• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,455 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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Season 3 Intro - Darkness in the Moonlight

Somewhere in Equestria...

In the middle of the night...One Unicorn walked through a thick forest in order to return to a familiar place.
After the events with the Storm Wings and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, Mystic was continuously on his way through Equestria. It took him some time but eventually, he arrived at a castle that stood in the middle of a forest.

The Unicorn walked up to the castle in front of him slowly. He seemed to hesitate for a while. He was clearly not looking forward to entering the castle for some reason. However, the previous events did leave him no choice but to return to this place so he pulled himself together and entered the castle.

He slowly opened the big door with the help of his magic and entered a giant hall. It was really dark inside and only the light of the moon that shined through the big windows made it possible to see anything inside there. It was also really quiet, making it feel like as if the castle was abandoned. However, Mystic knew that this wasn't the case.

He carefully walked forward, getting closer and closer to the middle of the hall. Mystic could hear some noised echoing through the hall. There were flapping noises. There was something flying through the hall and most likely hiding behind some pillars in the room, trying to not get noticed by the Unicorn. The noises made Mystic feel a little uneasy but he kept his guard up. Soon, the noises changed into steps, indicating that something landed somewhere in the room.

Mystic was not turning around or made the cause of these noises know that he noticed them and pretended to not hear anything. But the steps were coming closer so Mystic prepared a spell and readied himself for whatever was sneaking up on him. When they became dangerously close to him, he quickly turned around and pointed his horn in front of him, ready to fire a spell at the figure that revealed itself.

"What's up?!" Said a cheerful voice right into Mystic's face.

It was a Pegasus stallion with a black coat, no mane, a short spiky light green tail, light blue eyes and a yellow headband around his head. He also had a Cutie Mark that consisted of a silhouette of a pony. The Pegasus had a wide grin on his face, despite Mystic pointing with his horn towards him.

"Ugh...It's just you..." Mystic replied annoyed as he canceled his spell after recognizing the pony in front of him.

"Mystic!" The Pegasus exclaimed before he jumped at Mystic, giving him a big hug. "I missed you so much!" He said as he lifted Mystic over the ground happily while hugging him.

But Mystic was not fond of that at all and tried to push the Pegasus away from him. “Okay, okay, let me go!” He said annoyed as he forcefully tried to push the Pegasus away but as soon as he found out that he wasn't strong enough he resorted to using his magic to levitate him away and dropping him on the ground a few meters away. The Pegasus didn't seem to bother by this rough welcome though and quickly got up again.

"I'm just so happy that you are back again! I knew that you would come back one day!” He said once again very cheerfully.

Despite being greeted like this, Mystic didn't seem to return the happiness that this Pegasus showed towards him.

“Where are the others?” Mystic asked straight away to get down to his business again.

“In the throne room,” the Pegasus replied, pointing towards the end of the room which would lead to the throne room eventually.

Of course, Mystic knew where the throne room was. He was in this castle before after all.

Both of them made their way through the room, walking side by side. Mystic was kept staring at by the Pegasus who was smiling at him the whole time while walking beside him. Mystic felt a little annoyed by that but he ignored him.

“So what have you been doing all this time?” The Pegasus asked, breaking the silence between the two.

“Stuff...” Mystic replied, clearly having no interest to explain anything to him.

"Is it true that you became the leader of those Steel Wings?" The Pegasus asked, making Mystic release an annoyed grunt not only by hearing the name Steel Wing but also because he was surprised how he knew about this.

“It's Storm Wings,” Mystic corrected. “...and how do you know about this?”

“We all figured that the time where you left and the time where the Storm Wings got a new leader was that you had something to do with it,” the Pegasus explained.

“I see...For a moment I thought you guys were spying on me...” Mystic replied.

“Oh, come on...why would we ever do that?” The Pegasus replied, finding it silly even to think about that.

Mystic didn't reply and continued his walk towards the throne room in silence while the Pegasus kept talking about some random stuff. Eventually, they both entered the throne room. At the end of the room was, of course, a throne. Behind it was a window from where you could see the moon and in front of it were some stairs and In front of those stairs were two other ponies.

