• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 9,720 Views, 1,537 Comments

Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Epilogue 2; Scootaloo (Must Resist Boogaloo Joke)

For Scootaloo, the next week was incredibly important. Unfortunately she was still suspended from school despite everything. Fortunately this meant that she spent the majority of her week in Canterlot with Star Shine. She was able to join in his flying lessons now that she was flying and was finally given the flying lessons she was promised all that time ago. Star Shine insisted she keep the brace on even though she was flying. Scootaloo wasn't sure why but she trusted that he knew what he was doing and went along with it. He even had Twilight charge it back up again without her knowledge to keep it going for the whole month he would be away. On the second day Star Shine sent Scootaloo home with a note for Rainbow Dash and made her promise not to read it. She agreed and stuck to her word and gave it to Rainbow Dash as soon as she got home. Rainbow thought it might have been a bit of a love letter and was not expecting what it actually was;

Rainbow Dash
I have good news and bad news. The bad news is there's something I didn't tell you. I'm sorry for that but there was never much of a chance. Shining Armor told me that because Scootaloo doesn't have an official guardian, as neither of us have adopted her, he wants to take her away. The good news is that we have some time. We had no idea where the orphanage was and it's a pretty big thing to think about.

When I thought about it, I realised that the only place her orphanage could be is Canterlot. Remember how she seemed scared and uneasy here? It's because she grew up here and repressed it. Once I had a starting point it wasn't too difficult. I asked my friend about it and he told me that there was an orphanage around here. After I sent Scootaloo home yesterday I went and looked for it and I found it. They actually think she's dead. When she ran away she ran into the Everfree Forest and that's how she ended up in Ponyville. They didn't know she survived and because she never came back out the forest on their end, and they never found her, they thought she had died in there. They actually told her parents about it. Her mother didn't take it well and blamed herself.

Well anyway, the point is that I found her orphanage and now you can adopt her. I wish there were better circumstances than this. I really do wish it wasn't a case of “You have to adopt her or she'll be taken away” but that's unfortunately how things are. I do advise you to think about it though. If you think you aren't ready to be a mother then I think you should consider giving her up. You can adopt her when you're both a little older.

Whatever your decision is, come with her to Canterlot on Friday and let's do it. If you adopt her, then you'll need to be here of course. If she has to go back, then I think it's best for you to do it personally rather than having Shining Armor take her away. You'll have time to explain everything to her.

In either case, I'll see you on Friday. I'm looking forward to it. I miss you.
Star Shine

Rainbow Dash had to admit he had a point. She wish he'd told her sooner but he did have a point about it being better for her to drop Scootaloo off if she wasn't going to adopt her. Rainbow Dash sighed and began considering the options. She had said that she would be proud to be related to Scootaloo but becoming her mother would be a very big deal and she wasn't entirely sure that she was ready. She really had always imagined she'd be some kind of big sister figure. She had really come into the role of mother over the past few weeks and had managed to handle things pretty well. Was Star Shine to thank for that? Would she be able to do it on her own? She just didn't know.

Over the course of the week Rainbow Dash paid close attention to Scootaloo and herself. How she responded when Scootaloo needed something and how she was when Scootaloo needed to be disciplined. She thought about everything that had happened and tried to put it all in perspective. She was going to make a decision that would alter not one, but two lives forever. It wasn't as easy as she thought it would be. She thought that when offered the chance she might have jumped on it and taken Scootaloo in right away. One benefit of Scootaloo's secrets being revealed was that Rainbow Dash could openly discuss them with her friends. Twilight's opinions had mirrored Star Shine's really. She advised Rainbow Dash to do what was best for Scootaloo, even if it meant causing her some short term pain by giving her up for a while. Rarity had reminded her of how happy Scootaloo had been lately and how happy Scootaloo would be if Rainbow Dash legally became her mother. Pinkie Pie was remarkably sombre and honest with her thoughts. She had shared her experiences babysitting the Cake twins. While Scootaloo wasn't a baby, there were going to be some times when taking care of her was going to be overwhelming. Fluttershy had also been overwhelmed by the Cutie Mark Crusaders at one point but had managed to bring them under control. It was Applejack who offered perhaps the best advice of all. Her parents had died while Apple Bloom was very young. Granny Smith had taken care of them but there was only so much she could do. There were times when Apple Bloom had been too much for her to handle and Applejack had become somewhat of a surrogate mother as well as sister. It was one the reasons their relationship was as deep as it was. She had kind of had that situation thrust upon her, and at first she wasn't sure what she was doing, but she had come to learn it all as she went. She had taken care of Applebloom with a little help. Applejack and the rest of Rainbow Dash's friends would be there for her no matter what she chose to do. By the time Thursday night rolled around Rainbow Dash knew what she was going to do.

