• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,454 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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100. A day in Ponyville


A little town in Equestria that often becomes the target of adventures small and big. Whether it is a problem for only one pony or the whole town, there always seems to be something going on there. This day was no exception.

A monster was roaming free in town and it was up to seven ponies to take care of it. Those seven ponies, of course, were Star Twinkle, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. They were running around town fighting the dreaded Bugbear, a creature that escaped from Tartarus and had to be dealt with before it could do any serious damage in Ponyville.

Considering how those seven ponies usually managed to succeed in saving the ponies around them, it was only a matter of time until they would defeat the Bugbear and seal it away in Tartarus again.

But that was not important right now...

A train arrived at the train station of Ponyville and many passengers left in order to attend a special event. There was a wedding going on later that day. The two who would get married were Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda, two donkeys that live in Ponyville.

Cranky Doodle Donkey moved to Ponyville not too long ago and wanted to live in peace, without anypony bothering him. Pinkie Pie, who usually befriends every new face in town, wanted to be friends with him as soon as possible but was a little to direct and annoying for the donkey and just wanted her to be out of his life. That was until it turned out that Pinkie Pie knew Matilda, the long lost love of Cranky, that he looked for ages. The mare managed to make the donkey happy again and they then became friends.

All those events pretty much led up to this day, where the two donkeys decided to marry. And of course, a lot of visitors were to be expected for this wedding. Two of them were Sunny Twinkle and Rainfall Twinkle, the parents of Star Twinkle.

The two ponies stepped out of the train as well and took a good look at the town where they used to live for a long time before moving to Canterlot. They were also invited to the wedding since they were friends with Matilda for a long time now. Hearing that she was about to get married made them really happy and of course, they both would attend the wedding as well.

"Let's go visit our son!" Sunny Twinkle suggested as soon as he stepped out of the train.

Rainfall Twinkle nodded. "Yes, let's go," she said before she took one step forward only to stop again once big monster was flying right past her and Sunny Twinkle, leaving them quite surprised.

Soon, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and lastly, Star Twinkle were running past the two Earth Ponies as well. The last one, being the only one to talk to both of them.

"Hi, mom! Hi, dad! Can't talk right now!" The stallion explained in a haste as he followed right behind his friends and the Bugbear.

And just like that, Star Twinkle, along with the rest of his friends, were off chasing the strange creature, without having a minute to spare to welcome the two ponies in town. Both Sunny Twinkle and Rainfall Twinkle just smiled at the sight of this.

"And there he goes, saving Equestria from some kind of danger again..." Sunny Twinkle said.

"Seems like it..." Rainfall Twinkle added.

They both sighed. For them, things like that were the norm now. Their son was always wrapped up in some kind of adventure with his friends. Of course, they both wanted to know what exactly was going on but they figured that they would get in their way too so there was only one thing left for them to do.

"Let's go to town!" Rainfall Twinkle suggested.

"Alrighty!" Sunny Twinkle agreed.

They decided to ignore this. They had enough trust in their son to know that the situation would be taken care of. That is all there is to know. They had to attend a wedding too, which was more important to them. With all that cleared, they just had to meet up with some ponies in town that they agreed to meet with.

Shortly after, more ponies arrived at the train station. They didn't ride the train though and came landing down from the sky.

They were all Pegasus ponies. It was the six founding members of the Storm Wings, Cyclone Wing, Hurricane Wing, Steel Wing, Featherbrain, Cloud Head, and Breeze Flyer. All of them stood ready as if they were about to tackle a really important task.

Hurricane Wing looked at the rest of Storm Wings, his look being as monotone as always. "What again is our mission today?" He then asked.

"Attending the weeding of Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda," Steel Wing replied in a serious manner.

There was a short silence in the group before Cloud Head eventually spoke up. "Who?" The pony then asked.

Steel Wing shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know..." he replied before he pulled out a little letter. "But this letter was arriving at the Storm Fortress. And it said that we are invited to attend a wedding in this town," he explained.

Now, Cyclone Wing, was the one who looked rather confused, which was rare since he usually has a great oversight about everything. "That doesn't really sound like a mission," he said, which was usually the reason why he would leave the Storm Fortress. His look then wandered over to Breeze Flyer who was whistling suspiciously. He now remembered that she was the one telling all of them to come to Ponyville and wanted to know why.

Before he could say anything though, Breeze Flyer explained herself. It more likely looked as if she was trying to defuse the situation a little. "I think there was a little misunderstanding. This Pegasus showed up at the fortress and gave me the invitation."

Cyclone Wing lowered his eyebrows in confusion. "And you decided that coming here was a good idea instead of trying to fix this misunderstanding?" He asked sternly. Breeze Flyer didn't know what to say to that which made Cyclone Wing's next decision much easier. "We're leaving," he said before he turned around to leave.

Breeze Flyer immediately dashed in front of the stallion. "Wait! Since we are here, why don't we take a look at the wedding? It'll be fun!" She suggested.

But Cyclone Wing was not agreeing with that. "We are wasting our time here, Breeze! We could be out there and deal with real problems or save ponies in danger! Instead, you want us to partake in a wedding?"

"Well, if you put it like that..." Breeze Flyer replied, seeing how selfish it looked at first.

But she got some support in the form of Featherbrain. "Come on, boss, maybe it will be fun! I bet there is cake!"

"You say that at every mission, Feather," Cloud Head added in a scolding tone which was oblivious to the Pegasus.

Cyclone Wing just shook his head. "Sorry but no, unless Princess Celestia herself tells me to stay, I will leave now," he said, ready to spread his wings to take off now.

But he stopped as soon as he heard a familiar voice. "The Storm Wings! Nice to see you all here."

Cyclone Wing instantly recognized that voice and turned towards it to see the exact pony he expected to see. "Princess Celestia!?" He said in surprise.

And she was not alone, her sister Princess Luna was right next to her. They both approached the six ponies and Cyclone Wing immediately bowed down in respect, something that Princess Celestia giggled at before she prompted him to raise again.

"It seems that the ponies here asked you to take care of the problems of the wedding," Princess Celestia said.

"Problems?" Steel Wing asked. "What problems?"

Princess Luna explained further. "There are some complications about the preparations of this wedding. Some work still has to be done and the invitations seemed to have gotten to the wrong ponies," she said.

"Yeah, I...heard about that..." Cyclone Wing replied as he looked over to Breeze Flyer, who could just grin nervously.

Princess Celestia however, was smiling as soon as she looked towards Cyclone Wing. "But since you are all here, I guess we don't have to worry about all of this chaos. I'm sure you can take care of all of this," she said confidently.

"Actually, we were just here by a mis-" Hurricane Wing was about to say but Cyclone Wing interrupted him in time.

"Don't worry your highness! We'll take care of things here!" He then said determinedly.

