• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 9,743 Views, 1,537 Comments

Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Chapter 50; Super Holiday Update!

When Rainbow Dash turned up at the school again later in the day to pick up Scootaloo she found that Star Shine was already waiting there for both her and Scootaloo. He looked a little ragged and worse for wear. There were bags under his eyes from the sleep deprivation he was inevitably suffering and his mane was scraggy and in need of washing. He waved at Rainbow Dash when he saw her approach and yawned as she landed next to him.

“Afternoon Dashie, how was work?” Star Shine said, smiling and trying to look inconspicuous.

“It was fine, but what about you? You look like a mess.” Rainbow Dash replied, taking in Star Shine’s face. “When we get home you’re going in the shower.” she added. Star Shine laughed sheepishly and was about to reply when he heard the school bell ring and signal the end of the day. He chose to watch the door of the school instead and keep an eye out for Scootaloo. She appeared after a few minutes and was trailed by Diamond Tiara.

“Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo exclaimed happily as she ran towards Rainbow Dash and cuddled up against her. Rainbow Dash gently stroked Scootaloo and smiled down at her.

“Good afternoon Mr. Star Shine.” Diamond Tiara trilled merrily as she walked up to the pair of Pegasi herself. “What happened to you?” she added with concern when she saw him up close. Scootaloo looked up at him and was a little worried herself.

“It’s nothing really, I just tired myself out giving a foal a flying lesson.” Star Shine explained, running a hoof through his mane and trying to make it a little more controlled. “Kids just have no control.” he added, winking at Scootaloo.

“You poor thing. Are you going to go to bed when you get home?” Diamond Tiara asked. Star Shine shook his head.

“I’ll be fine. Dashie ordered me to take a shower-” Star Shine began.

“I didn’t order you to do anything.” Rainbow Dash interrupted, huffing.

“Fiiiiiineee. Rainbow Dash suggested”- “better” Rainbow Dash interrupted again, “I take a shower when I get home. Then I’m giving Scoots another lesson and the wind in my face should help keep me alert.” Star Shine explained.

“Actually I don’t think you can give me a lesson...” Scootaloo replied quietly. She slipped out of the brace as Star Shine looked at her curiously. “The brace is out of magic again, I thought it’d last a week but it ran out in school.” she explained. Star Shine rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a few moments.

“That’s alright. Put it in your saddlebag for now and we’ll do your lesson without it. It might even go easier.” Star Shine said, smiling at Scootaloo.

“Easier? Is flying that difficult?” Diamond Tiara piped up. Star Shine lowered himself down to her level.

“Some Pegasi have trouble with it and some don’t. It’s kinda like Unicorns with their magic. Your little friend Sweetie Belle can’t do much magic but her sister can, and Twilight Sparkle can do more than both of them.” Star Shine explained.

“I...see.” Diamond Tiara replied. She was hoping that Star Shine would have said something more about how Scootaloo flies and not tried explaining it to her in such a simple fashion. She wanted to hear that Scootaloo couldn’t fly from her instructors own mouth. “She told me about that brace though and said it helps her fly, so won’t she need it for a flying lesson?” Diamond Tiara asked, taking another approach. Star Shine shook his head again.

“Not really no.” he replied before thinking about it for a few seconds. “Well, she might need it for a flying lesson, but she won’t need it for gliding. The brace might even be weighing her down, or making it hard for her to move her wings properly now I think about it.” Star Shine explained.

“You really think that?” Rainbow Dash asked. She didn’t think the brace would have made much of a difference.

“It’s never been very heavy...” Scootaloo added softly. She wanted there to be an excuse she hadn’t learned how to glide easily but she was also a realist. Life had been too harsh for her to believe simple lies that were designed to cheer her up or make her feel hope. There was no way, in her mind, the weight of the brace could have affected her that much.

“Alright alright, it’s a very light piece of equipment...” Star Shine relented, facehoofing. “Give me a break, I’m tired here.” he added, a little snappier than he had intended to. Scootaloo gulped and backed up into Rainbow Dash. Star Shine sighed when he realised what he’d done. He turned around to face Scootaloo. “I’m sorry Scoots, I didn’t mean it to sound like that. It’s true the weight of the brace might not make much of a difference, but it could still make it hard for you to control your wings properly. We’ll give it a go without the brace, and tomorrow I’ll take it to Twilight and get her to charge it up, okay?” Star Shine said, smiling at Scootaloo.

