• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 9,742 Views, 1,537 Comments

Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Chapter 22; Park And Rarity

With breakfast finished Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo and Star Shine took turns using the shower. Star Shine certainly smelled and looked like he had slept rough. With everypony clean and ready to seize the day by the proverbial horns Rainbow Dash helped Scootaloo back into the brace and they set out into town. Star Shine insisted Scootaloo wear the brace whenever she possibly could.

They walked around the marketplace and Rainbow Dash bought various items of food for herself and Scootaloo, as well as a few extra things for Star Shine. Star Shine, being the one lodging rent free, was assigned the duty of carrying everything in his saddlebags. He was keen to be useful so didn’t mind it too much.

“Hey Scoots, you want to go to the park after we’re done here?” Star Shine asked, leaning down to talk to Scootaloo who was keeping close to Rainbow Dash. Her face lightened up and she was about to reply when Rainbow Dash replied for her. She had heard what Star Shine said and wanted to voice her opinion.

“We can go later I guess, but do you really want to carry those bags all day?” Rainbow Dash said, looking at the heavy bags on Star Shine’s back. He sighed as he looked back at them himself.

“I guess not.” he replied.

“Then we can go later when we get all this stuff home.” Rainbow Dash said. Scootaloo jumped up and punched the air triumphantly, hovering for just a second. It wasn’t much but it was more than she ever had done before. Star Shine noticed and smiled to himself but unfortunately for herself Scootaloo didn’t notice and Rainbow Dash wasn’t looking. Star Shine kept quiet about it and so Scootaloo had no idea.

Later in the day, after the shopping had been deposited and they had a nice lunch together, the trio made their way to the park. Rainbow Dash and Star Shine watched from the bench as Scootaloo ran about and played. Rainbow Dash was smiling at the sight of Scootaloo having a lot of fun for once and being able to enjoy herself.

“Thanks.” Rainbow Dash said to Star Shine, giving him a brief nuzzle.

“For what? I didn’t do anything.” Star Shine replied. He was more than a little confused.

“You’ve given her a pretty awesome last few days for one thing. I can’t remember the last time I saw her this happy. Coming to the park was a good idea. It’s nice to see her so...childish.” Rainbow Dash said, watching Scootaloo play in the fountain. “I don’t care why you did it. I’m just glad to see her like this.”

“Isn’t it possible I’m just being my usual awesome self? Besides she was already pretty happy before I got here. You’re good for her Dashie.” Star Shine replied.

“You saw me earlier, being all stern and grumpy. That’s not really like me.” Rainbow Dash replied dejectedly.

“I really think your change is for the better Dash. You’re only just getting used to it. You’ll lighten up again soon. It’s easy for me because I’m not taking care of her, so I get to be the cool big brother with all the fun ideas. You have fun ideas too, and I’m sure you cheer her up too.” Star Shine reassured her. Rainbow Dash was about to answer him when she heard Scootaloo call out.

“Hey Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo shouted, waving at something in the distance. Rainbow Dash looked in the direction Scootaloo was facing. Sure enough, Sweetie Belle was walking down the path and she was accompanied by her big sister Rarity. Rarity was a pure white Unicorn with a delicately coiffed purple mane. She also happened to be one of Rainbow Dash’s best friends who had no idea about Rainbow Dash’s current situation.

“Oh buck...” Rainbow Dash said quietly.

“Something I should know?” Star Shine asked her, leaning in close.

“Rarity’s one of my closest friends but none of them have any idea what’s going on except Twilight. She only knows you’re giving Scoots lessons too. Act like nothing is wrong with Scoots.” Rainbow Dash pleaded, looking Star Shine in the eyes. He nodded and Rainbow Dash gave a sigh of relief.

“Hey Rarity.” Rainbow Dash said with a wave when she knew it would be safe. Scootaloo ran across to Rainbow Dash and waited with her for Rarity and Sweetie Belle to meet up with them.

