• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 9,742 Views, 1,537 Comments

Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Chapter 62; Suspensions

Cheerilee walked into her office and Scootaloo was sat in the chair in front of her desk, fidgeting nervously. Her train of thoughts about not staying with Rainbow Dash or seeing Star Shine anymore hadn’t stopped. She told Diamond Tiara that they would be going to Canterlot no matter what because they couldn’t leave Star Shine there but over time darker thoughts had occurred to her. Some of the things Rainbow dash and Star Shine had said to her came back to her and so did something Diamond Tiara said. She said that he would be leaving as soon as Scootaloo could fly. Diamond Tiara didn’t know that, and couldn’t know that, but it served it’s purpose. Star Shine and Rainbow Dash had said themselves that Star Shine never settled down because he was moving all the time. He said to her that he doesn’t live with clients and will generally live in a nearby hotel. Given how early Star Shine would leave in the morning and how tired he was when he got home, Scootaloo was aware that Rainbow Dash’s house was far from nearby. Maybe he was just staying with Rainbow Dash until Scootaloo could fly and then he would be leaving. She wanted to fly and she used to think that she would give anything for it. Now she wasn’t so sure about that. Cheerilee sat at her desk and cleared her throat and Scootaloo jumped as she was snapped out of her thoughts.

“I’m really shocked and surprised Scootaloo. I thought things were getting better between you two. We even had that conversation earlier and now this.” Cheerilee said. She was clearly extremely disappointed. Scootaloo was still staring down at the ground.

“I’m sorry Miss Cheerilee. I don’t even know what happened.” Scootaloo replied. It wasn’t too far from the truth. She had lost control and when she came to properly Diamond Tiara was bleeding.

“It doesn’t matter how sorry you are, or what happened. No matter what she said or did to you, you shouldn’t have hit her. There are no excuses for that.” Cheerilee replied flatly.

“I...I...I don’t have anything to say.” Scootaloo replied sadly. She knew there was no way to talk her way out of this. Diamond Tiara had taunted her and brought up her family. Scootaloo might have been able to talk her way out of it a little if she had told Cheerilee everything but she didn’t want to. She would rather take her punishment than do that, especially if Cheerilee really thought there would be no excuses. Maybe she could still tell Rainbow Dash the full story and not get in as much trouble with her.

“It pains me to say this Scootaloo, especially given how happy you’ve been lately, but I’ve got no choice. The rules are very clear on this.” Cheerilee began. Scootaloo gulped. She knew the school rules well and knew what her punishment would be. She prayed Rainbow Dash would be understanding. “Any violence, no matter the motivation, results in a suspension.” Cheerilee said flatly. Scootaloo started crying softly. There was no way Rainbow Dash would still be understanding after she got suspended. “I’m also going to have to talk to your parents. Where can I reach them?” Cheerilee asked.

“I’m...I...I’m still living with Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo said between sniffles.

“How much longer will that be for?” Cheerilee asked.

“I don’t know.” Scootaloo replied.

“Well I’d rather talk to your parents, but Rainbow Dash will do. She’s at work right now isn’t she?” Cheerilee asked. Scootaloo nodded. Rainbow Dash might have still been on her lunch break but Scootaloo wanted to delay the inevitable and didn’t want to interrupt the meeting with Twilight. “That means you have to stay here until the end of the day when she’s free. I don’t want to pull her out of work and I’d be unable to teach class anyway if I’m dealing with this. You can’t go back in the class though and you’ll have to stay here. Are you going to be okay in here?” Cheerilee asked. Scootaloo nodded slowly. She was used to spending time on her own and part of her was worried she’d have to get used to it again anyway. Cheerilee got up from her seat and moved towards the classroom. She stopped by Scootaloo as she passed her. “I’m sorry this happened Scootaloo. I was really happy for you this morning and now everything’s ended up like this.” Cheerilee said sadly before she left the room, leaving Scootaloo alone with her thoughts. After even just a few minutes of it Scootaloo was beginning to wish she had interrupted Rainbow Dash’s work day and got it all over with.

