• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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19: Baxter's Gambit

We open to another night in New York, Spike and the others were on a stakeout to find out what the Kraang are trying to steal, they heard that they were trying to steal a weapon of sorts, and they weren't about to let that happen. Spike and the others were on a rooftop and they saw the droids with the weapon.

"There they are.." Spike said as he was on the rooftop watching over.
"Whoa! That's a sub spatial endoparticle disrupter!" Donnie said in surprise as he saw them with it.
"What?" Spike asked confused.
"Gonna have to explain if that's "oh no" or" yay"" Leo added.

"In the hands of the Kraang, it's a definite" Oh no" Donnie answered.
"Why? What does it do?" Mikey asked confused.
"The disrupter can de-synchronize subatomic resonances. Which invert polymolecular structures causing them to implode." Donnie explained.
"Basically that thing blows up anything it fires at." Spike said bluntly.
"Yep." Donnie said in agreement.

On the other rooftop, Dogpound and the others were watching over with Stockman
"With that endoparticle disrupter in our hands, we'll be unstoppable! All right man, move on my signal" Stockman said as Dogpound marched above him.
"Your signal?!" Dogpound asked in rage.

"Please! Don't hurt me!" Stockman begged holding his hands together.
"You do what we say, and you thank us for letting you live. Got it Stinkman?!" Dogpound threatened and he threw him to the ground.
"Stockman, it's Stockman." He said frustrated before Xever kicked him over.

"What was that?!" Fishface asked in anger.
"Nothing!... thank you for letting me live." Stockman said in fear.
"Screw this up, i'll finish you myself , remember that!" Fishface warned as he walked off.
"Just you wait freaks." Stockman said in anger and he gripped his hand.

"Okay guys get in position." Leo instructed as the two groups were ready to go.
" On my mark." Dogpound instructed as well.
"Ready? set.." Leo and Dogpound said at once.
"Let's just do this!/ Enough talk!" Raph and Fishface said as well.

Spike and the others flipped off the ledge and landed on the ground perfectly, and the same was for Dogpound and his men and Raph saw them.
"Kraang, and Fishface, and Dogpound? I must be dreaming, someone pinch me." Raph said as he was ready to fight, Spike and Mikey did so and pinched him and Raph hit Mikey's head.
"Ow! you said!" Mikey said in defense.
"Let's Get them!" Spike shouted as he drew his sword.

All of them charged at eachother in anger as they proceeded to fight eachother, Spike sliced down a few Kraang droids first, he flipped over some laser fire and threw a knife at one of the robots heads, he was then surrounded by more foot soldiers, and he did a smart trick and placed his sword on the ground and flipped off of it into the air and the soldiers ran into eachother after Spike jumped. Leo and Dogpound were fighting over the weapon while the others kept on fighting.

Raph was fighting Fishface again and he slid under his body and ran up a wall and flipped off and delivered a roundhouse kick to Fishface. Stockman was watching from the rooftop and nearly avoided a laser blast, Spike yelled in anger and he tore the robot apart in anger.
"That's for Leatherhead!!" Spike said in rage as he threw the brain into a window and a woman scream can be heard followed by hard whacking.

Mikey was fighting off the Kraang droids until he noticed one of them grabbed the weapon and charged it. Mikey screamed as Raph pushed him out of the way and it hit a car and the thing was destroyed.
"Whoa, Donnie, you totally called it bro." Mikey said amazed while Donnie smiled at that. The droids got into the van and closed the back door and started to drive off.
"Guys, we gotta move!" Leo shouted to the others, Raph and Fishface were still fighting but Leo stopped them.

"Raph, now!" Leo ordered, Raph growled in anger and backed off.
"Yes, run along now boy." Fishface said before a trashcan hit him hard and sent him flying into the streets, Spike was brushing off his hands as he joined up the others." Best take a shower when you get home Fishface!" Spike insulted as he and the others escaped, but Stockman was still on the roof.
"Hello? Anyone? I'm kind of stuck up here.." Stockman said nervously as he couldn't escape.

Spike and the others retreated back to the lair to rest and were doing more training, this time, Spike and the others were tasked with using their senses to watch for Splinter's attack. Spike had his eyes closed and was trying to use his advanced ability's to help him out. Donnie knew Splinter was behind him and tried to escape, but he failed.
"Aw man!" Donnie said disappointed. Mikey was waiting in dread as Splinter raised his wooden sword over him, he asked when he was going to but was hit as well. Next was Raph who failed to do so as well.

