• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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27: Mikey get's Shellacne

It was another day in the lair once again, it had been a bit since Donnie had to freeze Timothy for good.. Spike still felt really sad that they had to put him down like that, but his obsession with the mutagen drove him down this path, and Spike feels regret for not being able to stop him. But right now, everyone was currently in the kitchen cooking breakfast, the toaster was just done and the bread went flying into the air.

"Toast is done!" Donnie announced as he whacked the toast over the room.
"Gotta have some butter" Spike announced as he tossed some in the air and sliced some with his sword and put it on the bread at fast speeds.
"Heads up Leo!!" Spike shouted as he tossed the toast to him, Leo held out a plate but the toast went flying into his face and one landed in his mouth.
"Might be a little overdone guys." Leo said as he took it out.

"Orange juice, coming right up!" Raph announced as he held out two oranges, he tossed them in the air and stabbed his weapons in them and the juice splattered all over the place, Spike caught some in his mouth while some of it hit Donnie in the eye.
"Ah! It stings, it stings!!" Donnie shouted in pain as he ran around. Leo was trying to work on the eggs, until Leo fell down because Donnie ran into him, and the eggs fell on Raph's eyes.
"Donnie, i told you scrambled!" Raph said annoyed as a beeper went off, Spike caught the eggs and ate them himself and they weren't that bad.
"Still warm surprisingly." Spike said as he looked around.

"Aw man, this place is a disaster." Leo said as the place was a mess.
"I'll clean it up." Spike said as he started to do so.
"What's the deal anyway? Mikey usually makes breakfast. Mikey! Mikey get up!" Raph shouted as we cut to him in his room groaning in pain as he got his mask.
"Oh i feel awful.. maybe i shouldn't jalapeno cappuccino pizza last night.." Mikey said weakly as he got up, Mikey passed by the mirror, but he quickly went back to it as he saw something on his head and made a huge scream from his room.

"AHHH! What the?! I'm a mutant!!" Mikey said in horror.
"What?" Spike asked confused.
"He's just realizing that now?" Leo asked confused until he came into the room looking horrified.
"Guys, look at me I'm covered in turtle zits!" Mikey shouted as he pointed at the bumps on his head.
"Aw gross!" Leo said in disgust while the others almost puked.
"Turtles can get acne?" Spike asked disgusted.

"Talk about Shellacne. You look like a green chimichanga." Raph said disgusted.
"Eh, don't worry Mikey, it's just part of being a teenager." Leo assured.
"Have you eve had em?" Mikey asked him.
"Heck no!" Leo said in disgust.
"I don't think dragons can even get these things.." Spike said in disgust still.
"Hold up guys, i think this might be serious." Donnie said worried as he took out his T-phone and Mikey gulped.

We cut to them in the lair while Donnie was scanning Mikey's condition.
"Okay Mikey, the good news is these so called zits aren't gonna hurt you. And more importantly, they won't interfere with you making us breakfast." Donnie explained.
"And the bad news?" Spike asked wanting to hear the other part.
"Okay, the bad news is that they'll continue to spread all over your body. Spreading and spreading and spreading.." Donnie said as he towered over him in a deep voice.
"And then they disappear in a couple hours right?" Mikey asked with a nervous chuckle.

"No, and then your entire body will mutate into one single, huge, giant, gargantuan, zit!" Donnie explained, the word echoed through his mind again as he looked horrified, he had the image of him turning into a giant zit and being poked by a giant hand.
"No!!!!" Mikey screamed in horror, Spike went up and slapped Donnie across the head for over expressing this.
"Sorry!" Donnie apologized as Mikey kept screaming.

Mikey was now in his room refusing to come out with the others trying to make him.
"Mikey, come on. It's not as bad as you think, and Raph promises not to make fun of you anymore." Leo said looking at him.
"That's right Mikey, i'm sorry i called you crust muffin and fungus face, and godzitla king of the pus monsters. Now come on out here." Raph said banging on the door.
"It's just a part of growing up Mikey, i'm sure we can fix this!" Spike shouted trying to make him leave too.
"No way! Not while i'm covered in gross slime filled zits!" Mikey shouted from the room.

