• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 9,742 Views, 1,537 Comments

Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Chapter Ten; You've Got Mail

“Thanks for that.” Scootaloo said, breaking the silence that had formed between her and Rainbow Dash since they left the school. Scootaloo was still shaken up, and Rainbow Dash was still angry. Scootaloo had decided that what she wanted to say had to be said and she was getting tired of the silence.

“Hmm? For what Squirt?” Rainbow Dash replied, turning her head around to look at Scootaloo.

“For sticking up for me like that. For what it’s worth, I think you were right.”

“It means a lot. I just hope Cheerilee thinks that way too.”

“I think she will. She’s always been nice.” Scootaloo said. Rainbow Dash smiled, nodded, and turned back to face the sky in front of her, continuing the journey home. The journey passed in relative silence but Scootaloo was content that both her and Rainbow Dash were feeling better and felt no need to speak up for the sake of breaking the silence. A comfortable one had fallen over the remains of an uncomfortable one.

When they arrived back at the manor they saw that it was too late to really start anything new, but too early still for Scootaloo to go to bed. Rainbow Dash came up with a good compromise and decided to just read more than she normally would to the filly. Scootaloo was asleep after an hour or so, leaving Rainbow Dash to wonder just what she was going to do with the filly if she couldn’t go to school. Cheerilee’s schoolhouse was the only one in Ponyville. Rainbow Dash briefly considered taking her to the Cloudsdale school. It would even help her out as her weather work usually started there too. This particular notion was quickly dropped when she realised something else. Cloudsdale didn’t really deal in schools. It dealt with Flight Camps, and schoolwork was a part of that. If Scootaloo went to a school for Pegasi she would be teased endlessly for being unable to fly and she couldn’t go to a Flight Camp when she couldn’t fly. Her head full of more worries and doubts than she’d ever known, Rainbow Dash laid down in her bed and struggled to sleep, wondering what answers the new day might provide.

Rainbow Dash awoke the next day to discover that no magical answers had come to her in her sleep. She had gained a hunger during her sleep however and set out to fix it. She grabbed a quick snack from the kitchen, checked if Scootaloo was awake (which she wasn’t) and then began her usual morning training routine. It was a little more disastrous than usual as her mind was occupied with thoughts of Scootaloo, but she was determined to practice anyway.

After her latest little accident Rainbow Dash heard a little giggle coming from one of the windows of the house. She looked up and saw what she expected to see; Scootaloo having a laugh at her spectacular impact with the cloud.

“Oh I’m sure that was hilarious.” Rainbow Dash shouted up to Scootaloo. Scootaloo nodded and stifled another giggle. She didn’t want to upset Rainbow Dash too much and was worried she might already have done by laughing at her like that. “What are you going to do today anyway?” Rainbow Dash called up. She didn’t like how Scootaloo’s face darkened but it was a topic that needed to be addressed. The sooner they did that, the sooner that Rainbow Dash could go back to cheering her up. Even if it was by falling in spectacular fashion.

“Oh...I’m not sure. I’m going to be staying here aren’t I?” Scootaloo called back down, visibly upset at the current subject of the conversation.

“If you want you can, but you’re going to be on your own. You okay with that?” Rainbow Dash said, flying up to talk to Scootaloo face to face. It was much easier than constantly shouting up and down.

“I think I will be yeah. It’s gotta be better than going to school right?” Scootaloo said. Rainbow Dash couldn't disagree and so that was how their day passed. Rainbow Dash served breakfast when it was time and then kissed Scootaloo goodbye as she set off for work. Scootaloo was used to being on her own so it wasn't too hard for her to occupy her time. Even though she had been with Rainbow for a week and had gotten used to having her around all the time, the memories of her time alone were still there. She read books, cleaned the house, and tried not to think of her current situation.

While Rainbow Dash was at work she asked around if anypony had any suggestions for schools she could send Scootaloo too. They could only suggest flight camps in Cloudsdale and Rainbow Dash considered it but she thought that even though Flight Camps did have flight lessons, they were where the very young went. If Scootaloo went to a flight camp she would be stuck with the foals and Rainbow Dash thought that would be far too embarrassing and counter productive. It was much better to just wait for private lessons. This brought a realisation to Rainbow Dash. If she could get Scootaloo private flying lessons maybe she could even get her a private tutor. She wasn't entirely sure her wages would be able to cover it and decided to wait it out a little longer to see if what she had said to Cheerilee had any effect. In a way she was still in a stalemate situation. Cheerilee really was the best teacher around but Scootaloo just wasn't happy or comfortable there. Plus she would have to change her work schedule up a lot if Scootaloo had a private tutor. Rainbow Dash would probably have to stay in with her and not leave her on her own.

