• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,454 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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31. Forcing a Cutie Mark

There was silence in the room.
Only Star Twinkles breath could be heard.
His eyes were peeled.
His mouth was dry.
His mind was focused.

"Could you please throw the ball already?" Scootaloo exclaimed annoyed.

It was only him and his ball.
Only him and the lane.
It was like, he prepared his whole life for this one moment.

“You think he dozed off?” Sweetie Belle wondered.

“I don't know,” Apple Bloom replied, shrugging her shoulders.

“I don't think that you can doze off while standing,” Scootaloo said annoyed.

With his concentration at the top nothing could stop him from...

“Star Twinkle, could you please finally throw the ball?!” Scootaloo exclaimed impatiently.

This finally snapped Star Twinkle out of his concentration who tried his best to focus on the pins.

“Alright, alright!” He replied annoyed.

He then threw the ball down the lane. The ball was going straight but tended to go a little to the left. It managed to hit the last pin on the left. His score was one pin. Star Twinkle didn't like the result but of course, something like that would happen after he snapped out of his concentration. He blamed Scootaloo for that.

“Good job, Star Twinkle! Your score is one! That puts you in the lead!” Apple Bloom said proudly.

“Pfft! Yeah. With one pin...” Scootaloo said unimpressed.

This provokes Star Twinkle a little and causing him to look at Scootaloo annoyed.

“I'd like to see you do better,” Star Twinkle challenged.

Scootaloo quickly accepted the challenge and placed her bowling ball in front of her and kicked it with her back legs. This caused the ball to fly all over the place, almost hitting some other ponies around them. Scootaloo put on a grin out of shame and returned to Star Twinkle, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom.

“Yeah, that's what I figured would happen...” Star Twinkle thought.

Now it was Apple Bloom's turn. At first, she was not sure how to throw the ball and tried to approach it from different angles. She then opened her mouth and put the ball inside of it. She managed to throw the ball like that, much to Star Twinkle's surprise.

While the ball was still rolling on the lane, everyponies attention was suddenly focused on another lane, where another filly managed to pull off a strike.

“Cool! A bowling Cutie Mark!” One ponies said impressed.

Apple Bloom thought that she was meant by that and quickly took a look on her flank, only to realize that it was still empty.
After she got confused why there was no Cutie Mark, she quickly realized that everypony was cheering for another pony.
This pony had a bowling ball and a pin as a Cutie Mark.

“But what about my ball?” Apple Bloom asked confused, only to realize that her ball was still rolling and barely touched the front pin.

Apple Bloom was sad to see that and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo only watched concerned after Apple Bloom's reaction.

“That's zero points...” Star Twinkle said boldly.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo only returned angry looks after Star Twinkle's unnecessary statement.

“What?” He asked confused, not being aware that he said anything wrong.

After this failed attempt to get a Cutie Mark in bowling, the four ponies left and tried to cheer Apple Bloom up who still seemed a little sad.

“That bowling sure was fun, even if all I got was gutter balls,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yeah, at least you were able to keep your ball in your lane. I don't think Mr. Kingpin is ever gonna let me play again! Hey, maybe I could get my cutie mark in demolition!” Scootaloo said jokingly, causing her and Sweetie Belle to laugh.

“That actually doesn't sound too unlikely...” Star Twinkle thought.

But Apple Bloom didn't seem to be in the mood to laugh right now. Star Twinkle noticed that and felt like he should say something. “What's wrong? Don't be sad. I mean you always fail to get a Cutie Mark, you should be used to it by now, right?”

Apple Bloom replied with an angry expression on her face directed at Star Twinkle and just walked off.

“That went a lot better in my head...” Star Twinkle said.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo approached Star Twinkle and gave him almost the same face.

“Great job! You actually managed to make her feel worse!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“Wait, where is she going?” Sweetie Belle said, pointing at Apple Bloom who entered the entrance of the Everfree Forest.

“Hey! Don't go in there!” Star Twinkle exclaimed but Apple Bloom didn't hear him.

