• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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40: A Foot Too Big

Spike was currently on the field near the farmhouse right now, he was trying to get a better hang of his body after he got really injured, he barely had much time to practice with it after he got mutated before the invasion happened, and the condition he's in made it harder.

One thing he was trying to do is focus on his physic powers more, he hadn't gotten a chance to train with them that much and was hoping to get a better hold of them. Spike was currently sitting down in front of a few objects, he was gonna see if he had telekinesis ability's with his powers as he could go into ones minds before.

"Okay Spike try and focus your mind.." Spike told himself as he raised his snake hand in the air, he knew it would be a lot harder since he doesn't have normal hands anymore and was still in pain. He closed his eyes and focused his mind and used lessons Splinter taught him. He could start to feel his minds energy around him again and could hear it, Spike focused his mind as hard as he could and raised a hand up.

Spike kept his eyes close and tried focusing the best he could, he could feel the energy pouring out of him and focused it into the objects, the objects were regular cans and pieces of wood, they were small, but Spike is willing to try and use them to figure this out. The objects didn't move for a bit as Spike couldn't feel them move, Spike tried keeping a clear focus in his mind and stretched his snake hands out further. The energy eventually reached the objects and much to his amazement, he could feel them being lifted in the air only slightly..

Spike opened his eyes and saw they were floating, no strings attached, no one tricking him, they were floating..
"Yes.. come on.. a little higher.." Spike prayed as he tried using his powers a little more, he could feel a restrain happening as his body's pain was catching up to him again. Spike grunted in pain as he tried keeping his focus, but the objects soon fell back down and he gasped for air.

"Dang it.. stupid snake body.." Spike said weakly as he got up and looked at himself again.
"I'd be able to use this better if i wasn't a mutant.. or would it be worse if i wasn't? It's just.. why did these powers start coming now and not when i was in Equestria? What was it that caused this to finally awaken in me?" Spike asked himself looking at his snake hands, the question haunted him for a while as he had no idea how or why this happened.
"I guess i'll find out at a later point then.. let's just get some rest Spike.." Spike told himself as he stood up and slithered back into the house wondering how he could develop these in the future..

Spike went through the halls to get some soup, even though his body didn't hurt as much as a week ago, it still hurt from the battle damage, and he's still trying to get used to his deeper voice. Spike was about to get some soup until he heard music playing and saw Donnie in the living room.. giving April a music box.
"You've gotta be kidding me Donnie.." Spike whispered in annoyance while April looked weirded out.

"Uh wow that is uh.. super neat Donnie.. thank you so much.." April said creeped out at this as she put the thing down.
"Well gotta go, got some uh training to do.. thanks again Donnie.." April said quickly getting out of here with Donnie looking down sadly.
"Can't even imagine how your feeling right now.." Mikey said popping up from the couch.
"Devastated.." Donnie said depressed.
"Aw man, i was totally gonna say devastated! I should've just went for it, i gotta learn to trust my instincts." Mikey said moving around him until Donnie grabbed his face, Spike sighed and slithered inside.

"Donnie, doing that sorta thing is sweet, but it's really creepy as well, you need to learn to take it easy." Spike explained as he patted him on the back.
"Spike's right Donnie, it's never gonna happen, we're mutants, she's a girl, your a giant talking turtle." Raph announced as he walked into the room.
"Believe me Donnie, i've had this kind of behavior myself before, and it ended in embarrassing ways.." Spike said as he remembered the times he tried wooing over Rarity.

"Come on guys, you know what you need huh? Buddy you know what you need?" Raph playfully asked.
"You too leave.." Donnie suggested slightly annoyed.
"A little forest ninja training, ha! Huh? Huh? Sounds like fun right? Right?" Raph asked rubbing his head which made Donnie grumble in annoyance.

We cut to the outside of the house where Raph training with the two while Spike and Leo watched.
"Wow you guys are rustier then the Titanic's butt!" Raph mocked as he jumped in the air and delivered an air kick.
"No we're.. oh!!" Mikey shouted as he and Donnie ran into some trees.
"We're not in the city anymore, we need to get used to this new environment. No buildings, no subways.." Raph instructed as he pretended to throw a punch to Mikey which made him run into the tree again.