Scootaloo was a little surprised when Rainbow Dash got on the train with her in the morning. Rainbow Dash avoided questions about why she was going to Canterlot which made for a very awkward and very quiet train ride. Star Shine was waiting for them at the train station and when he saw them he couldn't help but give Rainbow Dash a hug. It had been nearly a week since he'd last seen her.

“You know what you're going to do?” he whispered in her ear as he hugged her. Rainbow Dash nodded and he released the hug. “And good morning to you too Scootaloo. I'm afraid there's been a slight change of plans.” he said to Scootaloo.

“Change? We're not having a flying lesson?” Scootaloo asked. She hoped Star Shine would be able to shed some light on why Rainbow Dash was with them. Part of her thought that she might be involved in the flying lesson. She was a little disappointed to hear that wasn't the case. It would have been awesome.

“We're taking a small journey today. That's why Rainbow's here. She needs to come with us.” Star Shine explained. Scootaloo was confused even more and followed them as they walked off. Star Shine was slightly ahead of Rainbow Dash but it still looked like she knew where she was going, even though she had no idea.

Scootaloo started to feel very uneasy as they got closer to their destination. Neither Rainbow Dash or Star Shine were talking and they wouldn't tell her what was going on. They turned a corner and she saw a building that made her jaw drop and the rest of her start to shake. It was an orphanage. As she looked at it she realised it wasn't just any old orphanage. It was her orphanage. The one she had grown up in. They were taking her back. All those times they had said they loved her were a lie. She had everything she wanted and now it was about to be taken away again. She screamed and bolted in the opposite direction.

“Scootaloo, wait!” Rainbow Dash shouted, chasing after her.

“You didn't tell her anything?” Star Shine asked, running alongside Rainbow Dash.

“I thought you didn't want me to!” Rainbow Dash hissed back. Rainbow Dash pounced on Scootaloo before Star Shine had a chance to talk back. The pair tumbled over eachother and it ended with Scootaloo in a tight hug.

“Let me go! I don't want to go back! Don't take me back!” Scootaloo shouted, struggling to get out of Rainbow Dash's hold. “Why would you take me back? I thought you loved me. I thought you wanted me to stay. Is this cos I hit Diamond Tiara?” Scootaloo asked worriedly. “Did...did you plan this? Is that why you wanted me to come to Canterlot with you? Why you said it'd be a punishment?” she asked Star Shine through tears. Star Shine sighed and nuzzled Scootaloo. It didn't help calm her down at all.

“I didn't plan this. I only realised that your orphanage was here last week. I told you coming to Canterlot would be a punishment because I thought you'd have to sit and watch a filly a lot younger than you flying when you couldn't. You went and proved me wrong though and you started flying. There's a very good reason you're here but I think it's best if Rainbow Dash tells you.” Star Shine explained. Scootaloo calmed down as he was talking and she looked at Rainbow Dash with a mixture of expectation and worry. Rainbow Dash smiled at her and all of Scootaloo's worries vanished. There's no way Rainbow Dash would hurt her or do anything bad. Just that reassuring smile made everything go away.