“Isn't that the Everfree Forest?” Scootaloo asked concerned.

“Yes. That is a way you two stay here. It's way too dangerous in there,” Star Twinkle said trying to push them away from the forest.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo only exchanged looks at each other in confusion.

“So does that mean, that you will go inside to get her out?” Scootaloo asked confused.

This thought only crossed Star Twinkle's mind just now. If a filly enters the forest, then it's up to him to go inside to get her out. This thought scared him a little. Granted, he already visited this forest numerous time but that still doesn't change that it can be dangerous at times. Star Twinkle just noticed how the two ponies were looking at him confused, still expecting an answer from him.

“Yes! Right! I will do that! No problem at all,” he said before he entered the forest.

After entering the forest, Star Twinkle began to look for Apple Bloom, while still trying not to cause too many attention. Fortunately, his search was over after only a few minutes. He found Apple Bloom lying on the ground. She looked like she was in pain, causing Star Twinkle to get really concerned and nervous.

“Apple Bloom!” He exclaimed before he ran to her in concern. “What's wrong? Are you hurt?” He asked in a panic.

Apple Bloom only nodded in response, worrying Star Twinkle even more. He quickly checked her for any bruises but didn't found anything. The fact that Apple Bloom could be injured was already worrying him but he also thought about what Applejack would do if she found out.

“Alright! Where does it hurt? The Legs? Your hooves? Your head?”

Apple Bloom pointed to her mouth as the response. It was just then that Star Twinkle realized that she was covering her mouth with her hooves all this time.

“Your mouth? Okay, open up. I'm sure it's not that bad,” he said trying to calm Apple Bloom and himself down.

She then opened her mouth and revealed a broken front teeth. Star Twinkle shrugged in shock after seeing that. He then took a closer look at the teeth but didn't know what he should do about it. Thankfully Apple Bloom didn't seem to be in any pain. That at least calmed Star Twinkle down. He then heard a familiar voice coming closer to him from the back.

“I thought I heard a noise from this place. And I found out that indeed it is a familiar face,”

It was Zecora, much to Star Twinkle's relief.

“Zecora! Am I glad to see you. pple Bloom has hurt herself!” Star Twinkle explained in panic.

Despite, Star Twinkle who still had problems to not worry about Apple Bloom, Zecora kept her calm and collected nature and took a look at Apple Bloom.

“What has happened to you, youth? Ah, you've gone and chipped your tooth. Come with me, I have just the trick that will fix you up quite quick,”

They then walked over to Zecora's hut. Zecora was brewing something in her cauldron in order to fix Apple Bloom's tooth.

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom explained the whole situation to Zecora.

“I've tried everything, Zecora, and still no cutie mark! Well, I'm gonna be as old as Granny Smith and still have a blank flank!” Apple Bloom said frustrated while lisping which is caused by the hole in her tooth.

“Your frustration is well understood, but one must be patient for all things good,” Zecora replied while searching for some ingredients.

“Ugh, I've heard that from every pony I know! And now from every zebra I know!” Apple Bloom replied.

“Have you ever considered that they say it because it's true!” Star Twinkle said a little annoyed.

“I'm just too impatient to be patient. I just want my cutie mark and I want it now!” Apple Bloom said close up to Zecora who was preparing to put something in her cauldron but Apple Bloom's sudden outburst caused her to drop the bottle she was holding into the cauldron.

That caused a little explosion, which most likely shouldn't happen and Zecora looked at Apple Bloom scolding who in response backed away from Zecora.

“For your Cutie Mark, you will have to wait. We must fix that tooth before it's too late,”

She put some of the liquid from the cauldron into a small bowl, ready for Apple Bloom to drink.

“Now drink down every little drop, and this mixture will mend that chip on top!” Zecora explained.

Apple Bloom did as she was told and to Star Twinkle's surprise, her tooth got fixed.

“Oh my star apples, you did it, Zecora!” Apple Bloom happily exclaimed.

“Yes, thank you Zecora. You're a real live saver,” Star Twinkle said relieved.

