• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,454 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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34. Ponyville's Hero

Scootaloo was holding a Rainbow Dash Club meeting in the Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse. There were Rainbow Dash posters all over the clubhouse and other stuff colored in rainbow colors. And of course, Star Twinkle was there too.
Needless to say, Star Twinkle felt incredibly out of place, not to mention that every pony in the clubhouse were fillies or colts. Some of them wore rainbow-colored wigs or hats in Rainbow Dash fashion. Star Twinkle only recognized Scootaloo and Snips and Snails from all these ponies.

After every member finally arrived in the clubhouse Scootaloo decided to start the meeting.

“Before we begin our schedule, are there any questions that need to be answered before we start?” Scootaloo asked her fellow fan members.

Star Twinkle raised his hoof in the middle of the crowd with an annoyed look on his face.

“Yes. What am I doing here? And why do I have to wear this thing?” He asked pointing at a rainbow-colored wig that he was wearing on his head.

Scootaloo raised her eyebrows out of annoyance.

“Of course you have to! Every member of the Rainbow Dash Fan Club has to wear at least one Rainbow Dash accessory!”
Scootaloo demanded.

“But I am not even a member of this Fan Club! You said there was an important meeting in the clubhouse, dragged me here and put his wig on my head!” Star Twinkle exclaimed annoyed again pointing at his wig again.

“Well, since you are hanging around with Rainbow Dash the most from everypony in here, you will serve as our source of information!” Scootaloo explained.

“What information?” Star Twinkle asked.

“You know, favorite color, favorite food,” Snips explained.

“How am I suppose to know those things?” Star Twinkle questioned.

But Scootlaoo was confident that he would find out eventually and continued the meeting. The meeting was over after only one hour but for Star Twinkle, it felt like an eternity.

But unfortunately, Star Twinkle had to do some “Research” for Scootaloo and her Fan Club. This research involved gathering information

Luckily, Rainbow Dash was flying in the clouds over Ponyville

“Well, might as well get this over with...” he mumbled to himself as he walked up closer to Rainbow Dash.

He shouted her name, making her come down to the ground. For some reason, she looked really happy to see him and smiled with a wide grin.

“Hey, Star Twinkle. Whatever brings you here?” She asked with her huge grin on her face.

“What is up with her?” Star Twinkle wondered.

“Maybe some question that you need to ask me?”

Maybe Rainbow Dash was eavesdropping on her own Fan Club? That sounded a little weird. But then again it was Rainbow Dash...

Suddenly a scream of a filly could be heard that grabbed both of their attention. Rainbow Dash quickly flew in the direction of the scream followed by Star Twinkle. It came from inside of a well.

Rainbow Dash dived down into the well and Star Twinkle took a look inside of it but since it was too deep and dark, he couldn't see much.

Some ponies witnessed that and walked over to Star Twinkle to find out what was going on. Moments later, Rainbow Dash Flew out of the well with a filly on her back, placing her back on safe ground again. Rainbow Dash was surprised by the crowd of ponies that surrounded her.

“Wow. What's with this crowd? Uh, thanks, everypony. It was really no big deal,” Rainbow Dash said surprisingly modest.

The filly expressed her thanks but Rainbow Dash left. Star Twinkle could swear that she was blushing a little before she left.
He would have thought that she would brag more about it. Guess you find out new things every day.

Later that day...

Star Twinkle, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were hanging around and talking about Rainbow Dash's rescue from before.

“-And then Rainbow Dash dived down into the well and rescued that cute little filly!” Pinkie Pie excitedly explained while bouncing up and down.

“Yes, Pinkie Pie. I know. I was there,” Star Twinkle replied narrowing his eyes in annoyance.

While spending some time together another scream caught Star Twinkle's attention. It came from a baby carriage that rolled down a hill in direction of a cliff. Everypony gasped in shock. Luckily Rainbow Dash was nearby and saved the carriage before it fell down the cliff.

