• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 9,742 Views, 1,537 Comments

Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Chapter 84; My Story

Star Shine flew back to the cloud manor as fast as he could and pushed himself as hard as he could. He was no Rainbow Dash so it still took him a little longer than he would have liked it to take to arrive at the house. He slowed down before he reached the place to avoid spooking Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. He landed outside as an extra precaution.

“Hoooooney, I’m home.” Star Shine called before entering the house through, for once, the door. The tradition of ponies jumping on ponies that had started earlier in the day continued as Scootaloo jumped up on Star Shine and gave him a hug, wrapping her forelegs around her neck. Star Shine lifted a foreleg to support her and nuzzled her. “Well aren’t you adorable?” Star Shine teased. Scootaloo laughed and made her way on to Star Shine’s back. Rainbow Dash approached him and gave him a brief nuzzle.

“Hey, how are things going? You manage to get everypony? That guy reach you yet?” she asked in reference to Firefly. He'd actually not told his name to either of them and Star Shine didn't even realise this until Rainbow Dash asked about him. Star Shine nodded his head and almost dislodged Scootaloo who had at this point leaned against the back of his neck.

“Yeah I think he's going to be a real life saver. I've got everyone gathered up and get this, PRINCE Shining Armor turned up. How cool is that? I didn't know the royal family would get involved in something like this.” Star Shine replied, completely awestruck with Shining Armor.

“Well he is Twilight's brother, didn't you know that?” Rainbow Dash asked, rolling her eyes. She had spent more than enough time with Shining Armor to not be enamoured with him anymore. Star Shine pouted a little, feeling like he was being mocked.

“Pinkie said something like that, I think, but she was talking so fast I couldn't really keep up with her.” Star Shine said, fidgeting nervously with his hooves. Scootaloo laughed at him a little and Rainbow Dash jabbed him on the shoulder.

“Aww I was just messin'. How come you're back anyway? Something happen?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I actually need to talk to Scootaloo about something but don't worry, we've almost got Diamond Tiara. Shining Armor went to talk to Cheerilee and her former guard seems to know more than he's letting on. Not surprising seeing as he didn't even tell us his name.” Star Shine replied. Scootaloo poked her head around Star Shine's neck.

“You need to talk to me? What about?” Scootaloo asked.

“It's not easy to say this Scoots, but the damage has been done. Pretty much the whole town has read the paper, and I'm afraid a lot of them see it the way Diamond Tiara told them.” Star Shine began. Both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo looked down at that news.

“Is there anything you can do?” Rainbow Dash asked, hoping for something to come from this.

“There's only one thing. I talked to Feather Quill and he told me that he had no idea that it was even in the paper. Diamond Tiara printed it without him even knowing it was in there. He wants to print a retraction, mostly to save his own neck, but that won't really help Scootaloo. The town will hate Diamond Tiara for what she did, but they'll still believe what she said about Scootaloo. Even if we paint Diamond Tiara as a liar, and say it was all a lie, a lot of ponies are still going to think that way about Scoots. Feather Quill suggested that Scootaloo tell her side, and let everypony know the truth. We can't undo what was done, but we can ensure the best possible outcome.” Star Shine explained. Scootaloo looked more and more depressed as Star Shine was talking. When he had finished explaining she slipped off of his back and walked upstairs without a word. Rainbow Dash and Star Shine watched her in complete bewilderment.

“Does she really have to do that?” Rainbow Dash asked. From her actions it seemed that Scootaloo was in no frame of mind to do anything that Star Shine had suggested and they might be in for a repeat of her behaviour from the morning. Star Shine sighed.

“I wish I could do something but I think this might be best. If she had taken the chance before then this might not have happened.” Star Shine said.

“Hey don't you try and pin this on her!” Rainbow Dash cried, pointing a hoof at Star Shine who backed away a little.

“I wouldn't think of that. I really wish there was more I could do. I'm trying my hardest here and I'm doing what I can.” Star Shine said, waving his forelegs a little.

“I know, I know.” Rainbow Dash replied, sighing. “I just really wish there was something more we can do.” she said sadly. Star Shine walked up to her and put a foreleg around her.

“I know. Maybe it's for the best this happened.” Star Shine suggested. Rainbow Dash looked at him like he was crazy. To be fair he probably was a little crazy. “Think about it; She wouldn't have to hide anything anymore and she'll not have to worry about anypony finding out anything about her. She can be honest, and she'll never have to be alone anymore.” Star Shine explained.