"That is good to hear," Princess Celestia replied happily. "We're are counting on you," she added, which only put more pressure on Cyclone Wing.

And like that, the two princesses walked away. The group didn't even have the time to ask why the two rulers of Equestria were in Ponyville at a time like that. But that didn't matter now. Cyclone Wing was a completely different pony than before. His face had a determined expression on his face and he was not about to let the two princesses down.

"We are splitting up!" He said. "Hurricane and Tornado, Featherbrain and Cloud Head, and me Breeze. Find out what is wrong with this wedding and make sure that everything is taken care of!"

"Roger!" They all said in unison before they all split up in two pony groups.

Breeze Flyer was actually quite happy that things turned out like this and could only smile while Cyclone Wing wasn't looking.

In the meantime, someone else arrived in town and landed on the roof of a building. It was the Batpony that Star Twinkle and his friends rescued from Tinker's secret lab, Noire Gloom.

The Batpony overlooked everything in town silently. A lot of ponies were on the move. It was obvious to her that something big was going on in town. And that something caught her attention.

"So many ponies...maybe she is here too?" She said in a serious manner.

"Who?" A voice then asked from behind the Batpony, causing her to shriek in surprise.

She turned around and saw a black coated Pegasus pony behind her. "Who are you!? Don't sneak up on me like this!" She said annoyed.

The pony introduced himself. "My name is Tagma, what's up?" He said cheerfully.

Noire could only lower her eyebrows after hearing that. "Tagma? That's a weird name for a pony," she pointed out.

Tagma laughed. "I hear that a lot," he said with a smile on his face before he moved closer to Noire, inspecting her a little bit.

"Hey, that's too close!" She said before she pushed Tagma away annoyed.

The stallion didn't seem to mind though and quickly said what he was thinking right now. "You don't look like a normal pony. Your wings and eyes look different and you have sharper teeth," he pointed out.

Noire did not feel too comfortable to be stared at like this and growled at the stallion, causing him to back away nervously. "You've never seen a Batpony before!?" She then asked annoyed.

Tagma gave a simple answer. "No," he said casually.

It was then that Noire realized how stupid of a question that was. Batpony's are not that common in Equestria anymore, even she knew that. The mare let out a sigh. "Whatever, don't bother me, I'm looking for someone," she said before she flew away over town.

"Me too!" Tagma then said happily right next to the Batpony, much to her dislike. "Let's look together!"

Noire just sighed in annoyance and continued to fly over town...with Tagma accompanying her...


Sunny Twinkle and Rainfall Twinkle were still on their way to meet some friends in town. Their way was leading them to the local Carpenter Workshop, the Iron Hammer. In front of the workshop were already two Earth Ponies waiting for them.

"Hey, there!" One of them said as he waved over to the two. It was Steel Hammer, the owner of this workshop.

Next to him stood somepony who hasn't visited Ponyville for a long time now. A mare with a yellow coat, a silver mane, light blue eyes, and a sparkling golden hammer as a Cutie Mark. It was Steel Hammer's sister, Gold Hammer.

"Nice to see you two!" Gold Hammer said before embraced Rainfall Twinkle in a warm hug.

"It's been so long, Goldy," Rainfall Twinkle replied happily.

Sunny Twinkle also looked rather happy to see the mare. "So good that you came all the way from Manehattan to attend this wedding!"

"Why of course! Matilda and I go way back! Hearing that she would get married was really good news!" She said.

"Yes, unfortunately, I'm bringing some bad news now," Steel Hammer then said in a serious tone. "I would love spending more time with all of you but I need to do some work. Apparently the town hall is still not ready and I was tasked to overlook if everything is ready. Wouldn't want anything missing on an important day like this after all," he explained.

"Oh, that's too bad," Rainfall Twinkle. She then looked over to her husband which quickly gave her an idea. "What if Sunny would help you? That would mean that you could finish work there earlier," she suggested.

Sunny Twinkle beamed after hearing that and jumped over to Steel Hammer. "That's a great idea! It would be just like the old days!" He said, referring to how he was working in the Iron Hammer with Steel Hammer when he was younger.

"And maybe you can get Star Twinkle to help you out as well?" Gold Hammer asked.

But Star Twinkle's parents just shook their heads. "No, he is busy fighting some kind of bug," Sunny Twinkle informed.

"No, I think it was a bear," Rainfall Twinkle corrected.

"Yeah, I figured something like that," Steel Hammer replied casually as if that was the most normal thing ever. "But I think with you helping me out, it should go fast enough," he figured.

That sounded like a plan for everyone. "And in the meantime, Rainy and I will go and see Matilda and make sure that she is well," she suggested.

"Roger!" Sunny Twinkle said with a salute. "Let's go Steel!" He then said before he walked in direction of the town hall to get to work as quickly as possible.

Steel Hammer nodded in response before following his friend. In the meantime, Gold Hammer and Rainfall Twinkle both went to meet Matilda.

On their way to the town hall, Steel Hammer went on and explained what needed to be done.

"From what I understand, there is a lack of chairs, and the wedding arch isn't done," he explained.

"Sounds easy enough," Sunny Twinkle replied.

"Yes, but we need to work fast to get it done. The wedding starts in a few hours, and I want to make sure that everything is done completely," he said.

But Sunny Twinkle had a good idea at this moment. "Maybe we should get some more helpers?" He suggested.

Before Steel Hammer could answer though somepony seemed to overhear their conversation and answered in his name.

"You need help with the wedding? We can help you out with that!" It was Steel Wing, who was accompanied by his brother Hurricane Wing. The two walked up to the two stallions offering them their help. "I don't know exactly what you plan on doing but I can do heavy lifting!" He informed them.

Steel Hammer and Sunny Twinkle just shook their shoulders while looking at each other. They could need every bit of help that was offered to them right now to make sure that everything would be done until the wedding starts.

"Alright, follow me!" Steel Hammer said, asking the two stallions to come with him to the town hall.

Steel Hammer looked over to his brother with a victorious grin on his face as if he just successfully completed a mission and then followed Steel Hammer to help out. They were glad that they found something to do in this town to help and not letting the princesses down. They were only steps away from completing their mission.


Both Featherbrain and Cloud Head were walking around town aimlessly. They both didn't know exactly where to go or what to do, but they had to do something to help. But finding out what that is going to be provided a challenge to them.

"So...what can we do to help this wedding go smoothly?" Featherbrain asked confused.

Cloud Head tipped his chin for a moment. "The princess said that the invitations went to the wrong ponies...that means that some guests are missing! We need to make sure that everypony is invited here! It's that easy!" He figured.

"And how do we do that?" Featherbrain asked.

"Easy!" Cloud Head replied. "We find out who was sending out the invitations and make sure to check who is missing in town!"

"That sounds difficult..." Featherbrain said, not showing much enthusiasm to all of this.

