• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 9,742 Views, 1,537 Comments

Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Chapter Fourteen; An Afternoon At The Races

Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo and Star Shine reached the cloud manor and began their descent onto the soft and fluffy cloud layer below. Rainbow Dash landed first and Scootaloo climbed down as Star Shine landed next to them.

“You sure have moved up in the world Dash.” Star Shine said as he took in the huge house in front of him. “Literally.” he added with a giggle as he walked to the edge of the foundations and looked down at the land below.

“It’s easy to get a giant house when you build it all yourself.” Rainbow Dash remarked, pushing the front door open and allowing Scootaloo to run inside. She had confided in Rainbow Dash that while she loved living with her in the cloud manor there was a small part of her that was afraid of falling off the edge and so she liked to stay inside. There might have been a time she was too afraid to admit a weakness in front of Rainbow Dash but there was no way she could be after the events of the past few weeks. There’s no point in hiding anything from somepony who had actually read your suicide note and saved your life. If anything it was a good thing to have somepony to confide in at long last for the little Pegasus filly.

“Ladies first.” Star Shine said to Rainbow Dash as she stood holding the door for him.

“Ah, but you’re the guest. Doesn’t that cancel it out?” Rainbow replied with a sigh. Star Shine had always been the gentlecolt and it was something she hadn’t missed about him. Given how she was friends almost exclusively with mares, she had long since stopped caring about the social norms of the different genders.

“I suppose you’re probably right.” Star Shine conceded after a few moments thought. He walked inside and was followed shortly thereafter by Rainbow Dash. The pair walked into the living room and saw that Scootaloo had already taken out her homework and began to work on it.

“Nothin’s gonna stop you is it kid?” Star commented as he walked over and looked at what homework Scootaloo had to do. It looked like some simple maths and Equestrian history, and certainly nothing she might need help with. Equestrian history was one of the easiest subjects in school as the answer was “The Princesses” more often than not. They were responsible for most of the major advancements of ponykind and even made most of them possible by defeating Discord all those years ago.

“Maybe something might...” Scootaloo replied, remembering her life’s most recent events. A lot of things had stopped her. “But not for very long.” she added with a smile as she looked up at Rainbow Dash, who had herself come to see what homework Scootaloo had to do.

“That’s the spirit Squirt.” Rainbow Dash said, giving Scootaloo a pat on the head. Scootaloo smiled at both the affection and the praise.

“Aye, remember that spirit Scootaloo. You might need it.” Star Shine added. There was a hint of sadness in his voice.

“What do you mean?” Scootaloo replied. She recognised that tone. It was the tone Rainbow Dash used when she thought that Scootaloo couldn’t fly. It was the tone her parents and the orphanage had used when they had given up on her. It’s a tone that said “You won’t get what you want, and you’re going to have to live with it.”

“Nothing really. I just meant that you should stay happy. Don’t you agree we should all be happy?” Star Shine replied with a reassuring smile.

“I...guess?” Scootaloo replied. She had been a little put off by his reply. She also recognised that smile. It was one adults gave children to reassure them that everything was going to be fine when it wasn’t. It was one that no longer worked on her.

“How about before you have your lesson, you watch me and Rainbow Dash race? You know she’s never actually beaten me in a race?” Star Shine asked. If trying to reassure a child fails, simply offer a distraction. Scootaloo wasn’t used to this trick, so it worked. Plus it was something she wanted to see.

“That sounds awesome! Is it really true you’ve never beaten him? He looked kinda slow on the way over here.” Scootaloo asked Rainbow Dash. There was a slight red tinge to her cheeks.

“Well we only raced a few times and it’s been a long time since we did. Actually we haven’t raced since Flight Camp. I had speed but he had control, so he could turn the corners a lot faster than me. I lost but that won’t happen again.” Rainbow Dash declared with determination.