Zecora nodded happily as response and was glad that she could help. Meanwhile, Apple Bloom was distracted by all the tonics that were scattered in Zecora's hut.

“Golly, you have tonics that heal all sorts of ailments. Bad bones, bad back, bad breath...” And not only stuff that fixes the bad, but stuff that brings the good! Good health, good hair... good heavens!” She said, inspecting all the different bottles.

Suddenly, Apple Bloom's expression changed. She had a smug smile on her face and turned to Zecora again.

“I bet you can mix up a brew to fix... anything,” she said, hinting at her blank flank.

But Zecora quickly caught up on what Apple Bloom meant.

“There are many mixtures in this room, but none for what you want, dear Apple Bloom. A magic potion does not hold the key. For a cutie mark, time is the only remedy,” Zecora explained.

Apple Bloom was not happy to hear that but she also gave up asking about a Cutie Mark.

With Zecora's work done, she returned to her ingredients and prepared to brew something else. Apple Bloom asked what she was doing.

“I am brewing up another mix for a rooster and his chicks. It seems the rooster has lost his crow, making mornings very slow,” Zecora explained.

Apple Bloom recognized one of the ingredients that Zecora was collecting. It was a purple flower. Star Twinkle also recognized it. He saw this flower blooming in Ponyville before.

“It is one we call 'Heart's Desire'. A dash will ignite the rooster's fire. With Heart's Desire, his talent comes into view, and he'll give a mighty cock-a-doodle-doo!” Zecora explained.

Apple Bloom got interested in this tonic and was playing with a thought in her mind. Star Twinkle figured where this was going and kept a close look on Apple Bloom.

Suddenly, Zecora realized that she was missing an ingredient and went out to get it. Apple Bloom didn't seem to care much about that and still focused on the brew. After Zecora left, Apple Bloom had a huge grin on her face.

“Do you think, what I am thinking?” Apple Bloom asked Star Twinkle excited.

“I'm afraid so. And no,” he quickly replied.

“Come on, Star Twinkle! What if this brew can give me what my heart' is desiring the most? A Cutie Mark?” Apple Bloom said almost begging.

“You heard Zecora. A Cutie Mark comes with time and not with some kind of potion or tonic,” Star Twinkle replied, repeating Zecora's words.

Apple Bloom didn't seem to be happy to hear that. She attempted to leave Zecora's hut.
“I'll guess you can't help it then. Let me just take a look at some other tonics, in case I need something else,” Apple Bloom said walking over to a shelf with some more bottles.

For some reason, Star Twinkle had a bad feeling about her behavior but as long as he was standing near the cauldron, Apple Bloom couldn't do anything.

At least that's what he thought...

Before he knew it, Apple Bloom threw some of the bottles to Star Twinkle, making him catch them all before they could drop to the ground. He found himself holding multiple bottles in each hoof, balancing them in quite an impressive way, without dropping them.

Apple Bloom was then tiptoeing around Star Twinkle and tried to take a sip from Zecora's brew.

“Apple Bloom!” Star Twinkle exclaimed.

Star Twinkle couldn't move and stop Apple Bloom. It was already too late anyway. Apple Bloom was putting in some more of the Heart's desire flower inside of the cauldron. She filled another bowl with this brew and drank it all at once.

But nothing seemed to happen. She looked at her flank but there was no Cutie Mark, making her frown.

“Was too good to be true...” she said sadly.

She then left Zecora's hut with a sad expression on her face, ignoring Star Twinkle who still balanced multiple bottles on his body.

“Hey, aren't you forgetting somepony?” Star Twinkle exclaimed.

But it was too late. Apple Bloom already left and Star Twinkle was just standing in the middle of the room helplessly.

After some careful moving, he somehow managed to drop the bottles without breaking a single one and placed them on the shelf again.

“Zecora said this brew was for some rooster that lost his crow...I guess It will only give Apple Bloom a stronger voice then...” Star Twinkle mumbled in order to convince himself, that this potion is safe.