"Well technically they're pustules filled with oil and sebum, which is way grosser then slime." Donnie explained while that grossed them out.
"Not helping at all Donnie!" Spike said annoyed while Mikey was looking in the mirror.
"Forget it guys! I'm too hideous to be a ninja, i'll stay walked away in here forever! And even longer if i have too." Mikey suddenly felt something on his lounge, he opened it and even that had zits on it and covered his mouth in fear.( Anyone else agree that this episode was pretty disturbing with the amount of detail there was on him?)

Karai was now waiting in the throne room for someone, Dogpound opened the doors and he and Fishface walked in.
"Bradford, Xever. Enter." Karai ordered, the door closed on Dogpound's tail and he whimered in pain, he accidentally fell down and broke the glass on the floor falling into the water.
"Impressive. You went from stealthy ninja to idiot man-dog." Fishface mocked.
"How i detest this clumsy body, what i wouldn't give to be human again." Dogpound said with anger.
"Seriously i don't have all day." Karai said annoyed as he got out and the two walked up to her.

"Don't get too comfortable Karai. Shredder is the only one worthy of that throne." Fishface told her.
"Dad left me in charge while he's off in Japan remember? So either learn some respect, or i chop off your robo legs and drop you in the sewer, got it?" Karai threatened and he grumbled in annoyance.

"Now listen, i need someone to help maintain my foot bot soldiers on a daily basis, someone who's loyalty can be bought, someone who can be easily intimidated. Someone like.." Karai said before it was finished.
"Baxter Stockman." Fishface finished.
"Stinkman? But that little creep tried to destroy us! Who know's what he.." Dogpound said in anger before Karai finished as well.
"Stockman's perfect. You think you two freaks can handle it?" Karai asked them.
"Leave it to us.. boss." Fishface responded as the two walked off to find Stockman.

Spike and the others were in the living room again just watching the show Mikey introduced them too. Mikey had a pizza box over his face and was trying to sneak out, but Spike noticed him right away.
"What are you doing Mikey?" Spike asked putting down his drink.
"Oh look at that, Mikey brought his own pizza, his face!" Raph joked and Mikey growled in anger and slammed the pizza on the ground with steam coming from his head while he kept laughing.
"Okay, okay, i'll stop. now come on and zit down, i crack myself up!" Raph said while he kept laughing again.
"Raph!" Spike shouted in anger and that made him shut up.

"Raphael, you should know better then to make fun of ones appearance." Splinter said as he appeared behind him suddenly.
"After all, how would the humans above react to yours?" Splinter asked again and Raph realized it was true.
"Your right Master Splinter, sorry sensei." Raph apologized as Mikey sat down feeling ashamed.
"Just kick me out Master Splinter. I can't be a ninja when i look like a moldy pickle.." Mikey said ashamed.
"And why not? I never let my appearance affect me." Splinter replied.

"Yeah well, cause old people never care how they look, or smell." Mikey responded. Splinter got a closer look at him and he noticed that even more zits were growing on him, Mikey laughed nervously and tried making a whistle to brush it off while Spike and the others looked suspicious.
"My son, i sense there is something you would like to tell us." Splinter told him.
"Those zits are growing way too fast, what did you do Mikey." Spike asked suspicious.
"What? No! I didn't do anything, i promise!" Mikey said nervously.

Comic panels of Spike and the others appear next to him and make it look like he was being crushed until Mikey had enough.
"Okay okay! You got me! I kinda.. sprinkled a little mutagen on my skin?" Mikey said nervously as he held out a case of mutagen.
"What?! Are you kidding, Why?!" Spike and the others asked in anger as they towered over him.
"Why would you do that?!" Spike asked in anger while he clutched his mutant arm.

"To become better, cooler you know? You guys treat me like a big goofball all the time. So i found this vial in Donnie's lab, and the label says it will make you super cool." Mikey said as he pointed at the label.
"Did you read the rest?!" Spike asked frustrated.
"What do you mean by that?" Mikey asked confused and Spike slapped his face.

