• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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33: The Manhattan Project

It was another night in New York once more, we see Karai and the foot hiding behind a billboard waiting for someone.

"Karai, Shredder did not approve your little operation, i think we should.." Rahzar said before Karai stopped him again.
"Silence! I'm in charge while my father's in Japan. If we score an ambush on the turtles and Spike it'll make us both look good. Now quiet, here they come." Karai said as they saw Spike and the others on another rooftop.

Spike and the others were climbing up more latters searching for more canisters, they reached another rooftop before Leo stopped them.
"Hold up Ninjas! I have a feeling we're not alone!" Leo warned and Spike sensed it too.
"He's right, and i feel them, right over there!" Spike shouted pointing at Karai who wasn't that far.

"They've spotted us! Foot attack!" Karai ordered and the foot bots all charged at them again. Rahzar landed on the ground and lunged for Mikey while Raph was taking on some bots.
"Serving one bot, hot!" Raph shouted while Leo fought them off as well and Spike engaged with Karai again.

"Get off of me Rahzar!" Mikey shouted holding him back. Donnie came into the scene thankfully and whacked him away and helped Mikey up, Rahzar held out his sharp nails and threw them at the two.
"Look out!" Mikey shouted twirling his nun chucks around.

Leo finished the rest of the bots and helped Spike with Karai.
"Karai stop this, you know this isn't what you want!" Spike shouted as he collided blades with her.
"There's something you should know, it's a bout your father!" Leo ( Jason Biggs) Said pushing her back.
"Your real father!" Spike added as they landed down on another platform.
"What do you know?!" Karai shouted with rage right as Spike backflipped across the ground.

"Your real name is Miwa!" Leo ( Dominic Catrambone) said trying to convince her.
"Your were kidnapped by Shredder as a child, he made you believe your his daughter, but your not!" Spike shouted delivering a punch to her. Before they could keep fighting however, a large earthquake suddenly happened.

"Whoa! Ahh! Earthquake!" Mikey shouted in fear.
"In New York?" Rahzar asked confused, a tower that was directly above Karai started to crack which Spike noticed.
"Karai, look out!" Spike shouted as he pushed her out of the way, the tower started to collapse and Spike barely escaped its rubble.

Leo and the others were quickly digging up the rubble trying to make sure Spike is okay.
"Spike! Are you alright?!" Leo asked worried as he groaned getting up.
"Yeah.. i'm fine.. Thank Celestia dragons are far tougher then normal creatures.." Spike said with the others helping him up.
"What was that?" Leo asked confused.
"Some kind of localized quake, but what caused it?" Donnie asked confused as well.

"Oh no she's gone.. We could've changed everything.. now it's too late.." Leo said as he and Spike saw Karai was gone with the foot again.
"We were closer that time.." Spike said regretfully as police sirens could be heard...

We cut to the lair once more as Spike and the others were watching the news on what happened.
"Scientists are calling them Microquakes, but they shake so hard this reporters hair was badly messed up!" Carlos said as the camera zooms up on his messy hair.
"No need for concern, i'm being treated by my stylist." Carlos said putting it back down and Spike rolled his eyes at that.

"Tell that to Rarity.." Spike said in response.
"Dude, his poor hair." Mikey said feeling bad for him.
"Earthquakes in Manhattan, something is definitely up." Raph said suspicious.

Spike and the others went to Donnie once more to see what the source of it all is.
"I've been graphing the quake epicenters, they're happening in a pattern that's not at all random." Donnie explained pointing at the computer which had red dots going to the center.

"Is that awesome, or awesome bad?" Mikey asked confused.
"Awesome bad Mikey, i got weird energy readings under the epicenter. I think some kind of tech is causing the quakes." Donnie explained and Spike realized something.
"You think it's the Kraang again?" Spike asked them.
"It could be, let me try and home in on where the source is." Donnie said typing on the computer even faster.

Splinter was currently meditating in the room with Leo walking in concerned.
"Master Splinter, i tried to tell Karai that your her father.." Leo said sadly which caught Splinters attention.
"I thought if she knew, she might come over to our side. Spike tried the same as well.." Leo explained and Splinter got up.
"There is a saying, he who runs a mouth get's his face full of nunchaku" Splinter said which confused Leo.
"They say that in Japan?" Leo asked confused.

"They would if you were there, still you and Spike's hearts are in the right place.. perhaps it is time she knows the truth." Splinter said with concern.
"Maybe you should tell the other guys sensei.. Spike already knows, and i think it's best the others do to." Leo suggested, Splinter thought over this for a moment before deciding it's for the best.

Raph and the others were now sitting in the dojo with Splinter getting ready to tell them.
"This is difficult, but it is time all of you know the truth. The child i had thought i had lost in the fire, Miwa.. is Karai.. my daughter.. Fury became flame, and flame darkened the world with smoke. And in that darkness, Shredder stole Miwa away. I thought she was gone, but Shredder raised her as his daughter and she was trained as a deadly foot assassin." Splinter explained as he had a flashback of the time he lost his daughter with Shredder taking her away..

"Wait this.. this can't be.." Donnie said in shock.
"This is some kind of joke, right sensei?" Raph asked in disbelief.
" Karai's our sister?!" Mikey asked shocked as well.
"As much as it hurts, it is the truth.." Spike said sadly.

"But she was raised by the Shredder, how can we ever trust her?" Donnie asked curious, Splinter walked over to a photo of his family and picked it up.
"There is good in her. I know this. The truth must be told, and the truth will too be an earthquake.." Splinter said as we cut to Shredder's lair once more.

"Father should have been back hours ago with his new little.. secret weapon." Karai said impatient.
"I've heard rumors it's a new mutant, part woman, part tuna, all lover.." Fishface suggested.
"I hope not, i'm allergic to fish.. nothing personal Xever.." Stockman said nervously as he growled at him.
"All i know is that he's a deadly assassin, the Kraang turned him into a mutant when he was a kid decades ago." Rahzar explained.

Foot bots marched into the room and bowed in respect, Shredder had finally returned and all of them bowed to him.
"You look terrible Bradford." Shredder said looking at him before he went over to sit on his throne.
"I have returned, and i have brought with me the most feared assassin in all of Asia." Shredder announced, they all looked at the door and a new mutant had walked in, it was a new Tiger mutant who had high tech gear on his body as well as a missing tail.

