• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 9,742 Views, 1,537 Comments

Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Chapter 52; The Flight Of The Flightless

After the rather shaky start to the lesson Scootaloo took her position on Rainbow Dash's head, spread her wings as instructed, and kept them as taut as possible while Rainbow Dash herself flew in circles over her house. Star Shine was flying around with them and would switch from flying above them to flying below them.

“I thought you were going to just fly below us?” Rainbow Dash called out after he swapped positions a few times and she grew curious about what he was doing. He was currently above them and flew down to fly next to Rainbow Dash so he didn't have to shout at her.

“I thought it'd be good to do both. When I'm under I can catch Scoots if I have to, and when I'm above I can keep a close eye on her and see what she's doing. That way I can work out what she needs to do if she doesn't get it.” Star Shine explained. Rainbow Dash had to admit it made sense. She nodded her understanding of what he was doing and Star Shine moved down vertically to fly below Rainbow Dash.

After half an hour or so it looked like things would be no different than they had been in the last lesson. Scootaloo still hadn't come off of Rainbow's head which meant she still wasn't able to glide. It wasn't taking as much out of her as it was before but Star Shine was still getting a little worried about how she still hadn't gotten it. He flew down closer to Rainbow Dash to get a good look at Scootaloo and see what she was doing. He could see better from above but he still needed to get close to really see what was happening. Her teeth were bared and she was squinting, both in determination and against the wind buffeting into her. The wind was also affecting her wings. Star Shine wanted her to keep them rigid but he noticed her feathers were still getting ruffled and moving about too much in the wind.

“I'll be back in a second!” Star Shine called to Rainbow Dash as he flew past her. He headed downwards and disappeared into the cloud manor, leaving Rainbow Dash confused. She continued to fly around until a few minutes later when Star Shine reappeared. He was sat on the ceiling of her house and there was a tray at his hooves with three drinks on it. He was sat on his haunches and waving his forearms in the air, signalling for Rainbow Dash to come down and land. She turned towards him and flew down, landing next to him.

“What's up?” Scootaloo asked when they landed. She hadn't noticed Star Shine signalling them and the ordeal had left her very confused. Rainbow Dash shook her head, which almost knocked Scootaloo off. Scootaloo jumped down for her own safety and Star Shine let out a small laugh at the display.

“I just thought you might want a break is all.” Star Shine explained, motioning at the drinks. “Have a drink while Rainbow preens your wings a little.” he added. Scootaloo raised an eyebrow but happily took a drink.

“You want me to preen her wings?” Rainbow Dash asked. It was true that she hadn't been able to preen them in a few days. She had put Scootaloo to bed far too quickly the night before to do it. Star Shine nodded and smiled.

“All this wind has really messed them up, and they're not in the brace anymore. I think they need a good preening.” Star Shine said. Rainbow Dash sighed and did as she was told. Scootaloo let out an occasional contented sigh as Rainbow Dash worked and Rainbow Dash was beginning to feel a little bad about how long it had been since she had preened Scootaloo's wings. Star Shine was right about them; Scootaloo's feathers were all over the place and the filly really was in need of some tender loving care. “There's something else too...” Star Shine began, interrupting Rainbow Dash who looked up at him. “I know you hate to do this...” he started, playing with a foreleg nervously, “but could you fly a little slower Dashie?”

“Fly a little slower?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously. “I can do that, why?” she asked. She really wasn't averse to flying slower. She just never saw much of a reason to.

“I think you might be going a bit too fast for Scoots.” Star Shine replied, causing Scootaloo to splutter on her drink.

“Too fast for me?” Scootaloo asked. She sounded sad. She didn't like the idea she was holding Rainbow Dash back, or that Rainbow Dash couldn't live up to her potential just because Scootaloo was with her.

“Well think about it for a second.” Star Shine replied. “You learned to walk before you could run right?” he asked. Scootaloo nodded, not sure where he was going with this. “And it's the same with flying, or gliding, or anything really. You have to start slow. The reason your wings were so messed up is because you're not used to going that fast and neither is your body. Even when you fly you'll have to start slow, okay?” he explained. Scootaloo nodded again.

“I guess so.” Scootaloo said with a sigh.

“Relax kid, even I started out a little slow.” Rainbow Dash said, patting Scootaloo on the head.

“And I started out really slow.” Star Shine added, laughing sheepishly. “You'll reach Rainbow levels eventually but for now let's get you walking, so to say.” he added. Scootaloo nodded and smiled. It all made sense to her and if starting slow was what it would take, then she would start slow and work her way up. After a few more minutes Rainbow Dash announced she was done preening Scootaloo's wings and the Pegasi took off into the air once more after the two elder Pegasi had finished with their own drinks. True to her word Rainbow Dash flew slower and when Star Shine checked on Scootaloo she looked like she was struggling a lot less than she was before. Unfortunately Rainbow Dash was flying a little too slow. She had two main speeds; really fast, and really slow. Star Shine chuckled to himself and flew a little closer to Scootaloo. “Close your eyes.” he told her as he approached. She looked at him curiously and even Rainbow Dash turned her head around to see what was happening. With less wind billowing around them it was easier to talk.

“Close my eyes?” Scootaloo asked. Star Shine nodded.

