• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 9,742 Views, 1,537 Comments

Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Chapter 82; Prince Teacher Association

Shining Armor wasn’t entirely sure about where Cheerilee lived but thanks to the help of some friendly Ponyville citizens he found his way there in good time. .He was also quick to reassure the ponies he asked for directions that Cheerilee was in no trouble whatsoever. There was no point in attempting to pass it off as a social call so he could only say that she could help out a lot and hope for the best. Ponyville had definitely had enough of gossip. Or at least of demonising the innocent. Demonising the guilty was something that could certainly still be done by the end of the day. For now they had to be proven guilty and with that in mind Shining Armor approached Cheerilee’s front door and knocked politely. Cheerilee opened the door after a few moments and as gasped and bowed down as soon as she saw who her guest was this sunny day.

“Good morning Cheerilee. Please, get up. I need your help with something.” Shining Armor said sheepishly. He wasn’t really used to ponies bowing in front of him like that yet. He wasn’t sure how Celestia, Luna and Cadance were used to it. It might be something he got used to over time. He offered Cheerilee a hoof to get her back up but she didn’t take it and instead just got up on her own. She was still nervous as Tartarus and was doing her best to contain it.

“Wh-wha-what can I help you with?” Cheerilee asked.

“Could I come in and talk?” Shining Armor asked. He looked around and saw that they had attracted a fair amount of attention. Ponies who passed by were looking across at them and whispering at each other. Cheerilee noticed all the chattering ponies too and moved aside to let Shining Armor in. She nervously closed the door once he was inside, still aware of just how many ponies were looking at her. She really hoped whatever it was wasn’t something bad. Shining Armor entered her living room and took a seat and was joined not long after by Cheerilee herself. He sat down in the living room rather than talk to her at the doorway or in the hall because even though he didn’t think he’d be there long, he wanted her to be at ease and comfortable. He’d worked his way to the top job of the royal guards and had dealt with his fair share of victims and witnesses. He smiled at Cheerilee which unfortunately, given his rank and position, did not help as much as he thought it might.

“What...what can I help you with?” Cheerilee asked nervously fidgeting.

“You’ve got nothing to worry about Cheerilee. I just need to ask you about a few things is all.” Shining Armor replied. “Have you seen today’s paper?” he asked. Cheerilee looked across to where the paper was resting on her table and nodded, looking down.

“I couldn’t believe anypony would do that to such a sweet little girl. I don’t care what they say about Scootaloo. I know what she’s really like and I wish I could do something for the poor girl.” Cheerilee replied. Shining Armor’s smile grew. Cheerilee was more than willing to help and better yet, she didn’t believe the lies and saw things for how they really were. Scootaloo could be quite reclusive, and certainly had been after the Gorge incident, so Cheerilee was more likely the exception, rather than the rule. It was still very good to have at least one pony keep in mind how Scootaloo really is and see things for how they really were.

“There’s actually something you can do. That’s why I’m here.” Shining Armor said. Cheerilee looked up at him a little dumbfounded and confused. She couldn’t see any way she could actually do anything to help. Certainly not something that warranted a Prince to visit. “Do you remember when you suspended Scootaloo and the chat you had with Rainbow Dash after she came to pick her up?” Shining Armor asked. Cheerilee nodded slowly, not seeing what it had to do with anything.

“Yeah, Rainbow Dash came and wanted to take her away as quick as she could. Something about going to dinner in Canterlot. I thought it was a bit much to take her out for dinner the same day she got suspended. Guess she really needed that smile now though, huh?” Cheerilee replied. She was looking a little down again. Scootaloo probably wasn’t as spoiled as she had perhaps imagined.

“Do you remember Rainbow Dash specifically saying that they were still going out? She told you that they were still going out?” Shining Armor asked, practically frantic with excitement. Cheerilee thought it over for a second. It wasn’t exactly easy to remember one specific conversation like that.

“She didn’t tell me specifically they were still going out, but she did tell Scootaloo. Something about needing a good time.” Cheerilee said, still musing it over. To the best of her knowledge that was how things had gone. Shining Armor’s smile faltered a little but it was still there. It wasn’t exactly concrete and would probably not hold up in a court of law but it was something. They had some viable proof that Rainbow Dash had never told Scootaloo that their dinner was cancelled.

“That’s really all I needed Cheerilee, thanks for the help.” Shining Armor said. He got up to leave and Cheerilee followed him out. She had been left very very confused by everything that had happened.