The new day brought a letter Rainbow Dash had been hoping for, but not really expecting. The day started the same as the one before. Rainbow Dash was practicing and Scootaloo was watching her. After waiting once more for Rainbow Dash to finish her newest trick, Scootaloo called her over.

“What do you think I’ll have to do today?” Scootaloo asked when Rainbow Dash had made her way to the window. Rainbow Dash was about to respond when a shout in the distance distracted both of them. They turned to look who was shouting at them and saw that a large white Pegasus was flying towards them. Rainbow Dash recognised it as the pony who delivered priority mail. There were two main mailponies in Ponyville. Derpy would deliver the morning mail after dropping Dinky off at school but there was another pony who delivered letters early in the morning should they be a priority and something ponies needed to see at the start of their day. Even though she knew who he was, it was probably the first time Rainbow Dash had actually received mail from him.

“I got a letter here for one Rainbow Dash.” the Pegasus said when he got closer.

“That’s me, thanks.” Rainbow Dash replied. The Pegasus gave her the letter and continued off on his way. This was important mail after all, he couldn’t wait around and deal with everypony he had to hoof out letters to. Rainbow Dash opened up the letter and read it aloud, her face lighting up as she read. It was another note from Cheerilee and one a small part of her hoped for, but did not expect.

Dear Rainbow Dash

After what you said in my office, and much thought on the matter, I have come to the conclusion that you were right. It isn’t fair on Scootaloo to have to stay at home. She paid attention in class and I’m told that before the incident with Diamond Tiara she was in a reasonably good mood. If the only thing that is preventing her from being happy is Diamond Tiara, then she shouldn’t have to stay at home. She belongs at school, like every little colt and filly who wants to learn.

To that end I have decided that Diamond Tiara, who actually seems to get in trouble quite a lot, is to be suspended for the rest of the week. Instead of Scootaloo being out of school, Diamond Tiara will be instead.

I hope to see Scootaloo back at school today. Although should this note find you late, or should you need time to prepare, she is free to stay at home until lunch time.



“So Diamond Tiara won’t be at school? For a whole week?” Scootaloo asked when Rainbow Dash had finished reading.

“Seems that way Squirt.” Rainbow Dash replied, smiling. “So, do you want to go to school then?”

“It’s gotta be better than sitting here on my own, and Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were pretty nice last time. They even stuck up for me.” Scootaloo replied. She looked like she was thinking it over but her mind had already been made up as soon as the possibility had been opened up to her. She missed her friends, and now that she knew how they would react and respond to her, she wasn’t afraid of spending time with them anymore. She wanted to do it. A small part of her mind was already working on ways for them to earn their cutie marks again as the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“Do you want to go now, or do you want to wait until lunchtime?” Rainbow Dash asked as she peeked into the bedroom to look at the clock on the wall. If they left soon then they could make it in time for the morning bell.

“I think I can be ready to go soon. You have work don’t you? So it’s best I go in now right?” Scootaloo replied before scurrying out of the room to prepare, not even giving Rainbow Dash a chance to respond. Rainbow Dash herself flew into her room and prepared for work.

Within ten minutes both ponies were packed up and ready. Scootaloo ran down the stairs to find Rainbow Dash waiting for her. She had two small brown bags in her mouth.

“What are those for?” Scootaloo asked. Rainbow Dash put them on the ground so she could speak properly before replying.

“One is your lunch, and the other is your breakfast. Eat it on the way, but be careful not to get any crumbs on me.” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Yes ma’am!” Scootaloo replied, saluting, before scooping up both bags and hopping on to Rainbow Dash’s back. Rainbow Dash smiled back at her and took out off the front door, bucking it closed with her legs on the way out. Scootaloo thought it was a showy but still slightly impressive way to leave a building. Plus she liked it when Rainbow Dash showed off almost as much as Rainbow herself liked showing off.

A short flight later and Rainbow Dash waved Scootaloo goodbye for the day and checked her coat for any remains of Scootaloo’s breakfast. Finding none, she took off into the sky and headed for Cloudsdale for her own day of work.

Author's Note:

My personal apologies if this chapter seems a little off, but I rewrote the middle, and I rewrote it while at the gym actually. Originally Rainbow Dash was going to get the letter from Cheerilee the next day but when I thought about it, I decided that would be far too quickly, so I added a day of waiting. Plus it also expands a little more on Rainbow Dash's thought patterns and shows her concern for Scoots, so I think in the end it all worked.

At least, I seriously hope so. Now to hope everything else makes sense with this missing day suddenly there.

In case you're wondering what I added it's from "Rainbow Dash couldn't disagree" to "when Rainbow Dash made her way to the window". Originally that wasn't supposed to be there.

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