"Lot's of trees." Raph said looking down at him.
"Uh.. tell me about it.." Mikey said weakly getting back up.
"Well what do you two think?" Raph asked turning to Spike and Leo, Leo thought about it for a moment until getting something.
"Turtle hunt." Leo announced.
"Oh yeah.." Spike said with a grin as he liked this game.

"Turtle hunt, hmmm.." Raph said liking that idea.
"Turtle hunt?!" Donnie and Mikey asked at once.
"You two gonna help out?" Raph asked curious.
"Yeah i.. ah!" Leo said in pain as his knee still hurt.

"Sorry, i guess i'm still not up to it, enjoy your hunt guys." Leo said as he walked off again.
"Leo.." Spike said sadly as he still had a lot of body pain but was pushing through it.
"Well what about you, you helping out with this Spike?" Raph asked once more.
"Yeah, i'm just gonna take it easy though, sounds like a fun time honestly." Spike said going up to Raph.

"Dudes.." Mikey said confused.
"What do you mean by turtle hunt?" Donnie asked confused as well.

"You guys are gonna head into the forest, Spike and I will give you a 5 minute head start then we hunt you down." Raph explained while he made some body stretches, Spike tried stretching out his body the best he could without hurting himself and was much easier thanks to being a snake.
"If you can't stay hidden for at least an hour, you'll have to.. clean out the chicken coup!" Raph announced which made Spike chuckle.

"No way!" Donnie said in horror.
"Not the chicken coup man!" Mikey said horrified.
"It smells like cheese fossils!" Donnie said in disgust.
"It's got spiders so big they play the banjo!" Mikey said horrified as a giant spider appeared behind them playing a banjo before vanishing again.
"We can't clean that thing!" Donnie said not wanting to do this.
"Sorry guys, but rules are decided, you best get moving!" Spike said as he made a loud hiss which made the two run off in fear.

"I'm starting to like you as a snake Spike, gives the two of them more of a reason to run away in fear." Raph said with a chuckle as they waited for a moment.
"Yeah, there are things that benefit from being a snake i guess, i just wish i had normal hands at least, you know how hard it is to pick things up normally now?" Spike asked annoyed as the two finally started to move.
"I can only imagine, you try using your tail? It could help with things." Raph suggested with some concern.

"My body still hurts, i'm still not used to.. not having legs anymore. Plus this new voice of mine is a little distracting at times.." Spike said listening to himself.
"Yeah, you honestly sound more like an adult then teenager with that voice, but i guess that's what comes with throat damage i guess." Raph replied casually as they kept on moving.

Donnie and Mikey were currently hiding above a tree after hearing a loud noise.
"Oh we are so cleaning that coup! Raph and Spike are gonna find us hear in like five seconds.." Donnie said in fear as Mikey saw something.
"I don't think so.." Mikey said horrified looking up.
"Why not?" Donnie asked confused before he looked up and looked terrified as well.

They saw a large monster hanging in the trees and it growled in anger.
"Um.. hi?" Mikey said nervously, the two of them screamed while landing on the ground away from the monster as it landed down and made a loud roar at them. The two of them drew they're weapons and the monster growled in response, it took a nearby tree and ripped it around and twirled it around like a staff.

"What is it? Some kind of monkey man?" Mikey asked shocked.
"It.. it looks like the mythical sasquatch.. Bigfoot!" Donnie said in shock right before the monster hit them with the large tree.
"He's too big.. run!!" Donnie screamed as they made a run for it.

Spike and Raph continued to look for the others until they heard screaming and saw them running in their direction.
"Guys what are you doing?" Spike asked confused at this.
"Come on guys you aren't even trying to hide." Raph said annoyed.
"Bigfoot!!" They both screamed running past them.
"Bigfoot?" Spike asked confused.

