• Published 2nd Nov 2023
  • 2,542 Views, 500 Comments

Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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37: Into Dimension X

Spike could hear his own heartbeat as he finally came too, his body hurt all over right now, it felt different. Spike groaned as he finally opened his eyes again, we see him open them revealing his now serpent eyes.
"Where am i?" Spike asked weakly as he finally woke up, he brought up his head and saw that he was in his room again, it was normal like always, a few comic book covers on a desk, some of the swords he's gotten over the time he's been here on a wall, and some black masks for him.

"What happened to me?" Spike asked weakly, he looked and saw he was in his bed which covered up his whole body. Spike felt something off about his hand and moved it from under the sheets to see why.
"What?!" Spike asked shocked as he saw it wasn't a hand, it was a snake head, and it went all through his arm being less muscular and slender. Spike quickly took out his other hand and saw it was just like his other one.

"No.. this can't be!!" Spike said horrified, he tried grabbing the covers which was much more difficult as the heads basically bit down on them, Spike used his strength and lifted off the covers and his horror became even worse. He saw he didn't have legs anymore, his body was much longer and slender, his legs were replaced with a single long tail. His scales were still purple, but they were more darker now, and Spike could barely move it..
"I.. i thought it was just a nightmare...!!" Spike said horrified as he tried getting up.

He fell right out of his bed making a loud thud, he could barely move because he didn't have legs now, he tried crawling over to his mirror and grabbed onto it and pulled himself up, when Spike was in the mirror though, he was horrified. His body had transformed into a snake mutant, his spine was much sharper and looked like they could be used as a sword. Even his own tail was sharp and looked like a really tough whip. Spikes scales were a dark purple now, way darker then his normal form. He barely had any features of the dragon he once was, even his own head and face were more of a snake now.

Spike was breathing heavily and started to have tears in his eyes.
"No.. it can't be.. i'm a mutant.. no.. no!! ..... NOOOOO!!!!!" Spike screamed in horror through his room which echoed into the lair which caught everyone's attention.

Leo instantly came up and burst down the door to see the problem.
"Spike.." Leo said regretfully as the others came in and saw him crying on the floor.
"I'm a mutant.. i'm a freak.. i'm a.. monster.." Spike said crying heavily, the others came in and tried comforting him.

"Spike your not a monster, we've been like this for all our lives, we've gotten used to it." Leo assured with Spike looking at him.
"That doesn't help me Leo.. you were raised as mutants your whole life.. i just turned into one.. this is.. this is completely different.." Spike said crying heavily still.
"Spike, it doesn't matter whether or not your a mutant, your still our friend, we know how this is." Raph said trying to help him.
"Yeah bro, being a mutant can be cool! I can give you a new nickname if you want?" Mikey offered, Spike gave Mikey a glare and made a loud hiss of anger which caused him to scream and fall face flat on his head.

"Not the best timing for a nickname offer Mikey, especially right now!" Donnie said really annoyed. Spike was looking at his snake hands and tried moving them.
"How.. how long was i out?" Spike asked worried.
"You were out for a couple weeks, other then an incident with a rouge spirit on the lose, nothing much happened. We informed April and Casey about what happened, and they watched over you while we were out taking care of stuff." Raph explained as Spike tried moving around.

"Is there anything else i should know? I'm a snake mutant now, i can barely move properly, and i don't even have hands now." Spike said showing them his snake hands which hissed at them.
"Come on, let's take you to my lab, i'll explain any features you have now." Donnie said as they helped Spike out. Spike was barely able to walk, it was like sliding your feet on the floor all the time, slithering felt weird but Spike was trying to get used to it.

Spike was now in Donnie's lab looking over some results with it.
"So what's changed about me?" Spike asked worried trying to stand up, the portal device they got from before was still damaged and nearby, but that wasn't important right now.
"Let's see, here we go." Donnie said as he clicked on a button and the results of his new body popped up.
"Okay, first off, your brain hasn't been affected by the mutagen, meaning you won't be at risk of going frenzy against us or Splinter, but you'll still need to keep your anger in check." Donnie explained showing the X ray of his brain.