He couldn't help but look at the cauldron with a worried look on his face.

"A potion that could grant you a Cutie Mark, huh?" Star Twinkle wondered. “That does sound too good to be true...”

On the next day...

When Star Twinkle woke up, he was awake in an instant. The sun was just getting up and only a few ponies were outside.

He got out of his bed and walked to the bathroom to get himself ready. While brushing his teeth, Star Twinkle noticed something in the mirror. Behind him was a shelf, where all his stuff was standing on. Toothpaste, shampoo, soap and so on.
He approached the shelf and had a worried expression on his face.

"It looks a little messy..." he mumbled in a still half-asleep tone.

He then moved everything on the shelf in no specific order. He didn't know why he did it but after moving everything a little, he left the bathroom.

Once again, he noticed something in his living room.

"Is it just me or is everything messy in here?" He wondered.

He took a broom out of a closet and began to clean up.

"I don't really feel like cleaning right now but for some reason, I have the urge to do so..." he wondered again.

After he cleaned the whole room, he put away the broom and began to get hungry.

"I should eat something now..." he said while he moved up to his bed again. "...then why am I going upstairs again?"

His kitchen was on the ground floor so he should have stayed there but he was going upstairs again. Instead, he was making his bed, which was strange since he never makes his bed.

"Alright...this is getting weird now..."

After his bed was finished, he returned downstairs.

"Okay...I really want to have breakfast right now..." He mumbled to himself.

But his hooves were moving to the closet instead of his kitchen.

"No! Breakfast! I need to go to the kitchen!" He exclaimed, in hope that it would help.

But no matter how hard he tried, his hooves were moving to the closet.
He once again pulled out the broom and continued to clean his house.

"I don't want to clean right now but I can't stop!"

He then proceeded to clean the floor, creating a lot of dust in the process. It was at this moment when he noticed that something new appeared on his flank.

A broom Cutie Mark.

"A Cutie Mark? Why do I ha-” but after thinking about it, he remembered again.

The brew from Zecora. That she was brewing for a rooster. The brew from which Apple Bloom took a bowl from. The brew from which Star Twinkle was taking a sip from when nopony was looking.

“Does that mean that Zecora's potion worked?" He wondered.

He didn't know what to make out of that. He never liked to clean to this extent. In fact, he didn't like it at all. Having a Cutie Mark that makes him clean all day was not something that he would like. Then again, he never had a Cutie Mark before so he thought that it may work like that. That thought kinda frightened him.

Him cleaning the floor was going on for a good while until Star Twinkle suddenly dropped to the ground from either exhaustion or the fact that everything in his house was completely clean.

"Ugh...hungry...is it over?" He said exhausted.

He threw the broom out of his window, in hope that it would prevent him from cleaning again. While he should rather inspect his newly acquired Cutie Mark, his stomach was telling him to get something to eat first.
He went to the kitchen as fast as he could and tried to make something to eat.

There was an apple pie in his fridge, that he saved for some special occasions but right now, it didn't matter what it was as long as it was edible. When he opened the fridge doors his eyes began to sparkle by the sight of the pie. He tried to grab the pie with his mouth but suddenly stopped. It was the same feeling like before with the broom.

"No! No! Noooo!" He exclaimed frustrated while his head was slowly moving away from the fridge.

He still tried to grab the pie with his mouth but it was no use. His eyes began to get watery out of frustration.

He was too hungry to even complain about this situation and just went along with whatever was happening right now. He went to one of his kitchen closets, which was filled with some ingredients like sugar, flour, or salt, the usual stuff. He took out some ingredients and put them on his table. In all his frustration he didn't notice that he had another Cutie Mark all of the sudden.

It was a whisk.

"Two Cutie Marks? How is that even possible?” Star Twinkle exclaimed confused.

He then put the ingredients in a bowl and mixed everything together.

"On second thought, a cooking or baking Cutie Mark might not be that bad," Star Twinkle thought optimistic.