“Scootaloo...Shining Armor asked me to bring you back here. He told me that I'd have to make our little family official or I'd lose you.” Rainbow Dash explained.

“You...you mean?...” Scootaloo began. Perhaps the total opposite of what she thought might happen was actually going to happen.

“After talking about it with my friends and thinking about it all week, there was only one thing I could do. I don't know if I'd make a good mom, or if I can really take care of you, but I'd like to find out. I'd like to learn all of that with you Scoots. I had to bring you back here so I could take you away again.” Rainbow Dash said as Scootaloo struggled to contain her excitement. It was a complete contrast to how she was a few minutes ago.

“You you you you you you you you.” Scootaloo rambled constantly, unable to contain herself long enough to ask the question that was burning in her brain. The one that would just send her insane. Rainbow Dash nodded with a smile and Scootaloo jumped about five feet into the air.

“Yes Scoots, we're here so I can adopt you.” Rainbow Dash confirmed. Scootaloo, seemingly defying the laws of physics, jumped again in the air and shot up another few feet. In reality she had just flapped her wings as hard as she could and shot up a little. She did something she never thought she would do and flew towards the orphanage at top speed.

“Come on already! Let's get this over with!” Scootaloo called back to Rainbow Dash and Star Shine. The pair of Pegasi had been watching her with large smiles on their faces. They laughed and followed after her, towards the orphanage.

“I think you made the right choice. I know you're going to be amazing.” Star Shine said while Scootaloo was still out of earshot.

“Thanks. I might need a little help from you along the way.” Rainbow Dash replied, leaning into him.

“Sure, I'd be happy to be there for her. For you both.” Star Shine replied, returning the nuzzle.

“Hey!” Scootaloo called back to them. She was still a good distance from them. The pair looked up at her. “Is Star Shine actually gonna be my new daddy?” she asked. Star Shine let out a laugh and Rainbow Dash blushed, pulling away from him.

“I told you Scoots, I'll only be your dad if me and Rainbow get married.” he called back. Scootaloo thought it over for a few seconds.

“Oh. Well hurry up and get married then!” Scootaloo called back. She laughed and flew towards the orphanage as Rainbow Dash chased her down while Star Shine laughed even harder. Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash waited for Star Shine when they reached the door to the orphanage. All three went in when he arrived. The matron in charge recognised him and nearly had a heart attack when she saw Scootaloo. Star Shine had explained to her that she wasn't actually dead but it was still a shock to actually see her. They still had all of Scootaloo's records on file. In a matter of minutes she was declared legally alive again and, a few minutes after that, legally the daughter of one Miss Rainbow Dash.

The three spent the day in Canterlot together to celebrate. Rainbow Dash had booked the entire day off of work and Star Shine had agreed with his friend that given the circumstances, he could have a day without flying lessons. After a whole day together it came time to say goodbye again. This time it was a bit more of a goodbye. They wouldn't see Star Shine for another few weeks. They went to the train station together and said their goodbyes.

“Congratulations Scoots. Now you be nice to your new mother.” Star Shine said, giving Scootaloo a hug.

“I will. Promise.” Scootaloo replied, giggling. She hadn't really stopped giggling all day. Or come down from her high.

“I'll see you in a few weeks Rainbow. You and Scoots have fun. If you need me, just send me a letter. Ponyville ain't that far away.” he said as he hugged Rainbow Dash. He pulled away slowly, as if there was something else he wanted to say or do. “And...” he said slowly, fidgeting nervously. “No, it can wait.” he concluded, shaking his head. He smiled up at Rainbow Dash to reassure her nothing was wrong.

“You okay Shine?” Rainbow Dash asked, curious as to what he was going to say. “What was it?” Star Shine shook his head again.