The shocked gasps of everypony turned into happy cheers directed to Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, no! There’s something wrong with the baby!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed shocked.

The crowd gasped after hearing those words and wondered what Rainbow Dash meant with that.

"She’s not cheering for everypony’s favorite hero, Rainbow Dash!" She said lifting the little baby filly in the air calming the crowd down again.

Rainbow Dash gave the baby back to her mother or rather tossed it back to her mother. Some photographers quickly took some pictures from Rainbow Dash, who made sure to strike some poses for them. "There just aren’t enough words in the dictionary to describe Rainbow Dash’s awesomeness!" Scootaloo said in admiration.

"I can think of a few new words," said Twilight who overheard Scootaloo's words.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was enjoying the attention and cheers that she received from everypony. This became not unnoticed by her friends, who watched the scenario.

"And I bet “modest” is not one of ’em," Applejack added.

"Well, we are talking about Rainbow Dash..." Star Twinkle added.

Whether she was modest about it or not, Rainbow Dash did save that baby filly so a little bragging should be okay.

Later that day again...

Today proved to be very productive in terms of accidents. And every time one occurred, Rainbow Dash was there to save the day. But the more accidents she prevented, the more her ego grew.

Her Rainbow Dash fan club even convinced her to give a little interview in Sugarcube Corner. Her friends were worried that all this was going to Rainbow Dash's head and watched the interview. Star Twinkle on the other hoof, didn't care much.
As long as Rainbow Dash prevents everypony from getting hurt, nothing should happen.

“And then I zoomed into the well. I knew it would be dark and dangerous, but I didn't let that stop me. Danger's my middle name. Rainbow 'Danger' Dash. Thinking back on it, I acted pretty awesomely heroic that day,” Rainbow Dash said while proudly wearing her sunglasses and making sure that Spike wrote down everything.

Then again...

“Awesomely heroic that day and awesomely arrogant ever since,” Applejack added who overheard the interview.

Rainbow Dash then walked over to Applejack and let everypony take some pictures with her and Applejack. The Latter trying to get out of this “photo session”.

Star Twinkle began to see the problem too. If the attention, that she is receiving gets more important to her then saving everypony...

Meanwhile, Spike wrote down every word that Rainbow Dash was saying. He was picked by Rainbow Dash to write her autobiography.

“Spike here writes down everything I say. This way, I can stay focused on performing those acts of bravery that nopony else has the guts to perform. Yep, it takes guts. But it also takes brains. And sometimes a big lunch and a nap. Being a hero is surely not for everypony, but I'm up to the challenge,” Rainbow Dash explained while continuing to take photos with her fans.

It was kinda exhausting listening to Rainbow Dash like that. And judging from the annoyed faces of his friends not only Star Twinkle seemed to feel that way.

On the next day...

Star Twinkle walked around Ponyville after he finished his work in the Iron Hammer. He came across Rainbow Dash.
She was giving some autographs for her fans in the middle of the road.

Meanwhile, a hot air balloon was falling down from the sky, with a pony screaming in fear inside not too far away. Rainbow Dash seemed to notice but continued to calmly sign photos for her fans.

Star Twinkle noticed and walked up to Rainbow Dash to remind her that there was an emergency right behind her.

“Rainbow Dash! Don't you think you should go and save this pony?” Star Twinkle said worriedly.

“Yeah, yeah. I've got a good ten seconds to spare,” Rainbow Dash casually replied.

Thankfully, Rainbow Dash decided to fly up in the sky to save the pony. But it more looked like as if she was performing for her fans and tried to look cool instead of actually trying to save the pony.

“You got to be-” Star Twinkle said before he noticed a shadow on the ground.

Suddenly, another pony appeared on the roof of a house next to Star Twinkle. The pony was wearing a purple costume and had its face covered in a dark blue mask and a purple and dark blue hat. On it's back was a dark blue cape and on the neck was a light blue “M”. Star Twinkle's worried look turned into a relieved smile.