“You need to feel the wind properly. Close your eyes and get a good feel for it, and then you'll be able to move your wings to where they need to be.” he explained. Scootaloo did as she was told. She looked forward and closed her eyes. She smiled as she felt the light wind dance through the feathers of her wings. “And you need to fly a little faster!” Star Shine called as he flew past Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash twisted her body and caught up to him easily. Whenever Rainbow Dash caught up with him Star Shine smirked at her and flew a little faster, getting in front of her again.

“Why are you flying so fast? Didn't you tell me to go slow?!” Rainbow called to him after this happened a few more times. Star Shine twisted his body so he was flying backwards and looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, but you were flying a little too slow. I just made you think we were racing is all.” Star Shine explained. “If you're either going to move too fast or too slow, then just keep up with me and you'll be fine.” he added. Rainbow Dash swiped at him but it wasn't hard to avoid her. “What was that for?” he asked, looking hurt that she would even try and hit him.

“Try explainin' things instead of just doing things like that!” Rainbow Dash chastised. She was getting more than a little annoyed by how much Star Shine would just take matters into his own hooves. She was about to shout at him some more when Star Shine tapped her and pointed a hoof upwards. “Is she about to glide?!” Rainbow Dash asked quickly, thinking he could only mean one thing. Star Shine nodded and smiled. “Wait she's on my head so I won't be able to see it! Ponyfeathers!” Rainbow Dash cursed as the realisation came to her. Star Shine stroked his chin thoughtfully then raised a hoof in excitement as he got an idea.

“Tuck your wings in until I get back. I know you want to do this but Rainbow wants to see it. I'll not be a minute.” Star Shine hurriedly said to Scootaloo. She was confused but did as she was told and Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo watched as Star Shine disappeared back into the house. Rainbow Dash maintained her speed as it seemed to be just the right amount and Scootaloo tried to remember how her wings had been so she could do it again as soon as Star Shine finished doing whatever it was he was doing this time. When he did reappear they gasped in shock and amazement as he was carrying something. From a distance it looked like the mirror from the bathroom. When he got closer they saw that's exactly what he was carrying. He flew in front of Rainbow Dash and turned around to face her. He was flying backwards and was holding the mirror in front of him using his forelegs and that's when Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo realised what was going on. When Rainbow Dash looked into the mirror she could see Scootaloo on top of her head.

“Okay that was smart.” Rainbow Dash admitted, smiling brightly.

“So I'm forgiven?” Star Shine called back.

“This time yeah.” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Right, now close your eyes again Scoots and just do what you were doing before.” Star Shine called to Scootaloo. She nodded and closed her eyes, smiling herself that Rainbow Dash would get to see after all. It wasn't a first flight but it was something special she wanted Rainbow Dash to see anyway. She felt the wind moving around her wings and slowly moved them, adjusting them as she felt they needed to be. Her heart had been racing before Star Shine had interrupted her and she felt she had been really close. She moved her wings and then she felt it. She just knew that her wings were incredibly close to where they needed to be. Just a few more centimetres and she would have it. She moved them just right and let out a squeal of delight when she felt it. She was hit suddenly by a large gust of air and then there was nothing beneath her. She cautiously opened her eyes and saw that there really was nothing beneath her. She looked up and saw that Star Shine was no longer holding the mirror. It was several feet above him as he had thrown it up into the air as soon as Scootaloo had come off of Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash herself had Star Shine in a very tight hug. The two were even spinning around in the air celebrating that Scootaloo had done it at last.

“Hey!” Scootaloo called out loudly as she flew downwards slowly. Star Shine and Rainbow Dash came to their senses and realised exactly what they were doing. Rainbow Dash released the hug and laughed sheepishly as Star Shine realised he wasn't holding a mirror. He looked upwards and flew up to it quickly to catch it before it landed on Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash flew next to Scootaloo and Star Shine joined them when he safely had the mirror. Even though she was falling Scootaloo didn't feel any fear at all this time. She was totally in control of her speed and she felt safe and, above all, joy beyond measure.

Author's Note:

Hey guys I have to head out early today so I'm updating slightly earlier than usual. Although I think the majority of this site's users, and therefore my readers, are American so maybe none of you even noticed :twilightsheepish: The title of the chapter is a bit more serious than my usual stuff but as soon as I thought of it I couldn't get it out of my mind and knew I had to use it.

As for the chapter itself, the bathroom mirror thing is inspired by a friend of mine. Her computer didn't have a print screen button so every time she wanted to show me what she was doing on it, she would go and grab a mirror and hold it in front of the screen. At first I wasn't entirely pleased with the lack of description involving Scootaloo getting a feel for flying but when I thought about it, I thought of a good way to make it actually play into the story. Yes folks, even something as small and simple as a lack of descriptive beauty can and will play into the story.

I'm just that damn good. Now I just need no one to point out how if I was that good I wouldn't have a lack of description in the first place. My counter to that argument is that I'm so good I was deliberately bad just to be good a little later down the line. I was able to write a chapter yesterday and as much as I would enjoy being able to write one today, I am absolutely out of it and my day hasn't even started yet and Wednesday is always my busiest day.

In case you're wondering what the title of the chapter means, it means that basically at this point in the story Scootaloo IS flightless. By gliding she can feel what it is like to fly, and essentially fly. Therefore gliding is, especially for Scooaloo here, pretty much "the flight of the flightless".

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