"It says your supposed to keep it super cooled! As in temperature!" Donnie said a he showed the rest of it.
"This was a failed batch of retro mutagen Mikey! It's extremely dangerous!" Spike shouted at him.
"Well you two could have made it a little more clear!" Mikey countered, Donnie rolled his eyes and turned the vial around revealing dozens of more warning signs on not to touch it.
"Still not that clear." Mikey said looking at them.
"From now on, i'm putting a " do not touch, Mikey" sign on any failed vial we make." Spike said annoyed.

they were all in the lab again and were looking over what will happen now that they know this.
"Oh no.." Donnie said worried as multiple warning signs appeared on screen.
"Please tell me that's a good oh no." Mikey begged.
"It's really bad Mikey, according to the results, the mutagen is unstable in your body. You only have three hours until.." Spike said horrified.
"Until what, what happens to him?" Leo asked worried
"In basic terms for you guys, he'll go boom." Spike answered.

"I'm gonna explode?!" Mikey asked horrified.
"Like a massive zit." Donnie answered.
"Ew..." Leo, Raph and Spike said at once.
"No!!" Mikey said in horror as he had the image happening in his head, he fell to his knees in pure terror.

"But now that i know what caused this, i think i can engineer an antidote from the remaining sample." Donnie said as he held out the vial.
"Yes yes! I love you man!" Mikey said in relief as he gave him a big hug.
"Okay, come on." Donnie said pushing him away.

"Then you must start working on it right away." Splinter told them.
"I'm just missing one key instrument though. A molecular centrifuge to mix the solution." Donnie said as they all stood up.
"And where was the last place you saw one?" Spike asked worried.
"The last place i saw one was at TCRI." Donnie recalled.
"But that place was blown up when we took down the Kraang, what could be left?" Raph asked curious.
"Let's go find out." Spike said determined as he and the others started to leave to save Mikey.

We cut to another rooftop as we see Dogpound and fishface searching for Stockman. Dogpound tried sniffing him out as he looked at his reflection.
"You were once a feared warrior, now your a common dog hunting squirrels like Stockman.." Dogpound said in anger before he got an idea.
"Stockman.. Maybe he could actually help me." Dogpound told himself, he used his nose to sniff him out again and he finally got his scent.
"Gotcha!" Dogpound said in realization, he jumped down onto the streets and was now heading to TCRI...

Spike and the others had just arrived as the place looked wrecked and abandoned.
"Wow, this place really took the blow.." Spike said impressed at all the damage around them.
"Let's spread out and start looking around." Donnie instructed as they started looking for it.

Spike was searching around through some rubble trying to find it, he was really upset and worried for Mikey, he only had a few hours left and they needed to be fast. Mikey kept asking if he found it as he held up multiple different objects, but they all weren't it.
"Oh we're never gonna find it, this place is.." Donnie said before Leo shushed them.
"Listen, do you hear that?" Leo asked as they hears someone familiar speak.

"Yes, yes! It's perfect! bio enhancers, DNA catalysts, soon i'll be able to create my own mutant army. Powerful, unstoppable!" Stockman said as he walked into the room and they all recognized him.
"Dorkster blockhead?" Leo insulted again.
"It's Baxter stockman!" Stockman said in anger turning to them before he recognized them.
"T.. turtles.. the dragon? Here, now?!" Stockman asked in fear as they landed in front of him.

"He's got the centrifuge! Hand it over Storkman!" Donnie said in anger.
"Stockman! And no! I found it first! Mousers, attack!" Stockman shouted as dozens of mousers appeared above him and they charged at Spike and the others.
"Ahh! Don't let them pop me!" Mikey said in fear as he tried avoiding them. Spike was slicing apart the robots with his sword, until he felt the ground shake and some rubble fell on one of them, he looked upwards and saw Dogpound had burst through the roof and smashed on the bots.

"Dogpound?!" Stockman asked in horror.
"Well, if it isn't weaselly little stinkman." Dogpound insulted.
"Back off Dogpound, we found him first." Leo warned as he and the others drew they're weapons.
"Stinkman and the turtles and dragon? And i thought i was having a bad day." Dogpound said as he cracked his knuckles a for a moment.
"Bring it on!" Spike said in anger as Dogpound charged at them and the others screamed in anger.

Dogpound was using his strength to push past the turtles while Spike was holding him back with his own.
"Time for baxter stockman, super villain, to make his narrow escape." Stockman said as he was trying to run away.
Spike and Donnie were attacking Dogpound with they're weapons, Spike was trying to attack him from above while Donnie went under him. Dogpound grabbed Donnie with his large hand and threw him into Spike and the others, he looked over and saw Stockman being chased by Mikey.