"Yeah right if you think your gonna get out of cleaning that coup by.." Raph said before Donnie turned him around and he and Spike had a look of shock. They saw the monster itself tearing through some trees and roaring in rage with the two of them screaming.
"Looks like we're gonna get some real training, stay back Spike!" Raph warned as he drew his weapons, Spike knew he wasn't fully able to fight and backed off to let them fight.

Spike watched with worry as the monster started to really give them a tough time, he was actually a tough foe for them to take down and watched as it disarmed Raph.
"Bigfoots got some skills!" Raph said in surprised as he started to dodge the attacks from the branches he had. Donnie screamed in rage and jumped down from the air and latched onto its arm, the monster had a look of shock and tried shaking Donnie off and whimered in pain.
"Hey.. are you.." Donnie asked as he saw a bloody scratched mark. Donnie screamed as the monster threw him back and the others tried stopping it.

"Guys wait, somethings wrong, it looks.. scarred." Spike shouted seeing it wasn't mad at all.
"He's right, i think he's hurt. I don't think he wants to fight us, i think he's just scarred." Donnie said worried walking up to him who had Mikey covered by his hand.
"Scarred?" He asked confused.
"He can talk?" Raph asked confused as well.

"Guys, is it me, or does Bigfoot look.. less like a man then we thought he would?" Spike asked looking at Bigfoots body.
"Okay okay, easy now easy, i can fix your arm if you let me." Donnie offered trying to calm him down, he lowered its arm still felling scarred.
"It's okay, i can help, it doesn't look to bad, but i'd like to take you back so we can clean it up and bandage it, is that okay?" Donnie asked concerned for it.
"Hello? Anybody?!" Mikey shouted right as he was dropped finally.

"No way, we can't bring a giant ape man home with us!" Raph said annoyed at this.
"Of course we can, Spike?" Donnie asked turning to him.
"I'd say we help it, if Fluttershy saw this thing hurt, helping it would be the first thing she'd do." Spike said confidently with Mikey agreeing as well.
"3 to 1 Raph. Hi, i'm Donnie, this is Raph, Mikey and Spike.." Donnie introduced as someone was watching them.

Spikes head went off again as he could feel them being watched.
"Of course you have a name! Your Bigfoot!" Mikey said as he didn't know it's name and it looked at its large foot.
"Big foot.." Bigfoot said before he made a laugh as he liked that.
"You can come with us." Donnie offered as a shadow went by and he looked scarred. Spike knew they were being watched now and decided to get moving.
"Well guys, i think it's best we head home for now, come on." Spike said slithering along with the others following him.

The man from before was watching them and he was in hunting gear.
"Well mama, been hunting this furry freak for years now." The man said looking at a small head.
"And now he goes and finds himself some more freaks." The man said in a womans voice holding it up.
"Save it mama, ain't no little green aliens and a giant snake are gonna save Bigfoot from.. The Finger!" He announced showing he had a sixth finger on his hand..

Spike and the others made it back and Donnie opened the door.
"Hello? Anyone home? We brought company." Donnie announced trying to bring they're friend in.
"What you can't let anyone in!... Why is the doorway full of hair?" Leo asked confused as he walked down and saw it blocked.
"And i giant butt?" Casey joked as Spike was pushing it inside.
"Almost.. got it!" Spike shouted as he got him inside and they gasped.

"It's Bigfoot!!" Casey shouted in shock.
"You brought Bigfoot home?!" Leo asked shocked walking down.
"Hoe does everyone know Bigfoot's name?" Bigfoot asked curiously.
"Bigfoot, this is Leo, Casey and April." Donnie introduced and April saw his mark.

"He's hurt! I'll get the first aid kit!" April said walking off to get it.
"You can't just bring Bigfoot home! " Leo said seriously while Mikey mocked him and Leo gave him a glare of anger.

"He needs our help, just until his arm gets better." Donnie said in defense looking at him.
"Come on, let's get you fixed up." April offered bringing him to another room.
"Sure but when i wanted to have a dog you were like no way." Casey said in a mocking voice.
"We have an ice cream cat already Casey, you know what would happen if a dog saw him?" Spike said in defense.