“Sounds like a challenge to me. I’ll go set up the course, you help Scootaloo with her homework or something. I need some time to think anyway.” Star Shine replied before drifting, more than flying, out of a window. He was muttering to himself about something or another and Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash watched him with confused looks. He was flying a little haphazardly, and seemed to be barely functioning in the real world anymore.

“What do you think he’s got to think about?” Scootaloo asked Rainbow Dash nervously.

“Hay if I know Squirt. That guy’s mind goes a mile a minute and it’s hard to understand what he could be thinking about. He’s got a tendency to mutter like that about anything that comes into his head. He could just want a minute to himself or something.” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Do you think he’s thinking I can’t fly?” Scootaloo asked. She asked this question more nervously than the last one. It was the conclusion her mind had come to given Star’s behaviour.

“I’m sure that’s not it all Scoots.” Rainbow replied quickly, giving Scootaloo an affectionate and reassuring nuzzle. “I’ve seen that guy get fillies with injured wings to fly. I’m sure that if there’s something wrong he’ll be able to fix it. Now let’s hurry up with your homework okay?” Scootaloo nodded and turned back to her homework. Star Shine wasn’t the only pony who could distract a filly and put their minds at ease.

Soon enough Scootaloo had finished her homework and Star Shine declared the course to be finished. It was a course that ran along the length of Rainbow Dash’s house so Rainbow Dash dropped Scootaloo off on the roof so she could see all the race as it unfolded around her. The course itself was made up of a few loops made of cloud that the racers would have to fly through and, to give himself a little bit of an advantage, Star Shine had set up plenty of twists and turns. In a strange way it reminded Scootaloo of Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark. The parts of the course between the loops were reminiscent of a lightning pattern and the clouds reminded her of, well, clouds. The starting line was the roof where Scootaloo was sat so she could start the race. From there they would race forward for a few hundred metres and from there break left and complete two laps before coming back to Scootaloo. The first pony to make it back to Scootaloo won the race, and most likely the respect of Scootaloo.

Star Shine and Rainbow Dash were leaning forward at the start line, preparing to take off quickly. Scootaloo was stood a short distance in front, a flag in her mouth.

“On your marks!” Scootaloo managed to call, her voice muffled by the flag.

“Say Rainbow, do me a favour and go slow on the first lap. I want to talk to you about something.” Star Shine said quickly into Rainbow Dash’s ear.

“What?!” Rainbow Dash hissed back.

“Get set!” Scootaloo called out again.

“That’s why there’s two laps. Race me properly on the second lap, but let me talk to you on the first.” Star Shine replied. Something was clearly on his mind but Rainbow Dash couldn’t figure out what it was.

“Go!” Scootaloo shouted and waved the flag before Rainbow Dash had a chance to respond. Star Shine zipped off and Rainbow Dash followed a split second later, her mind not entirely focused on the task at hoof. They were neck and neck as they flew straight past Scootaloo, whipping up a wind that played with her mane as she turned around to watch them go. She had a large grin on her face, unaware that as she was watching the two were about to discuss her future. All she knew and all she saw was a friendly race between two ponies who hadn’t seen eachother in a while. Children really were ever so easily distracted.

Author's Note:

Now before you start thinking that Star Shine already knows everything and he's basically Godding (the biggest problem with any OC, EVER) he's not. He's just trying to avoid talking about a potentially serious problem in front of Scootaloo, and he's not entirely sure about the situation. Give me the benefit of the doubt for now, and judge him tomorrow when he gets a healthy dose of reality and you'll see more about how he's thinking. He's come to a very incorrect conclusion. I don't like revealing plot information outside the story, I just don't want people thinking I've really messed up with him before I've even begun :twilightsheepish: At the minute he doesn't know anything other than that Scootaloo can't fly.

Also, I wasn't planning on updating today but it's a friend's birthday, so this one is for you my friend :twilightsmile: You'll get another update tomorrow for my birthday, and then next week we're back to a M-W-F update system. I hope you enjoyed the week of daily updates.

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