"Tiger claw." Shredder announced as he bowed in respect.
"This is your secret weapon father? Another freak?" Karai asked upset at this.
"This is the foot clan you promised me? I must say Master Shredder I am disappointed." Tiger claw said which angered her, Karai drew her sword and Tiger claw held up a blaster right at her in response.

"I honor you great Tiger claw.. can i offer you some.. refreshments?" Fishface asked nervously.
"Milk, skim." He said putting his weapon away, he went to get the milk and Karai noticed his tail was missing.
"Sensitive subject maybe but, shouldn't Tigers have tails?" Karai mocked looking at it.

"Don't mock me child. It was a rival who sliced off my tail. One day i will find it, and he will pay the price!" Tiger claw vowed as he drank the milk he was given.
"If you can't keep your own tail.." Karai mocked before Shredder stopped her again.
"Silence Karai. You will treat Tiger claw with the utmost respect, he is now my new second in command." Shredder explained which angered her.

"What?! I've earned that job! Not some oversized cat in a scarf!" Karai argued.
"Enough! Tiger claw, take my daughter with you to capture Splinter and his turtles and Dragon. Karai, do not disobey him." Shredder ordered and Karai looked upset at this still.

Casey and April were running across the rooftops trying to catch up with Spike and the others.
"So, the whole April vigilante thing is cool in all, but how about a real date?" Casey asked taking off his mask.
"What do you call this?" April asked curious.
"I was thinking maybe you know, maybe something a little cozier, you and me.." Casey offered before she heard a noise.

"The Kraang!" April said running off.
"Nah, aliens would mess up my mix." Casey said clutching his fists, April looked down and saw a bunch of droids going through a portal.
"There's so many of them.." April said concerned with Casey seeing this.
"So these are the robots you told me about?" Casey asked curious.
"With the little brains inside yeah, what are they doing?" April asked confused, April leapt on down and was gonna stop the last one from leaving.

"I got this red." Casey said as he snuck up behind the last one, Casey whacked the thing off the path and the bot tried to fight him, April came in with her fan and sliced the bot in half and the alien popped out again. Casey aimed his stick and knocked it to a wall.
"When you play cricket, you gotta have some crumpets." Casey said with the thing crawling away.

April looked at the device and turned it off and it fell to the ground.
"Wow.. let's take this to Donnie and Spike, let them check this out." April said picking it up.
"Why not take it to a real laboratory?" Casey asked her.
"Trust me, Donnie's way ahead of most scientists, and Spike's really smart too, come on." April said with the two of them walking off.

April and Casey arrived at the lair and she was showing them how it worked.
"And then you pressed on this button and portable portal." April explained as she turned it on again.
"Wow, the Kraang are always one step ahead" Donnie said impressed looking at it.

"I wonder if this is what's behind the earthquakes, we're gonna have to test it." Donnie suggested.
"I dunno Donnie, what if it's dangerous?" Spike asked concerned.
"If you guys aren't gonna do something about it, i will." Casey said as he walked up to it.
"Your crazy! Nuts! Out of your gourd, i'm going first!" Raph said pushing him back and he ran into it.

"Raph!" Leo said worried.
"I'm not letting him go alone, let's go!" Spike shouted as he got up his plasma sword and whip and ran inside after him and the others did the same. But after they left, another earthquake happened and it shook the whole lair, a rock fell on the device and shut the portal down leaving them trapped..

Leo jumped out of the portal and they looked to be in a gateway with other portals all around the place.
"Okay.. this is.. weird.." Raph said confused as April, Spike and Mikey looked through one and saw the cosmos, Leo looked through another and saw a Kraang controlled city.
"wow.. its' like grand central station of dimensional travel! The Kraang must be using it to travel between realities." Donnie said amazed.
"Guys! The doors gone, we're trapped!" Mikey shouted in horror as the door closed behind him.
"There's thousands of doors here, everyone start searching for a way home.

"Hey April look at this." Donnie said as they looked through another one and saw a beautiful cosmo wave of sorts.
"It's beautiful.." April said amazed.

"Guys.. is that us?" Spike asked pointing at a specific portal, they looked through it and saw a more cartoony looking world. ( It's the 87 show world).
They saw a version of Spike with them and he was a wolf like mutant with sharp claws and a snout, and even a wolf like tail.
"Why am i a wolf mutant?!" Spike asked in shock.
"And why do we look like dorks?" Mikey asked confused as they saw that version of April

"Is that supposed to be April?" Raph asked confused.
"Nice jumpsuit!" Donnie said amazed.

Spike heard a roar of sorts and went over to another portal.
"Guys.. is that.. me?!" Spike asked in shock, the turtles looked through this next portal and they saw in this one, Spike was huge, he was a huge monster and he seemed to be in a destroyed city, another roar is heard suddenly and they look over and saw a familiar monster..
"Is that Godzilla?!" Mikey asked in shock, the monster Spike and Godzilla looked over and saw a familiar three headed hydra getting up from the rubble, it roared at them in anger and they watched as they proceeded to have a Kaiju fight with him.
"Awesome! Kaiju Spike teaming up with Godzilla against Ghidorah! I'd pay to see that!" Casey said amazed.
"How did i become so huge?" Spike asked confused as he kept looking through more.

"Spike, look at this one!" April said pointing at another, they looked through this one and they saw a more.. blocky version of Spike, he seemed to be holding a Golden spear of sorts and was fighting alongside some other Ninja with elemental powers against some Stone Warriors.
"Don't these guys look like that one Lego show that's still going?" Casey asked confused.
"Ninja go!!" They all shouted and they spun into tornados all around them.
"I think it is.." April said amazed..
"To think Spike's on more ninja teams then just us." Raph said amazed as well.

Spike continued to look through more until he saw another one.
"Alright, let's see what this one is." Spike said looking at another with the others joining in, this time, they saw Spike in what looks to be a super hero suit with a spider symbol on it, he seemed to be talking to to a familiar figure.
"Is that Spider man 2099?" Casey asked in shock.
"Bro are you a spider man in this reality?!" Mikey asked amazed.
"Awesome!" Donnie said amazed as well, they continued to watch this thing play out.

"So these.. cannon events are the key to keeping the multiverse safe? And if one of them breaks.. we're at the risk of loosing everything?" Spike asked worried which shocked them.
"Yes, it's why i called you hear, i wanted your help to keep them in check, it's not gonna be an easy job, but if we don't do this, everything will be destroyed.." Miguel said sounding worried, they looked at Spike who seemed to think this over for a moment until deciding.
"You know what? I'll do it, it may be hard sure, but that doesn't mean we can't get help, where do we start?" Spike asked feeling ready to go.

