• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 9,720 Views, 1,537 Comments

Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Chapter 21; Breakfast Time

Saturday came as it always would after Friday. Rainbow Dash may not have worked on weekends but she still trained and as such was always up early. She let Scootaloo rest and lie in to recover from her exhaustion from the day before. Rainbow Dash was in the middle of a particularly amazing trick involving countless spins and turns when she heard somepony shouting her name from the ground.

“Rainbow! Hey Rainbow! You’re up early!” the voice shouted. Rainbow Dash was distracted and spun out of control, flying straight into the cloud layer. She hit it with enough force for her head to go through it. This allowed her to see who was shouting at her, although she recognised the accent. There were only two ponies in Ponyville with that accent and the voice was too deep to be Pip Squeak. Rainbow Dash looked down and saw Star Shine looking up at her. He was smiling like usual but his mane was a mess. She guessed he hadn’t showered before coming out. Star Shine took one look at her and fell flat on his back laughing.

“I’ll get you for that.” Rainbow Dash grumbled. She was so far away that Star Shine would have never been able to hear her. “What do you want?” she shouted down at him.

“I thought I’d come say good morning. How are you this fine day?” Star Shine called up, taking off and moving towards Rainbow Dash.

“I have my head stuck in a cloud, so how do you think I feel?!” Rainbow called back. Star Shine laughed again and flew past her, beyond the cloud layer. She felt the cloud layer shift behind her as Star Shine landed.

“No, no, no, don’t you dare!” Rainbow shouted as she felt a pair of forelegs wrap around her. Star Shine was trying to pull her out of the cloud layer. He flapped his wings for an extra burst of power and Rainbow Dash came free. The momentum sent the pair of them flying backwards and they tumbled in the air before crashing down on the cloud layer, Rainbow Dash on top of Star Shine.

“You could at least buy me dinner first Dash. I paid yesterday.” Star Shine teased with a laugh. Rainbow Dash tried to stamp a hoof into him but Star Shine kept moving his head out the way.

“Sit still and let me hit you!” Rainbow Dash shouted, getting angrier by the miss.

“Why would you want to hit him?” Rainbow Dash heard a voice call out from above. Rainbow turned around and Star Shine looked up to see Scootaloo looking down on them from Rainbow’s bedroom window. Rainbow Dash was frozen in place and Star Shine took the opportunity to squeeze out from under her. He flew up to Scootaloo before Rainbow Dash could hit him.

“Hide me from the mean mare!” Star Shine pleaded with Scootaloo, feigning fright. Scootaloo giggled and moved to the side, allowing him to fly in through the window. Rainbow Dash flew up to the window just after. She looked around the room but Star Shine had already disappeared.

“Where is he?” Rainbow Dash asked, snorting in anger.

“Why is he here?” Scootaloo asked. Rainbow Dash calmed down at the sound of Scootaloo’s voice and smiled as she formulated a plan.

“Why? I don’t know. Maybe he came for breakfast?” she said loudly. A little too loudly considering she was talking to a pony who was stood right next to her.

“Breakfast? Yes please!” Star Shine said as he popped up from under the bed. Rainbow Dash let out a triumphant shout and jumped on him, pinning him to the ground. “Drat, foiled by my stomach.” Star Shine said solemnly, looking down at his stomach with as much disapproval as one can hold towards their own stomach.

“And now you die!” Rainbow Dash declared, lifting a hoof and taking aim while Star Shine cowered beneath her.

“Didn’t I say you aren’t allowed to kill him?” Scootaloo said, coming forward and sitting on Star Shine, getting in Rainbow’s way.

“Awwwww, can’t I hurt him just a little?” Rainbow Dash asked, lowering her hoof dejectedly. Scootaloo shook her head defiantly as Star Shine’s heart rate and breathing slowly returned to normal. “Do we have to feed him now?” Rainbow asked with a sigh. Scootaloo nodded and jumped off of Star Shine. Rainbow Dash got off him too and helped him back to his hooves.

“She can’t protect you forever.” Rainbow Dash whispered in Star Shine’s ear so Scootaloo couldn’t hear.

“So what are we having for breakfast?” Star Shine replied, completely ignoring the threat.

“That’s a good question. What are we having?” Scootaloo asked Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash facehoofed and then rubbed her muzzle gently, she hadn’t intended to hit herself quite so hard.

“It’s like I’m looking after two kids...come on, let’s go see what I have.” Rainbow Dash said before making her way to the door. Scootaloo and Star Shine followed after her excitedly. Despite how early she got up she wasn’t much of a morning pony and was feeling worse after finding herself in an embarrassing situation and now being ganged up on. At the bottom of her heart a small part of her was smiling to see Scootaloo acting so childish for once. She was a child after all.

