• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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54: The Noxious Avenger

We cut to a shot where a man in a dumpster truck was going up to some trash for his job, the camera pans upwards and into an old Kraang lab where Bebop and Rocksteady had just entered.

"Careful comrade Bebop, when Kraang have abandoned a lab, they may have left, the boobish traps." Rocksteady warned.
"That's booby trap G.." Bebop corrected before he saw a red laser aiming right at him, he looked above and saw a security drone and it fired at them both, Rocksteady blocked it with his tough back and threw a sickle at the system and destroyed it.
"Hey.. we should be running the foot, and instead are stuck on Stockman's grocery list." Bebop said annoyed crossing his arms.
"Is not grocery list, is chemicals to make ultimate mind control serum for snake girl and Karai and snake dragon Spike. Hmm.. Reagent X, 10 gallons of maple syrup, 500 packets of white sugar.. wait.. it is grocery list!! DAh! You are right, we should be ones to give orders, not to take!" Rocksteady said crushing the paper and they both began to leave.

The garbage man opened the doors to get to work.
"It's a dangerous job i'll tell you that.. i like keeping my city clean. Beats working in the sewers though, to many freaks down there.." The man said looking around before he heard a snake hiss above him and saw some shadows move above him.
"Whoa! Speak of the devil!" The man said in surprise.

Bebop opened a hatch where more mutagen and another chemical could be seen.
"Boom, Reagent X Steranko, ooh snap! Mutagen son!" Bebop said excitedly grabbing it.
"Quiet, something is in the alley." Rocksteady warned as he looked down and saw the man doing his job.
"Aw.. it is only garbage boy.." Rocksteady said right before Leo came crashing in and kicked him in the face, Spike jumped in too and coiled around his arm and twisted it making him scream in pain before he threw him to Bebop.
"What the what?! How'd you find us?!" Bebop asked in shock before he started doing dance moves and fired lasers at them from his chest belt.

"By staking out on Shredder's lair for 15 hours straight without so much as taking a bathroom break!" Donnie shouted as Spike whipped Bebop in the face with his tail making another hiss.
"That and your driving a van with a Bebop and Rocksteady sign on it." Mikey added.
"You gave them that name Mikey!" Spike shouted before they all proceeded to fight them again. The man could see laser fire from above wondering what was going on.
"What in the?" The man asked confused seeing the laser fire.

Mikey made a battle cry and hit Bebop in the face which made him mad.
"Eat mutagen!" Bebop shouted as he threw the canister at him.
"Not the face!" Mikey shouted putting his head in the shell making it fly out of the window, the man was going to check out what the trouble was right before he saw the mutagen fall right on him and he screamed in great pain and fell into the dumpster full of trash and he screamed even more...

Spike and Leo were jumping over more of Bebops lasers while the others fought Rocksteady, Mikey tried attacking from the air but Donnie came flying right into him.
"We're getting our shells waxed.." Donnie said weakly.
"What brings you freaks here anyway? Dexter fly faces grocery list?" Raph mocked which made Rocksteady more furious.
"Is not grocery list!" Rocksteady said with rage, Spike saw the note on the ground and looked at it.

"Aside from one chemical, it's totally a grocery list!" Spike joked before he threw it away and went to fight again.
"Wow, Shredder doesn't have respect for you does he?" Raph asked mockingly as he and Spike whipped him in the face.
"Run! We cannot return to Shredder with the empty hand!" Rocksteady warned.
"That's my cue to bounce. I'm outie 5000!" Bebop shouted as he kicked Leo out of the way and ran out of the window, Rocksteady roared and charged at Spike and the others.

"Look out!" Donnie shouted in fear, Spike quickly jumped out of the way just as the rest of them were knocked down by Rocksteady's strength.
Ugh Raph, Never mock thousand pound rhino man, okay? Thanks.." Mikey said in pain.
"Ugh.. what chemical were they after?" Spike asked rubbing his head.

The man groaned in pain as he had become a gross monster made of trash, he opened his eyes and saw the world through a green lens and could see Spike and the others heading away.
"Turtle men?" He said right before he made a loud roar of rage as a truck passed by the camera.