One of them was an Earth-Pony mare. She had a blonde coat, a light red mane which was tied to a ponytail, a similar looking tail, and light pink eyes. She had a brown sack as a Cutie Mark.

The other pony was a younger Earth-Pony stallion. He had a pear green coat color, a dark green messy mane, a long tail and yellow eyes. His Cutie Mark was a wooden heart with vines surrounding it.

The mare was the first one to greet the two. However, her attention seemed to drift mainly towards Mystic because she seemed surprised to see him.

“I never thought that you would return one day...” The mare said almost in disgust.

“Me neither...” Mystic replied in a similar way.

The young stallion focused his attention towards Mystic as well and raised his head in attention. A few seconds later, he began running up to Mystic as if he wanted to attack him. Mystic knew exactly what was coming and just let it happen. The stallion jumped at Mystic and threw him down to the ground, making him stand above the Unicorn. The stallion then began to sniff Mystic and raised his head in surprise.

“You...Mystic...” He said slowly. “Mystic...friend...” He said before he stepped off from Mystic, allowing him to stand up again.

“Yes, Wildheart...it's me...” Mystic replied showing a little more tolerant reaction than with the Pegasus before.

The Pegasus behind Mystic was joining the reunion. “Hey Rosa, aren't you happy that Mystic has returned too?” He asked in excitement.

“I wouldn't exactly call it happy...” Rosa replied bothered. ”Not after he left like this...” She added as she looked away from the group.

The Pegasus noticed that Rosa seemed a little angry and felt a little hurt by this, unlike Mystic who didn't seem to bother at all. He decided to turn to Wildheart to get his opinion. “What about you, Wildheart? Are you mad at him too?” The Pegasus asked hoping that Wildheart wouldn't be angry too.

Wildheart did not seem to be angry or upset at all and shook his head. “No. Rosa said...Mystic...friend. Friends...return...always...” he replied.

Rosa's face turned a little red after Wildheart's explanation. “I just said that to cheer up Wildheart!” She exclaimed embarrassed. “He was really upset after you left, you know,” she added, looking away from the group again in annoyance.

Again, Mystic was not caring about any of that. “There is still one missing...” Mystic figured as he looked around the room. “Where is our mister knight?” He asked a little impatient.

“Should be here too...” the Pegasus stallion quickly responded.

All of them waited in the throne room until the last pony arrived. There was some awkward silence in the room which was probably caused by Mystic's appearance. Wildheart was silent most of the time and Rosa didn't seem to want to talk with Mystic. The Pegasus stallion, however, was talking away like everything was normal.

"Have you heard what happened in Canterlot?" The Pegasus asked in order to keep the conversation going.

Of course, Mystic didn't know what happened in Equestria because he was wondering all this time to get to this castle. He made him notice that he didn't know ask what he meant.

"It happened earlier this day...” Rosa joined in. ”...A bunch of changelings attacked the palace during the wedding of the captain of the Royal Guard and Princess Mi Amore whatever..." she informed while still showing some grudge towards Mystic.

“Changelings, huh?” Mystic replied in disinterest. “If it happened just earlier this day, then how come you already know about it?” He pointed out.

“Years of experience...” Rosa replied with a confident smile on her face.

“Right...” Mystic answered unimpressed. “And what about you?” He turned to the black stallion.

“What about me?” The Pegasus replied confused.

“Well, you know...” Mystic started but he stopped after he heard some hoof steps coming closer from the other side of the room.

A big stallion entered the room. It was a Unicorn Wearing an armor that greatly resembled the ones of the Royal Guard but instead of yellow, his armor was dark blue, the helmet looked different and covered almost his entire face and had no plume on top of it and the crest on his chest was no light blue star but a black circle with a sickle moon inside of it. Under his armor, a light blue coat could be seen and his eyes were dark purple and focused instantly on the new visitor.

“Mystic...” The stallion said in a calm voice after noticing him. “So you've returned...” he added.

“Is that a problem?” Mystic replied provocatively, causing Rosa to look at him in disapproval because of his behavior.

