• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 9,720 Views, 1,537 Comments

Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Chapter 27; Breakfast Out Of Bed

The next day started as normally as any other day would. Rainbow Dash woke up before anypony else and began her morning practice while Scootaloo slept a little bit longer. Scootaloo still woke up in time to catch Rainbow Dash before Star Shine woke up. After checking downstairs to make sure he was still asleep, Scootaloo ran back up into Rainbow Dash’s room and made her way to the window from which she always watched Rainbow Dash practice. Scootaloo waited until Rainbow Dash had finished the trick she was practicing so she wouldn’t distract her.

“Hey Rainbow!” Scootaloo called down to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash looked up and made her way to the window when she saw who it was.

“Hey Squirt, you’re up early.” Rainbow Dash said. Scootaloo always woke up early to watch her practice but it seemed like she was up earlier than usual.

“Well I got an idea. Do you think we can make Star Shine breakfast?” Scootaloo asked, playing with her mane sheepishly. She didn’t think Rainbow Dash would be against the idea, but she still felt a little awkward asking it.

“We probably could, but why?” Rainbow Dash replied. She floated into the room and stood next to Scootaloo.

“He’s just been really nice and he even read me a bedtime story because you couldn’t and I wanted to...thank him.” Scootaloo managed to say, pondering for a second on how to phrase it.

“We’d best hurry up then before he wakes up.” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile. Scootaloo smiled back and together they made their way to the kitchen, walking through the living room quietly so they didn’t disturb the colt sleeping on the couch. “So what do you want to make?” Rainbow Dash asked when they were safely in the kitchen.

“I actually hadn’t thought that far ahead. I don’t think there’s anything I can make actually.” Scootaloo admitted, looking downcast.

“Don’t worry about it Scoots. I know how to make a few things myself. Will pancakes do?” Rainbow Dash reassured her. Scootaloo looked up at Rainbow Dash and nodded her head. Rainbow Dash found all the ingredients while Scootaloo watched. When she had found everything she told Scootaloo how to stick them all in the blender and how to use it to make the batter. Scootaloo was in a hurry and didn’t put the lid on the blender before turning it on and Rainbow Dash couldn’t stop her in time. She managed to stop the blender before too much mess occurred. The damage was mostly contained to the counter and Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo’s faces, which were now covered in pancake batter. They looked at eachother and broke out into laughter before cleaning themselves up.

“Okay this time, put the lid on.” Rainbow Dash said, still laughing. Scootaloo put the lid on the blender and started it up again. Rainbow Dash took over from here as all that was left was to cook them. Scootaloo laid plates down on the table while Rainbow Dash cooked and served the pancakes. When everything was ready Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash made their way to the front room. Star Shine was still asleep. Scootaloo walked over to him and started nudging him in the side to try and wake him up.

“Hey, Shine, it’s time for breakfast. Get up. Please?” Scootaloo said as she tapped him. Star Shine shifted in his sleep but didn’t wake up.

“Let me try. You might wanna move out the way.” Rainbow Dash said, moving behind the couch. She leaned over it, planting her hooves behind Star Shine, and pushed him onto the living room floor. He landed on the floor with a soft pomf but the falling sensation had been enough to wake him up. He barely felt anything as he landed on the soft cloud below.

“Huh? What?” Star Shine asked lazily. He wasn’t with really awake yet but Rainbow Dash was ready to change that.

“It’s time for breakfast, so get up. I wanted to just leave you be but Scootaloo insisted we feed you. You owe her one I guess.” Rainbow Dash said, nudging Star Shine until get got up onto his hooves.

“Gonna owe her more than that.” Star Shine said quietly. So quietly Rainbow Dash didn’t hear him. Something he was most grateful for. Scootaloo had taken Rainbow Dash’s advice and was stood by the kitchen door, so there was no chance she could have heard him. Star Shine stood up, brushed himself off, and made his way to the kitchen. He stumbled a little at first before shaking the last of his weariness out of his body. Scootaloo ran into the kitchen ahead of him and Rainbow Dash followed shortly after. When he entered the kitchen Star Shine saw that there were three plates of pancakes laid out already. “You made these?” he asked, turning to face Rainbow Dash.