He didn't exactly know what he was doing but it seemed to work. The stuff that he was mixing together actually looked edible. He guessed that it was supposed to be a cake. Since he was hungry already, this Cutie Mark did come in handy.

He put the cake in the oven and decided to wait. Or at least, that's what he planned. He continued to make more cakes and other sweets with the remaining ingredients.

"I don't want to make more sweets!" He exclaimed frustrated.

While making more sweets, the cake in the oven began to burn. Star Twinkle noticed that but he couldn't stop making more sweets. A fire was breaking out in the kitchen.

"Help! Fire! Help!" He screamed.

Moments later he noticed how another Cutie Mark appeared on his flank.

It was a firefighter helmet.

"Wow, that's convenient!" He exclaimed, still shocked by the whole situation.

He was running outside of the kitchen and grabbed a fire extinguisher from the living room. After running inside again, he pointed at the oven, ready to extinguish the flames.

"Here goes nothing!" He said before firing at the oven.

The extinguisher was harder to control than expected and Star Twinkle ruined his whole kitchen in the process.

Eventually, the fire was fully extinguished. But not in a very professional way. Needless to say, the kitchen looked like a total mess.

Star Twinkle could only sigh in frustration.

"Well, can't get worse than that..." he said in order to calm himself down.

But then a little light appeared on his flank. He figured that another Cutie Mark would appear and waited until it was clearly visible to find out what it is.

His facial expression quickly turned from annoyed to shocked by what he just saw.

"Oh, Nonononononono!" He exclaimed in fear.

A little time later in Ponyville...

“I can't believe I'm doing that! There is no way that I would ever do that! Can somepony help me?!” Star Twinkle screamed from on top of the Ponyville town hall.

He was beneath a hang glider and tried to jump down any second to fly over the town. Some ponies looked up to him, thinking that this was some kind of act. He constantly looked down in fear and was surprised that his hooves weren't shaking at all. Probably because his body wasn't acting on its own.

Star Twinkle then took some steps forward and jumped off the building.

He let out a really loud scream while flying above the town.

“Somepony get me down from here!” He screamed while flying.

Suddenly another hang glider was flying past him. While still in shock, Star Twinkle recognized that Apple Bloom was in it.

“Star Twinkle?!” Twilight shouted from beneath him accompanied by Applejack and Spike.

“Twilight! Applejack! Get me down from here!” Star Twinkle plead.

Applejack then took out a lasso and wrapped it around Star Twinkle's glider and pulled him down to the ground. Or rather dropped him on the ground. His landing was not very free of pain but at least he was down on the ground again.

“Thank you...” Star Twinkle said.

Moments later, another Cutie Mark appeared on his body.

It was a football this time.

Before he knew it, he balanced a football on his head

“Wait, you also have the Cutie Pox, Star Twinkle?” Twilight asked confused.

“The what?” Star Twinkle asked confused while playing around with his football.

“It's a disease that causes Cutie Marks to appear over all of your body and forces you to perform every talent it represents,” Twilight explained.

“Yes! I figured that much! But how do get rid of that?” Star Twinkle exclaimed annoyed.

The two mares then looked at each other in concern before giving Star Twinkle an answer.

“We are working on that right now...” Applejack replied with an awkward smile.

Star Twinkle noticed that Apple Bloom was also behaving really weird and figured that it also was because of the brew from Zecora. Of course, the strange behavior from Star Twinkle and Apple Bloom was not unnoticed by the townsfolk.

“They are cursed!” A light pink pony with a yellow mane said.

“Hexed!” Said a yellow pony with a dark pink mane.

“Enchanted!” Said a light purple pony with a green mane.

But Spike tried to calm everypony down explained the situation.

“No, they are not. They just have some weird mysterious disease with no known cure called cutie pox,” he explained calmly.

But that didn't seem to work at all since everypony panicked and ran inside of their houses. Most likely to not get infected by the disease.

Star Twinkle did like it when it was a little quieter in town but now it was more like a ghost town. Luckily Zecora walked up to the three ponies. Since she was the one who brewed the potion, she most likely knew a cure for it too. At least that's what Star Twinkle hoped.