"I can't thank you enough for this. Lyla, give him another one of the devices." Miguel instructed.
"Got it Miguel, okay, so this one is still in production, but it should allow you to hop to other realities without glitching." Lyla explained as a strange device materialized in front of him, Spike took it and put it on his right wrist.
"So this can take us anywhere in the multiverse right?" Spike asked looking at it.
"Yep, anywhere you guys want, so where do you wanna go first?" Lyla asked appearing in front of them.
"Let's do this at the beginning one last time, Earth 67" Miguel announced.

We cut to them appearing in a cartoony reality appearing in that versions Spiderman.
"Oh dang! I remember this one!" Casey said starting to laugh.
"Whoa! What the?!" 67 Spider man asked in shock.
"Calm down sir, we're not here to hurt you." Spike assured.
"He's right, we're Spider man, we need you to come with.." Miguel said before he pointed at them.
"Who the heck are you two?" He asked pointing at them.

"Oh no.." April said starting to laugh with the others chuckling
"We just told you we're not gonna hurt you." Spike said getting weirded out pointing back.
"We just told you.. look we need your help.." Miguel said pointing at him too.
"How dare you two point at me?" He asked offended.
"You pointed first!" Spike said pointing back.
"He's right, you pointed first so it's your fault." Miguel countered doing the same thing.

"It's rude to point!" He said upset at them.
"We're trying to talk with you here!" Spike said annoyed pointing still.
"Your being very rude your not even listening to what we're saying" Miguel said as two people were watching.,
"Which one pointed first?" An officer asked confused.
"Spider man pointed first! Obviously!" The other said watching it still.

"Your pointing at us right now, look at you! look at your finger!" Miguel said getting upset at this.
"Your making this way bigger of a deal then it needs to be!" Spike said really annoyed at this.
"It's different then normal pointing!" He said in response.
"Your accusing us of pointing, while your..!!" Miguel said pointing all over him.
"Oh what the F...!!!" Spike shouted right before a "The end" sign popped up and all of them were laughing at that.

"Oh that won't ever get old!" Raph said with the others laughing.
"Oh that was hilarious!" Mikey said trying to calm down.
"Okay, let's just regain focus please." Spike said chuckling himself as they walked off, they walked around a bit more until Leo saw something.

"Guys look!" Leo said pointing at another one, this one showed a new dimension that looked to be the Kraangs home
"I think that's Dimension X, the home of the Kraang." Spike said worried as it looked unlike any other place he's seen.
"This place is making my brain melt!" Mikey said in fear before April covered his mouth.
"Shh.. i.. i sense something coming!" April said closing her eyes, a pod was floating down and they saw more Kraang droids coming to them.

"Oh no, how do you close the door?! Where's the knob, where's the knob?!" Raph asked worried, Spike looked up and saw the device.
"The button!" Spike shouted as he took out his plasma sword and cut the thing in half and the portal closed before they were attacked and they sighed in relief.
"That would've been a disaster.." Leo said relieved..

"Um.. we might wanna retract that.." Donnie said pointing at another portal, it was unfortunate to see that more Kraang droids in those large animal mechs was able to come through another.
"Oh come on!" Spike said annoyed drawing his plasma sword with the others drawing they're weapons.

"Biotroids Destroy!" A droid ordered as Spike deflected a lighting blast with the mechs charging at the others, Spike slid under one of the pods and jumped beneath it and sliced it in half, Spike came face to face with another one of those mechs and was dodging the saws from it and he saw Leo running to him.
"Leo!" Spike shouted holding his hand out, Leo took it and Spike threw him onto the top, Leo stabbed his swords right on the top and the alien went crawling away leaving one down.

They heard another roar and saw the other one charging at them.
"Look out!" Spike shouted as it stomped on the ground, the impact was really strong and it sent Leo and the others through another portal leaving Spike alone with April, Casey and Donnie.
"No!" Spike shouted in rage as the portal closed with an alien holding a remote.
"We gotta get that remote!" Donnie shouted, the alien threw it around a bit before throwing it into another portal and that made Spike furious.

"You son of a...!!" Spike said with rage as he jumped in the air and drew his sword, he sliced the alien in half with rage and landed on the ground breathing heavily, they heard another roar and saw the other Biotroid firing at them again.
"Butt cannons! Run!" Donnie shouted as the four of them started to run off.

A portal opened in New york again and Leo and the others fell into a dumpster.
"Ugh.. what dimension are we in..?" Mikey asked feeling weak before Raph slapped a piece of paper off of him and Leo jumped out.
"The others are still trapped there!" Leo said worried.
"Yeah and the dragon and smart members of the team are trapped with them." Raph said jumping out.

"This is your fault Leo! If you hadn't gotten us.." Raph said right before another earthquake happened again.
"We gotta find the source of those quakes!" Leo said as they started running off, unknown to them, Tiger Claw and Karai were watching from a higher ledge above them.

"Karai, you have your instructions." Tiger claw told her and she nodded in response. They were running through the streets until Tiger claw landed in front of them.
"Who the heck is that?!" Raph asked horrified.
"You may call me.. Tiger Claw!" He announced.
"I knew it! I was totally gonna name him Tiger Claw!" Mikey pointed out.

"I am going to give you once chance to summon your rat master!" He said taking out a gun.
"Sorry pal, i'm not a cat person!" Raph shouted with anger. Tiger claw proceeded to fire at them in response, Raph tried escaping but was shot near the wall.
"Raph!" Leo shouted with worry as he fell on the ground, Leo drew his swords and tried slashing at him, Tiger claw backflipped in the air and shot Leo to the ground leaving Mikey alone.
"You are nothing but cubs!! Tiger claw said with rage.

"Heh heh.. nice kitty.. Let me see if i have some cat nip upon me.." Mikey said nervously while he growled at him. Tiger claw roared at them and started firing at them again, the shots formed crystalized ice on the ground and Mikey tried dodging them.
"Come on bros! We gotta get to high ground!" Mikey shouted climbing up. Leo and Raph were heading up to the rooftops dodging the gunfire and Tiger claw growled in anger as he activated a jet pack.

Spike and the others were panting as they kept running through. Spike looked back at the Biotroid with rage.
"I've had enough of you!" Spike shouted in anger, he took out his plasma whip and restrained the mech with incredible strength, Spike screamed with anger while he jumped into the air and stabbed his sword into the helmet, the machine sparked up for a moment until it fell onto the ground and the alien inside crawled off in fear.