Spike and the others went back to the lair where Spike was helping his mom set up a new bed above the stairs.
"You sure you'll be fine sleeping here? There's plenty of room in the dojo or my own room if you want?" Spike offered giving her some extra pillows.
"I'll be fine son, besides i feel like Jaqueline needs a room more then me. Plus i won't mind being on lookout when it's needed." Psiona said smiling at him.
"Well, you know where to find me mom." Spike said as he slithered down to Jaqueline who was sitting near some pizza.
"So you fought Bebop and Rocksteady again?" Jaqueline asked curious as Spike sat down next to her.
"Yeah, they were tough but we learned one thing, Shredder kinda just sends them out for grocery shopping by now.." Spike said chuckling at that.
"Wow, that is so sad.." Jaqueline said laughing at that while Donnie came into the room with some information.

"According to the labs records two things are missing, mutagen.." Donnie said looking at Mikey.
"Which they threw at my head.." Mikey said in pain as he had an ice pack above him.
"Which they threw at Mikey's head, and Reagent X, an ingredient needed to make a mind control serum." Donnie said dramatically.
"So what's the game plan?" Raph asked walking up to him wanting to go.
"Reagent X needs one more chemical solvent in order to work." Donnie explained.
"Let's just hope Bebop and Rocksteady haven't found all of the components yet." Leo prayed with the others looking concerned.
"If Shredder thinks he'll control my son, he's got another thing coming, we still need you to control your powers, we'll start doing that more in a bit okay?" Psiona asked landing down near him.
"Alright, i've been wanting to try and use telekinesis more anyway.." Spike said looking at himself, wondering how it could work..

The mutated man weakly walked through another alley, he was super weak from the mutation and fell to the ground, he groaned as he saw himself through an old mirror, and looked at himself in horror of what he's become and made a loud scream of horror and anger. This caused a windstorm to circle around him as he kept screaming in horror before he finally calmed down and looked at himself.
"I'm.. i'm out here trying to make an honest living, and those turtle men and strange snake turn me into a freak!" He said with anger, he felt something move inside him and saw his own eyeball come out of him and somehow could talk.

"Aha! Look at what you did! Your not a freak, you've got super powers!" The eyeball said making him see what he did with all the trash around the area.
"Ah what do you know? Your just an eyeball.." The man said looking down shamefully.
"I'm not just any eyeball, i'm your eyeball! You can call me Joe! Think of me as your higher self!" Joe said dancing around on his shoulder.
"Higher self? I got enough people looking down on me, i don't need Joe eyeball looking down on me too!" He said annoyed at this.

"Ahh! Help! Help!" A man screamed from another alley which got his attention.
"You want respect? Go out an earn it! We are heroes!" Joe encouraged.
"Looking like this.. forget about it.." He said looking down ashamed before they heard the man scream even more.
"Ahh! Help me!" The man screamed in fear as he was cornered by more Purple dragons.

"That's right, and your cell phone too." The leader said as the man saw the mutant come up to them and he threw the leader away.
"What the heck are you? A mutant?!" The large one asked horrified seeing him.
"We are heroes!" Joe said popping out of his head again.
"Don't get too excited eyeball." He said pushing him back in as rock music played. He grabbed both the members and slammed one into a trash can and striking him rapidly, the other tried hitting him with a bat, which resulted in the mutant slamming on his foot and being punched down like a boxer.
"Yeah!" The man said in victory as the members were both down and were all put in a dumpster.

"Dumping trash is a force of habit, heh heh heh!" The mutant said laughing at his joke until he heard a womans scream.
"Monster!" The woman screamed in fear with him screaming as well before the man came in between them.
"No! The monster just saved me, he's a monster hero!" The man declared pointing at him.

We cut to a shot of a new reported on a camera.
"The Kraang's disappearance was as mysterious as they're arrival. Leaving just who we have to thank for.. keep rolling!" The woman said as she got news on something and they went over to the mutant of trash.
"Uh sir, sir! I hear people are calling you a hero, care to comment? What kind of creature are you? A mutant? A sewer monster? What's your name?" She asked holding up a mic and the words Muckman was shown on the screen with Spike and the others watching.

"Muckman? Joan Grody should've left you in charge of names Mikey." April said looking at him.
"I would've gone with.. the Noxious Avenger!" Mikey said dramatically.
"Eh.. 8/10 in my opinion.." Spike said moving his snake hands around a little.
"We'll workshop it." Jaqueline in said interested with this.

"I bet he's one of Stockmanfly's experiment's that went lose." Donnie suggested.
"I say we find this guy, and assuming we can tell his butt from his face, kick it!" Raph said ready to go.
"What if he's on our side? They said he stopped a mugging." Leo said not liking this.
"He could just be trying to do what he thinks is right." Psiona added.
"What if Shredder wants the Reagent X to control Muckman?" Donnie suggested.
"He could be in trouble, come on guys." Spike said as they all left to find him.