“I thought I had removed their fear the last time that I visited here. But doors are barred and shutters shut. Guess I should've stayed inside my hut,” Zecora said a little offended.

Zecora! Apple Bloom and Star Twinkle have the cutie pox! We were just on our way to see if you had a cure!” Twilight said.

“But magically you're here! Was your zebra sense a-tingling'?” Applejack said jokingly despite the current situation.

“My 'zebra sense' did not bring me round, it was a special flower that I needed found. I thought I picked enough to fix all the potions I had to mix, but after my visit from Star Twinkle and Apple Bloom, some had mysteriously left my room. What do you two say? Did this flower just walk away?”

Apple Bloom was fully aware that Zecora knew what she did but she couldn't admit it. Zecora then turned to Star Twinkle to get some answers.

“What about you, Star Twinkle my dear? Do you know the reason for the flower to suddenly disappear?”

He had to admit that he was a little ashamed to take a sip from the brew without asking but he also didn't want to sell out Apple Bloom.

“How about you cure us first? I think we can explain everything after all this chaos is done,” Star Twinkle said to avoid the consequences.

Zecora didn't like to hear this answer and gave Star Twinkle a judging look.

“A cutie pox cure I have forsooth, for healing power is in the Seeds of Truth,” Zecora explained after pulling out three seeds from her saddlebag.

“Well, well then give 'em to them! Quick!” Applejack demanded stressed.

“These seeds must be planted in the ground. With the truth, they'll grow, and the cure is found,”

“Come again?” Applejack asked confused.

“So somepony has to say the truth and those seeds grow and give us the cure?” Star Twinkle figured and judging from
Zecora's nodding, he seemed to be right.

“Well then let's get to it!” Applejack said planting the seed quickly into the ground. Alright, they're planted, now somepony tell the truth!”

“No problem!” Star Twinkle said right away. “I once borrowed a book from your library Twilight and didn't return it till now...” Star Twinkle admitted.

“Oh, don't worry about that,” Twilight replied.

But the seed was not growing, causing everypony to look at Star Twinkle.

“Alright, the reason because I can't return it is because it's completely destroyed,” Star Twinkle added.

“What?” Twilight responded shocked.

“I'm sorry. Looking back it was really a stupid idea to read it in Sugarcube Corner when it's Cake-rain Sunday,” he explained.

But there was still no progress to be found in the seed.
Star Twinkle knew where this was going and figured that he should tell the truth about what happened yesterday.

“Alright, alright! The reason why the flower disappeared in your hut is because...”

But before he could finish another Cutie Mark appeared on his body. It was a black eagle.

“Apple Bloom nahm die Blume, mixte sie in den Kessel und trinkte einen Schluck von dem Gebräu. Ausserdem, habe ich auch einen Schluck davon genommen... Das war falsch. Tut mir leid...” Star Twinkle apologized.

Zecora, Twilight, and Applejack only looked at Star Twinkle flustered. It obviously was because they couldn't understand a single word from Star Twinkle

“Was ist?” Star Twinkle asked confused.

“Um...did you get that?”Twilight asked.

“Nope,” Applejack replied. “But whatever he said, it didn't seem to work. The seeds didn't grow one bit,”

This caused Star Twinkle to look at the seeds annoyed.

“Was? Ich hab doch die Wahrheit gesagt! Warum tut sich nichts,” he said annoyed before he realized, that he was speaking in a completely different language. “Du willst mir doch nicht sagen das dieses Pflanze nicht in der Lage ist verschiedene Sprachen zu verstehen?!” He added, sounding even more annoyed and frustrated than before.

“Wah, I can't stand it anymore! It's me! I admit it!” Apple Bloom exclaimed frustrated. “I didn't earn my cutie mark! They're all fake! I figured the Heart's Desire would help me get what I wanted most! So when Zecora left her hut, I mixed up a special potion and put the rest of the Heart's Desire in it!”