Cloud Head went up to the stallion's face. "Well, do you want to disappoint the princess!?" He asked.

"No...she is really nice after all," Featherbrain replied.

"Then that's settled! Let's go!" Cloud Head said as he went ahead.

Featherbrain followed the pony. "Right behind you!"

Right above the heads of those two, unbeknownst to them, were Noire and Tagma. The later following the Batpony against her will, making her feel rather annoyed.

"Can you please leave me alone?" She asked of the Pegasus.

"Why?" Tagma asked. "Finding your friend should be easier if we both look. That is if you tell me what your friend looks like, of course," he figured.

Noire released another sigh. She did not really appreciate the company of Tagma right now. Still, there was one thing that was still on her mind about him.

"You said you were looking for someone too before, shouldn't you be looking for this someone now?" She asked confused.

Tagma gave a simple answer. "Maybe. Can't hurt to help you looking for your friend though," he casually said.

Now Noire stopped in mid-air and turned around to face Tagma. "How did you know that I was looking for a friend?" She asked.

The stallion gave a quick answer. "You wouldn't be so serious about it, I guess," he figured.

The Batpony had no idea what to make out of this guy. She appreciated his help but at the same time, she didn't want anypony to be included in her search. But then again, she could need every little bit of help that she could find to actually find her friend.

"She's a Crystal Pony, her name is Luminous Purity," she informed Tagma.

"Uh! A Crystal Pony!" Tagma replied fascinated. "Should be easy to find in a place full of ponies," he figured.

Noire could only lower her eyebrows in confusion. "Why do you want to help me? Don't you have other things to be worried about?" She asked.

Tagma gave a quick answer. "Nope," he said before he was keeping his eyes open to find a Crystal Pony in town.

The stallion was completely oblivious of how Noire Gloom was keeping her eyes on him. "I don't believe you," she then whispered under her breath before she followed Tagma close behind.


Cranky Doodle Donkey, the soon to be groom of Matilda was rushing around town in a hurry. He seemed really nervous. Of course, he was aware of the things that went wrong with the preparations of the wedding and it started to really drag him down a little. He wanted everything to be perfect at all, if not for him, then at least for his bride.

"Can we help you?" Breeze Flyer offered, who stood not too far away from the donkey along with Cyclone Wing next to her.

The donkey turned towards the two in surprise. "Who are you two?" He asked.

Breeze Flyer explained. "We are here to help with the wedding. There are some problems aren't there?"

Cranky sighed. "I can't believe all the problems have already spread around town," he said in his frustration. "Yes, there are problems! The main problem is that today was not supposed to be the day when we were about to get married! Turns out the delivery pony sending the letters put in the wrong date! And on top of that, some of the invitations went to the wrong ponies! Who knows what weirdos are gonna show up now!?"

This little outburst definitely got the two Pegasus by surprise. They also felt a little pointed put by the whole "weirdo" thing. But from the looks of it, letting off some steam was what got the donkey in a better mood now.

"Anything else?" Cyclone Wing then asked.

Cranky continued. "I also need to choose a ring for my Matilda," he said.

Breeze Flyer was awing in happiness. "We will help you with that!" She decided.

Cyclone Wing could only look over to the mare confused. "I think making sure that the wedding goes well is more pressing-"

"Nonsense!" Breeze Flyer interrupted, much to the surprise of the stallion. "A ring is really important for a wedding! Maybe the most important thing of them all! We will help you with that!"

"Yes...of course..." Cyclone Wing agreed hesitantly.

Cranky was thinking about Breeze Flyer's offer for a moment. "Well, I don't know anything about rings so maybe I could need some advice," he figured.

"Don't worry!" Breeze Flyer replied before she pushed Cranky towards the next jewelry shop in town. "All you have to know that it is not supposed to be too expensive so that you will spend all your money but still expensive enough so that Matilda will know how much you love her!"

"That's sounds perfect for me!" Cranky replied with a smile on his face while he still was pushed by the mare.

All Cyclone Wing could do was to watch Breeze Flyer taking care of this situation. He noticed how Breeze Flyer was really getting excited about this all.

"She sure is having fun," he just commented before he followed the two slowly behind.


Rainfall Twinkle and Gold Hammer already met up with the soon to be bride of Cranky, Matilda. The donkey was in the Ponyville Spa, to get ready for the wedding and to calm down a little. With some problems that occurred in the planning of the wedding, that was a much-needed thing for her now.

Luckily, the two mares managed to help with that as well.

"Matilda, there is no need to worry about anything," Rainfall Twinkle assured.

"Yes," Gold Hammer agreed. "You're about to get married so of course, you are a little nervous but at the end of the day you will be so happy!" She added, her voice even filled with a little bit of envy.

Matilda smiled to hear those words from her dear friends. "Oh, you are right but this is an important day in my life and Cranky said he wanted to take care of everything without me worrying about anything. I'm just afraid that he might overlook something or get too overworked," she said in worry.

But Gold Hammer only shook her head confidently. "Cranky isn't the only one trying to help with the wedding preparations. My brother and Sunny are out there too, trying their best to help out," she informed the donkey.

Again, Matilda smiled in response. "I can't thank you all enough for this," she said in gratitude. "I was about to ask you something by the way," she then asked before she looked over to Rainfall Twinkle. "I never asked this before but now that I am about to get married, the questions just popped up in my head. Rainy, when did you know that Sunny was the right one for you?"

Rainfall Twinkle's eyes popped open in surprise. "Oh!...um..."

Gold Hammer just snickered after seeing Rainfall's reaction. "Go on, tell her, it is quite an interesting story," she asked of her.

The mare looked embarrassed but she eventually told the story. "Sunny was really...persistent..."

"Oh!" Matilda replied. "So you mean he was trying really hard to win you over?" she figured.

"Yeah..." Rainfall replied a little hesitantly.

"Right, right," Gold Hammer said smugly. "And you were all open for it weren't you?" She asked teasingly. She obviously knew the answer already.

Matilda seemed confused and only got more curious about all of this so Rainfall had no choice but to continue. "I kinda...brushed him off and told him to get lost...many times," she admitted with some shame in her voice.

"Why?" Matilda asked understandably.

"I-I don't know! I was young...and selfish...and..."

"And you thought Sunny was stupid..." Gold Hammer added, causing Rainfall Twinkle to get even more embarrassed now. So much that she tried to hide her face from the two.

Eventually, Rainfall Twinkle let out a sigh and continued. "All of Sunny's attempts to win me over all looked to me like someone who had no idea what even love meant. Or maybe I didn't want anypony to approach me like that. Either way, after countless attempts from Sunny to win me over, I soon realized that he was serious. He just wouldn't give up because he didn't want to spend his life without me at his side, something that he knew from the very first moment he laid eyes on me. And before I knew it, I returned the love that he gave to me."