"Great job Spike." April said proudly and Spike smiled in response.
"All right Donnie, how do we get out of here? Your the expert gap-tooth" Casey insulted
"Gap tooth? Look in the mirror lately cave mouth?" Donnie countered.
"Enough guys, look at this!" Spike said looking through another portal.

"Wow looks like another part of Dimension X." Donnie said as this looked to be another side of it. They looked shocked as they saw a strange worm like alien being pushed into a portal somewhere else.
"ugh, what is that?" Casey asked confused before the droids beeped.
"Kraang is aware of spies in that doorway where Kraang is not, but soon will be." A droid said marching to them.

"I think we're in serious trouble." April said worried, it was proven right when more droids emerged from the portals and aimed they're weapons at them.
"Aw come on.." Casey said annoyed

"Surrender is optimum." A droid said holding it's weapon.
"Non surrender will result in disintegration, which is lest optimum." A droid said again.
"For now. Play along" Donnie whispered.
"For the record, i don't count this as a surrender!" Casey said raising his hands.
"Celestia damnit.." Spike said annoyed.

Tiger claw was still facing against the turtles as they were trying to attack him, but Tiger claw was too skilled and was dodging every one of they're attacks. Tiger claw activated his jetpack and shot rapidly at all of them, one of the shots hit nearby Mikey and it knocked him to the ground.
"Mikey!" Leo said in horror. Tiger claw flew down to them and delivered a hard punch to Leo, Raph tried slashing at him some more until Tiger claw loaded a rope into his gun and shot it at Raph and tied him up.

Tiger claw flew over to Mikey and grabbed him by the leg and held him over a furnace.
"You are defeated. Summon your master, or the little one goes into the furnace." Tiger claw threatened holding him above it.
"Don't do it Leo!" Mikey begged.
"It's a trap for Splinter!" Raph warned while he tried escaping.
"Of course it's a trap, tell me the part where i have a choice." Leo countered.

Splinter was meditating in the dojo once again until a cheese covered phone went off.
"The Cheese phone! Truly an emergency!" Splinter said worried, he went over and picked it up.
"Moshi Moshi?" Splinter asked holding it up.
"Leonardo, what is the problem. Do not fear my son, i am on my way." Splinter said hanging it up and looking serious.

Leo and the others were tied up near the furnace looking upset.
"I can't believe you called him. If anything happens to Splinter.." Raph said annoyed.
"What else could i do Raph?" Leo asked seeing Tiger claw walk up to them.
"The Rat! Where is he?!" He demanded, they all looked away and didn't responds.

"One push, and you all go into the furnace." Tiger claw threatened.
"just wait Tiger claw. Splinter's gonna kick that little stub of a tail so deep in your stripped.." Raph threatened before he was stopped again.
"Silence! I am tired of waiting, your lives end now!" He said with anger, he held his foot over them and was about to push them into the furnace.
"This is it! I love you guys! Raph it was me who ate your last piece of chocolate pepperoni pizza! I'm sorry man, i was just so hungry! " Mikey said ashamed. Tiger claw was about to push them in until he heard a voice

"Release my sons! Now!" Splinter demanded, he looked over and saw Splinter on a rooftop in front of the moon. The two spoke in a Japanese language for a moment until Tiger claw pulled out a gun and fired at him. Splinter ran across the ledge and jumped down dodging the fire and leapt at him, Tiger claw backed out of the way as Splinter landed down, he took out his gun again and kept firing at Splinter.
Splinter used his staff and threw some rubble in his face and knocked his weapon away.
"I prefer to slice you into bite sized pieces!" Tiger claw said drawing his sword. Tiger claw roared in rage as the two clashed against eachother.

We cut to the subway where Spike and the others were being taken to somewhere.
"You will continue marching from the place you are to the place you are not yet." The droid ordered.
"At least we're back in new york." Donnie added.
"Didn't they say they're gonna feed us to something?" Casey asked afraid.
"Yeah.. something called a Kraathatrogon" April said worried.

"And i have no clue what it is.." Donnie said worried as well.
"And i'm not gonna wait around to be eaten. Casey, now!" Spike shouted as he drew his sword, Casey took out his shocker and shocked the droid right next to them and Spike sliced it apart, April threw her fan at ones face and Donnie threw some ninja stars at a steam pipe.
"Let's go!" Donnie shouted as they started running off

Spike and the others ran to another area and opened a door.
"Go move!" Casey shouted as he closed the door and barred it with his bat.
"Nice work Casey." Spike said high fiving him.

The 4 of them looked around as they seemed to be in an older looking subway then before.
"Wow! And old pneumatic subway! Nobody uses them now." Donnie said amazed.
"How old is this city?" Spike asked amazed as well until they heard another noise.

"What's that gross slobbering sound?" April asked annoyed.
"It sounds worse then Mikey eating pizza." Donnie said running ahead. The 4 of them quickly ran up ahead and saw a huge machine in a large area, they looked around and saw 4 strange worm monsters having mutagen extracted from them.
"Those must be the Kraathatrogons" Donnie whispered to the others.
"I prefer to call em Space worms, that sound good?" Spike asked Casey,
"You read my mind." Casey said proudly as they heard another screech.

They saw some droids holding a giant worm with some ropes and it slammed on the ground shaking the whole place.
"It's the worms, that's what's causing the earthquakes!" Donnie said in realization.
"But why bring them here?" Casey asked confused.
"I think i know why, look." Spike said pointing at the worm, a droid came up with a suction device of sorts and it began draining mutagen from it.

"They're milking them... for mutagen?" April asked disgusted.
"This must be how they get the mutagen, it's amazing yet disgusting." Spike said in awe.

April suddenly herd rustling and looked at Casey.
"Stop that." She said annoyed.
"Stop what?" Casey asked in confusion.
"Guys!" Spike whispered pointing to behind April, they looked over and saw a baby alien worm looking at them, Casey and April screamed in fear and Casey whacked it with his hockey stick making it screech in anger.

"Kraang, we have been discovered in the place that was not meant to be discovered!" A droid said in realization.
"Unleash the Kraathatrogon!" The droid ordered. The devices retracted from them and they watched in horror as the large monster towered over them and roared at them with rage.
"Run!!" Spike shouted grabbing they're hands, they screamed in fear as they were running for they're lives from it.