“Hey! Who is that?!” He said in an overly acting voice to make sure that everypony around him noticed the pony on the roof.

The mysterious pony jumped from roof to roof until it's reached the balloon. The pony managed to get the pony out safely and Rainbow Dash crashed into the balloon afterward out of confusion.

The mysterious pony left without a word after saving the pony out of the hot air balloon.

“Holy turnips, that pony came outta nowhere!” The save pony said.

“I've never seen such bravery in all my life!” Another pony added.

The mayor then spoke to the town folks to inform them that Ponyville has a new hero and named her “The Mysterious Mare Do Well”.

While everypony was cheering for their new hero, Rainbow Dash was not happy at all.

“Mare Do Well, huh? Well, that mare would do well to stay outta my way! Ponyville's only got room for one hero, and that hero is me!” She said determent before she stumbled ungracefully into the ground.

The accidents didn't seem to stop for today. While walking down the street of Ponyville, Star Twinkle saw a bus with screaming ponies on board, rolling down a hill and approaching a cliff.

Rainbow Dash was thankful, around and effortlessly approached the bus. But again, making sure to look good for her fans was more important to her than saving the ponies.

“Never fear, your friendly neighborhood Rainbow– “ was she about to say but she was interrupted by a pony inside of the bus, who reminded her that he and the other passengers were in danger and that she should make haste.

Rainbow Dash seemed annoyed that her catchphrase was interrupted but she pulled herself together stopped the bus.
Or rather, tried to stop the bus. She flew in front of it and tried to stop it but that proved to be harder than she thought.
As a result, she was run over, letting the bus continue to roll down the hill.

But thankfully, the Mysterious Mare Do Well appeared and stopped the bus with her hooves before it could fall down the cliff.

The Mysterious Mare Do Well left before anypony could thank her again but cheers could be heard from everypony that witnessed the rescue. Except for Rainbow Dash of course, who couldn't believe that The Mysterious Mare Do Well was stronger than her.


It was really strange...Either Star Twinkle was not aware till now or there were always so many accidents in Ponyville.
While delivering some materials to a construction place in Ponyville, a building suddenly collapsed, putting every worker in huge danger. Luckily, Star Twinkle was outside of the workplace and out of danger by getting hit by anything that felt down from the sky.

Rainbow Dash was around and tried to save somepony but The Mysterious Mare Do Well was already there saving everypony. Eventually, Rainbow Dash managed to save somepony too but the workers were most grateful for Mare Do Well.

“I'm starting to think that living in Ponyville, maybe a little dangerous...” Star Twinkle said, looking around himself to avoid any danger around him.

Later that day once more...

Not only the accidents increased but also the jobs that Star Twinkle was assigned to for today. He was ordered to do some repairs at the local dam. Apparently, there was a little crack in the dam that needed to be fixed.

The crack was in the middle of the dam which could not be reached by him.

“How am I suppose to get down there? I think I need a rope or something...” he said on top of the dam.

He looked down and became a little dizzy by the height he was in.

“I am really high up here...” he said worried, backing off a little.

Again, Rainbow Dash was close by and put a hoof right on the crack.
Star Twinkle wondered what that was about and looked at her in confusion.

“Rainbow Dash? What are you doing there?” Star Twinkle shouted down to Rainbow Dash.

“Hey, Star Twinkle! Just saving the town from getting over flooded,” she said proudly of herself.

“I don't think it's a good idea to touch that crack, Rainbow Dash,” Star Twinkle advised.

“Don't worry I got everything under con-”

But just like Star Twinkle thought, touching the crack was a really bad idea. The dam broke and was about to flood Ponyville, dragging Star Twinkle and Rainbow Dash along. Both of them were flooded by the water but were saved by a tree trunk that caught them. When they both looked up, they realized that it was Mare Do Well who saved them.