"What else is different?" Spike asked again.
"Well, given what i've seen so far, your snake hands function like your old ones, you'll just need to be careful and try and find out what else you can do now." Donnie explained looking at the two snake hands.
"I guess i'm gonna need a lot more training huh? Can barely fight if i don't know how to use my new body.." Spike said with regret looking over himself.
"I'm afraid so, but just know that we'll be here to help you no matter what." Donnie assured.

Spike smiled a little knowing he'll have them by his side.
"Thanks Donnie, i'm glad i can.. whoa!" Spike screamed as he accidently tripped off himself, this caused the portal device to fall down thinking they broke it, but it suddenly turned on and floated in the air and opened a portal.
"Dang it, stupid tail!" Spike said annoyed getting back up again.

"What happened here?" Raph asked annoyed as they came into the room.
"It was an accident!" Spike said in defense. Gas suddenly started leaking into the room which worried them.
"What is that?" Leo asked worried, Donnie looked at his computer to see what it was.
"It's Kraang atmosphere. Here! Filtration units, they'll allow us to breath it safely." Donnie said as they handed them some. Spike tried grabbing it with his snake hand and almost did, he carefully put it in his mouth like the others.
"At least they respond like my normal hands.." Spike said sadly looking at his body still.

"Guys, i think this goes to dimension X." Donnie said looking at the portal.
"Where the Kraang come from?" Leo asked in shock.
"Yes, it.." Donnie said right before the orb went off again. it glitched out for a moment until they found Leatherhead on the screen.
"Turtles, Spike!" Leatherhead said seriously.

"Leatherhead!" Spike said worried as he was glad to know he's okay still.
"Turtles, Spike! The Kraang have perfected the mutagen, they're about too!" Leatherhead said right before the message started over again.
"Oh no, he needs our help!" Spike said worried.
"He must be trapped in dimension X!" Donnie said in realization.

"Well wherever he is, we need to go in there and help Leatherhead!" Mikey said seriously. Spike and Mikey reflected on the events they had with Leatherhead. Leatherhead promised Spike he'll be there for him if something like this happens, and Mikey was a close friend.

Mikey suddenly had a serious look and went up to the portal.
"Mikey! What are you doing?!" Spike asked horrified, he tried stopping him but fell down on his tail again.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as he jumped through the portal.

"We need to go save him!" Spike said seriously trying to move.
"Spike no! You barely can use your body, you need to stay here!" Leo said trying to stop him.
"I don't care, if Leatherhead's in trouble i'm gonna save him! Are you with me, or not?" Spike asked seriously, Raph and Leo looked at eachother before nodding in agreement.

"Let's go!" Leo said as they started going through.
"Wait! The environment in there could be toxic!" Donnie warned.
"There's no time!" Leo shouted as they jumped through. Spike steadied his snake body and jumped in after as well, Donnie grumbled in annoyance before he jumped in as well.

Everyone was screaming in pure terror as they spiraled around the vortex through. Everyone materialized into the dimension and fell onto the metal platform. Spike groaned in pain and tried getting up again.
"Guys.. uh.. look." Leo said in shock. Everyone had a look of pure terror as they saw Dimension X. It was a large void that consisted of dozens of different islands, more of those alien worms can be seen and even more Technodromes like the one they brought down. The sun wasn't even one, as it was a huge eyeball that destroyed anything that was too close to it.

"So.. this is dimension X.." Leo said in shock while everyone looked around. They were suddenly brought down and they saw another one of those alien worms again.
"Freak show!" Raph said horrified.
"Okay, first i wake up as a snake mutant, then we find out Leatherhead's alive and trapped here, and now we're in the Kraang's home dimension! Is there anything else we need to know?!" Spike hissed with rage.
"Look out!" Raph shouted as Donnie fell off a ledge.

They all gasped in shock and went to check on him, but he was standing upside down.
"This is ridiculous! Gravity cannot work like this." Donnie said freaked out.
"Apparently here it can." Leo said helping him up while Raph and Spike looked everywhere in shock.
"Yeah, different dimension.." Donnie said as he threw a space rock, the rock went past them over and over again until Spike grabbed it.
"Different laws of physics.." Spike said as the snake hand let go of it.

"You should have stayed home Spike, you could get yourself killed here with the state your in." Raph said pointing at him.
"I didn't want you all to go it alone! Plus this could help me manage my new form right?" Spike asked looking at himself.
"Just stay close to us and be careful, we gotta find Mikey." Raph said as Spike was trying to slither properly.