By now, Rainfall Twinkle smiled again after remembering all of that. She never regretted marrying Sunny even once after returning his love.

"Aww..." Gold Hammer could only say after hearing this story.

"What a beautiful story!" Someone else in the room then said in a sobbing voice. "You have such a great husband!"

It was a giant purple sea serpent with orange hair and a long orange mustache. It was none other than the sea serpent that Star Twinkle met in the Everfree Forest way back when Nightmare Moon attacked, or rather, the one he ran away from while screaming in fear.

"Thanks...um..." Rainfall Twinkle replied not even questioning what a sea serpent was doing in a spa but rather what the name of him was.

The serpent then introduced himself. "Steven Magnet, honey," he replied.

Matilda quickly picked up on that name. "You're Steven Magnet? Cranky's best beast?" She asked surprised.

"Well, what'd you expect, a bugbear?" Steven replied amused. "I've known Cranky forev-er! Surely he must have told you about the time he saved me from Flash Freeze Lake? Oh, I know, I know! Typical Cranky, to leave out minor details, like the fact that I'm, y'know, a sea monster, right? I just love that old burro!" He said.

Matilda quickly apologized. "I'm sorry, Steven. I guess I assumed you were a pony. And I had no idea you had such adventures together," she added.

"Oh, honey, you don't know the half of it!" Steven Magnet said. "But let me tell you something. In all that we've been through together, the only thing he ever cared about was finding you."

"Really?" Matilda replied positively surprised.

"Well, that and a baldness cure," Steven added before chuckling for a moment.

Rainfall Twinkle and Gold Hammer both were happy that hearing those words made Matilda a lot happier and removed her worries about the wedding completely.

"See?" Gold Hammer said. "At the end of the day, you will marry Cranky and become happy so who cares about if some things go wrong with the wedding?"

Matilda quickly agreed. "You are all right!" She agreed. "All the stress I've put myself through. All the stress I've put him through. The only thing that matters is that we're together. The wedding isn't the important thing – the marriage is," she finally concluded.

Again, Rainfall Twinkle and Gold Hammer were happy that Matilda was calmed down now, thanks to Steven. But their happiness didn't last too long because of the sea serpent's next words.

He started to laugh but not in an amusing way. It was actually like as if he was laughing about Matilda for coming up to this conclusion. "Oh, goodness gracious. If you believe that, I have got a bridge to sell you! All these ponies traveling to Ponyville, putting on uncomfortable clothes, sitting through a long ceremony, you think any of them care about the marriage?" He said which caused both Rainfall Twinkle and Gold Hammer to give him some signs to stop talking. But he didn't listen and continued. "Honey, the wedding is everything," were his last words.

And just like that, Matilda was in her shocked state again. Rainfall Twinkle and Gold Hammer could only glare over to Steven Magnet who seemed rather oblivious to his mistake at first. "What? Too much drama?" He asked innocently.

Gold Hammer quickly put one of her hooves around the donkey's shoulder to comfort her. "Don't you worry, my dear. My brother and Sunny are already trying their best to help you out and I am sure they do a great job," she assured confidently, something that Rainfall Twinkle agreed on as well.

In the meantime...

"What are you doing!?" Steel Hammer screamed in anger.

His scream was directed towards Steel Wing who was just done destroying one of many chairs inside of the town hall of Ponyville.

"What?" Steel Wing replied confused. "I'm doing what you told me!" He replied angrily back.

Steel Hammer clenched his teeth as he walked up to the Pegasus. "I told you to take out the chairs because we need some space to build new ones in here!" He added.

"Yes! That's what I am doing! I'm taking out the chairs!" Steel Wing replied angrily before he continued to rip another chair apart and picked a new one up.

Steel Hammer quickly rushed towards the Pegasus and took the chair out of his hooves. "When I said "Take them out" I didn't mean like taking them out as in "for good". I literally meant taking them outside!" He explained.

"Then why didn't you say that!?" Steel Wing replied angrily, his face now is really up to Steel Hammer's face.

The Earth Pony had a quick answer for that. "I was assuming that you actually had something inside that head of yours!" He said boldly in his anger.

"What was that!?" Steel Wing replied angrily. Soon both of them were glaring and bumping their heads into each other. "Did you just call me stupid!? Yeah!?" He asked.

"Yeah!" Steel Hammer replied.

"Yeah!?" Steel Wing replied.

"Yeah!!" Steel Hammer repeated.

They both started to growl at each other. It took only a few seconds until the first chairs flew around the room because of the tension between the two.

In the meantime, Sunny Twinkle and Hurricane Wing just stood on the sidelines, looking at the two. Both did not seem to be affected by the tension of this situation. Sunny Twinkle even ended up starting some small-talk with the Pegasus next to him.

"So, how did you two met Cranky and Matilda?" Sunny Twinkle asked towards Hurricane Wing.

The Pegasus Pony lowered his eyebrows for a moment before he gave an answer. "We didn't," he replied short and honest.

"Cool!" Sunny Twinkle just replied, not even questioning the logic behind that answer.

In the meantime...

Both Featherbrain and Cloud Head were still aimlessly walking around Ponyville. Their plan to make sure that everypony was invited was not that easy because everypony seemed to be invited anyway since everyone was walking around town either getting ready for the wedding or helping out with it.

"Now what do we do?" Featherbrain asked frustrated.

"I don't know," Cloud Head replied frustrated as well. "But we can't just do nothing and return to the others. We need to contribute something to all of this," he added before he stopped in his way for a moment in order to think. His eyes then wandered over to Featherbrain who seemed rather lost as well. "Come on! Can't you think about something for once!? You have "brain" in your name after all!" He pointed out.

Featherbrain did as he was told and began thinking. It didn't take long until he had an idea. "Can't we just buy them a present? That way, they won't get mad if we didn't come up with something," he figured.

That idea was enough to give Cloud Head an idea now. "That's it! We don't need an apology present for the others but a wedding gift for the two that are getting married! Well done, Feather!" He said relieved.

"Hey, no problem," Featherbrain replied casually as if that was intended from him.

Now with a new goal in mind, the two stallions went to buy something for Cranky and Matilda. They don't know what to buy for them but they would buy something, hopefully.

Not too far off, inside of a jewelry shop, Cranky, Cyclone Wing and Breeze Flyer were all spending their time looking for a fitting ring for Matilda. The jewelry shop that they came across had a wide variety to choose from and Breeze Flyer was really having fun to just look at everything. Cyclone Wing, on the other hoof, was not too much of a help at all and felt a little out of place. The stallion had no idea about rings or jewels in general so all he could do was let Breeze Flyer take care of the situation.

"How about this one?" Cranky asked.

"No," Breeze Flyer replied.

The donkey then walked over to another ring. "And this one?" He then asked.