Muckman groaned as he was in an alley alone trying to avoid all of the press.
"What are you sulking about pal? You did a good thing, and people love you for it!" Joe said trying to make him feel better until a newspaper flew in front of him.
"See that?!" He asked pointing at the paper.
"Muckman, city's new hero! Wow, it looks great!" Joe said positively.
"I did not want to be seen as Muckman the freak!" He said clutching his fists before he heard another woman scream.

"There he is!" The woman screamed in joy with a ton of other people behind her.
"You got a glorified fan club!" Joe explained which just made him more afraid and he tried running away.
"Leave me alone!" He shouted as he ran away with Spike and the others watching from a rooftop.
"See that? Only a guilty man runs." Raph said pointing at him.
"Or a scarred one. He might wanna stay out of sight, just like you." April suggested.
"It's rude to make accusations like this Raph, let's just see if we can help him." Spike said as he decided to go.

The mutant used his ability's to slide under a board in order to escape from the people.
"They don't care about me, i'm just a joke! A sideshow they can point to and laugh at.." He said sadly right as Spike and the others arrived.
"Dude are you talking to your eyeball?" Mikey asked a little grossed out.
"Gross, but cool." Spike said impressed at this.

"Turtle men? Snake creature?" He asked in shock.
"Well technically we're turtle teens." Donnie corrected as he put his eye back in.
"It was you.. you did this to me!!" He shouted with pure rage as he stirred up a windstorm and threw garbage at all of them, Spike ducked out of the way with April just as the trash attacked them.
"You made me.. into a freak!" He said with fury as he took a deep breath and released a ton of toxic sludge on the turtles.
"Guys!!" Spike shouted with worry as he tried to help them.

"Don't hurt them, i'm warning you!" April warned drawing her weapon.
"I don't wanna hurt you little girl.." He said in fear backing up.
"We don't wanna hurt you either, but you can't just attack us without hearing our end, we don't even know how you got mutated! " Spike said in defense trying to help him.
"Guys get up, they're gonna see you!" April shouted as they could see people with a camera coming.
"Oh no they're not!" Mikey said as he put down a smoke bomb right as they arrived.
"Hmm.. gotcha!" The woman said with a smug.

We cut back to the lair where Spike and the others were watching the news as the footage of them was caught, Splinter grumbled in anger as they saw the smoke bomb on screen.
"You let yourself be seen?" Psiona asked looking at Spike upset at him.
"We weren't seen fully.." Spike said in defense.
"You should never say that Spike.." Jaqueline said worried as the others were groaning in pain from the toxic sludge they were hit with.

"They saw something.. but they don't know what.." Mikey said weakly, just at that moment, a picture of Mikey running away appeared on screen.
"And that something appears to be 4 human sized mutant turtles!" Joan said on the screen which made Splinter more upset.
"At least she doesn't know Spike is a snake dragon, right?" Psiona asked hopefully.
"And they appear to be acquainted by a tall dragon like snake mutant, and from the scale color, we can assume that this ties into the scale that was recovered a couple years back, scientists believe this is the discovery of a completely new species!" Joan said as they saw Spike's scale from before he was mutated, WAY back from when he met the turtles for the first time which made Psiona growl in response.
"... ****" Spike swore annoyed at this.

"At least she doesn't know you and the others are ninjas.." April prayed as she brought some water for Splinter.
"And they appear to be carrying ninja weapons!" Joan said again which shocked her.
"Or that the turtles are named after artists?" April added.
"Or that Spike's name isn't.. Spike?" Mikey suggested until a photo of of the renaissance artist with they're colored masks appeared on screen somehow.
"Furthermore, they could also be.." Joan said right before April turned off the Tv.
"Ugh, doesn't she ever shut up?!" April asked annoyed.
"What happened to Carlos O Brian? I liked him a lot better." Spike said annoyed as well until Splinter had enough.

"How could you all be so careless?! Secrecy is the most important rule of the ninja, and you have broken it. You 5 are forbidden from leaving the lair!" Splinter said with rage.
"What?! You can't hold that sloppy escape against us! We got slimed with.. Toxic puke!" Raph countered.
"Silence!" Splinter shouted which scarred them all.

"But sensei, if that pile of muck took us down, you know he's dangerous." Donnie pointed out.
"Which means we need to be out there looking for him." Leo added.
"No! Until i decide i can trust you to watch over yourselves, you will remain here. Grounded!" Splinter declared as he walked away and Spike and the others groaned in annoyance.
"Sorry Spike.." Jaqueline said patting his shoulder.