Tiger claw was still fighting with Splinter currently and Splinter hit him across the body with his staff.
"You will pay for that rodent!" Tiger claw said with a growl, he kept on slashing at Splinter who tried blocking an attack, but it got his staff cut in half.
"Now you are defenseless!" Tiger claw said evilly as he dropped the pieces.
"A ninja is never defenseless!" Splinter shouted throwing some knives, Tiger claw deflected a few until he noticed one of them disabled his jet pack which made him angry.

Splinter lunged at Tiger claw and kicked him in the chest with the others watching.
"You got this sensei!" Mikey encouraged.
"Slap the stripes of that cat!" Raph encouraged as well, Tiger claw tried slashing at him again until Splinter grabbed his arm and used some pressure points and caught him off guard, he grabbed his sword and kicked him back getting in a stance. Tiger claw loaded his gun and tried shooting another rope at him.
"You will not trip me up so easily!" Splinter shouted flipping in the air, he grabbed the rope and tossed it back at him before he proceeded to deliver multiple hits all over his body and had him near a ledge.

"And now, we shall see if a cat always lands on his feet!" Splinter said holding his sword to him.
"Now!" Tiger claw ordered. Karai was secretly behind them and she shot a blow dart right towards Splinter. It hit Splinter right in the back of his neck and Splinter started feeling dizzy.

"Ha! You lose rat!" Tiger claw said in victory. Splinter was feeling dizzy and he saw Karai walk up to him.
"Miwa!" Splinter said weakly before he passed out which confused her.
"Karai don't do this! He's your father, your true father!" Leo begged trying to stop her, but all that did was make her mad.
"Liar! You'd say anything to save him!" Karai said with rage.

"No, i swear it! He's your father, Hamato Yoshi! If you don't trust me, then you need to trust Spike!" Leo begged with her marching up to them.
"Spike's not here, and it's best he's not for this." Karai said drawing her blade.

The turtles gasped in fear right before her blade was stopped by Tiger claw.
"What?" Karai asked confused as he knocked her away.
"Master Shredder demands them alive. He wants the pleasure of finishing off the turtles himself." Tiger claw explained.
"Fine, let's deal with the rat first." Karai said marching to him.

"Leave him alone Karai, or you'll answer to me!" Raph said with rage.
"My sons.. go.. now!" Splinter shouted throwing a ninja star right to them, and he was able to free them.
"Run!" Splinter begged right before Tiger claw kicked him back onto another ledge.

"Splinter!" Leo said with worry.
"We gotta come back for him Leo! Move!" Raph ordered as they were avoiding more gunfire.
"Don't let them escape!" Karai said charging to them, Tiger claw tried lunging at them one more time, but Mikey had a smoke bomb and slammed it on the ground which had them escape.
"At least we still have the rat." Karai said looking at Splinter who was passed out.

Spike and the others were running away from the worm as fast as they could.
"Run, faster!" Donnie shouted in fear, Spike got on all fours and started running like a cheetah with his speed.
"Get down!" Spike shouted as he put them in an open area below and the worm went right over them. They quickly turned around and started running again as the worm kept chasing them.

" Is there anyway to slow this thing down?!" Spike asked running faster.
"I'm on it!" Casey responded getting onto his roller skates.
"Casey no!" April shouted as he took out a spraying can.
"Eat this!" Casey shouted as he threw the can right into the things mouth and it burst all over it's face.
"yes!" Casey said in victory right before it got up and roared at him.
"No!!" Casey said horrified running off.

"Casey hurry!" April shouted while Spike was running ahead of them. Casey was skating as fast as he could with the monster right behind him, Spike looked a head and saw a way out.
"There! Move!" Spike shouted leaping up ahead, Spike got onto the ladder and Donnie did the same and held out his staff.
"April! Grab on!" Donnie shouted holding it out, April went up and grabbed it and Spike pulled her in.
"Casey, grab the staff!" Spike shouted worried.

Casey skated on ahead and leapt for the staff and it all was slow motion.
"Please!!" Spike shouted with worry, Casey reached out for the staff and almost grabbed it.. but he was too late and the monster got him.
"No!!!" Spike shouted in horror as the worm went off leaving the three of them.
"He's gone.. He's gone!" April said as she started crying.
"I'm so sorry April.." Donnie said with regret while Spike had tears as well.
"Casey.." Spike said sadly as he was trying to process this..

Leo and the others made it back to the lair and Leo was trying to help Mikey with his arm.
"Ow!" Mikey said in pain, Raph had an ice pack on his head and looked upset at Leo.
"This is your fault Leo, if you hadn't called Master Splinter, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Raph accused.
"I didn't have a choice Raph, it was either him or Mikey. I thought.. i thought sensei would take care of him.." Leo said with regret.

"Well you thought wrong!" Raph said crossing his arms.
"We know where they took him, Shredder's lair! We do this for Splinter." Mikey said as he tried to make a dramatic speech.
"Are you with me?!" Mikey shouted to them.
"Lamest speech ever, but.. i'm in." Raph said with a smile.
"Let's do this!" Leo said putting they're hands together. Leo and the others started getting up they're own gear and were preparing for this fight.

We cut to Spike in the others as Donnie opened a manhole.
"Okay, coast is clear." Donnie said with Spike helping her up.
"This is so terrible.. poor Casey.." April said with regret.
"We'll find a way April, i promise.." Spike assured with him having regret as well, but the ground suddenly shook again and it became more violent.
"Guys, if there's anyone who can help us, it's the one man who knows more about the Kraang then anyone else." Donnie told them which had them both agree to it.
"Let's go then!" Spike said as he started hopping off to stop this mess.

April was knocking on the window of Kurtzman with Spike crossing his arms waiting for him. They looked inside and saw a flashlight blind them.
"Great caeser's ghost! Quickly, get in before your spotted!" Kurtzman told them, Spike opened the window and they quickly climbed inside. Kurtzman looked out the window before turning to them.
"This is about the earthquake situation isn't it?" He asked them.

"Your never gonna guess what's causing it Mr Kurtzman." April said as he grabbed some photos.
"Call me jack." He said as he tossed some photos of the worms over to a table.
"You never cease to amaze me sir." Spike said impressed at this.
"Thank you Spike, i named this little scheme.. the manhattan project" Kurtzman said dramatically.

Splinter groaned as he was woken up roughly by Tiger claw who had a bucket of water.
"Wake up little rat" Tiger claw said annoyed as Splinter finally opened his eyes.
"Nice work Tiger claw, you finally captured the great Splinter." Fishface said impressed as he was still tied up.
"So is the poison going to finish him, or what?" Rahzar asked curious.
"Most men would have expired by now, but it only weakened him, he may be small, but he's tough as iron." Tiger claw explained.