“Good afternoon darling.” Rarity said as she approached Rainbow Dash.

“Hey Scoots, you’re looking better.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Better? Whatever was wrong with her?” Rarity asked, slightly concerned.

“I was a little ill. But I’m feeling much better now thanks.” Scootaloo replied, playing with her mane sheepishly.

“I’m glad to hear that dear.” Rarity said with a smile. “And who might you be?” she asked as she spotted Star Shine sat next to Rainbow.

“Me? I’m nopony. I’m just Scootaloo’s flight instructor.” Star Shine replied, bowing his head a little in greeting. Rainbow Dash nudged his ribs. Star Shine was sure he hadn’t said too much.

“It’s about time the little dear got some lessons. I must say though I’m surprised Rainbow Dash here never tried.” Rarity replied.

“Oh she di-” Star Shine began before Rainbow Dash poked him again to shut him up.

“I was going to but I’ve been so busy lately. Star Shine is a friend and so I asked him to teach her for me.” Rainbow explained. It was pretty close to the truth and it was the same thing she had said to Twilight and there was no denying it was a good idea to stick to one story.

“Well work hard Scootaloo and I’m sure you’ll be flying in no time.” Rarity said reassuringly to Scootaloo. It was when Rarity looked down at Scootaloo properly she noticed the device she was strapped into. “I say, just what is that thing she’s wearing? It doesn’t look...comfortable.” she asked. She didn’t think it looked very appealing either but was trying to be nice.

“It’s something that’s made to make her wings stronger so it’s easier for her to fly. It’s not very comfortable, or pretty, but it does help a lot.” Star Shine explained.

“Sounds...nice.” Rarity mused. “Well anyway, come along Sweetie Belle. We need to get back to the boutique. Little Spikey-Wikey said he’d drop by to help me finish this order.” Rarity said, moving down the path.

“I’ll see you at school?” Sweetie Belle asked Scootaloo.

“Wouldn’t miss it.” Scootaloo replied, smiling. Sweetie Belle gave her friend a quick hug and trotted off after her sister.

“By the way darling, I simply love your accent. Where are you from?” Rarity called back.

“Me? Trottingham. Came into town a few days ago.” Star Shine replied. He had guessed that Rarity meant him because he was the only one Rarity had just met.

“Trottingham? My you have come far. You must be some kind of special friend to come all this way for her.” Rarity said. There was a very obvious implication in her voice and her words.

“Yes I am. The specialist.” Star Shine replied happily. Rainbow Dash facehoofed and cursed his name. Unfortunately for her Star Shine was a very oblivious pony sometimes. Rarity giggled at the juicy gossip and trotted off back towards her boutique with Sweetie Belle in tow.

“What did you say that for? To think I was saying how nice you were a minute ago!” Rainbow Dash said, jabbing Star Shine in the sides.

“What did I do? I didn’t say anything wrong.” Star Shine replied, confused. Scootaloo was just as confused so watched and hoped Rainbow Dash would explain for her.

“Yes I am. The specialist.” Rainbow Dash said, mocking Star Shine’s accent. “You do know what she was asking you, don’t you?”

“Sure. She was asking me if I was special, and I told her I was a specialist. Which I am. I’m a specialist flight trainer. Doesn’t that count? I’m your specialist friend.” Star Shine replied. He was still oblivious to the situation at large. Rainbow Dash facehoofed and cursed his name again.

“She wasn’t asking you that! She was asking if you were my coltfriend or something!” Rainbow Dash shouted straight in Star Shines ear. He winced and tapped his ear.

“Oh...Oh....Oh well.” Star Shine said simply as the realisation and implications hit him and then passed as quickly as they had come.

“Oh well? Oh well? Oh well is all you have to say?” Rainbow Dash was getting just a little bit angry.