“Thanks Scoots.” Star Shine said, leaning down low to talk to Scootaloo.

“Anytime Shine.” Scootaloo replied. The pair giggled together as they followed Rainbow Dash down the stairs and into the kitchen. They sat attentively at the door as she looked through the cupboards for food.

“Ponyfeathers. Looks like we don’t have much left. Guess we’ll have to go back into town later. Is toast okay for you two?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking back at the two sat by the door. Star Shine and Scootaloo nodded in unison before giggling again.

“Seriously. It’s like having two kids. Two annoying, bratty, kids.” Rainbow Dash commented, putting bread in the toaster. Star Shine and Scootaloo took their seats at the table. While Rainbow Dash’s back was turned Star Shine leaned over and whispered something in Scootaloo’s ear.

“Hey Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo called out. Rainbow Dash turned around to face her. “Can Shine stay here tonight? I mean, his stuff’s already here, so he might as well.” Scootaloo asked.

“Did he tell you to ask that?” Rainbow Dash replied. She wasn’t totally averse to the idea but liked honesty.

“Umm...” Scootaloo began before Star Shine cut her off.

“Yes I did, and I know you wouldn’t let me if I got her to lie for me, so yes I told her to ask you.” Star Shine said, hoping the truth would win him some points with Rainbow Dash.

“I suppose. Your stuff IS here. What happened to staying at the hotel?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh...that...well I sort of lied about that. To be honest I actually slept rough last night. It’s why I was here so early. All the hotels are full. I think there’s some kind of boring formal thing happening soon. Or something boring like that.” Star Shine explained.

“You’re lying again now aren’t you?” Rainbow Dash asked, calling Star Shine on his bluff. If he wanted to stay then he needed to be perfectly honest with her. Scootaloo looked between the pair as Star Shine sighed.

“Yes, but only about the hotels being full. The total and honest truth is that I didn’t have enough bits. I’ve already spent more than I thought I would. The banks are closed on weekends so I can’t get any money until Monday, so it’ll only be for a few days.” Star Shine admitted.

“There, was that so hard?” Rainbow Dash asked, having finally got the truth out of him at last.

“Guess not.” Star Shine replied, shaking his head. Rainbow Dash smirked smugly but it was soon wiped off her face as the toaster popped behind her, making her jump. She had forgotten she was even making toast.

“I take it you haven’t eaten since we went to the restaurant then?” Rainbow Dash asked, putting the toast onto a plate. Star Shine shook his head. “You can have the first few pieces then.” Rainbow Dash said, placing the plate in front of Star Shine. Star Shine thanked her and then tucked into the toast like it was the first meal he’d had in days. Scootaloo giggled at the display. “I get that you haven’t eaten in a while, but can you please eat nicely? I don’t want you being a bad influence.” Rainbow Dash scolded.

“Sorry...” Star Shine said, gulping down the toast stuck in his mouth. He started eating it slower as Rainbow Dash prepared more toast for herself and Scootaloo and filling some glasses with juice for everypony. She served the toast up when it was ready and sat down with Star Shine and Scootaloo. Scootaloo smiled to herself as what what she was almost beginning to think of as her small and dysfunctional family had a simple meal together once more.

Author's Note:

A few things;
1. I'm not entirely happy with the way this chapter ended but I couldn't think of a different/better ending. It's nice and heartwarming but I do still think it's way too early for Scootaloo to begin considering herself in a family. With Star Shine at least. She feels she belongs with Rainbow Dash. I'll probably think of a way to phrase it differently later but for now I'll leave it as it is.
2. I'm uploading this chapter now because it's random fluff and the next chapter is when something happens. I think every time random fluff like this happens I'll upload it on a between day. A between chapter, for a between day :twilightsmile:
3. The actual reason this chapter exists is a slightly funny story. To me at least. What happened was the next chapter, and the chapter before, were supposed to all take place on the same day. It was far too much though and I realised my monumental error and fixed it. I wanted to write a short introduction to the next day and instead wrote this. I messed up my times so much that actually the three originally had lunch at the restaurant, not dinner, despite that scene taking place AFTER Scootaloo had finished school earlier in the day :facehoof:
4. Yes there is an actual reason Star Shine insists on staying at Rainbow's house, and no, it's not that he wants into her pants. She doesn't even wear pants. But more on that in a later chapter :twilightsmile:

Lastly the reason I've stopped spelling out the chapter numbers is because they're getting long now. Look forward to numbers from here on out. We don't need no letters.

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