The door opened and Splinter saw Karai and Shredder walk into the room.
"Bradford, Xever leave us." Shredder ordered walking up to Splinter.
"Hamato Yoshi, so you have come to this. A wretched rat man waiting to be put out of his misery." Shredder said in disappointment.

"At least, i do not wear a mask.. hiding what little humanity, i have left.." Splinter said weakly.
"It is because of you i wear this mask. " Shredder accused and he scoffed.
"All these years and you continue to deceive yourself, and everyone around you." Splinter said looking at Karai. Shredder drew out his blades and raised his arm up.
"You dare.. now it ends!" Shredder said in rage.

Shredder was about to finish him off until he was stopped at the last second.
"No father!" Karai shouted stopping him.
"You would stop me?!" Shredder asked with rage.
"You'd kill your greatest enemy while he's poisoned and chained. what about honor? Everything you taught me?" Karai asked trying to stop him.
"The girl is right Master Shredder." Tiger claw said in agreement.

Shredder hummed and put his blades away.
"Very well. Gather the foot. I will offer Hamato Yoshi one last fight." Shredder ordered as he and Tiger claw went off.

"Why.. did you help me?" Splinter asked confused.
"I don't know.. but a part of me felt like it was unfair, I remembered what Spike told me, you may have killed my mother, but someone like him doesn't deserve this loss." Karai explained.
"He is a gifted child.. Karai.. you need to listen to him.. he possesses a heart of truth.. you need to let him try. He can show you the truth.." Splinter said weakly while Karai went off looking concerned on this advice.

Spike and the April and Donnie were currently listening to what these worms are.
"So these worms are only children? How big are the adults?" Donnie asked curious.
"Huge, some are hundreds of feet long. The Kraang have been importing these worms from dimension X to suck out they're mutagen. It's kind of like milking a giant cow." Kurtzman explained which made Spike gag.
"Okay.. we get it, no need to go into detail please.." Spike said wanting to move on.

"So how do we stop them?" April asked curious.
"No clue how to stop em, but i know the Kraang ride these puppies. You see these antenna on their head? They pull em, like reins on a horse." He said pouring some salt over it's body.
"Gross!" April said in disgust, Spike and Donnie looked at the photo with the salt over it and got the same idea.
"Are you thinking what i'm thinking Spike?" Donnie asked turning to him.
"Of course! It was so clear, it's salt!" Spike said in realization.

"Salt?" April asked confused before her phone went off suddenly.
"Hold on a sec... it's.. it's Casey!" April said amazed.
"He's okay?!" Spike asked amazed.
"Let me check!" April said answering it.

"Casey?" April asked excitedly.
"Um hey April, so i'm kind of uh.. trapped inside this giant worm thing, it's cool, i'm alive and stuff.." Casey said from within it.
"Your inside the worm? Did you get a signal in there?" April asked curious.
"Gross." Spike said in disgust.
"Yeah uh.. it's uh, trying to digest me.. i think. i could use.. a little help.. ah!" Casey said in pain.
"Sit tight Casey, i mean uh.. don't go anywhere.." April said hanging up.
"He's alive, he's alive!" April said amazed.
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's save our friend!" Spike said seriously getting up.

Leo and his group were quietly sneaking to the top of the roof with all white eyes again. Leo threw some ninja stars right at a foot bot and cut it's neck clean off. Leo flipped in the air and sliced the other one to pieces finishing them off, Leo snuck in through the open window and saw Splinter was on the ground and he went to save him.
"Sensei, sensei!" Leo said quietly which made Splinter wake up.
"Leonardo.. go, now!" Splinter warned, suddenly the torches all around him lit up and dramatic music played, he looked in front of him and saw the Shredder was on his throne.

Leo tried grabbing his sword, but it was stopped by Tiger claw who appeared behind him with the other mutants.
"Hello again my friend." Tiger claw told him, Leo tried using his other sword, but Tiger claw dodged it and raised him into the air before slamming him down and restraining his arms.
"Let me go!" Leo said with anger before Karai came up to him with her sword.

"I knew you'd come to us Leo." Karai said with a smug.
"Where are the other turtles and the dragon?" Shredder demanded, Tiger claw sniffed the air and found nothing.
"It's just him master Shredder, he's alone, i sense no one else." Tiger claw explained. Shredder went over and freed Splinter from his chains.

"Watch turtle, for it is the last fight you will ever see. The destruction of your master." Shredder said menacingly as Splinter got up weakly and he tossed away his cape. Splinter's vision was still blurry from the poison, but he could see Shredder about to attack, and he kept on dodging each slash the best he could.
"You can do it sensei!" Leo encouraged as Splinter kept fighting. Shredder dodged a spin attack from him, but his luck wouldn't last as Shredder kicked him to the ground.
"Sensei!" Leo said in horror as Tiger claw made an evil laugh, up above them, Mikey and Raph were sneaking in with some gear.

"Fight me!" Shredder said with anger. Splinter tried fighting him off, but he couldn't even land a hit on him in this state and he was knocked to the ground again, Shredder grabbed him by the neck held him up.
"Pathetic, i will put you out of your misery." Shredder said holding out his blades, but it was halted as another earthquake happened, the glass on the ceiling started to crack and the force knocked Shredder away and onto the glass floor, Splinter put his fingers on the grass and that caused it to collapse beneath him much to their shock. Karai suddenly saw fire crackers land next to her and fireworks went everywhere giving Leo the chance to escape.

"No!" Tiger claw said in anger.
"Aw yeah, rescue time!" Mikey announced while he and Raph jumped down, they ducked under another attack from Rahzar and he ducked under Tiger claw and Leo picked Splinter up.
"Come on Master Splinter!" Raph said drawing his weapons.
"Get them!" Tiger claw said right before a firework covered the screen, and when the smoke cleared, they were gone.

"Rahhh!! No!!" Tiger claw said looking around.
"Master Shredder!" Fishface said trying to help him before he punched him away.
"You fools! Do not let them escape! Go!" Shredder ordered.

Leo and his group were trying to run off while helping Splinter.
"Faster guys!" Mikey encouraged as Leo and Raph helped him up.
"You were foolish to come for me.." Splinter said weakly.
"We'd never leave you sensei!" Raph said as they were helping him move.