"Spike's right, he could eat the poor kitty alive!" Mikey said in horror imagining the thought and Spike sighed again.
"Look Leo, he's hurt, i sensed something was following him and was probably what hurt him. I'm gonna keep a look out on things, meanwhile, let's just try to take care of him for now okay?" Spike asked slithering upstairs.
"Fine, but if he starts causing trouble don't tell me i warned you." Leo said still upset.

They heard some commotion going on in the other room and saw Bigfoot.. hugging Donnie?
"Bigfoot am lady!" Bigfoot said after giving him a gross kiss.
"That is.. great?" Donnie said nervously.
"That is great!" Casey mocked before everyone in the room laughed at this.
"Oh my Celestia, that is priceless!" Spike said falling to the ground while laughing.

We cut to a montage of Bigfoot doing different things around the house, the first one shows Donnie working in his lab again but was being watched by Bigfoot again which made him nervous, the next one shows Donnie watching this show called Grognard again and was being fed popcorn by her..
Next is Mikey in the kitchen making some soup until he saw Bigfoot come inside.
"Bigfoot bring meat!" Bigfoot said putting a bag down.
"Where did you..? " Mikey asked as she pulled out a dead squirrel.
"Good meet, tender, tender." Bigfoot said and Mikey screamed before he puked inside the pot..

Raph was currently heading out to the bathroom until he saw Bigfoot come out.
"Bigfoot make waste." She said walking off.
"Uh make waste?" Raph asked confused, he checked inside and saw the toilet was clean, but he checked the tub and it was full of it making an awful stink.
"Ahh! BIGFOOT!!!" Raph screamed in anger which echoed through the house.

Spike was currently slithering through the house looking for Bigfoot, he did find it funny that Donnie was getting what he kept giving April and now knows how she feels. But Spike was wanting to know more about this" Finger" person she mentioned about. Spike made his way to the kitchen and found Bigfoot cooking stuff for Donnie obviously.

"Hey um, Bigfoot? I gotta ask you something important." Spike asked coming inside
"Hmm? And what would that be Spike?" She asked confused.
"This person who hurt you this.. Finger. How long has he been hunting you?" Spike asked while getting some water, she looked scarred with his name mentioned.

"Finger bad man, been chasing Bigfoot for years, Finger crazy!" Bigfoot said in fear.
"I can tell, i could sense him watching us, i need a favor to ask you to stop him." Spike said with a serious look which confused her.

The Finger was currently out until he heard Raph talking with the others again.
"Donnie and Mikey need to learn to blend in out here, forest stealth. If your gonna stay with us at least you can help out. So show them some stuff okay? I gotta go clean out the tub." Raph said in disgust as he put on a mask and walked off making a Darth Vader breathing sound while doing so..
The two of them looked at Bigfoot nervously and she reached for Mikey.
"Please don't grab my head again.." Mikey begged right before she grabbed him and he whimered in fear and she put him in a bush.

"Blend in." She said looking at him.
"I can still see him." Donnie pointed out as Finger watched on and pulled out the little doll again.

"Mama, looks like Bigfoot has made himself a couple of Green alien buddies, the finger is okay with that." Finger said putting out a crossbow and was sneaking up to them. Spike got what info what he could on this guy and was watching him high in the trees, despite his body still hurt, he wasn't gonna let this guy hurt them and had a perfect plan to stop him.
"Let's just see how you like being hunted.." Spike said as his hands made another hiss once more.

Bigfoot saw the Finger and the distance and quickly grabbed the two and ran off while avoiding darts.
"Ugh your squishing me!" Mikey screamed as they ran off. which he saw.
"Darn it, lost em, but not for long!" Finger said sinisterly while Spike snuck out as well.

Spike and the others were back to the house and Spike was watching the two playing video games.
"Aw man! Big foot is a maze balls with the forest stealth stuff!" Mikey said amazed as they walked in with Bigfoot looking scarred, Spike knew she saw him again and had a plan for this.