“What’s going on anyway? I don’t see how I’ve helped anything.” Cheerilee asked. Shining Armor turned around around and sighed. He wasn’t sure if he should really say too much. None of the Princesses actually knew that much about the current situation. Twilight had mostly asked him for some kind of legal help or advice from a legal standpoint. She hadn’t detailed much of the situation until he had arrived, talking mostly about what crimes may or may not have been committed and what could be done about them. After reading it Shining had decided to help in person as much as he could. His little sister needed his help and that was all that mattered to him. That had also been all that mattered to Cadance and Celestia who had sent him off without another word after he said that Twilight needed his help with something. Both Celestia and Cadance had been concerned about what might have happened and Shining had reassured them that she was in no danger or trouble. Once that was done they had sent him away after making him promise to tell them all about it when he got back. He wasn’t sure how much he could or really should say to other ponies not directly involved. He had just sort of directly involved Cheerilee. That thought and realisation made the decision for him.

“We think we know who did that to Scootaloo. There was a pony who told Twiley that they heard Rainbow Dash tell Scootaloo they couldn’t go out anymore after she got suspended. With your testimony we can prove they clearly lied to Twiley and anyone who lies to my Twiley and takes advantage of her naivety and trust will pay. Especially after going on to do something like this.” Shining Armor said. Cheerilee was a little afraid given how he’d talked about people paying for taking advantage of Twilight like that. He was a very protective big brother after all. That was another reason that Cadance and Celestia hadn’t delayed him. They knew better than to keep him waiting when his “Twiley” was involved.

“If I’ve helped at all then that’d be great. I’d love to see whoever did this get what’s coming to them. What a sick and twisted thing to do. To know a girl went through all of that and to just...to just use it like that. How could somepony do such a thing?” Cheerilee asked. There were tears streaming down her face as she thought about what Scootaloo must be going through right now. It was one of the worst things that Cheerilee had ever seen. “What’s worse...what if somepony sees it like this? What if they don’t remember what Scootaloo is really like and they think this is what she’s really like?” she asked. She couldn’t really believe that somepony might see it that way but if somepony had such knowledge of Scootaloo’s past and used it as they had then there was more than a chance that somepony else would see it the way they presented it too. Shining Armor walked over to Cheerilee and gave her a hug.

“Sometimes ponies don’t realise that the evil isn’t just the big bad monster that comes to attack a town. It’s not just the Draconequus, the malevolent Nightmare, or even the Queen of the Changelings. Evil is born in the hearts of ponies and all other creatures. Nothing is born evil. But also keep in mind that evil can and will be stopped. Good ponies don’t need to be Element Bearers, Princesses, Princes, guards, or whatever. Good ponies just need to be ponies who take a stand and don’t stand for what’s happening. Never forget Cheerilee that evil only really wins when good does nothing. Not like you, who’s done something. You aren’t the only one too. What happened is being taken care of. You can count on that.” Shining Armor declared. He hadn’t really intended to go on a whole little speech. It had just been what came out. It was how he felt about good and evil. Nothing is born evil, a lot of things don’t stay evil, and evil never really wins unless good does nothing. He released the hug and took a step back from Cheerilee who was now looking at him amazed and a little awestruck. She could see why he became the captain of the royal guards and what Cadance saw in him. He was powerful with his words as well as his body.

“Thanks for that. Just...I dunno...thanks.” Cheerilee replied dumbly. She was still a little awestruck. Shining Armor laughed a little. He’d had that affect on the new recruits before too. Though he’d never hugged any of them as he gave a rallying cry.

“And thank you again for the help. I’ll see you later Cheerilee. I’d say I’ll keep you informed but I’m sure once something happens, it’ll be the talk of the town.” Shining Armor said as he left Cheerilee still standing in her hallway. Shining Armor had a message to send to some of the higher ups in the guards. He held the highest rank and if he wanted to, probably could order a warrant to search Diamond Tiara’s house, but he wanted to make sure everything was above board and that nothing could come back and bite him in the flank over this. There was no need to rush and rushing could lead to things going wrong. For now he had to go back to the library and that is exactly where he headed.

Author's Note:

How do I come up with these chapter titles? I have no clue at all. This one just seemed too obvious. Anyway, I wasn't actually sure I could turn this scene into a full standalone chapter and did kinda plan to have Star Shine and Feather Quill in the same chapter too. Then I remembered I'm me and I'm bucking awesome and it ended up coming in at about 1800 words. We could see 100 chapters yet :twilightsheepish:

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