We cut back to the subway where Spike, Donnie and April were searching for the worm, they heard another roar and Spike stopped them.
"This is the place." Spike said keeping his guard up.
"What do we do now?" April asked them.
"I'll use my staff and create a vibration that will attract the worm!" Donnie said taking his staff out and slamming it on the metal rails, the rails made a vibration and kept slamming.
"There it is!" Spike shouted pointing in it's direction and they saw it was coming for them again.

"April, give me the satchel!" Spike shouted taking it from her, he opened the case and it was full of salt.
"Salt?" April asked confused.
" Salt is like acid to worms, it'll burn it's skin up badly" Spike explained.
"Yeah but.. salt?" April asked confused again. The monster kept coming for them and Spike tossed them out and repeatedly punched them with his mutant arm again and again.

"Give me back my friend!!" Spike said with fury repeatedly punching the salt with Donnie who wacked them with his staff.
"Donnie, use the spare cup!" Spike ordered, Donnie took out a spare salt cup and slammed it to the ground, April took out her fan and kept on waving it up and down making the salt fly onto it like wind. The monster was about to reach them until it weakly fell onto the ground.
"It worked!" Spike said in victory, they heard it's stomach grumble and Spike quickly jumped out of the way as it vomited over Donnie and April pushing them back to the tunnel.

"Gross!" Spike said in disgust as he help April up.
"Does anyone have any hand sanitizer?" Donnie asked disgusted.
"No, but we're all gonna need showers from this that's for sure." Spike replied, April gasped and saw Casey was alive.
"Casey!" April said with relief as he was getting up.
"Your alive!!" Spike said in relief giving him a hug.
"Thanks guys.. i owe you one big time.." Casey said gratefully before Donnie gasped seeing something.

"I hate to break up the reunion, but we have big, huge, giant problems!!" Donnie shouted in fear pointing somewhere, the three of them gasped in shock as they saw a ginormous worm that was bigger then the last ones they saw.
"Holy Celestia..." Spike said in horror looking at it.
"Now that's a big.. worm.." Casey said horrified as it made a loud roar.

Karai and the other mutants were chasing after the turtles, Tiger claw landed down and sniffed them out.
"I smell the reptiles." He said menacingly while they kept running.
"If they escape, Shredder will have all your hides." Karai warned flipping onto a higher ledge again.
"And what about yours Karai?" Rahzar asked her as they went off.

Splinter was breathing heavily with Leo and the others looking over him.
"I need to rest, must get the poison.. out of my system.." Splinter said weakly.
"Just drink some water sensei." Mikey said handing him a water bottle which he took.
"Must.. meditate.." Splinter said trying to concentrate.

"Let him rest, we'll keep a look out for those goons." Raph said turning around, but he heard a gun power up and gasped when he saw Tiger claw and the other mutants had arrived on the scene.
"Heh heh.. found em.." Mikey said nervously.
"Attack!" Tiger claw ordered.

All of them screamed in rage charging at eachother, Leo engaged with Karai once more and he was deflecting her blade attacks and blocked one from Tiger claw. Fishface took out a new weapon and started fighting Raph.
"Fancy new weapon there Fishface, let's see you use it." Raph teased.
"I'm going to chop you up into tiny chunks, and feed you to my piranha!" Fishface said menacingly and proceeded to swing it around. Mikey landed on the ground and was dodging attacks from Rahzar.

"Too slow Rahzar!" Mikey shouted, he proceeded to doge more sharp nails from him while Leo kept fighting Tiger claw. and Karai, Leo kicked her back and clashed with Tiger claw again.
"Your skills are nothing compared to me! You are still just a cub." Tiger claw said with rage, he pinned Leo's sword to the wall and sliced it apart with his claws, but Leo used the small pieces he still had and slashed at him which had him growl in rage.

Spike and the others snuck into the lab again and saw the Kraang still trying to pull the worm into the place.
"If they bring that worm here, it'll cause earthquakes even worse then now! We gotta find a way to stop them!" Spike said worried.
"And i got a plan, i will reverse the polarity of the portal and keep that thing from getting in, you three create a diversion." Donnie told them.
"Got it, i have a few ideas, ready for this Casey?" Spike asked turning to him.
"You know it! let's go!" Casey shouted running out with Spike following behind.

The worm monster roared again with the droids trying to pull it inside.
"Yo! Alien freak job!" Casey announced with Spike shaking his rear.
"Come and get us you losers!" Spike teased drawing his plasma blade.
"It is the human and dragon!" A droid said drawing it's gun, The three of them took cover as the blasters flew over them.
"I hope you two have a better plan then getting shot at guys!" April said annoyed.
"Watch and learn!" Spike said as he screamed in rage charging at the bots, Donnie climbed up from a nearby wall and watched Spike tear through them with his sword and arm.

Raph and the others were still fighting the foot as Splinter had just finished recovering, he opened his eyes showing he's fully done. Tiger claw was about to slash at Leo until Splinter went in and caught his arm. He twisted it harshly and slammed him to the ground.
"Now it is time to end this!" Splinter said seriously.
"Sensei!" Mikey said relieved with the others hugging him, Karai and the others drew they're weapons and looked mad.
"Are you ready my sons?" Splinter asked them.
"Yeah" They all shouted with anger.

Casey put a puck on the ground and hit it to another bot.
"Eat it alien scum!" Casey shouted in rage, Spike grabbed Casey's stick and he twirled Spike around like a spiral, Spike screamed with rage as he went flying into the air, he charged up his mutant arm again and slammed on the ground which shook all of them off balance, Spike slid under a bot and sliced it apart, he then flipped over some more gunfire and ripped ones head off, he took out some ninja stars and threw them right into some more heads.

"This is for the earthquakes!" Spike said furious as he slashed another to pieces, he grabbed another's arm and twisted it and threw him over to Casey who whacked it with his stick.
"This is so cool! Whoo!" Casey said in joy as he and Spike fought them off. Donnie went over to the portal and opened the hatch, but he saw it was a complicated mess.
"Oh.. what the?" Donnie asked frustrated.

"Kraang, unleash another Kraathatrogon." A droid ordered, a robot weakly crawled up to a console and pressed a button, this freed another worm and Spike looked at it with a smug.
"Let's go for a ride!" Spike shouted lunging towards it.

Leo was still fighting off Karai and was trying to push her back.
"Karai, i don't wanna fight you anymore, i'm not your enemy!" Leo said weakly, they both gasped as the ground started to shake violently and this knocked them all off balance again, Karai was too close to a ledge however and tripped off it.
"Karai!" Leo said in horror as he heard her screams.
"No!" Splinter said horrified, he tried to save her but was stopped by Tiger claw who slammed on his tail.
"Your not going anywhere." He said menacingly.

