• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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48: Return to New York

It was the next day after Spike and the others returned from they're quest in the woods. This trail proved to all of them that they were ready to head back to New York, and take it back from the Kraang, since then, he's been helping his mother pack her own stuff up, she most likely hasn't been there before, and it's gonna be an interesting experience, especially with Jaqueline.

Mikey was watching his favorite show once again until they all saw the news come on.
"Ever since the invasion that is known as the invasion of New York, humans want to know what is going on. Everything is.. fine. No human is allowed in or out of the city until Kraa.. uh.. the military know what to do with it. This is Carlos, Kraang o Brian Gambe.." Carlos said as the others were watching.
"Hmm, does the news guy seem a little Kraangy to you?" Mikey asked curious until Mikey hit him over the head with a magazine.

"A little? What are you on a pepperoni?" Raph asked annoyed with him as Psiona growled with anger.
"He's obviously being mind controlled, i know how the Kraang unravels they're plans." Psiona said puffing out some smoke from her nostrils.
"How have the Kraang not been discovered by the rest of the world? Is the people in charge that stupid?" Jaqueline asked annoyed and all of them nodded in response.

"The Kraang may have the rest of the world fooled, but not us, what's the plan Leo?" April asked turning to him.
"Step one, storm the castle walls, Donnie?" Leo asked looking at him.
"It's not as heavily armored as the Shellraiser, but maneuverable, has more weapons, and gets better gas mileage." Donnie said as he put some blueprints of the party wagon with some upgrades on the table.
"Then let's stop jabbering and build this sucka!" Casey said confidently.

We cut to a montage of the others giving the raiser upgrades. Psiona helped install some new weapons with Raph while Spike and Donnie helped out with the designing. Jaqueline helped the others program the computer with an A.I like with the car they had until they were finally done.

"The new and improved.. party wagon!" Donnie announced as he showed them all of its new upgrades.
"It's so awesome!" Raph said amazed.
"A job well done guys!" Spike said amazed as well.
"Alright team, let's do this!" Leo said confidently as they all high fived eachother.

Everyone was now outside the house getting ready to leave, Psiona was carrying a large bag and putting it in the van.
"What's that mom?" Spike asked curious as she shut the door.
"It's my gold and Kraang tech, can't leave without it." Psiona said as they were starting to get in the van.
"So, we're really heading to New York?" Jaqueline asked as she got in with them.
"Yeah, and it's most likely gonna be crawling with Kraang.. I still can't believe it was taken over at all.." Spike said with regret looking down.

"You were all overwhelmed son, there are times you need to retreat to rest and recover, so that you may be ready for the next fight, it never hurts to take a break." Psiona explained looking at him.
"Yeah but.. i was a snake for only a few days after i was mutated, this was just after we got back from Dimension X too, we barely had time to prepare before the Kraang attacked, the lair was attacked by the Kraang and a leader called.. Kraang Sub Prime i think.." Spike said trying to recall what Donnie told him. Psiona's pupils shrunk with shock and anger as she heard that name.

"What?" She asked in an aggressive tone which worried them.
"Mom? Are you okay?" Spike asked a little nervous as she looked angry, she quickly realized what she was doing and took some breaths.
"Forgive me, just mentioning the Kraang angers me given my history with them.." Psiona said looking down a little.
"Yeah but.. how'd you escape from Dimension X?" Jaqueline asked curious, Psiona sighed and looked at them.
"That is a story for another time.. i'm just not ready to talk about it yet.." Psiona explained looking down at the floor thinking this over, Spike and Jaqueline looked at eachother a little worried before deciding to let things go for now.

April and the others were getting in the van and she looked at her house.
"Goodbye old farmhouse." April said looking at it. They all finally got inside and closed the door.
"Hello New York City!" Mikey said excitedly.
"Here we go guys.." Jaqueline said a little nervous as Casey started up the engine and they started to leave.

They went through the highways as the sun was setting getting closer to the city until they were right at the entry point.
"All right team. First we track down Master Splinter, then we hunt for Karai and free the city." Leo said seriously as it came into view.
"It looks far less fictional then how i've seen it in dreams, it looks really depressing honestly.." Jaqueline said as they saw it.
"I know.. and the Kraang will pay.." Psiona said making a low growl.

