• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 9,720 Views, 1,537 Comments

Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Chapter 74; What Is She Planning?

It didn’t take long for the library to come into view. Rainbow Dash practically ran towards the door when she spotted it. Star Shine hurried along behind her. He wasn’t bad at keeping up with her in the air but Rainbow Dash still had a lot of speed on the ground. Rainbow Dash rapped impatiently on the door as Star Shine took his place beside her.

“Umm...this place is a library right? They’re open Saturday too. We can just go in.” Star Shine commented, opening the door and walking into the library. Rainbow Dash blushed slightly. She was so focused on talking to Twilight that she forgot that Twilight’s house doubled as the town library. Twilight herself walked down the stairs as Rainbow Dash entered the main room.

“Oh, morning Rainbow.” Twilight said, smiling when she saw her guest. “You brought Star Shine too? And Scootaloo? Is something the matter?” Twilight added with slight concern when she saw that Rainbow Dash wasn’t alone. If it was just Star Shine she might think that something was wrong with the brace or they needed a book. With all three she couldn’t be sure.

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong.” Rainbow Dash began before Star Shine put a hoof in front of her face to interrupt her. She had sounded a little too angry for his liking. Things with Feather Quill hadn’t gone well and Rainbow Dash didn’t need to lose a friend to this. Rainbow had wanted to have faith in Twilight but seeing her be so nonchalant had annoyed her. She expected her to at least apologise.

“We’re here cos we were wondering why you sent Diamond Tiara up to Rainbow’s house.” Star Shine explained. Rainbow Dash let out a deep breath and Star Shine lowered his foreleg. “What did she tell you?” Star Shine asked.

“Oh, that?” Twilight asked, a slight sparkle to her eye as she remembered how Diamond Tiara had been. “She came in here all worried and told me what had happened at the school. She said that you told Scootaloo the dinner was cancelled and wanted to convince you to go and asked me to send her to your house. I only sent her to outside the door, not inside the house itself.” Twilight explained.

“You think she might have stayed outside?” Scootaloo asked, praying that was the case.

“I’d like to think so. It would explain why nothing was missing.” Star Shine replied.

“Yeah, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she came in.” Rainbow Dash added, offering her opinion. At least Twilight hadn’t sent her directly inside the house. If Twilight had been duped then Rainbow Dash could let that go. She was hardly the first or last to be duped by Diamond Tiara.

“What?” Twilight said simply, confused. “Why would she enter the house?”

“I hate to break it to you Twi, but Diamond Tiara lied to you.” Rainbow Dash said, sighing.

“She...lied?” Twilight asked, more confused than before.

“‘Fraid so. I never told Scoots that the dinner was cancelled.” Rainbow Dash explained. “I even got in trouble with Cheerilee for not being serious and punishing Scoots.” she added, rolling her eyes with a derisive snort. Scootaloo giggled a little at the memory of Rainbow Dash being scolded and how she had responded.

“I didn’t think you’d cancel, not with Star Shine there already, and I questioned her a lot, but it was a risk I didn’t want to take. I know how much you were all looking forward to going and I thought she was being noble.” Twilight said, trying to explain her actions. “I...I don’t even know what to say. I’m sorry guys. I’m really, really sorry.” she added, looking down at the floor. Scootaloo hopped down from Rainbow Dash and huddled up to Twilight.

“It’s okay, everypony else believed her too.” Scootaloo reassured her.

“Yeah, and you did what you thought was best.” Star Shine added, walking over and patting her on the back. He considered giving her a hug and decided against it, unsure as to how comfortable she would have been with that much physical contact. Twilight smiled at both of them and then looked across the room at Rainbow Dash nervously. Rainbow smiled at Twilight and gave her a big hug. Scootaloo and Star Shine were right; Twilight had done what she did for their sakes, and Rainbow Dash couldn’t be mad at her for that.

“It’s alright Twi, just talk to me yourself next time okay?” Rainbow Dash said, releasing the hug and playfully tapping Twilight on the cheek.

“Yeah, I’ll do that.” Twilight replied, still smiling. Everything was forgiven and all was well. Except for one small detail. “Wait, why would she lie though? Why would she want to go to your house, and use me to send you there? When you think about it, knowing she lied, it’s a little...silly isn’t it? It doesn’t make much sense.” Twilight asked.

“To be honest we have no clue.” Star Shine replied. “She even goaded Scootaloo into hitting her. Heck even I fell for her cute little girl act.” he added. When he had first met Diamond Tiara she had come across as some sweet little girl. He had seen no reason to distrust her.