"Where do we start?" Donnie asked curious.
"That's a good place as any." Leo said as he pointed to what looked to be a heavily guarded but secure facility.
"Let's do it!" Raph screamed in rage as he made a huge jump over to the other island at fast speeds.
"What are you waiting for? Come on!" Raph said looking back at them.

Spike readied his body again and slithered up and jumped as fast as he could as well along with the others, the others landed down safely while Spike fell on his back.
"Ugh.. i need to get used to this.." Spike said as he was getting up, the 4 of them continued to hop around all over the place as gravity was really light here.
"This.. is not.. real!" Spikes shouted as he landed on another, this time landing on his tail properly.
"Why aren't we seeing any Kraang around here?" Leo asked looking around.
"I don't know, but it's best they don't know we're here." Donnie said as Raph jumped down, Spike wrapped his tail around the platform to not fall.
"Except for those!" Raph said pointing at something.

The thing he pointed at looked like small blue cells.
"Aww, look at those guys, they're all so cute and sparkly." Raph teased.
"I don't think those are little guys.." Spike said in fear as the creatures came up to them, they soon towered over them revealing to be much larger then them.
"Yep, i was right, run!" Spike shouted as he dodged a lightning blast from them.

Spike and Donnie fell down on the ground while the others landed on they're feet. They drew they're weapons and jumped at them while Spike and Donnie watched.
"Spike, do you think you can help?" Donnie asked looking at him.
"Hmm. well let's see. I've barely been moving around as a snake for a few hours, barely can use my body, and don't have any weapons or skills to use in this form. WHAT DO YOU THINK I CAN DO?!" Spike shouted with a loud hiss.
"Can't you still breath fire?" Donnie suggested.
"Let's hope so." Spike said as he jumped in the air.

Spike took a deep breath and thankfully he was still able to breath fire, the fire was strong enough to cause the creatures to scream and pain and they stopped attacking them and flew off. Spike landed on the ground again breathing heavily.
"At least there's still some dragon left in me.." Spike said catching his breath.
"What the heck were those things?" Leo asked confused.
"If Mikey we're here he'd give them a nickname by now." Raph pointed out.

"Guys? I think these are the same kind of crystal that was in the power cell." Donnie said as he was trying to take one off, Spike's senses went off and that warned him about something.
"Donnie wait.. don't! " Spike shouted as he ripped it off and the crystal started glowing purple.
"Should've listened to you.." Donnie said disappointed right as they were escaping.
"Go, go go!" Leo shouted as they barely dodged an explosion from it.

All of them landed on another platform and rubble of dozens of crystals landed in front of them.
"New rule, nobody touch anything." Leo instructed.
"I guess if i need to fight, i should have something to defend myself." Spike said as he wrapped his snake arm around a crystal on the ground and picked it up.
"Just be careful since we know they're highly explosive okay?" Donnie asked him and Spike nodded in response.

Spike and the others continued to make they're way trying to calm down.
"Man, i kind of don't blame the Kraang for invading us, they're dimension stinks." Donnie said exhausted.
"Tell me about it, this feels like something out of those shows we watch." Spike said looking around.
"I don't know guys, get a look of that thing." Leo said pointing at a creature and made a " Meep" Sound.

"Leo the one thing we know about this dimension, is don't mess with anything cute!" Raph warned.
"I agree, i've seen plenty of cute things in Equestria that can be deadly." Spike said in agreement. Leo kept on mimicking the thing and it responded to him.
"Oh come on it's so small, how can it?" Leo asked right as the ground shook and the creature became a huge bug like monster.
"Are you kidding me right now!?" Spike shouted in frustration as they were running off again.
"I hate cute things, i hate em!" Raph shouted as they were running off as fast as they could.

Spike slithered down some platforms and tried using his arms like a hook shot to swing himself to other platforms that were floating around.
"At least these things can help me climb stuff!" Spike shouted as he barely dodged another attack. All of them screamed in fear as they ran across one of the asteroids that was floating around. A weird string suddenly wrapped around Spike and pulled him and Donnie away.
"What the heck?!" Spike shouted in shock. Spike saw a strange but familiar figure, he jumped down and pushed Raph out of the way and saved Leo right before he was crushed.