"This couldn't get any worse.." Spike said coiling around himself like a snake would, Mikey weakly crawled over to the Tv to change the channel.
"Aw yeah.. Crognard marathon.." Mikey said right about to change it, until Splinter's staff slammed against it and shattered the screen.
"And no TV!" Splinter shouted from the distance.
"It just did.." Spike said completely defeated by this.

We cut to Stockman's lab as the chemical was being put into the chamber.
"Look at that chump, Baxter Stockhead, i wanna swat him so bad!" Bebop said really upset at him as he took some coffee.
"More chemicals, says lab is defended by Kraang traps. Why we should risk our lives for snake girl?" Rocksteady asked holding out another chart.
"Cause they treat us like suckers, what we need is a sucker, who's more of a sucker then us!" Bebop suggested drinking more coffee, Rocksteady shrugged and turned on the Tv.

"Breaking news.. What other powers does the mysterious Muckman have? Let's hope this monster hero can show us." Joan said as they saw footage of Muckman on it.
"Dah, and we just find him." Rocksteady said seriously.
"Nah bro, lady says hero, that fools not gonna play with us." Bebop pointed out.
"That look in his eyes. Not the look of the hero, is the look of the fear! We find him, and make him get chemical." Rocksteady said with a grin..

Spike and the others were in Donnie's room trying to figure out what to do.
"Muckman's running on more then mutagen. Whatever garbage he's made up off directly affects our mutated DNA." Donnie said concerned holding out a vile.
"Ugh, there's only one cure for Muckman fever.. Crognard.." Mikey said holding out a tape until Splinter slammed open the door looking upset. We cut to him holding out the Tv and all of Mikey's tapes and walking away with Mikey whining about it all.

Donnie took out his T phone to see the news with the others watching too.
"We all hope that Muckman keeps us safe from the monsterous child eating mutant turtles we brought you to an exclusive clip of earlier tonight." Joan said from the phone.
"We can't let Grody mop our rep so hard." Mikey said annoyed at this.
"Forget our reps, what about Bebop and Rocksteady?" Leo suggested.

"And more important, there's something about Muckman, i think he's a good guy." April said as she came in with a newspaper.
"I saw he was afraid, they could use his fear to they're advantage." Spike said with worry.
"Bebop and Rocksteady it is then, let's show Splinter we still got our skills, by sneaking out." Leo said seriously as he had white eyes again.

We cut to the lair after all of them went to bed, Psiona was sleeping in a pile of gold and blankets she made herself on the stairs while Jaqueline was in a sleeping bag in the living room sleeping soundly, Spike and the others quickly went out trying to be quiet.
"Did you not hear what i said..." Splinter said right before he saw them acting normal before deciding to leave. They all tried to go to the exit before Splinter somehow appeared in front of them.
"Oh ooh.. oh whoa! Help!" April said dramatically as she hung from the stairs and almost fell.

"April!" Splinter shouted with worry as he lunged to help her, but her hand was wrapped by Psiona's tail as she had woken up from the noise and was looking down at her.
"What is going on? Waking up a dragon is a bad move April." Psiona said annoyed at this, they looked at the entrance and saw Spike and the others were gone.
"April..." Splinter said annoyed with her.
"Um.. thanks for the save?" April said nervously.

Bebop and Rocksteady were in a alleyway searching for Muckman.
"Must be close." Bebop said as he tried sniffing him out.
"Papers say that Muck person is seen in this neighborhood, even police fear to walk these alleys." Rocksteady said knocking over a trash can. Rocksteady looked over and saw what looked like a plastic eyeball.
"Look at this, who would throw away perfectly good eyeball?" Rocksteady asked before Muckman emerged behind him and knocked him down hard.

"You looking for payback because i messed up your turtles and snake pals? Well not today!" Muckman said as he made the trash fly into the air again and knocked them down.
"You think turtles and snake our on our side? Nyet, we are on your side!" Rocksteady lied trying to fool him.
" Yeah bro we hate em more then moldy cheese.. unless that's your thing being a trash dude i'm just saying." Bebop added pointing at him.

"Did they.. mutate you too?" Muckman asked curious, the two looked at eachother to lie further.
"Dah, it's true/ no doubt!" Bebop and Rocksteady said at once.
"Is there some kind of cure? Or are we stuck like this forever?" Muckman asked walking up to them.
"Well as a mater of fact, we do know a certain chemical.." Bebop said which caught his interest.