“It doesn't matter. Just...stay awesome.” he said. He gave Rainbow Dash a quick kiss on the cheek. She blushed as a whistle blew behind them to signal that the train was about to leave. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo gave Star Shine one last quick hug and got on the train. There was something else Star Shine had wanted to say, but he felt it would have been unfair to tell her something like that as they were about to be separated for a few weeks. He also wasn't entirely sure about his feelings anyway. It could have just been something he wanted to say because he was about to lose her for a while. Star Shine watched the train wistfully for a minute or so before it disappeared entirely. He slowly walked home once there was nothing keeping him waiting at the station.

“I wonder what that was about?” Rainbow Dash asked Scootaloo. The pair were sat in the train together. They'd managed to find an empty compartment for just the two of them.

“I dunno. I guess you'll find out later mom.” Scootaloo replied. She giggled again as soon as she did. She still wasn't used to using that word and it still set her off. It would do for the next few days. It would also take Rainbow Dash a while to get used to it too. They had their whole lives to get used to it though.


Author's Note:

In case you're wondering about the second half of the chapter title, it's just a universal running gag that anything followed by the letter two has to be followed by the words "Electric Boogaloo". I'm actually not even sure where that comes from. The reference is just that prevalent.

Anyway, my apologies for how late this chapter is. It took a lot longer to write it than I thought. It is pretty long though, so you can see why. I hope. This is it then. This is the end of the longest project I have ever worked on. In terms of length, not how long I was working on it. When I was writing this I had to stop writing my novel, which I'd been working on for a year and was only forty something thousand words long. Not like this insane beast of a story that is now the length of not one, not two, but THREE good size novels. In seven months! What the heck? How did I do that? I'll tell you how; it's thanks to you fine people. My eternal gratitude goes out to Frankie2 especially. Frankie sort of became my unofficial prereader and helped keep me in check and even sparked a few ideas in my grey matter. I'd like to thank the rest of you for sticking with me too and for enjoying the story.

The response to this story has been overwhelmingly positive and it just blows my mind. I've never had something be this well received. If I ever feel like a bad writer I can just load this story up and think to myself "I made this, and look how people reacted to it." I can't really explain or even describe how much this story has affected even me. It's given me something to do and to keep myself occupied with. It's something I've really, really enjoyed doing and it's even gotten me laid. Well, not quite laid but over the course of this story I have come to meet the most wonderful woman. Almost three months ago today she went and made me pretty damn happy when she agreed to go out with me. We actually met through the first part of this story, "I'm Tired of All This". So, yes, thank you MLP for bringing me something incredible. Not just friends, but also loved ones. How many people can say that? In case you're wondering, that's one of the main reasons things got a little shippy between Rainbow Dash and Star Shine. She associates herself a lot with Rainbow Dash and Star Shine is basically me. I wasn't shipping myself and Rainbow Dash, I was shipping myself and my girlfriend. So my apologies for any shipping that may occur as it's just a subconscious reflection of my own, real life relationship with an actual girl.

There is of course going to be a sequel as I've said. I'm not sure how long it'll be, but it won't be anywhere near as long as this. When I originally started writing this I told myself (and I think you guys) that it would be about 10-20k words. Then it just kept growing and growing and bloody GROWING. This time I do mean it when I say that the sequel will only be about that long. It's less of a sequel and more a kind of extended cut or directors cut. It's just a little bit extra that had nothing to do with Diamond Tiara and so I felt it deserved it's own little story. It'll answer the questions of "Will she learn to fly on her own?" and "Where the heck's her dad. Wait, was he told she was dead? Oh snap how's he going to react to her being alive?" Questions that I'm sure nopony asked. But I'm going to answer them anyway because that's what I do.

I write, I read, and then I write some more. Thank you, and goodbye for now. The sequel should be up some time next week. Possibly Monday. I'm going to try and stick to the schedule I used for this story, but I'm not sure how long each chapter is going to be. I could actually probably make it about three chapters long. I think I'm going to try and have the entire thing written out by Monday and then decide how to split it up.

Damn this was long. This is what you get when you don't let me write afterwords! Lousy bucking new rules.

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