• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 9,721 Views, 1,537 Comments

Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Chapter Nine; Parent Teacher Meetings

When Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo arrived back at the manor and opened the door they found a small enveloped with a note attached. The note was simple enough and just read “Hey Dash, I tried to give you this but you weren’t in. It’s kinda important so I hope you made it back in time to get it! Cheerilee gave it me when I picked Dinky up from school and asked me to give it to you as soon as possible.


Rainbow Dash smiled at the note and then hurriedly tore open the letter. If it was important then she needed to read it as soon as possible.

To Miss Rainbow Dash

I am sorry to hear what happened to Scootaloo during break time at school today. I heard from Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle what happened and that you took her away from school with you. I would have preferred if you had brought her to me first but I trust you had your reasons.

As a response to the aforementioned incident I have called a meeting to take place later today between me, you, Scootaloo (if she feels up to it), Diamond Tiara, and her father. I am informed that Silver Spoon was merely a witness and so no punishment will fall on to her but I would like to discuss Diamond Tiara’s punishment and what action needs to be taken from here.

To that end I would like all of you to attend that meeting today at seven PM. I realise it’s short notice but I want to get this matter solved as soon as possible. If you don’t attend then I will just rearrange it for some other time but it is best for all parties involved this matter be dealt with quickly.



Rainbow Dash dropped the letter and ran into the living room to check the time, leaving Scootaloo stood confused as to what was happening. The clock read half past six. If they left immediately then they would make it in time to the meeting. Rainbow Dash wanted the matter solved as quickly as Cheerilee did and she was planning on arranging a meeting herself. This killed two birds with one stone. Not that Rainbow Dash would ever kill a bird. Fluttershy would never forgive her.

“Dash? What’s going on?” Scootaloo asked as Rainbow Dash scurried about making sure that she wasn’t missing anything.

“You feel up to going back to school and meeting with your teacher? Oh Diamond Tiara and her dad are going to be there too.”

“What? Why?”

“It’s about what happened this morning. You can stay here if you want but I want to go and get this sorted. So, are you up to it?”

“....I guess. I want to know what happens and I wouldn’t want to sit here and worry about it.” Scootaloo replied.

“That’s the spirit Squirt.” Rainbow Dash said, patting her on the head. Scootaloo smiled and hopped back up on to Rainbow Dash’s back. She was beginning to spend more time there than she did on her own hooves, but it didn’t bother her at all. With nothing left behind, and Scootaloo in tow, Rainbow Dash headed out the door and set off for the school.

Scootaloo’s mind was plagued with worries and doubts along the journey. Any number of things could happen. One prospect scared her more than any other though; the thought that nothing would happen. The thought that Diamond Tiara wouldn’t be punished after everything she had done to her, not just that morning but throughout her school life, was a very daunting thought. Cheerilee was sweet and kind though, and she had Rainbow Dash on her side, so she felt something must happen. There was no way Diamond Tiara was going to escape punishment again.

They arrived at the school to see Cheerilee stood at the door, waiting for them. She informed them that they had made it in time and that Diamond Tiara and her father were waiting for them in her office. They followed Cheerilee through the school to the classroom and, by extension, her office. Scootaloo had to admit that the school was a lot creepier later on during the day when it was empty. The absence of noise from other students creeped her out most of all.

They walked in to the office to find Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara sat together at one end of the desk, as well as two separate chairs for Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo next to them. Cheerilee asked Scootaloo to sit to the left, next to Filthy Rich. This way the two fillies would be seperated, and so would the two parents. Or guardians, in Rainbow Dash’s case. Technically she was neither but she had become Scootaloo’s primary caregiver. Nopony else knew that Scootaloo was an orphan, or the circumstances behind Rainbow Dash being with her all the time but they hadn’t had time to ask questions. The common theory going around town was that the two were actually sisters and their parents were out of town. Fluttershy knew this couldn’t be the case but nopony bothered to ask her and she was too shy to correct anypony.

“Now, you all know why you’re here, correct?” Cheerilee asked the ponies assembled in front of her. She was sat behind the desk in her own chair.

“I don’t see why I’m here. All I did was ask the blank flank where she’s been all this time. Aren’t I allowed to be curious anymore?” Diamond Tiara piped up. She was missing her signature tiara and even though she had tried to fix her hair after she had been shocked, there were still little black bits in it.

“That’s why you’re here. You’re allowed to be curious yes but you’re not allowed go around calling other ponies names.”

“That’s it? I’m here because I called her a blank flank?”

“From what I hear she was clearly distressed and you weren’t helping matters.” Cheerilee said.

“Distressed? How do you think I felt when her bodyguard over there jumped out of the sky and frightened the life out of me?!” Diamond Tiara shouted, pointing a hoof at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow just smirked at the memory of the scared face Diamond Tiara made when she shocked her. Both figuratively in the morning, and literally with the stormcloud. Scootaloo meanwhile was playing with her hooves nervously.

“Yes I quite agree with Diamond here. Can something not be done about Rainbow Dash threatening my little girl?” Filthy Rich spoke up.

“I didn't threaten her, I told her to leave Scootaloo alone. You heard Cheerilee say the poor girl was distressed.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I'll agree something might need to be done about Miss Rainbow Dash's behaviour, but right now we're here to talk about Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara.” Cheerilee said, adding the second half as she noticed the look she received from Rainbow Dash. “Now, I've heard everything I can from all sides and I've come to the conclusion it might be best for Scootaloo to stay at home for a few more days, and Diamond Tiara needs to apologise of course.”

“WHAT?!” Rainbow Dash shouted, slamming her hooves on to the table. “That's it?! You want her to apologise, and you want SCOOTALOO to be the one who stays at home?! She already stayed home for a WEEK. I brought her back to school. I MADE her come back because it wasn't fair that she was the one who was missing out on an education. Now you want to tell her to go back home?! Buck this. I'm taking Scootaloo with me and we're going back home. This isn't fair to her at all. What kind of teacher would punish a kid who wants to learn, instead of the one who was doing the bullying?” With that, Rainbow Dash picked up a nervous, frightened, and shaking Scootaloo in her hooves and walked out the door leaving behind a shocked Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara, and ignoring the pleas of Cheerilee asking her to wait.

“Well I guess this was a waste of time now wasn't it? I guess we can see where Scootaloo gets it from.” Filthy Rich said as he watched Rainbow Dash storm off and take into the sky.

“Scootaloo is a little angel who's never in trouble, which is more than I can say for your little girl.” Cheerilee said, much to the shock and surprise of Filthy Rich.

“Well I never! I have half a mind to-”

“Oh just go. There's no point staying anymore. There's nothing left to be said.” Cheerilee said. Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara hopped down from their chairs and walked out the office, leaving Cheerilee slumped over her desk and thinking about what Rainbow Dash had said.

Author's Note:

This chapter is based on something I wish had happened when I was in school. When I was bullied a lot I was the one who was taken out of class and I felt like I was being punished and I really wish someone had pointed out the injustice like Rainbow Dash did here. Remember there are daily updates this week until Friday, and one bonus update on Sunday because it'll be my birthday :twilightsmile:

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