• Published 28th Apr 2013
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Working Towards The Future - Dasponi

It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise.

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Epilogue 1: Diamond Tiara

Diamond Tiara still hadn't calmed down by the time that the guards and Firefly reached the Royal Palace. With crime not being much of an issue, a small sector of the palace was dedicated to crime and punishment. Towns that were a good distance away from the capital, such as Appleoosa, had their own law enforcement and offices. Ponyville had one too but it was more for smaller petty crimes that wouldn't take long to fix. Child neglect was a serious accusation and Diamond Tiara had very nearly ruined a life. Firefly was allowed to stay in a waiting room for visitors. He was not formally charged with anything and was mostly there for some questioning. He had decided to stay on his own to give Diamond Tiara any support or comfort he could offer. Shortly after the party for Scootaloo had started Shining Armor had sent a letter to the guards informing them that he would be arriving soon. Twilight didn't have the power to send him as far away as Canterlot so he was stuck on the train. As much as he wanted to stay and enjoy the festivities, he had work to do.

Shining Armor arrived a few hours later and then the questioning began. Filthy Rich of course pleaded ignorance and innocence. When confronted with what his daughter had done he had plead ignorance and when informed that his ignorance had been what he was arrested for, he had pleaded innocence. He claimed that he had taken an interest in his daughter's life. To a degree he had by having his guards keep an eye on her but he failed to use the information in any kind of manner and could have easily spent some time with her to learn more about her. Firefly proved to be useful in the case against Filthy Rich as well, having confronted him about it himself. The way that Filthy had disregarded Firefly's advice would prove to be damming evidence. Filthy Rich had attempted to form a relationship with his daughter on several occasions and had gone to bat for her, but she clearly never felt it was good enough. Extracts from Diamond Tiara's diary were read to him. Entries where she would despair about how her dad never paid any attention to her. At first she was depressed about it and would lament the situation. Over the course of time depression had turned to anger and she had grown to despise her father. Her own attempts to get close to him had failed and she stopped caring and trying. She resigned herself to her father having no interest in her life. She even started to see Firefly as some kind of surrogate father and would praise him, saying that she wished her dad was more like him. Filthy Rich's pleas of “I had no idea!” were not withheld and a trial was set. Both he and his daughter would be tried on the same day. There was a chance he would lose custody of her and they wanted to make sure that they knew what they were doing with them both at the same time.

When Diamond Tiara was questioned she had responded the same way she did with Firefly. She never bothered trying to hide what she had done. She wasn't as proud as she was, having seen how everypony had reacted, and it was partly that she knew there was no point in trying to deny anything. They had her diary and they had the note. They had everything they needed on her. When asked about her motives Diamond Tiara had tried to defend herself using the fact that Scootaloo stole her tiara against her. The charges were noted and set aside to be looked into. Rainbow Dash would later receive a fine and her and Scootaloo would have to do some community service, but not much more came of that. Diamond Tiara was informed that while she had been wronged, she still had no right to do what she did. She should have informed somepony rather than taking matters into her own hooves. Vigilante justice was just as illegal as the crime the vigilante seeks vengeance for. If she had simply reported the stolen tiara then all of the mess could have been avoided. Much like with her dad, a court date was set and the wait began.

Filthy Rich was the first to be tried. Firefly was in attendance and would give evidence in both cases. Filthy had stuck to the defense he had used during his questioning. He had no idea what Diamond Tiara was up to and he had tried to find out. The prosecution had stuck to the argument that he could have tried a whole lot harder and had even turned down chances that he had to talk to his daughter. He wilfully ignored her and left her to her own devices. If he had paid more attention then it was another way that the entire mess could have been avoided. In the end it was ruled that he had wilfully ignored Diamond Tiara and his behaviour was tantamount to, if not actually, neglect. The judge ruled that as he was a single parent he would lose custody of Diamond Tiara and she would be transferred to a local orphanage. It was, perhaps ironically (though more coincidentally) the same orphanage that Scootaloo grew up in. Firefly had cried out at the decision. He pleaded that Diamond Tiara would not function well in an environment like an orphanage. There was no need to take her to an orphanage because he would take her in, and he would take her far away to Baltimare and give her a new start. The judge, under the advice of Shining Armor, took what Firefly had to say in consideration. They would make a final decision at the end of Diamond Tiara's trial.

Diamond Tiara's trial didn't take too long. She had pleaded guilty and there was more than enough evidence to damn her. The main focus of it was to decide just what to do with her. It was clear that she was guilty but it was also clear that she had issues and she needed help as much as she needed punishment. In the end it was decided that Firefly would be able to adopt her. She was to have regular visits by psychologists to see how she was doing, but she wouldn't have to live in an orphanage or receive a major punishment. She was just a filly after all, no matter what she had done. She would receive a second chance, with a completely new start and with a colt who cared very much for her and wanted her to succeed. She would go on to live with Firefly in Baltimare like he promised. At first she was visited once a month and after a year, when it became obvious she was in a much better mental state, the visits became less frequent and stopped altogether. Firefly joined the police force in Baltimare and while he couldn't give Diamond Tiara the life that Filthy Rich had, he could certainly provide for her. A second chance was exactly what she needed and she went on to become a psychiatrist in an effort to ensure that no other little pony ended up how she did. She would go on to live a pretty good life and be a good pony, in thanks to the second chance she was given, and having a pony who cared for her there to guide her on that path.

Filthy Rich was not to be so lucky. The neglect charges would stand and he would go on to serve six months imprisonment. Word of his trial and imprisonment soon spread quite far. He found it very, very difficult to keep his businesses going even before he was released. He would go on to lose almost all of his money. Eventually he found himself a dead end job in a dead end town but he was never able to regain his former glory. It was a simple life. When the nights settled in, and he was left with himself, he would be faced with the reality of what had happened. Blaming others could only last him so long. Eventually he realised and accepted his mistakes and would try and re-establish contact with Diamond Tiara. By the time they were reconnected she was already pretty successful and had made something of herself. She had done it without making the same mistakes he had too. She hadn't alienated herself from those around her. In a way he had taught her one of life's most important lessons. They were never quite father and daughter again, but they were something. It was a good and simple life; one that Diamond Tiara might have never thought that she needed.

Author's Note:

Much like everything else, this ended up not going how I thought it might and contains more endings than it should. I never actually intended for it to be 100% exposition and did plan for Firefly to give a badass speech in the court about how he would take DT in. Him adopting Diamond Tiara was something I thought of a few weeks ago though. That was planned. I also never planned to go quite far into her future. This is pretty much the rest of her life right here. Scootaloo's won't be like this. It'll cover the next week to wrap up this story and then help set up the sequel. More on that next time though.

Tune in on Wednesday to see what happens to Scootaloo! I'll also answer any questions you guys might have about what happened in this epilogue and if you want a bit more detail. I might even edit this up a little. Hopefully you guys aren't too pissed that she isn't dead and that it seems her dad was punished more than she was :twilightsheepish: Oh and Filthy's punishments are based on actual punishments that can happen due to child neglect. I actually looked that one up. Wasn't as easy as I thought it'd be.

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