Spike was next and he kept his eyes closed as he sensed when he was going to attack, Splinter raised his sword and Spike's eyes opened in a serious expression and he rolled out of the way just in time.
"Yes!" Spike said in victory.
"Lucky." Mikey said jealous. Next up was Leo, and he was waiting for the right moment, Splinter raised his sword and that's when Leo got the message, he threw down his sword but Leo was able to flip out of the way next to Spike.
"Yes!" Leo said in victory as well and he and Spike high fived eachother.

"What is the point of this anyway?" Raph asked confused.
"Evading a sword you cannot see demonstrates an ability to sense your enemy's intention, Spike's senses have been improving since he and i have been practicing, if he can do it, you can as well." Splinter explained.

"I already know my enemy's intentions sensei, to take me down." Raph said a little annoyed.
"Knowing that your enemy will strike is a given. But sensing when he can strike gives a difference between victory and defeat." Splinter explained some more.
"Hai sensei." Raph said with respect as they all bowed and they walked away, Spike knew his senses were most likely enhanced because of his ability's and he wonders if he'll unlock them more in the future..

"We had the alien technology in our grasp master" Dogpound explained as he and the others were in Shredder's lair again.
"Unfortunately, Stockman's plan was flawed." Fishface finished as Shredder walked up to him.
"Is this true?" Shredder asked threateningly.

"Well um.. yes.. they're right it was my fault. I'm sorry, and i'd like to make amends, that is if you allow me. You see i've developed a trap for the turtles, a full proof trap, but i need my good friends here to lure them into it." Stockman begged while they looked confused.
"Very well. Consider those two at your disposal." Shredder said as he started to walk away and Stockman grinned as he had a plan for them as well..

Spike and the others were travelling across the rooftops of the city once again trying to find something, soon they eventually stopped to group up.
"I got eyes one one giant dog and one giant fish. 6:00" Donnie said looking over a ledge.
"Where?! aw man.. it's just Fishface and Dogpound." Mikey said disappointed as they looked to be waiting for something.

"What are they doing out in the open like this? I think we should proceed with caution guys." Leo warned them.
"Yeah, this could be a.." Spike said before the others were already gone." Trap.." Spike said as he slapped his face frustrated and they heard fighting sounds below.
"Oh man." Leo said annoyed as he and Spike headed down as well.

Donnie and Mikey were taking on Dogpound while Raph engaged with Fishface again, Leo joined in against Dogpound and Spike joined with Raph.
"Where were we? Oh yeah, i was turning you into fish stick!" Raph said twirling his weapons around.
"Actually i believe i was turning you into turtle soup." Fishface countered. Spike went under a leg spin and delivered a strong uppercut to him and Raph slammed him to the ground and Dogpound was knocked down too.
"Stay, good dog." Leo said holding his weapons at Dogpound, he growled in anger and knocked him back and they proceeded to run off.

"Look, we got em on the run!" Mikey said pointing at them.
"Oh they aren't getting off that easy." Raph said with anger and he ran after them.
"Raph wait, somethings not right." Leo warned.
"Yeah, you talking while they're getting away!" Raph countered and the others followed him as well.

"This way!" Raph shouted as they ran into another warehouse and looked around.
"Alright.. you got us." Dogpound said with a smug as he and Fishface came out.
"This is way too easy." Leo said suspicious.
"This is not right." Spike said keeping his guard up.
"Why are you two always worried?" Raph asked frustrated.

the question was answered when a laser formed around all of them and they went into a black and white lined room, almost like an illusion .
"Oh i see." Raph said in surprise.
"Careful guys, this may be a trap." Mikey said while they were on they're guard.

"Welcome contestants, i'm so glad you could join us tonight!" Stockman said over a microphone.
"Blister stockboy?" Leo asked confused and Spike chuckled at the constant name calling.
"It's Baxter Stockman, i'm your arch nemesis!" Stockman said in anger
"I can totally think of 5 nemesis's better then him. " Mikey joked.

"You'll be playing for the ultimate prize- your lives! In the all new family friendly, incredibly deadly, Maze of Doom!" Stockman announced and they all sighed. Rockets suddenly launched from above at them and they all screamed as they tried to avoid them, even Dogpound and Fishface were being attacked by them much to their anger.

"You fool! What are you doing?!" Fishface asked in anger.
"I'm sick of you freaks! You treat me like dirt, threaten me, well Baxter Stockman doesn't make threats" He said while he pressed some more buttons.
"Have you gone mad?!" Fishface asked in anger.
"Mad?! I'm full on mega crazy!" Stockman said while he laughed evilly.