"So what's the plan fearless leader? Ninja-y or all out attack?" Raph asked curiously.
"Ninja-y, we park at the gate and sneak in. Then we split up and search for master Splinter." Leo instructed.
"And my father.." April said right before a light blinded her.

Casey stopped the van as multiple lights came on.
"Okay, not good.." Casey said worried as the military was guarding the entrance.
"Everyone be quiet!" Psiona whispered as they all got ready as a soldier walked up.

"Citizen! This is epf quarantine of sector 7-b. Roll down your window." The soldier ordered and Casey did so.
"Authorized personal only, no one goes in or out of the city." He ordered.
"Whatever you say army dude." Casey said casually as he walked off, Psiona took a closer look and saw he had a mind control device on his neck.

"You see that? It's a Kraang mind control device, i bet they all have em." April said as Mikey looked worried.
"Oh man, they're all mind controlled?" Mikey asked worried as Psiona brought him down, more soldiers came up and readied they're weapons.
"Casey! Go!" Psiona shouted as he put on his mask.
"No need to tell me twice!" Casey shouted as he stepped on the gas, everyone screamed as the van was taking off at fast speeds.

"What are you doing Casey?" April asked annoyed as all the soldiers were firing at them. Casey put down a shield for the windshield and drove straight through the door smashing it down and they drove into the city as the army was firing at them until they were gone.

They all had made it into the city and saw it was almost abandoned, there were Kraang crystals on the streets and the power was out completely.
"What were you thinking man? You got any brains behind that hockey mask?" Raph asked annoyed hitting his head.
"I had no choice Raph, they were powering up they're blasters." Casey said in defense.
"It doesn't matter if we began to leave, they were gonna fire anyway, so we needed to strike first." Psiona said seriously as they drove through the empty city.

"Guys? Where are all the people?" Donnie asked sadly as there was no one here.
"You.. you think the Kraang mutated.. everyone?" Mikey asked in fear.
"No way, not possible." Leo said refusing to believe it, Psiona and April used they're powers to sense them.
"I'm afraid.. it is possible.." Psiona said sadly as she couldn't feel even a thousand people.
"There are only a few hundred left.. they're gone.." April said sadly as all of them looked down before they turned into an alley.

"One good thing, we haven't running into any Kraang..." Mikey said right before an entire group aimed they're weapons at them.
"Oh no! Why did i have to open my big mouth?!" Mikey asked ashamed. Psiona growled with rage seeing all of them.
"It is the humans known as Casey Jones and April O Neil. Eliminate them!" A droid ordered.
"Open the door!" Psiona shouted which shocked them.
"What? mom are you?" Spike asked before she looked at him.
"Do it!" Psiona ordered as she was furious.

Spike nervously opened the door and Psiona stormed out of the van. Psiona landed on the ground with rage and glared at all of them.
"Hello Kraang." Psiona said with fury as she towered over all of them and turned her arm into a cannon again, all of the aliens had a horrified look seeing her.
"P.. P... P.. Psiona!!!" A droid shouted as he dropped his weapon and ran away in fear, all the droids looked at her as she charged her weapon. She made a loud roar and started to fire at all of them.
"It is the one known as Psiona!" A droid shouted in horror as she sliced through one with her blade tail and smashed on a brain.

"Oh you remember me? Glad to know you still have nightmares about me!" Psiona screamed as she breathed a huge stream of fire and burnt an entire group to ashes, more droids tried firing at her until she shot multiple blasts with her arm while everyone watched in shock.
"Holy moly.." Leo said completely shocked at her status.
"Guess the Kraang are afraid of things.." Spike said shocked at her power, she was tearing through them left and right like nothing by now.
"Guess she is a well known person within the Kraang species.." Jaqueline said shocked as well. Psiona slammed a droid to the wall and shot a blast right in the alien brain finishing it off.

She took some heavy breaths and went back to the van.
"That's all of them, let's go." Psiona said as she calmed down and got back in.
"Mom? Are you okay? That was really intense.." Spike said worried for her.
"Forgive me son.. i have a huge problem that i need to deal with.." Psiona said as she looked ashamed for doing that in front of him.
"And i thought i had anger issues.." Raph said surprised as they started moving.
"Well for what it's worth, we're good for now, there's a secret tunnel entrance here." Donnie said as he pushed on a button and opened a hatch to the subway entrance.