Bebop and Rocksteady drove through the streets to another location with Muckman getting out of the truck while Spike and the others followed them easily.
" I can't believe they keep driving in an over conspicuous van!" Mikey said annoyed at this.
"It's like they're trying to give away where they're going." Spike added annoyed as well as Donnie pulled up to a parking lot.
"Not everyone can be as ninja as us guys." Raph said as Donnie slammed two cars away from the van which set their alarms off, Spike and the others quickly got out and ran over them.. with Donnie making sure the car was locked making two beeps.
"Yeah.. not everyone.." Spike said sarcastically as they went after them.

Bebop went over to a Kraang console and tried hacking into it while Joe popped out of Muckman's skull again.
"What do you want Joe i'm busy!" Muckman said annoyed at this.
"I don't know about these weirdos, this whole thing seems fishy to me." Joe said concerned on this.
"I don't have a choice Joe." Muckman said putting him back in.

"You ready to become human again? We don't have all the day.?" Rocksteady asked impatiently.
"This list has all the chemicals that can turn you into a man again my man!" Bebop said holding out another list of em.
"Don't do it, you know this is wrong!" Joe warned before he was pushed in again.
"Quiet Joe, i'm ready.." Muckman said grabbing the list.

"Busting into Kraang labs? Not very heroic Mucky, what would your girl Grody say?" Raph asked mockingly as they landed down behind him.
"We don't wanna hurt you, but we can't let you rob the lab." Leo warned trying to stop him.
"I'm not some dumb kid who don't know good from bad, i know who turned me into a monster. You!" Muckman said with rage as he shot more slime at them.

"I knew he was just another freaky puke monster, get him!" Raph shouted with rage.
"You get the chemical, we'll handle them." Bebop instructed as he and Rocksteady tried to fight them off. Spike breathed another stream of fire at Rocksteady before coiling around him and slamming him to the wall. with Mikey trying to stop Muckman.

"What are you doing Muck dude? Your supposed to be a hero!" Mikey argued trying to help him.
"No! You made me into a monster, now your gonna see what a monster can do!" Muckman said as he made another loud scream and caused more trash to fly at them all.
"I don't know what these two morons told you, but believe me we did not do this to you!" Leo shouted as he was trying to slash away more trash.
"Your being lied to, they're gonna betray you once you get them the chemical!" Spike shouted as he was holding back Rocksteady. Muckman was not listening to them however, and slammed more trash against all of them and knocked them all to the van defeating them.

"Muckman, stop! They're just using you!" Donnie shouted in fear as he towered over them.
"Mucking man, do not listen to turtle lies! We crush them, you go into the lab!" Rocksteady instructed.
"Come on Mucky, you think it's hard looking in a mirror now, what about after your a criminal?" Joe asked looking at him again.
"At least i'll be human.. people won't call me a freak!" Muckman countered.

"So what if they do? As long as your doing the right thing." Leo explained as all of them got up.
"It doesn't matter whether your a human or mutant, what matters is the actions you do, believe me, i know.." Spike said looking at himself again.
"Watching you get all sappy makes me wanna spit toxic puke." Bebop said in disgust, he took out a flashbang and threw it at all of them making a loud cloud of smoke making all their ears ring with Rocksteady walking up to Muckman.
"Now get in lab!" Rocksteady ordered as he threw him right into it bursting down the door.

Muckman groaned in pain as an alarm went off which sent even more Kraang security systems to fire at him.
"So polite of you to check for booby traps first, Muckman is hero after all!" Rocksteady mocked as Bebop took down the lasers. Muckman groaned in pain as he climbed up a ledge and saw a chemical container.
"That's it G, the chemical! Now don't you wanna be human again?" Bebop asked as he looked at it.
"Grabs it now!" Rocksteady ordered. Muckman went over to grab it which set off more security drones and they started shooting at him even more.

"Muckman!" Donnie said in horror as he and the others recovered from the blast.
"You monsters!" Spike said making loud snake hisses.
"We got you dude!" Mikey shouted as they went to attack them, Spike's pupils shrank down again as he felt his rage snap again at them bullying him badly. Spike groaned in pain as he felt his mind be overwhelmed with rage, he suddenly made a loud growl before made another shriek of rage which shocked them all.
"Spike?" Leo asked worried before Spike pushed Leo out of the way and attacked them both.