"Bigfoot scarred, Finger bad!" She said in fear closing the curtains.
"Right fingers are bad, hey Donnie you wanna play some games?" Raph offered holding out a controller.

Bigfoot was making some soup again until April walked in.
"Evening Bigfoot, what are you making?" April asked curiously.
"Food, Donnie.." Bigfoot said walking off while April peaked in and screamed in disgust.
"Um.. you realize that meat has fur?" She asked pointing at it and Bigfoot nodded in response. She went and opened the freezer and found ice cream kitty inside and they both screamed at eachother in fear until Bigfoot threw the fridge out of the window in fear.

"Bigfoot need help." She said to April.
"Sure what Bigfoot want i mean.. what do you want?" April asked curiously.
"Makeover?" She asked nervously.

We cut to the both of them in the bathroom as April was doing it for her, she started off by trimming up her hair and putting lipstick on her face.
"Well, uh what do you think?" April asked as she grabbed a mirror and saw her reflection, and the mirror shattered as a result.

Donnie was heading downstairs casually until he ran into Bigfoot holding out the soup again and groaned in disgust, he looked up and saw her with some makeup on her.
"Wow.. whoa um yeah thank you.." Donnie said nervously as she made a wide grin.
"Gotta go bye!" Donnie shouted zooming off at fast speeds leaving her upset. Donnie went into the living room and was breathing heavily.

"Uh this is so uncomfortable, Bigfoot follows me everywhere like a lovestruck puppy." Donnie said closing the door.
"Now you know how April feels." Raph mocked as he played more video games, Donnie was about to say something but soon realized he was right.
"Hey, you seen Spike anywhere? Haven't seen him for hours." Donnie asked curiously.
"Said something about going for a hunt, even though he's still in pain, he's wanting to push through it to get better. Gotta hand it to him, that kid doesn't give up even when in pain." Raph said as he continued playing with Donnie looking concerned.

Bigfoot was currently on a rooftop thinking to herself alone until she heard Casey and Leo laughing.
"So she's wearing makeup now and keeps making soup for Donnie." Leo said while chuckling.
"You think she's his type?" Casey asked trying to hold back his laughter. .
"Maybe after a shave!" Leo joked which made the two of them laugh hard, but they didn't know Bigfoot was hearing them and saw her looking upset.
"Bigfoot wait!" Leo shouted as she went off crying.

Donnie and Mikey were on the porch and saw her running off while crying and looked at Leo and Casey.
"What is wrong with you guys?!" Mikey asked mad at them.
"We didn't mean to hurt her feelings!" Casey said in defense.
"Bigfoot wait!" Donnie shouted as he ran after along with Mikey.

Bigfoot continued to cry as the Finger saw her run through the forest.
"Mama your boys got them right where he wants em." He said to the doll.
"If you play your cards right, maybe you'll get your own alien hunting reality show." He said in a womans voice again.
"Oh, just like cousin fatback!" Finger said as he shot a bomb arrow into a tree and it exploded. Spike was hiding in the trees again and was finishing up a set of traps he placed for him.
"And i've got you where i want you.." Spike said with anger as he prepared his trap.

Bigfoot kept crying while she ran through the woods, she wasn't looking where she was going and fell into a secure trap the Finger placed.
"How many years has Finger been chasing you? Well guess what? Mama says the chasings over, Bigfoot, you gonna make mama and the Finger rich." He said holding the doll up.
"I'm so proud of you the Finger." He said in a womans voice again as Donnie and Mikey snuck up and saw him holding her, they thought they tackled him to the ground but that set off another trap which got them knocked out by a wooden log.

Spike saw that he captured Donnie and Mikey too and knew it was time to begin his plan.
"Ain't got no room for them in the cart mama, looks like i'm gonna have to stuff em right here!" He said holding out a large knife, Donnie was about to suggest something until something made a shattering sound nearby.
"What the?" Finger asked confused as he went to check on it.