"Stay away from my brothers!" A familiar voice shouted.
"Mikey?!" They all shouted in shock, he looked to be in strange gear that looked to be hand made.
"Buzz off rockatopus!" Mikey shouted as he threw some crystal shards at the monster, they watched with they're jaws on the floor as they saw him take the thing down, Mikey swinged up to the head and punched it down, the creature roared as it fell into the large pink void.

"Your okay!" Donnie said in relief.
"What happened to you?!" Spike asked coming up to him.
"We were so worried about you!" Leo said relieved as well.
"Well what took you so long? I've been here for months!" Mikey said annoyed.

"Months?" Leo asked confused.
"Or maybe a few hours, i don't have a watch." Mikey suggested.
"But we went through the portal like 15 seconds behind you." Raph said really confused.
"Obviously time passes much faster here then in our dimension. There's a tempura differential." Donnie explained.
"I love tempura! " Mikey said right before he saw the creature again, he made a strange echo which made the creature leave again.

"What in Celestia's name?" Spike asked in shock.
"Let's get moving, that things gonna come back, and we've gotta rescue Leatherhead! Ohh, better stock up on bang rocks." Mikey said as he jumped over to more of the crystals.
"Mikey be careful!" Donnie warned.

Mikey made a cat like sound and that made a crystal safely remove itself.
"How did you do that?" Donnie asked amazed.
"A lot of stuff here responds to sound." Mikey said as he landed back down, he picked up some alien slugs and tossed each of them one.
"What are we supposed to do with these?" Leo asked confused.
"Like this." Mikey replied, he held it up and squeezed on it which shot a line out like a grapple hook, the others did the same and they were roughly pulled to the other platform.

"Wow! How do you know how these bug things work?" Raph asked amazed.
"Just seemed sorta obvious." Mikey said casually as he drank some gross liquid from the thing disgusting them all.
"Oh.. i think i'm gonna hurl!" Spike said in huge disgust holding back anything he had in his stomach.
"Alright enough of that guys, let's go save Leatherhead!" Mikey announced as he swung on ahead.

The 5 of them landed near the base and carefully moved through the crystals as cover.
"Okay, i got some good news, and i got some bad news." Mikey said hanging down in a familiar position.
"What's the good news?" Leo asked curious.
"The good news is that there's thousands of Kraangdroids in there." Mikey explained and Leo rolled his eyes.
"I said good news." Leo said again before the ground suddenly shook.

"I know, that's the bad news." Mikey announced as the rock monster from before merged out with a one that was all white and blue.
"That thing has a brother?! You have got to be kidding me!" Spike said really annoyed.

"I got this, just." Mikey said before Leo stopped.
"Donnie left, Raph right! Spike, stay put, move!" Leo ordered.
"Wrong!" Mikey said annoyed.
"How do we do it?" Spike asked trying to climb up to him.
"Follow my lead, just watch your tail." Mikey warned as he prepared to do something.

Leo and the others tried fighting them off the best they could, but they're weapons barely faced them at all, the lava monster picked him up and was about to kill him until he heard a voice.
"Hey Traag, Granitor! Put him down, now!" Mikey shouted, he and Spike grabbed more crystals and threw it at them.
"Take this!!" Spike screamed as he threw a larger one to them, it glowed purple again and exploded in front of them, this sent the two monsters falling into the void.
"Let's move!" Mikey ordered as they started moving.
"I say that." Leo said with a scoff.

Spike and the others snuck in threw the vent system, Spike carefully landed on his large tail and tried staying quiet. Spike peeked behind a corner and saw more droids. Mikey made a motion telling them to use the slug grapples, so they did and pulled the alien brains out of them.
"Smooth." Raph said impressed. They looked inside and saw a test happening.

"Initiate that which is known as mutagen transformation sequence." A droid said on an intercom. They watched in shock as mutagen tanks came out and saw as it turned a normal tree, into another crystal that looks like the one they're using.
"Oh no.." Spike said horrified in what this meant.
"That must be what Leatherhead meant when he said they perfected the mutagen. They're gonna use it to transform the earth, even the people! They're going to turn earth into another Dimension X!" Donnie said horrified as he saw the results on the screen.
"So i'll be a genius there too?" Mikey asked looking at the crystal.

"Yes Mikey, the one mildly positive thing among 10 billion screaming nightmares!" Donnie screamed with rage. They suddenly heard the door open and quickly escaped as the droids looked around. Spike slithered along with the others until he heard screaming.