"You traitor!" Dogpound said with anger.
"Even if you make it through my maze alive, you'll still have to face my monster of.." Stockman said menacingly.
"Doom? It's always doom with other villains back in my home." Spike said uninterested.
"No! It's uh.. monster of uh.. oh the heck with it!" Stockman said as he pressed a button, a trap door beneath them opened and they all screamed as they fell down.

They continued to scream until they fell onto a black and white checkerboard like floor and groaned in pain.
"Illusion mazes, here we go again.." Spike said annoyed while he got up.
"Where in the?" Raph asked as he saw Dogpound and Fishface fall on the ground too.

"Where were we?!" Dogpound asked as he charged at them.
"Total turtle takedown!" Fishface said while he charged at them too.

Spike engaged with Dogpound again and dodged another strike from his fist, Spike jumped in the air and kicked him in the face really hard, and he drew his sword again.
"What did you do to my sword?" Dogpound asked in anger as he tried attacking him more.
"Gave it a little upgrade for extra beatings!" Spike answered before he used his mutant arm again and punched him in the face and knocked him into a wall.

Suddenly some laser axes appeared on one side of the hall.
"What is?" Leo asked confused until he saw another pair on the other side." Uh oh, this can't be good." Leo said in fear as he saw some more above them.

A laser axe appeared above Raph and Fishface.
Watch out!" Raph shouted as he pushed him out of the way just in time.
"I saved you, why? Calamari boy?" Raph asked confused.
"Everyone, i think we should take a fight rain check." Leo said to the others.
"Never! We do this now!" Dogpound said as he tried to attack Spike some more, a laser axe appeared above him and Dogpound had a look of shock as it almost hit him, Spike jumped in the air and sliced the machine in half making the thing barely miss him but it only cut off one of his shoulder blades.

"Your welcome." Spike said getting back on the ground.
"If we keep fighting, we are never gonna get out of here alive." Leo said as they all backed up to eachother.
"The exit, there!" Donnie shouted as there was a light up ahead.
"Follow me!" Dogpound shouted charging through the course and the others followed him.

All of them proceeded to dodge through the laser axes that kept on swinging around the area, Spike flipped over a few and then slid under another one.
"Leo, you don't think we can trust them do you?" Raph asked concerned.
"It's our only option." Leo answered as they dodged another swing.

"Well what do we do when they turn on us? Because they will turn on us" Raph said again.
"We'll just have to keep our guards up, come on!" Spike shouted as he slid under another axe again.

Spike and the others made it through the laser axe hall while the others were keeping they're guards up.
"I have my eyes on you, turtles and dragon." Fishface warned, they soon came into another black and white room all around them.
"Fresh air, coming from that way." Dogpound said pointing at a wall.

"Must be through the wall" Spike said as he walked forward.
"What makes you think that?" Dogpound asked confused.
"I've seen this illusion maze trick before, there's always a way through them even if we don't realize it." Spike said while he looked around.
"Clever, but what makes you think you'll find it." Dogpound said with a smirk.
"Because i've had experience." Spike answered.

They suddenly heard noises and looked up and a few floating orbs came through a hole.
"Balls! of doom.." Leo said looking at them.
"What are those?" Dogpound asked confused, they suddenly created red saws from them.
"Not good! let's move it" Leo shouted as they flew to them.
"Me first!" Fishface shouted as they dodged some.
"Doom balls, run!" Leo shouted as they proceeded to avoid them.

Leo and the others were trying to dodge the Doom balls as they kept flying at them, Spike took out his sword and saved Dogpound from a few that almost hit him and he looked impressed.
"I must admit, for a child, your pretty decent with that sword." Dogpound said impressed.
"Gotta handle my weapons with care and respect right?" Spike asked as he blew a fire blast at one of them again.
"Whatever way you put it." Dogpound replied as they kept dodging some more, they were almost at the door and Spike threw some shuriken's at the metal balls and made them explode just before they hit them again.

They were now in another hall that looked like the same.
"Wait, we've been here before!" Dogpound said in realization.
"He's right, we've been going in circles!" Donnie said as he looked at the floor.

"Donnie are you sure.." Raph said before a wall slammed next to them.
"What? Hey!!" Raph shouted in anger while he pounded at the wall.
"Time to split you boys up." Stockman said over the mic again.
"You are so gonna get it when we're out of here Stockman!" Spike said with rage.
"Well, looks like it's just you, the dragon, and me." Fishface told them.