He went not to far from the others and looked down and saw a shattered piece of glass on the floor.
"This ain't from those aliens.." Finger said looking at it, a shadow sweat by him and made a hissing sound which he heard.
"Who's there?! Show yourself!" Finger demanded holding out another arrow, the shadow went behind him again and he turned around once more and shot the arrow. The arrow flew through the air and seemingly stabbed something in the chest.
"Yes! You thought you could outsmart.." Finger said right before he came up to it and saw it was a dummy.
"Me?" Finger asked as he heard something snap. He looked to his right and saw a rope was being pulled from multiple areas, one went to another log, one went to a rock that went higher, and the last one was on a high tree branch that lead to something above him snapping.

Finger looked up in shock and saw a net full of bombs of soup that Bigfoot made fall down to him.
"Whoa!" Finger shouted as he tried dodging them all which made loud splashes upon exploding. Finger kept his guard up until he backed into something once more, he turned around and saw in shock as this was a trap full of shockers from Donnie's laugh. He screamed in terror as he was continuously being shocked to no end by this trap and was trying to escape.
"You think.. that's enough to stop me?!" Finger asked right before something shot him in the arrow pack, he looked behind and saw a firecracker attached to a sticky magnet was attached to the bomb arrows.

"Oh no.." Finger said in shock as all of the bomb arrows went off and started exploding which sent him into the air, he kept on falling back until another exploded like a firework over and over again until he fell on the ground and they all blew up now. Finger groaned in pain right as he got up again, but this walked him into another trap and that caused his legs to be restrained and left him dangling in the air.
"Who are you?! What do you want with the Finger?!" He screamed in anger, a loud hiss could be heard as the shadow from before landed down, the finger turned around and found Spike looking down at him with fury and he made a loud hiss of rage.

Donnie and Mikey were able to break free of they're traps and heard loud screaming in the distance. Donnie freed Bigfoot and they went to check it out, when they got there they saw Spike coiling around the guy and sqeezing him till he gives up.
"Spike?! That was you?!" Donnie asked in shock.
"You set up all those traps?! Talk about awesome dog!" Mikey said amazed at what he did.

"I knew this creep was following us, so i decided to show him how it feels when hunting a lady! How dare you do such a thing?!" Spike said with a loud hiss again and the Finger looked shocked.
"What?! Bigfoot's a lady?! The Finger can't hurt no lady!" The finger said in shock which confused him greatly.
"Wait.. what?" Spike asked confused as he uncoiled from him and dropped him down. Spike slithered up to the others and they looked just as confused.

"The Finger's sorry mama, he didn't know! He would never hurt no lady!" Finger said to his doll and was on the verge of crying. until Bigfoot walked up and picked him up/
"There there, it am be okay." Bigfoot said assuringly.
"Huh?" Finger said in shock looking at her, the two looked at eachother for a moment until they.. both fell in love with eachother and hugged eachother while he kept crying.
"Bigfoot take care of sad man." Bigfoot said as she walked off carrying him while the 3 of them looked in shock, Spike slapped his face and was just trying to process what he just saw.
"What.. the.. fu.." Spike said in complete confusion right before we cut to April chopping up another piece of wood.

Donnie came up to her looking ashamed before deciding to talk with her.
"Hey April." Donnie said nervously.
"What's up Donnie?" April asked brushing some sweat off.

"I um.. well i just wanted to let you know i won't be bothering you with music boxes anymore. I get it now, Donnie is to April as Bigfoot was for Donnie." Donnie said sadly which made her confused.
"I'm just.. a mutant.." Donnie said sadly.
"Your not just a mutant Donnie, your my mutant." April said as she gave him a kiss suddenly which shocked him completely.
"I understand.. nothing.." Donnie said in complete shock as Spike watched from the window and shook his head in disappointment before going to take a nap himself..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this new one, i honestly think that this episode could've ended the love triangle thing between Don, April and Casey, because Donnie realized how it feels to receive unwanted affection here. But i don't know why they kept this thing going as it had no resolution for the rest of the show, i did find this funny though and wanted to let Spike show off stuff at the beginning that will be set up for later. I just hope you all liked this and look forward to more

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