They went through the subway until they parked at a specific spot and all got out.
"You think we'll be safe down here dude?" Mikey asked worried until Leo shushed him.
"Full ninja mode." Leo instructed.
"Let's go.." Jaqueline said as they all started going through the tunnels.

They kept moving through the tunnels until they heard something.
"Hold on." Psiona said as they all took cover, a group of Kraang droids and some Mousers came through the area and were marching through. A droid heard something and landed down and searched over until it went over a path where Spike and the others were hiding. Psiona quietly made a stealth attack and ripped the brain out before turning the thing to ash in rage.

"April, Spike, do you think you can use your powers to track Splinter?" Donnie asked worried.
"We can try but, you said his mind is no longer one with his body right? which means he could be crazy or delusional or.. who knows what?" April asked worried about that.
"I'll try sensing him the best i can, any ideas where to find him?" Spike asked the others.
"Ooh, what about the lair?" Mikey suggested.

We cut to them in the old lair as it was almost destroyed, the power was off and Kraang droids were everywhere completely deactivated. Leo and Psiona entered the lair with the others.
"All right, Mikey, you stay here." Leo ordered.
"But i wanna.." Mikey said before April muffled him.

Spike snuck in with Psiona and Jaqueline and they looked around in shock.
"This.. this is your home Spike?" Jaqueline asked sadly as the place was messed up badly.
"Yeah, the Kraang destroyed the place when i was running from them with Raph and Casey from them.." Spike said looking down sadly, Psiona saw he was really upset and tried comforting him.
"I'll be okay son.. it'll be okay.." Psiona assured giving him a hug.

Psiona's senses suddenly went off and she quickly made all of them take cover. She covered they're mouths as they all saw a probe was scanning for them. Donnie took out a ninja star and was about to throw it, until it's alarm went off and it took out a huge amount of weapons and fired all over the place. Everyone was screaming as the droid fired all over the dojo.

"That's it!" Psiona shouted with anger as she took Spike sword and ran to the drone.
"Mom wait!" Spike shouted as she made a battle cry, the drone saw her and quickly fired all over her, but she deflected the blasts with every strike of the sword and jumped over to it.
"Leave this planet monster!!" Psiona screamed as she delivered multiple slashes to it, she was on the ground with white eyes as the droid stopped firing, all of it's arms suddenly fell off until it fell apart into pieces completely destroyed.

"Wow.. she just.. destroyed it.." Jaqueline said in shock as they all got out of their hiding spots.
"Well that takes care of that pest.." Raph said as they all got out.
"Come on, let's meet up with the others." Psiona said as they all started to leave.

Mikey was waiting with the others as Leo and the others made it back.
"No sign of Splinter." Leo reported.
"I took care of one of the Kraang's security system, it won't be a bother anymore." Psiona said taking heavy breaths.
"Even if we can move back in, the Kraang are still.." Donnie said before Spike and April sensed something.

"Guys! I.. i think.." April said as the two saw flashes of Splinter in their heads.
"I think i can feel Splinter, he's faint but he feels different! Come on!" Spike shouted as he and April led the others away.

They ran through the sewers until they saw what looked like Splinter fending off against some Mousers.
"Sensei!" Mikey said in shock as they all saw him hiss at them.
"Everyone get down!" Jaqueline shouted as Splinter lunged at Casey.
"Get him off of me!!" Casey screamed as Splinter snapped at him.

Spike coiled around Splinter and Psiona tried holding him down.
"Sensei it's us!" Donnie shouted as all of them tried helping him.
"Is this really him?" Psiona asked as Splinter tried escaping.

"He's too strong!" Mikey said as he was almost free.
"Sensei it's us! It's us, calm down!" Leo begged as Splinter hissed at all of them like a beast until he took some breaths and looked down sadly.
"What do we do with him?" Spike asked worried as all of them looked at him, but before they could discuss something, they heard a Mouser yell again and they looked up and saw foot bots emerging down.