"Your wasting your time Leonardo, those walls are magnetically sealed." Stockman said with an evil laugh while Donnie looked at his phone.
"I tried that already Donnie, there's no signal." Leo told him.
"I know, i'm reconfiguring the T-phones internal magnet so that it can detect ambient a-c current." Donnie explained while some images were on the phone.
"We can use it to trace it back to Baxter." Donnie said holding it out.

"You two, keep stinkman talking." Leo said to Mikey and Dogpound.
"No problemo, hey Baxton!" Mikey shouted to the ceiling.
"It's Baxter!" He said annoyed while they started walking.
"So i was wondering, what made you so interested in a career of super villainy?" Mikey asked curious.
"Well, since you won't be around to read my autobiography, i'll tell you." Stockman said before he began.

"I was a frail and delicately sensitive young child.." Stockman said while Mikey groaned annoyed.
"Well there's a surprise.." Dogpound said sarcastic.
"That's when i decided to develop my greatest power, my technological genius." Stockman said while they kept walking.
"Oh good grief!" Mikey said annoyed while they kept moving.

April was in the dojo with Splinter trying to find a weapon suitable for her.
"Remember, keep your movement fluid." Splinter instructed while she twirled a chain. She kept twirling it until she accidently let go of it and it hit a photo.
"Oh, Master Splinter i am so sorry!" She apologized before she looked at it and gave it to Splinter.

"Who are they?" April asked curious.
"That is me, my wife, and daughter.. before Shredder.." Splinter said with sadness as he looked at it.
"The baby, she was beautiful.." April said with regret.
"Yes, Miwa would have been about your age now. I would like to have thanked she would have turned out as well as you child." Splinter said as he looked at her.
"Which reminds me, wait here." Splinter said while he walked into his room to get something.

Spike, Raph and Fishface were walking through the long tunnel again.
"This is getting annoying." Spike said while they kept going.
"Yep, the worlds longest tunnel of doom." Raph said sarcastic before a door appeared in the hall.
"What?!" Fishface asked in shock.
"We're trapped!" Spike said in shock, the wall started to move like a fan and it began to move them to it.

Spike used his sword and latched onto the ground while Fishface used his special legs, but Raph was struggling. Raph screamed in terror as he started to get sucked to it.
"Oh no you don't!" Spike said with anger while he and Fishface went to save him, Spike grabbed Raph's leg as well as Fishface right before he was grinded. Spike jumped off the ground an punched one of the tiles with his arm and they all went falling down into it.

"Well that makes us even huh fish sticks?" Raph asked him.
"jokes, now? Really Raph?" Spike asked annoyed while he got up.
"You'd think i'd let Baxter do away with you? That is a pleasure i reserved for myself." Fishface said smugly while they started walking.

"And then i built a science fair volcano, but with actual molten lava, burnt down the whole gymnasium" Stockman said with another laugh.
"I was expelled, and i vowed revenge against those who wronged me." Stockman finished while Mikey was really bored.
"You poor, poor man.." Mikey said really tired.

A turret suddenly rose from the ground and shocked all of them, it fired a deadly laser which all of them barely dodged. Leo made a battle cry and sliced it apart, only for even more turrets to rise from the black tiles in front of them and then the place started to rotate. All of them screamed while they tried dodging more laser fire.
The place continued to rotate while Leo and the others used their weapons to destroy each of them.

Spike, Raph and Fishface were still walking through the dark hall by themselves.
"Tell me Xever, what's a nice fish like you working with a guy like Shredder?" Raph asked curious.
"Yeah, what's your story?" Spike asked curious as well and he sighed.

"In many ways, it's all i've never known." Xever said as we cut to a memory of him as a child.
"At a young age, i learned a very simple rule, you want something? You take it. I was the best thief, until one day, my luck ran out." Xever explained as we see him being caught by officers and thrown into prison.
"They would have left me to rot there. Fortunately, the owner of that briefcase found my skills useful." Xever said as we see him meeting the Shredder.

"Shredder." Spike and Raph said at once.
"Yes, and he employed me to do some of the foot's dirtier jobs." Xever finished as we cut back to real time.

"Most recently, the destruction of you, your brothers and sensei, the capture of the dragon is all he's been wanting for now." Xever finished looking at them.
"If he wants me, he'll have to break my spirit to get me." Spike said drawing his sword.

"So, you do all this because you owe shredder?" Raph asked curious.
"Eh, mostly like having a job where i get to crack skulls everyday." Xever said bluntly.
"Well, if cracking alien robot heads is considered a job, then that's one of the best ones there is right now." Spike said with a smug and Xever chuckled.
"Yes, we are a kind, the three of us." Xever told them again.
"Well maybe, but we're still going to kick your butt when this is over." Raph countered.