“Thank you for everything Miss Sparkle.” Star Shine said as he and Rainbow Dash left the library. Twilight had charged the brace to Star Shine’s specifications and, after getting the answers she was after, was quite happy to let the pair of Pegasi leave.

“That’s quite alright Star Shine. Please call me Twilight too.” Twilight replied.

“I guess I’ll see you later then, Twilight.” Star Shine said, smiling. Twilight smiled back and used her magic to open his saddlebags and put the brace in them.

“Thanks for this Twiley.” Rainbow Dash said herself, giving Twilight a hug.

“No worries, now get going if you still want to get something to eat. I’d offer you something but Spike is with Rarity and I don’t have any food in anyway. I’m...distractible.” Twilight replied, a small blush forming at her cheeks at how dependent she could be sometimes.

“I couldn’t really stay for lunch anyway. I need to go to Rarity’s actually to get my suit for tonight.” Star Shine said.

“Oh right, the dinner in Canterlot is tonight isn’t it?” Twilight asked, smiling. She could tell she had said something she shouldn’t as soon as she saw the looks of surprise on Rainbow Dash and Star Shine’s faces.

“Yeah, but how’d you know about that? The only one who knows really is...Rarity.” Rainbow Dash said, pausing as the realisation came to her. Rarity must have said something.

“Rarity may have told me yes, but she only told us.” Twilight said, quick to defend Rarity and stop Rainbow getting the wrong idea.

“Us? Who’s ‘us’?” Rainbow Dash asked. She was slightly annoyed. Twilight’s plan wasn’t really working as well as she hoped it would.

“I mean myself, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. She’s probably told Spike too by now. She learned from what happened with that Gabby Gums column won’t tell anypony she doesn’t trust anything to do with you.” Twilight explained. Rainbow Dash breathed a sigh of relief.

“That’s okay really.” Rainbow Dash said. “I probably should have told you myself really.” she added nervously.

“Don’t worry about it Rainbow, but do get on your way. All three of us have things we’ve got to get done really.” Twilight reassured her. “I’ll see you guys later.” she added and walked back into the library. She would have closed the door but thought closing the door in their faces might have given them the wrong idea. She wasn’t trying to get rid of them and was just trying to give them enough time to get on with their business.

“I guess I’ll be seeing you later too then.” Star Shine said to Rainbow Dash.

“Do you want to get something to eat?” Rainbow Dash asked so quickly Star Shine almost didn’t catch the question.

“I would but I have to get going as soon as I have my suit. I’ve got to drop the brace off at the house and get straight on the train. I’ll have to eat something on the train.” Star Shine replied. Rainbow Dash looked disappointed by his answer. Star Shine hopped over to her and picked her head up with a nuzzle. “Don’t be so down, we’re going to eat together at Canterlot later, remember?” he said to reassure her. Rainbow Dash gave out a small giggle and returned the nuzzle.

“I guess. I’ll see you later then.” Rainbow Dash said. Star Shine smiled and gave Rainbow Dash a quick kiss on the cheek and flew off before Rainbow Dash could react. Rainbow Dash giggled a little more before finding somewhere to eat. Twilight smiled at the display. She didn’t mean to watch but if they were going to act like that in front of her door she was going to see it.

Star Shine made his way to the Boutique and managed to bring his cheeks under control before he entered it. He was blushing pretty hard himself at suddenly kissing Rainbow Dash. He still wasn’t sure why he did it. Rainbow Dash looked really disappointed and he thought it might make her smile. It had definitely done that at least. Besides, it was just a friendly little kiss on the cheek. There was no need to overthink it.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique where everything is chic, unique and magnifique.” Rarity trilled as the bell above the entrance rang when Star Shine walked through the door. “Oh it’s you. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Rarity beamed when she saw who it was. Spike poked his head out from a backroom to see who it was who had made Rarity so excited and went back to his work when he saw who it was. Like Twilight suspected Spike was informed about who Star Shine was. He wasn’t so jealous of him making Rarity excited because as far as he was aware or concerned Star Shine liked Rainbow Dash and Rarity wasn’t interested in him in that way.