"He's got the centrifudge!" Mikey shouted as he chased after him until Dogpound landed in front of him.
"Your coming with me." Dogpound said menacingly as he went to grab him.
"No, no please! I'm extremely fragile! Help!" Stockman screamed in fear, Spike and the others were about to stop him, but Dogpound smashed on a pillar and that caused the place to start collapsing.
"My centrifudge!" Mikey said in horror as they got away.
"Take cover!" Spike shouted as he pushed Mikey out of the way as the rubble came down.

"Oh no!" Mikey said in fear as he went to check on the others.
"Guys! are you okay?" Mikey asked worried as Spike got up and was helping the others.
"Yeah, thanks Mikey." Leo said as he got up.
"They're gone." Raph said as they both had escaped.
"And they've got the centrifudge!" Mikey said in horror as Donnie weakly got up.
"Centrifuge.." Donnie corrected before he fell back down on the ground.
"Just great.." Spike said sarcastic as this couldn't get any worse..

They were all now back in the lair while Mikey's acne was getting even worse as zits were now bursting from his shell which made things even grosser.
"I can't believe that fleabag beat us! I want a rematch!" Raph said frustrated as he punched his seat in anger.
"Easy Raph, focus on what's important, we need to get that centrifuge to cure Mikey." Leo said with concern..
"His zits are getting more unstable, if any of them pop they could cause a chain reaction. Ala my zit popping diagram here." Donnie said as he came into the room with Spike holding a new board. Spike motioned his fingers to each picture of Mikey becoming more and more covered in them until Donnie flips the board over and it show's Mikey exploding.

"What?! So i'll pop either way?!" Mikey asked in horror.
"We just have to keep you save, we can't let you leave the lair." Donnie assured.
"But that centrifuge is what we need to save him, where could Dogpound could've taken him?" Spike asked worried.
"I don't know, the old city dump?" Leo suggested.
"Nah, they turned it into a retirement home." Raph explained crossing that suggestion out.

"The abandoned nuclear plant?" Leo suggested again.
"Now it's a nursery school." Donnie explained.
"Why would they help people recover in a place that was radioactive?" Spike asked confused.
"Ohh! What about baxter's old lab?" Mikey suggested and the others looked at eachother.

"Why would Dogpound capture Dexter and take him to his old lab? It makes no sense." Raph asked confused
"See? You guys never take me seriously!" Mikey accused as his body was getting even worse.
"Mikey.. let's go.." Spike said as they started to sneak out with the others talking on where to go.

"Thank you Spike, i'm glad at least someone will listen to me." Mikey said gratefully as they started to head to the lab.
"It could be where they are, let's not wait anymore, come on!" Spike said as he and Mikey left.

Stockman and Dogpound were now in his lab as they saw a large tank of mutagen in front of them.
"So, a large tank of mutagen eh? Planning on making some mutants?" Dogpound asked as they walked over to a console.
"Uh yes, with a whole army for us to command. Just me and you.." Stockman said in fear as he was backed in to a wall and Dogpound growled at him, they looked at the desk next to them.

"Uh.. yeah.. not that i'm complaining but, why are you keeping me alive?" Stockman asked in fear.
"Karai wants to keep it that way. Believe me, i still owe you big time for trapping us in your little maze of doom." Dogpound said with anger.
"So, you've beaten me to the punch and found Stockman yes?" Fishface suddenly asked as they saw him enter.
"Why haven't you taken this traitorous lump of flesh to Karai?" He asked frustrated.

"I will, after he turns me human again." Dogpound answered and he gasped in shock.
"You can turn us human again?" Fishface asked curious.
"Uh yes, yes! of course, my intellect knows no bounds! None.." Stockman said nervously.
"Good, first order of business." Dogpound said as he held up a device that had mutagen around it and he strapped it around Stockman.

"Is this.. mutagen?" Stockman asked in fear as he looked at it.
"I call it insurance. Double cross us again and boom, we'll see what you turn into. Some kind of lowly bug i bet." Dogpound said as he held up a button.( Talk about foreshadowing huh?)