"Oh, no," Breeze Flyer replied again.

Of course, Cyclone Wing didn't know the reason why Breeze Flyer didn't accept those rings. They all looked really good in his opinion. "What is wrong with the ones that Cranky pointed at?" He then asked. Cranky was not really sure what was wrong with them either after he thought about it and wanted to know the mare's reasoning for her decisions.

Breeze Flyer almost felt offended hearing that question and turned towards the stallion with an annoyed look on her face. "It's not what is wrong with them but rather what isn't right with them!"

"Then...what is not right with them?" Cyclone Wing then asked.

Again, Breeze Flyer felt offended. "If you wanna marry someone then you need to choose the perfect ring! The one ring! This ring is supposed to be the ultimate proof from Cranky to Matilda! So it needs to be perfect!" She explained.

Hearing those words certainly did not make it easier for Cranky. In fact, he seemed more nervous than ever. Cyclone Wing noticed that as well and needed to act. His mission was to make sure that everything with the wedding went well, that of course, included how Cranky was feeling. And after thinking about the situation more carefully, Cyclone Wing knew what to say at this moment.

"I don't know much about rings but I am pretty sure that Matilda will like every ring that you give her. Not because of how expensive or pretty it is but because you gave it to her with love and with the thought of making her happy," the stallion explained.

"Awww..." Breeze Flyer said, her heart getting really warmed up after hearing those words.

Cranky had to admit that what the stallion was saying made sense to him too. "I guess, you are right. Maybe I was putting a little bit too much thought into all of this. I just want to let her know how much she means to me," he added in concern.

But Breeze Flyer completely agreed with Cyclone Wing on this one. "No! Cyclone is right! What matters the most is you two being happy! And a ring will not be the reason for that. It's the love between you two that is most important!"

The donkey slowly formed a smile. His nervousness completely vanished and he started to feel a lot happier now. "Yes, it is! I traveled all over Equestria to finally find her and I won't let a stupid ring or some tiny mistakes in the wedding let that get in my way of being happy with her!"

"Exactly!" Breeze Flyer agreed happily with a big grin on her face.

After Cranky found his excitement again, the two Pegasus felt as if they weren't needed anymore. For Cyclone Wing, that meant that the mission was a success, much to his liking. Before he was about to leave again though, the weird smile on Breeze Flyer's face is what caught his attention.

"What are you smiling about?" The stallion asked confused.

Breeze Flyer explained herself. "I'm just so proud of you. I actually never figured you to be so understanding when it comes to love. I guess under this serious behavior of yours is a hopeless romantic," she said.

Cyclone Wing rolled his eyes. "I just thought about the mission and what to say to get to it completed. Of course, I considered the best outcome for everyone," he explained in his usual serious manner.

Not it was Breeze Flyer who rolled her eyes in disappointment. "You just ruined it..." she said.

But Cyclone Wing just smiled in response before he left the shop with Breeze Flyer following him. They just let Cranky decided what ring to buy, it doesn't what he would choose as long as he was putting a lot of thought into it. That much they were certain about. Now the two just needed to find out what else to do in this town.


Tagma and Noire Gloom were both sitting on the roofs of Ponyville. The Pegasus stallion was trying his best to help out the Batpony to find her friend. The emphasis was on the word "trying".

"Is that her?" Tagma asked.

"No," Noire replied.

He then pointed at someone else randomly. "Is that her?" He then asked.

"No..." Noire replied. Her voice already started to sound as if she was losing her patience.

Tagma then looked over the town again. He pointed at another random pony on the street. "Is that-"

"No!" The Batpony exclaimed, causing Tagma to flinch by the volume of her voice. "I told you before, Luminous is a Crystal Pony! So why are you pointing at literally everything else!?" She asked.

The black coated stallion only grinned in embarrassment and rubbed his neck. "Heh heh...that might be a good time to ask what exactly a Crystal Pony is," he then said, much to Noire's surprise.

The Batpony was only getting more frustrated after hearing this. She shook her head and tried to calm down again. "A Crystal Pony is, as the name suggests, a pony that looks kinda like a crystal," she explained.

"Cool! Why do they look like that?" He asked in interest.

"I don't know!" Noire replied. "In case you haven't noticed, I am not a Crystal Pony so...I'm not sure why they look the way they are...but they are see-through! Kinda..."

Tagma started laughing. "You don't know much about Crystal Ponies either, it looks like," he said amused.

"I do know more than you!" She replied annoyed while Tagma kept laughing.

Eventually, Tagma stopped laughing and smiled at the Batpony. "You are funny. I like you. I think we both can become friends," he added happily.

Hearing that out of nowhere, quite surprised Noire. Her eyes popped open and she looked away from Tagma. "I'm a Batpony...you better don't want to get too close to me," she then said with a frown on her face.

Now it was Tagma who was surprised. "What do you mean?" He asked confused.

Noire Gloom then let out a sigh before she explained. "Batponies don't have the best reputation in Equestria. A lot of ponies are afraid of us because we are a little...different. We are usually more active at night, which seems to make us look a little bit scarier, for some reason. And on top of that, there are some rumors spreading around that we suck other's blood or something."

Of course, the last sentence caught Tagma's attention. "Do you?" He then asked curiously.

"No! That is something that was spread to make us Batponies look evil!" Noire replied offended. "And while some of us are a lot more...let's say more sinister than your regular pony, not all of us are like that!"

"Just like with the Changelings!" Tagma added.

"Huh?" Noire replied confused. "I guess. Maybe some Changelings are nice. I've never met one before in person," she figured.

"But you have!" Tagma then replied before he transformed into his real form again, revealing himself to be one himself. "See?" He said as he presented his true form to the Batpony.

"Wha!?" Noire replied before she fell down the roof in surprise. She managed to hold herself up on the edge of the room in time and climbed up again to take another look at Tagma to confirm that she wasn't seeing things at this moment. "You are a Changeling!?" She then asked just to make absolutely sure.

"Yup!" Tagma replied before he transformed back into his pony form. "Can't stay in this form for too long though. Ponies don't quite like Changelings too much after that one attack on Canterlot," he casually mentioned.

Noire didn't know quite how to react to this. She never saw a Changeling up this close and she certainly did not think of one to act like Tagma. The whole situation was just weird to her.

"What is a Changeling doing here in Ponyville?" Noire asked.

"Looking for a friend, just like you, you know, a Batpony," Tagma replied.

The Batpony had to admit that Tagma had a good point. Why should she question the appearance of a Changeling in Ponyville when she, as a Batpony was here as well. She still had a lot of questions but at the same time, she didn't want to ask them because she was taken too much by surprise right now.


Steel Wing and Hurricane Wing were still helping out Steel Hammer and Sunny Twinkle with the whole chair situation inside the town hall, the place where the wedding would take place in only an hour.

