?" Psiona roared while tossing the very head of the guard that was heard to the emperor much to his horror, she was clearly doing some scary stuff when moving through the ship, and was not gonna take no for an answer.
"He's right there! Spike's lost his mind!" Leo shouted pointing his sword at Spike who was taking down even more guards, Psiona's eyes widened in shock and her rage quickly turned to fear for her son seeing that he actually lost it.
"Son!!" Psiona shouted before she quickly ran up to him, the other guards were trying to fire at Zeno who began to fight back.
"Escape, get your friend out of here, restore his mind! Find the Heart of Darkness, and destroy it!" Zeno said seriously while punching another down.

Spike screeched at the guards once again and was shooting multiple fire blasts at them to take them down. But Psiona used her powers to restrain him knowing he would attack her if she did it physically.
"Son! You've done enough! We'll get you out of here! Come on!" Psiona shouted before whacking another guard down with her tail, Mikey wrapped his chains around one of the camera drones above them and threw it to the ground.
"Donnie! Can you hot wire that thing?!" Leo asked trying to fight the guards back. Donnie quickly went over to it and sliced into it's wire system, and after a few clever hacks, he was able to hot wire it completely.
"Haha! Like a turtle do!" Donnie said proudly before another guard came behind him and took aim, but Zeno quickly came in and punched him into the air to the other guards who were still homing in.
"Bringer of Death, it is an honor to meet you! I have admired your heroics for years now! know that i will find my way out of here, and i hope me and you could have an honorable fight one day!" Zeno said while he and Psiona were taking down multiple guards together.
"I look forward to that Zeno the Undefeatable, i've heard of your legend too, and you are the only Triceriton i'm proud to meet! Good luck Zeno!" Psiona shouted before flying into the air with Spike right behind her.
"You too Psiona!" Zeno shouted before slamming his elbow down on another one.

Mozar was getting really frustrated and was about to do something himself, but Leo and the turtles suddenly came besides him with the drone being used to help them out.
"Surprise!" Leo said mockingly before Psiona came in and roared at him, she delivered a powerful punch to him and knocked him to the wall while the other's went to the emperor. Mozar quickly got up and saw Psiona turned her arm into a cannon and held it at the emperor's face.
"One move, and king Dino Breath gets it!" Raph threatened with a grin.
"Let the Fugitoid go, and we walk out of here." Leo said keeping his weapons up, Mozar growled with fury before finally accepting defeat as this couldn't be avoided.

Spike was still in his state of rage and he could barely think, but he saw Mozar was completely open, and knew what to do. Spike's eyes glowed white again and he made a loud screech of rage to break himself from Psiona's grip.
"Son! no!" Psiona shouted as Spike landed down and quickly slithered to him. Spike hissed at him and drew his plasma blade at really fast speeds. And before Mozar could even react, Spike suddenly came and and slashed at him at speeds even Rainbow Dash would be jealous of. Everyone gasped in complete shock as Spike backed up to them and hissed at Mozar, and before Mozar could even get up, his right arm suddenly fell of his body, and this was followed by the pain overtaking him which made him scream with agony.
"Holy cow!!" Raph said with shock while Psiona had to hold him with her powers again.
"We don't have time for this, we need to leave now!" Psiona shouted while Mozar held his arm to try to stop the plan.
"And i had just formulated the rescue plan too, and the most logical thing to do right now.. is to run!!" Honeycutt shouted running into the open door.
"Let's go!!" Leo shouted while they all brought the Emperor along with him.
"Get them!!" Mozar ordered with both anger and pain which made more soldiers go after them.

They all quickly made they're way through the halls while the remaining guards chased after them.
"Fools! You have made a grave enemy of the Triceriton Empire!" Zanramon said which angered Psiona.
"And you've made a grave mistake in making me an enemy, i swear i will blow your head off the next time something like this happens!!" Psiona roared while keeping Spike in the air with her powers.
"Go! Move move move!" Jaqueline shouted from the distance, they looked ahead and they saw that she, April and Casey were able to get the black hole piece finally, but were also being chased by more guards as well, the guards all stopped the moment they saw the emperor.