“You?!” Rainbow Dash said surprised after seeing the masked mare.

“Thanks...” Star Twinkle said relieved after calming down a little.

“Yeah, yeah, I suppose you want me to thank– “ Rainbow Dash was about to say but she stopped after Mare Do Well took off her hat to reveal a unicorn horn.

She then fixed the dam with her magic piece by piece, returning it to its original state. While watching Mare Do Well levitating the pieces back to the dam with her magic, Rainbow Dash became more and more annoyed.

“You gotta be kidding me... “ Rainbow Dash said annoyed.

Like usual, Mare Do Well disappeared after saving the day, causing Rainbow Dash to get frustrated by all the cheers that the masked mare received instead of Rainbow Dash.

“Lemme get this straight. She's strong, she's agile, and she's magic? Ughhh! How do I compete with that?” Rainbow Dash said frustrated.

She laid on the ground in frustration trying to figure out who she can even compete with Mare Do Well.

“Wait a minute. I do have a leg up on her. And that leg is... wings!”

Rainbow Dash then flew up in the air in rapid speed to show off her flying skills, even though nopony was really watching her.

“Hah! Take that, Mare Do Well!” She said in her usual boasting manner.

But suddenly, Mare Do Well flew right past Rainbow Dash. As it turns out, she also has wings.

Not sure how to deal with that, Rainbow Dash left angrily.

Star Twinkle was about to leave to but was stopped by somepony. It was no other than Mare Do Well. But Star Twinkle didn't seem surprised and casually walked up to the masked mare.

“Are you sure that you want to keep this up? Rainbow Dash seems to get more and more fired up instead of stopping with her bragging,”

Mare Do Well then took off her mask and revealed herself as Twilight who had a concerned look on her face.

“Give it a little more time...I'm sure she will realize that being a hero is not about trying to impress everypony or bragging about it,”

Another Mare Do Well approached the two ponies and revealed herself as Fluttershy. She was the one who flew past Rainbow Dash.

“How was I?” Fluttershy asked sheepishly.

“Very good, Fluttershy,” Twilight replied.

Twilight then walked over to Star Twinkle with a teasing smile on her face.

“Next time, it's you who will act as Mare Do Well,”

Star Twinkle was not happy to hear that. Not only because he didn't want to be dressed as a mare but also because that meant that he had to put himself in danger.

“Great...” he said sarcastically.

On the next day...

In honor of Ponyville's hero, a parade was held for Mare Do Well to thank her for all the ponies that she saved. Many ponies who witnessed her heroic feats attended the parade. Rainbow Dash was also there but her reasons were unknown.

“Welcome to Ponyville's first, but surely not last, thank you parade, in honor of our city's greatest hero, the mysterious Mare Do Well!” The mayor said introducing the mysterious mare to the citizens of Ponyville.

Everypony cheered for their new favorite hero. Except for Rainbow Dash who had to do her best to not snap in front of everypony. But she couldn't ignore all those cheers anymore and quickly rushed to Mare Do Well in the attempt to unmask her.

But the mare quickly escaped into the town, trying to shake off Rainbow Dash and preventing herself from getting unmasked.

Rainbow Dash followed her and tried to cut her off multiple times but Mare Do Well seemed to be in multiple places at once.
Every time when she thought she caught her another Mare Do Well appeared behind her. This only frustrated Rainbow Dash more and more.

Eventually, Rainbow managed to get a hold of one of them.

“I got you now! Alright, Miss Mysterious! Mystery... solved!” She said unmasking Mare Do Well.

To her surprise, behind the mask was no other than Pinkie Pie who smiled at her awkwardly. But it was not only Pinkie Pie.
Soon Twilight and Applejack appeared and revealed themselves as the Mysterious Mare Do Well too.

“Twilight?! Applejack?! There were three of you?!“ Rainbow Dash asked confused.

“Yup, we all played Mare Do Well at different times,” Twilight replied.