The two Pegasus Ponies were both carefully crafting another chair with some wood that Steel Hammer and Sunny Twinkle brought with them. Even though some chairs harmed before by Steel Wing, they quickly managed to catch up again and were close to being done with everything.

"Another one done!" Steel Wing then announced victoriously as he presented Steel Hammer another self-build chair.

The carpenter pony looked over to the chair and seemed to be happy. "Good job! Seems like you can now build two chairs while I and Sunny manage to build ten," he said in a teasing voice, accompanied by a big smug grin on his face.

Steel Wing only growled back at the stallion angrily. "Hurricane, prepare more wood!" He said towards his brother. He certainly did not want to give in to the words of Steel Hammer but being the short-tempered pony he was, he only wanted to prove to him that he is better.

"Right on!" Hurricane Wing said while saluting before he went to get some more wood to build a chair out of it.

Steel Hammer just turned around again and chuckled. He knew that he was getting under Steel Wing's fur and he liked it.

Sunny Twinkle was meanwhile taking a look at the room and figured that they were almost done with everything. "Looks good, really good," he said. He then turned towards Steel Hammer. "Hey, Steel!" He shouted at him.

Both Steel Hammer and Steel Wing turned their heads towards the Earth Pony.

"Yes?" They both said in unison. It was quite an awkward moment for everyone.

"Uh...Hammer!" Sunny then added.

"Oh," Steel Wing replied before he turned his head away again to continue his work.

Steel Hammer then walked towards the stallion, causing him to take a closer look at the room as well. There was definitely enough time to finish everything before the wedding starts.

After a bunch of extra chairs were done and the wedding arch was worked on as well, the work was soon done inside the town hall. The four ponies looked over their accomplishments, they were all proud and happy to help out at the wedding. When it came to the preparations, everything should be fine by now, at least that's what they hoped.

Sunny Twinkle couldn't help but jump up and down in his excitement. "This is gonna be a really sweet wedding!"

Steel Hammer just chuckled after seeing that. "I hope you don't break out in tears like the last wedding we attended to," the stallion teased.

"I just can't help it!" Sunny Twinkle replied in a really emotional tone. "It always reminds me of my own wedding and I just get too happy about it!" He said before he wiped away some tears from his face. He soon composed himself though. "I hope they become as happy as me and Rainfall," he added.

Again, Steel Hammer chuckled. "Well, they're starting off better than you two at least," he commented.

"It was love at first sight with me and Rainfall!" Sunny pointed out.

And once more, Steel Hammer laughed. "Yeah, for you! If I remember correctly. the mare couldn't stand you at first sight...or me...I still don't know how you managed to capture her heart back then," he added.

Sunny Twinkle smiled confidently. "That is just how powerful love is," he just said.

Steel Hammer then walked over to Steel Wing and Hurricane Wing. He instructed them to go outside and tell everypony that they can start to come in. It was only a matter of time now that the wedding would start and hopefully be a success. That was until the next problem would show up...


Cyclone Wing and Breeze Flyer were now aimlessly walking through Ponyville. Of course, there was most likely more to do in Ponyville to help with the wedding but they first needed to find them. But Cyclone Wing did not seem to be too motivated to do that, much to Breeze Flyer's confusion.

"You don't look too happy, is something wrong?" The mare asked right away.

Cyclone Wing just looked with his eyes over to Breeze Flyer before looking straight away again. "I'm just a little bored," he just replied with a frown on his face.

"Bored?" Breeze Flyer asked confused.

The stallion stopped for a moment, Breeze Flyer did the same. "Let's just say that I expected a little bit more from this mission," he said. "I know that you took advantage of the mistake from this delivery pony to come to this wedding but after Princess Celestia and Princess Luna expected us to deal with some troubles here, I just wanted to prove them that we are capable of doing just that," he explained.

"I think Princess Celestia and Princess Luna already know what the Storm Wings are capable of so don't worry yourself about this mission too much. I mean, it's not like the safety of Equestria depends on this wedding," she added.

Ironically, the bugbear from before appeared behind her and flew across the street, something that she didn't notice at all, and Cyclone Wing didn't either since he was turned around to the mare. Luckily that problem is being taken care of by some other ponies at the moment.

It was now that Cyclone Wing turned towards the mare again, his face starting to show some relief. "Yeah, you are probably right. I guess I just got a little bit too worried just now," the stallion admitted.

Breeze Flyer was happy to hear this. She smiled happily but she got pretty much interrupted by a strong gust of wind that blew through the streets of Ponyville, which caused her to get a little startled.

As the wind blew through the town, something came flying past Cyclone Wing and Breeze Flyer. It was something yellow, or rather, blonde.

"Wait, where did I see this before?" Breeze Flyer asked but Cyclone Wing was at a loss at this moment as well.

But they soon remembered once Cranky came running towards them. "No! Come back here!" He screamed in a hurry as he followed the object that was blown away by the wind. He soon noticed how Cyclone Wing and Breeze Flyer just stood there confused. He saw how the object was flying up higher in the sky, somewhere where he couldn't reach it. So of course, the first thing that came to mind was the two Pegasus.

"You two don't just stand around! I thought you are here to help! Get me back my wig!" He asked of them in a flustered tone.

"Oh! So that was your hair!" Breeze Flyer concluded.

Cranky did not seem too happy to get that kind of reaction. "Yes, it was! And I need it back! I can't attend the wedding while being bald! I make a laughing stock out of myself!" He said frustrated.

Breeze Flyer looked over to the donkey and tried to comfort him. "Don't worry, we will get your hair back, right Cyclone?" She asked.

But Cyclone Wing just sighed. He clearly was not looking forward to this. "Chasing a wig...I can't believe this..." he said while he shook his head almost embarrassed.

But then another pony joined the three. "Still helping out everyone I see," the pony said in a caring voice.

Cyclone Wing's eyes popped open as soon as he heard that familiar voice again. He turned towards it and looked rather shocked just like early before. "Princess Celestia!?" He said after he saw both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna again.

Out of reflex, the stallion bowed down again in respect, which was followed by Cranky, who didn't have a chance to meet the princesses so far. But the princesses told them that there was no need for formalities. One of them, who was bowing down, was the groom.

"We are on our way to the wedding now. It seems that things have calmed down again and everything is set," Princess Luna said.

"I assume part of that is because of you and the rest of the Storm Wings?" Princess Celestia asked curiously. Cyclone Wing hoped that this was true. That at least would make him and the Storm Wings look better in front of the princesses.

"Well, they are not done yet! My...hair is gone because of this wind and I need it back before the wedding starts!" The donkey explained while sounding a little bit embarrassed to tell this the princesses.

Princesses Celestia just giggled under her breath before she more or less tasked the Storm Wings with this. "I guess there is one more thing for you to take care of?"