"What do you want from me?!" Leatherhead asked in rage as he was chained up.
"That which is called screaming." A droid answered, Spike hissed with pure rage seeing them hurt his friend, Spike opened his wide jaw and ate off the head of a robot, he coiled around the bot and threw it into the other, the brains tried escaping, but Spike finished them off by grabbing them with the alien slug and throwing them hard into the wall.
"Dang Spike, you okay?" Raph asked worried while he breathed heavily.
"Yeah.. i'm fine.." Spike said turning to Leatherhead.

"Leatherhead! Are you okay? What can i do for you, can you.. ow!" Mikey screamed as he was crushed by him falling down after being freed.
"Leatherhead.. are you okay?" Spike asked trying to help him up, Leatherhead had a look of shock seeing him.
"Spike.. is that you? What happened to you my friend?" Leatherhead asked looking over his snake body.
"He got mutated by the Shredder into a snake mutant, he can barely use his body right now." Leo explained.

Spike came in and tried hugging him.
"Leatherhead.. i thought i wouldn't see you again.." Spike said with great sadness.
"I never let go of my will, i am sorry for what happened to you my friend, truly.." Leatherhead said regretfully as Spike looked at him.
"It's.. okay Leatherhead.. but what happened to you? You look so much older then i last saw you.." Spike asked as his scales were much more grey.
"Time has passed by much faster for me, i have been here for many decades, and when i found out the Kraang perfected the mutagen, i needed to contact you. The time has come, their invasion begins now." Leatherhead said before he picked up a large crystal.
"Follow me!" Leatherhead instructed as he proceeded to run down the halls with the others following.

Leatherhead burst open a wall and they saw a huge Kraang tech room with a huge crystal with portals everywhere.
"Oh that's not good." Donnie said worried.
"So many portals.." Leo said scarred as well.
"Look!" Leatherhead said pointing down, a bunch of droids emerged from the walls making it as large as an army.

"So.. looks like we're done here.." Donnie said horrified seeing this.
"We have to find a way to stop them." Spike said determined.
"The tunnel leads to the hive factory, where the Kraangdroids are manufactured. Their numbers are efficiently limitless." Leatherhead explained as the droids started to march.

"So what can we do?" Donnie asked worried.
"We can go down fighting, i would rather die on my feet, rather then on my knees." Leatherhead suggested. Spike looked at the large crystals and tried thinking of something.
"Guys.. remember what happened back with that crystal?" Spike asked them.
"Yeah, why?" Mikey asked curious.

"Well, if it exploded after being removed like that, if we do something with this one, the whole place should go boom!" Spike explained looking at the large crystal.
"Great idea Spike, Leo and Raph will stop the tunnels, Donnie, Spike and I will stop the portal generator, Leatherhead!" Mikey said pointing at him.
"Crush Kraang?" He asked eagerly.
"A lot! Let's hit it!!" Mikey shouted as they used the slugs to grapple on down again.

Leatherhead landed on multiple droids and started to fight them off, Leo and Raph were tearing through the bots until he saw something.
"There, some kind of blast door." Leo said looking at it.
"we can get that closed!" Raph shouted as they dodged more laser fire, Leo tried shutting it down but it didn't work, a droid aimed a gun at him, until Leo sliced off its hand and used that to close the blast door and it shut all of them. Raph and Leo suddenly saw a huge spider like bot with more droids on top and screamed as they avoided more gunfire.

Spike breathed fire on another hoard of bots and let Leatherhead roll around the rest.
"It's good to have you back Leatherhead!" Spike said gladly as he used the alien slug to pull another brain out.
"It is good to be back my friend!" Leatherhead replied as he made another loud roar of rage.

Donnie took down the one on the console and started accessing it.
"Okay, we need to shut down all but one portal to send us home, then we set the whole place to blow after we come through." Donnie said typing on the console. He pressed on another button, but a sound was made signaling it didn't work.