“Heya Rarity, I’m here to pick up my suit for tonight.” Star Shine said, smiling at Rarity.

“Now? You want to pick it up now?” Rarity said, stammering a little with nerves.

“Yeah I have to go to Canterlot now, but don’t worry I’ll make sure it stays pressed and I won’t ruin it or anything.” Star Shine reassured her.

“It’s not that I’m worried about dear.” Rarity replied, pulling the suit out of the backroom with her magic. It was perfectly preserved in a clear bag attached to a clothes hanger. Star Shine unfurled his wings and Rarity placed the suit on his back.

“So what’s the problem?” Star Shine asked. He wasn’t entirely sure there was one. It certainly seemed that way to him though.

“It’s...well...I don’t know if I should tell you this but Rainbow Dash asked me to style your mane. She liked it when it was slicked back when you tried the suit on.” Rarity explained nervously.

“She...liked that?” Star Shine asked. The blush he had tried hard to repress was coming back again. Rarity nodded at him. “There’s no need to worry about anything. I can do that myself. Actually I might be able to do even better.” Star Shine said, thinking. He was well versed in smartening himself up to meet parents. The same could be applied to dates. Or meals with friends, he was quick to remind himself. In his own words a date would have just been the two of them. “I do want this to be as special and memorable as it can be after all.” he added wistfully.

“Why’s that?” Rarity asked.

“It’s the last chance for all three of us to spend some time together properly before I leave.” Star Shine said, sounding forlorn.

“You’re...leaving?” Rarity asked, sounding just as sad herself.

“It’s not permanent, but I’ll be moving to Canterlot soon for about a month. Like I said this is my last chance to really spend time with the two of them.” Star Shine replied. “I’d like to stay and chat but I’ve got a train to catch. Thanks for the suit, I’ll see you around.” Star Shine said, heading for the exit. He’d managed to depress himself a little with the reminder he’d be leaving all this behind soon. Rarity ran up behind him and gave him a quick nuzzle.

“I’m going to miss you.” she said quietly.

“I’m gonna miss you too.” Star Shine replied. He took off into the air, leaving behind a suddenly quite sad Rarity.

“Spike darling come and take a letter for me.” Rarity called to Spike in the back. He appeared almost instantly with a quill and a piece of parchment. “Four letters actually…” Rarity added. Spike disappeared and reappeared again with three more pieces of parchment. “Be a good little dragon and send a letter to all of our friends, except Rainbow Dash of course, telling them that the plan is off. We simply can’t go to Canterlot and we need to let them have their time alone. We can’t risk anything spoiling this for them, including us.” Rarity said, explaining the letters she needed written. Spike wrote down what Rarity told him to and then copied it to each piece of parchment and sent all four pieces off to Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Applejack. Rarity had wanted to watch the evening unfold and had managed to convince her friends to join her but was now convinced it would be a bad idea.

“I hope things do go well for them.” Spike said after he sent the last letter.

“Me too darling. For now let’s get back to work. When Rainbow Dash comes by later we can make her look the most spectacular she’s ever looked.” Rarity said, heading into the backroom. Her mind was racing with all the different ways she could think to style Rainbow Dash’s mane and tail.

Author's Note:

Sorry this is pretty much a chapter of two parts. The only way to make it not be that would have been to extend both parts a little and I couldn't think of a way to do it. Besides it's better this way. Friday's chapter is of course Rainbow Dash's response to this and I can dedicate next week to the dinner in Canterlot and the immediate aftermath. The reason the title of the chapter is plural is because Scootaloo is suspended (which I kinda gave away in the last Author's Notes :twilightsheepish: and that Rarity's plans are also suspended. That snippet is in response to somepony (you'll have to forgive me for not remembering exactly who you were) saying they call shenanigans and the mane six are going to get involved. I considered it but decided against it, yet still felt the need to reference it.

As per usual Friday's chapter is already written and will be with you, well, Friday. I actually don't really have much to say this time round.

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