Cyclone Wing immediately saluted to the princess. "Of course! We will make sure that Cranky's wig will be back on his head before the start of the wedding! You have my word!" The stallion said in a determined voice to make his words come true.

Breeze Flyer was almost impressed by this behavior especially since Cyclone Wing was pretty upset before. "So serious..." she mumbled to herself.

Now the stallion was in full-on Storm Wing Leader mode again. "Get Cranky's wig back!" Cyclone Wing screamed determinedly as he jumped into the air to chase the wig now.

"Not so loud!" Cranky said angrily before he held his head low in embarrassment.

The two Pegasus were then flying after the wig. The wind actually made the wig actually fly pretty far. It also flew all around the place, making it quite hard to track it. The chase was taking place all over Ponyville. The wig landed on multiple roofs, so it was hard to know where it was at times. The two Pegasus actually managed to almost get their hooves on it a few times, only for it to slip away in the last moment, it was almost comedic.

Breeze Flyer actually had to take a break for a moment. This was starting to get really exhausting for her. "Chasing a wig through Ponyville...I admit, this is not what I expected after I got an invitation to a wedding..." she said as she was trying to catch her breath for a moment.

"Hey, Breeze!" Featherbrain then as he approached the mare along with Cloud Head.

Breeze Flyer turned towards the two to greet them but she then got quite confused by what the two brought with them. "What is that?" She asked confused at the sight of said object.

The two stallions then presented her...a sofa. "Do you like it?" Cloud Head asked.

"It's a present for the two get married," Featherbrain explained.

Breeze Flyer just stood there with an open mouth. She didn't quite know how to react to this. "You brought a sofa as a wedding present!?" She said, in an obviously not happy tone.

"They gotta sit somewhere," Featherbrain pointed out.

"But that is not something that you gift somepony at their wedding!" Breeze Flyer said. "Get rid of it!" She then said before she went on ahead to help out Cyclone Wing again.

The two Pegasus did not seem to understand what was wrong with their present and were also not happy that Breeze Flyer didn't like it. They just lifted it up from the ground again and left.

"I told you we should have come back with the chandelier," Featherbrain said.

"Quiet..." Cloud Head just replied in an annoyed tone.

A little later...

The wedding was about to start any minute now. The guests were already starting to sit down and Matilda was waiting under the wedding arch with Rainfall Twinkle and Gold Hammer next to her. The donkey seemed rather worried because there was no sign of Cranky so far.

"Where could Cranky be?" Matilda asked worried to the two mares next to her.

"Oh, I'm sure he will show up soon," Gold Hammer assured.

"Yes, he wouldn't miss out on a day like this after all. Even if a few things didn't go as planned," Rainfall Twinkle added.

"I hope you are right..." Matilda replied with a frown on her face.

Inside the town hall, Tagma was keeping an eye open for Noire's friend, with no luck though. After he was done looking around, he figured he should return to Noire, who was waiting on top of the town hall. The Batpony was not getting her hopes up in the first place and didn't expect Tagma to return with good news.

"I'm back!" The Changeling said. "No luck though..." he added with a frown on his face.

Noire sighed in response. "Yeah, I figured. I'm starting to think that she is not here," she said before she turned towards the Changeling in his pony form only to get a little surprised by what she saw. "What is that on your head?" She then asked confused.

It was Cranky's wig that was on top of the stallion's head. Tagma proudly showed it off to the Batpony. "That thing flew on my head after I came out of the town hall," he explained. "Neat, huh?"

"I don't know, looks kinda silly. And that says a lot considering that you didn't have any hair to begin with," she said.

Tagma just shook his shoulders in disappointment. "Oh well," he then said before he threw it away again without a bother.

Meanwhile, Steel Wing and Hurricane Wing waited outside because there was nothing left for them to do, or at least Steel Hammer had nothing to do for them. They figured that with the start of the wedding, there was not much left to do anyway so they just waited for the rest of the group to show up soon.

As they waited though, something came flying past them. It was Cranky's wig. Of course, the two didn't know that it was and just paid it no attention. Shortly after, Cyclone Wing and Breeze Flyer came running towards them in a rush.

"Go get that wig!" Cyclone Wing commanded.

Steel Wing did as he was told and followed the wig. It was flying around the town hall and Steel Wing was after as fast as he could, which wasn't that fast, to begin with...still, he did his best to get it. A chance presented itself as soon as the wig was landing on a windowsill of the building.

"I got you now!" He said determined before he started charging at it.

In the last second though, the wind blew the wig away, much to Steel Wings surprise who then found himself crashing through the window a few seconds later, leaving a huge hole in the window.

Surprisingly no one seemed to have noticed the Pegasus that crashed into the room. Steel Hammer, however, happened to look over to the broken window, sending down a shock down his spine.

"GASP! Sunny, window!" Steel Hammer said, not even questioning how this hole was created but rather being more concerned to fix it before anypony would notice.

"On it!" Sunny Twinkle replied with some tools ready to get on it.

Outside, Cyclone Wing was now the one taking a few deep breaths. This whole chase was getting him pretty exhausted. "I can't believe we are bested by a stupid blonde wig!" He said annoyed, loosing his usual calm composer for a moment.

Steel Wing showed up next to Cyclone Wing and Breeze Flyer, his head still spinning a little bit from the crash earlier. "Why are we chasing a wig, to begin with?" He then asked.

"You mean this wig?" Hurricane Wing asked as he presented the wig to the group.

Of course, Cyclone Wing and Breeze Flyer were stunned to see the very wig that they chased after all this time. "How did you get that!?" Breeze Flyer asked in disbelieve.

Hurricane Wing just looked at the wig in his hoof. "I grabbed it..." he said casually in a deadpan tone.

In the meantime inside, the wedding was finally starting and Cranky was just standing in a corner hiding from the sight of everypony. He was too embarrassed to show himself without hair in front of everyone.

But then out of nowhere, a flash came flying past the donkey, which turned out to be Hurricane Wing, who flew past Cranky and placed his wig on his head. Cranky looked over to a nearby window to see the six Storm Wings member waving at him. Now with his hair in place again, the donkey managed to find his confidence again and walked up to Matilda, who eagerly waited for him.

Mayor Mare was waiting there as well. She had the honor to be the one uniting those two donkeys. And with both of them being finally present, she could finally start the wedding.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two in mare-trimony," she announced. "As I look around this room, I can only imagine how uncomfortable Cranky must be," she then jokingly said, which caused the ponies in the room to laugh a little.

The donkey just grumbled a little and tried to ignore that though. He knew himself how nervous he was at this very moment.

The mayor then continued. "But I also see so many ponies from all trots of life, brought together by love. Cranky searched all across this great land of ours to find Matilda, and no matter what obstacles kept them apart, love would finally bring them together, just as it has brought all of us together now."