“...alright.” Scootaloo said after a moments hesitation. She walked up to Star Shine and gave him a brief nuzzle to let him know he was forgiven and Rainbow Dash pulled him back up to his hooves.

“I don’t know how, but you’re going to pay for scaring her.” Rainbow Dash whispered into Star Shine’s ear. He smiled nervously and turned back to face Diamond Tiara.

“I guess we should be going. You gonna be okay on your own?” Star Shine asked Diamond Tiara. She looked around nervously to make sure that nopony else was around her.

“Me?” she asked, pointing a hoof at her chest. Star Shine nodded and simled.

“Her?” Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo choroused.

“We’re all friends aren’t we? I’m not allowed to be worried about her?” Star Shine replied, looking back at Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. While he hadn’t been looking Scootaloo had climbed up onto Rainbow Dash’s back. They looked at eachother and then shook their heads.

“It’s not that.” Rainbow Dash started.

“It’s just a bit...” Scootaloo added.

“Unexpected?” Diamond Tiara finished for them. Star Shine, Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash looked down at Diamond Tiara and she looked nervous more than anything else. “After everything I put Scootaloo through you’d be...worried about ME?” Diamond Tiara asked. She was shifting uncomfortably. She wasn’t used to ponies actually being worried or concerned about her for any reason other than they were afraid of her, or wanted to be on her good side for some reason. A reason usually involving her father and his money.

“That’s all in the past though. From what I hear you’ve been nothing but nice to her lately.” Star Shine explained. “Isn’t that right?” he asked, turning to look at Scootaloo.

“I guess so yeah.” Scootaloo admitted. She was shifting uncomfortably herself at the realisation she was probably a little worried about Diamond Tiara being on her own too.

“Well I’ll be okay, thanks. That’s my dad now.” Diamond Tiara said, looking across to the side and noticing Filthy Rich making his way towards her. Diamond Tiara ran across to him and left the Pegasi behind. She was beginning to get second thoughts and didn’t want to question anything. She almost felt she was in too deep to get out now.

“So what was that all about?” Rainbow Dash asked when Diamond Tiara was safely back with Filthy Rich.

“What was what about?” Star Shine replied, taking off and floating towards Rainbow Dash’s house.

“Being so nice with DT back there.” Rainbow Dash said as she caught up with him. Scootaloo was huddled against her back. Scootaloo had slipped the brace back on so she didn't have to keep a hold of it.

“What’s wrong with being so nice?” Star Shine asked, confused. “Equestria would be better if we were nicer.”

“I just don’t trust her and neither does Scoots.” Rainbow Dash explained. Star Shine hung back a little to get next to Scootaloo.

“That true?” he asked her. Scootaloo nodded her head. “Well I’m not asking you to trust her anyway. But if she’s going to be nice to you, can’t you be nice to her?” Star Shine asked. Scootaloo sighed and nodded. “There’s a good girl.” Star Shine gently patted Scootaloo on the head, causing her to smile. “Now let’s get back already so we can do another flying lesson!” he exclaimed, picking up his speed.

“Hey you need to shower first!” Rainbow Dash called out as she took off to catch up to him.

Author's Note:

Okay so, yes I'm still on vacation, of course. Second, I don't have the internet here. Not properly. I'm sat in a coffee shop right now. It's NOT Starbucks and the Wifi is a hotspot, so I'm not a hipster or everything wrong with the world. I'm coming back here on Thursday but I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to update then. To be honest the next update is the last one I have written and unless I write more before then, I might take the excuse to not post it. I'm also not 100% sure about this chapter because I wasn't planning on uploading it, so I don't know for sure how good it is.

Anyway, I'll see you again soon, and also, you do not know the meaning of living dangerously until you've browsed a pony fanfiction site, and saved pony pictures (cover images from stories) in the middle of a public place.

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