“She goaded you?” Twilight asked, looking down at Scootaloo. Twilight was slightly relieved to hear that Star Shine had fallen for Diamond Tiara’s tricks too. It wasn’t the most important thing he had said though. Scootaloo nodded up at Twilight.

“Yeah, she was teasing me about a bunch of stuff and she even told me to hit her. I wanted to just walk away but she kept teasing me and pushing me.” Scootaloo explained, fidgeting nervously, hoping Twilight would believe her. Twilight pondered the information.

“Why would she tell you to hit her? Why would she do all of this at all?” Twilight pondered aloud, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. The more she thought about it and the more she learned, the less she understood what Diamond Tiara might want.

“I really don’t know…” Scootaloo replied dejectedly. She really wished she had some idea of what this was all about.

“Well when did all this trouble with her start?” Twilight asked, putting on a metaphorical thinking cap. She was keen to get to the bottom of this.

“I’d say it really got bad after she got suspended.” Scootaloo said, thinking back to when things had really gone wrong. “That’s when she stopped teasing Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle and started this whole nice girl act.” she added.

“Diamond Tiara got suspended? What for?” Twilight asked.

“Wonder why that one didn’t make the news…” Rainbow Dash commented, rolling her eyes again. “As for why she was suspended, that was me.” she added. Rainbow Dash went on to explain how Scootaloo had taken a week off of school and when asked about it by Twilight she said it was a heavily personal matter. Twilight could see how uncomfortable Scootaloo was at the mention of it and let it slide for now, thinking that it was something she would need to know at a later date. What was happening with Diamond Tiara was more important right now. If it wasn’t related to that, then it wasn’t something she needed to know right now. Rainbow Dash went back into explaining how she had taken Scootaloo back to school (this time she used Scootaloo’s story that she was taking care of her on a temporary basis) and in the interests of Scootaloo’s safety, had stuck around during the day. After that she explained what happened during the rest of the day, from the incident at the school, and the subsequent meeting with Cheerilee in which Rainbow Dash had stuck up for Scootaloo, pleading her case. Cheerilee had agreed in the end and the result was that Diamond Tiara was suspended.

“Did you do anything else to her? Anything that might have annoyed her?” Twilight asked, running all the information through her head and occasionally making a written note.

“Well the only other thing is the tiara thing, I guess.” Scootaloo replied.

“What tiara thing?” Star Shine asked. Most of this was news to him too. Scootaloo had told him that Rainbow Dash had dropped out of the sky when she was being teased before but he didn’t know all the details.

“We...kinda stole her tiara.” Rainbow Dash admitted slowly. “But we gave it right back!” she added quickly, seeing the disapproving looks Star Shine and Twilight had given her. “Okay maybe we kept it until we were found out, but I think all this is a bit much for a tiara. She already got her revenge when she wrote that Gabby Gums thing.” Rainbow Dash added.

“She wrote that thing?” Twilight asked.

“We’re not sure, but those two seem to think so.” Star Shine replied. He couldn’t help but be a little disappointed they had stolen the tiara, even if they gave it back. He could also agree that what had happened seemed far too much for something that seemed so small. They had given it back and, if Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were right about Diamond Tiara writing that article, then she would have gotten some measure of revenge.

“Well we have a motivation at least.” Twilight commented. “I still can’t work out what she’s trying to do though. It’s obvious she lied to me for some reason or another, and wanted to go to your house. There’s always a chance that she didn’t know you were still going, but if that was the case she shouldn’t have told me she heard you say you weren’t going.”

“So you really have no clue what she’s doing?” Scootaloo asked. It wasn’t really what she was hoping for, but at least Twilight believed her and accepted her mistakes. That was two ponies who were now informed of the truth. Twilight shook her head.

“There is something though.” Twilight said, drawing attention to herself. “If she IS doing something, then one of two things is happening. She’s either making mistakes, or what she’s doing is that incredibly calculated. If that’s the case then there’s no telling what she might do.” Twilight explained. It was definitely something neither Pegasus wanted to hear. They all really hoped that Diamond Tiara was just making mistakes.

Author's Note:

For this chapter I actually had to go back and check to make sure that Star Shine did not know that Rainbow stole the tiara. That was not fun. I also wrote this yesterday, which made it pretty easy to get posted today :twilightsmile: I'll try and work it into the story properly later but for now accept this as the reason nopony is calling out DT for breaking and entering; as far as they know or are concerned, DT was outside the house the entire time and only paying Rainbow a visit which is, as far as I am aware, not illegal. Things are starting to unravel for her now though thanks to Detective Twilight of the PPPD*

If you feel that Twilight being forgiven was kinda rushed...sorry about that. Not much I could do there.

*Ponyvile Police Pony Department.

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