Spike and Mikey were on the higher ledge and looked down.
"Looks like you were right, Stockman's here, and it looks like he's got a couple friends.." Spike said as they saw Fishface and Dogpound.
"We need to get down there and get the centrifudge before i pop. And i got an idea." Mikey said as he took out his hook and lowered it down.
"Be careful.." Spike whispered as they prayed it wouldn't get them caught.

"If your going to turn him back, then i want to be human as well. I want to live as a man, love as a man. Not as a fish you hear?" Fishface warned as Mikey accidentally poked Dogpound's back, he tried reaching for the device, but Dogpound spotted them and grabbed the chain and pulled Mikey down.
"Mikey!" Spike shouted as he jumped down and they both landed on their feet.

"Fools!" Dogpound shouted as they got up.
"Don't touch me! I'm highly contagious! See? So how about i take that gadget and get out of your fur?" Mikey asked as he tried grabbing the device.
"Trust me, you will not want to be around if he doesn't get it." Spike added as they tried getting it.
"I'd rather you stay, and people think i'm ugly!! Watch Stinkman, i wanna tear this turtle apart myself!" Dogpound shouted as he tried attacking Mikey.

"Mikey! Get back!" Spike shouted as he blocked Dogpounds fist with his shoulder blade and tried pushing him back. Mikey jumped on the wall and tried attacking him from the air, but Dogpound saw this and delivered a strong punch to him and sent him into the ceiling and onto the higher ledge again.
"Mikey!" Spike shouted in worry as he punched Dogpound back and did a high jump onto the ledge to check on him as his zits were moving around.
"No no! Calm down zits, calm down!" Mikey begged as they stopped moving again.
"We need to hurry!" Spike said as he helped him up. Dogpound suddenly grabbed onto the ledge and faced them again.

"Calm down D pound!" Mikey said in fear as he and Spike drew they're weapons.
"You do not want this!" Spike shouted as he readied his blade as it cackled it's electricity again. Dogpuond charged at them and they tried pushing him back the best they could, Spike was knocked onto the wall as he saw Mikey was dangling on a weak platform and Dogpound saw him.
"Dogpound don't!" Mikey warned.
"You'll break the..." Spike shouted before he saw Dogpound jump over to Mikey.
"Platform!" Spike said in slow motion as Dogpound smashed on the platform.

Mikey grabbed on the ledge and they were both dangling above the mutagen.
"Mikey!" Spike shouted in terror as he quickly ran to help them both, Dogpound tried climbing up, but Mikey used his weapon and knocked Dogpound off of him.
"On no!" Spike shouted as he pulled Mikey up, but they saw Dogpound get mutated once more..

Spike and Mikey landed back on the ground as they heard Dogpound screaming in pain.
"Stockman, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much more scary could he get with a double mutation?" Spike asked worried.
"I'd say a solid 10.." Stockman said in fear..
Dogpound emerged from the mutagen again and he was now revealed to be a more skeletal like dog with black fur and spikes as his claws were even sharper then before and he roared at them.

Spike and Mikey were backing up in fear as Dogpound's new form scrapped against the walls with his sharp claws.
"Uh.. maybe you need a day or two to get the new you Dogpound.." Mikey said nervously.
"You really should take your time.." Spike added as he kept marching to them.

"I feel the mutagen coursing through my body. I'm faster, stronger, and more powerful then ever. I feel like a ninja again!" Dogpound said as he looked at his new body.
"Plus you don't have zits, which is a bonus." Mikey said as his body had even more once again.
"To thank you for this, i will make your end swift" Dogpound said as he grabbed Mikey and threw him to the wall as he punched Spike to the ground. Mikey grabbed his chain and managed to get on the ground without popping a zit thankfully as he saw Dogpound roar at him.

"Rawr yourself you razer faced dog!" Mikey insulted.
"Don't ever call me dog!" He said with anger.
"You got it, Rahzar!" Mikey announced.
"Much better name then the last that's for sure" Spike shouted as he charged at Rahzar and delivered a strong kick to his body and sent him back a little.

"Spike, Mikey!" Raph suddenly shouted as they looked up and saw Raph in the air, he delivered another kick and pushed him back as Leo and the others arrived.
"Oh, hey guys." Mikey said sarcastic.
"Your lucky we noticed you and Spike were gone in time Mikey." Leo said pointing at him.
"Even luckier that i knew you two would come here, what were you think.. ow!" Raph shouted as Fishface kicked him down.
"Move!" Spike shouted as they dodged another slash from him.