The worm monster was slamming itself around as Spike landed on top of it.
"Let's have some fun big guy!" Spike shouted grabbing his tentacles, the monster was slamming itself around the ground which made Spike cheer in joy.
"Let's go!" Spike shouted while the others watched, Spike had the worm land down and he held his hand out.
"Come on guys, let's go!" Spike told them, they looked at eachother for a moment before jumping on.
"You are awesome Spike!" Casey said amazed, the worm roared again and it started flying to the ceiling.
"Yee haw!!" Spike said amazed.

Splinter was punned to the ground with Tiger claw holding out his sword.
"You are mine now Yoshi- San! Ah! Who dares?!" Tiger claw asked furious as a rock hit him, Leo screamed in rage and he delivered a strong kick to him and knocked him down. Leo went to check on Splinter and he saw Karai on another area.
"Not to shabby.." Splinter said weakly, the ground suddenly came apart and they saw Spike and the others on the large worm.

"What's up guys?!" Spike shouted in joy, he handed April the antenna and leapt on over to the roof.
"What'd i miss?" Spike asked casually.
"Spike!!" They all said in relief running up to him, they gave him a hug which made him laugh a little.
"Don't worry guys, i ain't going anywhere." Spike assured. His senses went off and he saw Tiger claw fly into the air and rolled out of a sword slice from him.

"So it is true, you are a real dragon!" Tiger claw said pulling his sword out to him, Spike pulled out his plasma whip and got in a fighting pose.
"Nice to meet you too, but sorry to cut this short, but i gotta go!" Spike shouted as he wrapped his whip around him, Tiger claw tried to break free but Splinter finished him off by delivering some more moves on his body, Spike pulled the whip and threw him right to the worm, Tiger claw screamed as he went flying into it's mouth and was eaten.

Donnie was trying to reverse the portal fast as the monster was almost through.
"Gotta reverse the polarity. " Donnie said as he grabbed some wires, the portal powered on and it made the monster give a loud burp.
"Work! why won't you work?" Donnie asked trying to figure it out, he finally found the right way, and the portal finally started sucking the worm back in.
"Yes! I did it!"

Donnie said in victory. The portal started to suck everything in the room inside the portal and Donnie wrapped the wires around him to not be pulled in, the worm April and Casey was riding on began being sucked down into the room again, April and Casey screamed as they went flying off the worm and was almost sucked in, Donnie held out his staff to save them, Casey grabbed the staff and April hung by his leg, Donnie looked back at the console and ripped out the wires causing all of them to fall down as the portal shut down finally.

April groaned weakly as she looked over to Casey, he gave her a thumbs up and they weakly got up.
"You did it Donnie, you saved the city!" April said giving him a hug.
"I'm gonna take back everything i said about you Donnie, you rule!" Casey complimented, and the two gave eachother a fist bump in response.

We cut to a shot where Spike and the others were looking over the view of the city at sunrise.
"So the earthquakes were caused by giant worms that lived under the sewers? That sounds worse then giant Cockroaches!" Raph said disgusted.
"It was quite the experience, that's for sure." Spike said in relief. Spike looked over to Splinter and he and Leo saw him looking down sadly.

"You did it sensei." Leo said as they looked down and saw the police sealing the hole off and there were dozens of people around it.
"With my brave sons, yes, we all did it." Splinter said gladly as the others walked up to them.
"We'll find a way to convince Karai one day Splinter, she just needs to trust us." Spike said sadly as they started walking off.
"I can't believe that evil witch is your daughter.. uh sorry to be honest.." April said nervously, Karai was hiding behind a billboard and was hearing everything.
"Perhaps one day she will believe the truth." Splinter said while she was thinking over this.

"But for now, we celebrate!" Splinter announced.
"Yeah!" They all said in victory.
"And with all those canisters we got, we could finally find a retro mutagen, it's gonna take some time, but i swear we'll find it." Spike said determined.
"Yeah that's for sure." Donnie replied with a smile.

"So where do you guys think that Kraang worm went anyway?" Mikey asked as they walked off.
"My guess, it went to another world with different versions of us in it." Spike suggested.

"Speaking of different versions.. wasn't it weird seeing those other versions of you Spike? We only saw three different versions, and one was literally a Kaiju." Raph said curious.
"I like to call it Spikezilla!" Mikey said dramatically and that made Spike laugh.
"Yeah, it was really weird, makes me wonder how many more versions of me there are." Spike said with interest.
"Yeah.. but how many?" April asked curious while all of them thought about this...

We cut back to the cartoon world that they all saw previously, the cartoon version of Spike and the others were on a rooftop eating some pizza enjoying the life, they suddenly saw a large flash and saw a huge worm appear out of nowhere, it roared in rage and started to attack the citizens.
"Hey, do you guys see that?" 87 Leo said pointing at it.
"Whoa dudes.. a giant freaky worm! Totally mondo bizarro!" 87 Mikey said shock.
"I bet that pesky Shredder and Kraang are behind this!" 87 Donnie accused as they watched it attack the people

"You know what that means right Leonardo and Spike?" 87 Raph asked them
"Looks like it could use a beating!" 87 Spike said sharpening his wolf claws.
"Absolutely, we take down the creepy crawler, and then we order pizza!" 87 Leo said drawing his weapons.
"Yes! Turtle power!" 87 Donnie said eagerly.
"Let's go!!" 87 Spike said as they all jumped off the roof.
"Cowabunga!" They all shouted as an iconic theme song played..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this, i decided it would be best for Spike to be a wolf like mutant in the 87 dimension as i think that suites him the best. Some might be confused about the different people names that were at the beginning, but to let you all know, Leo was recast during this episodes recording as Jason Biggs was let go after making some pretty bold comments that caused a lot of drama with Nick, i personally thought Dominic did great as Leo for the rest of season 2, and wouldn't mind if he played him for the rest of the show.

Here's a video link that goes more in depth on what happened, it happens at the beginning so check it out if your interested

Don't worry about Metalhead Rewired, i'm gonna work on it soon since i know it's not filler, i just wanted to get this one done first as this was gonna be huge, i think putting 2 part episodes is a tough but fun task as it helps entertain my time. I will get to it soon, but please don't ask me when, i'll do it when i can okay? This chapter is even longer then the finale of season 1 so it took quite a while to make, but none the less, i hope you all had fun with this chapter and look forward to more!

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