"What are those things?!" Jaqueline asked shocked as all of them drew they're weapons.
"Foot bots! Be careful!" Spike shouted drawing his sword, Psiona turned her arm into a blade of her own now and made a roar as they all charged at them.
"Don't let them harm Splinter!" Leo ordered as he joined in too.

But Splinter broke free from the others and started running off.
"Oh no, Splinter!" Raph shouted with worry as more foot bots came in front of him. Raph screamed with rage as he delivered a strong punch to it's head, Psiona sliced off another in half while Spike ripped the head out with his jaws.
"There's to many!" April shouted as even more lowered down and landed on Splinter.

A droid tazed Splinter and he screamed in pain before he was knocked out.
"Splinter!!" Leo and Spike shouted with horror as he was being taken away.
"Leave him alone!!" Spike screamed as he stabbed a bot in it's chest and Psiona burned another to ash, Jaqueline smacked another away with her tail and they kept running.
"After him!" Donnie shouted as they tried saving him. They ran through the tunnels again until they saw they're path was blocked and they saw Splinter being taken away.
"Sensei!!!" Mikey shouted with horror.

Rain was pouring down as we cut to the Shredder's lair. Shredder was looking over a photo of him and Karai until Tiger claw came in.
"Master Shredder. Your lowly enemies are defeated. Do we wait for the Kraang to mutate the entire earth? Destroy all of humanity?" Tiger claw asked frustrated.
"Watch your tone Tiger Claw. I am well aware of the Kraang's plans, when the time is right, we will destroy those putrid aliens. And this city will belong to me, now, keep searching for Karai." Shredder ordered until some bots came in with Splinter being restrained.

"What? It cannot be!" Tiger claw said in shock.
"Hamato Yoshi, lives? "Shredder asked shocked as Splinter tried attacking the bots.

"He survived, but not intact. He has clearly lost his mind. become the rat i always knew he was. " Shredder said as they looked down at him.
"Should i finish him master?" Tiger claw asked holding out his blaster.
"No, take him to Baxter Stockman." Shredder ordered.

We cut to Stockman's new lab as he had now had a new tank of mutagen right above a net and he was currently trying to make a retro mutagen.
"Stockman." Shredder announced which scarred him, Stockman saw Splinter was all feral and was placed into a cage.
"I want you to restore Hamato Yoshi's mind. I want him to be aware of who and where he is, before i finished him off." Shredder ordered as Splinter was sealed into it.
"Yes.. master.." Stockman replied as Splinter tried snapping at him again.

We cut back to the sewers as Spike and the others were searching for Splinter. They peaked around a corner and saw more footbots guarding something. Raph held out a smoke bomb and Psiona turned her arm into a blade again. Raph threw the bomb right at the bots which let Psiona and Leo slash the bots to bits with ease.

"This is the threats you've been facing son?" Psiona asked as Spike came next to her.
"Yeah, they used to be regular people, but they were upgraded to Kraang tech bots after Shredder joined forces with the Kraang." Spike explained which made Psiona growl.
"Any alley of the Kraang is an enemy to me, i'll make sure he knows who he's messing with." Psiona said clutching her arm with anger.

Donnie managed to open the hatch and they all looked down.
"Like a turtle do." Donnie said confidently.
"Pat yourself on the back later, let's move." Raph ordered before a familiar shadow came behind them.
"It's Shred head.." Mikey said in fear as all of them saw.. it was actually a mini version of him with tentacles. This made Spike, Jaqueline and all of them laugh at the creature.

"What is that?!" Jaqueline asked laughing hard.
"Is that supposed to be a mini Shredder?" Raph guessed laughing really hard.
"Haha, it's kind of cute, like a shrimp." Mikey said in agreement. But the laughing was stopped as the creature lunged at them and tried attacking them.

"What the heck?!" Casey asked shocked as it lunged at his face.
"Alright, that's enough!" Psiona shouted as she ripped the thing off him and threw him into a wall, she and the others got into the hatch as it tried attacking them again.
"And stay out you little freak!" Raph shouted as he slammed the hatch in its face.

