• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 9,742 Views, 1,537 Comments

Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Chapter 73; We Still Love You

“Scootaloo, wait!” Rainbow Dash called out as she saw Scootaloo a short distance away. As if Scootaloo hadn’t drawn enough attention to herself, Rainbow Dash calling out like that sure did. Ponies started talking amongst themselves even more than before. If not even Rainbow Dash could control her then just what was wrong with Scootaloo? They were causing quite the scene in the middle of the market. Rainbow Dash was about to take off into the air and catch up to her in a matter of seconds when she saw a familiar white figure slightly ahead of Scootaloo. “Hey Rarity, catch Scootaloo!” Rainbow Dash called out, smiling as she thought she would have some help in catching Scootaloo. Rarity wasn’t quite sure how to react or respond though, and Scootaloo slipped right through her legs.

“I’m sorry darling, I didn’t-” Rarity tried to say as Rainbow Dash ran past her.

“It’s okay!” Rainbow Dash called back to Rarity, already well past her by the time Rarity had finished speaking. With the option of just blocking Scootaloo down Rainbow Dash settled for just taking off and flying after her. Rainbow Dash took off, barely leaving the ground, and flew after Scootaloo. When she caught up with Scootaloo Rainbow Dash reached down to grab her in her forelegs and accidentally scuffed the ground. She tumbled on top of Scootaloo instead and together they rolled around on the floor before finally coming to a stop. Rainbow Dash was flat on her back with Scootaloo on her chest. Rainbow Dash put her forelegs around Scootaloo and held her close. Scootaloo was still crying. “Don’t you run away from me like that again.” Rainbow Dash said, nuzzling the top of Scootaloo’s head.

“I’m sorry. I was just so...so…” Scootaloo tried to explain, tripping over her words.

“It’s okay Scoots. I can understand why you didn’t do it. I wish you did, but I’m not gonna be mad or disappointed you didn’t.” Rainbow Dash reassured her. Scootaloo brought her crying under control and looked up at Rainbow Dash.

“You...you won’t?” Scootaloo asked nervously. Rainbow Dash smiled and shook her head.

“Nope. But I will be sad if you run away from me.” Rainbow Dash replied, frowning a little. Scootaloo jumped up and wrapped her forelegs around Rainbow Dash’s neck in a hug.

“I won’t run away again.” Scootaloo vowed softly. She was coming to terms with Rainbow Dash always being there for her no matter what. It would just take a little bit longer. After everything that had happened she wouldn’t have been too surprised if Rainbow Dash decided to leave her after all.

“Hey you couldn’t run away from me anyway.” Rainbow Dash teased, unfurling her wings, which was rougher than it usually was given that she was flat on her back. Scootaloo spread her own wings and looked at them. She looked a little dejected and Rainbow Dash was worried that she had made a mistake. Scootaloo started to smile and move her wings a little.

“Just you wait. I’ll fly so fast you won’t be able to catch me.” Scootaloo teased. Rainbow Dash let out a laugh.

“I’ll always catch you Squirt.” Rainbow Dash replied, giving Scootaloo one more tight squeeze before climbing up off the ground and onto her hooves. Scootaloo hopped up on Rainbow Dash’s back and hugged the back of her neck. “For now we need to find Star Shine, and get to Twilight’s.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Oh yeah…Wonder where he went.” Scootaloo mused, looking around for any sign of Star Shine.

“I think we should go back to the market, it’ll be easier to spot him.” Rainbow Dash said, kicking off into the air. She headed off in the direction of the market. When she got there she saw not one, but two familiar figures. Rarity wasn’t too far away from where Rainbow Dash had left her and this time she had Star Shine with her too. Rarity pointed a hoof in the direction that Rainbow Dash had ran off in. Star Shine nodded and was about to take off in that direction when Rainbow Dash dropped out of the sky, surprising both Rarity and Star Shine.

“Oh there you are.” Star Shine said, not missing a beat.

“Well hello again darling.” Rarity added. “Not in such a hurry this time I see.” she teased gently. Rainbow Dash played with her mane sheepishly.

“Yeah, Scoots kinda got away from me a little.” Rainbow Dash replied. Scootaloo hid her face in Rainbow Dash’s fur.

“Is...is it true she hit Diamond Tiara?” Rarity asked nervously. Her gossiping about Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo had gotten her into trouble before. Even if it hadn’t, she didn’t want to believe it was true. She’d never had any problems with Scootaloo other than the hyperactivity her and her fellow Crusaders had. Rarity preferred things to be quiet and calm.