It was Applejack who stopped the carriage bus,
Pinkie Pie saved the construction workers with her Pinkie Sense,
Twilight was the one who fixed the dam,
and Fluttershy was the one who flew by Rainbow Dash after that.
“Oh and Star Twinkle was the one at the parade,” Twilight explained.

“I made the costumes. Fabulous if I do say so myself!” Rarity said proudly.

Rainbow Dash didn't understand asked them if they didn't want her to be a hero. But the others didn't have anything against that. They just wanted to teach her that a real hero doesn't brag.

“Uh, I guess I did start to brag a little,” Rainbow Dash admitted.

“A little?!” Everypony else exclaimed confused, causing Rainbow Dash to fall over on her back surprised.

“Okay, a lot,” Rainbow Dash corrected.

Twilight explained that celebrating your accomplishments is natural but rubbing them into everyponies face isn't.
Or that you can still be good at something and that you should act with grace and humility while doing so.

“Ohhhh. That makes loads more sense,” Rainbow Dash figured. “Yeah. You're right. And I guess I should've also acted with grace and humility when others outshine me. Like Mare Do Well,” Rainbow Dash admitted.

The others were happy to hear that and Twilight suggested that Rainbow Dash should write to Princess Celestia what she has learned. Rainbow Dash did as Twilight suggested and left to get some sleep from this whole hero thing.

“I'm glad that she learned her lesson,” Fluttershy said relieved.

“Yup, better sooner than later,” Applejack added.

Meanwhile, Twilight was wondering where Star Twinkle was. She didn't saw him since he attended the parade. But as soon as she started to get a little worried, Star Twinkle caught up to the others.

“There you are!” he said while walking up to his friends.

“Star Twinkle, where have you been?” Twilight said.

“Yes! Rainbow Dash finally understood that being a hero was not about bragging or showing off,” Pinkie Pie said happily.

“Oh! Is that why you lured her away from the parade?” Star Twinkle asked.

The others looked at each other confused.

“I thought I was messing up everything,” Star Twinkle said, confusing everypony else in the process.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, lowering her eyebrows out of confusion.

“I couldn't found the costume that Rarity gave me this morning so I tried to find you all at the parade to ask one of you to take my place. But when I arrived at the parade, somepony was already in the Mare Do Well costume,” Star Twinkle explained. “So who of you was it? Applejack? Twilight? Pinkie Pie?” Star Twinkle asked out of curiosity.

The others were sure that Star Twinkle was the one in the costume back at the parade and started to wonder what exactly happened.

“Um...we all thought it was you on the stage,” Rarity said puzzled.

“Nope, that wasn't me,” Star Twinkle replied.

“But if it wasn't you or neither of us...then who...” Twilight said rubbing her chin in confusion.

Star Twinkle was as confused as anypony else and tried to come up with a solution. While thinking about it himself he noticed some movements on the roof behind the girls. When he looked up he saw no other, then the Mysterious Mare Do Well. He rubbed his eyes to make sure that what he was seeing was real.

“But...how...why...huh?” was all that Star Twinkle could say at the moment.

But as soon as he tried to point at the roof, Mare Do Well jumped off from the other side. Star Twinkle's behavior caught the attention of his friends who wondered why he was looking so shocked.

“Is something wrong, Star Twinkle?” Twilight asked confused.

But Star Twinkle didn't know if they would even believe him. So he decided to not tell them and confusing them anymore.

“It's nothing...” he said trying to sound calm.

Whatever it meant, what he just saw, it was more important that Rainbow Dash learned her lesson.


Author's Note:

First, I wanted to call this chapter "A new Hero" as a reference to Alex The Lone Wolfs story with the same name.
But whatever.

I am personally, not too satisfied with this chapter but if you liked it for some reason, then make sure to leave some kind of feedback.
It will be much appreciated ^^.

And as always, I hope to see you all in the next chapter.

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