Spike and the others snuck around for a few until they found themselves within Stockman's lair. Leo made a hand motion for all of them to stay quiet, and they all quickly made they're way down the lab. Psiona looked around the place with shock as she hadn't seen a place like this in a while.

"This is where he's being kept?" Psiona asked as they all saw Splinter being held in a cell.
"Yeah.. how do we save him? His mind is feral, i don't think i'm strong enough to restore it." Spike said as all of them looked over a view.
"His mind isn't focused enough for me to enter his dreams, i can't do anything either." Jaqueline said sadly.
"Let's just see what we can do.." Psiona whispered as she and the others landed in front of the cage.

"Sensei.. sensei!" Leo whispered which got his attention and he walked up to him.
"Quick get him out of there." Raph ordered as Donnie tapped on a device and managed to open the cage.
"It's okay. It's okay.. there's gotta be a way to reach him." April said as she tried calming him down.

"Red, remember the time you reached the guys through their dreams? What if you can do the same thing for Splinter?" Casey suggested.
"It could be possible, i've restored minds before.." Psiona said as this could work.
"You've restored minds? Who's?" Spike asked curious before Stockman finally noticed them.

"What is this?! Turtles.. a Dream Beaver?! And.. another dragon?! Here?!" Stockman asked in complete shock.
"He knows about the Dream Beavers?" Jaqueline asked surprised.
"April, try and wake Splinter up!" Leo ordered as he and the others tried fighting him off.

"Oh no you don't punk!" Spike shouted as he coiled around his body and threw him to the wall, Psiona grabbed his head and starred him dead in the eyes.
"It.. it can't be.. are you that dragons.. mother?!" Stockman asked as Psiona started chocking him out.
"You bet your ugly head i am!!" Psiona screamed as she threw him hard against the wall and he groaned in pain as Spike and the others towered over him.

"How do you know about the Dream Beavers?!" Jaqueline asked in a demanding tone.
"I've done my research on you freaks! let's even the odds!" Stockman said menacingly as a hatch behind him opened and all of them watched in horror as more Shredder like mutants emerged from behind him.

"Sweet mother of mutations.." Donnie said horrified.
"Do you like my Shredder mutants? They make excellent watchdogs!" Stockman mocked as they towered over all of them.
"Well. this should be fun!" Psiona said with a grin as she charged up her cannon.
"Mom are you crazy?! You can't fight them at once!" Spike said worried for her.
"Believe me, decades in dimension X has had me prepared for anything!" Psiona said confidently as she charged at all of them.

Psiona backflipped over the huge one and grabbed one of it's four arms, she twisted it with her strength and started twirling the monster around until she threw it to a wall, she then side stepped from the monster with the huge lobster claws and kept dodging them.
"I've faced worse freaks then you before!" Psiona shouted as she used her powers and started making the thing float in the air.
"You, and all these mutants are nothing special here!" Psiona screamed as she used her telekinesis to twist that things limbs and it roared in pain.

Spike and the others continued watching this with shock in seeing her take on the other mutants like they're nothing.
"Holy cow.. i knew she was strong but this is.." Spike said in complete amazement.
"I'd say she's on par with Splinter's skill, maybe even more.." Donnie said as that all reminded them.
"That's right! Splinter!" Spike said as he quickly slithered up to where Splinter was.

"Splinter, please wake up Splinter!" Casey begged as Splinter hissed at all of them.
"You are not a rat. You are hamato yoshi" April said as she tried using her powers, Spike focused his mind too and tried helping him.
"Remember who you are Splinter, please.." Spike begged as he tried focusing the best he could. Splinter groaned in pain as he finally started having flashes in his mind, he saw what looked like Shredder attacking him as they tried helping him.

While all of them were fighting, Mikey knocked down stockman and thought he won.. until he accidently tripped the alarm.
"Mikey!" All of them shouted with frustration. This set off the alarm in the lair and the foot bots started to move.
"The rat has escaped!" Shredder said with rage.

Spike tried focusing his mind even harder and tried restoring him.
"Sensei, please, it's us. We're your family, you are Hamato Yoshi, remember who you are." Spike begged as he focused his powers even more. This finally caused Splinter's life to flash before him as he finally remembered who he was. Splinter finally calmed down and gripped Spike's arm.
"Master Splinter?" Spike asked shocked as they saw he was finally restored.