"Emperor Zanramon! Hold your fire!" A guard shouted stopping the others.
"Spike!!" Jaqueline shouted with fear as he saw he was in a state of rage.
"All of you! Destroy them now!" Zanramon ordered while he backed up to the other's.
"We need to go!!" Psiona shouted turning her arm into a blade again.
"This way my friends!... beep!" Honeycutt beeped before they all screamed while running away from them with the piece in tow.
"I hope you parked close!" Leo shouted running as fast as he can.
"Hold your breath guys!" April shouted while they were running to an airlock.
"Oh you gotta be kidding!" Donnie said annoyed while Psiona put on her armor again.
"Everyone hold on!!" Psiona shouted grabbing all of them at once, the airlock opened up and was sucking anything out into space once again, Psiona quickly flew out of it with the other's while April used her powers to move them to the ship which was just ahead.
"Don't let them escape! Launch the raptors!" Mozar said while slamming the door shut, even with an arm missing, he was still a tough one to take down. Everyone got back in the ship and quickly we're making they're escape.
"Hit it professor!" April shouted as they're ship powered up and they finally escaped them with the piece in tow.

"Phew.. that was a close one.." Donnie said a bit relieved to be out of this, but they still had one problem left. Spike. Spike was pinned to the wall by Psiona and they all were really worried on how to save him.
"What do we co? How can we restore his mind?!" Jaqueline asked really worried for him.
"I have a way, i can make it stable again, but my son won't be out of it fully, we have to find a way to restore him after this." Psiona said bringing her claws up to him who was still hissing at her. But Psiona quickly placed her claws on his head and used her powers once again.
"Son, please stop this.. this is not you. I'm your mother, we are your friends, your family. No matter what horror's you've been through.. we're always with you .." Psiona said in her mind trying to restore Spike. Spike hissed at her even more until the powers flew into his brain, his own psychic powers were reacting to her influence, the memory's of what Spike's went through came back to him, but while he went through some bad stuff, he always had his friends with him. The turtles, Jaqueline, and his mom, they all were here for him, and even with what he went through, they always were there for him..

Spike's eyes glowed white as his mind was overflowed with psychic energy, everyone watched with worry as Psiona's eyes glowed too. Spike's hisses were finally calming down as the memory's flew through him, all the rage he had was suddenly disappearing, and he felt like he was himself again. And after a few more seconds, Spike's eyes finally returned to normal and he gasped with shock and breathed heavily. Psiona opened her eyes finally after doing this, everyone had a look of worry for him while Spike looked at them with fear.
"Guys.. what.. happened?" Spike asked holding his head again, they all sighed in relief seeing that Spike was restored once again.

"Spike.. it's gonna be okay.." Jaqueline assured giving him another hug with Psiona, Spike was still in shock from what was happening, but soon returned it as he really needed it right now.
"What happened to me guys? Did we.. get out of there?" Spike asked seeing they were back on the ship.
"We did Spike, we got the black hole piece too, we made it." April assured which relieved him a ton.
"Thank the mother of Celestia.." Spike said laying back on the wall hearing this.
"You'll be alright son.. you'll be alright.." Psiona said holding him close to make sure he doesn't overthink about what he just did.

"So.. we got the first piece right, and we got two more." April said letting Spike have a moment while they plan they're next face out.
"Any idea on where to get the next two?" Leo asked curious.
"I think i may have an idea." Honeycutt said already knowing what to do next.
"Why do i have a feeling we're going somewhere familiar?" Psiona asked suspicious while holding her son close still.
"We probably are.." Jaqueline said rolling her eyes at this.
"I don't know.. but i just want some rest.. but hey.. getting that black hole piece is a huge W, you know that what this calls for right?" Spike asked weakly looking at all of them.
"Absolutely bro! Booya ka... booyaka.." Mikey said trying to shout his catchphrase while still eating, but Honeycutt pushed him out of the way to finish it.
"Booyakasha!!!" Honeycutt shouted as they all took in this moment, they had the first piece, and have an idea on where to go next...

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter! I know this one was a lot longer then the rest, but that's because i had a big moment for this one, while Spike may have had his mind restored after finally snapping, he will be at a more weaker spot now, especially after the hard hits he's taken, but i do know how i'll have him control this, and look forward to getting to them, even if this chapter was a bit darker then the last, i still think it can fit with the show hopefully. I hope you all liked this and look forward to more!

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