After those words, the seeds were finally growing and two flowers spread from the ground.
Apple Bloom and Star Twinkle quickly ate them up and the Cutie Marks on their bodies vanished.

“Am I glad that this is over...” Star Twinkle said relieved.

“Tell me about it...” Apple Bloom replied.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo then rushed to Star Twinkle and Apple Bloom in concern and asked if they were alright again.

“I'm great, and I've never been happier to be a blank flank. But I'm awful sorry I lied, 'specially to you gals. I was so desperate for my cutie mark, I just got carried away. And I'm really sorry I snuck those flowers from you, Zecora, and you too Star Twinkle for kinda dragging you into all this,”

“No. I feel responsible too. I should have known better,” he replied.

“Why, I wouldn't blame you if you never wanted me to come by again,” Apple Bloom said to Zecora with a frown.

But Zecora didn't seem to hold any bad feelings towards Apple Bloom easily forgave her.

“Now, Apple Bloom, do not be silly. You are always welcome, my little filly. With each mistake you learn something new, growing up into a better you,”

“Apple Bloom, would you mind writing to Princess Celestia and telling her what you've learned?” Twilight suggested.

“I'd be happy to, Twilight!“ Apple Bloom replied before she dictated her letter.

Dear Princess Celestia,
Waiting for what your heart desires can be really hard. So, you may try to take a shortcut. But this dishonesty never works, because you didn't earn what your heart desired. The only cure is being honest with yourself and others. And that's something every heart desires.

Spike then sent the letter to the princess right away.

“I sure am proud of you, sis. Seems like you finally learned the importance of patience,” Applejack said proudly.

“Yup! All good things come to those who wait,” Apple Bloom said.

“Aw, Isn't that nice to hear,” Twilight said after those mature words of Apple Bloom.

“Wait for it...” Star Twinkle said, knowing what would happen next.

“Well! I've waited long enough,” Apple Bloom said after a few seconds.

“Actually, that was way too long,” Scootaloo added.

“What?!” Applejack said confused.

The Crusaders then left and planned on how to get their Cutie Marks again. Star Twinkle could swear that he heard something about potion brewing but he didn't care anymore for today.

“Yep, I figured that much...” said Star Twinkle unsurprisingly.

“Someday they will learn...” Twilight said confidently.

“Well, all this Cutie Pox chaos sure made me hungry. So let's grab something to eat,” Applejack suggested.

This was like music to Star Twinkle's ears. After all, he didn't eat anything today and was starving.

“I like this idea! Let's go!” He said almost commanding.

“Yes, before you decide to hang glide some more,” Twilight said jokingly.

“Can we please not talk about that anymore?” Star Twinkle replied slightly annoyed before the walked off to the nearest restaurant.

This whole day proved to Star Twinkle, that he can indeed wait for his Cutie Mark.
Eventually, his Cutie Mark will show up some day.


Author's Note:

That chapter was actually really fun to write.
Actually, every chapter where Star Twinkle is being miserable is fun to write ^^.

The next chapter is going to be a little different and something that will be a standard format for this story.
I hope you look forward to that as much as I look forward to writing this.

If you liked this chapter then please show some kind of thanks in form of a review or a follow or whatever you have in mind.

See you in the next chapter ^^.


Translation of Star Twinkle's words(It was german by the way ^^.)

Apple Bloom nahm die Blume, mixte sie in den Kessel und trinkte einen Schluck von dem Gebräu.
Apple Bloom took the flower, mixed it in the cauldron and drank from the brew

Ausserdem, habe ich auch einen Schluck davon genommen = I also took a sip from it
Das war falsch = That was wrong
Tut mir leid... = I'm sorry

Was ist? = What is it?

Was? = What?
Ich hab doch die Wahrheit gesagt! = I did say the truth!
Warum tut sich nichts? = Why is nothing happening?

Du willst mir doch nicht sagen das dieses Pflanze nicht in der Lage ist andere Sprachen zu verstehen?!
Are you telling me that this plant is incapable of understanding other languages?

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