Leo and the others were breathing heavily as they took down the last of the turrets, another turret came up and Leo sliced it up again and Dogpound growled.
"Skunkman! I know your in here somewhere!" Dogpound shouted with rage, and luckily Spike and the other two could hear it. Xever placed his hands on a wall and heard something.
"Hey, it's coming from the next room!" Xever told them.
"Leave it to me!" Spike said as he punched the wall down and they all saw Leo and the others again.

"You two enjoy your play date?" Leo asked with a tease.
"Ha, very funny." Raph said sarcastic.
"It was.. interesting to say the least." Spike replied looking at Xever.

"A strong ambient a-c current is coming beneath this cannon." Donnie said looking at another, Dogpound came in and ripped it out which caused all of them to fall again. And luckily, they ended up back in the real place again.
"Finally!" Spike said in relief, suddenly, a red light appeared above all of them.

"No! You were supposed to destroy eachother not work together!" Stockman said frustrated as he was on the machine.
"No matter, you may have made it to the end of my maze, but now it's time for.." Stockman said before Mikey finished.
"The bonus round?" Mikey asked excited.

"Yes, the bonus round of doom!" Stockman announced to all of them, a giant mech appeared in front of them with Stockman on it.
"Meet the awesome power of my monster!" Stockman said as a giant mech was above them.
"Of doom" They all finished with annoyance.

"You all think your so clever, let's see how clever you are when your hit by my missiles of d.. when your hit by my missiles!" Stockman shouted as the mech fired a few missiles at them. They all screamed as they were being chased by them, Spike slid under one and made it explode against a wall, and he sliced another one in half with his sword making the two pieces explode behind him. All of them were avoiding gunfire from the mech before it sent out more Mousers.

"These punks, again?!" Spike asked frustrated as he ripped one of they're jaws open in anger. Spike charged at the mech, which extended it's eyes and fired more lasers at him, Spike flipped over the lasers again and ran across the wires, he sliced on of them off before he screamed in anger and stabbed the screen Stockman was on. The machine clutched itself for a moment, before it sent a strong red shockwave across the room and knocked them all down before they got back up again.

"How do we stop this thing?" Dogpound asked Leo,, he looked over and saw Stockman on the floating pad and got an idea.
"Mikey, Dogpound, draw it under Baxter" Leo instructed and they charged straight to him, they went directly under him but he flew into the air.
"Haha, you'll have to be faster then that." Stockman said evilly, Mikey and Dogpound then looked at the mech.
"Yoo-hoo, monster of doom! We're over here!" Mikey said waving his fingers around, the mech saw them and charged right under the pad.

"Raph, Spike, Fishface, there!" Leo said pointing at the pad, the three of them looked at eachother and nodded, Spike climbed on Raph's back and Fishface charged at the mech, he slid on the ground and Raph jumped on the legs and he launched the both of them in the air. Spike and Raph screamed with anger as Raph tore through the pod and Spike sliced it in half.
"No! Stop helping eachother!" He said annoyed before the pod came down onto the mech and destroyed it completely.
"Where's dexter?" Mikey asked worried as he was gone.

"Fools! You haven't seen the last of Dexter.. Baxter Stockman!" He shouted as they saw him take off with a helicopter helmet and he flew out.
"He's gonna pay the next time i see him." Spike said with anger.

April was still waiting in the dojo for Splinter, he soon came out of his room and she walked up to him.
"I had intended to one day pass this on to my daughter, but i would like you to have it." Splinter explained as he showed her a metal fan with a nice design on it.
"It's beautiful.." April said completely amazed.
"Yes, and.." Splinter said as he threw the fan to the tree and made a good cut.
"I think we found my weapon." April said proudly.

Spike opened the door and all of them started to leave, and all of them were exhausted.
"The truce.. is over.." Fishface said exhausted .
"Let's finish.. this.." Dogpound said weakly and they all drew they're weapons again.
"Ah forget it.. next time.." Dogpound said as he and Fishface started to leave, and Spike and the others left as well.

"You know, Raph, Spike, you three made a pretty good team back there." Mikey said impressed.
"It was only temporary Mikey, they're still the enemy, and we always should be on guard." Spike explained, Fishface held out another one of the orbs from before and Spike and Raph stopped, he threw one of the Balls of doom at Leo but Spike sliced it in half with his sword.
"Trust your senses, you'll see him coming." Raph finished looking back at them.
"Never let your guard down." Spike finished as they all started to head home again..

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