It was like those words were directed at all the many characters that showed up in Ponyville, whether it was because they were meant to be here like Sunny Twinkle, Rainfall Twinkle, and Gold Hammer, or if they were here by mistake, as the Storm Wings or just by a chance of randomnesses like Tagma and Noire Gloom. All of them being in Ponyville to do something that lets them be part of this wedding. And all of them were watching the wedding, whether it was from inside the room, or from a window outside.

"It's remarkable to me how a story like Cranky's search for Matilda could fill this room with such a unique collection of ponies! It makes you realize that everypony is the star of their own story. And it's not just the main characters in our stories that make life so rich! It's everypony – those who play big parts and those who play small. If it weren't for everypony in this room and many more who couldn't be here today, Cranky and Matilda's lives wouldn't be as full and vibrant as they are," the mayor continued.

Sunny Twinkle and Rainfall Twinkle watched the two donkeys about to being married, and being the emotional pony he was, he started crying loudly, which caused his wife to hug him. "Every time, dear, huh?" She said as she petted the stallion's head.

"Yeah, tell me about it," another female voice said amused, which turned out to be none other than Princess Cadance who was hugging her own husband Shining Armor, who cried his eyes out as well.

Mayor Mare then came to the important part of all of this. "And so, in front of all these loved ones... Cranky, do you take this donkey to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"You bet I do!" Cranky quickly replied with no sign oh hesitation.

"And do you, Matilda, take this donkey to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Mayor Mare then asked.

Matilda started to tear up in happiness. "I do!" She then replied.

"Then I'm proud to say, I now pronounce you jack and jenny!"

And what followed was a kiss from both the donkeys and cheers from the crowd. The wedding, even with some problems on the way was a full success.

Breeze Flyer was watching this scene as well and felt her heart warming up. In the meantime, Cyclone Wing approached the mare from the side, much to her surprise. "So...do you mind telling us why you wanted us to come and watch this wedding?" He then asked.

The mare seemed surprised to hear that. "Don't tell me you didn't like watching the wedding?" The Storm Wings looked at each other, apart from Breeze Flyer, none of them seemed to be too affected by the love that was spread by the wedding. The mare just sighed and walked away from the window of the town hall. "Well, maybe sometime later," she said before she was about to leave the scene with the five stallions behind her.

Not too far away from the other side of the town hall, seven more ponies watched the wedding from outside. It was the Star Twinkle, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. They managed to defeat the Bugbear but sadly didn't make it to the wedding in time. For some reason the door was also locked so there was no way for them to enter.

Twilight, who seemed to be really affected by the wedding broke out in tears as well from watching it "You know something? We are so lucky to live in this town. I love you all!" She said while she hugged all of her friends in happiness.

"Whoa! What is with this sentimentally all of a sudden?" Star Twinkle wondered.

"Can we please hug a little bit softer!?" Rainbow Dash then demanded. "I'm still a little bit hurt from the bugbear!" She added.

"Sorry!" Twilight apologized.


It was starting to get dark and the wedding was almost over. Some of the guests already left the town hall to go home. One of them was a Unicorn mare with a white coat, a white mane, and green eyes, wearing the Alicorn Amulet.

"How romantic. It sure paid out to come here. Thank goodness that I got that invitation for some reason," the mare said, indicating that she must have been another guest that was falsely invited to the wedding.

It was Grace or rather Graceful Palladium Magie. The Unicorn that Star Twinkle and Twilight faced a while back. The pony that was assumed to be the Witch of Equestria by Princess Celestia, and a danger to the ponies of Equestria.

Despite her being a danger like that, she still casually walked out of the town hall as if she was just a normal citizen. Maybe she wasn't scared to be recognized by anyone because her magic was strong enough to protect her from pretty much everyone.

The mare smiled after obviously having a nice day from what it seems. "Why am I just a such a fan of everything love related? Heh, why am I even wondering?" She said before she looked at her flank, which showed a white heart with a magic aura behind it.

"It's just a shame that I didn't come across that one stallion. That would have brightened up my day even more," she said, obviously referring to Star Twinkle. Grace then shook her shoulders. "Well, can't have everything, huh?" She added before she engulfed herself in magic to levitate above the ground and flew away from Ponyville.

In the meantime, on a roof from a house in Ponyville, Tagma and Noire Gloom decided to put their search to an end. Luminous Purity was nowhere to be found in this town, no matter how much Noire wanted it or how much Tagma wanted to find her for the Batpony.

"I guess I'll be on my way then to look for her myself," Noire figured.

"You are sure you don't want me to help you look for your friend?" Tagma then asked.

But the Batpony shook her head. "I'll rather look alone. Besides, don't you have someone you need to find as well? You should make sure to focus on that," she advised.

"Yeah, maybe. Sole is not gonna find himself after all," Tagma figured.

Noire began to smile at the Pony transformed Changeling. "I must admit, you are okay. You are not what I expected my first Changeling encounter to be but you are okay," she complimented.

"Hey, you are okay too!" Tagma returned. "I knew there was a nice Batpony behind this tough face."

Now Noire blushed and the conversation was too uncomfortable for her and she decided to leave. She spread her wings and flew up in the air, ready to leave Ponyville. She did turn around one more time though to say something to Tagma.

"I hope you find your friend," Noire said with a friendly tone in her voice.

Tagma grinned in response to that. "I hope you find Luminous as well!" He replied.

And like that, the two parted ways, both looking for a friend in this wide world.

The day was over and with so many different ponies or Batpony and Changelings, the day turned out to be another adventure in the little town of Ponyville. Defeating a monster, finding a friend, helping ponies out, all those things and maybe, even more, took place in just this one day. It just shows how much of an adventure one day can be in Ponyville and how many characters can take part in it.

It just makes one wonder what next adventure can happen in the world of Equestria.

Author's Note:

And that marks the 100th chapter of this story (Not counting the Season Trailers). It did not have any of the background ponies in it like the original so I hope it was still well-received. As you can clearly tell, I decided to have my own spin on this episode by letting the focus be on more OC's of this story. Again, most people probably expected Derpy and co but since those ponies are basically not present in this story in the first place, I figured giving them their own chapter was a little bit out of place, at least when it comes to this particular story.

I hope you still enjoyed this chapter ^^.

With all that said, please consider leaving a review or some other kind of feedback and make sure to follow me or this story to always be up to date with everything that I upload.

See you all in the next chapter.
Bye Bye ^^.

Reading Order:

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 1 + 2(Chapter 1 - 53)

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Diary of The Storm Wings

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 3(Chapter 54 - 65)

Equestria Girls - The Legend of Friendship

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Outcasts

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 4(Chapter 66 - 91)

Rainbow Rocks - The Legend of Friendship

The Legend of Friendship - Harmony

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 5(Chapter 92 - 117)

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