“Yeah...that part’s true.” Rainbow Dash replied, a little sadly.

“That part?” Rarity pondered. She was sad to hear that it was true Scootaloo had hit Diamond Tiara.

“I hit her yeah.” Scootaloo started, picking herself up. “I didn’t brag about anything though, and she teased me a lot and said some very, very nasty things.” Scootaloo explained.

“And the dinner was never cancelled. Cheerilee actually got a little mad at me for treating Scootaloo right after she got suspended.” Rainbow Dash added.

“I’m glad the dinner was never cancelled.” Rarity said, smiling and perhaps showing a slightly misguided priority. “I know how much you were all looking forward to it.” she added.

“Yeah, it was for more than just Scoots, so I didn’t want to cancel it even if she got in trouble. We’re gonna go talk to Twilight about sending Diamond Tiara up to my house now actually.” Rainbow Dash explained.

“So you’re going to be okay with Sweetie Belle? You aren’t gonna hurt her are you?” Rarity asked Scootaloo. Scootaloo was a little taken aback, but didn’t let it get to her. Rainbow Dash was a little angry that Rarity would even ask that.

“I’d never hurt Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo replied, fidgeting and replying before Rainbow Dash could. “I didn’t mean to hurt Diamond Tiara. I only did it cos she was teasing me and Sweetie Belle doesn’t tease me.” she added.

“I thought that’s what you’d say, I just have to take care of my sister.” Rarity replied. “Sorry I doubted you.” she added, nuzzling Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash smiled, suitably appeased.

“We gotta get going, but it was nice seeing you again Rarity.” Star Shine said, smiling at Rarity.

“Yes it has been quite nice. I’d love it if you could stop by some time.” Rarity replied. “I must get back to my shopping anyway.” she added. She gave Scootaloo one last nuzzle and went on her way. “Well that’s one pony convinced.” Star Shine said, watching Rarity leave. “Now we just need...all the others.” he added, sighing.

“First though, we need Twilight.” Rainbow Dash said, heading off in the direction of the library. Star Shine joined her and the two walked side by side. Scootaloo worked her way to the top of Rainbow Dash’s head and flopped down on to it.

“Hey Rainbow…” Scootaloo said nervously, shifting forward a little so she could lean over the front of Rainbow Dash’s face. Rainbow Dash looked up at her questioningly. “Do you think everypony else is thinking like Rarity? Like I’m just some kind of angry pony who’d attack anypony?” she asked. Rainbow Dash shook her head.

“I’m sure that’s not it. She was just worried about her sister.” Rainbow Dash reassured her. “Ain’t that right Shine?” she added, looking across at Star Shine. He smiled back at the pair.

“Yep. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom know what you’re really like, and won’t be like that.” Star Shine replied. He had heard differently from Feather Quill but there was no need to repeat what had been said and further upset Scootaloo. It wasn’t even a lie. He was sure that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle would be alright with Scootaloo. He just couldn’t speak for the rest of the town. He hoped that Feather Quill couldn’t either and that there were some ponies out there who would treat Scootaloo just how they always had. Perhaps that might not have been the best case either seeing as she seemed to generally be treated with mild apathy and was left feeling so despondent and unnoticed she had taken matters into her own hooves in a big way. “And me and Rainbow Dash will always love you of course.” he added, voicing his final thought. As long as Scootaloo felt somepony loved her then she would be fine and would be able to get through anything, even being ostracised by an entire town. They lived away from the town and several feet in the air too. It’s not like they would actually have to deal with anypony unless they wanted to. “Let’s just get to Twilight for now, and we can worry about everypony else when we have to, okay?” he asked, trying to bring the focus of everypony back where it belonged. Rainbow Dash nodded, which almost sent Scootaloo flying, and after Scootaloo readjusted her sitting position, they continued their walk towards the library and Twilight Sparkle.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry to cut this chapter pretty short but I'm pretty short on time, and probably should have left the house a good ten or 20 minutes ago. Well, buck. Anyway, I HAVE IMPORTANT STUFF FOR YOU RIGHT HERE. All round awesoem dude Shimmering Honor (who despite being British spells "honour" without a u) has done a reading of I'm Tired Of All This, the story that preceeded this one. It can be found here; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6RQ3O-CCeM. Go check it out, it's awesome. It damn near made me cry and I wrote the thing. I actually barely ever go back and read that story because of how emotionally charged it is, and how much it does make me want to cry.

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