Leo was still running from the spider mech while Raph fought off more robots, he took down one and threw a ninja star in its gun, but it tossed the gun away and got into a boxing position.
"Oh crud nuggets.." Raph said annoyed. Raph proceeded to have a boxing match with the thing while Spike and Leatherhead took down more droids, Spike saw a gun on a floor and got an idea, Spike tried picking it up, but still couldn't get a firm grip.
"Stupid snake hands!" Spike said frustrated, he then tried something different and used his long tail to grab it. This time it worked and he started firing at more of them.
"How do you like it punks!?" Spike screamed with rage as he shot them down.

Raph finished the alien bot off by ripping it out in a brutal way.
"Fatality!" Spike shouted in a deep voice as he blasted the thing down. Leo got an idea to finish off the spider mech, he wrapped a rope around the mech and used Leatherhead to throw him down. He grabbed Leo by the face and threw him across, Leo slid down onto the other leg and tied the rope up and jumped down. Leatherhead finished the thing off by cutting off it's leg and that finally took it down, Spike aimed his gun at the bots and finished them off.

A laser suddenly appeared above them and they watched in shock as the blast door came down and it was revealed to be more droids with more mechs.
"Donnie, we could really use that escape right now!!" Spike shouted as he dodged another laser just barely brushing his tail.
"Give me a minute!" Donnie shouted as he tried hacking into it again. Donnie tried closing them, but all he did was make them into different shapes.
"No, no!" Donnie shouted frustrated before Mikey pushed him away.

"Oh just let me do it!" Mikey told him, he proceeded to just flap his hands all around the console multiple times before pressing on the button, that somehow shut the portals down except for one.
"Come on! 30 seconds!" Mikey ordered.
"Time to go!!" Donnie announced running to it.
"Leatherhead, come on!" Spike shouted as he took another down. Leatherhead roared again and grabbed Spikes body and charged through the portal, Mikey looked down and saw they were on a rooftop in the city.
"We're good!" Spike shouted as he looked through.

Mikey continued to tear through the robots as the others escaped back to the city before Mikey looked at it himself.
"Well, goodbye being smart." Mikey said sadly as he jumped through it, the portal was about to close until he got an idea.
"Wait!" Mikey shouted in realization, he used the alien slug again and he grabbed a crystal like Spike suggested, the droids tried stopping it, but they failed in result and Mikey grabbed it. The crystal glowed brightly and was about to explode.
"Prepare for that which is know as an explosion.." A droid said right as the crystal exploded, and destroyed the entire place in Dimension X.

Spike and the others were climbing up to the top while Spike was breathing heavily.
"At least i'm learning to use my body better.." Spike said looking at his snake hands once again, still feeling upset that he's a mutant.
"Donnie, i got a power source for that turtle mech you told me about." Mikey said holding it out.
"Mikey.. you are a genius!" Donnie said proud of him.
"Not anymore! Now i'm back to being regular mess everything up Mikey.." He said sadly taking off the mask he wore.

"No way, saving that power cell was brilliant. You did that here." Leo assured.
"Yeah i did! Maybe i'm not such a screw up after all!" Mikey said proudly, he didn't notice he let go of the ledge however and fell down to the sidewalk below.
"I'm okay!" Mikey assured.

Spike kept looking at his body feeling sad still, even if he'd get used to it, he doesn't think it'll ever be the same.
"Spike, i know your upset about what happened to you, but believe me, i promised i'll be there for you when i came back, and i'll do what i can to help you get used to it." Leatherhead assured sitting next to him. Spike smiled lightly as he was glad to have him back.
"Thank you Leatherhead.. this is something i need right now.." Spike said gladly, but deep down, he still was upset from all of this...

"That overload should have taken out they're whole facility. They're invasion should be set back for months!" Donnie said confidently.
"Yeah but for how long is that with the time differential thing?" Raph asked worried.
"I don't know, hours.. maybe a day." Donnie suggested. Leo said something and had a serious look.

"Guys, there's a storm coming, are we ready to fight?" Leo asked seriously. Spike stood up and had a serious face as well.
"Let's do it." Spike said seriously with Leatherhead next to him.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as they all gave a high five while Spike and Leatherhead watched on..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this new one! So starting from now, i'm gonna have Spike have a little more importance as he's a mutant, i'm gonna have him learn to use his form naturally over the next season. We all know how season 2 ends, and if you don't, you'll be in for a surprise. I think that will be a great way for Spike to grow as a character, especially with the state he's in. I'll make sure Spike grows properly and not to fast over next season, but for now, i hope you liked this and look forward to more!

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