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Princess Luna still feels alone, nineteen years after her return to Equestria . But when she finds a friend in an online game, everything seems better. She can be herself without worrying about what others think, and she can finally talk to another pony, even if he never knows who she really is.

Celestia is worried about her sister, especially right now. Upcoming peace talks with a powerful new nation mean that all the Princesses need to be completely ready. With her Luna so absorbed in a fantasy world, she wonders how she'll make it through the harrowing weeks to come.

Button Mash feels like a failure. He's still living at home, he still can't find work that can use his degree from the university, and he still feels alone. His friends are getting married, starting families, and thriving in their careers. On the plus side, he plays games regularly, and his best friend is a mare, even if she doesn't know his name. He hopes that his upcoming vacation to Canterlot might help his mindset.

But, unbeknownst to all of them, a sinister web within a dark plot threatens to ensnare Equestria... And Luna may be the only one able to stop it.

She may face it alone, or maybe she'll have some help from her knight in faded armor...


Cover art credit to yamashta. Link here.

Preread by -TGM- and Goldenwing

Edited by m1ntf4n, PheonixStarr, Wing, and the_Doc, and Swan Song, and Orion Caelum.

Follows canon up to about season 4 or so. I'm not sure when everything went off the rails, but it was originally as true as possible when initially written.

Link to the Discord chat HERE!

Chapters (42)

First, I'd like to note that the reason I picked "human" in the categories is that the main character starts off in his humanoid form. It isn't going to be until later that he turns into a pony. How, you may ask? Well, I’m not going to spoil the story any more than I already have.

Anyway, this story is about another Time Lord who finds himself trapped in the MLP universe. He aims to get back to his own universe, but it will be a long adventure before he is stuck with the choice to either stay or leave. But until then, he will watch the timeline to make sure that nobody tries to alter it, while at the same time look for a way back to his own universe. However, his interaction with the ponies in Equestria will make it that much harder. He will also join forces with the most unexpected of companions.

This ends the description.

Chapters (22)

You're a stallion in your mid twenties, and your life never really started after you got out of school. You live with your overbearing mother, rarely venturing outside while the sun shines bright. Your social life is absolutely nonexistent aside from lectures from mom; not to mention you've also become quite the slob. And the more it all goes on, the less you seem to care.

One day, your mother tells you that you're going to be moving to a small country town, further inland even than Detrot. As antisocial as you are, this is just bound to go wrong.

You can feel it.

[This is most likely going to be a 'choose your own waifu' kind of deal. Just something I've been meaning to try.]

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Upheaval: Reckoning

Equestria's fragments have reunited, and the power of sunlight shines once more within Celestia. With the remnants of the Old Kingdom destroyed, the Abyssal Throne sent away, the threat of Gravitas defeated, and Black Rose no more, Equestria now faces the encroaching darkness of Oceanus and his rebels.

But the stage is not yet fully set. Twilight Sparkle and her friends must gather what means they may before the battle is joined.

Cover art provided by Captain Nibbles

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to These Flowers Never Bloom

Since its reappearance in recent times, the Crystal Empire has become known for its uniquely dazzling beauty, crystal ponies and powerful defense mechanism: the Crystal Heart. But how did such a glorious kingdom come to even exist? In the heart of a frozen, otherwise inhospitable wasteland of all places?

In the aftermath of the first Hearth's Warming Day, harmony between each pony tribe has been newly re-established. Yet upon the dawning of Hearts And Hooves Day a teacher, student, cloud-controller and farmer will accidentally unearth a nefarious plot to destabilise harmony once more. What they discover along the way about their history, their futures and the implications of power will shake the foundations of Equestria.

The price of such power is indeed steep...

Edited by ChromeMyriad, Frederick the Saiyan, and The Albinocorn. Thanks also to TOM for his WRITE review.

Rated teen for mild violence.

Featured on:
Fimfiction.net (06/09/14)
Equestria Daily!
Canterlot's Finest.

This story is 100% approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (21)

When Pinkie Pie pulls Night Rain's number, she does what she does and has Night Rain tied up on the table, however, Night Rain might be able to save her own skin if she plays the right cards and can talk her way out of it. But the truth is, is she willing to accept the consequences if she does get out?

Chapters (10)

I awaken in the magical land of Equestria to find myself face to face with Nightmare Moon, weakened, but not gone. She says that she is slowly gaining power, and nothing can stop her once she has returned completely. Nothing but a human, the worst thing to ever happen to Equestria.

This is an older story with many flaws, but a semi-coherent plot. I won't be getting back to it anytime soon, .

Chapters (18)

There are two types of ponies in the world; those that read love stories...and those that write their own.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack have been friends for years. But after a seemingly harmless game in the orchard awakens Rainbow Dash's deeper feelings for her friend Applejack, she is determined to ensure that her friend has a special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day. But what will Dash do when that pony isn't her? Can she stand on the sidelines and watch her friend find happiness without her? Can Dash find the answers she needs in the latest tale of Daring Do?

Cover image credit goes to RainbowDerp98

And be sure to check out the sequel, Where Would Rainbow Dash?

Chapters (20)

Daring Do and her lovely asssitant Ditzy Do are hired to retrieve a stone idol from deep beneath Canterlot dungeons. Then Rainbow Dash and her lightning-obsessed lover - and Ditzy's sister - Derpy Hooves get involved. Then things get complicated.

In the same continuum as "The Queen of Storms" (mature).

Chapters (2)

Daring Do sets off on another adventure, this time to find the fabled Cascade of Gloom. But she's not the only one looking for it... Traps, danger, adventure, drama and romance lay ahead for the young pegasus. DaringxOC.

Chapters (2)