But the stallion was not feeling attacked or anything and kept his calm expression.
“Not at all. In fact, your timing couldn't have been better...” he mentioned as he walked down the stairs in front of the throne to get closer to the rest of the group. “We need all the strength that we can get for what we are about to do next,”

“So you just let him be one of us again?” Rosa said in disapproval of the stallions easy forgiveness that he showed towards Mystic.

The stallion looked over to Rosa. “This castle and I will always welcome the ones who are just like me. The ones who have no other place to go,” he said as he looked over to Wildheart who nodded with a smile on his face in approval. “-Or the ones who can't return to to their home,” he said while he looked over to the Pegasus stallion who looked away with a frown on his face. “It doesn't matter why Mystic left or what he did. I will always welcome him back and consider him a member of us,” he said as he looked back at Rosa who lowered her head to the ground in deep thoughts. “And deep down, I know that you feel like this too,” he finished as he looked at Mystic who avoided eye contact with the stallion because he knew that what he said was kinda true.

The mood in the room was affected by this stallions words and nopony said anything for a while until the stallion spoke up again. “Whether you agree with me or not, Mystic, I know that you will help us if your opinion on Princess Celestia hasn't changed since the last time,”

As soon as the name Princess Celestia fell, Mystic's attention was fully grabbed and he looked over to the stallion. “I'm listening,” he said out of curiosity.

The stallion was glad that Mystic was ready to listen or even cooperate and continued. “You see, things are starting to turn into our favor...
You might have heard of it...Nightmare Moon returned a while ago but was defeated by the Element's of Harmony and turned back to Princess Luna, who is now ruling over Equestria along with her sister,”

“I heard of it...” Mystic replied being fully on the same page but pretending that he didn't know too much about it.

“With Princess Luna's return we now have two Alicorns in Equestria who can be of use of our plan,” the stallion explained.

“What about that Mi Amore Cadenza princess?” Rosa joined in. “Isn't she an Alicorn too?”

The stallion thought about it for a moment, “No. It has to be the two sisters...that's what was told to me...”

“By who?” Mystic questioned.

“By the voice in his head,” The Pegasus stallion explained.
Needless to say, Mystic was confused to get such an answer and gave the Pegasus a confused look.
“After you left, he started to hear some voice that told him to wait for the return from the Mare on the Moon and BOOM, it happened and Nightmare Moon returned! Crazy, huh?” The Pegasus explained overly excited.

“And who is that voice exactly?” Mystic asked in disbelieve.

“I'm not sure...but it wasn't the first time that this voice spoke to me. The first time was back then...before I met you all,” he explained while making the impression to feel a little uncomfortable to explain that.

Mystic had a hard time believing this stuff but he played along to find out the exact motives of the Unicorn stallion.
“And what did this voice tell you to do?”

The stallion kept quiet for a while and closed his eyes. He didn't know if anypony in this room believed him but he went so far to explain everything and might as well continued. He opened his eyes again quoted the words that were told to him.
“Capture the two Alicorn sisters and revive me!” He said with a very serious tone in his voice.

Those words made the eyes of everypony except Wildheart widen in shock. Just the idea of going after the princess was crazy, is what everypony thought at this moment. But in Mystic's case, it was rather excitement than fear or hesitation. The realization that he could finally get to Celestia in order to get his revenge was all that motivated him and he was ready to do everything for that.

The Unicorn stallion in the blue armor looked out of the window behind the throne and stared at the moon while being in deep thoughts.

“Soon, you will rule over Equestria and create a better world...
A world where I can be with her again...” He thought while his eyes were focused on the moon.

There was no telling if their plan would succeed or not but one thing was for sure...
Equestria would soon be in danger once more...

Author's Note:

We are starting off with Season 3!
Despite it being the shortest one of all, there is a lot of story progression in this season in terms of my story.
I hope you are all ready for that.
Also, let me know what you think about the new cover!
If you haven't noticed, I will change the cover every season so if you missed one cover, then go over to my Deviantart Account to check them out!

If you liked this chapter then please consider leaving a review to let me know.
With that said, I hope to see you in the next chapter.
Bye Bye ^^.

Reading Order:

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 1 + 2(Chapter 1 - 53)

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Diary of The Storm Wings

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 3(Chapter 54 - 65)

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