“Well we know that’s not the case, so what does it matter?” Star Shine replied. Rainbow Dash was about to explode when she saw the look on Scootaloo’s face. She had been watching the whole scene unfold and she was getting more upset by the second.

“It...it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we’re here having a day out for Scootaloo.” Rainbow Dash said, resigned. Scootaloo started smiling again, melting Rainbow Dash’s heart and cancelling all plans of wreaking vengeance upon the colt sat next to her.

“You want to know something funny Shine?” Scootaloo asked, looking up at Star Shine.

“What’s that?” Star Shine asked, smiling as he leaned forward to reach Scootaloo’s level.

“I would have said that you were my older brother.” Scootaloo said with a giggle.

“That would have been a good plan. You’re a smart little thing.” Star Shine replied, causing Scootaloo’s smile to widen.

“I doubt it. Knowing Rarity she’d have probably thought I was trying to marry into your family or something.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh you don’t need to worry about that. Everypony already thinks you’re my sister. Apple Bloom told me at school. They think that’s why I’m living with you.” Scootaloo replied. Rainbow Dash looked like she was about to explode again.

“They think WHAT?!” Rainbow Dash shouted, earning her the attention of everypony in the park and scattering birds from nearby trees. Fluttershy would have been ashamed of her. Luna may have been proud.

“Hey it could be worse.” Star Shine said, quick to try and defuse the situation before Scootaloo could think Rainbow Dash wouldn’t want to be her sister and get upset again. “They could think you’re her mother.” he added in response to Rainbow Dash’s quizzical look. He started laughing and soon Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were joining in.

“I am far too young to be a mom.” Rainbow Dash said when the laughter had subsided and the mood of everypony had been lightened.

“I don’t know, you seem to be doing okay to me. Don’t you think so Scoots?” Star Shine said, winking at Scootaloo. Scootaloo laughed again and nodded before heading back out into the park to play some more before they had to go home.

“You’re not so bad.” Rainbow Dash said, utterly deflated.

“I know.” Star Shine replied.

“Don’t go getting any ideas though.” Rainbow Dash warned him.

“We’ve been through this before.” Star Shine teased.

“We’ve also been through what’s going to happen if you keep teasing me.” Rainbow Dash replied, sitting up on the bench and readying a back leg to buck Star Shine.

“If I die then who’s going to teach Scootaloo?” Star Shine replied, completely unfazed and not believing the threat for a second. Rainbow Dash sighed and sat back down. She had been defeated once more.

“Jerk.” Rainbow Dash said as she jabbed Star Shine in the sides.

“That’s really starting to hurt you know.” Star Shine said, rubbing his now very sore sides.

“I know, that’s why I keep doing it.”

“And you called me a jerk.”

“That I did.” Rainbow Dash said, jabbing him again. “That you are.” she added, along with another jab. Star Shine sighed and got off the bench. He started walking in the direction of Scootaloo.

“Hey where are you going?” Rainbow Dash called after him, getting up herself.

“To go play with Scoots. She won’t hurt me.” Star Shine replied, pouting at Rainbow Dash before laughing and running up to Scootaloo.

“Hey wait for me.” Rainbow Dash called out as she ran after him.

Author's Note:

First of all; I've already thought up ideas for a sequel to this story. More information on my blog post here. Now that's taken care of; To reiterate I'm not trying to tease a romance between Dash and Shine. Although I do accept I'm doing a very bad job of that. I am teasing however that Rarity has decided they're a perfect couple and so shenanigans will ensue. These shenanigans will NOT detract from the point of the story though. Every story needs some comic relief.I hope Star Shine's ignorance makes sense. He's incredibly stupid when it comes to feelings. Also his reaction is pretty much how I react to most things. I realise the implications, then what they mean, then it goes away because I can't do anything about it. He doesn't react to much really but that will actually come into play later when he finally does react.

Foreshadowing is foreshadowing too. There is also a reason Star Shine kept quiet about Scootaloo hovering for a little longer than she normally does.

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