“You’re not the only one who’s been living by themselves for a while. Squirt here helped.” Rainbow Dash said as she walked past him and patted Scootaloo on the head, causing the filly to smile brightly. “Actually the whole thing was her idea. She wanted to thank you for reading her a bedtime story.”

“That so?” Star Shine asked, bending down to face Scootaloo. She nodded happily. “Well thank you then.” Star Shine said, giving Scootaloo a brief nuzzle. “Thank you too, I guess.” he added to Rainbow Dash, electing to not give her a nuzzle.

“Hey I cooked it all.” Rainbow Dash protested. She wasn’t asking for a nuzzle or anything, she was just a little annoyed that he seemed to pass over her so quickly and she wanted what she had done to be recognised.

“I know, and I thanked you for it. It really was a nice thing to do. Unless...you’re not complaining I didn’t nuzzle you are you?” Star Shine asked. Scootaloo giggled as she watched the pair.

“No.” Rainbow Dash replied flatly, though there was a soft pink tinge to her cheeks that wasn’t there before. Star Shine felt it was in his best interests to not mention it. “I just worked hard is all.”

“You did. Thank you.” Star Shine said, giving her a very brief nuzzle while Scootaloo giggled again. Rainbow Dash sighed but didn’t really protest. Star Shine sat down at the table before he could do any more damage and Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash followed suit.

“These really are nice.” Star Shine appraised as he ate his pancakes. “I’ve never really had anypony cook for me before either.” he added, smiling at the two mares who made his breakfast. Scootaloo smiled back and started eating. Rainbow Dash was already eating and didn’t look up. She had worked up quite an appetite with her morning practice. The rest of the meal passed in relative silence and soon enough all the plates were empty and three well fed ponies breathed a contented sigh.

“We should hurry up. It’s nearly time to take Scoots to school.” Rainbow Dash said as she looked at the clock.

“About that, I’d like to take her with you if that’s okay.” Star Shine said. Rainbow Dash looked at him quizzically.

“Why’d you want to do that?” Rainbow Dash asked him.

“I don’t mind.” Scootaloo commented. Star Shine looked down at her and smiled.

“I’d just like to go. Besides if we’re seen together then we can deny all those nasty rumours that we’re a couple and let ponies know the truth.” Star Shine said. Rainbow Dash thought about it for a moment before deciding it was a decent argument.

“I guess there’s no harm anyway.” Rainbow Dash relented. “Alright, you hurry up and get ready.” she added to Scootaloo. Scootaloo gave her a salute and began collecting all her homework and school supplies. Star Shine smiled at the display and watched her work.

“You’re really going to come along just to do it?” Rainbow Dash asked Star Shine while Scootaloo was busy.

“What are you afraid of?” Star Shine replied.

“That you’re going to do something.” Rainbow Dash said. She had grown used to Star Shine hiding things and at this point expected him to be hiding something no matter what the situation was.

“I only ever do what’s best.” Star Shine said innocently.

“That’s the problem. You have a very different opinion to the rest of us about what’s best.” Rainbow Dash replied.

“I already promised Scootaloo. I can’t change my mind now.” Star Shine said quietly, looking down at the floor.

“I knew you were planning something. What is it?!” Rainbow Dash hissed.

“It’s nothing bad! I promised Scootaloo I would find out why her friends talked to Gabby Gums. That’s all. I’m only doing what she asked me to. Really.” Star Shine said quickly. While he technically hadn’t promised Scootaloo anything he had as good as given his word he would.

“If she asked you to do it then it’s fine. Just don’t hurt her or I will hurt you.” Rainbow Dash threatened.

“You two okay?” Scootaloo asked, walking over to them. She had her saddlebags on and they looked packed. “I’m all ready, are we going?”

“Yeah, I was just talking to Star Shine here about something. Let’s get going.” Rainbow Dash said, smiling at Scootaloo. Scootaloo looked up at Star Shine and he smiled and nodded. With Scootaloo convinced nothing was wrong, Rainbow Dash helped her up onto her back and they set off for the schoolhouse.

Author's Note:

It's not an official update day but this is a bit of an inbetween chapter so I decided to upload it a day early. To be honest I am incredibly nervous about the next chapter and the plan I'm going for. I'd consider changing it but to change that would mean that I have to change pretty much absolutely everything after it. Tomorrow's update, and the next few after it, might seem a little off but they're also necessary. There isn't a way to change that direction of the story.

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