“A lotta that was already the case.” Rainbow Dash countered. Star Shine did make a good point that it would be good for Scootaloo to not have to hide anything anymore but she was already in a situation where she'd never be alone again.

“In any case, I'm wondering why she went upstairs. Wanna go find out?” Star Shine said, making his way to the stairs and looking back at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash, who was just as curious herself but got caught up in conversation, joined him and they went up to Scootaloo's room. Rather than finding her on her bed crying they saw that she was laid down on it and had a quill in her mouth. She was writing something. Rainbow Dash and Star Shine walked across to her to see what she was writing. She didn't really acknowledge them and instead continued to focus on the writing. Rainbow Dash gasped when she saw what Scootaloo was writing. Star Shine smiled at it.

“That's my girl.” he said quietly to himself.

The Truth About Me
By Scootaloo
To be honest Feather Quill gave me the chance to do this yesterday and I really wish I had taken it. I woke up today to a pretty big shock in the paper and I knew that chance had long since passed. Somepony else had taken it from me. Now, instead of sharing my story, I'm forced to respond to somepony else sharing it. I can't deny how hurt I am but I want to let ponies know that not all of it was true. The note is true though and everything in it. I was living in the clubouse my friends and I made and I did jump into Ghastly Gorge. I hit the lowest point in a life of low points. I felt that nothing had ever gone right for me and nothing ever would. I jumped into Ghastly Gorge and instead of ending, my life changed. I was caught by Rainbow Dash and she took me in. I stayed with her for a week and then she convinced me to go back to school. I still stayed with her and she tried giving me flying lessons. I couldn't get it though and so she brought Star Shine over. He's an old friend of hers and he's really really trying far more than my dad ever did. He even worked out why I can't fly and we're fixing it. Together. My dad tried to get me to fly by throwing me off a cloud. He broke my legs once. My mom stopped him after that happened but he'd still throw me. He'd just try to catch me. I was always terrified he'd miss and call it an accident. Looking back, I was safer and better off in the orphanage. They couldn't get me to fly either but they gave up after I kept failing and didn't try pushing me off things. They were pretty nice and I'm sorry for what I did there. Sorry for hitting that kid when he took the scooter and that I took it. I know I gave them some trouble too.

It's true I attacked Diamond Tiara but what nopony else but her, Rainbow Dash and Star Shine know is why. She teases me all the time with Silver Spoon and this time she really went over the edge. She got suspended herself before I did and when she came back she was all sweet and innocent. I never believed her at first but over time I came to. I thought that maybe she really was nice. I tried to talk to her like a friend and she threw it all in my face and mocked me. She called me a chicken, my dad would do that, and dared me to hit her. I just lost it and did hit her, and I deserve the punishment that I got for that, but I didn't deserve all of this. I didn't deserve what she did to me and trust me she did do this. She came into Rainbow Dash's, no, OUR house and stole my note and published it for the world to see. She even lied about it and twisted it how she did. I didn't deserve that, nopony does, and she deserves everything she gets.

You don't have to believe me if you don't want to, but I'm tired of all this. I just want to be happy. I found happiness when I found Rainbow Dash. I found even more happiness when I found Star Shine.

She tried so hard to take it all away from me, and I won't let her. I still have Rainbow Dash, I still have Star Shine and I hope I still have all my friends. That'll be all I need.


Rainbow Dash and Star Shine watched in silence as Scootaloo wrote. Scootaloo finished writing and after putting her name at the end, dropped the quill and dropped down on to the bed. Rainbow Dash patted her gently on the back while Star Shine slipped what Scootaloo wrote into an envelope.

“You're awesome Scoots. Never forget that.” Rainbow Dash said, nuzzling Scootaloo. Scootaloo smiled and cuddled up to Rainbow Dash. Star Shine gave her a kiss on the forehead too.

“I'm sure the rest of town will see it soon too. Thanks for the kind words by the way.” Star Shine added. He gave Scootaloo a short nuzzle, another quick kiss, took the envelope in his mouth and flew out the bedroom window and sped back to Feather Quill's as fast as he could. Scootaloo cried a little as Rainbow Dash continued to comfort her.

Author's Note:

I've gone from using Google Docs to using Open Office and I have to say that for some reason I write a lot quicker and even a lot easier. Well, quicker anyway. I got the majority of this written yesterday afternoon and finished off the last third or so last night before going to bed so today all I had to do was touch it up a little. What Scootaloo wrote may change over time but I'll always let you know if I change it.

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