Before they could talk more, they heard a roar and saw Leo and the others were fighting off the monsters. Splinter immediately rushed into the fight and kicked the small one down into the fan, Psiona grabbed the largest one finally and threw it over her shoulder which made that thing be grinded to death as well. Splinter finally finished off the last one and sent it to its death too.

"Father?" Raph asked hopefully.
"Sensei.." Leo said worried as well, Splinter turned to all of them and smiled.
"My sons.." Splinter said gladly as all of them gave him a hug.
"Sensei!" Spike said in huge relief, Psiona and Jaqueline smiled at this reunion and joined in.

"So.. your Master Splinter?" Psiona asked as Splinter noticed her and looked surprised seeing her.
"And you are.. Spike's mother?" Splinter asked surprised.
"Yes.. i know it's a lot to take in, but i'll explain everything soon.." Psiona assured until someone stopped they're reunion.

"So the turtles and dragon live." Shredder announced as they saw him with his army of foot bots as well.
"And the rat thinks like a man again, now you will know when my blade is at your throat." Shredder mocked gripping his hands. Psiona growled with rage and turned her arm into a cannon.
"So, your the monster who mutated my son?!" Psiona asked furious seeing him.
"And i see the dragon found his mother as well, as well as allied with a Dream Beaver. How interesting." Shredder said as he saw her and Jaqueline next to Spike.
"How do you know what i am?" Jaqueline asked shocked.

Psiona growled even more and charged up a blast.
"I'll make sure you suffer for what you've done Shredder!" Psiona shouted as she was about to fire.
"No mom, it's too soon to fight him!" Spike said which made her stop.
"Spike is right, now is not the time." Splinter said as Mikey threw a smoke bomb down and they vanished again.

All of them were going through the tunnels again until something landed on the roof.
"There is no escape!" Tiger claw shouted from the windshield.
"Back off you freak!" Psiona shouted as she used her telekinesis to knock him off the van.
"Take that!" Mikey shouted in victory as all of them drove off leaving him behind. They all got out of the tunnels and drove through the empty streets.
"Party van in full effect boy!" Mikey shouted as they all escaped.

All of them sighed in relief and took some deep breaths.
"We made it.." Donnie said in relief.
"Yeah by the skin of our shells." Raph said exhausted.
"Where to now? The Lair isn't safe to go back to yet.." Mikey asked worried for all of them.
"Homes are transitory, all that matters is that we are together." Splinter assured looking over all of them.

"We still need a place to hang our masks sensei. Where are we gonna live?" Leo asked worried.
"Well there's the old power plant, or maybe an abandoned subway tunnel?" Donnie suggested.
"Wait! I have the greatest idea ever!" Mikey announced.
"Do we really wanna hear this?" Raph asked annoyed.
"It's secret, fortified, and no one would ever think to look for us there." Mikey said confidently.

We cut to all of them going into a pizza place that's been abandoned for a while.
"Perfect right?" Mikey asked as all of them went inside.
"Of course you would want to stay at a pizza place." Spike said a little annoyed.
"At least it's a place to stay.." Psiona said trying to be positive.
"Yeah.. any place is good right now.." Jaqueline said in agreement.

"Psiona and Mikey are right, it will serve for now." Splinter said looking at all of them.
"Next up, take the city back." Casey said confidently.
"And find my dad, he's out there.. somewhere.." April said as she could see all the mutated humans in Dimension X.
"It's like he's right here...right next door.." April said confused as they all looked out the window.
"It's gonna be interesting here that's for sure.." Spike said worried as he could sense all of them to somehow...

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this new one! I think this episode really started getting things cool as all of them made they're way through the city after it was taken over. Spike's mom has quite the grudge against the Kraang and you can expect her being a bit aggressive with a lot of them in future encounters. I think Stockman would already know about Jaqueline and the Dream Beavers as he's an extremely smart scientist. I think he'd know a few things about her and what she does.

Also, even if they were able to take back the lair, i think it'd be to risky to move back into it when the Kraang are still in the city, so they still needed to move into that pizza house. But i have a lot planned for future episodes and i hope you look forward seeing more!

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