Spike coiled around Bebop and hissed at him with Rage before he threw him to a wall, Spike threw his snake hands at Bebops head and wrapped his arms around his whole body while he and the heads hissed at him even more.
"Let me go snake freak!" Bebop said as he was being chocked out. Spike hissed at him even more and threw him right into Rocksteady, Spike shrieked at them even more as he was towering over them both.
"What's wrong with him?" Raph asked worried as Spike was completely berserk again.
"He lost his mind again, we gotta stop him!" Leo shouted as they tried to help him.

Muckman groaned in pain as Donnie and Mikey checked on him.
"Are you okay? How many fingers am i holding up?" Donnie asked holding all of them out.
"Uh.. 9." Muckman replied.
"It's all good Mucky, now just chill here for a second, we got these guys!" Mikey said confidently.
"No! This ones on me!" Muckman said with rage as Leo and the others were pushed back, Spike hissed with more anger as he shot another fire blast at them both and almost roasted Bebop. The turtles picked Muckman up and got ready to attack.

"Slime him!" Leo ordered as Muckman took a deep breath and released another large batch of toxic sludge over them.
"Aw.. weak son! Wack!" Bebop said in disgust as he shook it off rapidly.
"Nyet, the chemical!" Rocksteady said in horror as the chemical exploded from the reaction with the sludge, Spike hissed a few more times before he finally calmed down and rubbed his head in pain.
"What just happened?" Spike asked weakly as he could barely think.
"You lost your mind again, we'll talk about it later, okay Spike?" Donnie asked looking at him, Spike only nodded in response before turning back to the two.

Spike hissed at them while Leo and the others drew they're weapons ready to fight.
"You got keys to the van yeah? It's time we put to pebble in the metal!" Rocksteady shouted as they quickly ran away.
"What are we waiting for?! Let's finish em off!" Muckman said trying to go after them.
"That problems done with pal, you really wanna finish this? You know what to do." Joe explained which made Muckman feel regret.

"Look uh turtles and snake guy, i know you were only trying to uh.." Muckman said nervously trying to find a way to apologize.
"It's cool Muckman." Mikey assured.
"Stuff happens, it's all good." Raph said with a smile.
"Yeah, we've been accused of way worse things.." Donnie assured until Leo saw something.
"Like being child eating monsters?!" Leo said in fear as they saw Joan and the camera man searching for them.
"Scatter fellas, i've got this!" Muckman instructed, Spike and the others flipped up to a rooftop as they saw him below in front of a camera.

They all went back to the lair and were ready for Splinter's words.
"So you disobey me, and leave the lair?" Splinter asked upset at them while Jaqueline and Psiona were watching this too.
"No one saw us sensei, we swear!" Mikey said in defense.
"Look, we fixed everything!" Leo assured as he showed Splinter the news again.

"Turtle mutants? Nah, you must be seeing things, maybe your thinking of those kids who dress up in costumes, like the Pulverizer! As for the snake dragon guy, he's totally cool! He's kind of a.. partner of mine, he helps me when i need it. Take it from me, New York's monster hero!" Muckman said on the screen.
"And there you have it folks, straight from Muckman himself, the turtle mutants do not exist. And this snake mutant is just as good as Muckman himself!" Joan said to the camera which made them all sigh in relief.
"Maybe people won't be scarred of me if they see me right?" Spike asked the others now that they know this.
"Maybe.." Leo said still unsure of this.

"See sensei? We're all cool.." Raph said nervously.
"Everything's back to normal, nothing to worry about.." Donnie said as they all backed away from him.
"So that means we can watch Crognard again! Right?" Mikey asked right before Splinter threw a knife at Mikey's T phone to a wall.
"No, you are still grounded!" Splinter said as he gave all of them hard slaps and knocked Spike to his mom and Jaqueline who were watching.

"Why didn't you two try to help us with this?" Spike asked a little upset at this.
"We didn't cause this Spike, it wasn't our business to get involved with, sorry.." Jaqueline apologized rubbing his head.
"There are times where you have to face the consequences son, you should know this." Psiona explained looking at him and Spike sighed in response.
"Yeah.. that's true.. it still hurts a lot.." Spike said rubbing his head in pain, April tried sneaking away but gasped in fear as she saw Splinter appear right next to her somehow...

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! I honestly like this episode a lot, it was a lot more comedy focused and had really funny jokes, and i wanted to make sure Spike would crack a few funny jokes in it too. I know his mom and Jaqueline weren't part of this much, but this wasn't something they caused, and it was best they stayed out of it for now until they're part of stuff that's better for them. Seeing Splinter be such a dad in this episode just brought a smile on my face, it was an entertaining episode that i like a lot and is one of my most rewatched episodes of the show. I hope you liked this and look forward to more!

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