"Um.. so what happened to Dogpound?" Donnie asked nervously.
"Guy got double mutated and now he's called Rahzar, just keep your guard up!" Spike warned as he helped Raph fight Fishface.

"The centrifudge." Mikey shouted as he went over and tried to stop Rahzar from crushing it, Spike was holding back Fishface as he used his sword.
"So, what do you think of your friends new mutation?" Spike asked as he delivered a punch and sent him to the wall and cracked it.
"Ugh, i like it a little better, beats the plushy he looked like before that's for sure" Fishface said as he got up and charged at Spike again.

Donnie and Leo were now fighting against more mousers as Mikey was running away from Rahzar and he jumped to the ceiling.
"Guys? I'm bursting at the seams. And Rahzar's gonna pop me!" Mikey said in fear aw the zits were covering some of his eyes now. Mikey screamed as he dodged another close call from Rahzar and landed on the ground.
"Not good, not good." Mikey said worried as he looked over and saw a nearby pipe and realized something.

"I just sorta had an idea! Here boy! Good dog." Mikey shouted as Rahzar went to attack him, but his claw hit the pipe and his body started being electrocuted.
"Yeah! You just got shell shocked son!" Mikey shouted in victory. Spike used a pressure point move on Fishface again and this paralyzed him for the time being.
"Guys, we gotta go now!" Spike shouted as he grabbed the centrifuge and leapt to higher ground.
"He's right, we gotta move!" Leo shouted as he and the others started to move.

Donnie used his staff and knocked open the water sprinklers as an alarm went off. This caused a chain reaction as all of them were electrocuted as they screamed in pain.
"I got the centrifuge! Let's go!" Spike shouted as they started escaping.
"Spike, i'm glad your here bro!" Mikey said gratefully as they got away again.

Stockman groaned as he started to open his eyes, he felt something touch his collar and saw Karai standing above him.
"Rise and shine Stockman. Your working for me now. Well me.. and the Shredder, let's move." Karai said with a threatening look.

We cut back to the lab as Spike and Donnie had just finished up the cure on acne pads.
"We're done Mikey!" Spike announced and Mikey gasped.
"Gimme, gimme, gimme" Mikey said eagerly as he grabbed the pads and put them all over his body.
"Did you two have to put the antidote on those acne pads?" Leo asked as Donnie chuckled a little.
"No, but it is hilarious!." Donnie joked as they saw Mikey rub them all over.

"It worked! Look at me! Yeah boy, i'm super cute again!" Mikey said amazed as he was normal once again.
"Thank Celestia.. any more of seeing that and i would've puked.." Spike said as he was relieved this was over.
"Thanks Donnie and Spike your the best!" Mikey said gratefully as he gave them a hug, the door opened and they saw Splinter walk in.

"I must commend you on your resolve Michelangelo. You thought you needed to improve yourself, but you had everything you already needed inside.. here." Splinter said as he pointed at Mikey's chest.
"See guys? Who was right about baxter's secret hideout? That's right me." Mikey said with a smug.
"You had no clue." Leo said pointing at him, Spike smiled and he and Donnie thought of something.
"Oh no Mikey! There's a zit forming on the end of your nose!" Donnie shouted in terror pointing at him.
"It looks worse then the last ones!" Spike said dramatically.

"What?! Are you kidding?! No Why?!" Mikey asked in horror, but he suddenly checked his nose and saw there was nothing there, he heard laughter as he saw Spike and the others laughing.
"You should have seen your face!" Spike said while he kept laughing.
"Donnie .. i'm gonna.. Ah!!!" Mikey shouted as he leaped at them while they kept laughing.

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this new chapter! I know my sudden constant updates may be concerning to some, but don't worry. I have the most fond memeories of this season as i remember a lot of stuff that happened here, i just got the complete 2012 TMNT series on DVD, it arrived just yesterday which was way earlier then it was supposed to. So don't worry, i have things planned out and shouldn't take as long as i did with season 1, i'm pretty eager to get going with this season so i hope you looked forward to more!

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